Мой любимый писатель (My favorite writer) топик по английскому. Топик «My favorite meal

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Western Kazakhstan is a land, where Makhambet, batyr and long-suffering poet-stormy petrel, was born. All his life unclouded childhood and his youth had passed. All his life “started with joy and ended in failure” passed on this land – on the shore of Edil and yaik, on sands of naryn, Beketai and Taisoigan.

For us and for the future generation these sand-hills, these “lakes and waters of the sandstone”, these delicate willows, even a lonely plane-tree, a lonely bush of wornwood, these eternally sleeping boulders are the sacred heritage of Makhambet’s time.

So long as Kazakh people “could not live independently” (A.Baitursynov), a land between Edil and Yaik had been under foreign possession since 1731 to 1801, when Abulkhair-khan adopted a Russian citizenship. Only in 1801 a white tsar of Russia gave Bokey a permission to use the samara steppe. The Decree of Tsar Paul I runs: “While accepting sultan Bokey Nuralykhanuly, governing the Khan Council of Small Orda, in our citizenship, I allow him to roam all over this land; as a token of accord I award him a golden medal with my portrait”.

In the beginning, all those events taking place aroud the khan seemed appropriate to Isatai and Makhambet. At that time they were the Elders of two districts. However, in the course of time, a capricious egoist Jangir started displaying unprecedented unlawful actions. A brave man, as well as a poet with a tender heart, Makhambet was a soul of the uprising, and he was the first who urged isatai on the way of resolute armed struggle.

“The gravest unlawful action was the fact that the land graned by the tsar to Kazakh people, was considered by Jangir as his wn property. He created a view, according to which, the land of common people had been the khan’s property. In 1836 he announced 400.000 acres of land, grated by the tsar to Kazakh people, as the khan’s share. The remaining land was distributed to his relatives and tore. He started taking lands away from tribes, villages he did not like. (K.Dosmukhamedov)

As a result, “In a fussy spring of 1836, people’s anger against the khan and the khodjas; against the tore and the tulengits, against their tsar-patron, turned into a general uprising. The people, with their own hand, sealed Isatai on a horse and hoisted his flag with horse-hair on the top of the lofty hill. A bloody fight against the tsar’s troops and khan’s yassak, which lasted one and half years, has started.” (B.Amanshin).

My favourite Kazakh writer

My favorite Kazakh writer, Mukhtar Auezov, was born in 1897. He is a man of encyclopedic knowledge and erudition. Mukhtar Auezov is a significant person both in his life and creative activity. He wrote more than twenty plays and many magnificent stories. The top of his activity was the epopee about Abai. The first 20 years of Auezov’s life resemble the childhood, youth and young years of his favourite poet and spiritual teacher- Abai. Later in his famous work he described the same steppe, the same aul, the same social atmosphere.
With his works, Mukhtar Auezov raised the Kazakh literature up to the highest level. Many works of different genres belong to him.

His brilliant translations of world literary classics confirm his great talent. He published many interesting articles, made reports, composed textbooks and read lectures in colleges and universities. His professional researches became basis for some new branches in studying folklore, epos, history and linguistics of the Turks. He was elected as a professor of the Moscow State University.

His main work is closely connected with the image of the great son of the Kazakh people Abai. He devoted more than 15 years of his life to writing this book. This book was the most significant for him. As the writer said, the process of writing the novels about Abai turned into the most fascinating business of all his life. This book was called the original encyclopedia of many-sided features of the Kazakh people mode of life. It opened a vivid variety of culture and history of the ancient land and showed the riches of its customs and traditions to the whole world.

The works written by Mukhtar Auezov are still popular even now and are considered the original classics of the Kazakh literature. His name remained eternally in the memory of many people.


Seyfullin Saken was the founder of the modern Kazakh literature. He was also a poet and a writer, a statesman and a prominent member of the Communist Party of (Bolsheviks). He was born in winter quarters named Karashilik of modern Shet area, Karagandy region. He received education at the Nildin Russian-Kazakh School (1905 - 1908) and primary parochial school (1908 −1910). Saken graduated from the Akmola College in 1913 and the Omsk Teachers Seminary in 1916. Saken Seyfullin published his first collection of poems in 1914 in the city of Kazan under the name "Otken Kunder" ("The Past Days"). Seyfullin worked as the teacher of Russian Language in the village of Silety-Bugyly, wrote poems in support of national liberation movement in 1916 in Kazakhstan. In 1917 after the February Revolution he moved to Akmolinsk (today the city of Astana), wrote poems, created an organization named "Zhas Kazakh" ("Young Kazakh"), participated in publishing a newspaper "Tirshilik" ("Life"). He was a member of youth organization "Birlik" ("Unity"). He wrote one of the first works about the destiny of Kazakh woman - narrative under the name "Zhubatu" ("Consolation", 1917). In December 1917 he was elected a member of the Akmola Council of Deputies and appointed Commissar of Education. In 1917 he published a play named "Bakyt Zholynda" ("The Path to Happiness", 1917). It was a work of drama calling people for revolutionary struggle.

In June 1918 after the military coup he was arrested and thrown into "the carriage of death" of Ataman Annenkov. He was sent to a prison in the city of Omsk from which he escaped on April 3, 1919. After that he returned to his native village and then moved to Aulie-Ata (today the city of Taraz). In 1920 Saken Seyfullin came back to Akmolinsk where he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee and Head of the Administrative Division. At the first Founding Congress of Soviets of Kazakhstan (on October 4, 1920 in the city of Orenburg) Seyfullin was elected member of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In the 1920s Seyfullin became editor at the Yenbekshi Kazakh (Working Kazakh) Newspaper, at the Kyzyl Kazakhstan (Red Kazakhstan) Journal. He was also appointed Deputy People’s Commissar for Education. In 1920 his play under the name "Kyzyl Sunkarlar" ("Red Eagles") was issued. In 1922 at the third congress of Soviets of Kazakhstan Seyfullin was elected Chairman of Committee of Soviet Commissars of the Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. He also became a member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and of the Presidium of the Kazakh Central Executive Committee. In 1925 Seyfullin was appointed Chairman of the Research Centre under the People’s Commissariat of Education of the Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

He worked as editor at the Adebiet Maydany (Literary Front) Journal. He also taught student at the Kyzylorda Institute of People’s Education, Institute of Journalism in Tashkent and Kazakh Pedagogical Institute in Alma-Ata. In the 1920s Saken Seyfullin wrote several articles, related to world and Kazakh literature, which are still popular and interesting for readers. In 1922 a collection of poems under the name "Asau Tulpar" ("Indomitable Horse") was issued in Orenburg. The poems "Dombyra" ("Dombra", 1924), "Sovetstan" (1924) and "Express" (1926) were published in separate books. Saken Seyfullin was an innovator in poetry. Having analyzed poetic traditions of Kazakh people, he renovated form and character of Kazakh poetry, introduced new themes and images in it. The poet also changed structure of strophes, rhythmic, syntax and intonation of Kazak poems. His historical and memoir novel "Tar Zhol, Taygak Keshu" ("Thorny Path") was published in 1927. In this work, Seyfullin showed the struggle of Kazakh nation against the Tsarism, participation of Kazakhs in revolution and their fight for establishment of Soviet power in Kazakhstan. Throughout his creative work Saken Seyfullin paid much attention to collection, analysis, classification and publication of monuments of Kazakh folklore.

The writer made a significant contribution to preparation of several works, including "Kazakhtyn Yeski Adebiety Nuskalary" ("Samples of Ancient Kazakh Literature", 1931), Kazakh version of the poem "Leyli and Majnun", book "Kazakh Adebiety" ("Kazakh Literature", 1932), and so on. Written in the 1930s poems "Albatros" ("Albatross", 1933) and "Kyzyl At" ("Red Horse", 1934) demonstrated Seyfullin’s position concerning occurred social phenomena. In his poem named "Kyzyl At" Seyfullin assessed all excesses committed during agricultural collectivization in Kazakhstan in the 1930s. In the 1930s Saken Seyfullin took part in discussions on the current problems of literature life. He even gave a report at the First Congress of Writers of Kazakhstan (1934) and the First All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers (1934). In 1935 he issued the prose "Aysha" and narrative "Zhemister" ("Fruitage"). The writer also participated in preparation of school textbook on Kazakh literature. Seyfullin played a crucial role in education of literary men. He supported such writers as B. Maylin, S. Mukanov, G. Musrepov, G. Mustafin, T. Zharokov, and to name but a few. He assisted them in publishing their first works. Seyfullin edited and wrote prefaces for their books. M. Karataev, K. Bekkhozhin, Zh. Sain and many others took lessons from Saken Seyfullin. Seyfullin’s works were published in many languages. He was the first Kazakh writer who was awarded the Order of Red Banner of Labor. Unfortunately, he didn’t finished his novels "Bizdin Turmys" ("Our Life") and "Sol Zhyldarda" ("At that time") which told about the life of his contemporaries. In 1938 Saken Seyfullin was repressed. The writer was executed by shooting in Almaty.

In 1958 Seyfullin was rehabilitated (posthumously). In 1985 the Memorial Museum of Saken Seyfullin was opened in Tselinograd (today the city of Astana). In Kazakhstan there are theatres, schools, libraries and streets named after him. There is a monument in Akmola (Astana) created and placed in honour of the writer. The State Agrarian University, which situated in Astana, was named after Saken Seyfullin. Many artistic works were dedicated to him, including Mukanov’s play "Saken Seyfullin", Musrepov’s narrative "Kezdespey Ketken Bir Beyne" ("Once and Forever"), poems of A. Tazhibaev, A. Tokmagambetov, K. Bekkhozhin. Research papers of M. Karataev, B. Ismailov, S. Kirabaev, T. Kakishev, G. Serebryakova and others were focused on Seyfullin’s life and creative work.

Magzhan Zhumabayev

Magzhan Bekenuly Zhumabayev was born on 25 June 1893 in Sassykkul Tract if Sary-Aigyr volost in Petropavlovsky uezd. He died on 19 March 1938 in Alma-Ata. Magzhan comes from a rich family; his father was bii, the head of the volost. When he was four, he started to learn oriental languages and literature. Magzhan’s early poems were not preserved. He continued mastering the Arabic, Persian and Turkish languages in Begishev madrasah in Kzyl-Orda having obtained there secondary Moslem education. In 1910, he entered Galiya madrasah, the higher Islamic educational institution in Ufa City. But following the advice of his teacher, Galymzhan Ibragimov, who became the classicist of Tatar literature, Magzhan started looking for other ways of education. With Ibragimov’s help, young Magzhan’s works were published for the first time in 1912 in Kazan. In the same period with the support of Mirzhakyp Dulatov and Akmet Baitursynov, he started learning Russian, getting acquainted with Russian and European literature, and cooperates with “Kazakh” newspaper. In 1913, Magzhan entered Omsk Pedagogic Seminary. During these years in Omsk Magzhan took part in the creation of “Birlik” (Unity) Society; he was the editor of the hand-written magazine “Balapan”.

With his first steps in poetry, Magzhan reveals his unique talent. He gained wide recognition thanks to his poetic collection “Sholpan” (1912). The first stage of the creating way covers the period from 1910 to February 1917. His poems based on the historical facts appealed to the national fight for liberty. In his poem “Past” Magzhan called the names of fight heroes against Zhungar conquerors. The real hero for him was the one who “remembered about his nation”.

He dealt with journalism; he worked in the area of enlightenment, published in 1922 the book named “Pedagogy”. For certain time Magzhan was the editor of the newspaper “Bostandyk Tuy” (“Freedom Flag”) published in Omsk and after 1921 in Petropavlovsk.

Intensive and fruitful life period of Zhumabayev is related to Tashkent where he moved in 1922 and where he created his tale “Batyr Bayan”, poems about Turkestan, articles about Akan Sery, Bukhar Zhyrau, and Abubakir Divayev. He cooperated with the newspaper “Ak Zhol” and the magazine “Sholpan”. Here, in Tashkent, and in Kazan in 1922-23 he published two collections of poems where he had revealed his gifts. Magzhan belonged to the generation of the poets, which for the first time in the regions Central Asia and Kazakhstan joined two directions of spiritual development of the nations in East and West.

My favourite Kazakh poet

Makataev Mukagali Kazakh Soviet poet, writer and translator was born on February 9, 1931, in the village of Karasaz, in Alma-Ata region, in the foothills of the Great Khan Tengri. He graduated from the Literary Institute named by Gorky.

He worked as a secretary and head of the red yurt, an employee of the Komsomol, the literary staff of the local newspaper. In 1954-1962 he worked as a radio announcer on Kazakh, a teacher, in the years 1962-1972 - head of department of newspapers "Sotsialistіk Kazakstan", "Kazakh әdebietі" magazines "Madeniet zhane turmys", "Zhuldyz", in the years 1972-1973 - the literature consultant of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan.

He was a author of "Life is a legend," "Life is a river", "Mozart"s Requiem", "Favorites." Song of his poem "Sarzhaylyau" became popular. He was translated into Kazakh Russian classics, foreign literature, including Walt Whitman, "The Divine Comedy" by Dante. His name is put in front of them, Abay Auezova and other classics of Kazakh literature. He was a laureate of the State Prize of Kazakhstan ... Mukagali and his peers have become the main labor force and replaced the adult men who had gone to the front. They grazed cattle and plowed land, harvest and threshing. Along with the women and old men they considered themselves to be responsible for a life in the rear and very proud of it.

Abai Kunanbaev - great poet, writer, public figure, founder of the modern Kazakh written literature, culture reformer in spirit of rapprochement with Russian and European culture on the basis of the educated liberal Islam.

Abai was born on August 10, 1845 in Chingiz Mountains, Semipalatinsk region (nowadays administrative division) He was the son of one of four Kunanbai’s wives. Abai’s family was aristocratic, both grandfather (Oskenbai) and great-grandfather (Irgizbai) predominated over the sort as governors. He was lucky relatively to family cosiness and house upbringing as both mother Ulzhan and grandmother Zere were extremely charming and gifted natures. Exactly following mother"s example name given by his father "Ibragim" was replaced by caressing "Abai", that means “circumspect, thoughtful”. With this name Abai lived his life and has gone down in history.

The joining to oral people amateur of and house education with mullah started in early childhood has been continued in madrasah of Ahmed-Riza imam. At the same time he was studying in Russian school and by the end of five years" study he starts to write poems. From age of 13 Kunanbai starts to accustom Abai to administrative activity of the head of a sort. Abai’s appeal to the Russian culture which has experienced in XIX century the period of "storms and impacts" in literature and art, appeared to be especially natural so as poetic word was highly appreciated in east tradition. Pushkin, Lermontov, Goethe and Byron"s poetry appeared to be really close to Abai, and he subtly transferred the spirit of the translated poems and adapted for attitude of his nation.

During 20 years versatility blossoms the Abai’s genius, he gains extraordinary authority, huge and hitherto unknown popularity in steppe. Akyns, singers, composers was flowing down, the talented youth was crowding about him. Social-philosophical and literary schools were created.

But as the master of thoughts Abai causes wild envy, blind fury shown in guileful forms. The last stroke of destiny was concerned with death of Abdrahman and Magavya. He rejected treatment of an illness and voluntary condemn himself to death. He is buried near his wintering in Zhidebai valley, not far from Chingiz mountains.

Abai Kunanbaev - great poet, writer, public figure, founder of the modern Kazakh written literature, culture reformer in spirit of rapprochement with Russian and European culture on the basis of the educated liberal Islam. Abai was born on August 10, 1845 in Chingiz Mountains, Semipalatinsk region (nowadays administrative division) He was the son of one of four Kunanbai’s wives. Abai’s family was aristocratic, both grandfather (Oskenbai) and great-grandfather (Irgizbai) predominated over the sort as governors. He was lucky relatively to family cosiness and house upbringing as both mother Ulzhan and grandmother Zere were extremely charming and gifted natures. Exactly following mother"s example name given by his father "Ibragim" was replaced by caressing "Abai", that means “circumspect, thoughtful”. With this name Abai lived his life and has gone down in history. The joining to oral people amateur of and house education with mullah started in early childhood has been continued in madrasah of Ahmed-Riza imam. At the same time he was studying in Russian school and by the end of five years" study he starts to write poems. From age of 13 Kunanbai starts to accustom Abai to administrative activity of the head of a sort. Abai’s appeal to the Russian culture which has experienced in XIX century the period of "storms and impacts" in literature and art, appeared to be especially natural so as poetic word was highly appreciated in east tradition. Pushkin, Lermontov, Goethe and Byron"s poetry appeared to be really close to Abai, and he subtly transferred the spirit of the translated poems and adapted for attitude of his nation. During 20 years versatility blossoms the Abai’s genius, he gains extraordinary authority, huge and hitherto unknown popularity in steppe. Akyns, singers, composers was flowing down, the talented youth was crowding about him. Social-philosophical and literary schools were created. But as the master of thoughts Abai causes wild envy, blind fury shown in guileful forms. The last stroke of destiny was concerned with death of Abdrahman and Magavya. He rejected treatment of an illness and voluntary condemn himself to death. He is buried near his wintering in Zhidebai valley, not far from Chingiz mountains.

Определить язык Клингонский Клингонский (pIqaD) азербайджанский албанский английский арабский армянский африкаанс баскский белорусский бенгальский болгарский боснийский валлийский венгерский вьетнамский галисийский греческий грузинский гуджарати датский зулу иврит игбо идиш индонезийский ирландский исландский испанский итальянский йоруба казахский каннада каталанский китайский китайский традиционный корейский креольский (Гаити) кхмерский лаосский латынь латышский литовский македонский малагасийский малайский малайялам мальтийский маори маратхи монгольский немецкий непали нидерландский норвежский панджаби персидский польский португальский румынский русский себуанский сербский сесото словацкий словенский суахили суданский тагальский тайский тамильский телугу турецкий узбекский украинский урду финский французский хауса хинди хмонг хорватский чева чешский шведский эсперанто эстонский яванский японский Клингонский Клингонский (pIqaD) азербайджанский албанский английский арабский армянский африкаанс баскский белорусский бенгальский болгарский боснийский валлийский венгерский вьетнамский галисийский греческий грузинский гуджарати датский зулу иврит игбо идиш индонезийский ирландский исландский испанский итальянский йоруба казахский каннада каталанский китайский китайский традиционный корейский креольский (Гаити) кхмерский лаосский латынь латышский литовский македонский малагасийский малайский малайялам мальтийский маори маратхи монгольский немецкий непали нидерландский норвежский панджаби персидский польский португальский румынский русский себуанский сербский сесото словацкий словенский суахили суданский тагальский тайский тамильский телугу турецкий узбекский украинский урду финский французский хауса хинди хмонг хорватский чева чешский шведский эсперанто эстонский яванский японский Источник: Цель:

Результаты (русский ) 1:

Абай Кунанбаев - великий поэт, писатель, общественный деятель, основоположник современной казахской письменной литературы, реформатор культуры в духе сближения с русской и европейской культурой на основе образованной либеральной Ислам.

Абай родился 10 августа 1845 года в горы Чингиз, Семипалатинской области (ныне административное деление) он был сыном одного из четырех Кунанбая жен. Семья Абая была аристократической, оба деда (Oskenbai) и прадед (Irgizbai) преобладает над сортировки как губернаторов. Он был удачлив, относительно семейный уют и дом воспитания как оба мать, бабушка Зере и Улжан были очень очаровательная и одаренных натур. Точно следуя матери пример имя, данное отцом «Ибрагим» был заменен на ласковое «Абай», Это означает «осторожный, вдумчивый». С этим именем Абая прожил свою жизнь и вошел в историю.

Присоединение к устной человек любитель и дом образования с муллой, началась в раннем детстве была продолжена в медресе имама Ahmed-Риза. В то же время он учился в русской школе, и к концу исследования пяти лет он начинает писать стихи. С возраста 13 Кунанбая начинает приучать Абая к административной деятельности главы рода. Призыв Абая к русской культуре, которая в XIX веке пережила период «бури и воздействия» в литературе и искусстве, появился, чтобы быть особенно естественных так как поэтическое слово был высоко оценен в восточной традиции. Пушкин, Лермонтов, Гёте и Байрона поэзии, как представляется, быть действительно недалеко от Абая, и он тонко переданы дух переведенных стихотворения и адаптированы для отношение его страны.

В течение 20 лет универсальность цветет гения Абая, он получает чрезвычайные полномочия, огромные и доселе неизвестных популярность в степи. Акыны, певцы, композиторы текла вниз, о нем скученности талантливой молодежи. Были созданы социально философских и литературных школ.

Но Абай, как мастер мысли приводит дикая зависть, слепой ярости, показано в коварный формы. Последний удар судьбы касается смерти Abdrahman и Magavya. Он отверг лечение недуга и добровольно осуждает себя до смерти. Он похоронен около своей зимовки в долине Жидебае, не далеко от горы Чингиз.

Результаты (русский ) 2:

Абай Кунанбаев - великий поэт, писатель, общественный деятель, основоположник современной казахской письменной литературы, культуры реформатором в духе сближения с русской и европейской культуры на основе образованных либерального ислама. Абая родился 10 августа 1845 в Чингизских гор, Семипалатинской области (ныне административное деление) Он был сыном одного из четырех жен Кунанбая в. Семья Абая была аристократическая, как дед (Оскенбай) и прадед (Irgizbai) преобладали над рода как губернаторов. Ему повезло, относительно семейного уюта и домашнего воспитания, как и мать, Улжан и бабушка Зере были чрезвычайно очаровательные и талантливые натуры. Точно следующем примере имя матери, полученные от отца "Ибрагим" было заменено лаская «Абай», что означает «осмотрительный, вдумчивый". С этим именем Абая прожил свою жизнь и вошел в историю. присоединения к устной людей любителя и дома образования с мулла начал в раннем детстве была продолжена в медресе Ахмед-Ризы имама. В то же время он учился в русской школе и к концу исследования пяти годам он начинает писать стихи. От 13 лет Кунанбай начинает приучать Абая к административной деятельности главы рода. Апелляция Абая к русской культуре, который пережил в XIX веке период "бури и воздействия» в области литературы и искусства, казалось, особенно естественно так как поэтическое слово было высоко оценено в восточной традиции. Пушкин, Лермонтов, Гете и Байрона, казалось, действительно близко к Абая, и он тонко передал дух переводимых стихов и адаптированы для отношения своего народа. За 20 лет универсальность Цветет гений Абая, он получает чрезвычайными полномочиями, огромный и до сих пор неизвестно популярность в степи. Акыны, певцы, композиторы текла, талантливая молодежь толпились вокруг него. Были созданы социально-философские и литературные школы. Но как мастер мысли Абая вызывает дикую зависть, слепая ярость, показанный на коварных форм. Последний удар судьбы был посвящен смерти Абдрахман и Magavya. Он отверг лечение недуга и добровольно обречь себя на смерть. Он похоронен рядом с его зимовки в Жидебай долине, недалеко от Чингизских горах.

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Результаты (русский ) 3:

Представлял казахскую диаспору - поэт, писатель, общественный деятель, основатель современной казахской письменной литературы, культуры реформатором в духе сближение с русской и европейской культуры на основе образованных либеральный Ислам.ветровому Абай родился на 10 Август 1845 г. в писателя гор, Семипалатинского региона (в настоящее время административного отдела) он был сыном одного из четырех нем расположены высеченные из мрамора, жен.Абае в аристократической, как дед (Oskenbai) и (Irgizbai) преобладает над порядок сортировки в качестве управляющих. Он был счастливым относительно семьи минимализма и воспитание как мать Ulzhan и бабушка Zere были очень приятный и одаренных фуксия. Точно так же после матери, например имя его отцом "выбрасывают" был заменен иконописную "Абай",Это означает, что "осмотрительными, продуманным". С этим именем Абай живут его жизни и которая вошла в историю.ветровому присоединение к устным народа любительских и дома образование с муллой Мохаммадом началось в начале детства продолжается в медресе и Ahmed-Riza имама. В то же время он учится в школе и в конце пять лет исследования он начинает писать стихи.От 13 лет нем расположены высеченные из мрамора начинается в Абае отвращением к административной деятельности руководителя сортировка. Абай призыв к Российской культуры, которая в XIX веке в период "бури и последствий" в области литературы и искусства, по-видимому, был особенно природного, с тем поэзии слово получило высокую оценку в восточной традиции. Пушкина, композиторский,Гете и Байрона в поэзии представляется очень близко Абай, и он незаметно перевел дух перевести стихи и адаптированы для позиции его страны. ветровому в течение 20 лет универсальность цветки в Абае, гений, он получает чрезвычайные полномочия, огромным и до сих пор неизвестные популярность в степи. Краеведческом музее, певцов, композиторов, течет вниз, талантливой молодежи, что вытеснение.Социально-философские и литературные школы были созданы.ветровому но как главный мысли Абай причин дикой зависти, слепой ярости показано в -индивидуальные особенности анатомии дренажной системы глаза форм. Последний ход судьбы был обеспокоен смертью Abdrahman и Magavya. Он отвергает лечение болезни и добровольных осудить себя до смерти. Он похоронен рядом с его зимовки Каменогорска в долине, не далеко от писателя гор. На прошлой неделе

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Reading is one of my hobbies, and that"s why I try to use every spare minute to read. I like different kinds of literature.

I like Russian and foreign, classic and modern literature. I usually read different books: love stories, detective stories or historical novels.

I want to tell you about my favourite writer, it is Alexandra Marinina. She is considered to be a Russian Queen of detective prose. The works of this author are really interesting.

In all books there are the same characters and starting a new book you meet old friends. The author used to work as an investigator and she knows how to arouse the readers interest and at the same time writes the facts that could take place.

Many detective novels by Marinina are translated into foreign languages and foreign readers can compare our writer with Agatha Christie. When I got acquainted with these books I was greatly impressed by the wit and humour.

The main character, a slender and weak woman, doesn"t need to fight with the criminals using judo or something like that. She is very clever and intelligent. Her brain works as a good computer.

All the actions and characters are described so vividly that I had a feeling of our possible meeting when I visited Moscow last summer. Unfortunately I don"t have complete works by Marinina, it"s impossible, she"s still writing. But I always recommend my friends to read these books.

Перевод текста: My Favourite Writer (A. Marinina) - Мой любимый писатель (А. Маринина)

Чтение — одно из моих увлечений, и поэтому я стараюсь использовать каждую свободную минуту, чтобы почитать. Я люблю разные жанры литературы.

Я люблю русскую и зарубежную, классическую и современную литературу. Конечно, я читаю разные книги: любовные рассказы, детективы или исторические романы.

Я хочу рассказать вам о моей любимой писательнице. Это Александра Маринина. Ее считают королевой русской детективной прозы. Произведения этой писательницы по-настоящему интересны.

Во всех книгах те же персонажи, и, начиная новую книгу, вы как будто встречаете старых друзей. Писательница раньше работала следователем, и она знает, как вызвать интерес читателя, и в то же время описывает события, которые могут происходить в действительности.

Многие детективные романы, написанные Марининой, переведены на иностранные языки, и иностранные читатели могут сравнить нашу писательницу с Агатой Кристи. Когда я познакомилась с этими книгами, я была глубоко потрясена их юмором.

Главному персонажу, утонченной и слабой женщине, не нужно драться с преступниками, используя дзюдо или что-либо подобное. Она очень умна и интеллектуальна. Ее мозг работает, как хороший компьютер.

Все действия и персонажи описываются так живо, что я ощущала возможность нашей встречи, когда была в Москве прошлым летом. К сожалению, у меня нет полного собрания произведений Марининой, да это не возможно, ведь она все еще пишет. Но я всегда рекомендую моим друзьям почитать эти книги.

Использованная литература:
1. 100 тем английского устного (Каверина В., Бойко В., Жидких Н.) 2002
2. Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в ВУЗы. Устный экзамен. Топики. Тексты для чтения. Экзаменационные вопросы. (Цветкова И. В., Клепальченко И.А., Мыльцева Н.А.)
3. English, 120 Topics. Английский язык, 120 разговорных тем. (Сергеев С.П.)

языку поможет вам рассказать о жизни и творчестве вашего любимого писателя.

Топик по-английскому языку Мой любимый писатель (My favorite writer) содержит информацию о великом русском писателе и драматурге Антоне Павловиче Чехове. Можно использовать топик Мой любимый писатель (My favorite writer) по английскому языку как для ответа на уроке или экзамене, а также в качестве основы для написания сочинения.

Вы можете писать или рассказывать о другом писателе, творчество которого вам наиболее близко, а топик по-английскому языку Мой любимый писатель (My favorite writer) поможет вам структурировать информацию.


My favorite writer

I"m fond of reading. I have a lot of books at home and sometimes I borrow books from the library. I like to read history books, novels and plays. Reading is a very pleasant and useful part of my life, it helps me to understand life and people better.

I would like to tell you about my favorite writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. In my opinion, Chekhov is the greatest Russian dramatist and short-story writer. I"m never tired of reading his humorous stories and plays, sometimes I even reread them.

Chekhov was bom on January 29, 1860 in Taganrog. In 1879 he went to Moscow to study medicine. Chekhov was very proud of his medical knowledge, even though he didn`t practice medicine very much, it was more important to him, than his writing talent.

While he was studying in college, Chekhov supported his family by writing humorous sketches for newspapers. In 1886 he collected the best ones into a book and called it «Motley Stories». This book attracted the attention of the publisher of the famous Russian newspaper «Novoje Vremja» and Chekhov was asked to send his stories to the newspaper regularly.

Chekhov, managed to develop his own writing style. He wrote not only comic stories, but he was a serious dramatist. His first play "Ivanov", was written in 1887.

Chekhov was seriously ill with tuberculosis and knew what it meant. In 1892 he was feeling so bad, he was afraid to stay in Moscow. He bought a small estate, which was situated near Melikhovo (a village, 50 miles from Moscow) . Inspite of his bad health, the writer spent 5 very happy years there. He wrote some of his best stories there, such as "Ward No.6", two of his serious dramatic masterpieces - "Uncle Vanya"and "The Seagull" and several well-known one-act comedies.

"The Seagull" was a complete failure when it was first staged in the Alexandrinsky Theatre in Saint-Petersburg. The production was dull and clumsy, and it was terrible for Chekhov. However, the play was successfully performed in 1898 at the Moscow Art Theatre. Since then, Chekhov was closely connected with this theatre and its founder, K.S. Stanislavsky. In 1901 Chechov married Olga Knipper, the actress, who acted in his play «The Three Sisters».

Chekhov"s health continued to get worse, so he had to spend the remaining years in the Crimea and other health resorts.

His last play, "The Cherry Orchard" was produced in 1904. Soon after the premiere Chekhov died at the age of 44.

Chekhov had an immense influence on the 20th century drama. Russian and foreign writers study Chechov`s stories and plays to make their literary style better.


Мой любимый писатель

Я люблю читать. У меня дома много книг, а иногда я беру книги из библиотеки. Я люблю читать книги по истории, романы и пьесы. Чтение - приятная и полезная часть моей жизни, она помогает мне лучше понять жизнь и людей.
Я хочу рассказать вам о своем любимом писателе Антоне Павловиче Чехове. По моему мнению, Чехов - самый великий русский драматург и автор коротких рассказов. Я никогда не устаю читать его юмористические рассказы и пьесы, а иногда даже перечитываю их.

Чехов родился в Таганроге 29 января 1860 года. В 1879 году он уехал в Москву, чтобы изучать медицину. Чехов очень гордился своим знанием медицины, даже несмотря на то, что не так много практиковал, это было для него важнее, чем его писательский талант.

Во время учебы в университете, Чехов писал юмористические рассказы для газет, чтобы поддерживать свою семью. В 1886 году он собрал лучшие в сборник, который назвал "Пестрые рассказы". Эта книга привлекла внимание издателя известной в России газеты «Новое Время», и Чехову было предложено регулярное сотрудничество.

Чехову удалось разработать свой собственный стиль. Он писал не только юмористические рассказы, но так же был и серьезным драматургом. Его первая пьеса "Иванов" была написана в 1887 году.

Чехов был серьезно болен туберкулезом и знал, что это значит. В 1892 она так плохо себя чувствовал, что боялся оставаться в Москве. Он купил небольшое имение, расположенное рядом с Мелихово (деревня в 50 километрах от Москвы). И, несмотря на болезнь, он провел там 5 очень счастливых лет. Он написал там несколько своих лучших рассказов, таких как "Палата № 6", два серьезных драматических шедевра - "Дядя Ваня" и "Чайка", и несколько известных одноактных комедий.

"Чайка" провалилась, когда впервые была поставлена в Александринском театре в Санкт-Петербурге. Постановка была скучной и неуклюжей, и для Чехова это было ужасно. Тем не менее, пьеса была успешно поставлена в 1898 году Московским Художественным театром. С тех пор, Чехов был тесно связан с этим театром, и с его основателем, К. С. Станиславским. В 1901 г. Чехов женился на актрисе Ольге Книппер, которая играла в его пьесе "Три сестры".

Здоровье Чехова становилось все хуже и хуже, поэтому ему пришлось провести оставшиеся годы в Крыму и других курортах.

Его последняя пьеса "Вишневый сад", была поставлена в 1904 году. Вскоре после премьеры Чехов скончался в возрасте 44 лет.

Чехов оказал огромное влияние на драматическое искусство 20-го века. Российские и зарубежные писатели изучают рассказы и пьесы Чехова, чтобы улучшить свой литературный стиль.

I’m fond of reading. Usually I borrow books from the library, but I have a lot of them at home, too. I like to read books about famous people and detective stories. Literature means much in my life. It helps to form the character and to understand life better.

There are some names in Russian and foreign literature that are very dear to me. In Russian literature I highly appreciate Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev. For me he is a real intellectual and aristocrat, a man of culture, devoted to literature, music and art. Though he lived abroad for a long time he didn’t stop to be a Russian writer for a moment. He created a number of national characters in his books. The image of Turgenev’s woman, deeply feeling, faithful and tender is an ideal of a Russian woman for me. It doesn’t lose its charm even today.

Of the present day writers and poets I like Eugene Evtushenko, Valentin Rasputin, Valentin Pikul, Boris Vasilyev. Their works are very human and realistic. They assert high moral principles in life. And this is very important nowadays.

My favourite foreign writer is O’Henry. In my childhood I was deeply impressed by his story “The Last Leaf”. Since then I bear in my heart the image of a young girl suffering from the incurable illness, and her friends doing all they can to give her hope and bring back to life.


Я люблю читать. Обычно я беру книги в библиотеке, но у меня дома их тоже много. Я люблю читать книги о знаменитых людях и детективные рассказы. Литература много значит в моей жизни. Она помогает мне сформировать характер и лучше понять жизнь.

Есть несколько имен в русской и зарубежной литературе, которые очень дороги для меня. В русской литературе я высоко ценю Ивана Сергеевича Тургенева. Для меня он является настоящим интеллектуалом и аристократом, человеком культуры, преданным литературе, музыке и искусству. Хотя он и жил за границей в течение длительного времени, он не переставал быть русским писателем ни на минуту. Он создал ряд национальных символов в своих книгах. Образ тургеневской женщины: с глубокими чувствами, верной и нежной, является идеалом русской женщины для меня. Она не теряет своего очарования и сегодня.

Из современных писателей и поэтов, мне нравится Евгений Евтушенко, Валентин Распутин, Валентин Пикуль, Борис Васильев. Их работы очень человечные и реалистичные. Они утверждают высокие моральные принципы жизни. И это очень важно в наше время.

Мой любимый иностранный писатель — О" Генри. В детстве я был глубоко впечатлен его рассказом "Последний лист". С тех пор я ношу в своем сердце образ молодой девушки, страдающей от неизлечимой болезни, и ее друзей, которые делают все возможное, чтобы дать надежду и вернуть её к жизни.

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