Japanese style bathroom. Japanese style bathroom design characteristic details of a Japanese style bathroom interior

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The ethnic style in interior design is very popular today. The most popular style is Japanese. How to properly decorate a bathroom Japanese style– read the article. Choosing as style direction To decorate a bathroom in any ethnic style, including Japanese, you need to act with extreme caution. There is a great danger of slipping into kitsch or the style of a cheap cafe in the “Japanese style”, sticking with images of dragons, hieroglyphs and bamboo.

Japanese style - what do we mean by it?

Any national architecture is closely related to the characteristics of the climate, assortment building materials(meaning, of course, natural ones, because the range modern materials has no nationality) and people’s concepts of beauty. What does Japanese style mean to us?

  • Simplicity of architecture. Japanese style is characterized by simplicity. Perhaps minimalism is the main distinguishing feature national Japanese architectural structures and interiors. The rooms in a Japanese house are small and, to a European eye, completely empty.

In the interior of a Japanese-style bathroom, everything should be functional

  • Sliding structures. The layout of a Japanese home is simple and logically follows from the architecture of the building. Frame walls Japanese houses are not supporting. A external walls And internal partitions made of removable and sliding structures: solid, wooden or in the form of a frame covered with rice paper.
  • Linearity of architectural and interior elements. Clear graphics are inherent in the traditional look of Japanese housing. One of the reasons for the love of straight lines lies in carpentry technology: Japanese masters For a very long time saws were not used in wood processing and to obtain boards the tree trunk was split using wedges.
  • Natural materials. Traditional Japanese buildings use natural materials. Japanese homes used stones, rice straw, bamboo, clay, rice paper and, of course, wood. The most common types of wood are cypress and cedar. Wooden surfaces The structures and furniture of Japanese houses were not covered with varnish or paint. The beauty of wood texture and noble brown shade were revealed by time and the touch of human hands. The preference for the natural appearance of materials also applies to metal. The patina on its surface did not bother anyone.

Choose natural materials for the interior

  • Lack of accessories. There is no place for numerous trinkets in the Japanese interior. The only decoration was a scroll with a saying, ikebana or an object of art, placed in a special niche - tokonoma.
  • Color in Japanese interior. Natural shades of materials determine the color scheme Japanese interior. Brown, beige gray colors, inherent in natural wood, rice paper, straw.

How to Apply Japanese Interior Traditions to Bathroom Design

The listed features of a traditional Japanese interior are quite applicable to creating a Japanese-style interior familiar to a European. Let's look at this using the example of a bathroom.

  • Minimalism style. For a Japanese-style bathroom interior, the concept of minimalism is perfect - nothing superfluous. This includes restraint in the use of accessories. Choose only the necessary items, laconic in shape - rectangular or square.

Choose bright hues and smooth surfaces

  • Bathroom cabinet. To imitate sliding structures in the bathroom interior, cabinets with sliding doors are perfect.

Advice. If the room is spacious, then you can use a large wardrobe.

  • Color spectrum. Use a natural range of shades in your bathroom interior: white, gray, beige tones. And if you want an active color, you can add grassy green, deep blue (Prussian blue, midnight blue, sapphire) and pink - pink cherry color, pink-lilac - to natural colors.
  • Materials. Of course, to decorate a Japanese-style bathroom it is not necessary to use only natural materials. Choose materials that imitate traditional Japanese materials.

You can use an image of a sakura branch as decoration.

Any national style is based on the cultural traditions of the people and the national worldview. And you shouldn’t thoughtlessly apply bright decorative elements that lie on the surface, without thinking about what meaning is put into them by the people, whose national style is used as an interior design concept. Otherwise, the possibility of creating an example of bad taste instead stylish interior guaranteed.

Japanese bathroom design: video

Japanese-style bathroom: photo

The attitude of the residents of the Land of the Rising Sun towards the adoption of water procedures is radically different from the Western vision. The Japanese not only take a bath or shower to cleanse the body of dirt, but also to cleanse the soul and mind from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Japan is located on islands, and the culture of the people living there includes a philosophical attitude towards all aspects of life. Interiors decorated in Japanese style are distinguished by asceticism and restraint, calm, sophistication and bright accents on individual details.

Japanese style bathroom - how to decorate?

Bathroom decoration in style Japanese traditions has its own differences - they are characterized by conciseness in lines and shapes, harmony in lighting and color scheme, rationality of arrangement of plumbing fixtures, furniture and other details that are used in interior design.

This design involves zoning the room for which it is used. sliding partitions shoji that will divide the bathroom into separate spaces. This style traditionally uses natural materials and individual methods of combining them to create a feeling of continuity with nature.

Elements made of wood, stone, paper, bamboo or straw will look organic in the interior of a Japanese-style bathroom; a marine theme will also be appropriate here.

The color component of the room should not include dark and very bright shades. The best option to highlight minimalism in design is a combination of warm - gray, beige or milky shades.

If you want to add contrast to the interior, then it would be best to combine black and brown colors. Bright inserts corresponding to the Japanese theme are acceptable, but there is no need to overdo it, everything should be in moderation.

To decorate a bathroom in this style you can use various materials, but one of the most suitable for a pronounced style is. It can be glossy or matte, embossed or smooth, look like bamboo, be decorated like wood or straw, but it should always be in neutral tones. When choosing tiles, you can get creative and purchase decorative borders, panels and many other stylized items.

Floors in a Japanese-style bathroom are best made of wood or tiled with ceramic tiles. It is better to lay ordinary bamboo mats or rugs imitating them on the floor.

To reproduce the realism of a Japanese bathroom, you cannot ignore the most necessary item for this style - the ofuro bathtub. Japan is a country with a dank, damp climate and, to escape the cold, samurai, and even ordinary Japanese, kept warm hot water, which was poured into a large wooden barrel.

Of course, for such an item you need large room, but if there is not a lot of space, then you can make an imitation of it. Real bath Ofuro is made only from hinoki wood, which has antibacterial properties, does not rot, does not mold, and is not afraid of insects.

A substitute for hinoki can be cedar, which, in addition to the same properties as hinoki, also has an inimitable aroma. If it is not possible to install an ofuro, you can adapt a bathtub from any material for this purpose, deepening it into the floor or installing it on a low podium and making a small step.

In order for such a bath to bring only pleasure, you need to ensure that the floor is installed drainage system, which can be decorated with multi-colored sea pebbles. Such a bathtub can serve as a separate element of art and does not require additional decor, or it can be finished with moisture-resistant wood panels or tiles.

For Japanese bath colors of white, beige, gray shades are suitable, and if contrast is needed, then you can use black, dark green and swallowtail.

To suit the style, you need to purchase products made from natural materials, with discreet facades and always closed. Since the Japanese style is a minimalist style, various bottles, jars and other little things that spoil the restraint inherent in this style would not be appropriate here.

The light in such a bathroom should not be bright, it should be soft and subdued. Traditionally a good decision will become Japanese lanterns, taken in lampshades made of rice paper. Very good for Japanese version Candles, both real and lamps made in the form of candles, are suitable for lighting.

Another important aspect related to this style is the incompatibility of a bathtub and toilet in the same room. Therefore, these two plumbing items should be located in different areas of the bathroom. All accessories that perform all the necessary functions in the bathroom (sink, heated towel rail, etc.) are also very carefully selected.

You can complement the interior of a Japanese bathroom with various necessary items. It could be an engraving with a Japanese theme on the wall, a vase with bamboo, an ikebana or a jade figurine, but the most important thing is that there should be minimal amount and each, even the most used accessory (for example, a bath towel) should be in complete harmony with the given style background.

All components of the interior should be located symmetrically, and the usual geometric shapes of a rectangle, less often an oval, are also a priority.

Japanese style in the interior is gaining momentum, and its popularity in the world is growing day by day. Let’s not stand aside and talk about Asian style, or rather, consider the design of a Japanese-style bathroom.

IN modern world popular not only oriental design, but also Japanese philosophy and attitude to life in general. As we know, Japanese style is perhaps the only direction in interior design where there is no place for a random element or detail at all. Everything here appears for a reason and has its own function.

Japanese style bathroom interior design photo: Mike Movaffaghi

And the Japanese style in the interior of the bathroom is completely special. Since the very idea of ​​design implies rest, relaxation, meditation and comfort, and this is exactly what each of us wants to see in the bathroom, Asian philosophy will come in handy.

What are the main options for decorating a bathroom in 2017 - let's take a look!

Bathroom finishing

Decorating a Japanese-style bathroom involves using natural materials such as wood, ceramics, glass and stone. Modern technologies allow you to use other design options, again stylized to match natural textures.

Photo of the bathroom in brown tones:blogger

For finishing the walls, as well as for finishing the floor, tiles, plain or decorated with wood or stone textures, are suitable. For wallpaper, partitions and screens, you can use bamboo, rice paper or wicker rods.

In any case, the entire interior of a Japanese-style bathroom is literally permeated with the theme of nature, which is the most important thing when choosing finishing materials.

Japanese style tiles

Many people dream of a real bathroom design in oriental style, wondering what the tile should be like? Moreover, she plays important role in interior design as a whole. We have already written that the Japanese style implies a philosophy of peace, comfort, tranquility and a charge of positive energy.

Photo modern interior Japanese style bathroom: Haus Design Ideen

Therefore, when deciding what tiles for the bathroom should be, give preference to natural colors and textures.

Photo of a bathroom in Asian style: Deavita

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Design options that correspond to the style of the four elements remain very popular: fire, water, earth and air. A modern Asian-style bathroom features stone or wood tiles.


Furniture in a Japanese-style bathroom interior should be as comfortable and laconic as possible. Made from natural (or made to look like natural) materials, it must be, first of all, functional. By the way, the popularity of oriental style around the world in 2017 has led to the fact that many pieces of furniture are made in exactly this style.

Do not clutter the bathroom interior with an abundance of cabinets, shelves and bedside tables. There should be a minimum of them, since in the Japanese style it is not customary to keep bath accessories open. In this regard, the style is quite conservative.

Photos of interior design in Asian style: Decoist

Is it true, modern design brought some adjustments: it is possible to use some decor.

Round, oval or irregular shape wash basin. So, if you have long dreamed of using these, best moment can't imagine.

Bathroom mirror

The Japanese style bathroom mirror plays a very important role. It can be either a rectangular or round mirror in a frame. For those who appreciate functionality, a mirror with a cabinet is suitable.

Photos of Japanese style interior design: Kedem Shinar Design & Architecture

The only important thing is to ensure good lighting mirrors


Japanese-style bathroom fixtures should be as laconic as possible. By the way, here it can be not only white, but also shades of wood, stone or even graphite.

One of essential elements, a bath, is usually barrel-shaped, since the Japanese usually take it while sitting or reclining.

Photo of a modern interior in Asian style: stroyexpert

Wears recognizable character. Elegant accessories, calm and sophistication, laconic and simple lines allow you to create an atmosphere aimed at restoring vital energy and emotional balance. Harmonious interior in oriental style not only in the photo, but also in real life looks natural due to the use of interesting color schemes, rational placement of plumbing fixtures and ergonomic space planning. This approach to arranging a bathroom allows you to combine cleansing during bath procedures. physical body and consciousness from the everyday bustle.

Japanese character in detail

You can create a unique Japanese flavor in the bathroom using the features characteristic of the style:

  • The use of simple lines and shapes is preferred. This principle concerns choice finishing materials for surfaces, sanitary ware and furniture for bathroom furnishings.
  • Natural light and naturally occurring color solutions help create a harmonious and cozy atmosphere.
  • Rationality – main principle Japanese style bathroom design. This applies to space zoning, selection and installation of plumbing fixtures, as well as the nuances of design and use of accessories.
  • An inextricable connection with nature. Achieving this effect is facilitated by the use of natural materials for finishing and decorating the space.

Ofuro bath: traditional font for hygiene procedures

The functions of a familiar bath in Japanese culture are performed by a cypress barrel or a rectangular font, which is called ofuro. This option has only one drawback - high cost. If the budget for renovation and arrangement of a bathroom is limited, such a bathtub can be replaced by a widely used acrylic model.

Japanese style involves the use of natural materials in decorating the bathroom. Wood and stone get along well in compact space bathroom, performing not only decorative functions: the heated stone allows you to keep the water in the bath warm for a long period of time.

Features of space zoning

Japanese style in the interior of a bathroom involves ergonomic space planning. To rationally divide a room into zones, thin shoji partitions are used.

Attention! Japanese culture does not provide for combining the bathroom and toilet space into a single whole. If we separate these functional areas impossible, they resort to camouflage using partitions or creating special structures.

When decorating a bathroom space, special attention is paid to the choice of furniture. The best option– compact but roomy set closed type. The system of built-in and hanging cabinets is no less successfully used.

Choice of colors

Japanese style in the interior involves the use of light and warm shades. It is better to avoid aggressive color nuances, flashy accents and excess glossy surfaces. Allowed to use black and brown colors combined with pastel shades that soften the contrast.

Attention! Creating a Japanese-style bathroom design requires taking precautions. This principle applies to the choice of finishing materials, color combinations and plumbers. The design should be harmonious and laconic, emphasizing its stylistic affiliation.

Deep philosophy and measured contemplation, the ability to find special meaning in every aspect of daily life - these are the main tenets of Japanese culture. Their transfer into the arrangement of living space is expressed through the predominance of restraint and asceticism, sophistication and highlighting bright accents, emphasizing the originality and uniqueness of the interior. Japanese style has common features with interior design in the spirit, but it has a special coziness. In a bathroom like this hygiene procedures will take place with particular benefit for the body, providing rest for the soul and body, a powerful surge of vitality and creative energy.

Japanese-style bathroom: video

Japanese style bathroom design: photo

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