In August and September, bees and wasps are at their peak activity; you should be wary of their bites. Why are there so many operating systems in nature? Why are there a lot of wasps in August?

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Bee and wasp sting season is in full swing. Every day, emergency doctors save three or four people bitten by these insects, because if you are allergic to bee venom, the bite can be fatal. Why wasps and bees are especially ferocious in August and how to protect yourself from these insects, reports the “Dome Square” program on Latvian Radio 4.

A bee sting can be fatal. So, five years ago he caused the death of a Vidzeme resident. She worked close bee hives, and several insects bit her. The woman became ill, and the people next to her tried to help, so they did not immediately call the doctors. When the ambulance arrived at the scene, the woman was already dead. For a long time, bee stings have not caused fatalities. Although doctors had to pull people out almost from the other world.

“Recently there was a case when a man was mowing grass and accidentally destroyed vespiary. There were 7 wasps there, which immediately attacked him. He immediately felt bad and as soon as he reached home, he managed to tell his family to call an ambulance and lost consciousness. He was extremely in serious condition, but the doctors who arrived on time managed to save him and stabilize his condition,” said Inga Vitola, a representative of the emergency medical service.

The danger of bee or wasp stings is primarily an allergic reaction to bee venom. A person may not even suspect its presence, because it can appear at any age. Let's say, if it was not there in childhood, this does not mean that it will not appear in an adult.

“In fact, it is very difficult to identify any predisposition to allergies to bee stings. A person may not have any allergies to anything at all, but he will have an allergic reaction to bees. Or, on the contrary, a person may be very allergic, but may not have a reaction to insects,” explained allergist Ieva Cirule.

Every day, doctors save three or four people who have been stung by wasps and bees. This number becomes even greater on hot days, when people are more active in nature. Doctors never tire of repeating that if you feel sick after a bite, you need to immediately call an ambulance.

“We must remember that if after a bee sting a person begins to swell, it is difficult for him to breathe, his heartbeat quickens and he begins to feel sick, he must call an ambulance. If the bite site is simply red, slightly swollen and painful, medical help is not needed. But if you have any doubts, you can call your family doctor. The family doctor should also call those people who have previously experienced allergic reactions. He will recommend medications that will prevent its occurrence,” Vitola said.

If a person is allergic to bee venom, this does not mean at all that he is doomed to be in panic fear of these for the rest of his days. striped insects. You can live with this quite calmly, even if there are bees hovering around. And you can be cured with patience, says the allergist.

“Previously, nothing much could be done about bee stings, but now there are excellent first aid products. This is adrenaline in the form of an auto-injector, which a person with allergies can administer to themselves immediately after a bee sting. In addition, today it is possible to accustom the body to bee venom and recover from allergies. True, this process is long,” said Cirule.

The activity of bees at this time of year is due to the fact that they have collected honey for the winter and are protecting their reserves. True, the beekeeper still takes away what the insects have acquired and replaces it with sugar syrup. And if a professional knows how to protect himself from the instinct of a bee, then an ordinary person who finds himself near an apiary during this period risks being bitten.

“Wasps mostly fly in August and September because the queen hibernates in the winter and the nest develops and grows during the summer. And at the end of summer their families are very large. And if you’ve seen, they not only look for sweets, but also eat meat,” said Armand Krause, head of the beekeepers’ association.

And if for a bee the sting turns out to be fatal - it loses its sting, then the wasp can sting as much as it pleases. Just like the hornet. A hornet that has bitten cannot be killed, as other hornets will immediately attack. This happens because the body of a killed insect releases Chemical substance, stimulating other nearby brethren to attack. If a person is bitten by several dozen wasps at once, then a general toxic reaction of the body occurs. Bites of more than 500 individuals are considered fatal.

LLC "SVD Embedded Systems"

The article discusses possible problems of a unified system software. Provided short review operating systems.

This article reflects solely the author's personal opinion on why attempts by a number of enterprises to achieve unification of system software often remain unsuccessful, and, on the other hand, to explain the author's persistent distancing from the propaganda of any particular operating system.

For clarity, consider an extreme form of unification, when managers seek to replace the variety of tools used in their organizations with a single operating system, for example, by making an administrative decision to use only certain system software in new projects. When faced with such conditions, product developers often different ways trying to go beyond restrictive lists. Why?

The reason lies in the fact that sometimes managers underestimate the complexity of the problems solved with the help of computer technology and the complexity of the operating systems that control this computer technology. The law of “no silver bullet” has long become a textbook law, which states that there is no final solution to any technical problem. This law means that there is no and never will be a universal operating system for all occasions.

Let's try to illustrate the situation. In order to transport large cargo, the company purchases a truck tractor. For example, KamAZ. In order to transport an executive from home to work and back, they buy a Volga. It probably won’t be very far-sighted to purchase a UAZ to participate in Formula 1 competitions. But going out of town in a UAZ, hunting or fishing, is just the thing. Why transport companies Do they not transport large cargo between Moscow and St. Petersburg on Lombargini? After all, these cars have a very powerful internal combustion engine...

The same thing happens in the world of information technology. In order to deploy a powerful corporate database with simultaneous support for several hundred connections, multiprocessor SRARC servers and Oracle DBMS are often used. In order to expand mail server, usually use a computer based on an Intel processor running Linux or FreeBSD. To create networks automated systems process control there is QNX. For automatic control VxWorks is great for equipment with a small number of parameters, and I am writing this article in Windows XP Home Edition.

All this is said to show that it is no coincidence that there are many different types of operating systems in nature. This is a consequence of the variety of technical problems being solved. Therefore, engineers, despite administrative pressure, continue to use to solve the technical problems facing them those tools that were created to solve precisely these technical problems. After all, in the end, the chief designer of the product under development will be responsible for solving the problem, and not a manager who believes that the Zhiguli is a universal vehicle both for sand quarries and for the Far North.

There is a category of customers who want to integrate together certain mechanisms of the operating systems used - for example, so that the user can use one name/password pair to register on any (allowed to him) computers of a heterogeneous enterprise information system. It would seem that such a unified system for identifying and authenticating users in local network enterprises are a good and necessary thing. Users will not need to remember several different names and passwords or learn how to register different operating systems. The administration and audit of information security subsystems, etc. is simplified. and so on. Now let's look at a fairly common scheme for organizing an enterprise computer network, shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1 Scheme of organization of an enterprise computer network

In this very conditional diagram, information from technological equipment processed by automated process control systems (for example, by specialized controllers running some hard real-time operating system). Perhaps they use RAM-resident DBMSs, specially designed to track changes in the parameters of large data streams in real time. Extracts from the received information are transferred to the DBMS, which uses the SQL language to work with data (i.e., forget about real time- this is true, by the way), deployed on a powerful multiprocessor server. Why only “squeezes” of information from the process control system are transferred to the corporate DBMS is understandable - if you transfer all the data, then the corporate servers will simply choke.

Please note that operating personnel have nothing to do with the installation and configuration of some DBMSs - there are DBMSs designed to operate in unattended conditions and usually installed by the installation team of the developer of the information system that is operated at the enterprise. Finally, end-user applications retrieve information relevant to them from the corporate database. Attention, question: why should users have access to any part of the described information system, except for their workstations on a PC running Windows XP? The second question is: why would the personnel operating the servers have access to anything other than those servers? In other words, the idea of ​​​​integrating information security tools in the considered system, although it sounds nice, is meaningless. Perhaps even harmful. Of course, we looked at a special case - in a number of systems a unified authentication system is vital (for example, when mobile smart devices are used to access the system).

There are also dead; Doctors warn how to protect yourself and loved ones

The period of wasp activity begins in the Moscow region. Striped insects circle around watermelon stands, climb into jam, drown in compotes and bite people. They bite in the streets and squares, in parks and on summer cottages. Doctors see up to 20 victims a day.

Recently, doctors recorded the first death - a 44-year-old man who developed anaphylactic shock died from a wasp attack. “MK” found out the details of this case, as well as how to protect yourself from wasps and what to do if bitten.

The deceased Sergei Achkasov was a car transporter driver - he transported new cars throughout Russia. The man is originally from Astrakhan, but has been working in the Moscow region for a long time. On Tuesday, he and his partner arrived at a car wash in the 5th microdistrict of Zelenograd.

These are ours regular customers, - said the car wash worker Armen. - The guys left the cabin. And then one of them ran up to us and asked us to urgently call an ambulance. He explained that Sergei was bitten by a wasp somewhere on the road while they were driving to us. There are generally a lot of wasps in Zelenograd, but we have a green area, many orchards.

While they were waiting for the doctors, Sergei became very ill - he fell and had difficulty breathing. He was loaded into a carriage, but on the way to the hospital the patient died of anaphylactic shock. Doctors said the man, who apparently had a predisposition to allergic reactions, sought treatment too late. medical care.

The man had to have a syringe pen with prednisolone, for example, the doctors explained. - Conventional anti-allergen tablets are unlikely to help in this case.

Entomologists have recorded that since the beginning of August, the number and activity of striped insects has increased sharply. According to Moscow doctors, within 7 last days At least 180 people sought help for a wasp sting. True, only a few whose health condition was alarming were hospitalized. Basically, the affected citizens were counseled.

As a rule, people accidentally drank wasps with compote, which is why they bit the throat. Wasps often attacked while preparing jams and pickles.

Keep in mind that wasps fly even on beer, do not leave any liquids in glasses,” explains entomologist Marina Krivosheina, an employee of the Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - They drown, but still remain half-dead. At the dacha, make sure there are no nests. If there are any, you must definitely get rid of them - burn them at night. Sometimes, due to the heat, wasps live in old mouse holes, so watch your step so as not to step on them. Can be built the simplest trap- V plastic bottle put some jam, add a little water and shake. They will fly in and stick to the walls.

The consequences of bee and wasp stings can be very serious, including death. Five (!) times die every year from allergic reactions to stinging insect bites more people than from the bites of poisonous snakes. Bees, wasps and hornets sting in self-defense. With their bite, a poison consisting of proteins and other components that are strong allergens enters the human body, so in most cases the skin responds to the introduction of these substances with redness, pain and swelling. Moreover, the reaction to the ingestion of the poisons of these insects into the body is very fast (20 minutes or less).

What should I do? Immediately after the bite, you must carefully, slowly, remove the sting if it remains in the wound. Then, for disinfection, apply a cotton swab moistened with calendula tincture, hydrogen peroxide or alcohol-containing liquid. To relieve swelling and prevent its development, apply ice to the bite site. You can also use a piece of raw potato or tomato cut in half, or put chopped parsley leaves on the affected area - this will help eliminate pain and swelling. To prevent allergic reaction It is best to take an antihistamine - any that is on hand (Suprastin, Zyrtec, Erius, Claritin, etc.). In any case, if you are going outdoors, you need to have on hand a gel or ointment with an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect (for example, fenistil-gel, homeopathic ointment cikaderma).

However, if an insect stings you in the mouth, face or head, after providing first aid to the victim, you should definitely call an ambulance, because such a bite can cause suffocation. Also to qualified assistance should be used if swelling or rash spreads to different parts of the body, swelling of the face, dizziness or headache, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath and chest pain.

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