Spells for a good catch and successful fishing. How to make fishing successful with the help of spells

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A spell for successful fishing is a remedy known since ancient times that is used by many fishermen. In addition to conspiracies, special rituals, signs and prayers are popular among the people to make the “fish hunt” more successful.

To find for yourself good plot or a ritual, it’s better to try several - one at a time. Best result fishing will immediately show which of the means is right for you.

Conspiracies and rituals

To ensure good fishing, when you come to the shore of a river or lake, you can read the following plot:

“Let catfish, perch and pike come right into your hands, let large fish swim from all sides and bite.”

“Go into the water, little worm, and bring a big fish.” If you do catch a small one, it is considered a good sign to take it fishing - then the next one will be large.

For successful fishing, read the plot “on the hook” when setting the bait:

“Peck and pull the fish, return the hook to me with the catch.”

Some fishermen use prayers instead of spells, which is also very effective - sincere prayer gives good luck in all matters, including good fishing. A strong fishing spell can be made with the help of runes, using special runescripts.

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For good luck in “fish hunting”, draw the following runes on the gear or just on paper: fehu (symbolizing the necessary material wealth, in in this case- catch), laguz (which attracts this good), raido (indicates unhindered movement), algiz (protects from unfavorable circumstances), vunyo (provides joy and satisfaction from the final result - catch).

Natural signs

It is known that fish cannot be caught in any weather, so the success of a fisherman depends on many natural factors. Before starting fishing, fishermen carefully look at the world around them, finding interesting clues for themselves.

  1. If the morning fog gives way to sunny and windless weather, there will be a catch.
  2. If on the way of a person going fishing there are many birds, animals, insects, there will also be a lot of fish.
  3. If a small fish begins to bite in the evening, a strong bite is possible at night.
  4. If in the evening there are a lot of midges hovering in the light of a flashlight, expect bream to bite at night.
  5. You can’t count on a successful bite if you observe a sharp rise in the water level in the reservoir. But the gradual rise of water will bring a lot of fish.
  6. If there is a strong wind, you may not expect a good bite.
  7. If the weather leaves much to be desired for a long enough time, there will be no successful fishing.
  8. It is believed that the best bite occurs during the new moon.
  9. Lowering water and air temperatures negatively affects the catch.

Other signs

  1. A fisherman should not count his catch while fishing; it is better to do it after finishing.
  2. It is recommended to give the first fish to the cat, if you have one - this will help avoid any evil eye.
  3. If you take a “brake”, make sure that there are no fish components in it.
  4. It is not advisable to show anyone your catch during the fishing process - only at the end.
  5. Getting ready for fishing should be quick and spontaneous.
  6. When putting on your shoes before fishing, start with your left foot.
  7. If you meet an unpleasant person or a road patrol along the way, there will be no bite. Negative influence This sign can be removed with prayers and spells.
  8. Don’t brag about your first fish; it’s better to keep quiet about it until you catch the second one.
  9. If you are fishing in a group, do not look at other fishermen, focus on your process.
  10. If the first fish fails, this means failure. Stop for a moment and read a prayer or spell.

What to wish before fishing

It is believed that wishing good luck before fishing leads to the exact opposite effect. Therefore, household members should be warned about this in advance so that they, out of the kindness of their hearts, do not ruin your entire holiday. And it’s even better to sneak away fishing quietly in the morning, since someone at home may simply forget about the omen.

A wish before a “fish hunt” may sound like before an exam: “No tail, no scales.” To which the fisherman, like a cheerful student, must answer “To hell.”

In many ways, a successful catch depends on the fisherman’s wife, who can easily ruin it. To do this, it is enough for her to make a scandal before fishing, let her go with swearing, or simply “not let her in.” If his wife “didn’t let him in,” the fisherman can go, but he’s unlikely to be lucky with his catch. Therefore, before the trip, husbands “cajole” their wives as much as possible so that they “let them go in peace” and do not spoil the mood in the morning.

A plot for successful fishing may seem like a superstition to some, but for other people it is a real salvation and help in achieving the desired goal. Those who constantly go to the reservoir for prey follow unspoken rules and signs that help make the catch better.

For successful fishing you need strong conspiracies and prayers

There is no point in reading conspiracies for successful fishing to someone who does not believe in higher powers. Magic responds only to the call of someone who is confident in its effectiveness. It is recommended to carry out rituals with an eye on the fishing calendar - it will show the most successful days for completing the assigned tasks. In addition to professional ones, there are magical fishing rules:

  1. It is forbidden to take seafood as a snack - this will anger the merman.
  2. Before fishing You cannot wish good luck to a fisherman, because it can be taken away and the person will return home empty-handed.
  3. The number of fish caught should not be counted as fishing progresses. Only upon completion of the process can the volume of production be assessed.
  4. Great success is guaranteed to those who begin to put on their boots with their left foot.

Popular fishing rituals

Since ancient times, conspiracies for good fishing have been preserved, which are still popular today. Some of them involve performing rituals while fishing, others - before casting a fishing rod. Before throwing the bait, you can ask the spirit of the river for help in the plot, saying:

“Perch and pike, tench and catfish! Come to this place. This place is watery and suitable for you. There is a feeder for you, and a worm, and a fly.”

Using various rituals you create a fish feeder

Those people who constantly go winter fishing need help more than others, because in the cold season all living things sleep, and marine life is no exception. For avid fishermen, there is a monthly prayer for fishing. The magical effect will be effective if performed on even days of the calendar. To do this, you should stand so that the moonlight falls on the person and say:

“Thomas walks proudly along the road, carrying his catch, and I, the Servant of God ( given name) I’ll follow him, and I’ll take good luck with me. I carry a magic key with me, everything I get out of the water is locked with the key. My gear is fish passions. A fish on the doorstep means good luck to my home. Amen".

The spell from the ritual is read five times. You can be sure that your next fishing trip will be successful, especially if you say a prayer for a good bite before fishing.

It happens that some ill-wisher throws negative words after him, like: “May your success rot.” After such a casting, a good catch rarely happens. Even if no one has heard any bad wishes, when a fisherman returns with empty gear, it is generally believed that he has the evil eye on him. Unlucky with the weather, the fishing line breaks, the fishing rod breaks, and the catch is lost from the hook. In this case, they say that luck has been taken away. To catch the fish again, you can read the prayer:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, help us, Thy sinful servants (names of fishermen), in fishing, send us good luck in fishing. Just as You once gave the fishermen of Lake Gennesaret to catch a lot of fish, so you also gave us sinners good luck. Just as Simon, at your word, filled the boat with fish, so help us, by your mercy, with fresh fish, a strong catch. Amen.".

Having asked for forgiveness for your sins, you can safely go hunting for sea inhabitants and not worry that your luck has run out - Higher powers will help in your endeavor.

Spell for the first fish caught

Even ancient ancestors treated the first fish they caught with respect. As soon as the first-born is attached to the hook, you need to remove it and say a spell for successful fishing, referring to the caught fish.

“The fish is first, the fish is lucky, I’ll let you go now, and you bring me others. My word is law, I give it power, fish, I command you! Amen!".

These parting words came from Orthodox prayer book fisherman, so their effectiveness is undeniable. Drop the caught individual after reading the plot, and large fish swimming in the water will come to the catcher.

Wives accompanying their husbands on the road can also say a prayer for their husband for successful fishing. It is not necessary to adhere to any rituals; it is enough to turn to the Higher Powers with the request “Our Father”, with a reservation for successful fishing for your man.

How to catch big fish

To catch huge fish, special rituals must be performed.

Catching is great, but you still want to catch a big fish, and not be content with small things. To attract adult, large individuals, you can apply the following ritual. When you catch a small fish on your fishing rod, you need to cut off a piece of algae and say:

“Go, fish, back into the water, send your uncle, send your mother, send your brother and father, send everyone who is older, and you go play again.”

After this, remove the fines and throw them back into the water. IN short terms Large aquatic animals will be caught on the bait.

The Siberian healer, known throughout the world for her effective rituals, advises going to the pond in the same clothes so that the fisherman always has good luck. At the same time, Natalya Stepanova recommends casting a fishing spell on the full moon, on even number calendar The magic words sound like this:

“Thomas is walking, carrying fish, and with him I, (name), and my luck. I bring my key home, I bring my gear, passion for the fish. What I take out of the water, I close it off as a conspiracy. Key, lock, luck and fish on the doorstep. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This fishing spell will be effective if the person does not tell anyone about his spells, and also does not transfer clothes to another person. In addition, there are signs that, if followed, guarantee success. For example, if a person saw a woman on the road, then fishing will be unsuccessful. It is not recommended to go to bodies of water before in stormy weather, as all the inhabitants of the sea will lie down in the depths and subside. If you follow the recommendations, large fish will always be on the fisherman’s fishing rod.

Conspiracies for a good bite

“Perch, catfish, pike and carp! Come to me, against fast water! Don't turn away, don't look back. Come to me, God’s servant (name), both at the evening dawn, and in the morning, and on a clear day, and on a dark night! Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

When the first catch is made, it should be released back in a whisper. The words of the conspiracy: “Fish and water, happiness is with me” must be said in a whisper in the wake of the swimming prey. In this way, you can appease the merman by showing good intentions and improve the process of fishing by plotting and presenting.

Such a prayer for a good catch will become even more effective if you throw other gifts to the king of the sea into the water:

  • Crumbs of dried bread;
  • Two silver and two gold coins;
  • Five charcoals.

Do not neglect the signs associated with fishing. Particularly effective is the one that says that you should not blink as soon as the fishing rod is cast, because you can miss your luck. A conspiracy to bite fish is a secret action. It is impossible to talk about something perfect, so that higher powers do not become angry for frivolity.

Charming gear

When cast, the fish will follow the gear

Except strong prayers on successful fishing You should prepare with a fish catching spell in advance. Before leaving the house, you need to send positive energy to the fishing rods. A conspiracy to catch fresh fish using enchanted gear works well:

“I, the Servant of God (proper name), command all fish to take the hook of my fishing rod against the water and from the deepest pools. Don't go anywhere, fish, and give me real pleasure. At any time and at any hour, at dawn or evening. It is said, so it will be. Amen".

Once on the shore of a reservoir, you need to cast a fishing rod, whispering after it: “My tackle is the passion of fish.” With a well-executed plot, successful fishing is guaranteed.

For various baits

Every fisherman knows that for good fishing you need to choose tasty bait. However, in addition to choosing the right bait for the hook, in order for the fish to be caught, you should read a spell for good luck. If a worm was chosen as complementary food, you should say over it:

“Worm, I’m letting you into the water, and you go and bring me the fish!” Big fish so that they weigh a pound and are no less than an arshin in length. And let the small fish grow and swim past my hook. Amen".

When a crumb of bread is hung on a hook, other spells will become effective, for example:

“A silver fish that lives in the depths of the water! You swim for a tasty crumb of bread, but for me it’s a successful fishing trip. Amen".

Those who experiment with bait do not have to remember all sorts of fishing spells; it is enough to learn a universal one, suitable for any bait, both plant and animal origin:

“Sea fish, pond fish, river fish! The fish is fresh and fluttering! I give you tasty and strong bait. Peck at it and pull it straight to the bottom. Amen".

With confidence that you will bring fish into your home in large quantities, you can go for prey. Having learned several effective spells and chosen a good day for fishing, you can have no doubt about the effectiveness of this endeavor.

In July, the second Sunday is considered a solemn day for all employees who work in organizations that are engaged in the cultivation and breeding of fish, and not only. This holiday is celebrated by all those who like to fish on the shore in silence. Fishing for most men (less often for the fair sex) is considered a pleasant pastime and hobby, this is how people relax and unwind from everyday life.

On this day, everyone who considers themselves a fisherman expects congratulations and warm words. Don’t miss the opportunity to wish a good catch and easy fishing to all those who are passionate about this activity. And we will help you with this. Darlike picked up incredibly warm and sincere congratulations Happy Fisherman's Day in prose, which are suitable for both beginners and experienced fishermen.

We respect all kinds of fish... Both the majestic sturgeon and the humble crucian carp in sour cream... Happy Fisherman's Day! We wish you a good catch, not only water spaces, but also in the broadest sense, in life! Let there be love, luck, health and good mood!

Being a fisherman is not easy; you need a lot of endurance and patience to sit in one place for a long time. And you can’t do this without strong nerves. I want to wish you that the bite will always be excellent! Near and dear ones, may you be appreciated! May you live well, in abundance and prosperity! Health, good luck, sea of ​​​​fish and luck!

Fisherman! Today is your main day of the year! I congratulate you! I wish you that the hooks never break, that the fishing rods do not cling to snags, that you get a crazy bite, that you have large and interesting fish in the net! Let fishing bring you sincere joy and grace! Full nets for you, fisherman!

An amateur fisherman sits on the river bank all day. How much endurance and patience, dexterity and perseverance do you need to catch in a day, albeit a small fish, but at least for pleasure. Today is Fisherman's Day, let me congratulate you on the holiday, wishing you, first of all, excellent health, a good catch and beautiful weather. May luck always accompany you and may fortune smile on you. We wish you to catch a huge fish, about which you will later create legends. I wish you happiness, success in your personal life and great love.

For an avid fisherman, a big catch is of course good, but the fishing process itself is also important. I wish you to spend Fisherman’s Day with benefit for your soul and mood. Congratulations! Let successful fishing be the key to success for the whole next year. And let the pleasure of a good bite become a charge of optimism and vigor. Delight your family and friends with a big catch. Show it off to your friends and enjoy a good day. Delicious fish soup in good company!!!

Also on our website you can send congratulations to all your friends on this holiday.

On such a wonderful day, I simply cannot help but congratulate you on one wonderful holiday. You can probably guess what we're talking about. I congratulate you on Fisherman's Day. I want to wish you good mood and also the sea positive emotions. Of course, I wish you an excellent and significant catch. Do not doubt that this day will give you a big catch, and then you will call us to celebrate this day and enjoy delicious fish. We want to wish you good health and nerves of steel. We know that this hobby takes a lot of strength and energy from you, and you get nervous when you can’t catch the right fish. But believe me, if it didn’t work out this time, it will definitely work out next time. I wish you a great and fun time today, have a lot of fun and just relax well. Good luck!

On his special day, I wish my fisherman friend such a good catch that it’s hard to believe in it, and that the fish soup always turns out tasty and aromatic! Let everything in life be fine, beautiful and pleasant, so that every day there is joy and a dozen reasons to smile!

Fishing is a wonderful hobby! Both you and I like it! Let's raise our glasses today to our holiday - fishing day! I wish you good health, friend, and let both you and me bite, so that you can bring hundreds of fish home at a time!

Today is Fisherman's Day! Wonderful holiday, in which I would like to congratulate not only men with fishing rods, but also their wives, who directly help their husbands mentally and physically in their hobby! Heroic wives who are able to patiently clean up the entire catch in a short time - bravo! Happy Fishing Day!

Fishing is a quiet, relaxing activity that brings a lot of pleasure and good mood. Today is the fisherman's holiday, and we need to celebrate it with dignity. We wish you a great catch and delicious fish soup. May today's holiday bring you good luck, may your hobby grow into professionalism. We wish you great happiness, great success, joy and prosperity. May fortune always smile on you, may love and peace reign in your families. May there be less grief and failure in your life. All earthly blessings and prosperity to you

Don't forget that a good mood is the key to success in everything. Therefore, Darlike invites you to download cool ones for free and cheer up your friends who like to fish. Give pleasant emotions and a good mood, it’s so simple!

Let the catch know no bounds, let the mood and luck not fade away. Let the skill of fishing work be inexhaustible. Let decent behavior attract only fishing spots. May you have the most delicious ear in the entire area. Let your wife be understanding about your hobby, and let your friends always keep you company. Happy Fisherman's Day! Cool catch, sunny days, bright mood, strong fishing line and big fish!!!

I want to sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful holiday- Happy Fisherman's Day. You have been passionate about this for many years, so you have even managed to earn the trust of many professional fishermen. I would like to wish you good luck and as many successful catches as possible. I understand that at times it seems to you that fishing is not going well at all, but you should just enjoy the process itself. I think fishing is a very enjoyable way to spend time, which allows you to relax and unwind. So you already know how you can spend today. We wish you a great mood and all the most positive and positive things. But don’t forget that you should also think about your health. Take care of your nerves! Happy holiday to you! Let this wonderful day become one of your favorite ones. And we will help make it even more interesting.

Happy Fisherman's Day! Although, you are not only a fisherman, but also a cook! No one cooks fish as deliciously as you, believe me! Maybe you can treat your guest on a day like this? And I'm from pure heart I wish you all the best, in general, and the fulfillment of your cherished desires in particular!

This is your day by right, fisherman's day! You're also a fishing enthusiast! Let your activity bring you pure pleasure and never get boring! Let everything you plan in life work out! And they appear on the table every day. All new fish dishes and delicacies!

Every fisherman dreams of a great catch, a good place, and beautiful weather. Today all these wishes will definitely come true, because today is the day of the fisherman. We wish all amateurs and experienced fishermen great happiness in their personal lives, good health, family well-being and prosperity. May a good catch always make you happy, may fortune smile only on you. Let your cherished dream definitely become a reality. Let your guardian angel protect you from everything bad. We wish you patience, endurance and self-confidence.

Of course, none of the fishermen admits this, but very often the success of fishing depends on the methods used. magic spells. It’s no secret that when going fishing, every fisherman carries out thorough preparation. And since fishermen are superstitious people, most of them use magical rituals to attract success while fishing.

And these days there are many signs associated with fishing. For example, you cannot wish a fisherman good luck or count the fish he has caught. At the same time, many fishermen always pronounce special spells before fishing.

Charming gear

Almost all fishermen are superstitious, so before going fishing, be sure to talk about the gear. This should be done immediately before leaving the house.

The spell for successful fishing goes like this:

“I, the Servant of God (proper name), command all fish to take the hook of my fishing rod against the water and from the deepest pools. Don't go anywhere, fish, and give me real pleasure. At any time and at any hour, at dawn or evening. It is said, so it will be. Amen".

This fishing spell is repeated three times, after which you can leave the house.

In addition to such a conspiracy, before fishing, you can use other spells that should be cast on the shore of a reservoir.

Since ancient times, our fishermen ancestors attached great importance to the first fish they caught. To some extent they endowed the first catch magical properties, so the first fish was always released into the pond. Today the following ritual is very popular.

Having caught the first fish, you should read the following fish spell:

“The fish was caught first and successfully. I’ll let you go now, and you’ll bring me good luck in fishing and bring other fish to my hook. My word magical power has, therefore I command you, fish, to do as it is said. Amen!"

After such words, the fish must be released back into the natural reservoir. This is very strong ritual and if you truly believe in magic, you will most likely return home with a good catch.

Monthly ritual

If you regularly go fishing, then once a month on the full moon you can perform a very effective ritual to attract good luck. It is advisable to perform such a targeted magical action on an even day.

You need to stand in a place where you are illuminated by moonlight, and say the following words:

“Thomas walks proudly along the road, carrying his catch, and I, the Servant of God (proper name), will follow him, and take good luck with me. I carry a magic key with me, everything I get out of the water is locked with the key. My gear is fish passions. A fish on the doorstep means good luck to my home. Amen".

Magic words are repeated five times. After such a ritual, the next fishing trip will be successful.

For various baits

There are very powerful conspiracies that are used to conjure certain types bait So, having planted a worm on a hook, you should pronounce the plot every time.

His words are:

“Worm, I’m letting you into the water, and you go and bring me the fish!” Large fish, so that they weighed a pound and were no less than an arshin long. And let the small fish grow and swim past my hook. Amen".

If you are fishing with bread crumbs, then you need to say other magic words:

“A silver fish that lives in the depths of the water! You swim for a tasty crumb of bread, but for me it’s a successful fishing trip. Amen".

There is also universal conspiracy for any type of bait. It sounds like this:

“Sea fish, pond fish, river fish! The fish is fresh and fluttering! I give you tasty and strong bait. Peck at it and pull it straight to the bottom. Amen".

In addition to special rituals, there are simple incantations - fisherman’s prayers, which are used in the process of fishing. If you regularly pronounce them while performing certain actions, then fishing will be a pleasure.

Each time you change bait you need to say:

“The fish is big and fresh, the bait is tasty and strong, which means there will be a bite and there will be action.”

After such a conspiracy, as a rule, the bite begins very quickly. It is also recommended to throw into the water to enhance the bite:

  • A couple of charcoals;
  • Two coins of any denomination;
  • A piece of dried bread.

When casting a fishing rod you need to say:

“Feed on bait, feed, but then catch big fish very well.”

After the fishing rod is cast, you cannot blink until the float is established on the water. This is due to the belief that you can miss your luck.

In addition, you need to pay attention to signs when going fishing. If, while you are going fishing, you are accompanied by the barking of dogs and the cries of birds, that is, all living creatures are behaving very actively, then your fishing will be successful.

Despite the fact that preparing for fishing is a very important matter, you cannot get ready for a long time, as you will fail. And the most important thing is to fish in a good mood.

Are there any magical remedies for successful fishing? Yes, and a lot! Avid fishermen, going to a lake or river with a fishing rod, cast various spells on their gear. We invite readers to familiarize themselves with some of them.

1. Arriving ashore, they read the hex three times:

“Perch, catfish, pike and carp! Come to me, against the fast water! Don't turn away, don't look back. Come to me, God’s servant (name), both at the evening dawn, and in the morning, and on a clear day, and on a dark night! Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen"

As soon as you catch the first fish, you should release it back into the water - this way you will appease the water spirit and ensure a good bite.

2. After putting a worm on a hook and spitting on it, for successful fishing they say the following:

“Worm, go into the water and bring me a fish!” Large tench and crucian carp, a pound in weight, an arshin in length. Let the small fish swim by and not get hooked!”

3. If fishing is supposed to be for bread, then it is spoken with the following words:

“Silver fish, deep fish!
Come to me, servant of God (name),
I'll put you in the cauldron and cook some fish soup.
A fish swims for breadcrumbs,
And good luck with your fishing!
Come to me quickly -
I’ll feed you something tastier!”

Read the plot once, the smallest fish about place it and take it with you on your next fishing trip. She will attract other fish to you.

4. Another conspiracy, read three times for each bait:

“Sea fish, river fish!
Fresh fish, quivering fish!
My bait is strong and strong:
Peck, little fish, and pull, and pull to the very bottom!”

Folk fishing signs.
Here's to successful fishing.
- If the morning turns out to be quiet, clear, with a little fog, there should be a good bite.
- If there are different living creatures - dogs, birds, etc. - runs, barks, flies and shows all sorts of activity, which means that fish will also be caught well.
- Before dark, small fish bite well at a depth of 4-5 meters (bream, silver bream, small ide and others) - this means that bream will come out at night, and fishing will be excellent. If there are no small things in the evening, you can go home; there won’t be a good bite at night either.
- Late in the evening, bleak darts around the boat in the light of the lantern - wait for the bream to come out.

Signs indicating a bad bite.
- Strong wind, blowing in the direction of the current;
-flood, any water gain;
- prolonged inclement weather.

Some superstitions

- You can't count the fish you catch.
- You can’t wish good luck before fishing. If someone still wishes for you, you don’t have to go fishing - you won’t catch anything. If you wish for “no tail, no scales,” send him to hell.
- Under no circumstances take with you on a fishing trip a snack made from fish in any combination, even exclude crab sticks.
-During fishing, do not show your trophy to anyone.
- Good mood will ensure a successful bite.
- You can’t get ready for a long time, warning everyone a week in advance - the fishing will be unsuccessful. It’s better for the gathering to happen quickly, spontaneously - then the bite is guaranteed!
- If you are stopped by a traffic police inspector on the way to fishing, no fish will be caught.
- Shoes must be worn on the left foot - this applies not only to successful fishing, but also to successful business in general.
- After the first fish is caught, don’t look back and around - you’ll scare away a good start!
- The first fish fell off the hook - it won’t bite for a long time.
- If fishing doesn’t go well from the very beginning: the line gets tangled, the hook gets caught on a snag, the tip of the rod breaks - there will be no fishing!

Popular fishing aphorisms

Tragedy - we went fishing, but forgot to take vodka!

Winter fishing in spring is the cheapest type of diving.

A good fisherman must have nerves of steel and a cast-iron backside.

Here's a paradox for you: the river is knee-deep, but the fish are up to...!

Scientists have discovered new look fish - carrion fish. It doesn’t get caught and that’s it!

Better a bad day fishing than a good day at work.

If the fish had a beak, it would peck!

There used to be fish - you can’t go into the river without panties!

Ukrainians national dish- stuffed peppers, Jews have stuffed fish, and Russians have stuffed cellophane called “sausages”.

Good luck with your bite!

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