There is a new bishop in Odessa. And the career paths are the same

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Saint Victor, confessor,
Bishop of Glazov, vicar of the Vyatka diocese
Commemoration May 2 (April 19) and July 1 (June 18)

Born on May 20, 1875 in the family of a psalm-reader at the Trinity Church in the village of Zolotoy, Saratov province. He graduated from the Theological School, Saratov Theological Seminary and Kazan Theological Academy.
On June 28, 1903, the young student was tonsured into monasticism, and three days later he was ordained a hieromonk. In January 1904, Hieromonk Victor was appointed rector of the Spaso-Preobra metochion convent Saratov. In 1905-1908 the future saint carried out obedience in the Holy Land. On October 15, 1909, he entered the brethren of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, and in 1910 he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite and transferred to the Trinity Zelenetsky Monastery. On September 17, 1918, Archimandrite Victor became rector of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, and at the end of December 1919 he was ordained Bishop of Urzhum, vicar of the Vyatka diocese. Bishop Victor, with his selfless service to God and the Church and the holiness of life, amazed the Vyatka flock, and she fell in love with the saint with all her heart, who became for her a caring father, a good shepherd and a courageous confessor of Orthodoxy.
In 1921, Bishop Victor was appointed Bishop of Glazov, vicar of the Vyatka diocese. In May 1922, a renovationist movement was formed, bringing schism and turmoil to the Orthodox Church. Vyatka Bishop Pavel (Borisovsky) was arrested and Bishop Victor took over the administration of the diocese. The Bishop immediately appealed to the flock of the Vyatka land to firmly adhere to the Orthodox faith and not to succumb to the provocations of the renovationists. In response to this, in August 1922, Bishop Victor was arrested and sent into exile. Only 4 years later, in 1926, the bishop was able to return to Vyatka, but was immediately arrested again on May 14. He was forbidden to live in Vyatka. Vladyka was forced to move to Glazov. In 1927, after the publication of the Declaration of Metropolitan Sergius, the bishop did not obey the decisions Holy Synod and Metropolitan Sergius, but did not leave his flock. The atheistic authorities did everything to expel Bishop Victor from the Vyatka land - on May 18, 1928, a Special Meeting at the OGPU Collegium sentenced him to three years of imprisonment in the Solovetsky special camp. At the end of his term, in 1932, he was arrested again and exiled to the village of Neritsa (now the Komi Republic), where, after all the trials and persecutions, on May 2, 1934, Bishop Victor reposed in the Lord. The relics of the saint were found on July 1, 1997 and now rest in the church of the Transfiguration Convent in the city of Vyatka. The canonization of the saint took place in Moscow at the Jubilee Bishops' Council in August 2000. A life was compiled, honest icons were painted. The celebrations of the glorification of the saint in Vyatka took place on October 22, 2000.

Troparion, tone 4

The champion of God's truth and the accuser of schisms, the confessor of Christ, Saint Victor, like a bright light, shining with virtues and enduring exile, you have preserved your flock in Orthodoxy and piety. The land of Vyatka rejoices today, in its sorrow you wished to return with your whole-bearing relics, celebrating your holy memory with love. Pray to God for us, who resort to your intercession with faith.

Kontakion, tone 8

To the victory of the same name, to the most glorious saint Victor, you overcame the weak rage of your persecutors. Having a mind enlightened by God, you exposed the false intricacies, keeping your sheep in the church fence. You have also been crowned with a precious crown from God. Don’t stop praying for our souls to be saved.

(b. 1892)

The active missionary pastor was struck by the lack of missionary activity in the Mission:

“...Despite this most important position of our Mission there, about it - about its tasks, goals and general life activities, it is absolutely impossible to say any definite, clear word, and this is after the fifty-year existence of the Mission... True, some of pilgrims-shepherds come to great delight, amazed by the external wealth - I mean our holy places with the buildings on them, which are owned by the Jerusalem Mission... But ask them what they will say, what greatness of the Mission they will preach about, what they will call for your listeners? - And they will immediately find themselves in the most difficult situation, because they cannot say anything bright and definite either about the present or past spiritual life of the Mission... The only occupation that the members of the Mission have always found for themselves is serving prayers, memorial services, performing minor church needs and collecting donations. This position of the Mission - as a demand-corrector - is more than sad. And this share disappears within six months due to the absence of pilgrims and could easily disappear completely...”

Not feeling a calling to spiritual and educational service, he submitted a petition for dismissal from the post of inspector of theological school for admission to the brethren of the Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra, which was granted on October 15 of the year.


“I allow myself to inform you of the main guiding principle of the new church construction: the elimination of not only obvious, but also hidden counter-revolutionary tendencies, peace and commonwealth with the Soviet government, the cessation of all opposition to it and the elimination of Patriarch Tikhon, as the responsible inspirer of the incessant intra-church opposition grumblings. The council responsible for this liquidation is expected to convene in mid-August. The delegates of the Council must come to the Council with a clear and distinct consciousness of this church-political task.”

In response to the actions of the renovationists, Bishop Victor composed a letter to the Vyatka flock, which was approved and signed by Bishop Paul, who had been released by that time, and sent to the churches of the diocese:

“My beloved friends, this word of the Lord and His apostles has now, to our great sorrow, been fulfilled in our Russian Orthodox Church. Having boldly rejected the fear of God, the seeming hierarchs and priests of the Church of Christ, having formed a group of persons, contrary to the blessing His Holiness Patriarch and our father Tikhon, are currently intensifying their self-proclaimed, arbitrary, thieving efforts to seize the management of the Russian Church into their own hands, brazenly declaring themselves some kind of temporary committee for managing the affairs of the Orthodox Church..."

“I beg you, beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, and especially you, shepherds and co-workers in the field of the Lord, not to follow this self-proclaimed schismatic council, which calls itself the “living church,” but in reality “a stinking corpse,” and not to have any or spiritual communion with all the graceless false bishops and false presbyters appointed by these impostors"

On August 25 of the year, Bishops Pavel (Borisovsky) and Victor and several priests with them were arrested and a few days later they were taken to Moscow.

During the interrogation on August 28, Bishop Victor, when asked by the investigator who wrote the message against the Renovationists, answered: “The appeal against the VCU and the Living Church group, discovered during the search, was compiled by me and sent out in five to six copies.”

On September 5, 1922, charges were brought in connection with underground monarchist groups, disseminating illegal appeals of Patriarch Tikhon, Metropolitan Agafangel and the Brotherhood of Zealots of Orthodoxy.

From the questionnaire in the investigative case:

"Family composition: brother Alexander - assistant to the head of the shipping company in Kamyshin, brother Nikolai - priest of the city of Dubovka, mother - Anna Ivanovna (70 years old, old woman), her sister Maria Ivanovna (42 years old, widow, sick) - live in Kamyshin" .

In July, Vladyka arrived on Popov Island and then to the Solovetsky Special Purpose Camp. The confessional path of the saint began in chains. The bishop was assigned to the 4th department of the camp, located on the main Solovetsky Island, and was assigned to work as an accountant of the rope factory.

Participated in secret worship services - "at the risk of being tortured and shot, Bishops Victor (Ostrovidov); Hilarion (Belsky); Nektary (Trezvinsky); Maxim (Zhizhilenko) not only often concelebrated in secret catacomb services in the forests of the island, but also performed secret consecrations of several bishops. This was done in the strictest conditions secret even from those closest to them, so that in the event of arrest and torture they would not be able to hand over truly secret bishops to the GPU.”

According to the recollections of D. Likhachev, who was in the camp with the bishop, “A kind of radiance of kindness and cheerfulness emanated from him. He tried to help everyone and, most importantly, could help, since everyone treated him well and believed his word.”

Professor Andreev, who was in the Solovetsky concentration camp with the bishop, recalls:

“Vladyka Victor was of small stature... always kind and friendly with everyone, with an unchanging bright joyful thin smile and radiant light eyes. “Every person needs to be consoled with something,” he said and knew how to console everyone. For everyone he met he had some kind of friendly word, and often even some kind of gift. When, after a six-month break, navigation opened and the first steamer arrived in Solovki, then Vladyka Victor usually received many clothing and food parcels from the mainland at once. All these parcels were delivered within a few minutes. Vladyka gave away days, leaving almost nothing for himself...

The conversations between Bishops Maxim and Victor, which we, the doctors of the sanitary unit, who lived in the same cell with Bishop Maxim, often witnessed, were of exceptional interest and provided deep spiritual edification... Bishop Maxim was a pessimist and was preparing for the difficult trials of recent times, not believing into the possibility of the revival of Russia. And Vladyka Victor was an optimist and believed in the possibility of a short but bright period, as the last gift from heaven for the exhausted Russian people."

He was settled in the house of the chairman of the village council, and helped his family with simple household work. The Bishop talked with the peasants about faith, and often retired to the taiga for deep prayer. Soon he caught a cold and contracted pneumonia. They could not send him to the hospital due to the flooded river.

Bishop Victor (Bykov Vladislav Olegovich), born April 20, 1983. in Tambov in a family of workers. Russian by nationality.

May 30, 1983 baptized in the Cathedral of the Intercession Holy Mother of God Tambov.

Completed the course in 2000 high school and courses at the “New Economic College” in the specialization “cook”, having received certification as a “chef of the 4th category”. TO military service was not called up due to health reasons. From 1998 to 2000 he worked in Spaso-Preobrazhensky cathedral Tambov as a singer of the bishop's choir and a prosphora player. Since December 2000 to 2001 - cook at the Khust Diocesan Administration.

On September 5, 2002, with the blessing of His Eminence Agafangel, Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail, he was enrolled in the brethren of the St. Panteleimon Monastery of Odessa.

On January 2, 2003, Metropolitan Agafangel tonsured him into the minor schema with the name Victor, in honor of the martyr Victor of Damascus (November 24, new style)

January 8, 2003, on the day of the celebration of the Council of the Blessed Virgin Mary for Divine Liturgy in the Holy Trinity (Greek) Church in Odessa, Metropolitan Agafangel ordained him to the rank of hierodeacon.

On November 30, 2003, during the Divine Liturgy in the Holy Dormition Cathedral of Odessa, Metropolitan Agafangel ordained him to the rank of hieromonk with the laying on of the gait.

By decree of Metropolitan Agathangel of February 25, 2004, he received the blessing to serve as the treasurer and dean of the St. Panteleimon Odessa Monastery.

March 15, 2004 on the day of the celebration of the icon Mother of God“Sovereign” during the Divine Liturgy in the St. Panteleimon Monastery in Odessa was awarded a pectoral cross by Metropolitan Agafangel.

In 2004 he graduated from Odessa Theological Seminary.

On Easter 2005, His Beatitude Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine, awarded him the rank of abbot with the laying on of a club.

From 2005 to 2008 - editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Panteleimonovsky Listok”.

In 2006 he graduated from the Faculty of History of the Kyiv National University. T.G. Shevchenko.

On February 10, 2006, at the recommendation of His Eminence Agafangel, Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail, His Beatitude Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine, was awarded the rank of archimandrite.

By the determination of Metropolitan Agafangel of Odessa and Izmail dated January 25, 2007, in accordance with the Resolution of the Holy Synod of the UOC (Journal No. 7 of January 24, 2007), he was appointed abbot of the Holy Intercession Baltic Theodosius Monastery.

By the determination of Metropolitan Agathangel of Odessa and Izmail dated July 26, 2007, he was appointed dean of the churches of the Baltic district.

By the determination of Metropolitan Agafangel of Odessa and Izmail, dated July 26, 2007, he was appointed acting. rector of the Cathedral of Balta.

By the determination of Metropolitan Agafangel of Odessa and Izmail dated May 12, 2008, in accordance with the Resolution of the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Journal of the meeting of the Holy Synod No. 44 of May 8, 2008), he was appointed abbot of the St. Elias Odessa Monastery.

By the definition of the Holy Synod of the UOC dated July 16, 2008. (Journal No. 53) was included in the Commission for the Canonization of Saints at the Holy Synod of the UOC.

On October 20, 2009, His Beatitude Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine, awarded the right to wear during divine services

second cross with decorations. By the decision of the Academic Council of the Odessa Theological Seminary, he was elected an Honorary Member of the UDS.

By the definition of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church (Journal No. 31 of March 22, 2011), he was included in the Working Group under the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' on the issues of transferring shrines.

By Decree of His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir of Kyiv and All Ukraine No. 532 dated April 20, 2011, he was appointed Head of the “Commission for the Bringing of Shrines” under the Commission of the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church for the Canonization of Saints with further inclusion in the Commission for the Bringing of Shrines of the Russian Orthodox Church ex-officio.

On the recommendation of His Eminence Agafangel, Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail, he was awarded:

Order of the Saint Prince Equal to the Apostles Vladimir 2nd degree;

Order of St. Vmch. St. George the Victorious;

Order of St. Theodosius of Chernigov;

Order of Cossack Glory, 1st degree;

Commemorative medal “1020th anniversary of the BAPTISM OF Rus'”

Blessed certificates:

His Beatitude Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine,

His Eminence Agathangel, Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail;

Cross on the ribbon “St. Paul" and the medal "St. Paul" from Metropolitan Panteleimon of Veria, Naoussa and Kambania.

April 12th, 2015

North-Russian Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

(Includes: St. Petersburg, Leningrad, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Murmansk, Novgorod, Pskov, Kaliningrad regions, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Republics of Karelia and Komi)
Manager of the North Russian Diocese:
Bishop Victor (Parbus), St. Petersburg and North Russian
Saint Petersburg
Tel. 8 911 962 71 14
E-mail: [email protected]


Parish in honor of the Holy Royal Martyrs and all New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia
Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk district, railway station. Peri.
Rector: Bishop Victor.
Tel. 8 911 962 71 14
Deacon Alexey Tarashkevich
Tel. 8 911 146 59 72

Community in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God “Sovereign”
He is cared for in the parish in honor of the Holy Royal Martyrs and all the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.
Reader Dmitry Oprischenko
Tel. 8 905 252 22 48
[email protected]

Church of St. Gennady, Archbishop of Novgorod
Novgorod region, village. Uglovka.
Rector: Hieromonk Gerasim (Shironosov)

Parish in honor of the Holy Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II
Rector: Hieromonk Nikolai (Mamaev)
Tel. 89211024493
Email: [email protected]

Svyato-Preobrazhenskaya house church (United Faith Community)
161446 Vologda region, Nikolsky district, p/o Borok, village. Demino.
Rector: Priest Sergius Matsnev
[email protected]

Parish in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
Arkhangelsk region, Verkhnetoimsky district, p/o Gorka, village. Bor.
Provided by priest Sergius Matsnev

St. Andronikov Skete
169437, Russia, Komi Republic, Troitsko-Pechora district,
p/o Ust-Unya, Ust-Berdysh village.
Rector: Bishop Victor
Hieromonk Zechariah (Konev)
+79541013407 (satellite phone, convenient to write SMS messages)

Prohibited in clergy:
Hieromonk Eugene (Pampura)

On September 16, the Kyiv synod elected a new bishop of the UOC:
“Report of His Grace Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail Agafangel about the recognition of the suffragan bishop of the Odessa diocese.
1.Bishop of Artsyz, vicar of the Odessa diocese and Archimandrite Viktor (Bikov), clergy of the Odessa diocese.”

Let us leave aside the fact that any nominee of Agafangel of Odessa by definition emanates a smell (no matter how much perfume they like to pour on themselves).

But I already wrote about this hero:

“Archimandrite Viktor (Bed) awarded the priest of the St. Illinian Odessa Monastery, Archimandrite Viktor (Bikov), with the medal of the Venerable Iov Ugolsky (Kundrya) of the 2nd degree.”

The monastery’s website reports that twice a week at 10 a.m. its inhabitants perform miracles and cast out unclean spirits.

ABOUT life path a new bishop from a cook of the 4th category to the bishopric here:

Well, the most interesting thing:
the rector of the St. Elias Monastery, Archimandrite Victor (Bykov), judging by one very recent Internet discussion, has a somewhat peculiar attitude towards Orthodox shrines.
No, I in no way want to accuse this young and active pastor, noted for a number of both existing and non-existent church awards, who at the age of 25 (sic!) headed the central Odessa monastery, on the territory of which the Diocesan Administration is located, of disrespect shrines. But, let’s face it, after looking at the section “The Sacristy of the Viceroy’s Father” on the monastery’s website, the sinful az came to some confusion:
“...Part of the Hair of Christ.
Part of the Blood of Christ...
Apostle (from 12) John the Theologian, Evangelist – (II century)
Martyr Tsar Nicholas - (1918)..."
...etc. (as a small remark, I will only remind you that, according to the Tradition of the Orthodox Church, the Apostle John the Theologian was taken to Heaven bodily, and the Church has not yet officially acquired the relics of Tsar Nicholas).

Bishop Victor's first word:

“With reverence I offer my grateful filial feelings to my Most Reverend Abba and Metropolitan Agathangel of Odessa and Ishmael, whom God’s Providence sent me on the path of life. Deprived of paternal care, I found a true and loving father in the person of Vladyka Metropolitan, who with his divinely enlightened paternal care opened for I have the joy of standing in prayer before the Throne of God, who taught me to love the splendor of the church and to rely in everything on the All-Good Providence of God and the prayerful intercession of the holy saints.

Thanks to the wise leadership of my archpastor, I embarked on the path of monastic achievement and from his holy right hand was awarded the grace of priesthood. In his person, an example of a true hierarch of the Church and a co-heir of apostolic grace is revealed, combining the gift of a sincere prayer book and the talent of an active administrator, and I hope that his instructions, filled with grace-filled saintly wisdom, will in the future strengthen me in the upcoming service to the people of God and protect me from mistakes and sins, and therefore “I again and again thank the All-Good and All-Perfect Providence of God, which has vouchsafed me to continue to participate in his great wisdom and his fatherly care in carrying out the obedience of the vicar of the Odessa diocese.”

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