Black magic photography spells. Universal love spells in different situations

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A love spell will help you attract attention and even make someone you care about for a long time fall in love with you. All that is required is an image of the one you want to bewitch. Find out how to make an effective love spell using a photo.

Simple love spell

Select a photo of the person you want to bewitch. The person must be alone in the photograph and the image must be clear and legible. It is advisable that the photograph be in full height. If there are several people in the photo, you can cut off the extra ones.

On the back of the photo, write the name, the person on whom the love spell will be performed, and your desire, for example: “to be sad,” “to be bored,” “to fall in love.”

During the ritual you must remain alone in a dark room. You will need a thick candle, which you need to move over the photo while reading the love spell:

"May heaven grant my wish
May it help me become happier.
May the servant of God (the name of the person being bewitched) turn to me
And there will be no end to my joy
And Rock will reward me with happiness and grace"

It is worth repeating the text of the plot three times, after which the photo is burned in a candle flame.

Love spell for a man

Choose a clear photo where the man’s face is clearly visible, preferably one where he is happy and smiling. Before reading the text of the love spell, mentally refer to the image of your lover and reveal your feelings to him, imagining that this is happening in reality.

Place the photo on the table and cover it with your hands, then say three times:

“Tie, O Fate, me and my beloved (the man’s name) with unfastened ties and strong love. Let all that is unclean depart from us, and all that is bright appear. Amen"

After this, put the photo under your pillow, where it should lie for 7 nights. Every time before going to bed, repeat the words of a love spell to yourself. On the eighth day, hide the photo in a safe place. As long as the photograph exists, the love of the bewitched will grow stronger.

A powerful love spell

This love spell must be performed at midnight, in clear weather, so that the Moon and Stars are visible. You will need a clear photograph of a person on the back of which you must write your desire in black ink, for example: “Come to me and become mine forever,” “love me deeply and never betray me.”

You need to hold a lit light over the photo. church candles, silently repeating the words written on the back. This is done until the image is covered with candle wax. Then place the photo in front of you, cover it with your right palm and cast a love spell with your eyes closed:

“Come to me my destiny,
How the Sun appears in heaven every morning,
As the moon comes, every night
How the Stars light up to show the right path,
I conjure the servant of God (the name of the person being bewitched) to appear to me
And stay next to me forever.

When making a love spell, approach the ritual with all seriousness. Before you bewitch a person, think about whether you really want this, because any conspiracy will have consequences. Strictly follow the rules of love rituals and you will be able to achieve your plans. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

12.08.2015 01:00

Often a woman suddenly faces grief - her husband leaves the family. You can return your loved one using love magic. Find out, ...

In this article:

A portrait of a person or a photograph can not only convey an image of his appearance, but also contain his energy, as they used to say - a piece of his soul. Each photograph contains a strong spiritual connection with the person captured in it. The more detailed the photograph, the later it was taken, the stronger this energetic connection.

In general, a photograph of a person conveys his appearance as accurately as possible, and therefore photographs can be used in a wide variety of magical rituals. A spell based on a portrait or photograph can solve a variety of problems.

Love spells using photography

The most popular rituals that use a photograph of a person are various love spells. To carry out such a ritual, you will need a photograph taken a maximum of one year ago. In addition, the photo should show only the purpose of the ritual, without any extraneous persons or animals. If you only have group photos, you can crop the part that shows the right person However, under no circumstances should his head be damaged.

Working with a photograph is much easier than holding an image of the object in your mind

It is always worth remembering that a photograph is strongly connected with the person depicted in it, and therefore, by performing a ritual in a photo, the performer takes on great responsibility, because he will influence the life and thoughts of another person. Under no circumstances should such rituals be used to harm or take revenge; in this case, the magician may receive a strong blow from negative negative energy.

After performing a magical ritual, the used photograph must be stored for a very long time and carefully, since it is this photograph that appears link between the energy of the magician and the purpose of the ritual.

When to cast a love spell from a photograph

To achieve maximum effect, any love spell ritual should be carried out on the waxing moon, best of all, in the first or second quarter of the lunar month.

It is also worth remembering about special women's and men's days for the ritual. If the purpose of the ritual is a woman, then it should be performed on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday; if the ritual is aimed at a man, then on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday.

It is also worth paying special attention to the description of each plot and strictly following all the recommendations provided.

An effective conspiracy in the photo of a guy

If you suffer from unrequited love and are already desperate to attract the attention of your lover, then this magic ritual. To carry it out, you will need a fresh single photograph in which the target’s face is clearly visible.

The phantom with which we work using photography reads a given program

Take a photo of the target in right hand and your photo in left hand. We bring the photos closer to each other and, looking at them, read the words of the conspiracy:

“Like two hands of a man, like two wings of a bird, will be the servant of God (name of the beloved) and the servant of God ( given name) Together forever. Just as the earth and the sky are inseparable, so you and I, beloved, will not be spilled by water, nor will the wind be scattered, with every obstacle our love continues to grow. The heavenly forces bind us together, the divine angels bless us. As said, so it will be. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After pronouncing the spell, you need to attach the pictures to your face, and then connect them together and put them under your pillow. They should remain under the pillow until the spell takes effect. To prevent the pictures from falling apart during sleep, you can wrap them in a thin white scarf.

As soon as the first positive results of this ritual appear, for example, your loved one finally turns his attention to you, the pictures need to be moved from under the pillow to any secluded place where no one except you will find them.

Love spell after sunset

After sunset, you need to sit down at the table, put a photo of the target and your photo on it, with the images facing up. Sit quietly for a few minutes, concentrating on desired result ritual.

Then you need to turn your photo over and write your lover’s name on the back side. Do the same with a photo of your loved one, only write your name. Now we put the pictures together, right sides together, and tie them with a needle and red thread.

Rituals with photographs are very effective, you just need to comply with the working conditions

During this time, you need to be as careful as possible so as not to damage the faces in the photographs. When the pictures are tightly connected, we read the words of the conspiracy:

“For all eternity I knit the servant of God (the name of my beloved) with the servant of God (my own name), I knit with strong, unbreakable bonds. Let it be so. Amen".

Then you need to put the pictures in a white envelope, seal it and seal it with candle wax, saying:

“I seal the servant of God (beloved name) with the servant of God (proper name) forever and ever, from evil intent, from evil eyes, from lapel. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The enchanted envelope with photographs must be safely hidden at home.

Lapel from photo

A special photography ceremony allows not only to establish a connection between lovers, but also to break their relationship. To do this, you can use a simple but effective magical ritual.

We take a photo of the person with whom we need to break off relations, and say something about the photo:

“There is cold in my heart, ice in my soul, I don’t love you anymore (name of goal), I don’t love you and I don’t need you. Get out of my heart, get out of my thoughts, free my soul from this day until the end of time. I forget you forever, I forget, I forget how I tear up your photograph. Let it be so".

While pronouncing the last words, you need to tear the photograph into small pieces and then scatter them in the wind.

Spell for good luck at work

Using photo spells, you can also solve a variety of business problems - improve relationships with your boss, attract the right client, and much more.
This conspiracy is carried out in the photograph of the boss. You need to put the photograph on the table, and a copper coin on top of it, and then read the words:

“From now on and for many years to come, you will trust me in everything, you will agree with me in everything. You will come to me with business, you will bring good news and gold to my wallet. From now on and for many years to come, as I said, it will always be so.”

Making your own love spell from a photo is quite simple. The main rule in all rituals is not to do it out of revenge or evil. The energetic relationship between two people at the mental level creates an information channel. It conveys feelings, thoughts, and experiences. Therefore, if the love spell in the photo is done with love, then the reaction after the ritual will be appropriate.

According to reviews from sorcerers who do love spells regularly, there are several types of rituals with photographs. They differ in the strength of their impact.

– one of the softest in terms of impact. It almost never produces negative consequences. In such rituals there is an appeal to divine power. Used attributes are always hidden so that no one can detect them.

– severe pressure on the object of sympathy, destruction of his will. Appeal to dark forces. After the ceremony, all attributes are burned, thrown into water or buried in the ground.

Sexual attachment - quick effect, not touching the area of ​​​​feelings. Strong sexual desire for the object is not supported by love or sympathy. Mainly used married women to keep your spouse from cheating.

Voodoo love spell - based on photo. Has many side effects: zombification of the object of sympathy, violation of it mental processes. The consequences of the ritual affect all participants in the love spell.

Preparation for the ceremony

All love spells based on photos are carried out on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) and men's days(Monday, Tuesday, Thursday). According to reviews from those who have performed love spells at home, you should be careful when choosing a photograph of an object.

  1. The photo must be recent, no older than 1 year;
  2. Portrait plan (eyes, chest, hands are visible);
  3. There should be no other people in the photo, extra items, animals.

The ritual is performed during the waxing moon. It is necessary to take a shower, change into clean clothes, and wash the ritual premises (room). Fasting 3 days before the ceremony will cleanse the astral body and help concentrate the energy flow.

Open the window or window. For better concentration of thought, there should be no one in the ritual room. Ritual, love spell based on a photograph, carried out barefoot, in loose clothing(no extra fasteners, buttons, zippers).

Energy concentration

Any magical effect is the direction of the energy flow in certain area or to a specific person. The power of thought must be so clear and distinct that the information reaches the object unchanged.

Photography allows you to visualize and imagine a person. Recreate it in your thoughts and capture the image. After this, an energy flow is sent to the astral body of the object. Feelings and experiences are transmitted through this channel. Be sure to imagine a future relationship with the object of sympathy and set up a model of behavioral reactions.

After the ceremony, you need to let go of the situation. Do not constantly think about the love spell, about the object of sympathy. The ritual will gain strength after your actions and thoughts switch to something else.

Ritual with a note

Both men and women cast love spells from photographs. The words of the spell change depending on the gender of the object. Light a candle and place a photo of your chosen one on the table. On clean slate write spell words on paper:

“My sadness, my sadness, you go to my beloved (name of the object). Sit by his little head, so that both in dreams and in reality he raves only about me, so that he thinks only about me, (your name). How he will hug me, kiss me, and caress me. My words are strong and molding. And it will be according to my word"

Set the note on fire with a candle, enveloping the photo in smoke. Repeat words:

“The blood is boiling, it can’t find a place for itself. Whatever passes over the head will go into the head. Just as a fire lights up behind one’s back, so the heart of God’s servant, (object’s name), will burn.”

Scatter the ashes to the wind. Hide the photo in a secluded place.

Ritual with red thread

Prepare a red candle, an envelope, a needle, and a red wool thread. Start a love spell based on a photo after sunset. Light a red candle. Place a photo of the object and yours on the table next to it. Those who have done such a love spell are advised to mentally concentrate, imagine future feelings, relationships.

Write yours on the back of the photograph of the object. full name and date of birth. Write the subject's full name and date of birth on your photo. Place photos side by side.

Use red thread to pierce the corner of the photo and tie a knot. Make knots at each corner of the photo, being careful not to touch the image itself. Read the words above each node:

“I knit the servant of God (name of the object) with the servant of God (your name) with unbreakable bonds, amen”

Place the stapled photographs in a clean, unmarked envelope. Drip candle wax and seal the envelope, saying the words:

“I seal the servant of God (name of the object) with the servant of God (your name) from the evil eye, from unkind intent, from the cold lapel”

For a strong love spell based on a photo to work for sure, you need to hide all the attributes and not show them to anyone.

Photo burning ritual

This love spell is done from a photograph closer to midnight. Light 6 candles (black, red). On the back of the photo, write as much information as possible about the subject - full name, date of birth, eye and hair color, height, weight.

Light a photo from each candle. While it burns, read the words of the conspiracy:

“What goes over your head will go into your head. As soon as it lights up behind his back, the zealous heart of the slave (name of the object) will flare up. Let it be so according to my word."

Collect the ashes in a bowl and bring them to an open vent or window. Blow the ashes outside. If the ashes fly away, the love spell will begin to work. If the ashes fly back into the room with the air flow, it means that the object is protected from love spells.

Voodoo love spell

Place candles in a circle and light them after sunset. Place a clean white cloth or sheet in the middle of the circle. Prepare a cup, honey, a few drops of your blood, and a red candle. After the ritual begins, do not leave the circle. Sit on the cloth in a meditative position, call upon the spirits:

“Oracion mu, Santo clarover Ilia, Dios esclava (your name). Enviar mi doce angelos de blanco alas. De de oro velas, rodir barely ensuentro contra travis. Que todo dose marchar, esclavo Dios (object name). Encontrar, clavar ate bo en corazon tres. Abierto alma, de ultimo para que dinero. Comprar mi todo que e querer. Palabra - mi, llave, candado lengua. Ashe!

On the back of the photograph of the chosen one, write the subject’s full name and date of birth in your blood. Place the photo in a bowl and pour honey over it. For a stronger effect, you can add the subject’s hair, a thread from his personal item, or a piece of magnet to the bowl. Place a red candle in the center of the bowl and light it. Chant the words:

“Amet kolt kolto, met kolt ovenid, rpete me rapet, poum mdaid, swami loy swami san omweni, hmean ven ape kol dema”

Leave the candle in the bowl to burn out and blow out the rest. Take an offering to the spirits - leave candy at the nearest intersection.

Love spell with blood

Prepare a silver spoon table salt, 7 drops of your blood, a clean basin. The ritual begins after sunset. Light candles. Pour some water into the pan and add 7 tablespoons of salt. Boil water, stirring with a silver spoon, and keep on fire for another 7 minutes.

Pour water into a basin and cool it. Add your blood. Looking at the photo of the object, lower your hands into the basin and whisper 3 times:

“You are with me forever, you will never think about another. You will always miss me and desire me alone. Your heart is with me, my image is with you forever. Let it be so!"

After performing the ritual, pour the water into a vacant lot.

"How smaller woman we love, the more she likes us,” says famous quote. Who, if not a woman unrequitedly in love, knows the power of despair first-hand? In moments when the heart is tormented by unrequited feelings, many girls are ready to resort to any means. It will help to transform the pangs of desire into the bright warmth of love white magic. Next, we’ll talk about how to make a love spell for a man’s love using a photo.

What can you tell from a photograph?

Since Niépce, Daguerre and Talbot ushered in the photographic age, magic has had a powerful tool. Photographs began to be used in black and white magic. With the help of photographs, the processes of love spells, love spells, rituals for success in business and trade have been simplified. It is not for nothing that great importance is attached to photographs of a person. An accurate image of a person is a kind of mirror of the soul and an imprint of the aura. With the help of a photograph, it is easier for a magician to tune in to a specific person without remaining captive to hypotheses.

In this article we will look at photography spells for a man’s love. A love spell is a scrupulous ritual; if you do not pay attention to details, there is a risk of using an insidious black magic. The article provides detailed descriptions exclusively white rituals.

  1. The photo used for the conspiracy must be of high quality; the photo is no more than a year old.
  2. Strangers should not be present in the photo; as an exception, it is allowed to trim off the excess.
  3. The vast majority of conspiracies are carried out during the waxing moon, on Women's Day - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.
  4. The enchanted photograph must be kept in a secluded place, safe and sound.
  5. You should read the plot in the photo after making sure of the sincerity of your feelings.
  6. The person reading the plot should pay attention to preparing for it. Remove jewelry, put on loose clothing, or perform the ceremony naked. Swim, wash and dry your hair in advance in order to appear before higher powers bare-haired and clean. A well-groomed appearance is the key to success.
  7. The woman conducting the ritual must isolate herself and abstract herself from the outside world.
  8. An optional rule that gives an advantage: a short fast is encouraged before the ritual. By cleansing your body, you cleanse your soul and become open to higher powers.

Compliance with this regulation is optional for each conspiracy, but its presence does not exclude the possibility of the existence additional rules. Before starting the ritual, carefully read the instructions and act in accordance with them.

How to read a conspiracy from a photo for a man’s love?

The variety of spells allows you to choose the one that is most convenient for you. During the existence of white magic, the most powerful rituals were identified. Below are some of them.

Water spell

Water is the most effective conductor of energy. For a love spell take:

  • rose petals;
  • essential flower oil;
  • two warming candles;
  • photo of someone dear to your heart;
  • flat light plate.

It is advisable to carry out the ritual in the bathroom. Fill the bathtub with warm water. Add a few drops essential oil. Carefully place the photo and two candles on a plastic or wooden plate. Carefully lower the plate onto the surface of the water - it should hold and not sink.

Throwing handfuls of petals into the water, read the plot:

“The petals swirl and do not drown, like the feelings of two lovers. The candles burn and do not go out, like the feelings of beautiful love. Then your image is illuminated with fire, and my conspiracy will be strong and eternal. On a moonlit night I will enter the water, you will love me by sunrise. The strengths that have been given to me are equal to my pure love.”

Read the spell three times and, removing the plate, plunge into the water, absorbing the power of magic.

The ritual can be performed using a basin or tub. In this case, it is enough to dip your hands in water.

Expect results soon.

Spell on apples

This ritual is performed at dawn, when nature wakes up. It is advisable to carry it out on apples or ranetki growing on a tree. Tie five apples growing nearby with a red ribbon. Attach a photo of your loved one to your feed. The plot should be read when the first rays of the sun appear.

“As a ray falls on the fruit, so your face will be illuminated with light. As your face is illuminated with light, so your heart will be illuminated with love. I will take it with me and will not give it away. When you come for him, you will stay with me forever.”

After this, the branch with apples must be carefully broken off and taken into the house. Eat an apple every morning. When the last one remains, wait for your dear heart on the threshold.

Origami conspiracy

This conspiracy requires humility and painstakingness. Make sure you have:

  • sheets of colored paper;
  • glass jar or free space on the wall in your room;
  • ball pen;
  • glue gun.

There are two ways to spell love with origami.

  • Stars of happiness

Take glass jar. Place a photo inside the jar, or glue it to the inside of the lid. Depending on your free time, do a few stars every day. Stock up on cut strips of paper in advance and roll them according to the pattern:

When folding a star, say:

“Star after star will lull my sky, as the sky fills, so they will bring you. My love is strong, and yours will be stronger.”

The plot can be fulfilled earlier, or when the jar is full. After the conspiracy comes true and you reach the goal, the charmed stars must be released. To do this, find a place located at a height of nine or more floors, uncork the jar and send the stars into free flight with the phrase:

“I am releasing you, I convey my gratitude to Heaven, I promise to love and care for the bewitched.”

  • Butterflies

The difference from the first conspiracy is that the butterflies remain in the house. The effect produced by the conspiracy is preserved and strengthened.

Butterflies are made according to following diagram from square sheets of paper of any size:

Fold at least one butterfly a day, saying the spell:

“Butterfly, become my wings, lift up my love, take it to your sweetheart, bring your sweetheart with you. Whenever you bring me, stay with me and feed on my love. Preserve, increase and grow our happiness.”

The butterfly should be glued to the wall where the photograph was previously attached. If you are together in the photo, this will enhance the effect. Add each new one next to the previous ones. Experiment with patterns and colors. When you see them, experience elation and faith in luck.

Pillow spell

For the conspiracy you will need:

  • bright pillowcase or fabric;
  • padding polyester for stuffing;
  • photo of your loved one;

First, speak to the photo:

“Betrothed-mummer, respected by me, love me as I loved you. From a photo - into a dream, from a dream - to the threshold. Show up and stay."

Carefully place the photo along with the stuffing in the pillowcase and sew it tightly. Every night when you fall asleep, place a pillow under your head. After your beloved appears in your dream, be prepared: happiness will soon knock on your door.

  • Incense smoke spell

Required elements:

  • incense;
  • long candles with a diameter of more than 1 cm;
  • photo in frame.

For the ritual, purchase an unopened set of incense with a pleasant smell to you. The ritual is performed at night, before bedtime.

Write your names on the back of the photo in lipstick. Circle them and insert the photo into the frame. Light the incense and the candle at the same time. Perform the ritual every night with the words:

“What is written by hand cannot be erased by anything. What is smoked is filled with love. May the moon bring to me the one with whom I am in love. Give him the candles, my eternal love. Amen".

When will the love spell work?

Taking into account the above, the conclusion follows: each ritual has its own time frame. If individual instructions are followed, the duration of the ritual is reduced to a minimum. Long, energy-intensive rituals lead to better results.

As you know, a photograph carries the energy of the person depicted in it. Therefore, a love spell based on a photo is considered one of the most effective magical effects. In addition, the procedure for carrying it out is so simple that anyone can use this method.

Simple rituals based on a photo of a loved one

To avoid any negative consequences you must:

    Conduct the ritual exclusively with good intentions; It is strictly forbidden to perform the ritual while intoxicated; Conduct the ritual in separate room in absolute silence; Visit the temple first and light two candles for health, which will protect you and the object of the love spell from possible negativity if something affects the ceremony.

You should know that a white magic love spell that uses a photo of your loved one will not last forever. The duration of the action will depend on the sincerity of your feelings and the desire to attract the feelings of your loved one. To independently perform a love spell ritual at home, preference should be given to simple rituals.

It is important that the photograph used is of high quality and that it should not depict anyone else except the object of the love spell. Under no circumstances should you crop the photo.

Love spell with a church candle

This ritual consists of taking a lit church candle in one hand and a photograph of the chosen one in the other. Next, it is important to concentrate on the desire to bewitch him. After this, you should turn the photo with its front side over the burning flame at a safe distance.

And, moving it over him, say:

“As I, the Servant of God, (my own name) yearn for my dear friend (name of the chosen one), so let him yearn for me.”

The candle should burn out completely, and the photograph should be hidden in a secluded place.

Ritual with your wishes

Another way is to write your wishes on paper. At the same time, it is recommended to formulate your desires in great detail. After this, you need to roll the leaf and set it on fire with a red candle, holding it over the photo.

You should concentrate as much as possible on the written text and say:

“Whatever passes over the head will also enter the head. If it lights up behind my back, then the heart of the Servant of God, (name of beloved), will become inflamed with feelings for me.”

Collect the ashes and scatter them outside the window, remove the photograph from prying eyes.

Ritual “Awakening Passion”

The following ritual, which involves the use of photography, will help awaken the fire of former passion in your beloved man.

It consists of the following actions:

    On a full moon, in a dark, secluded room, you should place a photograph of your chosen one in front of you, and behind it a red candle. On a white sheet of paper, write love words in red ink:

    “My sadness, my sadness, go to my beloved (name of beloved). Sit down next to his little head, and make sure that not only in his dreams, but also in reality, he dreams of me, so that he (the name of his beloved) can only think about how to hug, caress and kiss me. And may my words be strong.”

    The sheet with the written text must be set on fire over a candle flame so that the smoke envelops the photograph. At the same time say:

    “My blood is boiling, it can’t find room for itself. As a fire burns, as a leaf burns, so let the heart of Rab (the chosen one’s name) be inflamed with feelings and passions for me Rab (his name). My will is strong. Let what has been said come true.”

Complex rituals with a photograph of a loved one

When deciding to use strong ritual When using a photograph of a loved one, you need to understand that the ritual should be taken responsibly and seriously. Any failure in one’s own actions or violation of the rules can lead to unpredictable negative consequences. When making a love spell from a photo, under no circumstances should you rush. It is very important to tune in positive result, and visualize a future happy relationship with your chosen one. This approach will enhance the actions of the ritual. It is important to remember that any strong love spell based on a photo should be carried out exclusively with good intentions.

Powerful love spell

If your chosen one has naturally strong energy, then breaking through it in order to awaken the feelings of your loved one may not work if you use simple rituals. In this case, you should use a more powerful love spell based on the photo. Before the ceremony, you must definitely visit the temple and light a candle for your own health and mentally turn to God so that he can help you. In church, buy candles and take some holy water. This ritual is recommended to be performed on a new moon. Along with the growth of the moon, the strength of the directed magical effect will also increase. At the same time, the feelings of the chosen one will also grow.

Before starting the ritual, contact your Patron Saint, who is identified by your own name, in any form with a request to help attract the feelings of your loved one to you. After this, you should light the candles and sit in silence for a while, looking at the flames. This will help you focus on the ritual, and therefore strengthen the energy message. Then you need to put a photo of your loved one in front of you and look at it for a while without stopping. After some time, you need to take one of the candles and start dripping onto the image in the heart area.

Accompany your actions with the words:

“I, the Servant of God, (my own name), with my sincere and strong love, command: - Seven Saints, enter the heart of the Servant of God, (name of the chosen one). Melt cold pieces of ice in it and fill it with love for me. Awaken the passion in his soul and make it so that he cannot live without me. So that I would not become a misfortune for him, but the love of his life. Amen!"

“Your thoughts, Servant of God, (name of the chosen one), will be confused and run around. You will think, my dear, only about me, the Servant of God, (proper name), and when you come to me, you will calm down. And after this nothing will come back. Love and grace to you and me. Amen!"

It is important to continue dripping wax until the entire head of the person in the picture is covered with wax.

After this, you need to continue dripping wax all over the picture, saying the following words:

“Love yearning spreads throughout the entire body of the Servant of God (name of the beloved). He can’t sleep, doesn’t eat, but only suffers. He sees in front of him only the clear eyes of the Servant of God, (her own name), his thoughts are directed only to her. Amen!"

If the wax used in the candle ritual is not enough to cover the entire photograph, then a drop should be placed on each part of the body of the person depicted in the photograph. After this, you need to sprinkle holy water on the photo.

And say the following words three times:

“Clean water, holy water, bring the Servant of God (name of the chosen one) to my house. Let it be as it is said. Amen!"

The photograph can be burned in a candle flame and the ashes scattered to the wind. But if it is not possible to do this, then you can simply hide it in an inaccessible place. The main thing is that she never catches the eye of your chosen one or strangers.

A quick ritual to cast a love spell on your husband

Quite often, a husband’s feelings begin to cool after living together for a long time. There is a strong love spell based on a photo that will awaken them again. This love spell ritual, using a photo, is carried out only on Saturdays. It is very good if you choose a day that will coincide with the new moon period. During the waning moon, this ritual is not recommended, as it may simply be useless. For the ritual, you need to prepare some spruce or pine needles. You will also need to use ten black olives in the ritual. The love spell ceremony is performed on the street at night. First, you need to pierce each olive with a spruce or pine needle. After this, you need to dig ten holes in the ground next to own home, in which to place the olives. While digging in the holes with soil above each one, you need to say the following words:

“I put all my strength and love into my actions. I believe and know that you, my beloved and beloved, Servant of God, (name of the chosen one), will always be with me. You will become a reliable support for me in life, I will live behind you like behind a stone wall. Happy woman I will, spending every day next to you. You are my beloved and my hero. It will always be like this forever. Amen!"

This ritual begins to work very quickly. But it reaches its maximum strength on the fifth day after administration. At this time, you need to surround your beloved husband with care and attention.

To carry out this love spell ritual, in addition to a photograph of your loved one, you will need to use thirteen black candles and a new needle. These attributes should be purchased during the waxing moon, and change should not be taken when purchasing attributes. The ritual takes place at midnight in a secluded place. On the table you need to place candles in a circle, in the center of which place a photo of your chosen one face up. After this, focusing on the image of your loved one, and looking intently into the eyes of the image in the photograph, you need to pronounce the spell words. They sound like this:

“My beloved, Servant of God, (name of the chosen one), your mother and father gave you life, they gave you all the best of themselves, from childhood they took care of you and took care of you, and this means that they only took care of your heart for me. I, the Servant of God, (proper name), now light black candles in the dark night, sending a love spell on you, my beloved. With my own scarlet blood I blind you, and I forever approve of our union with you. Soon your heart will be filled with love for me, and your soul will strive for me. As said, it will happen. Amen!".

While pronouncing the words, you need to pierce your finger with a needle and drop one drop of blood onto the eyes of the image of your chosen one in the photo. Then you need to insert a needle into the heart area of ​​​​the image in the image. At the same time, say the magic words:

“Servant of God, (name of the chosen one), I pierce your heart with a sharp magic needle. I love you sincerely and strongly, and I want to tie you to me. My scarlet blood will cover your eyes with a veil and forbid you to look at others. Amen!"

After this, you need to sit and wait until the candles burn out naturally. The photograph should be wrapped in a rag and taken the next day to the cemetery, where it should be left on an abandoned grave. It should be remembered that the effectiveness of a love spell using a photo is due to its magical power. This means that if you do not strictly follow all the rules of the proposed rituals, you can provoke serious negative consequences.

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