Warehouse insulation options. Roofing for a hangar: from choosing materials to maintaining the finished roof How to insulate a hangar from corrugated sheets

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For development industrial production, wholesale trade, logistics business always requires a decent area storage facilities. In addition, warehouse stores and online trading platforms that do not have separate areas for selling goods are becoming more widespread.

What's the problem?

Of course, it is not particularly difficult to erect a small warehouse building from materials that already have heat-saving properties. But if we're talking about on areas and volumes for organizing the storage of products, raw materials or goods, amounting to hundreds and thousands of square and cubic meters, then traditional construction methods will not be economically justified.

Hangars and warehouses of large areas are most often built according to frame technology or using prefabricated structures. An example is the well-known arched metal structures assembled from wave-shaped steel sections.

The steel sections do not retain heat at all in winter and do not protect the internal volume from heating in the sun in summer. There are also warehouse structures made from concrete slabs, also requiring thermal insulation. What methods and materials are used to improve hangars and other large premises?

Methods for insulating structures made of metal and concrete

Among the variety of methods for preserving heat in a warehouse, several basic ones that are acceptable in terms of efficiency deserve attention.

Method 1: Creating an Inner Outline

The method of insulation by building an internal contour consists of erecting a lightweight, insulated, non-load-bearing frame structure inside the hangar.

Installation can be done according to various technologies- using wooden slatted or metal profile frames with the installation of foam or slab insulation in them and then facing with panels.

Significant disadvantages of the method are the reduction in the usable area of ​​the warehouse and the high cost of the structure.

Method 2: insulation with basalt and glass wool slabs

Insulation with slab, basalt or glass wool material as a method is effective in terms of heat conservation, but is inconvenient to implement. Essentially, this is the same option as with internal contour, but the frame is mounted directly on the walls of the warehouse.

This places additional stress on the hangar sections and may affect its stability. In addition, it may be difficult to attach slats or profiles to steel walls. Another disadvantage of this method is that moisture inevitably accumulates in the thickness of the insulation and does not escape.

Method 3: foam as insulation

Polyurethane foam insulation has become popular. This material exists in two forms - in the form of slabs and in the form of a liquid mixture, which foams on its own after application. They insulate with slabs external surfaces wooden or concrete walls, and foam is used to treat indoor walls. Liquid polyurethane is probably the most suitable insulation for steel structures.

Construction foam has good adhesion to any surface. Its thermal conductivity properties do not depend on the shape of the walls, and the degree of insulation can be adjusted by the thickness of the layer. The disadvantage is the inability to process at subzero air and wall temperatures.

Materials: properties and comparison

Let's consider several main characteristics that are essential specifically for insulation of warehouses and hangars:

  • thermal conductivity, i.e. the degree of insulation of a layer of a certain thickness;
  • flammability or ability to sustain combustion. The fire protection of premises depends on this parameter;
  • specific gravity or the load that will be borne by building construction from insulation.

This insulator has the following characteristics:

  • specific thermal conductivity: about 0.030 W/m*K. This figure characterizes both glass wool and basalt materials;
  • flammability: do not burn and do not support combustion. Glass wool slabs can withstand temperatures up to 400°C without loss of properties, and basalt fiber slabs can withstand temperatures up to 1000°C. The walls of a warehouse covered with basalt fiber can withstand open fire for a long time;
  • specific gravity: depends on the density of the slab and ranges from 35 kg/m3 to 180 kg/m3. To insulate a steel wall, a 15 cm layer with a density of 100 kg/m3 is sufficient. Thus, for an area of ​​1 m2 the load will be 15 kg.

Polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam

Polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene in solid, slab form have the following qualities:

  • thermal conductivity: for foam plastic - 0.037 kg/m3, for expanded polystyrene - 0.027 kg/m3, which is quite comparable to the characteristics of mineral wool;
  • degree of flammability: polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene can burn, however, in modern production, fire retardants are added to them, which allows these materials to be assigned a flammability class of G1 and called non-flammable. The heat resistance of foam materials is low - they cannot withstand heating even up to 250-270°C, and when burned they emit gases that are dangerous to humans;
  • specific gravity: polystyrene foam - 100 kg/m3, polystyrene foam - 40 kg/m3, polyurethane foam ( polyurethane foam) - 40-80 kg/m3. 1 m2 of polystyrene foam with a layer of 15 cm will weigh 15 kg, polystyrene foam - only 6 kg, and polyurethane foam - from 6 to 12 kg.

Insulation materials such as polyurethane or construction foam have the same characteristics as slab polyurethane foam materials.

Comparative analysis

A basic comparison of characteristics shows that the degree of insulation of all materials is almost the same; polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam have the minimum weight. Moreover, the calculation did not include the weight of the frame structure, which is necessary if mineral wool or hard foam material is used. What is the safest way to use fire protection? stone wool. However, liquid polyurethane is the easiest to install.

Another important characteristic is the cost of materials. The most expensive are stone wool insulation, the cheapest are foam boards. The choice of thermal insulation for a warehouse depends on the design features, wall material and financial capabilities.

Installation work

The technology of insulation with fibrous and slab materials can be described in the following steps.

The frame is assembled from wooden slats(usually for foam plastic) or metal profiles.

The frame is fastened to the walls either with self-tapping screws or with dowels, metal profiles can be attached to steel structures using wire and welding. The thickness of the frame elements must correspond to the thickness of the insulation sheets.

To prevent the accumulation of moisture inside the mineral wool layers, it is advisable to place a vapor barrier on both sides, and if the installation is carried out outside the walls, a windproof, vapor-permeable membrane. The films should be secured with slack so that thermal fluctuations in the dimensions of the hangar structures do not damage them.

The frame is usually located inside the building. However, to preserve useful volumes, it is possible to insulate from the outside, followed by cladding.

Laying slabs

Plates, sheets or rolls are laid between slats or frame profiles and secured. Possible joints are carefully sealed with scraps of the same material or polyurethane foam.


It is carried out not only for the purpose of making appearance more presentable, but also to prevent damage to the insulation. Another technology is used to apply a layer of polyurethane to the walls. The liquid composition is applied by spraying from special sprayers. Work must be carried out in protective clothing, and ventilation must be provided in the room.

After application, the composition expands on its own for some time and fills all the unevenness and cracks in the walls. The hardening time is about 1 hour. The result is a textured surface that can subsequently be painted with water-based paints.

Insulation various types hangars with sprayed polyurethane foam in the agricultural complex

In this article we will try to substantiate the thesis stating that today one of the most effective, inexpensive and quick ways thermal insulation of large non-residential premises is insulation with sprayed polyurethane foam density PPU from 45-60kg/m3 on a freon basis.

Probably, it will not be a revelation to anyone to say that a building of enormous area and height, which does not have high-quality thermal insulation, is capable of bankrupting its owner in one winter due to astronomical heating costs. You don’t need to have knowledge of higher mathematics to calculate how much it will cost to heat volumes measured in tens of thousands of cubic meters.

If such a building is not located in a subtropical climate zone and the average winter temperature outside its walls fluctuates below zero on the thermometer scale, the only solution to the problem of maintaining the required temperature inside is high-quality thermal insulation. No one will argue with this axiomatic statement. Another question is the choice of the type of thermal insulation and the material on the basis of which it will be implemented. Let's produce brief analysis main heat-insulating materials and impartially compare their advantages and disadvantages.

The main types of thermal insulation materials for hangar insulation

First of all, it should be noted that all thermal insulation materials are divided into two main groups - inorganic and organic.

Inorganic thermal insulation materials

The most common inorganic thermal insulation materials include the following:

mineral wool;

glass fiber (glass wool);

foam glass.

We will not go into the intricacies of the production technology of these materials, since this is of little interest to the end consumer. Let's dwell on their properties.

All of the above materials are characterized by fire resistance, low thermal conductivity and resistance to chemical and biological influences (mold, pests). However, despite the above-mentioned advantages, they also have a number of serious disadvantages. Mineral wool And fiberglass They are characterized by high hygroscopicity, which leads to the fact that these thermal insulation materials become completely unusable after just a few years, if they are not impregnated with special hydrophobizing (giving water-repellent properties) compounds, and mineral wool also requires mandatory waterproofing.

The above-mentioned disadvantages are devoid of such insulation like foam glass, however, it has high rigidity, which limits its use in conditions where the surface has a complex shape.

For the most part, the above-mentioned insulation materials are supplied in the form of blocks, which are fixed using fasteners of one type or another on the walls of the room to be insulated. This inevitably leads to damage to the integrity of the structure, which, in turn, reduces its service life to a greater or lesser extent. It is also possible to fasten these materials with glue, but this method also has its drawbacks: the glue does not hold so firmly, and as a result of temperature changes, peeling of certain sections of the insulation may occur. With both fastening methods, due to the fact that the heat-insulating coating is not monolithic, so-called cold bridges will inevitably occur, reducing the overall effectiveness of the heat-insulating layer.

You can also mention in this section such a material as foam concrete, which is not just T heat-insulating material, but a building material with low thermal conductivity. But it's still construction material, not insulation.

Organic thermal insulation materials

The most common organic thermal insulation materials include the following:

polystyrene or Styrofoam;

polyethylene foam;

polyurethane foam.

We are all familiar with the first type of the above-mentioned organic insulation materials from childhood: who among us has not bothered our beloved parents by driving a piece foam plastic on glass? This lightweight material 90% consists of air, and air is known to be a good heat insulator. Insulation with expanded polystyrene has been widely used for a long time, but this material has one significant drawback - it is very fragile.

Polyethylene foam- one of the most promising modern materials, which has almost all the advantages of polyurethane foam, which will be discussed below. But it also has a significant drawback - like any polyethylene, it is not heat-resistant.

Now let's move on to considering the properties of polyurethane foam - a material that combines all positive traits the above-mentioned heat insulators and practically free of their disadvantages.

One of the main advantages of polyurethane foam is the ability to be sprayed onto a surface of any size and shape, resulting in a uniform layer of thermal insulation without any joints or gaps. The result is a complete absence of cold bridges.

Due to the fact that polyurethane foam has exceptionally high adhesion to surfaces of almost any type, the possibility of peeling off the heat-insulating layer is completely eliminated. In addition, spraying technology significantly reduces the time required for insulation of various buildings.

Polyurethane foam very effective and lightweight: a ten-centimeter layer of this substance is equivalent in its thermal insulating properties brickwork two and a half meters thick. The lightness of the material in question is due to the fact that it consists of 85% - 97% (depending on density) of air or gases.

Polyurethane foam is heat-resistant and frost-resistant, which allows it to be used in all climatic zones. It does not require any additional waterproofing, and even moreover, its rigid version can itself serve as an excellent waterproofing agent and is widely used in construction as such.

Another advantage of this material includes excellent noise insulation properties.

Taking into account all of the above, we can safely say that polyurethane foam is most suitable for insulating metal structures such as hangars. The lightness of polyurethane foam makes it possible not to overload the structure made of a metal sheet slightly more than 1 mm thick; heat resistance will be needed in the hot summer months when metal heats up to very high temperatures; frost resistance allows you not to worry about the strength of the thermal insulation layer even in severe frosts, and the absence of cracks ensures that not a single drop of precious heat leaks out. If we add to this the speed with which polyurethane foam insulation is carried out, it becomes clear that prefabricated hangars and this insulation are simply made for each other.

« Kucherenkov and Company» offers an individual approach to each client. We find unique solutions for each client and manufacture the product in accordance with your wishes. Cooperation with our company means: completing work in the shortest possible time; profitable prices at high quality works; the best insulating materials; professional, fast and friendly service.

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Hello. Today I’ll tell you about How to insulate a hangar with polyurethane foam. In previous articles, I have already talked in general terms about the use of this material, but now I propose to take a closer look at the spraying technology and the features of the equipment used.

Cost-effectiveness of self-insulation of metal hangars

If desired and if there are material possibilities, instead of conventional metal structures, a prefabricated insulated hangar is built. The prefabricated structure is based on metal on which SIP panels are attached, in which a layer of thermal insulating material is protected on both sides by scrap sheet metal.

But you need to understand that the price of an already insulated structure, despite the information on the manufacturers’ websites, is higher than the cost of a hangar, where the walls are made of ordinary corrugated sheets. Now very important point— even with professionally performed insulation, the price of a conventional hangar remains more affordable insulated prefabricated analogue, despite the fact that the thermal conductivity coefficient external walls quite comparable.

So, insulating hangars with your own hands is economically justified. It remains to find out how polyurethane foam is sprayed onto metal surfaces, what equipment and what materials are used for these purposes.

How to spray - step by step review

Let's consider the listed stages in more detail.

  • The assembly of scaffolding or similar metal structures is carried out in accordance with the height of the object, but, one way or another, finished design must be strong and stable;
  • The installation is connected to a compressor;

  • The equipment is installed as close to the exit as possible, but so that the hoses reach the wall furthest from the exit;

  • Suction hoses from the installation are lowered into container “A” and into container “B”;
  • We disassemble the spray gun by removing the cover with the nozzle;

  • Holding the gun over an unnecessary container, fill the hoses with foaming components;

  • We clean the seat under the nozzle on the gun from foaming components and lubricate it with lithol so that foam does not stick to it later;

  • Screw on the cap with the nozzle and the tool is ready for use;

Fully enclosed respirator - optimal solution in order to maintain health when working with polyurethane foam

  • We wear personal safety equipment;
  • Turn on the feed compressed air from the compressor;
  • Open the taps on the gun and turn on the supply of the mixture;

If you are spraying polyurethane foam for the first time, you can try how the material lays on some small surface, for example, on a piece. After preliminary training, coping with the main task will be much easier.

  • For ease of work, we begin applying light foam from the bottom up from the base towards the ceiling;

In order to evenly process a large surface, work in pre-marked sectors. For example, try to apply the material in one even layer at a time into the cell between adjacent frame stiffening ribs to the height of your height. Next, move in this manner along the perimeter of the hangar, after which you can process the wall at a higher level, etc.

  • After the first layer is applied, we let it take on its final volume and at this time we change component “A” to a similar component, but for rigid foam;

  • Apply the second layer in the same way as the first layer;

Components for producing rigid and light foam are often painted in different colors, so that when applying the second layer you can see the transition and qualitatively fill in the missing areas.

  • After spraying is completed, the hoses need to be washed and thus remove any remaining foaming components;
  • Next, the equipment is disconnected from the network and disassembled into individual components.

Recommendations for the selection of equipment, components and components

Did you know that 50% of the success of thermal insulation using polyurethane foam (PPU) depends on the correct selection of equipment, components and consumables. What do you need to know when planning work with polyurethane foam?

The cost of a spraying installation starts from 40 thousand to half a million rubles, and this difference is justified by the comfort of work and the quality of the result.

You should not save money when choosing equipment for insulating a hangar. In this case, it would be correct to rent the installation or order a spraying service from specialized organizations.

To determine which installation is right for you, there are two factors to consider:

  • Firstly, this is the length of the hose, which should at least be equal to the height of the hangar, multiplied by two.
  • Secondly, this is the volume of foam applied over a given time period, and the higher this parameter, the better for working on large objects.

Select the correct volume of components, taking into account the fact that they may be consumed unevenly. For details related to the consumption of components “A” and “B,” please refer to the instructions on the packaging of the materials.

Two types of polyurethane are used for spraying:

  • Open-cell (light foam) - has a lower structure density and less resistance to mechanical loads;
  • Closed cell (rigid foam) - characterized by a higher density structure with an increase in volume by 5 or more times.

Some experts prefer to apply one of the listed types of polyurethane foam, selecting the material in relation to the characteristics of the object. I recommend combining both types of polyurethane foam, that is, first we apply a layer of light foam, and after the first layer has dried, we apply a layer of hard foam.

As a result, you will apply two layers of insulation, but get up to 20 cm thick insulation. In addition, a layer of light foam will provide high adhesion, while a surface hard layer will make the insulation more durable.

In order for the spraying of polyurethane foam onto metal to be successful, it is necessary to comply with the temperature conditions specified by the manufacturer of the foaming components.

As a rule, the air in the room should be heated to +30°C or more. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out thermal insulation work with foam in the warm season. In the cold season, achieve optimal operating temperature in the hangar you can use a heat gun.

Another equally important point is that when starting to work with polyurethane foam, do not forget about personal safety equipment, namely, we use work clothes, thick gloves, safety glasses and a respirator.

Why do you need a respirator? Components that create foam when mixed are toxic, and the lower the price of the purchased components, the more toxic they are. Therefore, in order not to develop asthma, we use a respirator and do not forget to promptly update the filters on it.

And finally, do not forget about such devices as scaffolding or sawhorses, which you can climb onto in order to safely work at height. These structures must be strong enough to make working comfortable and safe. Price good forests is high, so it is not advisable to buy such structures for one-time work. In this case, I recommend that you rent forests.


Now you know how to insulate a metal hangar from the inside. Ask all questions on the topic in the comments to what you read. In addition, I recommend watching the video in this article.

September 2, 2016

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Hangar is optimal choice for vegetable storage, factory production, workshops and warehousing. Despite the fact that the majority industrial premises has a fairly large area, it is not difficult to insulate them using sprayed polyurethane foam in a matter of days!

PPU is the fastest and easiest way to insulate a hangar

As you know, a hangar is a construction structure made using frame or frameless technology. The configuration of the hangar and its equipment directly depend on the operational tasks set by business owners or tenants.

Hangar insulation options

PPU is applied to the surface by spraying special foam under pressure

When choosing a material for insulation, it is necessary first of all to operate with such a significant parameter as the thermal conductivity of the selected material. If we turn to the technical parameters of insulation, then the thermal conductivity value for mineral wool is 0.06 W/mK with a working layer thickness of 30 mm.

For polystyrene foam, this ratio is as follows: 0.04 W/mK with a thickness of 20 mm, but the thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam is 0.03 W/mK with a thickness of 15 mm. This best characteristics for high-quality insulation. But thermal conductivity is not the only parameter that builders consider when making a decision.

The effect of condensation on insulation material

Most insulation materials are afraid of condensation. It is condensation that is the main problem of all owners of metal insulated hangars. Moisture formed due to temperature changes and accumulating on metal ceiling premises, gradually destroys the performance characteristics of the insulation.

In order to extend the period beneficial use mineral wool and expanded polystyrene require effective wind and moisture protection, special vapor barrier membranes, modern system ventilation. This is especially true for the mineral version.

Otherwise, if the recommended operating conditions are not observed, mineral wool insulation becomes an unsafe source of bacteria and mold. But similar additional measures significantly increase the time required to complete work on high-quality insulation of a storage facility or warehouse.

Advantages of polyurethane foam insulation

10 years warranty on work

Polyurethane foam solves many problems, since the technology of its application and specifications the material itself significantly reduces the installation time for insulation. Indeed, polyurethane foam is applied to the surface by spraying special foam under pressure.

Polyurethane foam creates a unique, smooth coating without cracks or crevices. This material does not require complex and expensive surface preparation. It is unique in its essence. The layer thickness can be precisely controlled down to the millimeter. PU foam is not afraid of irregularities, bends and complex designs, the foam reliably and durablely seals the entire surface intended for insulation.

The thickness of the foam layer is calculated in advance, taking into account the climatic parameters of the area where the retail or production complex. The impressive service life of the insulation layer made from polyurethane foam is also impressive.

Service life of hangar insulation

Real service life of polyurethane foam without loss consumer properties And performance characteristics exceeds 30 years; for a more favorable climate this value can reach 50 years. No other modern insulation can compare with such parameters.

For example, a vapor barrier film works effectively only for 10 years, and extruded polystyrene foam only for 20 years; even such values ​​are unattainable for mineral wool. It reliably insulates for no more than 5 years. But replacing the insulation for a hangar every 5 years is a significant expense. Therefore, experts have recognized that it is much more economical to thermally insulate a hangar with polyurethane foam for 30 or even 50 years.

The influence of insulation on structures

It’s possible to insulate a huge hangar in 3 days!

An interesting fact is that polyurethane foam insulation has the least impact on the main structures. This foam, when hardened, is very light in weight. It is the lightest insulation material known on the market. this moment. Since hangars are lightweight structures, insulation, which leads to increased load on the surface, is highly undesirable, as it can lead to the destruction of the entire structure.

Such a threat is impossible if the insulation is polyurethane foam. In addition to being very lightweight, this material is an excellent anti-corrosion material. The most effective, taking into account all the above advantages, is Ecotermix polyurethane foam. Competitive advantages Ecotermix polyurethane foam for insulating surfaces is obvious.

Main characteristics of Ecotermix polyurethane foam

  • Ecothermix does not require special equipment for installation; it is applied by spraying without creating cracks or unevenness.
  • Ecotermix polyurethane foam is ready for application on any surface, no complex and expensive preparation for work is required, the geometric shape of the building is unimportant
  • Polyurethane foam is not afraid of condensation, it adheres so tightly to the surface and has no pores that it is not affected by moisture and does not become a platform for the spread of rot and mold
  • Ecotermix insulation has the best characteristics in terms of speed of work completion; insulate a metal hangar big size possible in 3 days
  • The Ecotermix material has the most interesting parameters in terms of efficiency and durability of insulation; it has the best thermal conductivity and the most impressive service life. Ecotermix is ​​effective without loss of performance characteristics for 50 years
  • Ecotermix polyurethane foam performs a number of related functions, it is an excellent waterproofing and anti-corrosion treatment, while it is resistant to the aggressive effects of acids and alkalis
  • Despite its lightness, polyurethane foam is very durable, it can withstand significant work loads without cracking or deforming, it is inaccessible to rodents

Economic feasibility of choosing Ecotermix

PPU hardens in a matter of minutes

Another pleasant fact is that the use of polyurethane foam material for insulating rooms allows you to save money. Indeed, a service life of several decades without loss of performance makes the cost of Ecotermix polyurethane foam the most attractive.

Or order a consultation with a specialist at a time convenient for you!

Application absolutely free and does not oblige you to anything!

Currently, many industries and Agriculture require the presence of storage facilities of this type, such as insulated hangars. But buy modern place storage is not always possible, which is why insulating a hangar with polyurethane foam makes it possible to use what you already have in a new quality.

Such structures have all the qualities of insulated warehouse premises, and make it possible to store some goods and products that require a positive temperature.

There are currently two types of hangars:

  1. arched (frameless);
  2. frame.

The first option has recently gained great popularity (due to its low cost), so manufacturers today focus on this option. But here it should be noted that the basis of the entire structure is corrugated sheeting.

In terms of its strength characteristics, this roofing and fencing material is second to none.

But it has two big drawbacks:

  1. High probability of corrosion.
  2. Like any metal, it allows low temperatures to pass through.

The first problem can be dealt with by painting the hangar protective paint, or use corrugated sheets with polymer coating(the price increases sharply). The second problem can be dealt with by insulating it from the inside.

In this article we will answer the question of how to insulate a hangar from corrugated sheets.

Hangar insulation technology

Let's start with the fact that currently there are only two technologies that are used in such a process as the construction of insulated hangars. This is processing using slab materials (mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, basalt mats, polystyrene foam, etc.).

Thermal insulation with slab insulation

Due to the fact that the cost of board materials is quite low, many may decide that this particular method is the most optimal.

But here lies some technological secrets that ordinary people cannot know about.

  • Firstly, slab insulation must be laid on a frame system, which must be prepared and installed. And these are additional financial expenses. Typically, the frame system is made of metal profiles.
  • Secondly, the insulation itself must be protected from exposure to wet vapors, so before laying it, all inner surface the hangar is covered with a windproof and moisture-proof barrier and vapor barrier film. Again expenses.
  • Thirdly, you will again have to stretch a vapor barrier over the insulation.

A rough estimate suggests that the costs Additional materials And additional work cover the cost of insulation several times. So where are the savings?

The only plus is the ability to carry out the thermal insulation process yourself. Of course, given the size of the hangar, we are talking about several workers. This is not insulation of the loggia - there is room for a whole team to turn around here.

The difference in external temperatures leads to the fact that the movements of light metal structures become significant.
And this will certainly lead to tension protective films will begin to tear.

And if the film laid on top of the insulation can still be easily replaced, then changing the inner one will be a big problem. As practice shows, these films cannot withstand even the first winter. Whether it is worth insulating hangars and warehouses in this way is up to you to decide.

Insulation of hangars with polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is a mixture that is applied under slight pressure to the surface of the structure, and which is immediately attached to it.

As you can see, spray insulation of hangars is very different from the first technology. But it seems that apparent simplicity should be reflected in demand.

So it is, the differences also lie in the cost of the work performed.

  • Let’s immediately make a reservation that insulating hangars by spraying does not require the construction of a frame, which reduces the price. And this is already a plus.
  • In addition, the material itself is applied to surfaces without seams, which means there are no cold bridges at all.
  • To protect polyurethane foam insulation there is no need to use various films. The material itself copes well with loads.
  • Such a heat insulator can be applied both inside the hangar and outside. In the second case, you just need to cover thermal insulation layer polymer material, which will protect the insulation from the ultraviolet rays of the sun (PPU is very afraid of the sun).
  • This material is so light that it does not create any load on the hangar structure; on the contrary, it strengthens it.
  • Plus, this heat insulator has an attractive appearance. It does not need additional finishing. The only thing you can do is paint it.

It should be noted that this entails some inconvenience in terms of work. Firstly, only specialists can do this.

Secondly, as with most construction and installation work, there are high safety requirements. For example, you need to use a respirator, safety glasses, a protective gown, insulated Angara gloves, and shoes.

And one more very serious point that concerns the thermal insulation of the hangar as a whole. That is, it is necessary to insulate entrance doors and gates, insulate plastic windows, if any are available (see article for more details). That is, nothing should be left unattended.

Conclusion on the topic

This is how hangars can be thermally insulated so that they can be used for storing certain goods. In principle, the instructions for insulation are not complicated, although both processes are quite labor-intensive. In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

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