Strawberry wine at home: simple recipes. Strawberry wine - easy recipes

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We are all waiting for summer to enjoy the taste and aroma of fresh strawberries. And experienced winemakers, as well as beginners, are waiting for the berry wine season to begin.

  1. For most fruit wines, it is strictly forbidden to wash the fruits so as not to wash away the wild yeast, but with strawberries everything is different. If you miss this step, the finished drink will have an unpleasant earthy aftertaste.
  2. Natural yeast for strawberry wine can be replaced with raisins or you can prepare the starter yourself. The berries are not washed for her.
  3. You can't make dry wine from strawberries. This ingredient is suitable for dessert and liqueur types of wine. Since without sugar and water, the berries will not be able to release the required amount of juice.
  4. For fermentation, it is not recommended to use a container in which milk was previously stored.
  5. Before starting cooking, it is advisable to rinse all containers with boiling water and then wipe them dry with a clean towel.

Now you can safely move directly to the recipes and step by step instructions preparations homemade wine.

Classic strawberry wine


  1. Strawberries – 3 kg
  2. Granulated sugar – 2 kg
  3. Water – 3 l
  4. Quality raisins – 100 g

Cooking method

  1. Strawberries must be washed very thoroughly, stems and spoiled berries must be removed. Then crush each strawberry with your hands or using a wooden spatula.
  2. Heat the water to 30 degrees, add 1 kg of granulated sugar and mix thoroughly until the granules are completely dissolved.
  3. Pour the prepared berries, unwashed raisins into a container with a wide neck (basin, bucket or enamel pan) and fill with syrup. All ingredients should not exceed 3/4 of the container volume, since during the fermentation process the wort may overflow.
  4. Cover our container with gauze and leave for 5–7 days in a dark place with a temperature of about 18–28 degrees. Several times a day, do not forget to stir the contents of the container with a wooden spatula.
  5. As soon as the active fermentation stage is over, the liquid must be strained, squeezed out the cake, and then filtered.
  6. Fill the glass container 70–75% with the resulting strawberry juice, add 500 g of sugar, mix and install a water seal. Or, the old-fashioned way, we use a medical glove with a small hole in the finger. Leave for 1–2 months in a dark, warm place (18–28 degrees).
  7. After five days of quiet fermentation, add another 250 g of granulated sugar. To do this, drain 200 ml of liquid, dissolve sugar in it and then pour it back into a common container. We install a water seal and after five days we repeat this manipulation again with the remaining granulated sugar.
  8. As soon as fermentation is completely over, the young wine must be drained from the sediment using a dropper tube or any other method convenient for you.
  9. Then we take a sample and, if desired, you can add a sweetener or add strength with vodka or good alcohol.
  10. If you added sugar at the previous stage, then it is better to install the water seal again and let it sit for another ten days.
  11. There should be no empty space between the lid and the drink in the storage container.
  12. Homemade wine should be moved to a room with a temperature of 5–16 degrees and left to stabilize the taste for 3 months. As sediment settles, the drink must be carefully drained and poured into a clean container.
  13. As soon as the strawberry wine stops producing sediment, bottle it and store it for no more than 2 years.

Homemade strawberry wine


  1. Strawberries – 8 kg
  2. Granulated sugar - at the rate of 150 g per 1 kg of berries

Aged strawberry wine with a cognac hint

In damp autumn and frosty winter, homemade strawberry wine will be a great way to remind you of a warm, colorful summer. Careful production of wine will delight you and your friends with its quality. Making homemade strawberry wine is a simple recipe. You will not regret it, you will proudly enjoy its warming taste and rich aroma.

How to make homemade strawberry wine

Strawberry wine, preparation

First of all, calculate which container for preparing wine is suitable for you. All ingredients should fill it to 2/3 of its volume. Not to the brim. You need a large, wide enamel pan or a container made of stainless steel or food-grade plastic.

You will need 1 part berries, 1 part water and a total of 1 part sugar. We will add sugar in portions, so set aside all the required amount immediately for later use. Here is a simple recipe for strawberry wine.

Homemade strawberry wine, wine making

Strawberries do not need to be washed thoroughly. Wash off only if there is dirt.

Separate from petioles. We will definitely reject those spoiled with the appearance of mold and rot. Otherwise, the homemade wine will spoil and all efforts will be in vain.

Dissolve sugar in the prepared water. Calculate 50 grams of sugar per liter of the entire mixture of water and strawberry puree. Pour into strawberry puree. It should be a little more than half filled, 2/3 of the container, so that our strawberry wine does not flow over the edge during the fermentation process.

To prevent the starter from turning sour due to flies, it is necessary to cover the container tightly with a cloth and a lid. Place in a warm place with a temperature of 20-28 degrees for a week.

Making homemade wine can spoil mold. To prevent this from happening, you need to stir the cap of crushed berries several times a day throughout the week. It forms within 2-3 days.

Add sugar to homemade strawberry wine

After a week, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth or a sieve; the seeds should not get into the wort.

Dissolve half of the sugar prepared in advance in the squeezed juice. Fill the fermentation containers 2/3 full. Making wine at home involves using glass jars and bottles.

Seal very carefully with a water seal and coat with plasticine. Even micropores can ruin our homemade strawberry wine. Do not use gloves or the like. Only high-quality water seals. They come in different models. Old method- a flexible hose into a cork coated with plasticine, its other end into a jar of water. Bubbles will appear. Which is exactly what we need.

Place in a warm, dark place for a week. You can cover it with a thick cloth if you put it in the shade. The sun's rays should not reach the wort so that the bacteria remain viable.

Add the last portion of sugar to homemade wine

One week has passed. Pour the wine into another bowl and dissolve all the remaining sugar prepared first.

Filter through gauze or a bandage to remove any accidentally trapped seeds.

And again we put it in a warm, dark place for 2 weeks.

After two weeks, move it to a room with a temperature of 16-20 degrees so that homemade wine can be made.

After a month, remove the sediment using a hose. Taste it. If you want it sweeter, add a little sugar. But such a wine is unlikely to survive. Seal thoroughly with a water seal and place back to clarify.

Homemade wine clarification and aging

When a gray sediment forms, remove the wine from the sediment, after about 2 weeks for 2 months. Carefully monitor the tightness of the seal and the water in it.

After this, the young strawberry wine is ready to drink.

Making wine at home requires care, patience and endurance. Cork the strawberry wine in bottles and ripen for 3 months at a temperature of 6-16 degrees. You can put it in the refrigerator on the top shelf.

Strawberry wine will acquire a languid summer smell and taste with a cognac tint in the light. You can proudly treat your friends, acquaintances, and executives who will enjoy an elite drink made personally.

When processing fragrant and tender strawberries, a lot of crushed berries are often left with minor defects. Of course, in order to make strawberry wine at home, it is absolutely not necessary to use waste from home canning. If desired, this drink can be made from selected raw materials - it’s worth it. But even from such berries you will get aromatic strawberry wine of amazing color and taste.

How to prepare strawberries

The collected berries need to be peeled and washed. If it is not recommended to wash raw materials for grape and fruit wine, so as not to wash away natural yeast, then for strawberries this operation is mandatory. When preparing strawberry wine at home, use “wild” natural yeast or a handful of grapes. There is no need to wash them, or grapes are added as a fermentation catalyst.

No matter how carefully strawberries are picked, even if they are grown on a mulch bed, the berries are still often contaminated. This earthy taste can later ruin the taste of the finished drink. The washed strawberries are kneaded as thoroughly as possible. This is not difficult to do, since the berries are very soft and tender; you can simply knead them with your hands or a wooden rolling pin.

The strawberry wine recipe is quite simple:

Accordingly, when the starting raw material changes, the amount of other ingredients changes proportionally. When planning to make homemade wine from strawberries, you need to prepare in advance a glass bottle, a water seal and a thin tube for draining the wine after fermentation.

Sequence of making strawberry wine

Sugar for this recipe is not divided into parts; its entire amount is completely dissolved in warm water. In the process of preparing strawberry wine at home, it goes through several stages:

  • 1. Combine mashed berries, raisins and sugar syrup in a glass container, mix everything thoroughly.

Do not try to fill the container to the top, you risk it - the wort may overflow from it during fermentation. Only ¾ of its volume is filled.

Attention! The wort must be stirred daily to prevent it from becoming moldy or over-acidified.

  • 3. After the start of active fermentation (foam appears, the hissing of gas bubbles, the smell of mash), the wort is drained from the sediment using a thin tube. The pulp of the berries must be squeezed out and the juice poured into the wort.
  • 4. A water seal is installed on the container with the strained fermented juice to remove carbon dioxide, and it is transferred to a warm, dark room.

The same rule applies here - the volume is not filled to the top, leaving room for carbon dioxide.

Homemade wines usually mature 2-3 months after the last straining. Their taste noticeably improves and becomes brighter.

If you follow this recipe, you can get a drink with a strength of 16-18⁰. How can I make it less strong? At the beginning of adding the ingredients, double the amount of water. Then it will be about 10-12⁰. The shelf life of such wine will be half as long - six months instead of a year and a half for a stronger strawberry drink.

By following the recipe and preparation technology, you can easily get aromatic and tasty strawberry wine.

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Strawberries are used very widely in cooking. Compotes, preserves and jams are made from this berry, and baked goods are decorated with it. Strawberries not only have excellent taste and pleasant smell, but also beneficial properties. It contains vitamins C, A, B, H and E, and among the minerals necessary for the body - copper, iron, iodine, zinc, magnesium, sodium, calcium and phosphorus. This berry is also rich in oxalic and salicylic acids. If you want to get rid of anemia, arthritis and viral diseases, you need to eat strawberries as often as possible. This berry has one more thing useful property. This is low in calories - only 37 units per hundred grams of product. In this article we will talk about how to make strawberry wine at home. It has a light taste and sweet berry aroma. The process of its production is somewhat different from the standard one, where grapes are the raw material. Read about all the intricacies of production below.

Classic recipe

Strawberries can be used to make both table and dessert wines, as well as liqueurs and liqueurs. Let's first look at classic recipe. For wine, you need to select the ripest berries without any flaws. Separating the tails, rinse the strawberries. The difficulty of making berry alcoholic drinks lies in the fact that, unlike grapes, there are no fermentation bacteria on them, but there are plenty of putrefactive ones. Therefore, the strawberries need to be washed thoroughly. Next we need to start the fermentation process. This activator is yeast and... raisins. Mash a kilogram of strawberries into a paste. Pour boiling syrup made from water with the addition of a kilogram of sugar. When the mixture has cooled to a temperature of + 32 or a little less, you can add yeast (4 g). But first they need to be mixed with a small amount of water at room temperature and allowed to swell for twenty minutes. Pour into berry mash and raisins. Place the container under a water seal and store, shaking daily, in a warm place for about a week.

Strawberry wine: homemade recipe

Adding yeast to a drink can negatively affect the bouquet of aromas. Therefore, many winemakers do without them. The activator of the fermentation process in this recipe is a handful (100 g) of raisins. We wash three kilograms of ripe selected strawberries and mash them with a wooden mortar. We make syrup from three liters of water and 2 kg of granulated sugar. Place the strawberry pulp into jars, filling them two-thirds full. When the syrup becomes just warm (35-40 degrees), pour in the berries. The liquid level should be five centimeters below the neck of the jar so that the wort does not splash out during fermentation. Cover the containers with gauze and place them in a cool, dark place for a week. Stir the contents of the jars with a wooden spoon several times a day. When active fermentation begins, separate the wort from the pulp. Pour the juice into another container, which we cover with a water seal. The quiet fermentation phase will end in forty days. To stop the mash from playing, some people use alcohol or strong alcohol. But this recipe invites you to make strawberry wine without vodka. Just skim the liquid from the sediment and pour it into bottles. The wine must mature in the cellar or refrigerator door for at least two months.

Something about how to regulate the strength of the drink

If you follow the above recipe, you will get a wine with 16-18 degrees of alcohol. To reduce the amount of alcohol, you need to change the proportions. To obtain a light table wine, double the amount of water. That is, take not three liters, but six. Then the strength of the drink will vary between 10-12 percent. But it is not recommended to keep this strawberry wine at home for a long time. You need to drink it within six months. But fortified wines can last for a year and a half.

Traditional recipe

It differs in that we do not cook the syrup. We simply fill the jars two-thirds full with strawberry pulp from 3-4 kilograms of berries, add 2 kg of sugar and pour in about four to five liters of water. Leave about five centimeters between the liquid level and the neck free space. Cover the jar with a water seal and place it in the sun. In three weeks we will have young strawberry wine. The recipe instructs to strain the drink and squeeze out the pulp. Add another glass of sugar and install the water seal again. The wine will enter a quiet fermentation phase. After ten days it will stop playing completely and will lighten a little. Let's remove it from the sediment. To completely stop fermentation, add two tablespoons of vodka for every half liter of wine. Pour the drink into bottles and seal tightly with corks.

Fortified strawberry wine

The drink receives an increased degree not as a result of fermentation, but due to the addition of vodka. Wash a kilogram of berries and place them in one layer on paper towels for complete drying. Only after this we rub the strawberries through a sieve or grind them with a blender. Sprinkle the gruel with a kilogram of granulated sugar. Pour in half a liter of hot water (but not boiling water). Mix and place in a large bottle with a high neck, which we put in a warm place for five days. After the expiration date, remove the foam and filter the contents through several layers of gauze. Add half a liter of good vodka to the clean wort. Stir and bottle the fortified strawberry wine. The recipe requires keeping the drink for a week in a dark place with a low temperature before serving it. It is also recommended to store bottles in the refrigerator.

Semi-dry wine

Grind two kilos of strawberries using the method described above. Sprinkle with 400 grams of sugar. We transfer the puree into a jar, the neck of which is covered with gauze. Place the dishes in a warm and sunny place (on a windowsill, balcony). After three days the pulp will float to the surface. If you see that the top is covered with a crust, and underneath there is ruby ​​liquid, then it’s time to start straining. We separate the juice from the pulp, pour it into another jar, which we already place under the water seal. We leave it to ferment for three weeks. After this, we wait another 25 days, but place the bottle in a cool place. During this time, the liquid should become transparent. Using a rubber tube or filters, remove the wine from the strawberry juice from the sediment. You can immediately pour it into tightly sealed bottles. We leave it for another two weeks, after which we taste and enjoy.

Wine from pulp

The squeezes that remain after we extract the juice from the berries should under no circumstances be thrown away. After all, you can also make strawberry wine from them. Reviews claim that its taste is in no way inferior to that made from wort. We start by cooking the syrup. To do this, heat three liters of water and dissolve 1.6 kilograms of granulated sugar in it. Bring the syrup to a boil and cool.

Place four and a half kilograms of strawberry pulp in a glass bottle with a capacity of ten liters. Fill the squeezes with warm syrup. Protect the neck of the bottle from midges with gauze. Place the dishes in a warm place. Somewhere on the fifth day, when the contents of the bottle separate into pulp and juice, remove the gauze and install a water seal. After another twenty days, carefully pour the liquid into new dishes, squeeze out the pulp and return it to the total mass. The wine should stand under a water seal for another month. After this, filter the liquid immediately into bottles. The drink is ready to drink immediately.

Strawberry jam wine

Sometimes situations happen when berry preparations too much has been done for the winter. Soon new harvest, and the shelves are still lined with jars. Well, shouldn't we throw them away? You can make excellent strawberry wine from jam. The recipe warns: the raw materials for the drink should have been surplus homemade preparations, and not a sour product. Mold and alcoholic yeast are not friends with each other. Jam for wine must be of high quality. Soak 130 grams of raisins in warm water. It is needed to start the fermentation process. In a glass container, dilute the jam with pre-boiled water (at the rate of two and a half liters per 1 liter jar). Let's add raisins. Stir well. The container should be filled to no more than two-thirds of its volume. We put a sterile rubber glove on the neck. We seal the edges of the jar so that air does not penetrate there. In a few days the glove will fill with carbon dioxide and then fall on its side. When this happens, pour the wine into another container, carefully removing the sediment. Three more days - and the drink can be bottled.

Homemade liqueur

This drink is prepared faster and does not require special equipment, such as a water seal. The strength of the liqueur can be adjusted with vodka ( High Quality). Cover two kilograms of selected and washed strawberries with sugar (800 g). Shake the jar, tie its neck with gauze, leave for three days in room temperature. When signs of fermentation appear (foam and sour smell), put on a medical glove. After approximately three weeks, the wine will enter a “quiet phase.” The glove will deflate a little. If we filter the liquid and bottle it, we will get homemade strawberry wine with a strength of 10-12 degrees. To increase the speed, add half a liter of vodka and 500 grams of sugar to the drink. Mix well and leave in a cool place for another fifteen days. Only after this we filter the liqueur.

Strawberries are aromatic and very delicious berry. It is enjoyed fresh and also prepared for future use in the form of compotes, preserves, jams and juices. You can also make aromatic homemade wine from these beautiful berries. In this article we will learn how to make strawberry wine at home.

Subtleties of making homemade strawberry wine

It should be noted right away that strawberries are not the most best foundation for making homemade wine. The drink is not stored well enough and is susceptible to souring. Strawberry juice is poorly clarified and difficult to squeeze out; the berries are reluctant to give up juice. So if winemaking is for you new area activity, it is better to practice first on grapes, and then take on the capricious strawberries.

Strawberries cannot be used to make dry wine, but they do make a wonderful semi-sweet, liqueur-like drink.

Homemade strawberry wine should be prepared only from ripe, fully colored berries; unripe fruits are not suitable.

The strength of the drink will depend on the amount of sugar added to the wine wort. However, it should be taken into account that the natural sugar content in strawberries is quite high and when preparing wine you should not overdo it. Excess sugar acts as a preservative and the wort may stop fermenting.

Raw materials for wine are usually not washed. The surface of any berry contains natural wild yeast, which is responsible for fermentation when making homemade wine. But you still have to wash the strawberries. The fact is that during the growing season it comes into contact with the soil, and we don’t need dirt in wine. You can replace natural yeast with regular raisins, or you can prepare a starter for homemade strawberry wine.

Strawberry wine starter

Sourdough has short term storage - no more than 10 days, so start preparing it shortly before you are going to add the wine wort.

The starter contains the following ingredients:

  • Garden strawberries - 2 cups.
  • Water - a glass.
  • Sugar - half a glass.

For fermentation, you need to collect berries that have not come into contact with the ground. Press the unwashed berries with a wooden pestle until pureed. Pour the strawberry puree into plastic bottle and add sugar and water. The mixture is thoroughly shaken and closed with a cotton plug. The starter should be placed in a dark place, the temperature should be 20-24 C°. After 4 days the berries will begin to ferment. They are filtered through cheesecloth, and the drained liquid is added to the wine must. To prepare dessert strawberry wine, you will need 200-300 ml of starter per 10 liters of wine wort.

Making strawberry wine

  • Strawberries - kilogram.
  • Water - liter.
  • Sugar – 2 cups (waist-deep).
  • Raisins - a handful.

Prepare a container for making homemade strawberry wine and a water seal. We take the amount of ingredients depending on the number of berries, increasing them proportionally in accordance with the recipe.

We sort the berries, removing the leaves of the stalk and spoiled specimens. Wash the strawberries under cool water and place in a colander to drain.

Now you need to mash the berries into a puree, for this we take a plastic bowl or an enamel pan, you need to mash the berries with a wooden pestle, it is better not to use metal objects for these purposes.

Dissolve sugar in warm water and combine with strawberry pulp. Now pour the wine wort into the fermentation container and add the raisins. If you have prepared the wine starter in advance. You can add it by calculating the proportions that we described above. The container is filled to only 2/3 of the total volume so that there is enough space for fermentation. The wine wort is thoroughly shaken, a water seal is installed on the bottle, and the raw materials are sent to a warm place. The pulp should ferment actively for 3-5 days, the room temperature is 22-24 C°.

After this time, the liquid is drained through gauze into a clean bottle, and the pulp is squeezed out well.

We again install a water seal on the bottle and send the wine to ferment in a cool place; at high temperatures, strawberry wine can turn into vinegar and it will no longer be possible to save it. After 20-40 days, a sediment will form at the bottom, which is waste products of wine yeast, and the wine will become much lighter. This indicates that the fermentation cycle is complete and the drink is ready.

We drain the wine and place it in the basement, capping it tightly. After 4 weeks, sediment will form in the wine again and the procedure will need to be repeated. After a month of storage in the cellar, homemade strawberry wine will be ready for tasting.

Fortified strawberry wine

  • Strawberries and sugar - one kilogram.
  • Water and vodka – 500 ml each.

Strawberries are prepared for wine in the same way as the previous recipe. Sugar is added to strawberry puree and hot water. The wine must ferment under a water seal for 5-7 days. Then the strained wine is poured into a clean bottle and vodka is added. It is important to know that immediately after adding vodka, the fermentation process stops, so if the wine has not fermented very actively, let it sit a little longer.

The wine diluted with vodka should sit for a week in a cool place. Then it can be bottled and stored in the cellar. After 2 weeks, fortified strawberry wine prepared at home will be ready to drink.

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