Growing asparagus from seed. Care and cultivation of asparagus - what lies behind these lengthy processes

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Openwork branches of asparagus are very beautiful, they can be used for bouquets. But if you want use the asparagus vegetable plant, then in no case can these branches be cut off, the plant needs them so that next spring it can form more fleshy young shoots.

Properly cooked, freshly cut, juicy young shoots of asparagus are famous for their delicious taste. In ancient times, it was believed that asparagus grows from the horns of bulls buried in the ground. And today, prejudice is associated with the cultivation of asparagus. So, it is believed that large gaps should be left between plants, annually cover the surface of the soil in the garden with a thick layer of manure and regularly spray seedlings with salt water.

If the land in your area is well-drained, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site allows you to set a plot for this delicious vegetable for ten years, you should try growing asparagus. But be patient - you will be able to harvest the first harvest only after two years!

Asparagus is planted with seeds or seedlings in late April - May. seated annual plants asparagus, two- or three-year-olds are taken worse. If you sow asparagus with seeds, then the harvest can be harvested only after three years.

Asparagus Care

Asparagus beds are regularly weeded by hand. If necessary, shoots are tied to supports, watered in drought. The fruits are removed in time, not allowing them to fall to the ground.

In autumn, yellowed stems are cut at a height of 2.5-5 cm above the ground.

In the spring, before the shoots appear, with the help of a chopper, an earthen ridge is made over a row. Complex fertilizer is scattered over the surface of the beds.

Asparagus harvest

The first shoots of asparagus appear shortly after transplanting. In no case do not cut them - let them grow into openwork bushes.

In the second year after planting, the crop is not harvested, or one or two young shoots are simply cut off from plants of some varieties.

In the third year after planting, they start harvesting asparagus. Shoots that have reached a height of 10-12 cm are cut at a depth of 5-8 cm special knife for asparagus or break it out with your finger. If necessary, the shoots are cut out daily, preventing them from overgrowing.

At the beginning of summer, harvesting is stopped. The remaining shoots are allowed to develop so that the plant gains strength by next year.

Asparagus is harvested within 6-8 weeks. To extend the harvest period, plant an early variety, such as Connoveri Colossal, and a late variety, such as Martha Washington, in the same bed.

Varieties of asparagus

The most common varieties of asparagus are Connovers Colossal (for sandy soils) and Giant Mammoth (for heavy soils). Both varieties produce large shoots with excellent taste, in both varieties the male plants are more productive than the female plants (which form fruits). AT last years new hybrid varieties appeared, represented exclusively by male plants. They are more productive, but they can only be propagated by dividing the plant.

CONNOVERS COLOSSAL- the most popular early variety. The plant produces thick shoots that are suitable for freezing.


MARTHA WASHINGTON- a variety of American selection, very common, high-yielding, gives long shoots, resistant to rust.

CITO- a variety of French selection, high-yielding, with unusually long shoots; early hybrid variety, represented only by male plants.

LUCULLUS- a hybrid variety, represented only by male plants, more high-yielding than old varieties, shoots are tall and straight.

LIMBRAS- a hybrid variety, represented only by male plants, the variety is considered high-yielding with thick shoots. The crop can be harvested in the second year after planting.

Cultivation problems and pests of asparagus

Asparagus ratchet. Asparagus rattle larvae damage stems. The beetles are about 0.5 cm long and have characteristic square orange spots on their black backs. When beetles appear, asparagus is sprayed with karbofos or its analogues.

Purple root rot. The most severe disease of asparagus. The roots become covered with purple mold, the cladodes, or "leaves", turn yellow and fall off. In case of serious damage to the asparagus planting, it should be transferred to another site and root crops should not be grown on the infected land for three years. Lime the earth, treat plants and soil with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid or blue vitriol, in spring and autumn. If not all plants are infected, shield healthy plants by sticking plastic shields into the ground.

Thin shoots. Sometimes, instead of the usual thick ones, thin shoots grow, no more than 3 mm in diameter. The reason for this is most often the exhaustion of the plant due to the fact that in the previous season the shoots were cut too long. Asparagus is harvested by the end of June. Other reasons for the appearance of thin shoots may be premature harvest after planting or lack of nutrients in the soil.

Rust. In summer, red-brown spots appear on the "leaves" of asparagus. Rust-affected asparagus shoots are cut and burned.

Swinging shoots of asparagus in the wind. If the asparagus shoots are not tied up and constantly swayed by the wind, the roots can break and rot. In a blown area, shoots need to be tied to supports.

The use of asparagus in cooking

The traditional way to cook asparagus, like stem chard, is by steaming. Boiled asparagus is served hot with melted butter or cold with a vinegar sauce. vegetable oil. Asparagus cannot be stored and digested for a long time; boiled shoots should remain tight (not sag when held by the base), but should not break. You can also boil asparagus soup, make soufflé, but usually there is not enough of it to prepare these delicious dishes.

Freezing Asparagus

Asparagus shoots are sorted into thick and thin. Rinse thoroughly, tie into small piles. Blanch in boiling water (thick shoots for 4 minutes, thin shoots for 2 minutes). Place in plastic containers and freeze.

How to store asparagus

Cut asparagus shoots quickly lose their quality, it is recommended to cook them within an hour after cutting. If not possible, the shoots can be packed in a plastic bag and stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

How to cook asparagus

The shoots are washed, with the help of a sharp knife, the skin is removed from them, starting under the top. The peeled shoots are kept in a bowl with cold water. With a soft thread, the shoots are tied from above and below into bunches, cut off at the base at the same level, and the bunches are placed vertically in a pot of boiling salted water so that the tops of the shoots are above the water level. The pan is covered with a lid and kept on low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then the asparagus is dried and served at the table. The water remaining from cooking is not poured out, but used to make soup.

Asparagus (asparagus) is a perennial cold-resistant vegetable crop with a delicate delicate taste and many useful substances: vitamins, minerals and fiber. Growing asparagus is a rather troublesome task, so you will not often see it in the garden or in the country. You can buy fresh asparagus in the supermarket, but the price of healthy sprouts is much higher than other vegetables. Therefore, many summer residents and gardeners would like to know if it is possible, and how, from seeds in their own summer cottage.

Growing from seed

There are two ways to sow asparagus seeds: directly into the soil in the garden, and in a pot or container, followed by transplanting seedlings. Seeding in open ground carried out in warm soil in late May - early June. Asparagus seeds take a long time to germinate - if not preparatory work, the first shoots can be expected only after 25-30 days.

To speed up this process, it is recommended to soak the seed in warm water (35-40 ° C), place the container for several days in a warm place, constantly making sure that the water does not evaporate. Next, the soaked seeds are laid out between two layers of damp paper or cloth, and placed in heat for another week, constantly moistening the material. Sprouted seeds are sown in prepared holes (rows), deepening into the ground by no more than 2 cm. Properly prepared seed material germinates in 8-10 days.

The second way - growing seeds in pots, allows you to sow planting material a few weeks earlier, and plant seedlings that have already grown stronger in the garden, which by autumn will turn into young plants that can survive the winter. For sowing in pots, the seeds are germinated in the same way as for planting in the garden, but the germination process itself begins earlier, around the beginning of April. The soil for growing seeds in a pot should be light and consist of the following components: 2 parts of the earth taken in the garden, sand, peat and rotted manure, 1 part each.

The germinated seeds are laid on the surface of moist soil, after which they are covered with a 1 cm layer of earth. To create greenhouse conditions, the container with the planted seeds is covered with glass until germination. The upper bulk layer of soil must be moistened daily with a spray gun, while removing the glass for ventilation.

It is better to choose small pots for planting seeds. In flower shops, you can buy special disposable pots, or use any containers that are unnecessary in the household. When deciding to plant an asparagus crop in the country, you need to understand that this will take time and patience, because growing asparagus from seeds is not so easy.

Reproduction of asparagus seedlings

Growing seedlings of asparagus is carried out from germinated seeds, which are sown in small containers in early spring (March-April). For planting seeds, it is convenient to use disposable pots or cups so that the young plant can later be removed without damaging the root system.

When the sprouts in pots grow a little, they need to be hardened off. For this, seedlings are taken out on Fresh air and sunlight. It is common for asparagus to react quickly to the sun, so it is very important to observe the light regime - take the plants to the sun in a dosed manner, and gradually increase the hardening time. Otherwise, the young plant may stretch too much.

Asparagus is considered a seedling not only during the period of transformation of seeds into young sprouts, but also in the first year of its life. it perennial culture(the bush lives 10-20 years), and the plant will become an adult only by next spring. After planting seedlings in the garden, the bush is formed until the fall, after which it is cut off in the fall, and the next spring it is dug up again and transplanted to a place of permanent growth.

Video "Growing in the garden"

Demonstrative video for gardeners and gardeners.

Landing in the ground

It is possible to plant strengthened seedlings in open ground in the first half of June. Growing asparagus in the country or personal plot should take place in light, loose and nutritious soil, which must be prepared in advance. It is desirable to allocate the most fertile site for planting, since the culture is quite demanding on the soil. In addition, in the fall, manure or humus must be added to the soil, and in the spring, before planting, compost or superphosphate 0.4-0.7 kg / m 3. sq., as well as potassium fertilizer.

In the garden, young seedlings are planted in holes arranged in rows. The distance between rows should be 20-25 cm, between holes 10-15 cm. Next year, when the young bush will be transplanted to permanent place, the distance between the rows will need to be increased to 50-70 cm, and between the holes up to 40 cm.

With proper care, young seedlings turn into a bush 20-40 cm high with 4-5 shoots by autumn. Before the onset of frost, the ground part of the bush is cut so that about 10 cm remains on the surface. In this state, asparagus will winter. In the spring of next year, the seedlings are dug up, poorly developed roots are separated, the remaining ones are shortened to a length of 3-5 cm, and placed in new holes. The roots are buried in the ground by 6-10 cm, the soil is compacted, and then watered well.

You can also not dig young plants in the first year, but leave the transplant in the spring of the second year of life. Such bushes will be stronger and larger. When planting already overgrown asparagus in the country, the trench method should be used, in which the rows are located at a distance of 1 m, and the recesses reach a width of 40 cm. Under each bush, you need to put a little compost or humus, straighten and lay the roots, fill in part of the soil, compact it well and then fill in the rest of the soil.

How to properly care

After planting in the garden, young plants need to be provided proper care. In the summer it consists in watering, timely feeding, weeding between rows and loosening the soil. autumn care involves cutting stems and wrapping bushes for wintering.

Watering should be carried out as needed, systematically, in small portions. It is necessary to maintain normal moisture in the soil, since excessive drying, as well as excess moisture are not beneficial to plants. It is necessary to loosen the soil after each watering or weeding. If the seeds were grown in open ground, then the first weeding should be done as soon as the first 2 leaves appear on the plants, while removing the weakest shoots.

In the autumn, before frosts, the shoots from the asparagus bushes need to be cut off, and the garden bed should be sprinkled with a layer of organic fertilizers: humus, compost, peat, after which everything should be covered with dry foliage. This process is repeated every year. In order to make it easy to find a bed in the spring, the rows are marked with stakes. In the third year in spring, the plants need to be spudded to a height of 20-30 cm, the top layer of the ridge should be slightly compacted - the cracks that will form on the surface will indicate where the shoot sprouts.

Growing asparagus in the country is impossible without regular feeding. You need to fertilize asparagus plantings several times a season:

  • a month after sowing seeds or planting seedlings, the garden bed is fertilized with saltpeter 20-30 g / m. sq., or liquid mullein at a concentration of 1:8;
  • then 40 g of superphosphate / bucket is added to this solution, and watering is carried out 1 time / month;
  • during flowering, plants are treated with insecticides for preventive purposes;
  • in July, shoot growth begins to gradually recover, so another top dressing is required, for example, with bird droppings 1 part / 10 parts of water;
  • the last top dressing is carried out before the onset of frost, at the end of October - superphosphate and potassium chloride 30 g / m. sq. stop the growth of shoots and help survive the winter;
  • in the spring, in the second and subsequent years of life, asparagus is fed with a mineral mixture containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus until the vegetation begins.

Before the onset of winter, the soil in the aisles is dug up. In the first years, while there is still no harvest, it is possible to grow vegetables in the aisles: radishes, beans, salad greens.


The asparagus crop is young asparagus sprouts that are underground, or have recently made their way to the surface. Since they lacked light, their stems are light in color, especially fleshy, and therefore suitable for consumption. Harvesting begins in early May (this is the earliest vegetable in the new season), and lasts 1-2 months. Throughout May - June, you can collect young useful sprouts once every 1-2 days.

To get an earlier harvest, it is necessary to plant early-ripening asparagus. There are not many varieties of this culture. For our latitudes, such early ripening varieties as "Arzhentelskaya early" and "Early yellow" are suitable. These varieties are distinguished by faster vegetation, white or greenish large juicy shoots with a mild taste.

The first crop can be harvested from a plant that has reached 3-4 years of age. In the spring, after hilling the bush, you need to monitor the condition of the soil. When cracks appear in the ground, this means that the asparagus sprouts begin to sprout, and it is time to harvest. The earth and mulch must be carefully removed, and the young shoot cut off at the place where its growth begins. Then the asparagus bush is again covered with mulch so that new shoots sprout in it. At the end of June, the growth of shoots stops. The plant must be freed from mulch and poured soil, and then fertilized with organic and mineral fertilizers: liquid humus, ammonium nitrate

When raking a bush, you can find stumps left over from cut shoots. They must be removed, as sections can rot and lead to infection of the entire bush. After fertilizing, the roots should be covered with earth, and the surface should be leveled. The plants are now ready for the next season.

Video "How the landing happens"

Long before the beginning of our era, people knew such a plant as asparagus. Growing it, for example, in Ancient Egypt was the work of healers who knew medicinal properties these green shoots, and peasants who appreciated their delicate taste.

The ancient Greeks gave preference to this plant not only for its beneficial properties, but also for its beauty during the ripening period of the fruits - wreaths were woven from them for the newlyweds.

Today, asparagus is consumed by those who really care about their health and know the value of its nutrients.

Beneficial features

Unfortunately, in some countries today Asparagus officinalis is either undeservedly forgotten, or people responsible for planning Agriculture prefer crops that are more economically advantageous.

This vegetable plant grows in almost all countries of the world, except for the northern regions, and you can still meet its wild "relatives" in the meadows. People in antiquity did not know exactly what useful substances the asparagus possesses, the cultivation and distribution of which continued until the Middle Ages. It was actively used in the form of decoctions.

Today scientists are well aware chemical composition this plant, which includes:

  • asparagine, which normalizes blood pressure, kidney function and the cardiovascular system;
  • folic acid, especially necessary for women during pregnancy;
  • proteins, carbohydrates and amino acids;
  • potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, selenium and manganese;
  • 15% fatty oils;
  • organic acids (citric, malic);
  • alkaloids and vitamins C, K, E.

Such a rich composition with an extremely low calorie content (21 kcal per 100 g) makes asparagus a favorite product among nutritionists. Today, many people prefer to engage in prevention rather than treatment of diseases, so this plant is present in their diet.

Growing asparagus from seed

Many gardeners allocate space in their backyard for a vegetable such as asparagus. Growing from seeds is one way that suits those who are patient and not in a hurry. Before sowing, it is recommended to soak them in warm water for a couple of days, maintaining its temperature at +30 degrees, and then dry it. So they will rise faster.

It is possible to sow in open ground in April or May, when the threat of night frosts has already passed. In order for the seeds to sprout together, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil:

  • first, make grooves;
  • secondly, put a mixture of humus, ash and superphosphates on their bottom;
  • thirdly, apply a second layer of manure mixed with leaves or turf;
  • fourthly, carefully loosen everything.

Hatching seeds are thrown into the soil prepared in this way at a depth of 4-5 cm at a distance of 3 cm from each other. The further concern of the gardener is to ensure that the sown asparagus gives friendly shoots. Growing from seeds is a laborious process. In summer, it should be regularly watered, hilled and fed with mineral and organic fertilizers.

An important point in the growth of this plant is the timely harvesting of fruits, preventing them from falling to the ground. In autumn, there is little work to care for her, should be removed yellow leaves as they appear and mulch the soil with tree bark and leaves before the first frost to preserve the roots.

Spring care for this vegetable is to feed complex fertilizers and creating an earthen rampart over the bed. Sown asparagus, the technology of growing from seeds is not very difficult, will give the first harvest after 3 years. In order for it to be guaranteed high, it is better to take care of the seedlings in advance.

Greenhouse sowing

If you take care ahead of time that the grown seedlings are ready for planting in the ground, there is more chance that the asparagus will take root better. Growing it in a greenhouse - great option get strong viable shoots.

Seeds are prepared in the same way as for sowing in open ground. After they swell (3-5 days) and germinate, they are sown in separate pots or seedling cassettes. Best time for this end of March - beginning of April. This method allows you to significantly save time for the sprouts to get stronger even before transplanting.

The soil in pots should consist of a mixture of earth (2 parts) and manure, sand and peat, 1 part each, respectively. Seedling care involves regular watering, loosening the soil and gradual hardening. For those 60-70 days that the plant needs to be ready for open ground, you can feed it 2-3 times with slurry at the rate of 1/6 or urea in the proportion of 20 g per 10 liters of water. Although asparagus tolerates winter frosts down to -30 degrees, it can die in spring thaws at minus five. Therefore, on warm sunny days, experienced gardeners are advised to open seedlings.

It is possible to plant strengthened sprouts in late May - early June, although there are those who prefer to grow them in a greenhouse during the year and transplant them into open ground only next spring. Such cultivation of asparagus in a greenhouse allows you to increase the yield many times over.

Sowing seeds in the ground or growing seedlings in a greenhouse is not the only way to provide for yourself. useful vegetable for a long time.

Reproduction of asparagus by rhizome

For many summer residents, asparagus planted on a personal plot has become a kind of hobby. Growing (this photo shows) a plant that begins to bear fruit only after 2-3 years requires not only patience, but also precise adherence to technology.

The most popular and fastest for propagation of asparagus is the division of the rhizome. To do this, several pieces with a live kidney are cut off from the greyish-brown roots purchased on the market. This gives almost 100% survival rate to the plant, the main thing is that the source material itself is of high quality. Before planting, it is necessary to dig parallel trenches 40-50 cm wide and the same depth.

Each piece is planted on prepared and fertilized earth mounds 20-25 cm high and at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. The buds will give new shoots, and on next year it will be possible to harvest the first harvest.

the best planting material strong and healthy asparagus roots at the age of 3-5 years are considered, which can be planted both in autumn and in spring. Since it grows and bears fruit from 10 to 20 years, you should take care of the site for it in advance. This is especially true for those gardeners who plan to grow asparagus in the country on a small amount of land.

Site preparation and maintenance

When choosing a place to plant, you should immediately take into account that this plant loves the sun and is afraid of drafts. Asparagus can be given a place on the south side along the fence, although it will also grow in the shade, only the crop will have to be harvested 2 weeks later.

This unpretentious plant in care, which gives ever higher yields as it “grows up”, loves fertilized and fertile soil. The ideal option is a raised bed of sandy loam soil on sunny side site.

Growing asparagus in the country requires only three regular actions from the gardener - loosening, watering and weeding. In the first year of its growth, it is extremely sensitive to weeds, as it cannot compete with them in growth rate. It also does not tolerate stagnant moisture, so the soil should dry out well after watering.

With the first spring loosening and after harvesting, it is recommended to apply mineral and organic fertilizers. Conditions for growing asparagus in cold areas with harsh winters require soil mulching, which can be done using peat, foliage, or tree bark.

If there was a dry summer, it should be remembered that with a lack of moisture, this vegetable acquires a bitter taste. Watering should be frequent, but water stagnation should not be allowed, otherwise root system will begin to rot, and excess moisture will become a breeding ground for fungi and mold.

As the plants grow, it is spudded in the spring to protect the tender shoots from the sun, and in the fall to protect from frost. For example, near biennial asparagus, it is recommended to raise the ground by 30-40 cm, and in subsequent years - up to 50 cm.

There is also a need to prune an adult plant in autumn, leaving a stem up to 10 cm long. It will gratefully respond next year with a good harvest, and it is easier to cover shortened asparagus with a 10-centimeter layer of peat for the winter. In winter, it will protect from frost, and in spring it will become an excellent fertilizer, dissolved in melted snow.

Varieties of asparagus

The attention of modern breeders was also attracted by asparagus. Growing this vegetable at home has become very popular, so hybrid species have appeared, consisting exclusively of male plants. But traditional varieties are also popular with summer residents:

  • Argentine asparagus. Cultivation of this species is preferred due to its early maturation. This plant grows 1.5-2 meters in height, has a powerful root, giving 40-50 buds, from which succulent shoots grow up to 2 cm in thickness by the beginning of May. High yield (up to 2 kg per 1 m 2) makes it very popular with gardeners. You need to harvest on time, as this species grows up to 3 cm per day and quickly loses moisture. Collected shoots are recommended to be immediately put into plastic bags to better preserve the juicy asparagus.
  • Growing at home varieties Tsarsky is also very popular. Its distinctive qualities are white tasty pulp and high yield - up to 3 kg per 1 m 2. The most tender shoots are good both boiled and fried.
  • Depending on soil quality, Connovers Colossal is popular in sandy areas and Giant mammoth asparagus is popular in heavy areas. Growing and caring for them do not require additional efforts, except for fertilizing. Otherwise, care for these varieties is the same as care for the rest. Both species are distinguished by large shoots with excellent taste.
  • Hybrid species, such as the Franklin variety, are only male plants, producing a high early yield with thick "fleshy" shoots. They are suitable not only for cooking, but also for freezing, in which all nutrients are preserved as much as possible.

Almost all breeding varieties are represented by male plants with high yields. If you choose growing asparagus as a business, then it is recommended to plant them, but different term maturation. Each harvest takes 6 to 8 weeks, so it's possible to get this vegetable to market without interruption.

Pursuing hybrid varieties, it should be remembered that they reproduce exclusively by dividing the rhizome, not like Argentella asparagus. Growing from seeds of plants of non-breeding species requires the use of greenhouses to increase the yield. But, regardless of the variety, both of them give a harvest in the second year.

Diseases and pests

Although asparagus, the cultivation of which has become popular among summer residents, is an unpretentious plant, it can also develop diseases, and the plant is often attacked by pests.

For example, asparagus rattle larvae feeding on a plant can destroy an entire plantation if rescue spraying with karbofos or similar agents is not carried out in time.

Of the diseases, rust is considered the most common - a fungus that affects its stems. It all starts with a few small red spots on the leaves, and by the end of summer all the leaves will already turn yellow from infection. Even if the plant does not die, the yield and quality of the product will decrease significantly. You can get rid of this fungus or prevent it with diligence and diligence. It is enough to raise the ridges, loosen the soil and make sure that the water does not stagnate.

Another unpleasant disease is root rot, due to which the neck of the plant acquires a purple color. To avoid it, it is recommended to change the location of the beds every 5-7 years and be careful when planting. If the root has been damaged, then there is a threat of disease. After replanting healthy plants, it is recommended to spray them with 1% Bordeaux mixture, and lime the infected soil.

Known to many gardeners, the asparagus fly lays its eggs in this vegetable, which can destroy the entire crop. The larva loves the juicy flesh of the asparagus and gnaws tunnels out of the escape passages. The only way to get rid of them is to dig up and burn damaged plants. As a preventive measure, deep digging of row spacings in the fall helps.

Another favorite of asparagus is slugs, which prefer young sprouts. To prevent their occurrence, special granules should be poured around the area in advance.

Harvest and storage

Many entrepreneurs are beginning to understand that the industrial cultivation of asparagus is profitable business. It does not make a profit right away, since you have to wait 2-3 years for the harvest, but if you follow the technology of planting and caring for this vegetable, it will bear fruit for 15-20 years.

Asparagus is in high demand in the restaurant business and from manufacturers healthy eating, so its cost is quite high per kilogram. In addition to selling fresh shoots, the collection of which lasts only 2 months - from May to the end of June, you can earn in another way - by freezing and canning them, selling the finished products after.

This plant is quite unpretentious, but you need to harvest it correctly, otherwise you can be left with nothing next year.

  • First, you should not miss the beginning of the harvest. The vegetable will let you know. When the earth begins to crack and rise in the garden, it means that it is ripe. In order for the shoots to remain light and not turn green, in late April - early May, you need to spud the plant. If there is no time for this, then it is enough to cover it with a black film on sunny days. This will not only “whiten” the vegetable, but also speed up its ripening.
  • Secondly, the length of the shoot ready for cutting should be 15-20 cm with a diameter of 1 to 3 cm.
  • Thirdly, it is necessary to carefully dig and cut the stems with a special knife or break them off, after which the root is again covered with earth.

Asparagus shoots in well fertilized soil and with regular watering grow from 3 cm per day, so the crop is harvested on average every 2 days if it is cloudy, and daily if it is sunny. A lot depends on the climate. For example, in the southern regions, asparagus is cut twice a day. Growing in the suburbs, where the climate is cooler, makes it possible to harvest every day. In areas with short, cool summers, the shoots ripen more slowly, so even 2-3 days can pass between cutting.

It is important to remember that asparagus loses its healing and vitamin properties within a few hours, so its consumption or marketing must be established. This vegetable is well stored, preserving all its nutritional qualities when frozen or canned. Since it is beginning to be in increasing demand, it will be easy to find customers for this product.

permaculture system

In the 21st century, a new direction has appeared in the farming system - permoculture, which is based on "communities" of plants grown in a single space. At the same time, preference is not given to any one culture, as is usually the case, but there is a combination of garden, garden and meadow plants throughout the site.

The main conditions for conducting such agriculture are a large area of ​​land, not less than a hectare, and climate change within it. So, in the southern regions it should be made more humid, for which they create a stepped system artificial ponds. Evaporation of water provides the necessary level of moisture, and these reservoirs are used for irrigation and fish breeding.

So that the banks of the ponds do not erode, a mixture of cereals and legumes is planted on them. At some distance from them you can plant fruit trees and shrubs that protect the site from the winds and create additional shade.

In the northern regions, it is necessary to increase the air temperature, for which stones are laid around the perimeter and along the site itself different size. They cover plants from cold winds, and heated by the sun, give them their warmth.

Sowing on prepared land is carried out in April, for which seed plants are planted on the ridges - beans, corn, peas, pumpkin, sunflowers, watermelons, asparagus. Growing from seeds (permaculture involves stepped planting) goes on one tier, on the other you can plant potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and other vegetables.

Such a multi-tiered planting allows you to collect large crops in due time on each of the ridges. This innovation is especially interesting for those who prefer to spend their time on many cultures - from medicinal herbs and vegetables to cereals, berries and fruits.

The seedless way to grow asparagus

For gardeners who do not have a lot of time, the most “lazy” one is suitable - the natural way of planting this vegetable. It turns out that if you collect and bury the fruits of asparagus on a site that has been chosen and prepared in advance in the fall, they will sprout perfectly on their own. At the same time, the care of the summer resident will be the usual weeding, loosening the soil and watering.

Asparagus planted in this way gives a harvest in the second year, if the region is southern. Additional fertilizers are desirable, especially if the soil is poor or depleted. The natural method, as the example of some summer residents shows, allows you to collect asparagus fruits every autumn and sow new areas with them. Considering that this vegetable is not only healthy, but also expensive, it is profitable to do this both for the sake of profit and for your own consumption and savings.

Asparagus is a plant with the scientific name asparagus. It is successfully grown in the garden in the beds, while getting a harvest of delicious and most useful shoots plants. They are added to salads, a lot of other dishes are prepared with them, but in order to grow and enjoy delicious fruits, you must first approach the matter wisely and study all the intricacies of caring for this plant.

Description of culture

Most often found on sale is white, purple and green vegetable asparagus. At the same time, the way it is grown completely affects the taste and color of the product.

To obtain white shoots, they are constantly spudded and protected from sunlight. If the sprouts are covered with earth gradually, leaving them in the sun, then the tops of the plant acquire a bright purple hue. Green asparagus is grown open sky without hilling.

The shoots of this plant contain folic, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, choline, copper, thiamine, iron, niacin, potassium, manganese, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus and selenium - trace elements vital to the human body.

Most often in Russia, the Arzhentel asparagus variety is grown. This plant has many attractive characteristics. It contains a large number of useful amino acids and vitamins, indispensable in the diet. Asparagus argentella is able to bear fruit for almost two decades, has male and female stems. The main disadvantage is this is the minimum thickness of the shoots.

It's perennial herbaceous plant, up to 1.5 m high, which grows quietly in one place, forming more than 50 shoots.

Young shoots of asparagus are eaten just emerged from the ground. If they begin to bud, the asparagus becomes tough and unfit for food. One plant brings only 9 - 12 shoots per season, which explains the high cost of this vegetable.

Asparagus is a dioecious, unpretentious and cold-resistant plant. It grows throughout Europe, in Asia, Africa and even in Siberia.

From seeds, the article will help you understand the intricacies of this matter and the features of caring for vegetables. Let's start with the fact that asparagus is incredibly popular in Europe, America and Southeast Asia. Those who have been there are familiar with the piquant taste of dishes prepared by chefs from long tender stems. Now in our country there are many lovers of an appetizing dietary vegetable, and therefore those who would like to grow it on their own in their garden. By the way, asparagus quickly adapted to our climate, and breeders can boast of excellent domestic varieties.


Young, slightly underdeveloped stems-pods are used for food, which are tasty not only in boiled and baked form, but even freshly cut when they are juicy and crispy. It seems strange that once in our country, asparagus was used only as an element design decoration flower bouquets. Only occasionally in pre-revolutionary Russia exotic dishes from it were served on the master's table.

The vegetable is famous not only for its taste and dietary qualities. It contains a whole list of vitamins, including group B, as well as many useful trace elements and the amino acid asparagine. The use of asparagus expands the peripheral, normalizes the pressure and work of the heart muscle; favorably affects the liver tissue. In addition, long juicy stems in any form are shown when diabetes, gout and kidney disease. That is why many are wondering: how to grow asparagus from seeds at home?

And the demand for a green vegetable is largely determined by the fact that it sprouts. in early spring when the body is deficient in vitamins, and fresh herbs have not yet gone.

Growing stages

Certain difficulties of self-growing lead to reflections on whether and how to grow asparagus from seeds. The advice of gardeners is, first of all, that it is necessary to collect a vegetable daily, avoiding rearranging young shoots. Further, for the whole season a large amount of special top dressing and organic fertilizers will be required.

The third tip: you should stock up on first-class seeds in advance. The fact is that asparagus is not divided from the roots, and mature specimens do not take root after transplantation. The only option left is to grow a crop from seeds. Interestingly, this perennial considered seedlings for a very long time - two to three years. To learn how to grow asparagus from seeds in a country house or garden according to all the rules and with good result, it is necessary to separate the bed cleared of weeds and fertilized with organic matter for planting the crop.

Planting of prepared seeds is carried out in June, and throughout the summer the garden is loosened and watered. When shoots appear, ammonium nitrate is fed at the rate of 10 grams of solution per square meter earth. Re-feeding is carried out after 3 weeks. The next year after wintering, the plant blooms.

Perennial and resistant plant

Before answering the question of how to grow asparagus from seeds, you need to at least know a little about the culture itself. Asparagus is a fairly large perennial plant that can reach a height of about two meters. Although it has no leaves, the long shoots are very branched, and the fibrous roots are huge.

The vegetable blooms with inconspicuous flowers and has beautiful red fruits. Since asparagus is a dioecious plant, male and female flowers are present on different bushes. If you properly care for it, then the harvest from one copy can be obtained for 15-20 or even more years, so asparagus can rightly be considered a green long-liver.

And also, if you wondered how to grow asparagus from seeds in the garden, it would be useful to know that this is a very resistant and hardy plant. Even with our frosts, you can not cover it for the winter and do not trim it if you do not have time on time. Subject to other rules, the harvest will be ensured.

growing conditions for asparagus

If you decide to grow asparagus for decorative purposes, then just plant it, and it grows by itself. But growing tender shoots for food is different, so you need to create special conditions for the plant. Namely:

  • Requires loose, fertilized soil. Well, if in your area it is sandy. With a lack of nutrients, asparagus stalks will grow thin and coarse-grained.
  • In no case should the soil be acidic, otherwise the plant will not take root.
  • The key to a good and tasty harvest is abundant watering; lack of moisture, the asparagus will be tough and bitter in taste. But also closeness ground water She does not love.
  • Planting beds should be located in a sunny position, although a little shade will not harm the plants too much.
  • Annual mulching will ensure the active growth of succulent shoots.

To learn how to grow asparagus from seeds, it must be borne in mind that the roots of this vegetable grow strongly and lie almost at the surface of the soil. Every year they grow from above, and the lower parts die off, so gradually the bush, together with the root system, rises higher to the surface. That is why there is a need for annual mulching, that is, covering the soil at the roots, which prevents drying, overheating and hypothermia of plants.

About Asparagus Seeds and Proper Planting

Asparagus seeds are large, black, in a protective shell. Before use (usually for planting in the garden this is the beginning of June), they are soaked for three days in a solution of manganese, changing it several times, or in ordinary water, also periodically replacing it with fresh water. This procedure will speed up the emergence of seedlings. After that, the seeds are laid out on a wet cloth until germination. This takes about one week.

So how do you grow asparagus from seeds? The photo shows a variant of the early home, when each seed is planted in a separate pot. This is best done in April-May. If you sow immediately on the beds, then to get good harvest germinated seeds are laid to a depth of 3 cm in the ground, placing them 5 cm apart in a row.

A distance of at least 20 centimeters is maintained between rows, otherwise it will be inconvenient to thin out elongated seedlings. And this must be done immediately after the appearance of the first sprouts, since the asparagus roots grow rapidly, and it is impossible to pull them out of the soil without damaging the neighbors.

Asparagus shoot care

Care for young shoots of asparagus is traditional for most vegetable crops - this is top dressing, weeding, watering and loosening the earth. At the time of germination, they are fed with ammonium nitrate, and 3 weeks after that, they are fertilized with liquid manure.

Already in September, in the first year of life, the seedlings have 2-3 stems. Peat and compost make excellent plant mulch winter period. And gardeners have enough time to prepare permanent beds for transplanting asparagus.

Preparing a permanent bed

Preparation of a permanent bed for asparagus is carried out in several stages. Autumn digging should be deep enough - 35 centimeters, and spring is accompanied by the introduction of manure (10 kg of fertilizer per 1 sq.m.). Mineral compositions can be applied in autumn or just before planting seeds. In this case, for 1 sq.m of soil you will need: 3 g 2 g 5 g of superphosphate. You can use ready-made complex fertilizers.

Planting seedlings on a permanent bed

You already know how to grow asparagus from seeds. And how are seedlings planted on permanent beds? To do this, furrows are made in the soil about 40 centimeters wide and deep, keeping a distance of a meter and a half between them. A layer of rotted manure and a humus roller 5-7 centimeters thick are laid on the bottom, on which seedlings are placed. It is important to straighten the branched roots so that they do not lift up.

The distance between individual seedlings should be at least 40 centimeters. In the process of growing asparagus, the furrow will be leveled by pouring earth from the edges. In addition to summer top dressing in September, when potassium and phosphorus are needed. Every 5 years, the soil is fertilized with organic matter, for example, rotted manure. Mulching is carried out for the winter, after cutting the stems.


Knowing how to grow asparagus from seed at home in your backyard, now you need to figure out when you can harvest it. Begin cutting shoots in the 2nd year; moreover, white shoots that have reached the surface of the covering layer are considered ready, and green shoots that have grown by 15-18 centimeters.

The very first harvest lasts 2-3 weeks, and then the vegetable is harvested for a month and a half every day. You can store fresh asparagus for several weeks in the refrigerator in plastic bags.

In general, knowing simple rules, you can independently grow various varieties of juicy asparagus. By the way, it has been noticed that female plants give thick and tender shoots, and male plants give a bountiful harvest.

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