What are the health benefits of green tea with mint? The benefits and harms of mint for the body

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According to ancient Greek legend, mint was once the nymph Mintha, who fell victim to love squabbles and was turned into a menthol plant by the goddess of fertility. From time immemorial, mint tea has been considered a healthy drink that can calm the soul, dispel anxiety and clear thoughts. Thanks to menthol, citral, carvone, geraniol and other components, it is so fragrant and healthy. However, when brewing mint tea, the benefits and harms must be taken into account in order to get not only pleasure, but also benefit from the drink.

There are many types of mint: wild, indoor, menthol, field, lemon, pepper. Wild mint is a rare member of the Lamiaceae family. Tea made from this mint helps to activate the brain and gives you vigor. Tea is not made from indoor mint, but it perfectly aromatizes rooms. Young shoots of mint brewed with tea perfectly relieve headaches. The use of peppermint helps in solving many problems of the digestive tract. Menthol mint tea is similar in its properties to peppermint, but it is more intense because it contains a huge amount of menthol in the cell structure.

Methods for Brewing Mint Tea

To fully unlock the full potential of the beneficial properties of the plant, you need to learn how to brew mint tea correctly. Of course, the process itself depends on whether mint will be the only base of the drink, or whether it is planned to combine it with black or green tea.

1. Preparation of green tea with mint involves the following sequence of actions:

— bring 1 liter of water to a boil and wait until it cools to 80°C;

— pour 1 teaspoon of leafy green tea and 1 teaspoon of dried mint or a fresh sprig of mint leaves into a porcelain teapot;

- Let the drink steep for three minutes.

2. Preparing black mint tea involves the following steps:

- boil 1 liter of water;

— pour one teaspoon each of black tea and mint into a glass or porcelain teapot and fill with water at a temperature of 90°C;

— after 2 minutes you can pour the drink into cups;

- for sweetness you can add a little honey.

3.Preparation of clean mint tea based on the same steps as previous recipes: for 1 liter of boiling water you need 1 teaspoon of dry mint or several small sprigs of fresh mint. Honey would be a nice addition to this recipe. It can be added directly to a drink or consumed as a snack.

Type of tea Teapot material for brewing Proportions Water temperature Brewing time
1 Green tea with mint Porcelain 80°С 3 minutes
2 Black tea with mint Porcelain or glass 1 teaspoon tea, 1 teaspoon dry mint, 1 liter water 90°С 2 minutes
3 Pure mint tea Porcelain or glass 1 teaspoon dry mint, 1 liter of water 90°С 2 minutes

Useful qualities

The use of this drink has a whole spectrum healing properties. The most important advantages include the following:

1. Tea brewed with menthol, field, lemon or peppermint eliminates anxiety and saves from insomnia;

2. Tea with wild mint improves brain activity and gives the body vigor;

3. This drink is a good natural antiseptic and analgesic. Headaches, migraines, and joint aches can be eliminated by periodically using this remedy. In addition, the drink perfectly helps with various respiratory diseases, improves expectoration, copes with a stuffy nose and reduces body temperature;

4. This hot drink helps hypertensive patients reduce blood pressure;

5. A decoction of peppermint and menthol helps eliminate nausea, relieve stomach cramps and colic, and also improves the general condition of the digestive system and helps with the production of bile. For people suffering from flatulence, this drink helps reduce the amount of gas in the intestines, as it reduces the activity of fermentation processes;

6. This drink also has an anti-inflammatory effect. This tea not only helps in recovery general condition body, but also contributes to the formation of strong immunity.

Harm of mint tea

Despite all its benefits, there are certain harms of mint tea:

1. Menthol, as the main organic substance of the plant, can cause an allergic reaction;

2. Due to its ability to lower blood pressure, tea is not recommended for people with low blood pressure, as it will lead to lethargy and dizziness;

3. If you have varicose veins, drinking this drink may aggravate the situation;

4. Peppermint tea can worsen the effects of heartburn;

5. Since mint contains tannins, it is not recommended for people suffering from constipation;

6. Drinking mint tea with any homeopathic medicines may cause unwanted side effects.

Is mint dangerous for men?

The answer to the question of whether men can drink mint tea depends on the type of plant being brewed. Of course, drinking peppermint or lemon mint tea, which contain a large number of menthol will negatively affect male libido, as it will suppress the process of testosterone production.

If you brew tea with wild mint, the result will be exactly the opposite. That is why the consumption of drinks with wild mint was prohibited among the ancient Greek troops.

Harm and benefits of mint tea for women

It has long been known that drinking mint tea has many benefits for women. Firstly, the menthol component of the drink helps stabilize hormonal levels women. Secondly, mint tea will ensure painless menstruation.

However, even if a woman is healthy in all aspects that relate to taking mint tea, there are two categories that are still not recommended to enjoy this refreshing drink: pregnant women and breastfeeding women.

Drinking mint tea during pregnancy poses a risk of developing allergic reaction, which has not been previously observed. Peppermint is especially dangerous for this situation, as it provokes bleeding, which is dangerous for the period of gestation. And during the third trimester, this particular drink can cause a burning sensation in the stomach. However, in some cases, mint tea is prescribed to expectant mothers. For example, with severe toxicosis in the first trimester, with excessive flatulence, with food poisoning, and colds. There are many differing opinions about whether pregnant women can take mint tea, but to avoid problems with fetal development, it is better to consult with your personal doctor.

Unfortunately, after childbirth the situation does not change radically if you plan to feed your baby breast milk. Drinking mint tea when breastfeeding, there are certain risks for the baby and his mother.

The effect of mint on the body of a nursing or pregnant woman

There is also no consensus on the question of whether children can have mint tea. The best solution will hold off on this drink until she is 5 years old. Taking mint tea will be especially dangerous for children who have problems with the kidneys and nervous system.

Based on the above, we can distinguish categories who can drink mint tea and who are not recommended.

You can drink mint tea

Children under 3 years old

Children under 5 years old

Children over 5 years old

Hypertensive patients


People with varicose veins

Allergy sufferers

Nursing mothers


Thus, mint tea, the benefits and harms of which are indicated above, should be consumed rationally in order to avoid a wide range of ailments. Mint, despite its excellent taste, is a medicinal plant, and any medicine cannot be overdosed.

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Mint tea is a drink beloved by many, which has an amazing aroma and refreshing effect. But not everyone knows that in addition to what it is delicious drink, it is beneficial for various health problems. In nature, there are more than twenty types of mint, among which are field, long-leaf, lemon and pepper. The latter is officially recognized as a medicinal plant; many species are used in folk medicine, cooking and for cosmetic purposes due to the fact that they contain menthol, which gives a special aroma and taste.

Health benefits of mint tea

Many people ask: what are the benefits of mint tea? The main benefit is a calming effect. By drinking one cup of this tea at night, you can forget about worries and get rid of stress. Your sleep will be calm and healthy. The drink helps eliminate spasms, it reduces brain pressure, helping to cope with headaches.

Mint has a choleretic, bactericidal, analgesic, vasodilator, and diuretic effect. The stem and leaves contain tannins, organic acids, carotene, vitamin C, menthol, and essential oils. They are the ones who turn ordinary tea into a healing drink. The properties of mint tea help eliminate pain in the pelvic area and gastrointestinal tract, therefore it is recommended for women during the difficult period of menopause, for diseases of the female genital area.

You can drink mint tea for various diseases:

  • colitis;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder;
  • heartburn, flatulence, nausea;
  • for stomach diseases;
  • with loss of strength;
  • for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, colds;
  • for stomach diseases;
  • with nervous excitement, insomnia;
  • for heart diseases.

Mint tea for weight loss

Tea with mint itself, although it has beneficial properties, cannot cause weight loss, but it is useful for those who want to lose weight for several reasons. Many people eat away stress, and mint tea helps cope with anxiety and anxiety, relaxes and calms them down. nervous system. When consumed before meals, it can mechanically reduce hunger levels. Peppermint tea is delicious and aromatic, and can be an excellent alternative to Coca-Cola, lemonade and other drinks that contain a lot of calories. The tea drink improves digestion, eliminates flatulence and other uncomfortable sensations that some people experience when they change their usual diet and go on a diet.

Mint tea during pregnancy: is it possible or not?

Any woman who is preparing to become a mother wonders whether it is possible to drink tea with mint, because mint contains essential oils. Indeed, essential oil concentrate is harmful for pregnant women. But tea of ​​weak consistency, no more than two cups a day will not hurt. The drink has a calming effect on the baby’s condition, calms the mother, relieving her of anxiety. Drinking tea in the first months of pregnancy helps relieve toxicosis, eliminate morning sickness, and relieve heartburn and bloating.

Mint contained in tea eliminates dizziness, fights varicose veins and swelling. For colds, when most medications are prohibited, such a healthy drink can be a real salvation, since it has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effects. To avoid possible risks, in case of any complications or pathologies of pregnancy, it is worth enlisting the support of an obstetrician-gynecologist before starting to drink mint tea.

Mint tea: contraindications

Like any medicinal plant, mint has contraindications. Its ability to lower blood pressure, calm you down, and put you to sleep makes it impossible for people whose work requires increased attention to take tea. It is not recommended to drink tea before you are going to drive a car. People suffering from hypotension should be careful when taking wild mint tea.

Nursing mothers should avoid this drink as mint significantly reduces lactation. There are people who are allergic to mint and have an individual intolerance to this aromatic plant.

Experts do not advise men to overuse this tea due to the fact that a large amount of mint leads to a decrease in potency.

For young children, mint tea is indicated only for hyperactivity, as it reduces activity and causes drowsiness.

If there is chronic inflammation in the kidneys and liver, consultation with your doctor is necessary so as not to provoke an attack.

The number of cups of tea with mint should be no more than two. It is not recommended to drink such tea all the time; there should be moderation in everything.

Methods of brewing tea

How to brew delicious and aromatic tea? The most effective and aromatic drink can be obtained using fresh ones. For brewing, you should use porcelain or glassware. The leaves must be washed and slightly kneaded with your hands so that the greatest amount of useful substances gets into the drink. essential oils. To prepare one cup of tea of ​​medium consistency, you will need 3-4 fresh mint leaves. For those who prefer a richer drink, you can increase the number of leaves.

Boiling water is used for brewing; the dishes should first be heated or scalded with boiling water. After pouring boiling water over the leaves, you need to leave them to brew for five minutes, then strain and you can enjoy the wonderful drink.

Another brewing method involves pouring boiling water over mint leaves for a couple of minutes, then draining the water. After this, the leaves are poured again, but with water no higher than 80 degrees and left to brew for 10 minutes. The resulting minty consistency can be used to add to tea.

Classic recipe for black tea with mint

Baikhovy tea with mint leaves is used in equal proportions. They should be poured with boiling water and left for 10-15 minutes. Mint can successfully highlight the taste and aroma of black tea, complementing it. You can use dried mint to brew one cup of drink, you will need to take one teaspoon of the raw material. Black tea with mint is equally aromatic and tasty cold or warm.

Green tea with mint recipe

Combining mint with green tea will create a lighter drink. Green tea with mint will perfectly refresh you in the hot heat and quench your thirst. It is best to drink it chilled. Sometimes this tea is served with ice. You can use any variety of green leaf tea.

To brew, take a teaspoon of tea, a sprig of mint and pour boiled water. The temperature should not be higher than 80°C. The tea should be strained after it has steeped for ten minutes. Based on your preferences, you can add a slice of lemon or a spoonful of honey to your tea.

How to add mint to tea?

  • Chamomile. Mint goes well with chamomile. This tea drink can relieve nausea, reduce stomach pain, and improve appetite. To prepare, you will need a teaspoon of dried chamomile and a few mint leaves. The herb is poured with boiling water and infused for about fifteen minutes.
  • Melissa. By adding a few lemon balm leaves to mint leaves, you get a drink with a wonderful aroma and delicate taste. It will not only taste pleasant, but also be useful, since this tea has a calming effect, acts as a mild antispasmodic, and is useful for heart diseases.
  • Honey. Mint with honey is good combination, which is recommended for colds. Honey itself has a lot of benefits; when combined with mint, its effect is enhanced. Since when heated, honey loses its beneficial features, it is better to add it to the finished drink.
  • Black currant leaves. When overworked, to boost immunity, after an illness, tea with the addition of mint leaves and black currant will be useful. The aroma is specific, but many people like it.
  • Ginger. If you add grated ginger to mint leaves and pour boiling water over it, you get a healing drink. The tea will have a special, spicy taste. You should drink tea when you have a cold, sore throat, or cough. It has a warming effect. A drink with ginger and mint increases resistance to infections and has anti-inflammatory properties. This tea will help strengthen blood vessels and help remove cholesterol.
  • Lemon. To improve the taste and properties of the drink, in addition to mint, you can add a slice of lemon to the tea. Tea with mint and lemon has a bright taste, with a subtle citrus note and a refreshing minty aroma.
  • Linden flowers. Linden has bactericidal properties and is recommended for colds. Combined with mint, it produces an amazing effect. Tea eases the course of the disease by removing toxins; it can be used to gargle with a sore throat. This tea also has a positive effect on the nervous system.

It is worth noting that mint tea, the benefits of which outweigh the number of contraindications, can also be used for external purposes. Many traditional healers The drink is used to treat skin diseases, relieve inflammation, and eliminate itching in the form of baths and lotions. Regularly rinsing your mouth with green tea and mint will restore fresh breath. And washing mint tea will return the skin to a healthy appearance and relieve inflammation.

Probably everyone has heard that mint is beneficial. What is so good about mint, and how can we use it?

Mint tea is good remedy from a cold, first of all. To prepare it, you need to take 1 tablespoon of dried peppermint leaves, pour 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. Then strain and you can drink. Just remember that you cannot drink mint tea as usual.

Peppermint tea is medicine. You can make a less concentrated tea for your child. To do this, take the same portion of mint (1 tablespoon), pour in 500 ml of boiling water and let it brew in a warm place for 1 hour, preferably wrapped, and then strain. Before use, you can add a little honey, it will be both tasty and healthy. Take half a glass while hot. You can also rinse your nose with this solution. If you let the same tincture steep longer, about 2 hours, then you can rinse your mouth with it to get rid of unpleasant odor, first, of course, straining before use.

If you have fresh leaves, then prepare the tea as follows: pour 4 peppermint leaves with a cup of boiling water, after washing and cutting the mint. Wait just half a minute and immediately drain the water. Pour boiling water over again. This time, let the mint steep for 2 minutes and you are ready to drink.

Tea made from mint leaves is also recommended for increased stomach acidity and convulsive colitis, for problems with menstruation, menopause and pregnancy. Mint, in this sense, universal remedy. It relieves pain in the abdominal area, helps with nausea, improves digestion and takes care of your appetite, helps your intestines (with bloating), as well as with cramps, colic, etc. and so on. In general, if you are concerned about the standard set of symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases, then mint is what you need.

Mint tinctures:

1 teaspoon of chopped fresh mint leaves or 2 teaspoons of dry mint leaves per 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for half an hour, strain and take a third of a glass 2 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. This tincture helps with nausea, reduces acidity and improves appetite. Also used for gout, vitamin deficiencies, and kidney diseases.

2 tbsp. spoons of crushed leaves pour 1 cup of boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours, strain and you can take 1 tbsp. spoon 2-3 times a day during meals. This decoction has an antitoxic effect.

bloating, nausea in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and during pregnancy, then it will suit you this recipe. You need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed leaves, pour 2 cups of boiling water, let it brew, strain and take half a glass 15-20 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day.

if you are worried about abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting, then brew 1 tbsp. spoon of mint with 1 glass of boiling water, let it brew in a warm place, preferably wrapped, for 30-40 minutes. Strain and you can drink 1 tbsp. spoon every 3 hours. When vomiting, drink half or a third of a glass. Because of its strength, the same infusion is also used externally in the form of lotions for rheumatism, arthritis, and skin inflammation.

for menopause: 2 teaspoons of dry leaves are poured into 500 ml of boiling water and brought to a boil.

Mint has analgesic properties, so it is widely used for headaches and migraines. There are several ways to help yourself when you have a headache: you can apply fresh mint leaves to your forehead, bandage it and lie down. For severe migraine attacks or just headaches, take a pinch of crushed leaves, 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of lemon grated with zest. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the resulting mixture and drink like tea.

You can also prepare in advance and prepare a tincture that will help you in the future with headaches:

1. for one part of cut leaves – 20 parts of 70% alcohol. Infuse for a week. It is recommended to take 10-15 drops. 20-25 drops per 1 glass of water - for neurological pain. also possible for nausea.

2. The second option is to make a mint tincture on triple cologne. Let it sit for 8 days and strain. After squeezing, rub your forehead, temples and the back of your head.

Mint is also used for hypertension as a preventive measure: one part mint, one part chamomile and half part valerian. Pour boiling water over it, strain and drink a third of a glass daily for a month.

Mint is also used for inhalation, both in the form of a herb combined with others: chamomile, eucalyptus, sage, bay leaf, and in the form of oil. Peppermint also affects the liver and gallbladder, therefore it is used for cleaning and removing stones. Additionally, when combined with dandelion roots, mint can be used to treat diabetes mellitus, as a choleretic and to improve the functioning of the pancreas. To do this, take 1 teaspoon of crushed dandelion root, 3 teaspoons of mint leaves, add 200 ml of water and boil for 5-7 minutes. Let it brew under the lid for 30 minutes, then strain. Take 2-4 times a day before meals, a quarter glass.

Mint tea is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy. When stress occurs, sleep disturbances and other troubles occur, many advise drinking this particular drink. In this article we will analyze in detail what benefits and harms mint tea can bring.

Beneficial properties of mint tea

Mint tea is especially useful to drink when you have an acid stomach, as well as if you have the flu, cold or runny nose. Along with this, the drink has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body. In particular, mint tea:

  1. It is an excellent diuretic that removes all excess water from the body.
  2. Promotes weight loss, removes waste and toxins from the body. However, tea must be drunk in strictly defined quantities to avoid dehydration.
  3. Has a choleretic effect.
  4. It stops vomiting well if you add a little pomegranate juice to mint.
  5. Calms the nervous system and relieves tension even in the most stressful situations.
  6. Perfectly relieves inflammation, thanks to the menthol content. This substance is added to almost all ointments and creams for joints and muscles.
  7. Helps strengthen the immune system. That’s why it’s so important to drink it for sore throats and in the midst of epidemics.
  8. Has analgesic properties. Well relieves headaches, migraines and various muscle pains. In addition, it relieves pain during menstruation in women and relieves the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.
  9. Relieves insomnia by providing a calming effect.
  10. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and helps cope with hypertension.
  11. Has an antispasmodic effect. The drink is useful to drink for intestinal and stomach spasms.

It is also worth noting the cooling properties of mint tea, which will come in handy in hot weather. It contains menthol, which is why the plant has such an aroma and taste. Chilled mint tea with ice cubes gives incredible energy.

The harm that mint tea can have

Mint leaves contain some substances that adversely affect human health. The following contraindications exist:

  1. Low pressure. Peppermint tea is very soothing and can further reduce blood pressure.
  2. Individual intolerance to mint, allergy to it.
  3. Children's age up to 5 years.
  4. Phlebeurysm.

Some questions regarding the benefits and harms of mint tea are raised by its use during pregnancy and lactation. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor. This tea contains female hormone, which can cause premature birth.

It is also noted that men should not drink mint tea too often, as it has a detrimental effect on potency. Otherwise, male hormones will begin to be produced less actively and less frequently.

How to brew mint tea correctly?

When brewing a tea drink, you should remember a few simple rules:

  • brew tea only in porcelain or glass containers;
  • tea can only be drunk fresh, because all the beneficial properties are lost the next day;
  • for children, the mint content should be reduced by 2 times;
  • Brew mint not with boiling water, but hot water(75-90 degrees), this way all the vitamins will be preserved;
  • mint leaves go well with green and black tea, as well as various fruits and sweeteners.

Brewing pure mint tea is extremely simple. Take 4 fresh leaves, rinse them under water and place them in a glass. Pour some chilled boiling water into it and leave to brew for 10 minutes. Strain. Mint tea is ready.


The combination of ingredients and their proportions, which are indicated in the recipes, are not critical. They can be changed depending on your preferences.

In general, mint tea can be brewed with any ingredients. For example, honey and lemon in combination with mint will strengthen the immune system, cinnamon and ginger will invigorate and give energy, lemon balm will help with headaches, chamomile will calm the nerves.

Instead of sugar, it is better to add a natural sweetener - honey. Mint tea with honey tastes like white Japanese or elite green tea.

1. Mint tea with ginger.

Grate 3 cm of ginger root on a fine grater and combine with mint. Fill 1 liter hot water and leave for 15 minutes. Then you can add 4 tbsp to the drink. l. flower honey.

2 tsp. green tea, brew 200 ml of water in a small teapot. Brew 1 bunch of fresh mint leaves in another container. After 5 minutes, mix the mint infusion with green tea and pour into small glasses. If desired, you can add sugar.

3. Tea with lemon balm and mint.

1 tbsp. l. mint and 1 tbsp. l. lemon balm, pour 0.5 liters of hot water and let steep for 10 minutes. Add honey to taste. This tea can be very relaxing before bed.

Brew a bunch of mint leaves for 10-15 minutes. 1 tbsp. l. Grind the cranberries together with honey and place on the bottom of the glass. Pour in the mint infusion and let sit with the lid closed for 5 minutes.

5. Spicy tea with mint.

Place one by one on the bottom of the glass: 2 mint leaves, 1 tsp. black tea, a small pinch of cinnamon. Fill everything with hot water and cover with a lid. After 5 minutes, the spicy tea is ready. Goes great with lemon or lime.

6. Arabic tea.

Add 3-4 tablespoons of black tea to 0.5 boiling water. Cook for about 10 minutes. Then add 5-6 mint leaves and sugar to taste. Continue cooking over low heat for another 20-25 minutes.

Peppermint tea has an amazing taste. In combination with other ingredients, you can prepare a very tasty and unusual-tasting tea that will surprise your guests.

Mother Nature has taken very good care of us. At every step you can find a plant that has healing powers. These include such a fragrant, unpretentious herb as mint. Drinking it, such as green tea with mint, will help solve many health problems. Of course, there are contraindications, and this is natural for medicinal plant. But there are very few of them, which is good news.

The name of the herb is associated with the goddess Menta, whom the wife of the god of the underworld turned into this plant out of jealousy. Indeed, there is some kind of divine power in mint.

Beneficial features

Green tea with mint can do a lot for human health. This unique plant, which is not at all difficult to obtain, has been known since ancient times - before the beginning of our era. They wrote about him excitedly even when cuneiform tablets were used for this matter, and not paper. It’s probably not for nothing that people of those times, closer to nature than modern people, called this miracle plant the herb of longevity.

A drink containing mint absorbs all its properties and immediately becomes surprisingly useful. And this means that he:

  • Calms without drowsiness. Nerves, stress, and irritability that have accumulated throughout the day can easily be relieved with an evening cup of mint tea.
  • Relieves headaches, heart pain, and stomach cramps. This property of mint drink has been known since ancient times.
  • It banishes insomnia, but at the same time, if necessary, gives energy and vigor.
  • Protects the body against flu and colds.
  • Peppermint has been proven to relieve nausea.
  • Has antibacterial properties.
  • Disinfects the oral cavity.
  • The choleretic property of the drink has a beneficial effect on liver diseases and gall bladder problems.
  • If a woman has increased vegetation, then green tea with mint can help her. When used regularly, it reduces the amount of male hormones.
  • Improves the menstrual cycle.
  • During menopause, it stabilizes the condition.
  • Mint tea is a good prevention of cancer.

Here you can see that this tea is more suitable for the fair sex. From here we move smoothly to contraindications. Although they are almost obvious.


What to do, the men here are left out of work. Because mint reduces the amount of their “masculine” hormones, and this can lead to the fact that you can be left without your masculine power. Of course, sometimes drinking a cup of mint drink will not hurt, but, on the contrary, will be beneficial. But regular use better to exclude. Even if you don’t believe it, in this case it’s probably not worth checking the truth of the statement.

It is for this same reason that green tea with mint should not be consumed by pregnant women who are expecting a boy. But you shouldn’t rush to drink it, even if there’s a girl “living” inside. It is believed that mint can have a bad effect on the ripening and development of the fetus.

There is still the possibility of excessive consumption of mint drink to reduce sensitivity to the beneficial components of the plant. In this case, the herb will no longer save you from any problem, all that remains is to simply enjoy the aromatic and refreshing decoction.

Tea with mint. The benefits and harms of the drink have long been studied and proven in detail. But there are still some little things to consider. It is rarely said that it is better not to drink the drink if you often suffer from heartburn, with infertility and varicose veins. And give it to children only if the pediatrician gives permission.

How to brew

To get the full benefits of mint leaves, tea should be brewed as follows:

  • Place a small spoonful of dry mint and green tea into a porcelain or glass teapot. This amount is taken per liter of water, which for the correct drink needs to be boiled, but cooled to 80 degrees, and only then pour in the raw materials for aromatic tea. You should only drink fresh drink. You can mix this infusion with fresh mint leaves and lemon or lemon juice. Fantasy is not contraindicated.

And if you cool everything down and add ice, you will get a wonderful, healthy soft drink that will take care of your health and save you from the unbearable heat.

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