Humorous New Year's scenario for adults. Hot Woman Contest

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Scenario New Year's holiday for adults: New Year's agency

New Year's game entertainment program for adults

Motto:(written on the arch) “The snow is in a column, the earth is shaking - this is the New Year!”

Entrance to the stage is through a horseshoe-shaped arched door. The founders of the agency: two - an Optimist and a Pessimist. They each enter the stage in their role, dress accordingly, and greet the audience in the same way.

Optimist: Good evening, dear friends! Today we have one on the agenda urgent question- New Year's Eve!

Pessimist: How to meet him without it being painful!

Optimist: How to celebrate this fantastic holiday!

Pessimist: I don’t understand why there is so much noise around the New Year? Think about it for yourself - this means again running around the shops, multi-ton bags, salads, New Year's night gorging, a mountain of dirty dishes, “the sleepiest day of the calendar” - January 1... Well, why does everyone love the New Year so much?! So much trouble, but for what? We'll spend the whole night watching TV anyway. They say it's the most romantic holiday of the year... And what's so romantic about it? Well, a Christmas tree, well, toys, well, candles...

Optimist: New Year again! This means searching for gifts, rustling wrapping paper through snowflakes and Santa Clauses! A mountain of surprises under the Christmas tree! Festive table, salads, New Year's goose with apples! Festive program on TV!.. After all, this is New Year - the most romantic holiday of the year! By the way, astrologers recommend meeting it with plenty of water, or even better in water! Can you imagine how romantic this is!..

Pessimist: What does water have to do with it?

Optimist: So it’s the year of the Water Horse!

Pessimist: What, are there water horses? You'll want to laugh!


Optimist(picks up the phone): Yes, agency! Yes, whoa! I'm not the one for you! Horses?! Yes, of course!.. (Addresses the Pessimist) Here they ask for some kind of horse...

Pessimist(picks up the phone): What? Russian trotter?! Where are you calling?! Call... Borki! To Borki, I say! (Hangs up) Disgrace! They think we have a branch of a stud farm here! I said that we should have come up with a different name! Not “But! Whoa!”, and, for example, “Let’s go!”

Optimist: Yeah! Then they would call us at the cosmodrome... By the way, it would be nice to sort out the horses so as not to get into trouble!

Pessimist: What do we know about horses? Let's look at encyclopedic dictionary. “Horses are a genus of mammals, the equine family. Body length is 2.8 m, height at the withers is up to 1.5 m, tail length is 40-50 cm. Horses include zebras, wild ass, Przewalski's horse, kulan...”, etc. according to the dictionary. Well, what can we learn from this?! Shouldn't there be a race here?

Optimist: Why not! Great idea! And then, as for the horses! This is the real Klondike! How many songs are there about horses?! And my favorite! (Phonogram “I am a little horse”)

They reminisce with the audience about songs in which a horse or horses are present. You can invite someone especially brave to perform one of the songs in public.

Optimist: Do you know what is most important in the year of the Horse?

Pessimist: Certainly! The main thing is to stay in the saddle and not break your neck!

Optimist: Ugh! The main thing is to bet on the favorite and win! It is important to determine the favorite correctly. For one it is home, family, for another it is work, education and so on...

Pessimist: By the way, about education... Somewhere I had horse questions.

Optimist: Well, how boring you are! It's a holiday, and you have some questions.

Pessimist: Well, you know! Do you have any other suggestions?

Optimist: Of course there is! New Year's quiz for the smartest and most desirable viewers! New Year's gifts and souvenirs just for you and only today at our New Year's agency!

Pessimist: Bravo!

Quiz about horses . Those who gave the correct answers go on stage.

A task for them : We are rehearsing New Year's greetings. Say the phrase “Happy New Year!” with appropriate intonation. For example: we congratulate the boss, the conductor on the trolleybus, the traffic police inspector, the child, etc., we add the proposed circumstances of the place and time and comment on what is happening.

Competition with New Year's masks - “Mask! I know you! But you don’t have me!” (they take the masks out of the bag without looking, put them on and congratulate the audience on behalf of the mask they put on. Phonogram)

Optimist: Almost a quote: “They say that on New Year’s Eve, no matter what happens, everything will always happen, everything will always come true!” Our agency’s special service is the New Year’s promotion “ New Year's fortune telling completely free!”

An optimist gives out prizes to participants. A basket, a gypsy shawl on the shoulders and an optimistic comment, which is the most important thing. The participant himself pulls the prize out of the basket, and the Optimist says what it means.


Optimist(picks up the phone): Hello! Yes! Do we have Santa Claus?! What stupid questions! Let's find it! How many?! Five?! Why do you need so much?! And... Where should I send it?! Keep it for yourself? Okay, I wrote it down... (Hangs up) Application! As many as five Santa Clauses!!!

Pessimist: And where to send them?!...

Optimist(understands the mistake): Ah... ah... Santa Clauses will come in handy for us too. Now we’ll put on such a Santa Claus show that everyone will be jealous!

Casting of Santa Clauses. (5-6 men are chosen from the audience according to the principle - what kind of Santa Claus should be? For example: tall - they choose the tallest; strong to carry big bag, - choose the strongest; gray - the grayest, etc.)

"Youth Dances" . (Master the technique and movements, since Santa Claus must be modern and in good physical fitness. You can offer a set of movements under the general name “Youth Dances”, for example, one of the movements: we catch mosquitoes on the right and left, or here: we trample the asphalt with our left foot, right, left-left-left-right etc., or we follow Lenin’s course: one step forward, two steps back; and all this to the accompaniment of rhythmic music, it turns out to be fun.)

“Create yourself a Snow Maiden.” (Next test: create a Snow Maiden. The means at hand are taken from the surrounding space. Some are offered by the presenters, some you can get yourself.)

"Santa Claus Song" (Phonogram “minus” + lyrics. Any “winter” songs, and, of course, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” - everyone performs a verse together.)

New Year wishes from the Fab Five . (Champagne and wine glasses are brought out, poured to the envy of those who are not on stage, and everyone, on behalf of Santa Claus, congratulates the audience or someone personally, there is complete freedom of creativity.)

Distribution of prizes to participants as part of a special promotion “New Year's fortune telling - completely free!” (From a magic basket with an optimistic comment.)

Call. They search for the phone all over the stage, under tables and so on, when they find it, it stops ringing. Commentary by presenters in their images.

Pessimist: So, there was an application!

Optimist: That's a plus!

Pessimist: We don’t know what was in it. This is a minus!

Optimist: But we have so many visitors today, this is a huge and final plus!

Pessimist: By the way, isn't it time for us to round up the horse? And then she was already completely stale...

Optimist: What kind of jargon! It's time! It's about time! But not to drive, as you put it, a horse, but to hold a New Year's auction to sell the horse! Thoroughbred! Souvenir! And overall very cute!

Auction. (They sell a horse for correct answers. Questions like: what breed is it, what height, color, weight, etc. The last one to give the correct answer gets it.)


Optimist(picks up the phone): Yes, I’m listening to you! What?! (Having put the phone away) They ask which horse is better to bet on?

Pessimist(picks up the phone): Listen, where are you calling?! Yes...Who should I fertilize?! Horse?! What?! Appease?! Lord, give her this... hay. Well, how do I know where to get hay in winter?... (Hangs up) I don’t understand, do we have a horse information bureau?!

Optimist: By the way, about appeasing the horse - that was a good idea! Horse racing! That's what we need! Even children know that the best prize is money. And what can we say about horse racing! So there is no way without money and bets. Let's play for lemon. And not alone.

Gathering herds . Selected based on correct answers. "Reverse quiz." They make “bet”, well, or who is rooting for whom from the audience - how many fans there are, that’s the bet.

Distribution of “horse breeds” to race participants and mastering types of movement (walk, trot, gallop, gait, quarry). Very funny!

"Horses." (“The race” is carried out under the commentary of the presenter, as on TV. The presenter reads a funny text like: “Participant number 2 breaks forward half a length... suddenly the favorite began to stumble, oh-oh-oh... something happened, and a small gray horse with number 5 passes him, number 3 goes into a gallop,” etc., etc. The race participants just pretend it’s all very funny.)

Distribution of prizes to participants and lemons from the fortune telling basket. (And a comment as part of the same New Year’s promotion.)


Pessimist: Don't pick up the phone! There's something about horses again! I feel!

Optimist: Is it possible?! (Picks up the phone) Hello! Yes!... Yes!... Yes? ... Yes... Yes... (Changes different intonations, finally hangs up, answering a silent question - with a feeling of deep satisfaction) Songs have been ordered! New Year's! Real ones!

Pessimist(relieved): Well, no problem with that.

4-5 New Year's songs. (Phonograms are “minus”, performers use elements of costumes.)


Good evening, dear guests! We are glad to meet you again in our hall. We see you once a year, but we remember you 365 days a year. A year ago, you and I celebrated the Year of the Horse. And now we will see him off. Yes, everyone was tired, this year was not very kind to us, but we worked, worked and worked again. But so that this noble animal does not take offense at us, let’s leave all insults and sorrows in the past, and remember only the good. This year has rushed by quickly, like a racehorse of pure blood. Let's try to say only good things about the past year on a competitive basis. Are you ready?

1. Who will remember a poem about a horse or lines about it? (“I love my horse...”, “I see the horse slowly climbing up the hill...”, “Do you know, isn’t it time for the filly to go sledding...”).
2. Do you know fairy tales about horses? (“Sivka the Burka”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”).
3. Of all the genres, let’s remember songs. (“And three white horses, December, January and February, carry me into the ringing snowy distance...”, “Just whistle in the open field, horses, horses, horses are racing,” “Bought
Konik’s mother, and Konik has no leg”, “On the Berlin pavement the horses walked to a watering place”).
3. We have completely forgotten about folk wisdom - proverbs and sayings. (A woman with a cart is easier for a mare. Those who are lucky, ride on them. It’s not food for a horse. A wolf is not a horse’s friend).
4. And now we will find out which of you is the best expert on horse breeds. List the breeds of horses. (Heavy truck, Budenovskaya, Donskaya, Terek, Polish, English, Oryol, Percheronskaya, American, Russian).
I think that the Year of the Horse is not offended by us for such knowledge.

The presenter places three chairs with backs in a row.

Leading. I need three brave, dashing men, three brave Cossacks. I think the steppe knights have not disappeared on the Don.

The presenter seats the men on chairs.

Leading. How is your imagination? In order? Wonderful! Turn the chairs over backwards and sit as if on a horse. No. 1 - yours is bay. No. 2 - black. No. 3 - brown. What do you have to say to get the horse to go?
(But). How about making the horse stop? (Whoa). Well, then - let's go. Who can ride his horse to the opposite edge faster? (The winners of all competitions are awarded).

Leading. It's time to say goodbye to the Old Year. Toast!
Let's raise our glasses
Here's to the passing year, friends!
Let us raise our eyes, noble couples,
Giving each other smiles.

Leading (in 10 minutes).

For some reason Santa Claus is delayed. Let's call him, shout together: “Grandfather Frost!”
Name: A little puny Santa Claus comes out.

Father Frost. Here I am!
Hello friends!
Did you happen to see
Where is my Snow Maiden?

Leading. No, Grandfather Frost. Weren't you two together?

Father Frost. What, what are you saying?
I have become old, hard of hearing,
Where is my Snow Maiden?
Help me friends.
Shout out in unison,
Perhaps she will appear.

Everyone shouts:"Snow Maiden!" The Snow Maiden comes in tall and in a short fur coat, from under which the elastic bands of her stockings are visible. There is a cigarette in his teeth. He approaches Santa Claus and blows smoke at him.

Snow Maiden. Hello old man! Where are we going?

Father Frost(waves away the smoke).
Where are we going?

Snow Maiden. What are you, a parrot?

Father Frost. No, Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden. I don't care who you are. So to you or to me? Think faster, time is money!
(Points to the clock).

Father Frost. Let's go see the guests.

Snow Maiden. Do you know the price?
Father Frost (taken aback).

Snow Maiden. With me this much (lowers the elastic band of a stocking, on the leg there is an inscription of $500), and with guests or in front of guests this much (lowers the elastic band of another stocking, on the other leg there is an inscription $1000).

Father Frost (scratching the back of his head).
What company pays that much?

Snow Maiden."Winter prostitute."

Father Frost (crosses himself).
Holy, holy.

Snow Maiden. So shall we go?

Father Frost. Listen, Snow Maiden, won’t you get me a job in your company? But these people (nods at the guests) pay 300 rubles per hour.

Snow Maiden. And you work for this money?

Father Frost. So will you help?

Snow Maiden. What can you not do for a relative? We have freed up a place in male striptease. For the New Year they are wearing a Santa Claus outfit. You're painfully puny. (Walks around Santa Claus). Okay, let's try it.

Father Frost. What should you do?

Snow Maiden. Wow, did you see the shot? Undress slowly to the music. The slower and sexier, the more money the chicks put in their swimming trunks.

Father Frost. Why do chicks need swimming trunks, honey?

Snow Maiden. Are you brain-frozen or what? They will put money in your swimming trunks for work. Maestro, music! Come on, dance and take off your clothes.
Santa Claus dances and takes off his belt and robe (under the robe there is a T-shirt, tie, felt boots, socks, family panties). Music of the group "Freestyle" - "Oh, what a woman."

Snow Maiden(gives instructions).
Slow down! Emphasis on male power! Movements are sexier. Santa Claus has only his underwear left. He takes hold of the elastic band of his panties, pulls them back, shyly, and slowly begins to lower his panties down, takes them off and throws them away. Underneath are just more panties. (The more panties, the more interesting).

Snow Maiden. Wow, here you go! Very sexy! Let's go, I'll get you settled in now. (Santa Claus packs his things and leaves).

Leading. That's how Grandfather Frost is! What to do? We'll have to call someone else. Competition. (Makes an order on his cell phone.) While Grandfather Frost is traveling, your children want to congratulate you. What are you saying? Do your kids celebrate New Year in restaurants and bars? But these children are small - your illegitimate ones, who were born after celebrating that New Year with us.
Adults come in dressed as children. The teacher carries a potty ahead. He lines up the children. One “girl” comes up to the table and asks the sitting man for candy.

Girl. Daddy, give me some candy!

Educator. Mashenka, first we’ll sing a song, then daddy will give you some candy! (The girl sits on her knees and kisses him on the cheek, then stands back.)

Boy(to the teacher).
Olga Pavlovna, I want to go potty.

Educator. Go faster, Petya!

Boy. I was joking!

Educator. That's what dad joked a year ago. In the end, you showed up.

Educator. Dear daddies of these children! The song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” is performed for you.
They sing, someone picks their nose, someone pushes or pulls their hair. After singing the song, the “children” run to different men shouting “dad”, “daddy”, “daddy”.

Educator. Children, it's time to join the group. Your daddies will come to us in a year, and you will have brothers and sisters after this New Year. We won't be bored. Your daddies will provide us with personnel. (They leave).

Leading.On New Year's Eve, all sorts of miracles happen. I am happy for you, dear men. What a joy it is to find your children, whose existence you didn’t even know. Now the gypsy theater “Carmen” will perform in front of you. The gypsy song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” is performed.

The gypsies come out long skirts, scarves on their hips, tambourines in their hands, and sing to the melody of “Black Eyes.”

Oh, in the forest, no, no,
The Christmas tree gave birth,
And on it, no, no,
One needle, no, no,
Oh, in the forest, no, no,
She gave birth,
Yes she is worth it
All green.

Elements of gypsy dance are danced.

Leading. Dear guests! The “Twice Red Banner Military Ensemble named after Alexandrov” came to our city on tour. Their first performance in our city is in front of you.

The same group comes out. The skirts are squeezed between the legs and pinned at the waist - imitation of trousers, and there are caps on the head. They approach the tree in formation.

Commander. Company! Stand still, one, two! Be equal! Attention! The soldier's song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" is performed.
To the tune of the song "Soldiers, let's go."
Hello, dear Marusya,
Sorry I didn't write.
In these two weeks I
Walked half of Europe.
Soldiers, let's go, let's go, let's go!
A Christmas tree was born in the forest,
There is one needle on it.
She grew up in the forest
It was green.
Soldiers - into the forest behind the Christmas tree
And behind her needle.
Goodbye, the trumpet is calling.
Soldiers, march!
They leave, forming a line under the command of the commander: “Soldiers, go ahead behind the tree!”

Leading. New Year is at the gates. It's time to call Santa Claus. (Name). Let's call the Snow Maiden right away, otherwise something might not happen again. (Name).

The new “normal” Father Frost and Snow Maiden are already entering.

Father Frost. I am very glad that in this hall
They finally recognized Moroz.
They didn’t forget to invite you to the party
And they decorated the miracle Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden. Yes, the tree is wonderfully decorated,
Very elegant and beautiful.

Father Frost. But I see something wrong with her. Let's say together: “One, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire!”
They light up the Christmas tree.

Leading. Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden, your journey was not close. Relax a little, watch the performance of our guests from the Academic Bolshoi Theater. (Seats them down.) A pas de deux from the ballet “Swan Lake” is being performed - the dance of little swans with black legs.
Coming out fat women in black tights, tutus and dance a fragment of the dance, then lie down on the floor and “die”. Then they raise their heads and say in unison through the “window” from their hands: “Happy New Year!” - they run away.

Father Frost. I saw just a miracle
I will never forget you.
You danced beautifully
They just didn’t read poetry to me.
A competition of poems about the Christmas tree, the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, and the New Year is announced. For a poem - candy. Round dance at the Christmas tree with Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden. The guests sang, danced and recited poetry, and it was time to hand out gifts.

Father Frost. That's right, granddaughter, I'll go call the magic bag.
Well, the bag is not in a hurry to come to us,
Maybe he's sleeping under the tree?
I'd better go get him myself
If he's sleeping, I'll wake you up.
Leaves. A bag appears. The legs are inserted into the slots, the head looks out. The bag is tied up to the person's neck.

Bag. I'm really tired of waiting for you,
So I went and took a walk.
You tell me, friends,
Maybe I'm not needed?
Snow Maiden.
We've been waiting for you all holiday,
And now they just called.
You didn’t come to our call,
Frost followed you.
I'll put you here
And I'll go get my grandfather.
Leaves. Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga. A! The bag is already here.

Bag. You can't handle the bag
Santa Claus conjured
So that no one takes me.

Baba Yaga. Don't contradict me, you impudent one!

Bag. Well, then I ran!

Baba Yaga. Stop! Where! Stop!

Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost. Oh, you are an old villain, why did you come here?

Baba Yaga (pulls out a mirror and looks into it).
And not at all old. I just had a facelift for the holiday, shortened my nose, whitened my teeth. (Approaches the sitting man, preens himself and asks flirtatiously). How do I look, honey? Just tell me it’s bad, my teeth are sharp, my nails are long. (Does not pay attention to Santa Claus, approaches the Christmas tree.)
Oh, where did I end up?
What is this wonderful room here?
And people are sitting around,
Yes, he looks at the tree.

Father Frost. What kind of miracle is this? And where did it come from?

Baba Yaga. You yourself are a miracle! I'm beautiful!
Why don't you like my look?
You, dear grandpa,
It would be better if you danced with me.
Dancing "Lady" with Santa Claus. Baba Yaga can't stand it and runs away.

Father Frost. Evil is done away with
It's time to give out gifts. (Give out).

Snow Maiden. Grandfather Frost! Will we hold an auction?

Father Frost. Of course, Snow Maiden! I grabbed the second bag.

Santa Claus pulls a thing out of the bag without showing it, the Snow Maiden describes this thing, calls it
the original price, in consultation with Santa Claus.

Auction items:
Erotic aphrodisiac. (Pushpin).
Two-room apartment for a single man. (Family panties).
Double chamber refrigerator for storing milk. (Brassiere).
Dishwasher. (Mesh for washing dishes).
Vacuum cleaner "Typhoon". (Broom).
Mercedes car. (Children's car).
Cream for agent 007, going on a mission to Africa. (Shoe cream).
An object that makes you want something when you see it. (Beanbag).
Summer option Reebok sneakers. (Traces).
Cotton garbage bin. (Handkerchief).
Soap "Fool". (Laundry soap).
Hair lightening product. (White).
Hairdryer "Roventa". (Comb).
Food processor. (Knife).

Father Frost. The time has come to say goodbye to us.

Snow Maiden. Health, joy and happiness
We wish you a New Year,
So that no anxiety, no misfortune
There was no guard at the gate.
So that the sun shines tenderly,
Everything that the heart expects came true.
And just to make it gratifying
All your life, like on New Year's Day.

Father Frost. We'll say goodbye to each other
And again we will be separated for a whole year.
And in a year the blizzard will howl again
And Santa Claus will come in winter.

Snow Maiden. Just don't forget us at all,
You wait for us, grandpa and I will come.
And welcome us again with songs and dances,
And we to you best gifts We'll bring it.
They leave.

Leading. Have a nice trip! And we have another guest. Celebrate the New Year's animal.
The "sheep" enters.

Sheep. Happy New Year to everyone! I want to make you happy. This New Year will be successful for everyone. I will introduce you to this year's forecast. This forecast is musical. For good luck to be with you, each sign needs to sing its own song. (The horoscope is read out).

This year will be successful for all people who have the characteristics of this animal in their character, they are:
Your character traits that others don't like will bring you confidence and happiness in the New Year.

They will be extremely busy at work and will be closely involved in career issues. Just don’t butt heads with your boss and you’ll be guaranteed a promotion. The motto of the year is the words of the song by A.B. Pugacheva: There is time for business, yes-yes-yes-yes, And for fun there is an hour.

They will find themselves involved in various love and adventurous situations. There is a risk of getting involved in illegal actions and then sorting things out with law enforcement agencies. It is recommended, in order to avoid getting into such a situation, to remember the words from the song by A.B. Pugacheva: Oh, what a man he was!

This year is not conducive to active career actions. So better do your homework. Gemini's motto for this year is:
Grandmother next to grandfather.
Oh, in vain, aunt, you Are you taking medicine?,
Your husband is a strong family man.

Best time for training or advanced training. In this matter, show not only the stubbornness of a goat, but even better than that of a donkey - and your career is guaranteed. Crayfish motto - lyrics:
We are blacksmiths
And our spirit is young.
We forge the keys to happiness.

You should avoid senseless spending and throwing money away left and right. But in the personal life of Leo, new romantic encounters await. Motto of the year:
The knot will be tied,
The knot will come undone.

Many Virgos will achieve success in business. But be careful about new offers. Many are expecting a salary increase. The motto of the year is words from A. Buinov’s song:
My finances sing romances.

You should be careful about your health. Be patient a little and everything will get better. At the end of the year, luck itself will come to you. The motto of the year is words from the song:
Temper yourself if you want to be healthy.

Some Scorpios will meet their love at the beginning of the year. And some are better off lying low. You should not enter into large contracts, because they may fail. The motto of the year is words from the song:
The most important thing is the weather in the house.

To achieve success in all matters, you need to act carefully, combining will and perseverance with restraint and prudence. Control your every step - and you will achieve success. Motto of the year:
Wait, who's coming?
Wait, who's coming?
But the enemy will not get through,
But the enemy will not pass.

This year is conducive to traveling abroad and establishing contacts with representatives of other countries. You will have to put your personal life aside for a while, because during this period you will have no time for love. The motto of the year is words from the song:
Let me go to the Himalayas.

It's time of reckoning karmic debts and financial obligations. At the end of the year there will be relief - your financial debts will begin to be paid. At the end of the year, go on a trip. The motto of the year is words from the song:
Good riddance, good riddance
The long journey is spreading.

In terms of partnerships, the year promises to be very promising. Businessmen, doctors, and teachers will do especially well. But there will be new problems with finances, tie the knot tighter until October, then you can relax. Partnerships can end in a wedding or civil marriage. The motto of the year is words from A. Derzhavin’s song:
Someone else's wedding, someone else's wedding.
Well, that's it, you're married now!

Congratulations to the sheep
Happy New Year!
I wish you happiness with all my heart!
To get you through this year
Without sadness and worries.
So that you can work successfully,
And have fun on holiday,
And good luck to you in your business,
And smiles on your lips.

Here's to the New Year!

1. Gifts from Santa Claus.
5-6 people are called. They must illustrate with movement the words of the presenter. The winner is the one who shows all the movements better.
Santa Claus brought gifts to the family.
He gave dad a comb.
Show him with one hand how he combs his hair.
He gave his son skis.
Show him how he skis.
He gave his mother a meat grinder.
Show her how she twists the meat.
He gave his daughter a doll.
She bats her eyelashes and says “Mom.”
And he gave his grandmother a Chinese bobblehead that shakes its head.”
All movements are performed simultaneously.
2. Long arm.
Place the glasses with the drink on the floor at your feet and walk as far as possible. And then get your glass without leaving your place and without touching the floor with your hands and knees.
3. Lady.
Guests are divided into 3 groups. They sing the phrases:
“There are soaked brooms in the bathhouse” (in a low voice).
“The spindles are not crushed” (high).
“But the sponges are not dried” (low).
All: “Mistress, lady, lady-madam.”
4. Whose ball is bigger?
Whoever inflates the biggest balloon without it bursting wins.
5. Apple.
Each dancing couple holds an apple or a small ball between their foreheads. The musician changes melodies from slow to fast. The dancers' task is to hold the apple. The last one sounds is “Apple”, and you are invited to dance in a squat position.
6. Towel.
Four brave women walk out the door. Place 6 bottles of champagne or other drinks on a long towel. The first woman is invited. They explain that she must go through without knocking over a single bottle, blindfolded. The audience gives commands:
Legs up!
To the left! Directly!
Raise your skirt higher, otherwise you'll knock it down.
More to the right!
Higher, higher leg.
Then the bottles are quickly removed, and the man lies on the towel. The woman is untied and shown who she stepped over.

New Year's Party Scenario for Adults

New Year's holiday scenario for adults


1st presenter

2nd presenter

Father Frost

Snow Maiden

Cheerful music is playing, spectators take their places at the tables if the performance is going on in a cafe. But then the soundtrack of a song about winter, New Year celebrations (any kind) comes on. After her, the presenter and presenter come out in costumes stylized as Gzhel or Khokhloma.

1st presenter.

Oh, you, gentlemen, guests,

You are welcome here!

Come into the elegant hall,

Look at the fun!

2nd presenter.

We wish everyone to have fun

And don’t be lazy to laugh,

It's fun to celebrate the holiday,

Don't be bored for a second!

1st presenter.

On New Year's Eve

We issued a decree

That's why we ask

Come to our holiday!

2nd presenter.

To have fun from the heart,

Remember the charter of our page!

(They read out.)

1st presenter.

Our first paragraph says,

That the carnival is already open!

2nd presenter.

Paragraph two - it is announced to everyone,

That sadness is not allowed here!

1st presenter.

Paragraph three prohibits

Swear, get angry and mope,

Look sad and dare!

2nd presenter.

Paragraph four obliges everyone

Sing and joke, dance and laugh,

Have fun all evening!

1st presenter.

On New Year's Eve,

And everyone knows this

It can be a lot of fun

It can be interesting!

Like children, everyone will want

And sing and dance,

And in various games, competitions

Take part.

2nd presenter.

Who will be the most active today?

He will receive the New Year's prize.

Fanfare sounds.

1st presenter.

Our dear guests,

The fun time is coming!

Hello, long-awaited holiday!

Hello, hello, New Year!

A ballroom dance is performed.

2nd presenter(after the dance).

We have many holidays in Rus',

New Year's is the best

Ask anyone.

1st presenter.

Family holiday

Everyone calls him

At the elegant Christmas tree

The whole family is welcome!

2nd presenter.

Let me ask you a question, gentlemen:

What is the name of the coming year?

(Year of the Snake...)

1st presenter.

That's right, you guessed it -

The year of the wise Snake is coming.

2nd presenter. If you believe eastern horoscope, people born in the year of the Snake are philosophers and thinkers, have good taste, have pleasant manners, but adventures are contraindicated for them.

1st presenter. The main problem of “snakes” is that they do not listen to anyone’s advice and do not learn from mistakes. They are easily restored and renewed after any illness.

2nd presenter. She goes any way towards her one and only goal. Even if this path is in the form of a zigzag.

1st presenter. She knows how to please, easily adapts to any lifestyle and does not experience financial difficulties.

2nd presenter.

A few questions

Let me ask you.

What about this animal

Can you tell?

There is a quiz. A token is awarded for the correct answer.

Quiz “Wise Snake”

1. In what fairy tales is the image of a snake (boa constrictor) found?

2. How is the snake associated with medicine?

3. Why is the snake called a symbol of wisdom?

4. Which hero of Russian fairy tales connects the Year of the Dragon and the Year of the Snake?

5. Which of the Russian heroes did the Basurman nicknamed the Serpent fight with?

6. Which snake can be used to form a ball, a rectangle, seahorse and a dog?

7. Who in Wonderland mistook Alice for a snake?

9. What story did the Soviet series about Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson begin with?

10. What kind of snake is on the table now?

1st presenter.

We won’t torment you with questions anymore.

We invite you to dance.

Everyone is dancing now!

Dances are performed.

2nd presenter.

Friends, we have something for everyone

Very nice New Year's news.

Just postal dog

He brought us a telegram.

1st presenter(reads out).

"Wait for a visit. We're flying,

We want to congratulate everyone,

To be with you again

Let's celebrate this holiday."

2nd presenter.

And at the end two more lines:

"Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, period."

1st presenter.

In the meantime, their plane is on the road, on the way,

Our main meeting is ahead!

2nd presenter.

Concert numbers

We'll give it to you now.

And our artists will perform them,

Just great!

2 concert numbers are performed. The presenters leave at this time. Then they return dressed as Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Father Frost.

We arrived here.

Good evening, gentlemen!

Snow Maiden.

Good evening, friends!

I'm glad to meet you!

Father Frost.

One day the day and hour come -

Everyone is waiting with hope for their arrival -

And the miracle happens again.

And this miracle is New Year!

Snow Maiden.

And with him we appear to people

In the sparkle of jokes and undertakings,

And on this day we will be guests

All of you: both adults and children.

Dear uncles, dear aunts,

Welcome us!

What are you waiting for?

Father Frost.

Let's get to know each other, I'm glad to see you to tears!

My name is simply

I am Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden.

Since getting to know everyone is more important (to Santa Claus.)

Get the snowball out quickly.

(Addresses the audience.)

We'll throw it to you.

And you name the name!

The game "Getting Acquainted" is played.

Father Frost.

Nice, nice frolic,

Like children, have fun!

Snow Maiden.

Dear Grandfather Frost,

I have a question for you.

The tree is sad,

For some reason it doesn't light up.

Father Frost.

We will fix this problem

Let's make all the lights burn.

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, don’t be lazy,

Hurry up and light up for us!

Santa Claus hits with his staff. The lights on the Christmas tree come on. The general light goes out.

Father Frost.

Let's remember previous years -

I was a grandfather anywhere:

He sang songs, he knew how to dance,

In general, I did what I wanted.

Maybe we can remember the old days -

Let's sing one song.

Snow Maiden.

You will sing the first verse like children.

The second is in the language of animals

and birds of the planet.

Points to the tables, gives the task to sing alone, like dogs - woof-woof; like goats - meh; crows - kar-kar; cats - meow-meow, etc.

New year in a new way.

Baba Yaga and Snow Maiden come out:
Snow Maiden: Eh, Baba Yaga. Well, look at what you look like in your forest! But the New Year is just around the corner! She has gone completely wild, shuns people, and is embittered. But we shouldn’t live like that, we should be more gentle, even more tender!
Baba Yaga: Why are you picking on me? You are the Snow Maiden, and I am BABA YAGA. It’s not proper for me to give good things to people, after all, I’m like the devil’s grandmother myself. I really love pranks. And I had a wart on my nose, but I just removed it!
Snow Maiden: How can we correct you - set you on the right path!
Baba Yaga: I was bored in the slums, I forgot what people smelled like. Well, try to fix it, put it on the right path. Have some fun with the old lady.
Snow Maiden: Where should we start? Let's start by wishing people a Happy New Year!
Baba Yaga: New Year has come to us again,
And the hangover days have arrived!
And the thirty-first will leave:
And he'll take you away goodbye
All our money and sorrows.
And the wishes are clear,
And every year the same:
To all people of different heights
Briefs, bra and pants
Change once a year - but not less often;
Drink vodka and take care of your stomach;
Play pranks, but without getting drunk;
Chop cutlets, eat compote;
Go to bars and of course to the bathhouse;
With that - to fight, but with that - to be friends,
But in general - do the right thing
And go to work every day,
Without demanding a reward for that!
Well, I was so afraid - only the skirt was wrinkled!
Snow Maiden: It’s a pity that Santa Claus is not with us.
B.Ya: He let us down, he set us up. Forgive me Snow Maiden, but he acted worse than me and worse than any evil spirits. But I tried to find him, to persuade him, I even went to hell, ugh, I barely got away with it. The old devil pestered me and kept asking me to get married. What a jungle, what a darkness, how did you get out of there?... I had to take it to my chest so as not to get lost for a long time. It’s good that I got there, I brought joy to people!

B.Ya: Where are you dressing up?
Snow Maiden: How to where? New Year is coming soon. Let's go with Grandfather Frost to congratulate the children on the holiday and give gifts.
B.Ya: Why did you decide that you would go to the holiday?
Snow Maiden: I am younger and more beautiful. I have to go. Why do we need a junk like you at a party?
B.Ya: Better look at yourself, you’ll also send me a present for the holiday! It would be better if there was snow.
Snow Maiden: Am I worse than snow? The snow will melt, but I will stay!
B.Ya: Yes, you can’t erase a gift like you, no matter how you draw it, you can’t turn it around with a bulldozer, you can’t ride it around on a crooked mare!
Snow Maiden: You know what, grandma is a veteran of fairy tales! Don't turn up your nose. Grandfather Frost will come and he will judge us. Let him say who he wants to take to the holiday!
B.Ya: Let's call him!
Snow Maiden: Come on!
Shouting together:
Grandfather Frost, get up, it's time,
Children are waiting for gifts!
(A sleepy Santa Claus appears with a bag of gifts behind his back.)
Santa Claus: I slept almost the whole year, although there was a lot to do. It's time to go to work: go and congratulate them on the holiday, give gifts. As always, the New Year is sweeping across the world, and every time the Supreme Duma of the ancient convocation hands out tasks on where to go this year. I’ll tell you, my dear granddaughters, that this year I was given a difficult task, to congratulate... Why are you so gloomy, what happened, what happened?
B.Ya: Yes, Grandfather, some here believe that they can make any holiday happy with their presence. To be, so to speak, an utter gift!
Santa Claus: Why? They have already given me gifts. Look - a whole bag!
(Puts the bag in a visible place).
Snow Maiden: The fact is, Grandfather, that I believe that the youngest, most blooming of us should go to the holiday with you.
B.Ya: And you don’t take my centuries-old experience and length of service into account at all? Just imagine, you come, a new, unfamiliar face, the children won’t even recognize you, they’ll be scared. But I’m a completely different matter!
Santa Claus: Come on, don't quarrel!
(B. I slowly takes the bag with gifts).
Snow Maiden: Well, Grandfather! It's a shame. I waited a whole year, prepared congratulations for a whole month, dressed up...
B.Ya: I was on a diet all day...
Snow Maiden: And you spent the whole day doing makeup, covering up wrinkles...
B.Ya: It was I who covered up the wrinkles, it was me... Yes, I you...
(He chases her and tries to hit her with a bag. She runs away. As a result, B.Ya. hits Santa Claus on the head with the bag. D.M. falls unconscious).
Snow Maiden: Oh! What have we done! (brings D.M. to his senses)
Santa Claus: Stop quarreling. In my opinion, something terribly irreparable happened. I'm afraid that no one will go to the holiday. And someone will be left without gifts this year.
Snegurochka and B.Ya. (together): Why?
Santa Claus: At my age, it is very reckless to make sudden movements in the head area. And you, my kind granddaughters, my dear granddaughters (he speaks maliciously), hit her, so to speak, with a blunt object - a bag. And now, now (almost crying) I forgot where I was supposed to go, where the Supreme Duma of the ancient convocation sent me for the holiday. Now everything is gone!
Snegurochka and B.Ya. (together): Horror!
Santa Claus: I know it’s terrible! There is nothing more terrible than a holiday that doesn't exist.
B.Ya: Something needs to be done!
Snow Maiden: What can we do now?
B.Ya: Calm, just calm. My life experience tells me that if you lose something, you need to look for it.
Snow Maiden: Well, you're a head! That's right, let's get ready to go! Let's go and find our holiday!
Santa Claus: I just can’t imagine which way to go! I forgot everything! I only remember that the place is so unusual, somehow exotic, not close, nearby, the name is so warm, warm, almost native.
Snow Maiden: then we should probably go there!

Snow Maiden: And now, grandfather, it’s time for you to give our viewers gifts.
Santa Claus - Gifts? What gifts??
Snow Maiden - Grandfather, I see that your toad has begun to progress... And it seems that I will really have to ask the doctors for some potent remedy for your toad. There are syringes, and they have big needles! Are the medications painful?
Santa Claus - Oh, don't, granddaughter! Phew, it seems the toad has let me go!
Snow Maiden - That's it, grandfather.
Santa Claus - Yes, it's time to give gifts. Here the snowmen and I have prepared something for you (takes out two empty bottles)
Snow Maiden - Grandfather, did you drink the gifts you had in store???
(D.M. leaves the stage and guiltily trails behind her)

Santa Claus - Well, granddaughter! The snowmen and I prepared a test for the men. Come to me, the bravest men.
(game with spectators)
(D.M. gives gifts, says a toast)
Snow Maiden - Grandfather, what should I do with B.Ya? She's terrible, she'll ruin the whole New Year!
B.Ya: But, but! Please, no insults! I couldn’t handle anything like that! Yes, I scorched Koshchei the Immortal with fire (pause) but to no avail: the immortal, he is the immortal. Yes, I almost beat Nightingale the Robber (pause) at cards, and I almost beat Ivan the Robber himself (pause)!
(the hooligans appear staggering. They sing a song)
Hooligan song:
A palm tree was born in the jungle
She grew up in the jungle.
With coconuts and mangas
There was that palm tree.
Little gray little elephant
Jumped under a palm tree.
And at night there under the palm tree
The hippopotamus roared.
A zebra runs through the jungle,
Negritos on the zebra,
He cut down this palm tree
And he brought it here to us.
Now she's smart
She came to us for the holiday,
Bananas and dates
I didn’t bring it with me!
Hooligans: Hello, good people! Hello, Red Nose! Hello, Snow Maiden! (They see B.Ya.) Oh, I’m already imagining evil spirits! Get lost! Get lost!
Snow Maiden: This is not evil spirits, this is B.Ya! She came to ruin our holiday! Please send her away!
Hooligans: What do we care about Baba! What do we need Yaga! Yes, we are her, she won’t find it enough! What will happen to us for this? Will you seat us at your table? Will you feed me? Will you give me something to drink?
Snow Maiden: And you will be rowdy and hooligan, throwing chairs, breaking plates and fighting!
Hooligans: We will! Necessarily!
Snow Maiden: No, we don’t need that kind of help! Get out of here.
Hooligans: Well, please, let's leave! It hurts! (leave)
(A drumbeat and the sound of a bugle are heard. The pioneers come out, marching in formation. They sing the song “Soar, with bonfires, white nights”)
What kind of tree is this?
The whole top of the head is in silver, -
Blooms here in winter
On a frosty day in December?
That's it!
That's it!
This is our Christmas tree.
(during these words, the pioneers clap their hands, stamp their feet, point to the Christmas tree)
Fruits ripen in summer
In summer the garden is full of apples,
And on the tree on this
On a winter day they hang!
That's it!
That's it!
This is our Christmas tree.
And nuts and candies,
And the balls hang on it,
There's a tree on this one
Everything for the joy of the guys!
That's it!
That's it!
This is our Christmas tree.
Pioneers: Long live the New Year! Hooray! Join the ranks of progressive youth! Hooray! Let's celebrate this year by collecting scrap metal in the fields and waste paper in our pockets! It's all about collecting scrap metal! It's all about collecting waste paper!
(The pioneers disperse around the hall, collect metal items, pester the guests, asking them to scrap gold, i.e. metal, rings, cufflinks, pins)
Snow Maiden: Comrade pioneers! Stop! I know one who really wants to join your ranks. She is an active athlete and bodybuilder, she loves wildlife, and she speaks English! Here she is, meet her, this is Baba Yaga!
(The pioneers rush to B.Ya, pulling her with them)
B.Ya: What are you talking about! No, I don't want to! Well, go away, otherwise I’ll burn all your waste paper, ooh!
(B.Y. scares the pioneers and they run away in fear)
Snow Maiden: Dear guests! How can we re-educate B.Ya? Maybe we’ll sing her a song, she’ll like it and she won’t bother us anymore.

B.Ya: (D.M. and Sn. come on stage after her) Well, that’s it! Tired of it! I came here to have some fun, and you lure me in with games and feed me songs!
(Leshy appears. Enters, dancing, singing along to himself) (dance screensaver with the Snow Maiden)
Leshy: Hello! Happy New Year to you! I am Leshy, I was passing by and decided to congratulate you.
B.Ya: What a handsome man! Which …! What shoulders! Which ….! Can I get to know you better? Why – shoulders! What - .....! (waves his hand towards D.M. and S.) They were given to you! Let's eat better guests.
(D.M. throwing up his hands)
D.M: B.Ya. What kind of lawlessness is this?!
Leshy: Just wait. (addresses B.Ya) Let's go, madam! I know one place here where it’s as cozy as a nest. Please, let's go.
B. I am addressing D.M and Snow.
- Adyo. Babe! (goes backstage arm in arm with Leshiy)
Snow Maiden (following): Thank you, Leshy! Good luck! (crosses after)
Believe in New Year:
Happiness will be in him.
Mark it, blizzard,
A house full of happiness!
Let business carry you away.
And wealth increases
And luck awaits too
On this good day New Year!
It’s impossible to celebrate the New Year without songs,
Everything in the songs is fate and life.
New Year is always wonderful
Forget everything and have fun!

Santa Claus - And now it’s time for us, we would happily stay with you, but we need to congratulate other people too.
Snow Maiden - Thank you, you saved my grandfather from a toad, and his memory seemed to be returning to him...
Santa Claus - Happy New Year!
Snow Maiden - Goodbye! See you next year!

Kikimora: Oh, quinoa water, green frogs, well, I was all soaked in the swamp, I even caught a runny nose, I’m not happy either at home or at work! And I’m dying of boredom alone, if only Baba Yaga would fly in and dispel the melancholy and bring some news.
Baba Yaga: Ugh, oh, you, the sticks are bent, the trees are shaggy, the devils are striped. Looks like you landed correctly. All the signs are the same: a ruined house, swamp stumps, water dampness.
Kikimora: Oh, whoever is here, come out with your hands up!
(Baba Yaga comes out with her hands raised).
Kikimora: B-Ya, is that you? Why did you raise your hands?
Baba Yaga: She said it herself, come out with your hands up. Well, why did you call me? The men always wanted to steal it, but I didn’t let it! She didn’t let me arrange my personal life. Oh well. I don’t hold a grudge against you, well, why are you hanging your nose?
Kikimora: Green melancholy tormented me, I’m sitting in a swamp and don’t know anything.
Baba Yaga: Don't you know what's coming in the world?
Kikimora: and who in the world is coming?
Baba Yaga: not who, but what, swamp greens, ______ year. I was walking to the center
rejuvenation I wanted to celebrate the New Year beautiful and young, but my legs brought me to you. And look how many people have gathered.
Kikimora: yes, people have gathered, and everyone is waiting for D.M. with the Snow Maiden, gifts.
Is no one waiting for us?
Baba Yaga: who needs us? I see it in your eyes good mood they need it. Look, winter is raging outside, food is expensive, but give them a good mood.
Kikimora: And what we are doing is worse than any D.M. with the Snow Maiden, we’ll lift everyone’s spirits right now. What is needed for a good mood?
Baba Yaga: Truly a nice man! Business hands and smart heads. Come on, killer whales, raise your business hands, and you, dear man, put your hands out of your pockets, they don’t steal your tea! Cross your raised hands, spread your fingers and, with your eyes wide open, all look at me. This is how all the elk and deer in my native forest will look at me in surprise after the rejuvenation session! Okay, let's start the holiday?
Kikimora: Let's start the holiday!
Our holiday is a prank!
Baba Yaga: First, so be it, I’ll tell you a secret:
We will thank the sponsors!
Kikimora: I want to say all my kind words to the sponsors
For the vest sleeves provided to us.
Baba Yaga: We thank our native plant, it gave nothing,
And that's all we managed to get out of him.
Kikimora: We thank the farmers for that big van,
In which the cookies lie and for the damn car.
Baba Yaga: The village council provided us with a donut hole,
We are grateful - there are no words - for this gift to him.
Kikimora: I also want to thank the youth of the village,
I barely carried away their promises to help.
Baba Yaga: Thanks to these gentlemen, with their help e won
We'll have a celebration like this here - better than a funeral!
Kikimora: Kikimora and Bab Yaga invited you here, and a glorious
party, the holiday is simply crazy!
Baba Yaga: How do you think events will develop at our evening?
Kikimora: I think this is... (dances). Dub-shubi-dub-a...
Baba Yaga: Dancing? Amazing! What else?
Kikimora: Well, this is... (changes dance). Bam-shala-lula!
Baba Yaga: Great! What else?
Kikimora: And also shoobi-duba-wap! Shooby-doobie-wap-wap!
Baba Yaga: Yes, your repertoire is not very big. Anything other than this...
(mimics) shubi-duba-wap, bam-shala-lula...?
Kikimora: Riddles.
Baba Yaga: Riddles?
Kikimora: Yes, right now.
Baba Yaga: Thank you! Friends! Especially for you - riddles from Kikimora.
Whoever guesses the riddles gets applause.

- Uncle’s nose froze, good grandfather... (freezing).
-they are tossed around, rolled around, and dragged through the winter. (felt boots).

Answer me, kids.
which is like candy
does it sound like a cannon?
What's her name?... (cracker)

And the Christmas tree, and mom, and even grandma
decorated with colorful, elegant... (beads).

Everyone is singing and having fun,
lead a noisy round dance,
because today is a holiday
under the name... (New Year).

Baba Yaga: Well, the riddles are over, but the people don’t leave, what else do they need? Think about it, you started all this. What else happens at concerts? You sit by the “box” for years, wiping one place.
Kikimora: Well, what happens at concerts, advertising happens.
Baba Yaga: and what, people are afraid of her?
Kikimora: As she drags along, they go crazy with her, start yelling, squealing, screaming. Well, in short, success is guaranteed.

-take mayonnaise “calve”,
wonderful food.
What is “kalve” made from?
It's obvious from the name!

- to have success in love,
use “panti-provi”,
I became amazing with shampoo
antithetical to myself!

The telly reminds everyone:
"Ferry" destroys fat
I smeared myself with “ferry”
and now I don’t wet the doors!

I drink beer in winter and summer,
but always dry at the same time,
because my ally
new “libero” diaper!

Someone who drinks Pepsi often
he will not let you down in his work,
I'll just drink Pepsi
I immediately think about sex!

Without advertising, I confess to you, I am winged gaskets
I can't get by even a day, I gave it to my killer whale
I wake up with Blanc Galina and she put them on,
I go to bed with Aunt Asya! So she flew off to her neighbor!
Kikimora: Yes, they don’t disperse, shoo-shoo-sh. stand rooted to the spot.
Baba Yaga: Kiki, maybe you can make a speech saying it’s time to go to bed.
Kikimora: Dear people! Why did you open your mouth?
Ali, do you think so - what will happen here?
Do you think they’ll give you a hundred grams here today?
And will they serve pies to break the fast?
Baba Yaga: nothing will happen to you, don’t get your hopes up, I won’t give it to you!
Kikimora: We're closing the party - go home!
Baba Yaga: However, this year the people have become stubborn and do not want to disperse.
Kikimora: what are we going to do?
Baba Yaga: I have one remedy.
Kikimora: which?
Baba Yaga: lottery! Come on, people! There are many of you, but few tickets! And every ticket has a prize!.. okay, I’ll give it up, figure it out for yourself...
(throws tickets out of a bucket into the crowd, each ticket has a cuiche and the words: “don’t roll your lip, otherwise they’ll trample you”).
(Ki-ki and B-Ya laugh loudly and dance)
(a soundtrack of a voice from the crowd sounds: “Santa Claus!” -3 times).

Kikimora: Why were they shouting?
Baba Yaga: D.M. require.
Kikimora: aren't they having fun with us?
Baba Yaga: rebel!? I'll show them! What are we going to do? Come on, think, Cast iron head.
(FAIRY appears)
Fairy: (sings a song to the tune of R. Paum “yellow leaves”).
Can't live in this world!
Can't live in this world!
No miracles, no miracles.
Everyone will show this,
Everyone will show this
Interest, interest.
Pr: in the New Year they especially want all the miracles,
Today I will create miracles for you,
I will apply all my skill and diligence,
So that your cherished wishes come true.
We studied magic
We studied magic
Witchcraft, witchcraft.
I'll show you in this room
Magic, magic.
Kikimora: Who are you?
Fairy: I'm a fairy, well... not quite a fairy yet. In general, I was sent to you for internship.
Baba Yaga: where is the direction?
(fairy hands over paper)
Baba Yaga: (reads)“A 2nd year student from the School of Miracles and Magic has been sent to your evening for an internship.” So you can do miracles?
Fairy: well...if it works out.
Kikimora: The devil himself sent it to us. Now we will show the show. Well, who will we order?
Baba Yaga: Let's find out what awaits us in 2006.
Kikimora: Yeah. Hey, how are you, not quite a fairy yet, or something, come here. Invite us a person who predicts the future.
Fairy: I'll try!
(wave " with a magic wand", music of magic, a paper scroll is thrown into the hall.)
Baba Yaga: What kind of unidentified flying object is this?
Kikimora: Let's see.
(unfold and read)
Years pass by in succession:
The year of the rooster follows the year of the dog.
And every year brings its own image,
Its own signs and mysterious signs.
(takes away)
And this year promises peace and friendship,
And a full house, and a table, and everything you need!
But do without a fight at all
It will hardly be possible in a year... of a dog.
Baba Yaga: I didn’t understand, this is some kind of prediction.
Kikimora: Where then is the predictor himself? Hey fairy, what did you conjure for us?
Fairy: But I'm still learning.
Kikimora: And what should we do now? People are waiting and won’t leave.
Baba Yaga: What, what to read for yourself. Who are you?
Kikimora: Have you eaten too much fly agaric Yaga? I'm Kiki.
Baba Yaga: no, what is your zodiac sign?
Kikimora: Well, it’s clear who I am, girl... More
Baba Yaga: Well, listen for now girl:
Virgos, it’s not without reason that you’re waiting for the forecast,
I want to shake you all up.
The fact is that Virgos, even old ones
Tomorrow you are allowed to sin.
You have many objects for sins,
These are Cancers, Aries and Taurus.
Just don't sin with Capricorn,
Gemini may appear!
Kikimora: Okay, who are you, let me read it. Cancer. Yes?
I will give a very intimate forecast to Cancer:
Tomorrow you'll just walk out the door
Like your man in the shadow of the night
Blonde Aquarius will visit.
And your first task
So that her husband could not meet her.
And if you miss, it means
You are no longer Cancer, but Capricorn!
Baba Yaga: Yes, fairy, we didn’t have a great holiday with you either, soon people will start throwing tomatoes at us. We need to get on our feet quickly.
Kikimora: Yes, you still have to give way to D.M. with the Snow Maiden.
Fairy, at least you can D.M. - then call
Baba Yaga: For example: Trakh-tibidoh or sim-salobim.
Fairy: Now let's see.
(Looks at his notes, waves his magic wand, False D.M. appears)
False Santa Claus: Hello, hello my friends!
I came to you for the holiday:
Sixth year of the new century
Over these two millennia!
I'm so tired of everyone's soul!
Happy New Year to you!
From century to century, from year to year
Wishing you a hassle-free life!
As soon as you don't get bored
On my winter holiday straight from the seats
Yelling heart-rendingly “Santa Claus!”
Did I step on your tail?
And everyone is so happy...
It's like I'm here for the first time!
Damn, are you waiting for some gifts?
It would be better if we drove it to the store!
Everyone here is happy with a freebie,
But I'm not your wholesale warehouse.
Kikimora: Grandfather, why are you angry? Oh, where did he get enough already?
False Santa Claus: What are you talking about?
I ran headlong and skipping towards you!
I flew to you both night and day! I brought you...
Baba Yaga:... beer burps, fumes and hangover.
False Santa Claus: The twentieth century has passed away and planted a sprout in our souls...
Kikimora: (sniffing) The Old Miller, Fat Man, Afanasy, Patra, Baltika, Red East...
False Santa Claus: In _______ we will live happily: both old and young... We will erect it over the country...
Baba Yaga:... Beer label... for example, Zolotoy Ural...
Kikimora: Apparently, he celebrated his holiday before us. Where did you leave the Snow Maiden?
False Santa Claus: Don't be afraid! It won't be lost. Now he’ll finish his smoke and come.
(Snow has a cigarette in his mouth, $1000 and $500 in his stocking)
False Snow Maiden: Hello old man, where are we going?
False Santa Claus: Where are we going?
False Snow Maiden: What are you, a parrot?
False Santa Claus: No, D.M.
False Snow Maiden: Yes, I don’t care who you are: to you or to me? Think faster, time is - money. (points to watch)
False Santa Claus: Let's go see the guests.
False Snow Maiden: Do you know the price?
False Santa Claus: (taken aback) what?
False Snow Maiden: With me so much (raises the hem on one leg, the inscription $500), and with guests (raises the hem on the other side of the leg with the inscription $1000).
False Santa Claus:(scratching the back of his head) What company pays that much?
False Snow Maiden:"Winter prostitute."
False Santa Claus: Holy, holy, holy.
False Snow Maiden: So shall we go?
False Santa Claus: Listen, Snow Maiden, you won’t get me a job in your company. And then these (nods at the guests) per hour 300 rub. they pay.
False Snow Maiden: And you work for this money?
False Santa Claus: So will you help?
False Snow Maiden: What can you not do for a relative? We have a place in the male striptease, and for the New Year they have just the outfit of D.M. (walks around him). Well, let's try it.
False Santa Claus: What should you do?
False Snow Maiden: In the frame, did you see? Undress slowly to the music. The slower and sexier the more money the chicks put in their swimming trunks.
False Santa Claus: Why do chicks need swimming trunks, honey?
False Snow Maiden: Are you brain frozen, or what? This is for you to put money in your swimming trunks for work, well, look how it should be done. Maestro of music! Learn!
(Takes out a cell phone, dials a number, listens. He undresses to the music: takes off one thing at a time and puts it on the hand of D.M., who looks with stunned eyes. D.M. puts Snow’s things on a chair, fusses around her, tries to cover her with himself, then he pulls apart the skirts of his fur coat, takes out the shirt that he was allegedly wearing, covers his shoulders with the shirt, she takes it off, he takes out his trousers in the same way, and the Snow Maiden also takes off his fur coat and sees with horror. that he is wearing only shorts. The Snow Maiden also notices this, she claps her hands and shows him. thumb. D.M. he protests with horror and gestures, then agrees, turns away from the audience and coquettishly takes off his panties, twirls them on his finger and throws them away. He turns over another pair of panties. D.M. does this until the last of his underpants remain.)
Baba Yaga: Hey, you damn double-dealer, where did you hide, come out, carrot on tiptoe.
Kikimora: What did they even teach you at this school of miracles?
Baba Yaga: You're ruining our whole holiday, I'll turn you into...
Kikimora: On a roll toilet paper, and you will spin until you use it for its intended purpose.
Baba Yaga: Get out of sight, go study notes.
Kikimora: What are we going to do?
Baba Yaga: This Fairy is of no use, you will have to do everything yourself.
Kikimora: So, Yaga, you know how to conjure, cast a spell, let the artists come to us.
Baba Yaga: Easy: I conjure - I cast spells,
I'll say a spell:
Let the people make way
So that a round dance comes to us
And artists so that the crowd will bring us fun.
(the teacher comes out, she carries a chamber pot; a girl runs out and screams)
Dev.: Daddy, give me some candy!
Education: Mashenka, first we’ll sing a song, and then daddy will give you candy!
Mal.: Olga Pavlovna, I want to go potty!
Education: Go faster, Petya.
Mal.: I was joking.
Education: That’s what your dad joked about 2 years ago, and in the end you showed up. Dear daddies of these children, the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” is sung for you.
Children: Where is this Christmas tree from?
And where did she live?
Hall: A Christmas tree was born in the forest,
She grew up in the forest!
Children: Whose footprints are under the Christmas tree?
Who was running nearby?
Hall: Cowardly bunny gray
Jumped under the Christmas tree.
Children: Sleigh runners creak
And the snow sparkles all around.
Hall: Hairy horse
He's in a hurry, he's running!
Children: What is the horse carrying?
Probably a chest?
Hall: The horse is carrying wood,
And there’s a man in the woods!
Children: The guy is probably cool
He has a big bag with him.
Hall: He cut down our Christmas tree
Right down to the spine.
Children: We decorated the Christmas tree
She's beautiful.
Hall: And much, much joy
I brought it to all the guests.
Kikimora: Ha-ha-ha, well, you have conjured up some artists.
Baba Yaga: Shut up, you swamp greenery, right now you’ll be bawling on this stage yourself. I started a concert, so come up with everything yourself.
Kikimora: Yes, we need to somehow D.M. call with Snow, we can’t have a concert without them.
Baba Yaga: You can't do without magic here.
Kikimora: Let's call the Fairy.
Baba Yaga: Yes, she almost ruined the whole concert for us.
Kikimora: After all, she was taught something in this school of miracles.
Baba Yaga: Fairy, come here! Well, have you read all the notes? We are giving you one more chance, and this will be a test for your practice. If you don't call us D.M. with the Snow Maiden, then we will... eat you.
Fairy: I'll try, but I can't do it alone. Let's call D.M. in chorus. and Snegurochka.
(The lights turn off, sparklers come on, everyone calls D.M.)
K: Dear viewers, would you like to shout?
Call a bunch of grandfather and granddaughter.
(D.M. and Snow come out to the song “Three White Horses”)
Father Frost: Good evening, dear sirs, ladies.
The girls are beautiful, the guys are smart.
How cozy it is, how bright it is,
Your smiles warm my soul.
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, we haven’t been here for a whole year,
People were preparing, it was immediately obvious that they were waiting!
Father Frost: And in truth, granddaughter, it’s time for you and me
Wish the owners happiness and goodness.
Snow Maiden: Old people should probably wish it healthier,
So that they do not know illnesses and diseases.
Father Frost: So that every couple can have happiness here.
This is a wish for young and old.
Snow Maiden: So that children obey their parents,
So that girls and boys grow up healthy.
Father Frost: To bake pies and cheesecakes on holidays.
Snow Maiden: To pay pensions to old people and old women.
Father Frost: So that the husband does not spoil, he does not drive his wife.
Snow Maiden: And he loved not everyone, but her alone.
Father Frost: And the wife would be faithful to her husband forever.
Snow Maiden: After all, an unfaithful wife is Satan in a skirt.
Father Frost: So that guys marry your girls,
Because there are no more beautiful girls in the world.
Snow Maiden: So that your neighbors are not judged harshly,
So that there is no discord, and little swearing
Father Frost: We wish gardeners patience and perseverance,
We know that managing the land is not easy.
Snow Maiden: So that the harvests become more abundant,
Tractors and cars did not break down.
May happiness be with you forever,
So that grief and misfortune do not touch you!
(Baba Yaga and Kikimora come out.)
Baba Yaga: We would also like... wishes... Is it possible?
Father Frost: Please.

Kikimora: I wish all the guys more bruises.
A bruise is a great make-up for our fools.
Father Frost: Oh, you scoundrel! (shoos her away)
Baba Yaga: I want that next year each of you
The light would be cut off at the pole and the gas would be turned off.
(Runs away laughing. D.M. threatens with his staff)
Snow Maiden: Look at the Christmas tree: there are toys, lanterns,
There is snow and frost on the needles, but the tree is not burning.
Baba Yaga: (from behind the Christmas tree). I can help you
I'll light the Christmas tree.
Kikimora: I need matches and kerosene
And a fire truck.
Snow Maiden: Well, no, thank you, we’d rather light the Christmas tree ourselves,
We will influence her with magic words.
Father Frost: And let's ask the guests to throw some roast laughter.
And warmth from the heart so that the Christmas tree lights up.
Together: One, two, three, light up the Christmas tree!
Kikimora: To keep the guests from getting bored, we composed ditties.
Baba Yaga: Interesting ditties about well-known news.
Snow Maiden: Hey you, guests - gentlemen, come here!
You have never seen anything like this in your life.
Kikimora: Let's play a lottery, I love lotteries!
I will now distribute the prizes in order, row by row.

Lottery: 1 Erotic aphrodisiac. (Pushpin)
2 Dishwasher (Dishwashing sponge)
3 Mercedes car (Children's car)
4 Cream for agent 007 going on a mission to Africa (Shoe cream)
5 Summer version of Reebok sneakers (Podsledniki)
6 Cotton garbage bin (napkin)
7 Soap “Fool” ( laundry soap)
8 Hair lightener (Whiteness)
9 Food processor (blade)
10 Hairdryer “Roventa” (Comb)
Kikimora: New competition Let's start, we're calling for volunteers!
Who wants to cut the prize - come out quickly!
Snow Maiden: Health, joy and happiness
We wish you a Happy New Year!
So that no anxiety, no misfortune
There was no guard at the gate.
And just to make it gratifying
All your life, like New Year!
Father Frost: Glasses clink here and there,
The time has come to say goodbye to us.
We'll say "Goodbye!" to each other
And again we will part for a whole year, -
When the blizzard howls again in the evening
And Santa Claus will come to us for the holiday.
Snow Maiden: Just don't forget us, friends.
You wait for us, grandpa and I will come.
And welcome us again with songs and dances,
And we will bring you the best gifts.
Fairy: We met you
Only recently, only today,
Let's part as friends
This New Year's evening.
Baba Yaga: And if fatigue falls on your shoulders,
They will offend you, they will deceive you - don’t bother,
Kikimora: Remember this fabulous evening of ours -
And life will immediately become more comfortable.

Final song:

The year has ended
A year of great challenges
What awaits us next?
What will happen to us there?
Believe in a better life
And imagine our world
In the colors of a new day
Where there are no quarrels and insults
And it will always be like this!
It will be like this forever!
Let's wait and believe

Chorus: We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year
Happiness! Lots of money for you! Health.
Let the chimes strike 12 times on the tower
We will always believe -
The star will not go out! Our
Faith! Love! Star of Hope!
We sincerely congratulate you
Happy New Year to you!

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