A woman's name means happiness. What names for girls and boys are considered lucky?

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It is not entirely true to say that only when we reach a certain age we are literally “covered by a wave of nostalgia” when we hear the melody of our youth or see some attributes of that time. Even completely Small child begins to yearn for his favorite toy if someone took it or hid it. We are all, to some extent, in love with old things, because they contain the spirit of an entire era. It is not enough for us to read about this in books or on the Internet. We want to have a real antique thing that we can touch and smell. Just remember your feelings when you picked up a Soviet-era book with slightly yellowed pages that emitted a sweetish aroma, especially when flipping through them, or when you looked at black and white photographs of your parents or grandparents, the same ones with an uneven white border. By the way, for many, such shots remain the most beloved to this day, despite the low quality of such images. The point here is not in the image, but in the feeling of spiritual warmth that fills us when they catch our eye.

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Antiques for sale in Russia, as in many European cities, such as Paris, London and Stockholm, has its own characteristics. First of all, these are the high costs of purchasing antiques, but the responsibility of a store selling antiques is also quite high, since these things represent a certain material, cultural and historical value.

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The birth of a child is always a joyful and troublesome event. In addition to arranging a children's room, buying a crib, stroller, vests, diapers, there is one more important question- choosing a name, because the child will have to live with it all his life. At the same time, parents must take into account its meaning, consonance with the surname and patronymic, and popularity. In this article we will try to find out what the most lucky names for girls?

Basic Rules

Choosing a name for a girl is quite a troublesome matter, causing a lot of disputes, conflicts, and disagreements among the relatives of a newborn. Grandparents, as a rule, insist on Russians Maria, Lyubov, Sofia, Elena, but parents still prefer to follow fashion trends: Angelina, Carolina, Evelina. To make the task easier, there are certain rules and tricks to help make choices faster and reduce the number of disputes that arise. Lucky names for girls and boys are names that carry peace and love. Personally, parents should associate them with something warm and pleasant.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account that you cannot name a child after deceased relatives with a difficult fate, who died in disasters, who abused drugs, alcohol, and the like. It is believed that a small child can repeat their fate. Therefore, the happiest names for girls are those that carry peace and goodness. Consonance with the surname and patronymic also plays an important role.

If a dispute arises in the family over the name of the unborn child, it is recommended to make the task easier in the following way: each of the participants in the dispute should write 4 names that they like best. Then you need to exchange these pieces of paper and cross out those names that you don’t like the most. Of the remaining ones, you have to make a choice and look at different sources to see what the happiest name for a girl is. The list (by month) below will help you choose the best.

Next, the selected names must be written on a piece of paper with the surname and patronymic. Then it will be clear which ones are definitely not suitable. And the last step in choosing a name is to look at its meaning. Let's see what the happiest names for girls exist and what they mean.

Olga - great and sunny

Everyone knows the Slavic name Olga: it means “bright” or “holy.” The bearer of this name is an independent, independent and purposeful person. Girls named Olga have a very happy destiny, because they always rely only on themselves. They do not expect help from anyone and purposefully achieve their goals in life. A striking example of this is Princess Olga, the first Russian Christian, an unapproachable, strong-willed ruler. Her power was recognized by almost all states and rulers. Perhaps Olga was even cruel in some ways, but this quality of hers was justified by revenge for the death of her beloved husband.

Princess Olga is one of the strongest and wisest women of Rus'. An interesting fact is that she was baptized under the name Elena. Olga's Angel Day is celebrated on July 24th.

Greek name Elena

Translated from Greek, the name means “fire”, “light”, “torch”. Girls with this name are relaxed and easy to talk to, they really love beauty and comfort. The happiest names for girls: Elena, Alena, Helena. They carry goodness and love. Lena is very sincere, gets along well with people and is always ready to help.

A girl with this name is rarely particularly stubborn, although sometimes she can be quite cunning. He is a cheerful and quite emotional person. Even without natural beauty, Elena is capable of turning any man’s head. Her charisma and ease help her in this.

It is impossible not to mention Saint Helena, whose son was Emperor Constantine the Great. There is information that Saint Helena found the cross where Jesus Christ was crucified and built a church on this site. This event led to the beginning of the celebration of the Exaltation of the Cross. Saints: March 19 and June 3.

Kira - powerful and practical

The name Kira has more than one version of origin. Some believe that it comes from the Greek “Kyria”, meaning “lord”, “lady”. Others argue that it is interpreted as a “ray of light.” The girl Kira is stubborn, straightforward, and always carries out her plans. She is a great friend and helper. Girls with this name rarely stay at home and raise children. They are interested in a successful career. As a rule, Kira is a very good and strict boss. She has a subtle sense of humor, is attractive and self-confident. IN Greek mythology one of the nymphs was called Cyrene. She was a fearless hunter and guardian of the forests. Name days are celebrated on June 22.

Dear Milana

We look at the most beautiful and lucky names for girls, and this is one of the most popular. Milana means “sweetheart”, “grace”, “benefit”. These are amazing girls creative personalities, who love to dream and “soar in the clouds”, thoughtful and at the same time spontaneous.

Milana is very responsible, loves to help others, a little secretive, a little mysterious. Girls with this name excel as writers, journalists, and dancers. They are constantly looking for something interesting and attractive.

Good Anastasia

Another answer to the question: what is the happiest name for a girl? This is Anastasia. The name, which has been quite popular throughout the centuries, mostly belongs to trusting, loyal and sweet people. This name means "returned to life." Its bearer is decent and sincere, possesses natural grace and restraint.

From the outside it seems that Anastasia is very fragile and vulnerable. In fact, this is a very strong-willed and purposeful person who will gladly come to the aid of acquaintances and friends, support them in difficult times, and console them. Anastasia the Pattern Maker is considered her saint - the patroness of all pregnant women. They pray to her during childbirth and ask for protection. Memorial Day of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker is December 22.

Desired Maria

This is one of the most common names in the world. The reason for this is that Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ. The Hebrew version of the name is "Mariam".

Maria is a kind and sweet girl. She is a little stubborn, but at the same time very diligent and hardworking. The owner of this name can be very impulsive and enterprising.

Maria is a real adventurer who does not know how to treat people or situations that life presents to her superficially. If Maria delves into something, she does it with all her heart. She loves everything mystical and mysterious, moreover, she is not afraid of darkness and loneliness. September 21 is commemorated Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God.

Svetlana is the one who brings light

We continue to look at what names for girls are considered lucky. And one of them that really deserves attention is Svetlana. She is a bright, sympathetic and modest girl. She is very principled and loves children and animals. Most of all, she likes to take care of people and give them love. As a child, the girl Svetlana may be slightly reserved and uncommunicative, but in the future she opens up like a flower, bringing love and light into the world.

Bearer bright name selfless, but persistent and decisive. Svetlana always listens to the opinions of others, but leaves the decision to herself. This is a very strong-willed and purposeful person who likes to set certain goals for himself and slowly but surely move towards them. Angel Day is February 26 and April 2.

Victoria - victory

Victoria is a female name of Latin origin, familiar to everyone. This is actually a lucky name for a baby.

Vika is assertive, stubborn, a little cunning, and agile. This is a very determined girl who loves to win the hearts of men. She can be spoiled and capricious and, at the same time, quiet and sweet - in general, it all depends on the situation. The bearer has a strong will and a proud disposition.

Victoria is not always ready to deal with emerging obstacles and can often retreat and take a step back. She cannot stand loneliness when she is alone, she feels lost and broken. A strong and reliable shoulder nearby will allow her to “move mountains” on her way. She is a good housewife, a caring mother and a loving wife. Family comfort comes first for Victoria.

Many princesses, queens, duchesses and empresses bore this name. All of them were distinguished by sophistication, grace, charm and endless wisdom. Her saint is the martyr Victoria of Albitinskaya. Memorial Day - February 11th.

In this article we looked at the happiest and their characteristics, and also found out what they mean and with what famous people connected.

It has its own unique energy and meaning, which influence the character and destiny of a person. Our ancestors took the choice of a child's name very seriously. If boys were given names to strengthen their strength, endow them with courage and masculinity, then happy names for girls were given to attract harmony, health and prosperity.

Top 5

According to the famous astrologer Vasilisa Volodina, every person has a lucky name. It is impossible to say clearly that one will be happy and the other will not. However, choosing a name must be taken seriously.

What makes a name happy is the meaning and the meaning that is inherent in it. Fate is determined by what our ancestors put into the name at the stage of its creation. What 5 female names are considered the happiest in life?


The meaning of the name is “winner”. Along with this name, a woman receives a great desire for primacy, leadership qualities, perseverance and determination. The name gives its owner not only a strong character, but also incredible internal magnetism that attracts useful and interesting people.

A woman with this name shows her wayward character from childhood and achieves everything she wants.. Stubbornness, perseverance and self-confidence help them in their careers and business. Ease, honesty and sincerity contribute to the organization of personal life. And the ability to stand up for herself and defend her point of view provides her with recognition and respect in society.

Victoria never strays from her intended path, she strives to achieve everything through her own work, rarely asks for help, but she herself is always ready to provide support to her loved ones. Victoria depends on her own decisions and actions. She rarely makes mistakes, and when she does, she never blames the world, trying to analyze their actions and get to the bottom of the truth.


WITH ancient Greek name means “organizer” and “founder”, and from ancient Roman - “peacemaker”. This is a name with very strong energy. A woman named Tatyana is a born leader. She can do any job, she can cope with the most complex tasks and find a way out of a confusing situation. Always adequately evaluates himself, his abilities and capabilities.

Easy to find mutual language with people. As a rule, her circle of friends and acquaintances is very wide, so she is never alone. He has a unique gift - to see and notice what is not available to others. She has a well-developed intuition, which helps her avoid wrong decisions and rash actions.

Despite the fact that she loves to dominate everywhere, in relationships with a man she gives the right of leadership to him. However, he never misses the opportunity to direct his chosen one in the right direction, suggesting something to him.


The name translates as “immortal”, “resurrected”. A woman with this name is not afraid of any adversity or problems. No matter how life beats her, she always remains “on horseback”. Nothing can break her fortitude. Anastasia’s fate is happy not only because she is able to cope with difficulties, but also because of her energy, activity, kindness and generosity. The good that she brings to people comes back to her.

This is a very talented and capable person. One can only envy her hard work. By setting goals for herself, she easily achieves them. She is lucky in business and personal life due to her flexibility, ability to find a common language with people and listen carefully to her interlocutor.

Anastasia is an excellent psychologist who can learn a lot about her opponent at first glance. He lives by his own mind and his ideals, not paying attention to the opinions of others.


A woman with this name is truly lucky and lucky. Mary means "lady". And she is truly the mistress of her destiny and life. He lives as he feels, does not look back, quickly forgets insults and failures. Her cheerful disposition, love of life and energy help her achieve all her benefits and goals.

Maria attracts good luck to herself like a magnet. It's all about her optimism and ability to not give up at anything. Sending only kind and bright thoughts to the Universe, Masha receives in return the fulfillment of all her desires. Achieves success thanks to his easy-going and easy-going character, out-of-the-box thinking and creativity.


Among the royalty and ladies of aristocratic origin there were many Elizabeths. And this is no coincidence, since this name ennobles, attracts good luck and luck in everything. Lisa is an influential, powerful and ambitious person. At the same time, she is very generous, generous, sensual, gentle and decent. He walks through life with an open heart and eyes wide open, accepting everything from life - both good and bad.

Her secret lies in her attitude towards the world around her and people. She loves for who she is, and is always grateful to fate for the moments of joy and experience gained. This is a peaceful, calm and harmonious nature, wanting to change the world for the better.

What to name your daughter so that her fate is successful?

There are also female names that attract good luck in one or another area of ​​life. What are 10 female names with a happy destiny?

  • Daria means "winner". A woman with this name is lucky in everything she undertakes. Great luck accompanies her in her career and business. She quickly reaches the top due to her ambitions and assertive nature. He knows how to stand up for himself and is always one step ahead of his competitors.
  • Anna– a name that attracts success in work, money and creativity. It endows its owners with well-developed intuition and insight. A woman named Anna is very persistent and patient. She never gives up what she starts and always completes what she has in mind.
  • Sophia. This name imparts wisdom, inner peace and harmony. The bearers of this name are very reasonable, consistent and responsible. Fate works out best if it listens to its inner feeling. Sophia is lucky in her personal life. She values ​​herself, knows what she needs from life and never betrays her ideals.
  • Alexandra. This is a real warrior. She is ready to defend her interests at all costs. This character gives her the opportunity to realize all her plans and fulfill her dreams. He finds his passion in social work, creativity, communication with people and travel.
  • Olga. From a young age, he gains wisdom and experience beyond his years. The name imparts vitality, positive energy, intelligence and prudence. Olga decides her own destiny. Her life path largely depends on the thoughts in her head.
  • Catherine. Loves being in the spotlight. Healthy egoism and moderately developed vanity help her achieve popularity and fame. He finds his happiness next to like-minded people and in his favorite work.
  • Irina– a name that personifies peace, harmony and beauty. She is from birth endowed with the ability to quickly resolve any conflicts. Does not like to enter into arguments and discussions, or speak in a raised voice. Always tries to act peacefully. Irina is lucky in her personal life and in communicating with people, as she has the makings of a good psychologist.
  • Love. Woman wearing given name, brings tenderness, love, devotion and honesty into this world. She is lucky with men because she knows how to approach them. Finds happiness in family life and in communication with children. Never sits still and constantly develops.
  • Natalia– sympathetic, kind and honest nature. She is usually very respected in her circle. She is loved for her openness, devotion and perky disposition. Goes through life boldly, despite obstacles. She is lucky in the commercial sphere, as well as in relationships with men. There are always a lot of fans next to her.
  • Lyudmila. Translated as “dear to people.” Everyone really idolizes her, loves and appreciates her. Lyudmila is lucky in both small and big things. This woman’s main talent is to be in the right place at the right time.

Names meaning "happy"

By choosing a name that means “happiness,” “luck,” or “joy,” the girl’s parents lay a certain program in her subconscious. It is believed that every time mom and dad pronounce this lucky name out loud, they will endow her with the energy of joy, success and luck. What names when translated mean “happy”?

  • Aglaida or Aglaya– sparkling, joyful, smiling
  • Alyona– sunny, happy
  • Anna- gracious
  • Anfisa- blooming with happiness
  • Veselina– joyful, cheerful, happy
  • Gella or Helia- sunny, bright
  • Darina- giving goodness and happiness
  • Euphrosyne- cheerful, joyful
  • Zoya– cheerful
  • Inessa– serene
  • Myrrh- blooming, fragrant
  • glad– bringing joy
  • Rose, Rosana and Rosalia– blooming
  • Felixana– successful
  • Yarina– sunny, joyful, bright

From all over the world

The names of other peoples, just like ours, have certain meanings. Among female names there are those that grant their bearers a happy fate, luck, and health.

  • Alaya– an old Spanish name meaning happiness and good luck
  • Asgadia- an Arabic name that endows its owner with immeasurable happiness, spiritual joy and harmony
  • Bahruz– a Persian name that promises fulfillment of desires
  • GilahJewish name, bringing happiness
  • Lyme– Latvian name that attracts good luck
  • LetitiaLatin name, meaning joy and good fortune
  • Makena- girls were called these names in East Africa to attract happiness and good luck to them
  • Monifa– a Nigerian name that promises a successful life
  • gladSlavic name, meaning joy
  • Sugda– translated from Arabic as “very happy”
  • Rina– a Hebrew name that attracts happy events
  • Sagida– translated from Arabic as “happy, enjoying life”
  • Simcha– a Jewish name that attracts luck and happiness in your personal life
  • Faliha- this is what they called Arab beauties, wanting to endow them with a happy destiny
  • Felicita– Latin name meaning lucky chance
  • Firuza- a Persian name given to young royals; it meant "first, superior to others"
  • HaraGreek name, attracting luck, joy and luck
  • Shreya– translated from Sanskrit means “auspicious, happy”
  • Yukiko– Japanese name meaning “lucky child”

The name must harmonize with the woman’s inner feeling, only then will it attract good luck and make the path of life happy and bright.

Choosing a name for your little princess is a pleasant and, at the same time, responsible process. Future parents, as well as grandparents, go through everything possible options before they settle on just one. The name with which a girl comes into this world largely determines her character and future destiny.

Sometimes you have to “sweat” over a name for a newborn baby.

Possible criteria for choosing a name for a girl

It can be very difficult to choose the best name for a daughter, especially when disagreements arise between mom and dad. Parents are sorting out maximum amount options, paying attention to both fashionable and old ones.

First of all, they consider the beautiful Russian royal names that the Rurikovichs called girls - Catherine, Sofia, Anastasia, Anna, Alexandra, Elizabeth, Maria. They remember unusual ancient ones - Aglaya, Angelina, Lukerya, Evdokia, Iraida, Claudia, Martha, Pelageya. Each option has a unique origin and meaning.

Someone wants to name a newborn in memory of a loved one. In this case, it is worth remembering that it is not correct to name your child after a deceased relative. Consider interesting and rare names for girls. They are also chosen according to their meaning, according to the church calendar, according to the horoscope and the advice of an astrologer.

By name meaning

When naming a child, they look at the meaning of the name in the case when they want to give his character certain features. Besides, no one wants a letter code to have a bad meaning.

  • Aglaya - “brilliant”. Aglais are bright personalities, they literally gush with ideas and emotions, they are always ahead and ready to lead their team.
  • Alexandra is a strong letter code, translated meaning “strong-willed.” Children use their natural abilities to their advantage and know how to carefully hide their emotions.
  • Anastasia – “resurrected”. Nastya's girls are kind and gentle, but with a strong character. Very dreamy natures.
  • Angelina - “messenger”. The name is gentle, the word “angel” is clearly read in it, but its owners are energetic and decisive.
  • Anna is one of the names royal family, translated as “brave.” Ani is principled, careful, patient.
  • Catherine – means “purity”. Katya grows up intellectually developed and purposeful, capable of achieving success.
  • Iraida – translated as “heroine”. Iraids are active and proud. Such people achieve whatever they want in life.
  • Claudia – “persistent.” Perseverance is Klava’s main character trait, and this helps her a lot in life.
  • Maria - means "serenity". An affectionate nature that wants to warm and protect everyone around.
  • Martha – “noble”. A young lady with a rare and beautiful name grows up calm, balanced and caring.
  • Sophia (Sofia) - means “reasonable, wise.” Girls with this name usually have a rich inner world. In life they are lucky and happy.

According to the church calendar

The method of choosing a name according to the Saints is popular. It is believed that a child named according to the church calendar is under the protection of his guardian angel from the first days of his life. The day of a saint is celebrated every day. All that remains is to choose one of them.

The most beautiful church female names for daughters have Slavic, Greek and Hebrew roots. It is also worth finding information about why the person was canonized. If you have a difficult choice, look at nearby dates and the entire month.


  1. In December, daughters are named in honor of the Saints: Anna, Anastasia, Varvara, Catherine, Zoya, Kira, Lilia, Margarita, Maria, Tamara, Tatiana, Ulyana, Yulia.
  2. In January, the name day of Arina, Anastasia, Antonina, Agnia, Vasilisa, Varvara, Evgenia, Maria, Melania, Irina, Ksenia, Tatyana, Ulyana, Emilia, Yulia. Daughters born in January have a strong character. The name given according to the Saints can soften it and endow the girl with tenderness.
  3. In February, Agnia, Anna, Alexandra, Alevtina, Arina, Vasilisa, Vera, Zoya, Ekaterina, Inna, Christina, Sofia have Angel Day. Just as in the case of January daughters, the name of the Saint will soften their unbending winter character.

It is believed that names according to the calendar protect the child throughout his life.


  1. March Saints: Anna, Arina, Varvara, Galina, Daria, Kira, Maria, Marianna, Marina, Nadezhda, Olga, Ulyana, Yuliana, Yulia. Girls born in the first month of spring are often gentle and indecisive, but at the same time talented and charming.
  2. In April in church calendar name days of Saints Anastasia, Anna, Varvara, Daria, Larisa, Lydia, Nika, Praskovya, Sofia. Children born in April are successful and talented.
  3. According to the Saints, the May princesses can be called: Valeria, Zhanna, Zoya, Joanna, Tamara, Faina, Fedora, Elsa, Julia.


  1. The June ones are called Alena, Vera, Elena, Zinaida, Lilia, Susanna, Yuliana.
  2. In July, the days of the Saints are Agrippina, Valentina, Dinara, Lucia, Margarita, Rimma, Tatiana, Yana.
  3. In August - Angela, Angelina, Anna, Anfisa, Daria, Eva, Ia, Melitsa, Ksenia, Nonna.

Girls born in the autumn season are friendly and easy to talk to.


Autumn children are diligent, diligent and strive for perfection:

  1. In September, the name day of Alena, Vasilisa, Elena, Lyudmila, Martha, Oksana, Regina, Seraphim, Sofia, Fekla, Elsa.
  2. In October - Ariadne, Arina, Vera, Veronica, Virinea, Dora, Elizabeth, Zlata, Marianna, Polina, Tatiana, Fevronia.
  3. In November - Arina, Anna, Alexandra, Glikeria, Elizabeth, Martha, Matrona, Neonilla, Nina, Olga, Stefania.

The list of beautiful Orthodox names can be continued for a long time. It can be obtained from the church in which the parents are going to baptize the child. The lists may differ depending on the monastery in which they were compiled.


Some parents turn to astrology and horoscopes to choose a name. In this case, there is also food for thought, since each zodiac sign is suitable for several options - simple and not so simple. The following are beautiful modern names according to zodiac signs.

Sometimes when choosing a name they are guided by astrological principles
  • Corresponds to the sign Aries girl names Alice, Alla, Raya.
  • Taurus people are called Angela, Diana, Maya, Monica.
  • Gemini women have sonorous names - Aksinya, Albina, Ivetta, Clara, Taisiya, Eliza.
  • Cancer girls are very impressionable people. The names Bogdana, Lolita, Melania are suitable for them.
  • Majestic Leos are called accordingly - Aurora, Ilona, ​​Emma.
  • The names Constance, Regina, Linda are suitable for the feminine Virgo.
  • Charming Libra - Veronica, Zlata, Lyubov, Milena, Pelageya, Snezhana.
  • Those with a changeable character, born under the sign of Scorpio, are called Louise, Martha, Elina.
  • Sagittarius is called Zhanna, Marianna, Thekla.
  • Capricorns - Varvara, Kira, Renata.
  • The Aquarius girl is given the name Ilona or Aelita.
  • Pisces - Amelia, Eve.

Other criteria

By time of year:

  • trying to balance the winter atmosphere, they call their daughters sunny and warm names - Svetlana, Lyudmila, Natalya;
  • in the spring, daughters are called more harshly - Irina, Victoria, Ruslana;
  • summer children can be called Margarita, Valeria, Antonina;
  • autumn - Yesenia, Zlata, Vera, Olesya.

When parents want to highlight a girl, they give her a rare name

When mom and dad want to highlight their child so that his name is the only one in kindergarten and school, in Russia they give rare and beautiful, sometimes forgotten, old feminine names - Ophelia, Valencia, Dominica. When replacing one letter in a traditional name, new ones are obtained unusual options: Alesya, Daria, Olena.

By the name of your favorite musical artist or actress:

  • Rihanna;
  • Bianca;
  • Nastasya.

TOP most popular female names of recent years in Russia

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  1. Sofia;
  2. Alice;
  3. Pauline;
  4. Arina;
  5. Victoria;
  6. Valeria;
  7. Elizabeth;
  8. Karina;
  9. Milena;
  10. Maria.

Great options to name your child, but very common these days.

Rare and beautiful Russian names

Turning to the origins, you can remember Russian names, beautiful and ancient, and choose unusual name for girl. They are old, with history.

Each of them stores a letter code with a meaning:

  • Bozena;
  • Olympics;
  • Veroslav;
  • Augusta;
  • Zlatislava;
  • Ariadne;
  • Lyubomir;
  • Neonilla;
  • Pelagia;
  • Praskovya;
  • Stanislava;
  • Kaleria.

Unusual international names

There are many beautiful female names that sound almost the same in all languages. These names are international: Adeline, Alexandra, Anna, Adriana, Agatha, Agnes, Amalia, Diana, Evangelina, Isabella, Ilona, ​​Clara, Liana, Linda, Laura, Marianna, Mia, Roxana, Sabrina, Stella, Evelina, Ella.

When choosing a name, you must also look at how it will be combined with the surname and patronymic

The list is, of course, not complete. There are still a lot of options. When choosing a name for your daughter from the list of international ones, you should think about its combination with the surname and patronymic. For example, combinations like Stepanova Adriana Petrovna do not sound very harmonious.

Each name has a certain energy, and the fate and future of a person depends on it. Lucky names for girls will bring good luck, health and prosperity into the lives of their owners.

Some parents try to choose beautiful or rare names for their children, but many of them can ruin the life and future of the child. Caring fathers and mothers give preference to those names that will help positive influence on the character and fate of the child. In most cases, names with strong energy are chosen for boys, which give the future man courage and strengthen his strength. Female name should endow the owner with harmony, positive energy and health, and there are not many such names. The site's experts bring to your attention the happiest names for girls.


The meaning of the name is winner. It is not surprising that from birth the name endows girls with leadership qualities, determination and strong character. As a rule, Victorias are very brave. The energy of the name gives the owners an internal magnetism, thanks to which they easily make new acquaintances and are popular among members of the opposite sex.

In addition, girls named Victoria are very stubborn, but stubbornness allows them to achieve career success, easily prove that they are right and get into leadership positions.

In Victoria's personal life they occupy the position of leader. Their innate lust for power can suppress the character of even the most strong man. But, as a rule, women with this name are in no hurry to start a family and decide to take this step only when a worthy man appears in their life. For her children, Victoria becomes the most caring and moderately strict mother.

Women named Victoria can achieve success in any area of ​​life, and the strong character of a born winner helps them in this.


Translated from ancient Greek it means “immortal”. At all times, this name has enjoyed great polarity, because it promises its owner a happy destiny. The very meaning of the name suggests that no difficulties in life can break Anastasia’s spirit and make her lose faith in herself. Girls with this name are good-natured and sympathetic, so they are rarely left alone. They usually make new acquaintances easily and have many friends.

Anastasias are very capable girls. They can develop any talent, which gives them the opportunity to realize themselves in different areas. If Anastasia sets a goal for herself, she will definitely achieve it. This trait distinguishes Anastasia from other girls and allows her to achieve dizzying success.

For Anastasia, family values ​​are above all. Owners of the name easily find a common language with the opposite sex, but take a responsible approach to choosing a life partner. Becoming Anastasia's chosen one is not so easy, since women with this name have good intuition, so it is almost impossible to mislead them.

Anastasias have a bright and strong character, but at the same time do not lose their femininity. Fate is often favorable to them, so in life they rarely face insurmountable difficulties.


There are several meanings for the name Olga, and one of them, more than others, reflects the nature of its owner - wise. Indeed, such women are endowed with wisdom and intelligence beyond their years. IN childhood Olga easily adapts to any conditions, greedily absorbs knowledge and tries to be at the center of any events. Such curiosity helps Olgas gain skills that they can easily apply in practice. This is what allows them to become richer, more successful and happier.

The name Olga gives its owners strong positive energy, so Fortune always accompanies them in any endeavor. Even if Olga faces obstacles, her internal energy allows her to quickly overcome them.

Often the owners of this name are very family-oriented, but their personal life does not prevent them from performing well at work and developing. When choosing a permanent partner, Olgas rely not only on their own taste, but also on the personal qualities of a potential partner. Therefore, becoming a favorite, and even more so Olga’s beloved husband, is not so easy. Such pickiness only works to her advantage, because it helps her find a worthy life partner and create a strong family.


The meaning of the name Tatyana is peacemaker. The main weapon of its owners is communication. They easily find a common language even with the most difficult people and resolve conflicts without much difficulty. Women with this name can achieve success in the field of communications, become good politicians and wonderful speakers.

Laziness is a trait that is completely unusual for Tatyana. From the very early years girls with this name are very hardworking, and as adults, they are ready to take on any job and do it with the highest quality possible. However, Tatiana soberly assesses her capabilities and will never take on a task that she cannot handle.

Tatyanas are very good psychologists, which helps them establish connections with others and determine the strengths and weaknesses of a person within the first minutes of communication. The owners of this name are natural dominants, but in relationships with their lover they allow him to remain the only leader. Thanks to the strong energy of the name, Tatyana is able to quietly control her beloved man, directing him on the right path.

In many ways, the fate of a child depends not only on parental attention, but also on the name. If you want your child's life to be easy and happy, choose a name according to his Zodiac Sign. We wish you all the best,and don't forget to press the buttons and

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