Japanese style bath. Bathroom: Japanese aspect of oriental style

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Bath in Japanese style- this is the kingdom of harmony, calm colors, simplicity of shapes and lines. Depending on the size of the bathroom, as well as personal preferences, you can recreate how classic version Japanese bathtub-ofuro, and individual elements of Japanese style.

Classic Japanese bath - ofuro

If the room allows, you can equip a real traditional Japanese bathroom by installing ofuro. This is made from special wood- hinoki. It naturally has antibacterial properties, is not afraid and does not rot. As an alternative, cedar can be used, which has similar properties and a great aroma.

A Japanese-style bathroom should be zoned: a place for taking a shower, a place for ofuro, and a separate room for changing clothes. Can be used for separation sliding partitions shoji, which will create an environment very close to Japanese.

Ofuro has long been used for relaxation and for a good steam bath. You had to wash with soap in the shower, and then at least a few people could communicate while taking warming drinks.

Now designers offer stylized Japanese bathtubs made of acrylic or metal. Of course, it is very convenient, but nothing can replace the aroma of natural wood.

Japanese style bathroom styling

In creating a holistic composition, each component element plays its role and has great importance. Everything should be in harmony with each other. The Japanese style is characterized by the use calm tones which create a state of balance. It can be beige, sand, shades of white: milky, pearl. You can use red or green color, but in moderation.

To get the feeling of Japan, albeit stylized, you should take into account the properties characteristic of this particular style of decor. This is, first of all, minimalism, the lines and shapes are very simple, the color scheme is neutral. IN modern apartments with mainly with great desire and creative imagination It is quite possible to decorate the room very stylishly.

- perhaps the most practical option decoration of walls and floors of bathrooms. And for styling Japanese interior A wall made of wood, straw or bamboo will look impressive. Modern manufacturers ceramic tiles pamper customers with an abundance of products. Some companies offer their Japanese collections, which include various options colors, textures and sizes of tiles. For example, it can be given a rice paper effect. The big advantage is the set different colors, using which you can create an interior to your liking.

In addition to the tiles themselves, such details as panels, borders, and decors are offered. You don’t have to limit your imagination when decorating a Japanese-style bathtub. A wall of calm tones will be greatly decorated with a panel with a view of Fuji. And this bright detail is quite enough to set design accents.

A feeling of naturalness will be given by tiles that imitate silk or linen fabrics, as well as simple fabric with voluminous weaving. Plain walls will be decorated with paintings or posters with bamboo patterns and calligraphic hieroglyphs. But we should not forget about minimalism - the main rule of Japanese-style interiors.

We also need to think about the finishing. Just paint it moisture-resistant, or hang it, or make it - the choice is huge, the main thing is to create a harmonious interior.

The front door can decorate any room. Why not make it stylized as shoji?

The appearance of a Japanese-style bathroom greatly depends on the right choice. IN in this case soft diffused light coming from small and emphatically laconic design. Lamps in the shape of a rectangle or sphere using, for example, wooden or bamboo elements will also fit beautifully into the interior.

Japanese style bathroom details

It is known that details add completeness to the interior. And there are a lot of them in the bathroom: sink, faucet, shower, towel hooks, soap dishes... Sparkling products with brass or chrome coating are, of course, very beautiful, but the same objects made in bronze will look more stylish in this case.

It is preferable to choose closed type, so that things and toiletries are put away, because many of the little things that are so necessary in the bathroom and the Japanese style in design are incompatible. Even towels will become an element in the spirit of the East if they are chosen to match the overall color scheme or assign them the role of a bright spot.

A niche in the wall, which can be decorated with a stylized vase, figurine or ikebana, will turn into not only an interesting, but also a practical element of the interior of a Japanese-style bathtub. Natural stones arranged in a certain order can become decoration.

Japanese style encourages calm, tranquility and quiet reflection. And the bathroom will become the place where you can isolate yourself from the hustle and bustle of everyday life for a while and enjoy the harmony of color and style.

The bathroom is a holy sanctuary where you can cleanse not only your body, but also your soul. This is where we return every evening after a hard day. working day to absorb the fullness of the relaxing and rejuvenating effect.

This room can not only save you from the endless noise and bustle, but also give you a boost of energy for the whole day.

Today we offer you several ideas for interior design in Japanese style.

Exquisite Japanese-style bathroom with lots of greenery

The beauty and splendor of Japanese interior lies not only in its minimalism and simplicity, but also ergonomic design which is able to harmoniously combine natural motifs and modern amenities. Dive into 18 stunning bathroom designs and get inspiration for your home or apartment. Japanese style inspiration.

Asian bathroom style in elegant cream shades

If you have enough space, a bathroom can fit comfortably into the overall design of your home. An excellent choice would be to use natural wood in the design. Also pay attention to the use of a ladder as a stylish and fashionable accessory for storing towels.

Beautiful SPA Asian bathroom with elegant design

If the main purpose of this room in your home is a place for relaxation and beauty treatments, then why not decorate it in the style of a SPA salon. A glass shower cabin, wooden benches and a huge number of terry towels will help you with this.

Japanese-style room with an oval pebbled bathtub and black granite

Most people, when introducing Japanese design, try to copy the same pattern. This is not correct; to achieve results, it is enough to adhere to a few general trends.

For example, black granite background, ceramic bath oval shape and beach pebbles as decor will make the room look no less Asian.

Simple bathroom with wooden furniture and stone as decoration

Ultra-minimalism in the Japanese style, a truly amazing thing. Just take a look, it looks just great! You just need to add a little catchy accent, a rough, unpolished stone is what you need! Complete with wooden furniture of a simple design, it will look very attractive.

Compact bathroom with ceramic sink

If you are trying to achieve a calming and peaceful effect, then a bowl-shaped sink in cream shades and glass shower doors will help create the right atmosphere. No need to try to dilute the design bright decor, give preference to calm tones when it comes to the bathroom.

Ergonomic bathroom design with white furniture

As you know, the main rule of Japanese design is strict minimalism, and the main rule of minimalism is simple colors, including black and white. For modern house, a similar project using snow-white furniture on an eclectic gray background would be very suitable. It looks very strict, elegant, but with shades of chic.

A bathroom with an abundance of wooden decor strictly oriented according to Feng Shui

If you liked the idea of ​​designing a room in an Asian style, then why not turn to the rules of Feng Shui? According to this ancient knowledge, the house should have as many natural ingredients, for example, decor made of wood, stones or shells.

Create an unusual contrast in your interior using forest gifts and glass panels.

Gorgeous zen style in the bathroom, like a small greenhouse

One of the most popular areas of Japanese culture is “Bonzai” - this is the cultivation dwarf trees at home. Take this idea to heart and equip a small greenhouse in your bathroom, especially since the humidity and microclimate allow it.

Japanese bath with bamboo bathtubs and mirrored doors

Remembering various films where ninjas appear, there are often chase scenes through bamboo thickets, and not by chance! After all, this material is one of the most striking representatives of Asian culture.

It can be safely included in the interior in the form of phyto-barrels or floor coverings. And the perfect completion of the image will be mirror doors shower or steam room.

White minimalism – for a stylish and modern bathroom

At first glance, the project does not differ in a minimalist style, however harmonious combination glass and ceramics with delicate neutral shades convinces us otherwise.

Contemporary Japanese-style bathroom with frosted glass accents

Opaque doors and panels have become increasingly popular in room decoration. Probably because they create an atmosphere of some privacy and mystery. Combined with soft tones wood panels, the result is a uniquely beautiful result.

Relaxing and calming design with nautical motifs

You can feel all the coolness of the raging sea with the help of sparkling blue and turquoise shades. Pair with dark wood cabinets and soft cream colored walls for an original bath design. An ideal option for those who are not afraid to show themselves.

A simple and modest bathroom design with Japanese overtones

Don't want to create such drastic changes? Add just a few themed decorative elements to your bathroom. This could be an unusual shower curtain or a changing screen. In any case, even a small accessory can create the right atmosphere.

Stunning neutral design with geisha-era influences

Even with limited space you can create amazing Japanese design. After all, one of the most outstanding features of this culture is compactness and minimalism. In such a small area everything fits: luxurious mahogany cabinets, fancy bonsai, and even accessories in the style of emperors and geishas. True oriental luxury from Signature Design & Cabintery LLC.

Traditional Japanese bath I am a room with a beautiful pebble floor

Another of the most popular cultural destinations of the island state are the whimsical rock gardens. In general, the Japanese pay a lot of attention to this material; it is believed that the souls of ancestors and Magic force. Therefore, a river pebble floor is a stunning idea for an Asian-inspired bathtub.

Bathroom design in soft beige shades

Gentle, calm and natural shades– what you need for a peaceful environment. No contrast, bright colors or flashy accessories - everything is very harmonious and soothing. And the unusual shower doors add light oriental motifs to the design.

Lively and exciting interior with eye-catching decor and plenty of contrast

In complete contrast to the previous design, here we see a modern Tokyo style bathroom. Bright lighting, rich violet color and fresh green splashes create amazing contrast against a dark background. This bright interior will give you an unforgettable feeling of true visual pleasure!

Japanese style in the interior is gaining momentum, and its popularity in the world is growing day by day. Let’s not stand aside and talk about Asian style, or rather, consider the design of a Japanese-style bathroom.

IN modern world popular not only oriental design, but also Japanese philosophy and attitude to life in general. As we know, Japanese style is perhaps the only direction in interior design where there is no place for a random element or detail at all. Everything here appears for a reason and has its own function.

Japanese style bathroom interior design photo: Mike Movaffaghi

And the Japanese style in the interior of the bathroom is completely special. Since the very idea of ​​design implies rest, relaxation, meditation and comfort, and this is exactly what each of us wants to see in the bathroom, Asian philosophy will come in handy.

What are the main options for decorating a bathroom in 2017 - let's take a look!

Bathroom finishing

Decorating a Japanese-style bathroom involves the use of natural materials such as wood, ceramics, glass and stone. Modern technologies allow you to use other design options, again stylized to match natural textures.

Photo of the bathroom in brown tones:blogger

For finishing the walls, as well as for finishing the floor, tiles, plain or decorated with wood or stone textures, are suitable. For wallpaper, partitions and screens, you can use bamboo, rice paper or wicker rods.

In any case, the entire interior of a Japanese-style bathroom is literally permeated with the theme of nature, which is the most important thing when choosing finishing materials.

Japanese style tiles

Many, dreaming of a real oriental-style bathroom design, wonder what the tiles should be like? Moreover, she plays important role in interior design in general. We have already written that the Japanese style implies a philosophy of peace, comfort, tranquility and a charge of positive energy.

Photo modern interior Japanese style bathroom: Haus Design Ideen

Therefore, when deciding what tiles for the bathroom should be, give preference to natural colors and textures.

Photo of a bathroom in Asian style: Deavita

Read also:

Design options that correspond to the style of the four elements remain very popular: fire, water, earth and air. A modern Asian-style bathroom features stone or wood tiles.


Furniture in a Japanese-style bathroom interior should be as comfortable and laconic as possible. Made from natural (or made to look like natural) materials, it must be, first of all, functional. By the way, popularity in 2017 oriental style around the world has led to the fact that many pieces of furniture are made in exactly this style.

Do not clutter the bathroom interior with an abundance of cabinets, shelves and bedside tables. There should be a minimum of them, since in the Japanese style it is not customary to keep bath accessories open. In this regard, the style is quite conservative.

Photos of interior design in Asian style: Decoist

Is it true, modern design brought some adjustments: it is possible to use some decor.

Round, oval or irregular shape wash basin. So, if you have long dreamed of using these, best moment can't imagine.

Bathroom mirror

The Japanese style bathroom mirror plays a very important role. It can be either a rectangular or round mirror in a frame. For those who appreciate functionality, a mirror with a cabinet is suitable.

Photos of Japanese style interior design: Kedem Shinar Design & Architecture

The only important thing is to ensure good lighting mirrors


Japanese-style bathroom fixtures should be as laconic as possible. By the way, here it can be not only white, but also shades of wood, stone or even graphite.

One of the most important elements, the bath, is usually barrel-shaped, since the Japanese usually take it while sitting or reclining.

Photo of a modern interior in Asian style: stroyexpert

Many fans of this interior style know what an “ofuro” bathtub is, and certainly everyone knows about characteristic features Japanese housing - minimalism, natural colors and a penchant for eco-decor. However, when creating a Japanese-style bathroom interior, it is advisable to take into account some nuances so as not to turn this space into overly “theatrical” and uncomfortable for you personally.

At the same time, it is useful to remember: not all features of the Japanese style are appropriate for the bathroom; some may be superfluous there.

To whom Japanese will do bathroom style? For eco lovers, fans of natural tones and materials, kinesthetic and auditory people (people for whom tactile sensations and muffled sounds are more important than visual impressions), as well as everyone who experiences severe overload in the constant stress of the metropolis.

Here's what to expect in this detailed guide:

  • we will talk not only about the classical Japanese bath, but also about the models that are used today by Western decorators, who are perfectly aware of the features of the Japanese style;
  • Let us draw your attention to 4 characteristic elements of decor and furnishings, and also tell you how to use them correctly, including for a small Japanese-style bathroom;
  • Let's also mention other rules of the Japanese-style bathroom, which are not recommended to be violated if you want to get the best result.


Japanese ofuro bath and its modern variations:

A classic Japanese bath is a deep font made from local Hinoki cypress, the wood of which has bactericidal properties and a subtle characteristic aroma. Today, many manufacturers make ofuro from other types of wood, the most popular being from cedar. Ablution in ofuro, according to Japanese traditions, is a complex ritual, the result of which is a strong healing effect and, as they say, extraordinary tone.

Sometimes the ofuro was placed in the garden, which made it possible to enjoy the beautiful nature during the procedures. Here are several examples of real ofuro, including those produced today in Japan.

About to purchase wooden bath in the spirit of Japanese style, do not forget about several important points:

  • it is much more expensive than most bathtubs made from other materials (of course, if we're talking about on strict adherence to technology);
  • really spectacular look it acquires only in an absolutely minimalist space, free from the variety of plumbing fixtures and household little things that inevitably surround us in the bathroom “for every day”;
  • The optimal design of the walls of the room where it is planned to place the ofuro is natural wood on at least 50% of the surface.

Conclusion: authentic ofuro is best suited for installation in separate room country house, designed specifically for her.

other suitable models for a Japanese-style bathroom interior:

If the Japanese style for the bathroom has captured your imagination, but you do not plan to allocate a special room for installing a wooden bathtub, pay attention to compromise solutions. For example, acrylic bathtub in a wooden frame or laconic forms in the spirit of a modern take on Japanese style.

bathtub-pond (at floor level):

If you like Japanese style, but in addition you prefer modern solutions and have spacious housing with an individual layout - bathtubs built into the floor will add a touch of exoticism. They are quite consistent with Japanese aesthetics, given the national love for naturalness. Such a bathtub can be placed on a podium or flush with the floor, if this is possible from the point of view of the architecture of the house.

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characteristic details of a Japanese-style bathroom interior:

Everything we talked about above is best suited for the interior of a private home or a spacious penthouse. And if you live in standard apartment, - it’s better not to be puzzled by expensive plumbing fixtures. It is enough just to introduce original features of the Japanese style - without compromising your budget or your own comfort.

We will look at the most interesting techniques that will help you get the desired effect. Including, you will find out how to create Japanese style in a small bathroom.

1. tree
It's hard to imagine a Japanese bathroom without this wonderful material. But you can add it in different ways: from large-scale surfaces to very small elements.

A wooden flooring or podium, a tabletop or shelving unit, a cube cabinet or a small bench, a screen or mirror frame, shelves or towel holders - all this equally well conveys the spirit of a Japanese bathroom. But when choosing specific elements, keep in mind that wood is a material with strong energy, so in small rooms there should not be too much of it to avoid the effect of “space compression.”

Modern decorators sometimes use bamboo as an alternative to traditional wood, including imitation green shoots. In general, this fits well with the eco-oriented Japanese style, but still borders on the exotic.

2. stones
Considering that the water in a real ofuro maintained a high temperature precisely thanks to the stones, this another element of eco-style will be very appropriate. Depending on the design idea and the size of the bathroom, you can create islands of “stone scattering” around the bathtub, or a thin edging of the floor around the perimeter of the walls, or inclusions of such decor on the walls between the tiles.
3. analogue of shoji
Today, shoji panels have become a real “flag” of Japanese style. However, when choosing this element of bathroom decor, do not forget about the features of such partitions.

Firstly, there really must be something behind them (shoji are created to separate rooms or separate a house from a garden). Secondly, if you decide to install such partitions instead of a door, evaluate their sound insulation. The best option to use such Japanese partitions - a personal bathroom or a master bathroom in the bedroom.

If the bathroom has a window, installing shoji on them will be the ideal solution.

4. suitable shells
Rectangular and square shapes Best suited for a Japanese style bathroom. Rounded - only when they are made of stone. Glass sinks and washbasins with legs are the most inappropriate solution. It is preferable that the sink be surrounded by a countertop or shelves made of wood, but in no case plastic, glass or chromed metal.


color combinations for a Japanese-style bathroom:

As you may have noticed from most of the photos in this guide, the most common pro move is to pair neutral warm tones with milky whites and (sometimes) greens. Here's a bright red one, pink tint sakura or plum (quite suitable, for example, for a living room or bedroom in a Japanese style) are completely inappropriate here, since they introduce “anxiety” into an atmosphere of complete relaxation.

Occasionally, decorators use other tones, including them either to enhance drama (contrast) - black is added to brown, or - for exceptional minimalism - a combination of white with gray and beige. These solutions are not for everyone, however, we show them. Here's what it looks like.

What else is advisable to consider when creating a Japanese-style bathroom:
  • lighting should be diffused and/or hidden, spotlights It is advisable to avoid sconces with directional light;
  • if you want the bathroom to be more comfortable, feel free to add houseplants with voluminous greens;
  • if you want to make the atmosphere more intimate, make niches in which you can place white candles;
  • choose matte, plain tiles, preferably with imitation of natural textures;
  • don’t get carried away with tiles with hieroglyphs and decor “a la Japanese painting” if you don’t want your bathroom to look like a cheap theater production;
  • absolute taboos - glitter, plastic, complex designs and shapes of elements, multi-color palette, “neon” shades, any pathos in bath accessories and mirror design;
  • Don't try to use all or most of the elements we've talked about, but choose only those that will be enough to create the simple natural charm of a Japanese-style bathroom and reflect your ideas of natural beauty.

Updating your home, be it a little touch up or major renovation, can be an exciting experience that makes your stay more enjoyable. Not only is it an opportunity to step back from everything else and think about what you want, but it's also a chance to learn something new.

One of the most unique routes to creating a refreshed space in your home is by incorporating culture. Here we will consider interesting idea merging a very calm Zen culture through the Japanese art of bathing.

The bathroom is a place in the house that is used daily. And the Japanese reconsidered the purpose of this space. They maximized the efficiency of this room, creating a reign of peace and tranquility in it.

Here are some factors that indicate important steps to transform your interior into a Japanese-style oasis of peace:

Style that makes you happy

Much like a Japanese garden, a Japanese style bathroom should be built with nature in mind. Using vegetation such as bamboo or mossy potted plants, is a key element, creating a sense of existence natural world within the walls of the house. The placement of these plants is just as important. Arranging bamboo and moss in pots in a row will add a sensual feel to the space.

Lighting is another one important element in a Japanese style bathroom. In order to create a space where your mind is free to rest, harsh lights and bold fixtures should be avoided. Interior simple lines and minimal accents are important in providing a calm and clear environment.

Japanese style bathroom color schemes should also be kept neutral or natural basis, depending on your preferences. Clean lines are combined with light tones of natural shades that will create a Zen atmosphere where you can experience peace and tranquility.

Bright colors are too noticeable in this type environment and they can rob your mind and body of finding true peace. Remember to incorporate bamboo into your style wherever possible, but with a clear purpose.

Whether it's bamboo floors, trim or plants, this is an opportunity to truly invest in Japanese style. Bamboo not only creates a visual effect, but also makes the room moisture-resistant, which is especially important for the bathroom. It is also one of the most renewable resources, which further proves that your design works side by side with nature.

Bath time and quiet time

It is common to think that the bathroom is for short visits. However, the Japanese have a different opinion on this matter. In Japanese culture, the bathroom is a space for relaxation and rejuvenation as well as cleanliness. Therefore, this room was built for enjoyment, and not just for efficiency.

One of the most popular trends when creating a Japanese bathroom is the inclusion of small bathtubs. They are placed in rooms with the sole purpose of relaxing a tired body and giving time to collect thoughts and get inspired. Their size indicates that they are not for bathing or hygiene, but for peaceful reflection and tranquility.

Oils and salts for such a deep bath should be easily accessible, just like in an authentic Japanese bathroom. These gentle products are used to enhance relaxation and can also be incorporated into simplistic and linear decorations when lined up against the bathtub or even on the countertop.

In a Japanese-style bathroom, it should be possible to play relaxing music. It is necessary to hide the technology for playing melodies within the scenery in such a way as not to distract attention from general style. Listening to the sounds of nature while taking an absorbent bath will enhance the rejuvenation process.

Let's look at the basics of hygiene

The Japanese style bathroom has a clear focus on relaxation and hygiene. It is important to understand: while these two concepts are combined in classic bathrooms, the Japanese consider it necessary to separate them.

In an authentic Japanese bathroom, the place where you relax will always be separated by a partition from the place where you wash and maintain hygiene.

Since bathtubs are only meant to be soaked in, they are not primarily used as a place for bathing or for keeping clean. And therefore they will not be large, as in many home modern bathrooms.

In addition, the toilet will always be located separately from the bath. Often the toilet will have to be located in a separate room altogether. If this is not possible, then it is still necessary to at least separate it with a small partition. A paper divider or hanging curtain will act as a barrier between the desire to relax and the need for hygiene.

In Japanese style, hygiene is of paramount importance, so sometimes instead standard toilet a bidet is used. These functional elements are available in a variety of colors and sizes to suit all types of bathrooms.

Subtle, meaningful details

The beauty of a Japanese-style bathroom comes in the form of inclusion. fine details. Japan is an island, and as a result, Japanese culture is imbued with the power of water. Many Japanese bathrooms include some form of waterfall or splash effect.

For example, a small stone fountain on work surface Bathtubs not only create a pleasing visual effect, but also bring natural sound into your relaxing environment.

Japanese aesthetics also tend to focus on stones. Whether they are built into the walls or the floor, they will still be raw symbols of nature. Stones are used to make stunning bathtub surrounds. They can also be added to sinks to minimize the effect of synthetic surfaces.

Maintain your streamlined bathroom design in authentic Japanese style. Avoid flashy or colorful items, such as brightly colored hand towels or cartoonish toothbrush holders. Instead, go for neutral tones and clean lines to create a feeling of calm and serenity.

Also, feel free to include certain culturally specific foods. If you are able to purchase Japanese soap self made, this can only add authenticity to your creation.

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