Usovo Church of the Saving of the Miraculous Schedule of services. Temple complex in Usovo - The world around us is big, but the world inside us is much bigger

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information about the temple:

Full title: Church of the Savior Miraculous Image in Usovo (old)

Common name: Spasskaya Church

Address: Moscow region, Odintsovo district, With. Usovo

Address for 1917: Moscow province, Zvenigorodsky district, village. Usovo-Spasskoye

Coordinates: 55.737719°N 37.207244°E

Diocese: Russian Orthodox Church MP

First mention no later than the 16th century.

Spasskaya Church is located at Moscow region, Odintsovo district, village. Usovo in Usovo. This temple belongs to the diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church MP. The Church of the Savior was first officially mentioned in the archive no later than the 16th century. from the Nativity of Christ.

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Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands in Usovo (old)

A small stone church, built at the expense of M. M. Matyushkin, was completely rebuilt in the classicist style in 1822-1824 at the expense of A. P. Khrushchev. At the same time, a bell tower was built, and the Kazan chapel was built in the choir. Closed in 1932, mid. XX century It was completely rebuilt, the wedding frames were broken, it was used for housing. In 2004 it was restored with elements of reconstruction. Located on the territory of the residence of the President of the Russian Federation Novo-Ogaryovo.

On Rublevo - Uspenskoe highway, 17 km. from the Moscow Ring Road, there is a very beautiful, modern Temple complex of the Savior of the Image Not Made by Hands in the village of Usovo, the center of which is the four-altar Temple with a baptismal sanctuary, which externally resembles a church of the 11th century, its height is more than forty meters. The temple can accommodate more than 250 people.
February 5, 2012 Full members of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society visited the Temple complex of the Savior Not Made by Hands in the village of Usovo.

four-throne Temple

gate belfry

The meeting began with a short tour of the Temple complex, which includes two-storey house clergy, two-story Orthodox Cultural and Educational Center and Water Blessed Chapel.

Temple complex

In the premises of the Parish House and the center there are multifunctional classrooms with modern equipment, two gyms, a theater for 120 seats, equipped with the latest technical requirements. There is a library with reading room, a museum with an exhibition dedicated to the venerable martyr Grand Duchess Elizaveta (Romanova).

in the photo: Chairman of the Cyprus branch of the IOPS L.A. Bulanov (left), deputy head of the scientific section of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society R. B. Butova (center), chairman of the Moscow regional regional branch of the IOPS, professor Yu. P. Smirnov (center) and deputy chairman of the Moscow regional regional branch of the IOPS G. A. Karavaev (right)

After the excursion at the Usovo-Spasskoye Orthodox Educational Center, a demonstration took place documentary film“The Romanovs. In memory of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich", who was the First Chairman of the IOPS and meeting with A.N. Panin, the author and director of the film, a full member of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society. During the viewing, the conference room of the House of Clergy was full; not only parishioners and clergy of the Spassky Church, headed by the rector, were present, but also students Sunday school Guslitsky Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery and Full Members of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society.

screening of the documentary film “The Romanovs. In memory of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich"


After the screening, the creator of the film, Alexander Nikolaevich Panin, spoke to the audience, according to whom the goal was to assess the significance of the personality of Sergei Alexandrovich in the history of Russia as a man devoted to Emperor Nicholas II and who never made any compromises with opponents of state power, who firmly defended the ancestral Orthodox traditions Russian people. The film was created on the basis of archival materials, so it immerses the viewer in the atmosphere of events of the pre-revolutionary era national history. Next, the chairman of the Moscow regional branch of the IOPS, Professor Yuri Petrovich Smirnov, spoke. He briefly emphasized the lessons of history.

speech by Alexander Nikolaevich Panin

speech by the Chairman of the Moscow Regional Branch of the IOPS, Professor Yuri Petrovich Smirnov

The rector of the Spassky Church, Archimandrite Nestor (Zhilyaev), on behalf of all those present, expressed gratitude to A.N. Panin and presented the author of the film with a folding box with icons of the Savior and the Mother of God

As part of the event, there was a tour for all guests of the museum of the cultural and educational center "Usovo-Spasskoye" at the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands, which was conducted by the deputy head of the scientific section of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, member of the Council of the Moscow Regional Branch R.B. Butova, who spoke in detail about all museum exhibits: photographs, books, icons. As a souvenir, all guests were presented with a unique museum catalog “Our duty to serve and sow... The missionary activities of the Reverend Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna.”



Chairman of the Cyprus branch of the IOPS L.A. Bulanov (left) and the creator of the film Alexander Nikolaevich Panin (right)

Chairman of the Cyprus branch of the IOPS L.A. Bulanov (left), Chairman of the Moscow Regional Branch of the IOPS, Professor Yu. P. Smirnov (center), Deputy Head of the Scientific Section of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society R. B. Butova (center) and the creator of the film Alexander Nikolaevich Panin (right)

Chairman of the Moscow Regional Branch of the IOPS, Professor Yu. P. Smirnov (left), Rector of the Spassky Church Archimandrite Nestor (Zhilyaev) (center), Chairman of the Cyprus Branch of the IOPS L.A. Bulanov (in the center) and Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Regional Branch of the IOPS G.A. Karavaev (right)

The event has ended festive lunch. At the head of the table sat the Rector of the Spassky Church, Archimandrite Nestor (Zhilyaev). Chairman of the Cyprus branch of the IOPS L.A. Bulanov told the rector of the temple about the department’s website, about its many sections, and in particular advised him to look at the “Photo Gallery” section dedicated to Cypriot churches and monasteries, where there are many unique photos holy places.
Full member of the IOPS, head of the international center for the study of civil society of the institute General history RAS Anna Vitalievna presented the Cyprus branch of the IOPS with a book with a dedicatory inscription, and A.N. Panin his films and books.

In 2009-2010 under the care of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, a new Spassky Church was built in the village of Usovo.
The modern temple complex was built according to the design of the architect V.N. Izhikov and consists of a church, a water-blessed chapel, holy gates with a gate belfry, a clergy house and the Usovo-Spasskoye Orthodox Educational Center.
The center of the complex is the four-altar church in the name of the Savior, the Image Not Made by Hands, its height is more than forty meters. The temple can accommodate more than 250 people. In his appearance - harmonious proportions, stature and power of the white stone silhouette - embody the traditions of ancient Russian temple architecture.
Throne upper temple in honor of the Savior Not Made by Hands, lower thrones: central - in honor Sovereign icons Mother of God, side: in honor of the Hieromartyr Sergius Makhaev and the Venerable Martyr Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorovna. Author of the concept interior decoration temple and altar icons - the outstanding modern icon painter Archimandrite Zinon (Theodore). Rethinking the heritage of early Byzantine church art of the 6th-9th centuries, he created a unique symbolic interior of the temple.
The premises of the House of Clergy and the Educational Center include multifunctional classrooms with modern equipment, a conference hall, a theater with 120 seats, two gyms, a library with a reading room, an exhibition hall and a memorial room dedicated to the Reverend Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna.

The complex, designed by Vyacheslav Izhikov, will include a cathedral-type temple for 250 people, designed in the style of Russian princely churches of the 11th-16th centuries (height at the Cross 41.5 m), a belfry in the architectural style of the 17th century, a clergy house with an area of ​​2149 sq. m. m and a cultural and educational center with an area of ​​1710 sq. m. The temple complex includes a church, a clergy house and an Orthodox cultural and educational center, which combines on its territory social premises, classrooms, workshops, a hotel, household premises, a canteen with equipment, and a multifunctional hall. The church has four chapels. The upper aisle is consecrated in honor of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands. The three lower chapels are consecrated in honor of the icon Mother of God“Sovereign”, Hieromartyr Sergius Mahaev, Reverend Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth (Romanova).

The Temple Complex in the village of Usovo includes the following buildings: 1. A five-altar church of a cathedral type, accommodating 250 people at a time. The height of the temple in the cross is 41.3 meters. Total area 724 sq. m. 2. Belfry (holy gate) in architectural style 17th century. Area 170 sq. m.. 3. Water-blessed chapel. 4. Clergy house with an area of ​​2200 sq. m. 5. Cultural and educational center with an area of ​​1710 sq. m. m. 6. Landscaping of an area of ​​8821 sq. m. m. 7. Fence wall around the entire perimeter of the temple complex.

The temple complex of the Savior Not Made by Hands in the village of Usovo was designed by the architect Vyacheslav Izhikov. In his project, he relied on traditional Russian temple architecture of the 11th-16th centuries. To develop the concept of interior decoration, paint icons and draw up a painting program interior walls Archimandrite Zinon (Theodore) was involved in the work of the temple, who works in the ancient Byzantine style, in accordance with which the interiors of the temple were made. The painting of the walls and ceilings is expected to be completed a year after the completion of the temple.

The center of the temple complex of the Savior Not Made by Hands in the village of Usovo is a four-altar church with a baptismal sanctuary, which externally resembles a church of the 11th century, its height is more than forty meters. The temple, the largest in the Odintsovo region, can accommodate more than 250 people. The throne of the upper church is in honor of the Savior Not Made by Hands, the lower thrones: the central one - in honor of the Sovereign Icon of the Mother of God, the side ones: in honor of the Hieromartyr Sergius (Makhaev) and the Venerable Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth (Romanova). The altar barriers are made of marble of three colors with copper cast elements. The author of the concept of the interior decoration of the temple and altar icons is the outstanding modern icon painter Archimandrite Zinon (Theodore). Rethinking the heritage of the early Byzantine church art VI-IX centuries, he created unique interior temple.

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill performed the rite of great consecration and Divine Liturgy in the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands in the village of Usovo, Moscow Region, on July 5, 2010. The Primate of the Russian Church led the rite of the great consecration of the Savior Church and the Divine Liturgy in the newly consecrated church.

Visitors to the Holy Gates complex are greeted with a gate belfry, with premises for icon and bookstores. In addition, the complex includes a two-story clergy house, a two-story Orthodox Cultural and Educational Center and a Water Blessed Chapel.

The first mention of the Spassky Church in the village of Usovo dates back to 1627. In 1705 a new one was consecrated wooden church, on the site of which 60 years later they built stone temple. Since 1867, when the last private owner of the village of Usovo, Major General Kazakov, sold it to the Department of Appanages, Usovo became the sovereign's dacha. The main house was built by order of its owner, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, the Moscow Governor-General and the latter's uncle Russian Emperor, in the English Gothic style and looked like a Scottish castle, and a traditional English park was laid out around it. In possession royal family the village remained until 1917, it was a single economic complex with Ilyinsky located nearby. The last representatives of the Romanov family especially loved their “imperial dachas near Moscow,” as the sovereign’s dachas were usually called. The last emperor and his family were also frequent guests here.

On the territory of the temple complex there is a monument to the holy martyr Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorovna.

In the premises of the Parish House and the center there are multifunctional classrooms with modern equipment, two gyms, a theater with 120 seats, equipped according to the latest technical requirements. There is a library with a reading room combined with an Internet cafe, a museum in which it is planned to house an exhibition dedicated to the venerable martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth (Romanova), as well as a refectory and rooms for pilgrims.

The cultural and educational center is planned to house multifunctional halls, youth clubs, classrooms, creative workshops, and retail premises. It is planned to pay special attention to the Orthodox education of local youth.
In addition to classrooms for scientific and educational seminars and meetings, the center will have a hall for concerts and theatrical performances, where literary, journalistic and musical evenings, concerts, and performances aimed at developing the spiritual and moral values ​​of the individual will be staged.

Temple in honor of the Savior Not Made by Hands in the village of Usovo(Odintsovo Deanery of the Moscow Diocese)

Construction was carried out with the help and resources of OJSC NK Rosneft. A plot of land of 1.3 hectares was previously transferred into the ownership of the parish by decision of the board of directors of CJSC Agrocomplex Gorki-2.

There is a Sunday school at the church.


The modern temple complex was built according to the design of the architect V.N. Izhikov and consists of a church, a Holy Chapel, the Holy Gates with a gate belfry, a clergy house and the Usovo-Spasskoye Orthodox Educational Center. The center of the complex is the four-altar church in the name of the Savior, the Image Not Made by Hands, its height is more than forty meters. It is a single-domed building on a basement in the spirit of Moscow architecture of the 14th century with a separate gate belfry. The temple can accommodate more than 250 people. Its appearance - harmonious proportions, stature and power of the white stone silhouette - embodies the traditions of ancient Russian temple architecture.

In the village of Usovo, Odintsovo district, Moscow region, in 2009 - 2010, according to the design of the architect V.N. Izhikov, the Church of the Savior of the Image Not Made by Hands was built. Since a church of the same name already existed in the village since 1765, then new temple received the additional name New. Design and construction new church and the complex assigned to it was carried out under the direct supervision of V.V. Putin, who at that time held the position of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. Currently, the complex is practically built and includes the New Spassky Church itself, the Holy Gates with a belfry, the clergy house, and the Vodosvyatsky chapel. Also, an Orthodox educational complex was built and operates on the territory of the complex.

In the public garden near the main square, between the church itself and the Holy Gate with the belfry, there is a monument to the Reverend Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna. Together with her husband, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, Elizaveta Fedorovna took possession of the village, which at that time was called Usovo-Ilyinskoye, in 1880. With the generous donations of the royal couple, the temple was actively developed and improved, and the parochial school operated and was supported.

On weekends and holidays The Holy Gate, located in the western part of the temple fence, opens to the parishioners. On normal days, entrance to the complex is through a gate in the northern part of the fence. Like the entire complex of the New Temple, the Holy Gate was built in 2009 - 2010 according to the design of the architect V.N. Izhikov. Above the gate there is a belfry, stylized as a three-domed temple, the central vault of which is decorated with a dome.

The Vodosvyatsky stone chapel received the source and religious attributes placed in it, intended for the sacrament of the consecration of water. Characteristic feature The chapel has four facades, stylized as royal arched doors, with windows inserted throughout the entire volume, while three of them have fully glazed doors. The vault of the chapel is crowned with a stone drum with a golden dome and a cross.

The building of the clergy house houses not only residential and utility premises, but also a pilgrimage service. The building also houses Sunday school classes and various clubs, which include classes in drawing, singing, bead weaving, and a pottery club. All classes are conducted in several groups organized by age.

Today, the complex of the New Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands in the village of Usovo is not only a temple, a chapel, a magnificent belfry and a clergy house. On its territory there is also the Usovo-Spasskoye Orthodox Educational Center, built in 2010 and playing a huge role in spiritual rebirth and the development of Russian society. Today the center has spacious and well-equipped classrooms, a conference hall with 120 seats, a library with a reading room, two gyms and an exhibition hall. Special place The complex has a memorial room dedicated to Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna.

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