Quick raspberry jam without cooking with a secret. Raspberry jam: how to cook raspberry jam correctly

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During raspberry season, we try to take the most from nature. We eat raspberries fresh and close raspberry jam. It is raspberry jam that is considered medicinal, capable of fighting colds and bringing down fever. But so that these remain in the jam healing properties, it needs to be cooked correctly. And in this article I wrote 4 best recipes raspberry jam. This is five-minute jam (the most popular), jam with gelatin (very thick), jam and jam without cooking.

I wrote out the first recipe in great detail to protect against possible errors, which lead to the appearance of mold and the “explosion” of cans. Read all the secrets and tips carefully, then your jam will be very tasty, bright and will be stored for a long time.

Sterilize the jars as you wish. You can over steam for 10 minutes or in the oven at 150 degrees for 15 minutes. Boil the lids for 5-7 minutes.

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This is the simplest and quick way make raspberry jam. It does not need to be boiled several times, it does not need to be cooked for a long time. All you need to do is cook for 5 minutes! During this time, the berries will not have time to turn into porridge and will remain intact. Some vitamins will also remain, but not all. To preserve all the vitamins, the jam does not need to be cooked at all! But I will write about this in another recipe.

To ensure that the raspberries in the jam remain intact, choose dense, aromatic, dry, not overripe berries.

This jam will be quite thick. And for thickness it will be used... Read the ingredients list for a “secret” product that few people use. It is this product that will make raspberry jam the desired consistency.


  • raspberries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp.

From this amount of ingredients, 1 liter of jam is obtained and 250 ml remains. If you cook double the amount, you get 2.5 liters.

Cooking method:

1. You need to cook the jam in a clean pan, preferably stainless steel. First, you need to clean the pan with baking soda, rinse well with warm water and wipe dry with a clean, lint-free towel.

The ratio of berries and sugar is 1:1. First weigh the raspberries and take the same amount of sugar.

2. There are always a lot of bugs in raspberries. To process the berries, they need to be washed in a saline solution. Add two tablespoons of salt to two liters of cold water. Carefully pour the raspberries into a colander and rinse in this water. If there are a lot of raspberries, then you need to wash them in parts. When washing, it is very important to help yourself very gently with your hands so as not to choke the berries. Place the washed raspberries in a colander in a bowl to drain off excess water.

3.Next, put into a bowl clean water and rinse the raspberries in it without removing them from the sieve. To dry the berries, place them on paper towel in one layer. Cover with another towel on top and blot lightly. No need to press the berries! Raspberries must be handled very carefully.

4.Pour the raspberries from the napkin into the pan. Sprinkle sugar on top. Let the raspberries sit for at least 4 hours. During this time, it will release juice and the sugar will partially settle to the bottom. If you are leaving the raspberries for a longer period, store them in the refrigerator.

Do not mix the berries with sugar, otherwise they will choke. If you are making a large batch of jam, you can layer the raspberries with sugar.

5. In order for the jam to last for a long time, you need to thoroughly sterilize the jars and other utensils that will come into contact with the jam. Be sure to check the jars for chips and cracks. The year of its manufacture is indicated on the bottom of the can. Take jars that are no more than 5 years old. Sterilize jars in a convenient way(in the oven, steamed, microwave). Also pour boiling water over the ladle with which you will pour the jam.

6.When the jam has stood in the sugar, start cooking it. Place over medium heat and let it boil. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes over low heat. Be sure to skim off the foam very carefully. If the foam is left, the jam will become moldy and will not be stored for long.

Do not stir the raspberry jam with a spoon, otherwise you will crush the berries. Take the pan in your hands and shake it in a circular motion.

7.A minute before it’s ready, add lemon juice to the jam. It is taken in the ratio of 1 teaspoon per kilogram of berries. Sour berries and fruits contain a lot of pectin, which thickens well. Sweet raspberries contain little pectin. Therefore, lemon juice will help make the jam thicker without long cooking.

To check if the jam is ready, place a drop of syrup on the saucer. The syrup should not spread, the drop will hold its shape.

8. Pour the finished jam into sterile jars. But don’t roll it up right away! If you immediately roll up the jar lids, condensation will drip from the lid back into the jam. This is what causes mold to form. Therefore, pour the jam into jars, without adding 1 cm to the edges, and let it stand for 15-20 minutes. The jam should cool to about 50 degrees.

9.At this time, you can boil the lids for 5 minutes. Remove the hot lid from the boiling water with a fork, blot it with a napkin and cover the jar (cover the already cooled jam). Roll up and invert the jar to check that the lid fits well. Place the jar on its side and roll it over the table a couple of times. Now you can put the jam in and let it cool.

10. Store raspberry jam in a dark place, preferably cool (cellar, basement, refrigerator). But you can simply store it in the pantry or on the table. Prepare jam according to this recipe, it is simple, tasty and beautiful. The color remains bright and rich. Bon appetit!

Raspberry jam with gelatin.

This recipe is very different from the previous one. Here the jam needs to be cooked in three batches, and gelatin is added at the end of cooking. Thanks to this ingredient, the jam will be very thick, almost like jelly.


  • raspberries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 800 gr.
  • gelatin - 2 tbsp.

How to make thick raspberry jam:

1. Raspberries need to be sorted out, all spoiled, unripe berries and debris removed. There is no need to wash if the raspberries are from your own plot. If you bought a berry, wash it in cold water and dry.

2. Cover the raspberries with sugar. There is no need to stir with a spoon; you can shake the pan. Or add layers. Cover the pan with a lid or towel and leave for 3-5 hours to allow the raspberries to release their juice.

3.When several hours have passed, you can cook the jam. Place raspberries over medium heat and bring to a boil. While heating, occasionally run a wooden spatula across the bottom to prevent the sugar from burning. As soon as the jam starts to boil, remove it from the stove.

Be sure to skim off any foam that forms.

4. Let the jam cool completely and return to heat over medium heat. Once boiling, remove the pan from hob. Wait until the jam cools down again. Now you can start sterilizing the jars, lids, and ladle.

5.For the third time, set the jam to cook. Although in fact you do not cook it, but simply bring it to a boil, that is, wait for the first bubbles to appear. At the same time, dissolve 2 tablespoons of gelatin in 1/3 cup of warm water. When the jam starts to boil, pour gelatin into it and stir.

6.With the heat still on, begin pouring the jam into the jars. Cover with lids and roll up.

To prevent the jar from bursting from the heat, you can place a sterilized spoon in it or place the jar on a metal stand or on a knife.

7.Cover the jam with a towel or blanket and leave until completely cool. The finished jam will be thick and tasty. Cook with pleasure!

Raspberry jam.

This is a jam recipe in which you cannot boil raspberries. Thanks to this move, the berry retains maximum amount useful substances. The berries are not left whole, but crushed with sugar.


  • raspberries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg

Method for making raspberry jam:

1. In order for such unboiled jam to be stored well (and it needs to be stored in the refrigerator or cellar), the container in which you will cook it must be perfectly dry. First, wash the pan or basin and then dry it with a towel. The raspberries themselves cannot be washed either. In this recipe important role The absence of raw water on dishes and berries plays a role.

Sort the raspberries, remove spoiled or unripe berries. Place all the berries in a saucepan.

2.Use a potato masher to crush all the berries until smooth. Add sugar to the raspberry puree and crush again.

3.The sugar will still not completely dissolve. Therefore, raspberry jam must be placed on low heat and stirred constantly until the sugar dissolves.

Very important! Do not bring the jam to a boil. It just needs to be heated until hot, but not boiled.

4.During cooking, foam will appear that needs to be skimmed off. All the debris floats up in the foam, so it needs to be removed so that the jam can be stored better. Jars and lids must be sterilized in advance. You can also cover this jam with a clean nylon lid.

5.When the raspberries become hot, but do not boil, the sugar has completely dissolved (it will not be felt at the bottom), the jam can be placed in jars. Do not pour to the very top.

6.You will need to make a sugar plug on top. That is, add another 2-3 tablespoons of sugar on top of each jar. This sugar should completely cover the jam.

7.Close the jars with lids and leave room temperature until completely cooled. Then put it in the refrigerator or cellar. Be sure to store in a cool place. It turns out healthy jam, which is nice to open in winter.

Raspberries have a very strong diaphoretic effect (stronger than acetylsalicylic acid). Therefore, raspberry jam is used to sweat and thus bring down the temperature.

Raspberry jam without cooking.

You can simply freeze raspberries for the winter. whole berry. Or you can make raspberries with sugar, do not cook them, but pour them into jars and store them in the refrigerator or freezer.


  • raspberries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg

How to make raspberry jam without cooking:

1. Wash and dry the raspberries, placing them in one layer on a paper towel. Pour the raspberries into a convenient container and add sugar. The ratio of sugar and berries is 1:1. Mix everything well with a spoon or spatula.

2.The most convenient way is to grind the raspberries with sugar using a submersible blender. If you want, you can use a potato masher. But in this case there will not be such a homogeneous mass; there will be pieces of raspberries. When you grind it with a blender, the sugar dissolves faster.

3. Leave the raspberry jam to stand for a while without cooking so that the sugar completely melts. Stir the mixture from time to time. The more often you stir, the faster the sugar will dissipate.

4. Sterilize the jars in any way. When there is no more sugar at the bottom, you can pour the jam into the jars. Close the jars with nylon lids or Euro-lids and place them in the refrigerator for storage.

This jam can also be stored in the freezer. In this case, you can put it not in jars, but in plastic containers.

Make jam using these basic recipes. These recipes indicate the best ratio of sugar to berries, and also use the most gentle cooking method or no cooking at all. I do not recommend making raspberry jam according to recipes where you need to put twice as much sugar as the berries themselves. I also do not recommend using recipes where you need to cook jam for a long time. Be healthy!

The benefits of raspberries are well known and are due to its unique composition. This berry contains vitamins (A, groups B, C are especially valuable), and minerals (iron, potassium, magnesium and others), and valuable acids (folic, tartaric, formic, salicylic). Coumarin, which is part of raspberries, helps improve blood clotting, iodine helps with bronchitis, and glucose and fructose are essential components for nourishing the brain and heart. Well, raspberries for a cold are the first remedy for reducing fever and general relief.

Everyone enjoys berries! But what to cook from raspberries so that all of them beneficial features preserved as much as possible? Vitamin C - the most effective against colds - is destroyed during heat treatment. Other beneficial substances that make up raspberries are partially or completely destroyed during cooking. This means that most of the useful components will be preserved in raw jam. And besides, raspberry jam without cooking is also the easiest way to preserve raspberries for the winter.

This simple dish is a must have in your cellar. This preparation will be especially useful for children.

To prepare raspberry jam without cooking for the winter, we will sort out the berries, sort out the low-quality ones, and rinse them with cold water.

We make raw raspberry jam in the following proportions: for one part of the berry we take 2 parts of sugar. Sugar will act as a preservative, and our jam will be well preserved.

Grind the sugar and raspberries with a wooden masher.

We sterilize the jars and lids in advance.

Immediately put our jam into jars, not reaching 1.5-2 centimeters from the edge.

Fill the remaining space up to the edge of the jar with granulated sugar.

All we have to do is close the jars with sterile lids. Our raspberry jam without cooking for the winter is ready.

Berries and fruits are rich in vitamins, but many of them are destroyed when exposed to high temperatures. When preparing traditional jam, the berry mass is subjected to prolonged boiling, which makes the delicacy less healthy than fresh fruits. Today it is possible to store desserts in the cold - a refrigerator has long ceased to be considered a luxury. This allows you to prepare berries for the winter using a cold method. Raspberry jam, prepared without cooking, contains a lot of vitamin C and natural acetylsalicylic acid, and many other valuable elements. Thanks to this, when you have a cold, it not only helps reduce the temperature, but also strengthens the immune system, speeding up recovery. It would be a good idea to stock up on this dessert for future use.

Cooking features

Making raspberry jam without cooking is much easier than traditional jam. The result will meet expectations if you take into account several important points.

  • Raspberries are a delicate berry; it is not recommended to collect them in large buckets so that the upper berries do not crush the lower ones. It should also be stored in small containers.
  • It is not recommended to pick berries in rainy weather - they will turn out watery and almost tasteless.
  • You need to wash raspberries carefully so as not to damage the berries and thereby lose some of the valuable raspberry juice. Typically, the berries are placed in a colander and dipped several times into a container filled with clean water.
  • Cooking with raspberries raw jam, it is important to let the berries dry, otherwise the dessert may quickly turn sour.
  • Small bugs can often be found in raspberries. Removing them manually is too troublesome. To get rid of insects, the berries are soaked for 20-30 minutes in salted water before washing. The solution is prepared from a tablespoon of salt and a liter of water, but you can use a slightly less concentrated one.
  • When preparing cold raspberry jam, you usually take a little more sugar than the berries, or an equal amount. The more sugar you add, the thicker the dessert will be.
  • Raspberry jam, prepared without cooking, is placed in jars only after the sugar has dissolved. This will happen faster if you use powdered sugar instead of granulated sugar.
  • For better preservation of jam prepared without heat treatment, it is covered with a layer of sugar on top, which, saturated with syrup, hardens, forming the so-called “sugar jam”.
  • Raspberry jam made for the winter should be placed in sterilized jars. Lids can be used either metal or plastic, but they must be boiled before use.

Raspberry jam prepared cold can only be stored in the refrigerator.

Classic recipe for raspberry jam without cooking

Composition (per 1.75-2 l):

  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.1-1.35 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Soak the raspberries for half an hour in a saline solution, rinse them carefully, and pour them onto a towel to dry them faster.
  • Pour the berries into a bowl and cover with sugar or powdered sugar. The latter is easy to make from granulated sugar - just grind it in a coffee grinder or grind it using a blender. Leave approximately 100-150 g of sugar unused for now.
  • Cover the bowl with the berries with a thin cloth or gauze to protect the aromatic treat from insects. Leave for 2-4 hours depending on how fine the sugar you used.
  • Using a potato masher or wooden spoon, mash the raspberries until smooth. Stir.
  • Place in a cool place for several hours or even overnight - the sugar should dissolve completely.
  • Sterilize jars and matching lids.
  • Place the jam in warm, dry jars, not reaching 1-1.5 cm from the edge.
  • Sprinkle with reserved sugar.
  • Close the jars tightly and put them in the refrigerator.

There is no need to worry that a delicacy made from raspberries for the winter without cooking will turn sour. If you follow the recommendations, it will not go bad in the refrigerator within a year.

Raspberry jam without cooking with lemon

Composition (per 2 l):

  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 1.25-1.35 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the lemon thoroughly. Grate the zest from it. Remove the white layer between the zest and lemon pulp. Chop the pulp and remove the seeds.
  • Grind the lemon through a meat grinder or grind with a blender.
  • In the same way, puree the prepared raspberries.
  • Mix lemon and raspberries.
  • Add sugar, mix well.
  • Cover the container with future jam with gauze and wait 5-6 hours. During this time, the sugar should completely dissolve in the raspberry-lemon juice.
  • Place the jam in sterilized jars and sprinkle with sugar. Close with prepared lids.

Store made according to this recipe Dessert can only be left in the refrigerator. Thanks to the high content ascorbic acid This jam is healthier for colds than jam made without adding lemon.

Raspberry jam without cooking with vodka

Composition (per 1.75 l):

  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • vodka – 60-80 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the raspberries and dry them.
  • Pour into an enamel bowl or stainless steel pan in small layers, sprinkling each layer with sugar.
  • Mash the berries well and leave for 2-3 hours.
  • Place on low heat. Heat over low heat, avoiding boiling. The temperature of the raspberry mass should be 80-90 degrees, no more. While heating, stir the treat until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • When the sugar has dissolved, remove the pan from the heat and pour the jam into the prepared jars. Pour a spoonful of vodka into each.

All that remains is to seal the containers hermetically and store the jam in the refrigerator.

It’s easier to make raspberry jam without cooking than traditional jam, and it will also be healthier. This delicacy is recommended to be consumed when you have a cold to improve your well-being and speed up recovery.

It is difficult to find a more traditional one for our country home preparation than raspberry jam. It was prepared by our mothers and grandmothers and enjoyed in towns and villages for many years. And such popularity is quite justified, because raspberry jam is not only a delicious dessert, but also a home healer. And today we offer you several options for this dish.

It’s hard to surprise someone with raspberry jam, but it’s also hard to tear someone away from it!

Useful notes

Before making raspberry jam, we would like to draw your attention to some features of its preparation:

  • if you are absolutely sure of the purity of the fruits, then it is not necessary to wash them before cooking;
  • If washing is still necessary, then to preserve the integrity of the berries, they should be placed in a colander and immersed in a wide container of water. Then wait until it drains excess liquid and only then transfer it to the pan;

    On a note! If the water does not have time to drain from the berries, the jam will end up being too runny!

  • if white worms are found on raspberries, then you can easily get rid of them - combine 2 liters of water and two teaspoons of salt, mix, pour the berries into this solution and wait 10 minutes; then carefully rinse the fruits in cold water;
  • prepare the jam in a stainless steel container or in an enamel pan;
  • It is known that raspberries are rich in vitamins A, E and PP, which maintain the elasticity of our skin and give it freshness. And to preserve these elements, it is recommended to cook the jam for five minutes or prepare it without cooking, grinding the berries with sugar.


You can close raspberry jam for the winter different ways. And remember that the basis of this delicacy is an amazing berry that can develop even after heat treatment.

Classic version

Prepare ingredients:

  • ripe berries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Cooking process.

  1. Wash the pan in which we will cook the jam thoroughly with water and soda and dry it.
  2. We wash the fruits, if necessary, and transfer them to a prepared container.
  3. Sprinkle the raspberries with granulated sugar and leave them on the table for 3-3.5 hours, stirring the contents of the pan every half hour.
  4. We wait another 4-5 hours, after which we place the pan on the stove and bring the mass to a boil with minimal gas supply, stirring it constantly.
  5. Turn off the heat and leave the berry mass for 5-6 hours. We repeat the procedure 3 times.
  6. Place the hot jam into sterile jars and seal.

Multicooker recipe

We will cook the next raspberry jam in a slow cooker. So, let's look at the recipe.

Prepare ingredients:

  • fresh berries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Cooking process.

  1. We sort the fruits, discard the spoiled ones and wash them if necessary.
  2. Place the prepared berries in a multicooker bowl, sprinkle with sugar and mix gently.
  3. Turn on the multi-cooker pan to the “Stew” mode and close the lid.
  4. Cook the delicacy for an hour, then turn off the multicooker and pour the hot dessert into sterilized jars.

Five-minute jam

To save time and effort on cooking and stirring, we suggest you prepare raspberry jam for the winter in five minutes.

Prepare ingredients:

  • 900 g raspberries;
  • 900 g sugar.

Cooking process.

  1. We sort the berries, remove the defects and wash them in cold water.
  2. Pour the prepared fruits into a clean bowl and add sugar.
  3. Leave for 8 hours or overnight at room temperature.
  4. After this time, put the basin on the fire and bring its contents to a boil.
  5. Cook for about 5 minutes, turn off the gas supply, pour the hot dessert into jars and store.

Advice! No more than 2 kg of berries should be cooked at the same time. Thus, the dessert will turn out very aromatic and tasty!

With whole berries

If you like raspberry jam with whole berries, then we suggest you pay attention to the following recipe:

Prepare ingredients:

  • ripe berries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 2/3 cup.

Advice! If you replace the water with currant juice, the taste and aroma of the finished dish will exceed all expectations, and the delicacy itself will not become sugary!

Cooking process.

  1. We sort the raspberries carefully; there is no need to wash them.
  2. Sprinkle the berries with half the sugar and leave for 6 hours.
  3. Pour the released juice into a saucepan, add water (or currant juice) and the remaining sugar.
  4. Stirring constantly, bring the syrup to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes.
  5. Pour raspberries into the boiling syrup and cook for about 15 more minutes, without stirring the contents, but carefully rotate the pan in a circle with your hands.
  6. We transfer the hot delicacy into jars, roll them up and send them for storage.

Take note of these recipes and delight your loved ones with such a unique, but at the same time so familiar taste of raspberry jam. Be healthy!

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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For every housewife, the word “jam” is associated with a long and tedious process. After all, some recipes require up to twelve hours of cooking. Moreover, multiple times, in several stages. After that long process the product needs to be rolled up, which will also take a certain amount of time. How about making raspberry jam without cooking? Yes, it's real and incredibly delicious. In our article today, we will analyze in detail the process of its preparation, and also talk about the beneficial properties of the wonderful berry.

Raspberries - sweet medicine

This wonderful berry contains a large set of useful microelements and vitamins that help keep our body in good shape. Raspberries are one of the leading berries in terms of vitamin C content. Despite the fact that it consists of a quarter of water, its beneficial properties are amazing. Salicylic acid, which is found in raspberries, helps the body fight colds by acting as an antipyretic substance with an antibacterial effect.

Raspberries also have the ability to remove toxins from the body, preventing dehydration. But what if you want to stock up on this miracle berry for the winter, and also so that it does not lose its beneficial properties? It's easy to do. You need to make raspberry jam without cooking. Minimum costs - maximum benefits. Why not just cook raspberries in the usual way and roll them into jars? As you know, during heat treatment the valuable properties of berries disappear, but thanks to this recipe you will get healthy raspberry jam for the winter.


Like most berries, raspberries contain substances that can cause allergic reaction. It is also worth monitoring the amount of berries eaten by people with diabetes mellitus, stomach ulcers and those suffering renal failure. Pregnant women should not lean on it, as it can provoke food allergies in the unborn child. And of course, it’s worth remembering: if the raspberries you have prepared for the winter will be used as a preventive medicine against respiratory infections, then do not forget to control the amount of jam you consume. Some people like to eat it with spoons from a jar, others prefer to spread it on sandwiches, and some simply dilute it with water. Everyone will receive the right portion of vitamins and nutrients. But if you like to dilute raspberry jam with water, then you should remember that it should not be boiling water, otherwise all the beneficial properties will be lost.

Choosing berries for jam

A lot depends on the choice of berries for jam, so you should approach this issue responsibly. Raspberries are very delicate and do not tolerate washing well. It is ideal to use berries from your own garden that do not need to be washed. But unfortunately, not everyone can boast of their own garden, so you have to buy berries at the market or in the supermarket. So, let's return to the question of how to choose the right berries in order to make raspberry jam without cooking.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the integrity of the berries - heavily crushed and crushed ones will not work. Also, they should not be overripe, as they may spoil during the cooking process. But slightly greenish ones will come in handy. Be sure to try raspberries before purchasing, because unfavorable growing conditions for the berry can affect its taste. You don’t want your raspberry jam for the winter to turn out tasteless, do you? Raspberries, of course, are the main ingredient in jam, so you can’t let them be sour or, conversely, tasteless. Now you know how to choose the right berry, so you can move on to the recipe itself, from which you will learn how to make raspberry jam without cooking.


By classic recipe sugar and raspberries are needed. But modern cooks love to experiment, adding completely unexpected products. The proportions of raspberry jam without cooking may vary. It all depends on how long you plan to store it. If the jam is not being prepared for future use, then you need to take raspberries and sugar in equal quantities. It will be stored for no more than two months. And if you want the raspberries stored for the winter to be stored longer, then you need to take one part raspberries and two parts sugar. This jam will easily last until winter and until the next season.


Raspberries must be sorted and separated from green branches, if any. After this, rinse under low pressure of water so as not to damage the berries. If the berry is from the garden and picked by you personally, then you don’t have to wash it. Next, you need to dry it by laying it out on a table or board.

In order for fresh raspberry jam to reach the desired consistency without cooking, you must use the right container. Enameled basins and pans are not suitable for this, as there is a risk of oxidation. Stainless steel pans are perfect for this job, but plastic and silicone are not. the best option. Finally we come to the answer to intriguing question: "How to make raspberry jam without cooking?"

Combining the ingredients

The raspberries need to be chopped. This can be done in two ways: grind the berries in a meat grinder or grind them by hand. Many at this stage may ask the question: “Why can’t you use a blender?” It will turn the berries into a homogeneous porridge, and this is not at all according to the recipe. Place the resulting mass in the prepared pan and sprinkle sugar on top. Next, mix thoroughly until smooth. It is better to use a wooden or silicone spoon for this, this will reduce the risk of oxidation, which was described above.

Leave it for a while

Cover the resulting mass with a lid and leave in a dark place for three to four days. To prevent raspberry jam from becoming candied without cooking, it must be stirred regularly. You need to do this three times a day, always with a clean spoon. This procedure is done so that the sugar is completely dissolved and does not grind on the teeth. The proposed option will take a lot of time, but the result will be perfect jam.

If you don’t have time to wait that long, don’t worry, there is another option. Place the pan with the jam in a warm place for six hours, after this time, stir and taste. The sugar should completely dissolve. But in the latter option, you should pay close attention to the temperature, because the raspberry mass can ferment. Each of the proposed options is aimed at dissolving sugar in raspberries. If you know other methods, you can experiment.

How to store jam?

Well, it seems that the hardest part is over, when the question arises: “What to do next with the jam?” There is only one correct answer to this question: “Store in glass jars". Modern world provides a wide selection of these containers: from miniature 100-gram jars to ten-liter bottles. What you choose is up to you to decide, based on your needs. If you have a large family, then rolling jam into 0.25 ml jars will not be very advisable. But a liter or half-liter container will be just right. Metal cans and plastic containers are not suitable for storage; they can spoil the taste of our delicacy.

We have chosen the necessary jars, but what will we use to close them? Ordinary seaming lids are not suitable for us, because we did not boil our jam. We need screw caps. Nylon ones are unsuitable, as the tightness will be broken. If these are lids with vacuum pumping of air, then they are suitable. This is a relatively new invention. But it’s still better to use proven screw-on lids.

Preparing jars

After the jars have been selected, we proceed to sterilize them. This is a necessary process to destroy microbes on the walls of the jar, which can later multiply in the jam. In addition to jars, lids also need to be sterilized. We will now look at how to do this. The easiest way is to pour boiling water over the jars and lids, after which you can begin to roll up. You can treat them with steam. For this procedure, special sterilizers with holes for jars are even sold. We put water in a saucepan, put it on the fire, bring it to a boil, then place the lids in boiling water, install the sterilizer and place the jar on it. Leave in this position for a few minutes, then carefully remove and begin to roll up. Owners of multicookers can sterilize jars and lids in their miracle device. By the way, some models have a special mode for this.

Seaming process

Sterilization of the jar and lid must be done before directly sealing, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. You need to put our jam into the treated jar and screw it on with a sterile lid. It is worth remembering safety measures, because the jars and lids are hot after processing.

After swirling, the jam is ready. Of course, you can roll up the cans in the usual way using a special key. But this method is quite long and problematic; the lids often explode or are defective. And besides, these are disposable lids, but screw caps can be used repeatedly. Well, our raspberry jam is ready without cooking, the reviews of which from those who tried it are extremely positive.

Shelf life of this jam

Jars of prepared jam must be stored in the refrigerator. This is what distinguishes boiled jam from what we prepared. It can be stored for about six months if all the above conditions are met. Remember at the beginning we talked about the proportions of sugar and berries? So, if you used a one to one proportion, then the jam will be stored for no more than three months, even if these conditions are met.

You can put a sticker on the jam jars with the date of sealing and the name of the contents. The lid of the jar can be decorated with twine and a colored piece of fabric. Jam decorated this way will please the eye and will be an excellent gift for loved ones.

A few secrets

Now we will reveal a few secrets. The first is prepared raspberry jam without cooking with vodka. After the sugar has completely dissolved, you need to add vodka at the rate of three tablespoons per kilogram of berries. Alcohol will act as a preservative and extend the shelf life of our jam for a couple of months, and will also change the taste a little. Don't be afraid, no one will get drunk from such jam. Another secret is to sprinkle the jam with sugar before screwing on the lid. The sugar will gradually dissolve, creating a sweet film that will prevent bacteria and microorganisms from entering.

Now you know how to cook delicious jam from raspberries in a completely new way, in which all the beneficial properties of this berry are preserved. You can eat it by the spoonful with a fresh bun, add water to make a raspberry drink, or add it to baked goods. Fresh raspberry jam without cooking is a unique delicacy that will protect you from illness and give you a lot of pleasure.

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