Caring for laminate flooring - how not to spoil the floor covering when cleaning? How to care for laminate flooring: simple rules.

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Laminate - popular flooring with a multilayer structure. It is distinguished by its attractive appearance, practicality, and resistance to deformation. However, despite the good wear resistance of modern floor coverings, in order to extend the life of the laminate and preserve its aesthetics, it is necessary to follow the rules of home care and use only products that are safe for such flooring.

The main enemies of laminate are abrasive wear and water.

The top film formed acrylic resin with inclusions of minerals, provides the coating with good wear resistance. After varnishing, the surface acquires a glossy shine or a pleasant matte finish. The main way to preserve the integrity and aesthetics of this layer is to protect it from the main household abrasive - sand. This is not difficult to do - you need to place a rubberized mat at the entrance to the room and clean it periodically.

Since for residential premises a material with lower wear resistance is usually chosen than for public buildings, it is recommended to walk on laminated boards only in house shoes. To prevent scratches, it is recommended to place rubber or felt pads under furniture legs. You can extend the life of the coating with the help of paths or carpets laid in areas of the highest traffic. Transparent rugs are placed under frequently moved chairs.

The second reason that can lead to early failure of laminate boards budget class, not intended for use in contact with water - contact with large quantity water onto the coating surface. When water penetrates the seams between the panels, it causes swelling of the main load-bearing layer of the coating - planks made of wood shavings, pressed with an adhesive composition. To prevent water from entering the intermediate layer, the panels are never attached to the base with adhesives on water based.

How to properly care for laminate flooring in an apartment or private house?

The moisture resistance of laminate does not depend on its class. All manufacturers produce laminate with the same moisture resistance in classes 32-33, however, class 31 laminate has a moisture resistance slightly lower than that of other classes, but still allows wet cleaning with a thoroughly wrung out cloth.

For laminate of classes 33 and above, dry cleaning is combined with wet cleaning, which is usually enough to do once a week.

For floors made of class 33 panels, you can use a washing vacuum cleaner

Attention! Laminate flooring can be washed daily only if it belongs to the moisture-resistant group.

Rules for wet cleaning of laminate floors:

  • The water should be clean, its temperature should be 35-45°C. It is advisable to change the water frequently during cleaning.
  • To combat heavy stains, it is recommended to use special means.
  • You can refresh the appearance of the coating and maintain its shine by adding 9% vinegar (at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 5 liters of water) or lemon juice.
  • When cleaning wet, wring out the rag or sponge well to avoid over-wetting.

Convenient to use a mop with a mechanical spin

  • At manual cleaning The most practical rags are made of flannel or microfiber.
  • The panels are wiped along the longitudinal axis of the board with slight pressure, starting from the window and moving towards the door, which will allow you to avoid walking on already washed areas.
  • At the end of cleaning, wipe the surface with a dry cloth.

Advice! You can cover the floor with carpet only after the surface has completely dried.

Features of caring for different types of laminate - glossy, matte, white

Material with a matte surface is more prone to collecting dirt compared to glossy, but it is easier to care for, especially when using special sprays. If you care for matte laminate with a damp cloth, then after such cleaning you need to wipe the surface with a dry cloth. If there are chamfers, you need to check if there is any moisture left in them.

The glossy surface is less prone to collecting dirt, but any traces remain on it and scratches form. It is recommended to clean this type of floor frequently, as it is quite difficult to remove dirt from it. The cleaning process is also complicated by the fact that after all operations the panels need to be wiped with a dry cloth until a shine appears. Glossy floors really don't like walking on bare feet.

Relevant in many modern interiors, it needs careful care. white laminate, for which it is recommended to use special products and wash the cloth frequently.

Products for caring for laminate flooring in an apartment

Commercially available products for laminate floors successfully cope with all types of stains. However, even if you fully comply with the instructions supplied with the composition, it is advisable to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the floor during initial use.

Care products for laminated panels have different consistencies and differ in the method and conditions of use. Purchased products are often used to combat heavy stains, and improvised means are used for periodic routine cleaning. The most popular brands of floor cleaning compounds: Tyron, Glorix, Mister Proper, Mister Muscle.

Attention! Proper care of eco-friendly cork laminate flooring includes the same measures as for conventional flooring. Cork panels treated with water-repellent compounds tolerate wet cleaning well.

What means can you use to care for laminate flooring at home - regularly or emergency situations:

  • For regular cleaning, any baby shampoo is suitable, added to warm water at the rate of 1 tablespoon of shampoo per 2 liters of water.
  • Traces of lipstick and shoe polish are removed with a cotton swab soaked in white spirit.
  • If alcohol gets on the floor, it can be quickly and safely removed with a cloth soaked in warm water and soap and, of course, wrung out well.
  • Marks from a felt-tip pen can be smeared with toothpaste and then wiped with a dry rag.
  • Strips from the soles of shoes are removed with a paper eraser or the hard side of a dishwashing sponge.
  • Nail polish marks can be removed with a small amount of washing powder. The powder is applied to the stain and wiped with a damp sponge.
  • Chewing gum, candle wax or resin. You can begin to remove such contaminants only after they have completely dried. The stain is cooled sharply, for example, using a bag of meat removed from freezer. It is prohibited to remove stains with a metal knife or scraper.

Prohibited means

Compositions that are prohibited for the care of laminate flooring include:

  • Chlorine-containing products such as “Whiteness”. Chlorine changes the shade of the coating and leads to discoloration.
  • Concentrated acids and alkalis. Such substances can not only spoil the surface layer of the material, but also penetrate into the main supporting layer and destroy it.
  • Solutions containing ammonia have a negative effect on gloss.
  • Polishes not intended for the care of laminate floors. They can cause streaks and stains.
  • Abrasive powders and pastes lead to rapid wear and deterioration of the aesthetics of the surface layer.

Restoration activities

Sometimes minor damage appears on laminated panels, which can be eliminated or at least disguised using simple operations:

Adviсe! It will not be possible to mask scratches with varnish - the damage will become even more noticeable. It is not recommended to use mastic used to care for parquet for continuous treatment of laminate flooring and elimination of local defects. This is explained by the fact that parquet mastic is designed for an absorbent material such as wood. It forms unsightly streaks and stains on the surface of laminated panels.

Laminate is an affordable and easy-to-use floor covering. He usually imitates natural materials: wood, tiles, stone and the like. Its main feature is high wear resistance. A wooden floor, especially a parquet floor, quickly becomes unusable with a high level of traffic. Therefore, wood is not used for finishing work and public spaces where a large flow of visitors is expected.

Laminate of the appropriate class is designed for high loads. Laminate flooring is easy to care for and does not require a lot of time and effort, but you still have to follow some rules. Only then will laminate floors serve faithfully for many years.

Laminate: features of flooring

Laminate is a floor covering consisting of layers made of various materials, each of which performs a specific function:

  1. stabilizing - usually from kraft cardboard;
  2. load-bearing – high-density fiberboard;
  3. decorative - paper that imitates the color and pattern of wood or stone;
  4. protective.

The material and method of forming the last (protective layer) determines the class of the laminate, or, more simply, the level of wear resistance.

Category indicators are standardized by Directive EN13329. Number 2 denotes a household class, that is, a material intended for finishing floors in homes, and 3 – commercial, which has higher wear resistance. Today, only commercial material is produced and used.

The second digit of the marking indicates the wear resistance indicator. But there is one subtlety here: the indicated value is determined not by the protective, but by the load-bearing layer, that is, it indicates the resistance of the laminate to loads and mechanical shocks. Abrasion resistance is designated AC and ranges from 3 to 6.

  • Material class 31 (AC3) is designed for low loads and is used only for residential use.
  • Class 32 (AC4) can be used for both residential and non-working premises. high level attendance. It will last in an apartment for about 15 years.
  • Laminate class 33 (AC5) is designed for heavy loads and is used for finishing offices, restaurants and even dance halls. The main difference in the care of laminate flooring of class 33 and class 32 is the resistance of the first to water - the floor can be washed frequently.
  • Class 34 (AC6) is used in gyms, car dealerships, airports and train stations. The wear resistance of the material is excellent, but it is rarely used in everyday life. Such a high resistance is excessive for an apartment, and the cost is high.

What is used for floor care

The smooth top layer of laminate looks very attractive. But it is precisely this that creates difficulties during maintenance: stains remain on the floor, it is difficult to remove colored stains, and so on. To make cleaning quick and high-quality, the following techniques are used:

  • An old well-known recipe for cleaning glass is used as a laminate care product: 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar per 5 liters of lukewarm water. The solution cleans well of stubborn dust and dirt.
  • The cleaning tools used are sponges, soft rags - microfiber is best, and brushes with microfiber.
  • To remove greasy stains, liquid soap or a special paste is usually used.
  • Colored stains from juice, wine, coffee, etc. are removed with a solution of neutral detergents.
  • Polymer-based substances - polish, shoe polish, nail polish, marks from a felt-tip pen or marker - can be cleaned with acetone, white alcohol or another available solvent.
  • Stearin, candle wax, mastic are removed with a plastic scraper. If it remains grease stain, then it is treated with liquid soap.
  • Chewing gum and colored wax require an individual approach. To effectively remove the substance, you need to freeze it using ice or cooling gel. After the wax or gum has hardened, it is removed from the floor with a scraper. If necessary, repeat manipulations with liquid soap.

Laminate floor care products can be used not only at home, but also professionally. The substances have a neutral reaction and are available as a concentrate or dosed in sachets. The products are used for daily cleaning and for special care - polishing and cleaning.

What should not be used

Laminate is a mechanically durable coating, but does not have high resistance to aggressive substances. Therefore, not all products are suitable for floor care:

  • Even the softest abrasive substances can easily damage a laminated coating with solid particles, but it is impossible to remove this damage. The affected area will have to be replaced.
  • Detergent compositions with acid and alkaline reactions - only neutral laminate care products can be used.
  • Metal brushes and meshes are not used: steel scratches the laminate.
  • It is not advisable to use wax for care. The laminating coating, unless we are talking about an anti-slip option, is already smooth. The waxed floor turns into a real skating rink.

How to care for your floor

Laminate floor care different types in an apartment includes two types of cleaning, the use of each of which depends on the class of material.

Wet cleaning is also necessary. When caring for class 32 laminate flooring, wet cleaning is carried out once every 2 to 3 weeks. Material of classes 33 and 34 can be washed more often. It is not afraid of water, and is usually used in rooms where pollution is constant. It is recommended to add special products or vinegar to the water: this way, streaks will be avoided on the floor. After washing, the laminate must be wiped dry. No polishing, waxing or mastic is required.

Damage Removal

Caring for laminate floors in your home also includes minor repairs. Material of classes 33 and 34 is resistant to mechanical stress, but this does not exclude scratches. Class 32, which is more common in residential premises, is even more so.

  • Scuff marks - shoe marks, for example, can be removed with a regular eraser or flannel cloth. It is advisable to drip olive or sunflower oil onto the fabric.
  • A shallow scratch is painted over with a wax pencil of the appropriate shade. You can cover the mark with varnish, but it is not necessary.
  • Deep scratches and chips are filled with acrylic putty or special paste. You need to carefully select the color, and at the same time take into account that the putty will darken by one tone when it dries. The product must dry for at least a day. Then the area is carefully sanded and varnished.

Laminate - beautiful and practical covering. It can serve in an apartment for ten years. But for this it is necessary to correctly assess the load on the floor and select the appropriate category of material.

The main rule for caring for laminate flooring is to immediately remove damage and stains when they are detected. It is much easier to clean the floor from drops of grease, coffee or wine stains if you start cleaning right away. The same applies to ordinary street dirt and dust: daily simple sweeping does not allow dirt to accumulate, and, most importantly, to eat into the surface. And this shortens the life of the material and turns general cleaning into hard labor. The proposed video discusses in detail methods and means for caring for laminate flooring.

The problem of laminate flooring concerns everyone who has this flooring at home. When making repairs, evaluate all the positive and negative sides this material. From the article you will not only learn how to care for laminate floors, but also understand what to do in emergency situations. You will also be able to gain skills in repairing coating damage such as swelling from water, chips from fallen heavy objects.

What is laminate made of?

Laminate flooring, or, as it is also called, “laminated parquet,” is a kind of “layer cake” consisting of the following parts:

  • Stabilizing layer made of durable kraft cardboard, impregnated with melamine. To enhance the soundproofing effect, stabilizing and noise-absorbing layers are sometimes combined.
  • The load-bearing layer is the main part of the floor covering. In economy class materials and some mid-price models, the load-bearing part is made of durable chipboard. Basis expensive varieties laminate is natural wood. It is much stronger and more practical than chipboard. Locks are cut out in this layer to connect the individual lamellas to each other.
  • Decorative part. This is paper impregnated with melamine on which a design is applied. This can be an imitation of wood, ornamental stone, ceramics, sea pebbles and other materials.

Important! In addition to the classic one, there are also waterproof types of laminate. The load-bearing part is not formed by chipboard, but by high-quality plastic with air chambers. It is much easier to care for this type of coating than a regular one.

How to properly wash laminate flooring?

Materials based on waste from the wood processing industry do not like excess moisture, and natural wood does not particularly favor it. Most people buy chipboard-based laminate flooring. With prolonged exposure to moisture on the coating, the lamellas swell and become completely unusable.

However, washing such a floor is not only possible, but also necessary. For this purpose soft detergents for laminate care, non-chemically aggressive. The rag should not be too wet. Great option– a mop equipped with a wringing device.

Wet cleaning methods:

  • Classic (using water and a rag). Pour water into a bucket, dampen a rag, wring it out well and wipe the coating. Now manually wipe the floor with a dry cloth.
  • Heavily contaminated surfaces can be washed off with hot water (in no case, not boiling water!). The algorithm is the same as with cold water. Naturally, prolonged contact of the coating with hot water should not be allowed.
  • Water with vinegar. This method is relevant if the coating is heavily soiled and has lost its shine. Dissolve 250 ml of table vinegar in a liter of water and pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle. Spray the liquid on small areas and wipe immediately. When the surface begins to shine again, wash the floor with cool water and then wipe dry.
  • A good product for caring for laminate flooring at home is baby shampoo. Dissolve a little baby shampoo in hot water (it has a neutral pH reaction, so it is completely safe), then wash the floor as usual.

Important! Before purchasing a laminate floor cleaner, pay attention to its chemical composition. It should not contain sodium hypochloride. If you wash the floor with this solution once, there will be no harm to the coating. But from frequent washing the laminate will lose its shine and original color.

“Ambulance” for laminate

Caring for class 32 laminate or any other is not just cleaning (dry or wet), but also restoring the laminated surface from scratches, chips or children's drawings.

Removing scratches

Scratches are the result of improper use of laminate (rearranging furniture, children's toys).

Important! Such damage cannot be left unattended. Gradually, the scratch will increase, dirt will accumulate in it and, in the end, the lamella will have to be replaced.

The procedure for removing a small scratch is as follows:

  1. Using a vacuum cleaner, clean the scratch and remove all dust from it.
  2. Draw over the defect with a special pencil (several times if necessary).
  3. Polish the defect with a dry cloth.

To eliminate deep defects, when a pencil does not help, you can use mastic or paste. Application of these products is extremely simple:

  1. Apply mastic using plastic glass, remove excess.
  2. Polish the floor surface with a soft, dry cloth.
  3. Paste, in comparison with mastic, has a more liquid consistency. Apply it to the scratch, smooth it out, then wipe it off (first with a damp sponge and then with a soft cloth).
  4. In 2 hours you will be able to walk around the repaired area.

Important! Choosing a pencil to restore damaged laminate flooring is not difficult at all. Almost any shade is available for sale. It is more difficult to choose a mastic or paste: the color palette is quite limited. Have to mix different colors until you achieve the desired shade.

Repairing chips

Chips on laminated flooring appear when heavy objects fall, usually in the kitchen. It is necessary to eliminate chips as quickly as possible, since dust and dirt accumulate in them. So let's get started:

  1. Clean up the defect.
  2. Using a torch, melt the laminate putty.
  3. Apply it to damaged area, straighten it using a spatula and remove the excess located near the chip.
  4. Wait for the putty to cool.
  5. Sand the defect area and polish thoroughly.

How to eliminate swelling of laminate?

It can appear if liquid is spilled on the floor and it is not wiped up in time. If the floorboard is swollen, the defect can only be eliminated by replacing it:

  1. Disassemble the floor a little further from the damaged area.
  2. Place the swollen floorboards on flat surface for drying.
  3. Take your time to reinstall the floorboards. Create a draft in the room to remove moisture under the covering.
  4. Reassemble the floor.

Important! Don't forget to coat the joints with sealant. The ideal option is if this is done during the initial installation of the laminate.

How to remove designs from laminate flooring?

The effectiveness of removing “art” from the floor depends on the basis on which the ink of the felt-tip pens is made. Let's look at several ways to delete pictures:

  • If the markers are alcohol-based, try erasing the drawing with a regular school eraser, and then wipe the streaked area with a piece of cotton wool soaked in vodka or alcohol. Now all that remains is to wash the floor in the usual way and wipe it dry.
  • Take toothpaste (without whitening effect) and apply it to the drawing. Remove marker marks with a microfiber cloth. After this, wash the floor. Laminate flooring is like new!
  • If the felt-tip pen is water-based, then its traces are easily washed off with plain water.
  • Soak a cotton swab in acetone, nail polish remover, or white spirit. Test the cleaning effectiveness on a small area first. If traces of children's creativity are easily removed, and the surface has not changed its color, continue to remove the remaining drawings.

Rules for removing stains

In addition to children's drawings, the floor covering can be damaged by accidentally spilled alcohol or resin from the Christmas tree. Shoe marks may remain on the floor surface. And in each of these cases, you need to know how to care for a laminate floor. The following tips will help you cope with such pollution:

  • Dried blood stains can be removed with a cotton swab soaked in window cleaner.
  • Spruce or pine resin must first be frozen. Ice from the freezer or a bag of frozen vegetables are suitable for these purposes. After the resin has hardened, all that remains is to remove it from the surface using a scraper. The contaminated area is washed with a cotton swab or piece of cloth soaked in window cleaning solution.
  • Wine stains can be easily removed with water and a mild detergent (Misters: Proper and Muscle are equally suitable). If traces of stains still remain, you can try to remove them with denatured alcohol.
  • It is convenient to remove stripes from street shoes with a soft eraser.

Laminate floor care products at home: basic rules

The service life of the laminate largely depends on how correctly you chose the floor covering:

  • In rooms with normal humidity, a regular laminate is appropriate.
  • Moisture-resistant coatings are installed in the kitchen and bathroom, but they must be used with extreme caution.
  • The best option for the bathroom is plastic laminate.

Some basic rules will allow you to extend the service life of the laminated coating:

  1. Pay special attention to the entrance area. Dust, dirt and sand collect especially intensively here. To prevent dirt from spreading throughout the room, use a dust collection mat. Make it a habit to clean this area daily. Also shake out the rug every day.
  2. Try to avoid damaging the laminate with sharp objects. To avoid damaging the coating when rearranging furniture, glue it to furniture legs special pads that are commercially available.
  3. Replace regular rollers with rubberized ones. If you take a ride computer chair on plastic wheels on the floor, marks will certainly remain on it. There are no such problems with rubber wheels.
  4. Dry clean laminate flooring using a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment.
  5. The effectiveness of caring for class 32 laminate flooring largely depends on how much you protect the floor from liquids. Even moisture-resistant varieties can withstand water on the floor for no more than 2 hours. The frequency of wet cleaning is no more than 2 times a week. Do not forget to wipe the washed floor dry.
  6. Treat the floor surface with a special mastic (once a year).

Laminate is a modern flooring that is distinguished by its beauty and practicality. According to its characteristics and appearance It is not inferior to parquet, however, it costs less, so many people prefer it.

Like any other coating, laminate flooring requires maintenance, because its service life directly depends on it. It is also important to know the basic operating rules.

Laminate is a decorative floor covering that looks like wood or other material. Typically consists of four layers:

  1. Stabilizing layer. Increases rigidity and protects against damage and deformation.
  2. Bearing layer. It is the main part of the structure. It has thermal insulation and sound insulation properties. On the supporting layer there is a lock for connecting to other boards.
  3. Decorative paper layer. Contains a pattern imitating wood, stone, parquet, ceramic tiles and other coatings.
  4. Polymer layer. Protects against abrasion, impact and other damage.

The following types of laminate are used in residential premises:

  • Suberic. Harmless material with high water-repellent properties.
  • Vinyl. It has higher rigidity and strength, which increases service life.
  • Glossy. Attracts with mirror shine, durability and reliability.

Basic rules for caring for laminate flooring in an apartment

WITH The lifespan of laminate flooring in an apartment directly depends on its care. First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the general rules:

  1. Carry out dry cleaning 2-3 times a week.
  2. Do wet cleaning once a week.
  3. Use detergents with a gentle composition.
  4. Use only soft cloths and sponges.

There are also a number of restrictions that must be taken into account when caring for laminate flooring:

  1. Refrain from using abrasives and preparations with a high acidic and alkaline environment.
  2. Avoid using bleach, chlorine, silicone and mastic.
  3. Avoid mechanical impact. Wire brushes and hard sponges are not suitable for caring for laminate flooring.
  4. Avoid getting the laminate too wet. Wash with a well-wrung out cloth.

How to properly clean laminate floors

Each coating has its own characteristics, so the rules of care also vary. Laminate is considered one of the most sensitive floorings, so it is necessary to properly wash such floors and select cleaning products.

Step-by-step instruction

Washing the laminate is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Perform dry cleaning to remove most of the dust and debris. It is enough to sweep the floor or vacuum it.
  2. Prepare a bucket of warm water and a rag from soft material. Add detergents if necessary.
  3. Soak a cloth in water and squeeze thoroughly. The material should be slightly damp.
  4. Wash the floor, moving from the far corner of the room to the door.
  5. Rinse the cloth after each room.
  6. Wipe the wet floor with a dry cloth. It is advisable to choose microfiber.


In stores you can find a wide selection of laminate cleaning products of any price category. They differ high efficiency and take into account the characteristics of the coating. Also widely used traditional methods which show good results.


To get rid of dust and simple stains, just wash the floor with water at room temperature. If any dirt cannot be removed, rinse the problem areas with a cleaning solution and wipe the entire floor again with a soft cloth soaked in water.

Special means

You can always find at least a few laminate care products in the household chemicals department. Just a few types:

  • liquids - anti-pollution, antistatic effect, adding shine;
  • stain remover pencils - removing difficult stains;
  • sprays - daily care, cleansing, antibacterial effect;
  • emulsions - adding shine, preventing scratches and abrasions;
  • sponge (MiraClean) - removes difficult stains, including marker stains.

The method of application depends on the specific product and is indicated in the instructions. Manufacturers such as Leifheit Care, Emsal, Ludwik, Vileda Professional and others produce household chemicals for washing laminate flooring.

Baby shampoo

Baby shampoo is considered the optimal product for washing laminate flooring, since it does not contain aggressive substances.

It is worth considering that only shampoo without dyes and fragrances is suitable. As an alternative to baby shampoo, you can use dishwashing detergent, especially when dealing with greasy stains.

  1. Pour 3 liters into a bucket. warm water.
  2. Add 3 tbsp. l. baby shampoo or dishwashing gel. Make sure that the product is completely dissolved.
  3. Wet the cloth and wring it out well.
  4. Wash the floor with soapy water.
  5. Wipe again with a cloth dampened with clean water.


Washing the laminate flooring with a vinegar solution allows you to restore the shine to the coating and remove dried stains. It also eliminates problems such as divorces. Another advantage of the method is that the laminate dries in a matter of seconds.

  1. Pour 5 liters into a bucket. hot water. The temperature should not be higher than 90 degrees.
  2. Add 250 ml. 9% vinegar.
  3. Dampen a cloth and wring it out.
  4. Wipe the floor. Do not rinse off.

Glass cleaner

Easily removes marks from markers and felt-tip pens, stains from blood, tea, coffee and other complex stains. Alcohol-based products are effective.

  1. Spray glass cleaner onto the dirty area.
  2. Rub stains with a soft cloth.
  3. Remove any remaining product with a damp cloth and wipe dry.

How to properly wash laminate flooring using household appliances

Using a vacuum cleaner and a steam mop makes cleaning much easier. The process takes less time and does not require much effort.

Washing vacuum cleaner

When choosing a washing vacuum cleaner to care for laminate flooring, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • power of at least 800 watts;
  • possibility of both wet and dry cleaning;
  • availability of adjustment of the liquid used for washing;
  • drying mode.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Assemble the vacuum cleaner.
  2. Add detergent. The proportions are indicated in the instructions.
  3. Set the wet cleaning mode.
  4. Start vacuuming the room from the far corner, moving towards the exit.
  5. If the vacuum cleaner does not have a drying mode, wipe the floor with a dry soft cloth.

The vacuum cleaner may not be able to completely remove dried stains, but the stains will soften and will be easier to remove with the help of improvised means.

Steam mop

A steam mop is an easy-to-use device that cleans and washes well and quickly, takes up little space and is inexpensive. As a rule, it has high power, which allows you to achieve high-quality cleaning. It is advisable to choose a steam mop with the following parameters:

  • power 1600-1800 kW;
  • several control and steam supply modes;
  • several nozzles for floor coverings.

It is worth considering that the steam mop is only suitable for waterproof laminate flooring. You need to choose a gentle mode.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Vacuum the floor.
  2. Fill the reservoir with distilled water.
  3. Turn on the mop.
  4. Set a gentle mode.
  5. Wait until steam starts to be produced.
  6. Wash the floor.
  7. If you need to add water, unplug the appliance, wait until it cools down, add water and turn it on again.
  8. Wipe the floor dry with a dry cloth if the laminate is wet.

Some useful recommendations You can learn about the best way to wash laminate flooring from the video.

Rules for dry cleaning

Dry cleaning is recommended daily, since laminate flooring is quite sensitive. Crumbs and small debris can leave scratches, so you should at least sweep the floor at the end of the day. It is enough to clean laminate with an antistatic effect 2-3 times a week.

Particular attention must be paid to the selection of equipment. Suitable:

  • broom;
  • soft brush;
  • vacuum cleaner with a nozzle for laminate flooring.

How to properly care for different types of laminate flooring

Depending on the type of laminate, cleaning methods may vary. It is important to take into account the characteristics of each type so that cleaning does not cause problems.

Laminate with bevel

Chamfer is a recess at the joints between adjacent laminate boards. This type of seam can become a serious obstacle for wet cleaning, because water can get into the cracks. It is also possible that dirt and dust can get into the seams.

To save yourself the hassle of cleaning hard-to-reach areas, you should treat the chamfer with wax for a water-repellent effect, as the manufacturers recommend.

However, this method does not provide a 100% guarantee, so it is advisable to use only dry cleaning with local wet cleaning. If you wipe only the stained areas with a damp cloth and immediately go over with dry material, there will be no problems.

Light and dark laminate

the washing up light laminate is carried out according to the standard procedure and does not cause much trouble. As practice shows, difficulties arise precisely in caring for dark coatings. Stains, stains and other contaminants stand out much more strongly on it, so it is recommended to wipe this floor twice in a row, paying special attention to problem areas.

Matte coating

Dirt accumulates and stands out more strongly on a matte laminate than on a glossy one, but the ease of maintenance compensates for this inconvenience. It is recommended to wash this type of coating with special sprays that easily remove stains. You can remove simple stains with warm water, but it is important to remember that after wet cleaning, the laminate flooring must be wiped dry.

How to restore laminate flooring at home

Over time, small scratches and damage appear on the laminate, even with proper care and caring attitude. There is no need to be upset about this, because all defects can be hidden.

Removing scratches and chips

The appearance of scratches and chips is a fairly common problem. You can deal with them using the following means:

  • Wax chalk (pencil) - fights minor scratches. Wipe the damaged area with a damp cloth and wipe dry. Paint over scratches with melted wax pencil and polish soft cloth. Select according to the color of the coating.
  • Pastes and putties - eliminating chips and deep scratches. Clean the area with scratches and chips from dust and dirt. Apply a layer of putty with a spatula, smooth it out and remove excess with a soft sponge. After an hour, polish with a soft cloth. Select according to the color of the coating.

Eliminating swelling

Laminate swells easily when exposed to large amounts of water. As a rule, this happens in just a couple of hours if the liquid is not removed in time. It happens that you fail to notice the water in time and the boards begin to swell. The situation can be corrected if you follow the plan:

  1. Remove all wet boards from the floor covering.
  2. Wipe dry.
  3. Place them under any heavy and hard surface.
  4. Leave for 5-7 days.

This time is enough for the boards to regain their shape. Then they can be returned to their places.

Recommendations for using laminate flooring at home

Laminate is a rather capricious coating that does not withstand impacts and exposure to aggressive substances.

It is also necessary to select gentle cleaning agents and materials for washing such a floor, otherwise the top layer can be damaged, which will shorten its service life.

Compliance following rules operation allows you to avoid such problems:

  • do not walk in heels, especially stiletto heels;
  • do not drop heavy or sharp objects;
  • Avoid using a knife to remove dried stains;
  • attach special pads to furniture legs and place stands under vases and other decorative elements;
  • do not move furniture;
  • eliminate scratches and chips as they appear, otherwise over time they will deepen, destroying the structure of the coating.

Caring for laminate flooring requires a special approach. Cleaning should be regular and at the same time gentle. Then the laminate will last for many years and retain its original appearance.

Laminate flooring has many advantages, which is why it is so popular. Laminate is used in private homes, city apartments, and cottages. It looks attractive, is functional, resistant to mechanical stress and is relatively affordable. To extend the life of such a floor, it is worth knowing how to properly care for it.

Why do you need to care for laminate flooring?

The laminate has a structure layer cake, the top layer of which is a film that provides glossy shine and durability of the coating. She needs proper care, otherwise she will quickly wear out. In addition to cleanliness, damage prevention is very important. We regularly bring dirt into the house from the street, and sand is an abrasive that acts like sandpaper. No matter how durable the laminate is, scratches in this case are guaranteed.

Place a rug in the hallway, preferably made of rubberized material, which will perfectly trap dirt, and shake it out every two days.

The second enemy of laminate is water. Expensive waterproof laminate flooring can be installed in the kitchen and bathroom, but not everyone can afford it. To care for the coating, you need to know how to wash it and how not to. If you have budget floors in your home, do not forget that water tends to penetrate into the seams of the coating, causing the top layer to swell. For the same reason, laminate flooring is never fixed using water-based products, such as PVA glue.

The most suitable way daily care- This is dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner with a special attachment in the form of a long-haired brush. Vacuum carefully, avoiding accumulation of sand and dust. Laminate flooring requires wet cleaning at least once a week.

Dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner - best option for laminate flooring

What to wash to make the floor shine

There are special household products for cleaning floors, including laminate floors. When choosing them, be extremely careful. Such a product should not contain abrasive particles (powders are definitely excluded) and strong disinfectants or bleaches that can damage the glossy layer, including acids and alkalis.

Special household chemicals are produced for cleaning laminate flooring.

Such products are usually made from organic soap with the addition of fragrances, glycerin, antibacterial disinfectants and alcohol. Prices may vary depending on the manufacturer and the original composition in the range of 100–1000 rubles. But even if you need a more expensive product, don’t worry: it will last you a long time, and the money spent will be worth it.

According to the instructions on the package, the laminate floor cleaner should be diluted in a ratio of 1-2 caps per 10 liters of water. In addition, its use is allowed no more than once every 3-4 washes, that is, approximately once a month.

When choosing detergents for laminate floors, avoid abrasive, alkaline, acid-containing and bleaching products.

We take into account the class of coverage in the apartment

In laminate production there is such a thing as wear resistance classes. They were developed to simplify product selection based on the relationship between the needs and capabilities of the buyer.

There are 2 groups of laminated coatings according to type of use: for commercial (31, 32, 33) and home use(21, 22, 23). Group 1 laminate is much stronger, which allows it to be used in high-traffic areas where there are always a lot of people. To simplify the selection of a suitable coating, markings are also used that indicate the level of strength and durability.

This table will help you understand the laminate class markings

Caring for different types of coatings, albeit slightly, is still different. For example, moisture resistant laminate It is practically not afraid of prolonged exposure to liquid, and when caring for it you can use a washing vacuum cleaner and a wet rag, unlike the usual non-waterproof one, with which you will have to be much more careful.

Moisture-resistant laminate is practically not afraid of prolonged exposure to liquids

Let's take a closer look at the classification of laminate flooring.

  • Class 21 - household (home) coating. Service life is about 2 years. Reliable coverage is absent, so the laminate can quickly lose color and wear out easily. Afraid of water, not resistant to scratches and chips.
  • Class 22 (household coating) is stronger than the previous one, but nevertheless is not suitable for rooms and corridors where there is frequent foot traffic. It will last longer than 2-3 years if you put carpet on it, which will significantly reduce the load.
  • Class 23 is suitable for rooms of any purpose because it has a high level of strength. Service life - up to 4 years.
  • Class 31 (commercial laminate) is the most economical coating option for commercial premises. It is stronger than household laminate of any class and will last you 10–12 years at home.
  • Class 32 (commercial coating) can last from 3 to 5 years in commercial premises with average load. At home, this laminate can not lose its qualities for 15 years, even in the kitchen and hallway.
  • Class 33 (commercial) can withstand intense loads, so in an apartment it will last you up to 20 years. In addition, such a laminate is not afraid high humidity and hides sounds when walking.

When caring for household flooring, you should not use wet rags or a vacuum cleaner, or try to remove stains with caustic substances. Dry cleaning should be done once every 2 days, wet cleaning - once a week. It is better to cover class 21 and 22 laminate flooring with carpet in areas of high traffic, to minimize the movement of furniture on it. Defects that appear on such a coating should be restored immediately, as the damage quickly worsens.

Wipe grade 21, 22 and 23 laminate floors with a thoroughly wrung-out cloth.

Commercial grade laminate can be vacuumed less often and washed more often, and is also more resistant to the alcohol, acids and alkalis you may need to remove stains. When cleaning, you can use a washing vacuum cleaner or a wet cloth. Defects on such a coating appear much less frequently.

Laminate floor care instructions

As already mentioned, it is enough to wash laminate floors once a week; on other days, it is enough to sweep away the dust or use a vacuum cleaner. The good thing about laminate is that you don't have to use wax or other shine products, so maintenance is kept to a minimum.

  1. First, you need to check the safety of the floor care product. When you clean your laminate floor for the first time, choose an inconspicuous area and treat it. If the result is good, feel free to expand the cleaning area.
  2. Special products designed for washing laminate flooring contain substances that will do an excellent job of removing almost any kind of dirt. Dilute them in warm water according to the instructions. If household chemicals If you don’t like it, you can use a simple proven recipe for cleaning: 1 tablespoon of vinegar per 5 liters of water. This solution has long been used to successfully wash windows, mirrors and other glossy surfaces. It will cope just as well with a smooth top layer of laminate.
  3. Start washing the floor from the window, moving towards the door. This way you won't have to walk on the washed surface.
  4. For convenience, use a mop that has a rag wringing mechanism. This way you will get rid of excess moisture. When washing by hand, give preference to a microfiber or flannel cloth. They are quite soft and absorb moisture well.

    Do not forget! Cleaning should be damp, not wet. Therefore, wring out the cloth thoroughly.

  5. If wet stains remain on the floor after cleaning, it means that your rag does not absorb moisture well enough. If necessary, wipe the floor dry with a cotton rag.

Use a special mop with a microfiber attachment and spin capability.

These simple precautions will significantly reduce the risk of defects in your laminate flooring.

Problem solving

No matter how durable the laminate is, various minor troubles can happen to it during operation. Still, the floor can withstand considerable loads: heavy furniture, restless children, adults constantly busy with household chores.

After removing stains, wipe the surface with a solution of 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar per 5 liters of water so that the floor regains its former shine.

Restoration of scratches and chips

It’s worth talking about products such as wax crayons, paste and restoration varnish for laminate flooring separately. You can purchase any of them at a specialty store. It is advisable to take care of this immediately when purchasing laminate, so you will save time. In addition, you need to have a sample of the coating with you so as not to make a mistake with the color.

You can buy a complete set for repairing laminate flooring, in which you will find convenient spatulas and shovels, as well as all the necessary materials.

A wax chalk is suitable for treating minor scratches and abrasions. It consists of wax, paraffin and dye. The work flow is as follows:

  1. Thoroughly clean the laminate surface from dirt, grease and dust and allow to dry.
  2. Move the chalk over the damaged area until the scratches are completely covered with the compound.
  3. After a few minutes, when the wax has dried, polish the surface with a dry cloth.

If the scratches are deep or chips have formed on the laminate, use a special wax paste of the desired color. The processing process is almost the same as in the previous case:

  1. Clean the laminate.
  2. Apply the heated paste onto the chip with a plastic spatula until it completely covers the damage.
  3. Remove excess product with a wet cloth.
  4. Wait for the paste to dry and polish the area.

Finally, you can coat the restoration area with a clear repair varnish for laminate flooring.

Photo gallery: materials for laminate restoration

The restoration paste must be warmed to a liquid state before use. The sealant is useful not only when laying laminate flooring, but also for preventive maintenance Applying wax paste to a scratch in the laminate is done with a small plastic spatula Wax crayons are the easiest way to quickly restore abrasions and shallow scratches.

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