Using a an the in English. Definite article (the)

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In many foreign languages There is such a thing as an article. Starting to study grammar with this topic would be a good option for those who want to know English. The article (the rule of use will help you understand the question) is a functional part of speech in the English language. It shows certainty or uncertainty. Below in the text are the rules for its use when the article a (an), the is omitted.

Types of articles

There are two types of articles in English:

  • definite - the;
  • indefinite - a (an) (two forms).

Definite article shows that we are talking about some well-known or familiar object, which is more individualized and somehow stands out among others. And indefinite indicates a more generalized meaning or an object that appears in the text for the first time. Examples:

The girl has a dog./The girl has a dog.

From this sentence it can be understood that we are talking about a specific girl who is already familiar to the reader and she was previously mentioned in the text, but the word “dog” is more general, what kind of dog is unknown.


We have already found out that in English there is such a part of speech as the article: a (an), the. They originally came from other words and to some extent retained their old meaning.

For example, the definite article is a shortened form of the word that (that, that), which is why it carries such a specific meaning.

Comes from the word one (someone, some).

Definite article

In English, the definite article has two functions: the first of them is specifying, and the other is generalizing. And this part of speech is used if a person knows exactly what object is being discussed, or if this object is unique.

The definite article in a specific meaning

  • It is used if one item stands out from the entire set, it has some excellent parameters, it stands out due to a unique case, context. Before adjectives in

He is the best player in our team./He is the best player in our team.

  • Placed before the words following, last, next, only and very. They make the noun more specific.

And not the next day./And not the next day.

  • Before adjectives in superlatives the definite article is also used.

It is the worst day in my life./This is the worst day in my life.

The definite article in its general meaning

  • Generalizing - when a noun can be attributed to a whole type of object.

Examples include the German Shepherd - the double coat is straight, and short length./For example, the German Shepherd. The coat has two characteristics: straight and short.

Here we are talking about all dogs belonging to a specific breed.

  • Omitted if replaced by a possessive pronoun.

She sure had some love for her German Shepards./She definitely loves her German Shepherds.

  • If you can put the word “this” in front of a noun.

The hotel also features easy access to the several subway stations./The hotel (this hotel) is also easily accessible from several subway stations.

  • When indicating the era, significant events.

The First World War./First World War.

  • Before uncountable nouns, only if we are talking about a certain volume of a substance.

And then the farmer has to find another way to deliver the juice./Then the farmer will have to find another way to produce juice.

  • Before the names of body parts.

The hand/hand.

  • Before social classes and strata of society.

The police./Police officers.

The definite article with proper names and some names

The table below will help you better understand how to use articles with proper names and some names. All the words below must be preceded by the definite article the.

Proper names

Riversthe Nakdong
Newspaper namesthe Washington Post
Geographical namesthe North Pole
Objects from astronomythe Moon
Mountain namesthe Andes
Cardinal directionsin the East

Surnames in the plural

(meaning all family members)

the Adamsons
Channelsthe Nicaragua Canal
City districtsthe West End
Nationalitiesthe Italian
Unique architectural structuresthe Winter Palace
Desertsthe Bolivian
Names of reservoirsthe Black Sea
Vessel namesthe Aurora
Some countriesthe Argentina
Nicknamesthe Tall Ben

Definite article. Plural

  • If the definite article is used before a word in the singular, then it is also placed before it in the plural.

You can bring the ball with, if you want./If you want, take the ball with you.

You can bring the balls with, if you want./If you want, take the balls with you.

  • Also, the article remains before the plural if we are talking about a group as a whole.

The members of Golf club can breathe fresh air./Members of the golf club can breathe fresh air. (Everyone can breathe fresh air).

Indefinite article a (an)

Use “a” if the first letter in the word is a consonant, “an” if it is a vowel:

  • a table, a carpet, a dog/table, carpet, dog;
  • an elephant, an eagle, an orange.

Exceptions to the rule:

  • the article "a" is always placed before words that begin with the letter "u" if it is pronounced as /ju:/ (English is a universal language);
  • before the words “one”, “ones” the article “a” is always used (a one-parent family);
  • If abbreviations begin with a consonant but are read with a vowel (F is pronounced like /ef/), then the indefinite article “an” (an FBI agent) is always used before them.

Classifying, generalizing and numeral meaning of the indefinite article

  • In expressive sentences, in exclamatory sentences that begin with the word what, it is used indefinite article.

What a great!/How great!

  • With singular nouns preceded by words such as rather, quite, such and most.

In a rather prescient way./Very far-sighted.

  • If a noun is a generalizing meaning for an entire class, type, layer, etc., then an indefinite article is placed before it. Most often, such a noun appears at the beginning of a sentence and does not carry any important information. More significant details are described later in the text.

A newspaper text is a very laconic and relevant essay./Newspaper text is a laconic and relevant essay.

  • In the numeral value, the article denotes its original meaning - one.

I can stay in Paris for only a day./I could stay in Paris for just a day. (Here it is clear that the particle -a can be replaced by one, the word from which the article a (an) was formed (the - from that). In this sentence, the particle takes its usual place).

The indefinite article a (an). Plural

Articles that are used before nouns in the singular are not used in the plural.

She had a book of astrology./She had a book on astrology.

She had two books./She had two books. (As you can see, the article is omitted.)

Proper names and articles a (an)

The article a (an) is used before if they:

  • unknown

A Mr. Anderson has come to see you./A certain Mr. Anderson has come to see you.

  • used as common nouns

You think, I am a Leonardoda Vinci?/Do you think I am Leonardo da Vinci?

  • point to individual family members

It is no wonder; in fact, she is a Smith./No wonder, because she is Smith.

  • describe the position of a place or object

We saw a rebuild Rome./We saw Rome rebuilt.

In addition, there are stable expressions that, regardless of the context, never change and always remain in their place. You just need to learn these phrases:

a few/several, it is a pity/sorry, a little/a little, etc.

When the article is not needed

In English there is such a thing as when it is absent in sentences before nouns. Cases where the article is omitted have already been mentioned in the article. Let's look at a few more typical rules.

  • If the nouns are preceded by the adjectives old/old, little/small, poor/poor, lazy/lazy, honest/honest.

She is little girl./She is a little girl.

  • If there is no definition for the noun.

I do not like Peter./I don’t like Peter.

  • Before titles, titles.

Lord Green./Lord Green.

Exercises on articles

To consolidate the acquired knowledge, you need to do several exercises. Then check your answers with the keys and analyze the errors. For example, you can do the task below.

Fill in the missing article a (an), the:

Paris is…beautiful town./Paris is a beautiful city.

What's going on? I think it's … salute./What's going on? I think it's a fireworks.

Britney Spears is ... singer./Britney Spears is a singer.

This is Nick. He is... engineer./This is Nick. He's an engineer.

… spider has eight legs./Spiders have eight legs.

It is... tomato./This is a tomato.

I am...nurse./I am a nurse.

She is... best./She is the best.

To take... seat./Sit down.

In... country./In the country.

Answers to the exercise. How to correctly insert the article a (an), the:

1. a. 2. a. 3. a. 4. an. 5. a. 6. a. 7. a. 8. the. 9. a. 10. the.

This lesson will examine in detail the topic: Articles "a", "an" and "the" in English with examples from song lyrics.

Theoretical part.

Articles are absent in Russian, but are present in English and are noun determiners. There are two types of articles: classifying (a or an) and individualizing (the).

Articles perform certain functions in speech. Firstly, they mean that the word that comes after them is a noun. Secondly, the article can be used to determine whether the subject is known to the reader or not. So, for example, a classifying article indicates that the subject is still unknown to the reader, and an individualizing article indicates that the subject is known to the reader. Perhaps this subject has already been mentioned in the text, then we use the article (the).

The classifying, or as it is called in traditional grammar, the indefinite article, as stated above, has two forms: a and an. We use A before nouns starting with a consonant, and an before nouns starting with a vowel. This article was formed from the numeral one - one, so it can only be used with singular countable nouns.

A note - note
An umbrella

The individualizing article, or as it is otherwise called in traditional grammar, the definite article, has one form - the. It was formed from the word that - that. You can use this article with both singular and plural countable nouns, as well as with uncountable nouns.

The book - book
The songs - songs

As already mentioned, we use articles before nouns, but it is necessary to remember that if there are definitions in front of a noun, then the article is placed in front of them.

An interesting article - interesting article
A loud voice - loud voice
The strong man - strong man

Using articles correctly is quite difficult, although there is nothing difficult in the topic. Very often students make mistakes on this topic. There are many difficult points and exceptions that need to be studied separately. The purpose of this lesson is to give a general concept of the article and show its application in practice.

This ends the theoretical part, let's move on to the practical part, based on the lyrics of your favorite songs.

Practical part.

1) Consider the lyrics of the famous song Neneh Cherry – Woman.

…I"ve crackled in the fire
And was called a liar…
...My body burned with a crash on the fire,
And they called me a liar...

As you can see, two articles are used in these lines: a and the. The fire is fire, and liar is a liar. Also, looking at the name, remember the plural of the noun Woman (Woman) - Women (Women).

2) Let's study the lyrics of the song by the English pop-rock band Duran Duran - Falling Down.

…Why did the luck run dry?
Laugh in my face, so pleased to desert me.
Why do the cruel barbs fly?...
...Why did my luck turn away from me?
Smiling in my face, she was so happy to leave me
Why these merciless barbs Are they flying apart right now?...

This example shows the use of the definite article the when the noun is preceded by a modifier. The cruel barbs - merciless barbs.

3) Let's study the lines of the song by American rapper Eminem - Bad Influence.

... People say that
I"m a bad influence…
...People say
That I am a bad influence on others (literally, I am a bad influence)…

This example shows us the use of the article a when there is a modifier before a noun. A bad influence - bad influence.

4) Consider the lines of the currently popular song B.o.B. feat. Hayley Williams – Airplanes.

…Yeah somebody take me back to those days
Before this was a job before I got paid
Before it ever mattered what I had in my bank…
...Yeah, somebody take me back to the days
Before it was a job, when I didn't get paid,
When it didn't matter what my bank account was...

Thanks to the lines of this song, you will see the use of the individuating article the with plural nouns: ... me back to the days ... - ... me back to the days ... Also in this example, remember that if in a noun the letter y is preceded by a vowel, then the action general rule formation of the plural of nouns: day (day) – days (days).

In the same song the indefinite article a is used.

…I could really use a wish right now
I could really use a wish right now…
...I could use my wish right now,
I could use my wish right now...

A wish - desire.

5) Consider the lyrics of the first verse of the song by the American metalcore band As I Lay Dying - An Ocean between Us.

… My heart never reached the sea
With only delusions of an endless journey
I am left with an ocean between you and me…
...My heart never reached the sea,
Misled endless journey.
I was left alone with the ocean between you and me...

In this example, you can reinforce the use of the article an twice. An endless journey – an endless journey (note the article is before the definition). An ocean - ocean. Always remember that if a noun begins with a vowel sound, then we use an instead of a.

This is also an excellent example for consolidating the objective case of pronouns: in our case us - by us, me - by me, you - by you.

Thus, you have consolidated the use of articles using the example of compositions by your favorite performers. Listen to music and repeat necessary rules. Combine business with pleasure.

From this lesson you need to remember the following words.

umbrella [ʌm"brelə] - umbrella
book - book
loud – loud
interesting ["intrəstiŋ] - interesting
article ["a:tikl] - article
voice - voice
strong - strong
fire ["faiə] - fire
liar- ["laiə] liar
luck - luck
face - face
cruel ["kru:əl] - cruel
to fly - to fly
bad - bad
influence ["influən(t)s] - influence
bank - bank
to use - to use
wish - desire
sea ​​- sea
journey ["dʒз:ni] - journey
ocean ["əuʃ(ə)n] - ocean

Rules for the use of definite and indefinite articles (Articles) in conversation English speech.

The correct use of the indefinite and definite articles in English speech is very important for mutual understanding. When communicating with an English-speaking person, you risk being misunderstood if you make mistakes in using the article.

What is an article?

An article in English is a function word, which is one of the main formal features of a noun, defines it, stands before the noun or before the word that defines it. The article is not used independently, has no meaning and is not translated into Russian.


a pen - pen
a blue pen - blue pen

IN Slavic languages and, in particular, in Russian, there are no articles, so many students of English have difficulty understanding how, where and why to use articles. In English, by using articles, a clarification is made - we are talking about an abstract or concrete subject.

Indefinite article

Indefinite article (in definite article) has two forms: a And an, used before singular countable nouns. Form a[ə] used before words that begin with a consonant. Form an[æn] used before words that begin with a vowel sound.

Indefinite (a/an)

The indefinite article a (an) is used:

1. When we mention a subject for the first time.
I saw a cat. - I saw a cat.

2. Before the names of professions.
I am a doctor. - I am a doctor.

3. Before a noun, if it is preceded by an adjective that describes it.
She is a beautiful woman. - She is a beautiful woman.

4. In combinations

  • a couple
  • a pair
  • a little
  • a few

Definite article

The definite article has one form the [ði:], is used when we are talking about something specific or previously encountered in a context, conversation, or something that is known to the interlocutor from his general knowledge. Definite article the comes from the word that (that), can be used with singular and plural nouns, with countable and uncountable.

Although the article the It is always written the same way, its pronunciation differs depending on what letter the word following it begins with. Before vowels the pronounced with a long at the end (transcription [ði:]), and before consonants - with the sound [ə] (transcription [ðə]).

Definite (the)

The definite article the is used:

1. When we talk about an object or person that has already been mentioned before or the context makes it clear what we mean.
I saw a cat. The cat was black.
We've talked about this cat before.

Where is your son? -Where is your son?
He is in the kitchen. - He's in the kitchen.
The house only has one kitchen, so it's clear what we mean.

2. Before items that are unique or exist in a single copy.

The Sun, the Moon, the President (there is only one president in the country)

3. Before adjectives in the superlative degree the best.

4. Before names:

  • seas (the Black Sea);
  • rivers (the Danube);
  • oceans (the Atlantic Ocean);
  • newspaper names (The Times);
  • hotels (the Black Sea hotel);
  • theaters, galleries, museums.

Zero article

No article

The article is not used:

1. If we talk about a subject in general, as a class.
For example: “I am afraid of dogs.” - I'm afraid of dogs.
I'm not afraid of any specific dog, but of all dogs in general.
That is, I'm talking about dogs in general as a class.

2. The article is not used before:

  • names of countries (England);
    • exceptions: the USA, The Great Britain;
  • names of cities (London);
  • street names (Bakers street);
  • languages ​​(English);
  • airports, stations.

3. Articles are not used in expressions:

  • at home;
  • at school;
  • at university;
  • at work / to work;
  • in bed / to bed;
  • by bus / by train / by car.

Do practice exercises

Supply “a/an”, “the” or “--“:


He is (_) strong man. – He is a strong man.

  1. I'm going to bed. I've got (_) headache.
  2. Paris is (_) capital of France.
  3. I'll be back in (_) minute.
  4. (_) black is her favorite color.
  5. I go to (_) cinema twice (_) week.
  6. Coffee (_) produced in Brazil.
  7. They make (_) good coffee here.
  8. She does not know (_) English, she speaks (_) Spanish.
  9. My brother, (_) geographic teacher, knows (_) lot about it.
  10. I saw (_) wonderful picture.
  11. Mister Alan grandma was (_) artist.
  12. (_) cats should eat fish.
  13. She is (_)economical woman.
  14. (_) president is changing every 4 years.
  15. I bought (_) couple of glasses in (_) museum yesterday.


An article is a word that defines a noun.

There are two types of articles in English: the definite (the) and the indefinite (a/an).

Based on the names, the indefinite article is used when we are talking about a phenomenon that we encounter for the first time, an object in general, and the definite article is used when we are talking about something specific, or something that has already been encountered in a conversation.

The concept of the article is present in many languages ​​of the world, but in the same number of languages ​​it is absent.

Therefore, do not panic if articles are not used in your native language.

Data will help you do fewer errors, speaking English.

It is very important to be able to use the correct articles in your speaking or writing.

1. With the names of countries and continents

In this case we do not use articles at all, BUT if the name of the country consists of parts, such as, USA, UK, UAE, then our article appears the, and it will be: the USA, the UK, the UAE, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands.

This also applies to continents and islands: usually we do not use the article, but if the name is a composite name, the definite article takes place.

For example: Africa, Europe, Bermuda, Tasmania BUT the Virgin Islands, the Bahamas.

  • She lived in America.
  • They live in England.
  • My friend is from the Czech Republic.

2. With the words breakfast, dinner, lunch

When talking about eating in general, there is no article. But if you're talking about a specific breakfast, dinner or lunch, use the.

For example:

  • I don't eat breakfast.
  • We didn't like the dinner.

3. With names of work, profession

In this case the indefinite article is used a/an.

For example:

  • I want to be a politician.
  • My younger brother wants to be a vet.

4. With the names of the cardinal directions

Usually the names of the cardinal directions are written with a capital letter, so they are easy to recognize: the North, the South, the East, the West .

True, if a noun indicates a direction, then it should be used without an article and written with a small letter.

For example:

  • They went east.
  • The North is cooler than the South.

5. With the names of oceans, seas, rivers and canals

Remember that the definite article is always used with the names of these bodies of water.

For example: The Amazon, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, the Suez Canal .

  • I would like to swim in the Red Sea, and you?
  • The Amazon is the longest river in the world.

6. With names of unique phenomena

This means that a phenomenon or object exists in one copy, one of a kind, in particular, the sun, the moon, the inter net , the sky , the earth.

For example:

  • The sun is a star.
  • We looked up at all the stars in the sky.
  • He is always on the internet.

7. With uncountable nouns

This category of nouns implies those units and concepts that we cannot count. Plus, as an identifying mark in most cases, they have no ending –s– plural indicator.

But do not forget that there are ten exceptions to one rule, that is, if you are talking in general about some uncountable concept, there will be no article, but again, if the case is particular, use the.

For example:

  • I like bread/milk/honey.
  • I like the bread/the milk/the honey. (Specifically this and nothing else.)

8. With last names

If we are talking about members of the same family, you can put the article the before the surname. This way you denote a group of people, a family, in one word.

For example:

  • The Smith are coming for dinner today.
  • Have you seen the Johnson recently?

These are not all the uses of articles in English. However, first remember these rules, gradually deepening your knowledge

Articles in English a/an And the indicate the degree of certainty of a subject in a given context or in general. In Russian, they, as function words, are absent and are not translated from English, but sometimes they can “occur” in phrases like: “I know a girl. This girl studies at our school." Or: “One boy loved to read. This boy once found a very interesting book..."

Therefore, on an intuitive level, sometimes we also use the words “one / one / one / alone” when we first mention an object, and “this / this / this / these” when we use it again in speech. This can be found especially often in fairy tales: “Once upon a time there was an old man...”

Use of articles in English

Correct use of articles in English often causes difficulty. There are, of course, rules for using certain articles - a/ an, the, zero article, but since native speakers trust, first of all, their intuition and logic, then by putting ourselves in their place and trying to think like them, we could make the task much easier.

What is this certainty/uncertainty?

I have bought a dog. - I bought a dog. In this context, you are talking about a dog for the first time, this means “some kind of dog, one of many.” It is not yet clear to the listener which specific dog we are talking about, so in this example we use the indefinite article -a.

The dog is very cute. - The dog is very cute. Now you are already talking about “a specific dog - the one that you bought. The listener already understands that we are talking about your dog, so there is already a definite article -the. In other words, as in the “bearded” joke about English for “new Russians”: the article -a means “type”, and -the - “specifically”, i.e. one of many or a specific example.

Table of articles in English

It will help to systematize all of the above. table of articles in English.


The subject is mentioned again in this context: I have an interesting idea. I have an interesting idea. Wow, tell me about the idea, please! Wow, tell me about this idea please.)
The only object or person in a given setting: The actress is on the scene. The actress is on stage. (on a specific stage)
The noun is preceded by an ordinal number: He is on the second floor. He's on the second floor.
The noun is preceded by a superlative adjective: She is the most beautiful girl, I`ve ever seen. (She's the most beautiful girl that I've ever seen.
A noun denotes a substance in a certain quantity or a certain place, in a given setting: Pass me the salt, please. Pass me the salt, please.
Where is the water? Where is the water?
Unique noun:> the sun, the moon the sky, the universe, the earth
With the names of countries, including words such as republic, union, kingdom, states, emirates, as well as with the names of countries in the plural: the German Federal Republic
the United Arab Emirates
the Philippines
Before the names of oceans, seas, rivers, mountain ranges, island groups, deserts: the Atlantic, the Pacific Ocean, the Nile, the Bahamas, the Alps
With cardinal directions The South, the North
A noun denotes a whole class of objects: The giraffe is the tallest animals. The giraffe is the tallest animal.
After the words one/some/many/most/both/all of Some of the mistakes are very bad.
Some of the mistakes are very serious.
Before the family surname in the plural: The Smiths have moved to another town. The Smiths moved to another city.


When the item is mentioned for the first time: A man is waiting for you. A man is waiting for you. (some kind)
If we are talking about an indefinite quantity: I can bring a coffee to your friend. I can bring coffee for your friend.
With names of professions: He is an engineer He's an engineer.
In the nominal part compound predicate: She is a smart girl
If an object belongs to a class of homogeneous objects: There is a bee in the cup. There is a bee in the cup. (not an ant).
IN stable combinations like: what a..
a little
a few
a lot of
as a rule
as a result
for a while
to be in a
to have a
to see a
there is a
What a lovely day!
I'd like to say a few words.
I have a little free time.
I have a lot of friends.
Before the words such, quite, rather, most (meaning “very”): He is quite a young man He is quite a young man.
If you can replace the article with the word “one”. : There is a flower in the garden.
There is a flower in the garden.
There is one flower in the garden.

Zero article:

Before nouns with modifiers (pronouns, numerals, proper names in the possessive case.): My mother works here. My mom works here.
Tom's bag. Tom's bag.
When generalizing in the plural. before countable nouns: Apples are my favorite fruits.
Apples are my favorite fruit.
Before nouns as a modifier: guitar lessons – guitar lessons
Before the names of countries, continents, cities, streets: Germany, Poland, London, Hyde Park, High Street
Before abstract (uncountable) nouns: This is important information. This is important information.
Before people's names and surnames: His name is Lee.
In adverbial combinations: for breakfast, at lunch, to dinner, at night, by bus, on sale, in fact, from time to time, from school, to work, at work, from work…

If you still have questions on the topic of articles in English, Double You Studio, an English language school in Kyiv (suburb, Vishnevoe, Sofievskaya Borshchagovka, Boyarka, Petrovskoe), will help you figure it out.

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