Why do you dream of sunflower seeds? Why chew seeds in a dream? Interpretations of dream books about what black sunflower seeds mean in dreams.

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IN real life We carry out most actions simply, mechanically and almost unconsciously, and we don’t even pay attention to most phenomena - they are so familiar and ordinary.

But everything changes when we see these same simple things and phenomena in dreams. Because everyone knows that in dreams rarely anything appears just like that - ordinary actions and objects acquire a secret and voluminous meaning. And everyday things become codes and signs.

Dream books help us determine what the dream is about - and draw conclusions about what to do in reality, where to go, in which direction to take a step.

Seeds - what could be simpler? Many people like to chew pumpkin or sunflower seeds, but in a dream such an ordinary and simple action can take on serious meaning.

Let's figure out why we dream about seeds, and what such dreams promise us. For example, the seeds could appear in one of the following options:

  • You just saw black sunflower seeds in a dream.
  • You dreamed of a ripe sunflower.
  • You saw watermelon seeds in a dream.
  • I dreamed about seed husks.
  • You saw a lot of seeds.
  • You happened to gnaw seeds in a dream.
  • You began to crack pumpkin seeds in your sleep.
  • You bought seeds.
  • They distributed them to people.
  • Collected.
  • You sowed seeds in a dream.
  • They fed the birds with them.
  • We counted the seeds in a sunflower hat.

There are many options, despite the simplicity and simplicity of such a symbol. Each dream with seeds is unique.

To interpret what seeds mean in dreams, first remember the details - what they were like, what you did. And then you will find out what the dream book says.

Why could this have happened?

As the dream book says, seeds can symbolize profit, conversations, joy - a lot of pleasant things.

1. Seeing sunflower seeds in your dreams promises joy and a pleasant pastime, albeit without much benefit. Do what you like - have fun and enjoy pleasant moments.

2. If you dream of a sunflower hat full of seeds, expect pleasant changes in your personal life and mutual love. If you like someone, you can safely count on reciprocity. So be brave, don’t miss out on happiness!

3. A sick person always dreams of sunflower seeds as a sign of recovery. If you are now sick, experiencing ailments and being attacked by illnesses, rest assured that soon you will get better, have good health and feel great. Take care of yourself!

4. Young people dream of this to symbolize joy, love, and even marriage. A girl or guy who dreams of seeds should hope for a happy turn in love, a long-awaited meeting, romance and everything that one dreams of.

5. And if you dreamed of watermelon seeds, this is a serious dream. It indicates that you are aware of the root causes of some important, big events, you will have a valuable and deep understanding of things, hidden meanings, secrets

You will be able to deeply understand the situation. You will receive wisdom - use it correctly and wisely, for good.

6. If you dream of seed husks, this foreshadows some return to the past, to past events. You will probably meet someone from a past life and relive bygone feelings. Try to evaluate this meeting wisely, do not dive into the past.

7. A lot of seeds is a good sign. Such a dream, in which they lie in whole heaps, promises profit. You will have to harvest the harvest, reap the fruits - your labors will receive a generous reward, you will have recognition and money.

Click, buy or sow in a dream

Why do you dream about sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds or any other seeds that you happened to click, buy, collect, or do anything else? Depends, as always, on the details and actions of the dreamer.

1. Such a dream, in which you happened to crack seeds, foreshadows you pleasant days, entertainment, idleness. Enjoy relaxation and joy, communication with friends and pleasant moments.

2. And if you happen to gnaw pumpkin seeds, the dream book foretells the birth of a new one. And both a baby and a brilliant idea, project, new love. Whatever it is, it will be born and change the course of your life, bring new hopes, colors and joy.

3. If you bought seeds in a dream, you will have a pleasant holiday, vacation or a very memorable weekend. After this, you will have a surge of new, fresh strength that should be used actively and constructively!

4. Collecting seeds in a dream means showing concern for people in reality. This is what you need now, take care of relatives, friends or those who need it - this will have a beneficial effect on your destiny and will make you happier.

5. If you counted the seeds on a sunflower hat, this is a sign that you are practical, know how to save and manage finances wisely. Thanks to this, you will not be in danger of poverty. But don't be too tight-fisted!

6.As the dream book says, the seeds that you sow in a dream foretell you reasonable investments, which will later bring very good dividends.

7. But if you handed them out to someone in a dream, this is advice - be more honest, kinder and simpler with people.

8. As every dream book testifies, the seeds that you feed the birds in a dream may indicate that you will have expenses, a lot of purchases or investments. Be smart, don't throw money around.

What did the interpreter tell you? Remember this, analyze it and use it wisely. Without fail, thanks to this knowledge, your life will be easier and more joyful. Author: Vasilina Serova

Turning to psychological dream books, it becomes clear that gnawing on a sunflower even in your sleep characterizes you well as a carefree person who lives for his own pleasure. It could also mean a lot of broken promises on your part. If you believe the dream book, then gnawing seeds in a dream is a kind of warning that you may soon hurt loved ones with your actions and words.

Did you dream about seed husks? Then expect waste and false promises from loved ones. Sometimes this image symbolizes affairs or flirting that lead nowhere. Some dream books interpret this image as an empty and boring period in your life. If after such a dream you borrow a large amount, then rest assured that you will not be able to get the money back.

According to interpretation modern dream book, clicking seeds in a dream means wasted time. Meetings with friends, walks and other entertainment are likely. The next day after such a dream, it is better not to start any serious and responsible business.

A dream in which you looked at or picked a sunflower symbolizes incredible success in business sphere. During this period, you can undoubtedly take risks - luck will be on your side. Seeing a bouquet of sunflowers in a dream means receiving a significant monetary profit or a big win. If you ate the seeds, taking them directly from the sunflower itself, then this film explains this plot as a quick declaration of love.

The husk from the seeds that you gnawed in a dream symbolizes considerations with the law that are not in your favor. You will have to carefully prove your innocence, but no one will hear you. Sluggish and moldy seeds indicate poor changes in health. You have abandoned it so much that it will take years or even decades to restore it. Counting the seeds on a sunflower hat in a dream means that you boldly control every event in your destiny, you know the price of everything that happens to you, and you will be able to act only as you see fit for a long time. Seeing seeds sprouting in a dream means a pleasant trip awaits you in all respects, and when you return home, you will find many surprises and gifts.

Good afternoon. Tatyana, please tell me what can be expected from a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday that left an impression and was remembered? And I dreamed... it seemed like I wanted to hide or get rid of the persecution of some man, about 50 years old (his face is half hidden and in general, he’s wearing a cloak of some kind of Inquisition!) - And as if he wasn’t particularly mean to me wants to cause harm, but also does not lag behind me. When he caught up with me, he pushed me behind the gate and threw me (a scruff of the neck, let’s say) then... I start moving my shoulders, twisting around and I see that the usual dark brown watermelon seed with a dot falls out! (Before this, about a month ago, I saw a watermelon myself).....Tell me, what was the dream for?... (In general, I almost never remember dreams)......with respect, Yulia. Thank you.

Natalya, I heard a story when a man took these seeds from a woman in white, he soon died, and when his daughter had such a dream, in the same dream the father appeared and did not let him take these seeds and scolded this woman in white, so I think this bad dream. In some, you dream of good-looking people asking for a ribbon, do not give it away under any circumstances, otherwise you won’t wake up at all)))

Please tell me the dream: in front of me is a table - on the table there is a pile of black seeds mixed with candies white(nuts in white chocolate), and with what plastic parts. I look and think, I’ll have to go through everything, there are someone else nearby - two or three.

If you can’t stop gnawing sunflower seeds even in your sleep, the movie believes that everything is what you dream about similar dream, one way or another connected with entertainment and communication for pleasure. The only thing dreams warn about is that you try not to offend anyone with thoughtless words or a clumsy joke, and also don’t take other people’s chatter to heart.

If you dreamed about a sunflower, the seeds fill it to capacity; the dream promises unexpected positive changes in your personal life. The dream book believes that right now you can hope for mutual feelings.

To see pumpkin seeds in a dream - it seems to you that all the energy has left you drop by drop, since you had to go through truly difficult times. However, soon your affairs will reach a climax, especially at work. This dream speaks of an imminent break in relations and that you have a long journey ahead of you.

Dreams come in a wide variety. Sometimes even minor details in a dream can indicate important events in your life. At least that's what the dream books say. Why do you dream about seeds? The answer to this question can also be found in them.

Seeds have different interpretations depending on the quality and appearance seeds Moldy seeds may portend health problems, deterioration financial condition. Gnaw seeds in a dream - in reality they are waiting for consideration by the law; it will not be easy to prove that you are right, since they will not want to listen to you. Why do you dream about Seeds sprouting in a dream? The trip will give you many pleasant surprises, and when you return home, you will find many gifts and hear good news. Counting the seeds on a sunflower cap means you are a very practical person, you know the price of everything and do only as you see fit.

Seeds predict many sexual relationships for a man. If he sows them in a dream, it means that in real life he is very fruitful and good as a lover. A woman buys seeds - pleasant intimate revelations with her loved one await in reality. She will not only enjoy his company, but also fulfill one of her deepest desires.

Why do you dream about Seeds? You collect them one at a time - for successful raising of children, increasing the family. Sow in the field - you will begin to manage your income more wisely or receive an inheritance. Pigeons are pecking at your seeds - get ready for unforeseen expenses, missed opportunities, losses.

Why do you dream about seeds? good quality selected and purified? Some dream books claim that such a dream foreshadows the onset of a successful period in life, when all parties will profit. Your plans will be implemented quite easily without much effort. In addition, the financial situation will increase due to an increase in wages at work or winning a game. An increase in position and career advancement is possible. Thus, seeds can foresee not only bad events, but also positive ones. However, despite any predictions, it is still not recommended to believe 100% in dream books.

If the person who dreamed of seeds planned to buy an apartment or some other big thing, by the way, in the near future it is recommended to wait with your plans. It may be difficult to choose, or the purchase may turn out to be unsuccessful. In addition, the financial part of life may suffer, since unforeseen expenses will be an unexpected blow to material well-being. Lending money to someone or taking out a loan in the immediate period after having a dream with seeds will bring problems. The person to whom the amount will be borrowed will not return it soon. The loan may come with high interest rates and unfavorable conditions. In general, it is advisable not to joke with finances at this time, otherwise profits will not be visible for quite a long period of time.

So, if you dreamed of seeds with peels and debris, then problems should be expected in the near future. Their scale is not indicated, because everything depends on how a person behaves in a certain situation. This period foreshadows the failure of any business started, whether it concerns work and business, or love relationships. It is advisable to postpone all previously conceived plans and projects until a more favorable time. Otherwise, your efforts may be wasted and the result will never be achieved. In addition, you will still have to take up this matter again after a certain period of time.

As for personal life, the film warns that the seeds that were dreamed of may interfere with the establishment of relationships or a truce. If there is a quarrel between people, then it is advisable to postpone its resolution for a short period of time in order to avoid another quarrel. Or in case of a hopeless situation, it is necessary to think through every little detail.

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Seeing BOSN peeled seeds means discovering something new in reality. In some cases, the dream warns against being too open; for now, do not reveal your plans for the future to anyone if they are related to some important changes.

Scattering the seeds means that your current difficulties are short-lived and are fraught with opportunity. If you throw them to the wind, then in reality you are missing a good chance, you do not notice or do not want to see a way out of the situation. Scattering seeds to feed the birds indicates unexpected help from friends or acquaintances.

Films interpret seed husks as releasing anxiety and panic over trifles. You have accumulated too much processed energy in your soul; you do not know how to get rid of unnecessary negativity. The dream tells you about this, learn to cleanse your subconscious of everything unnecessary and superficial. Spiritual practices can help with this.

Many people are sure that dreams are a reflection of real life. And the interpreted meaning of dreams can help them prepare for various life situations or suggest a way to solve problems. Eating seeds in reality is a useless endeavor that helps to destroy free time. Why do you dream about seeds?

Eating seeds in reality is a useless task that helps to waste free time

The general interpretation of seeing seeds in a dream is to foretell imminent profits, joyful events, conversations and other positive life moments.

Of the general plots, the most common in dreams are the following:

  1. Looking at sunflower seeds means a pleasant pastime that will not bring any benefit.
  2. Seeing a sunflower completely filled with kernels means pleasant changes in your personal life, a quick meeting of mutual love.
  3. If young people dreamed of seeds, it means meeting their soulmate or getting married.
  4. Sunflower kernels in any manifestations, dreamed of by a sick person, mean a speedy recovery.

If you dream of a huge number of seeds - to profitable business and recognition.

Why do you dream about seeds (video)

Why do you dream about sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds?

Pumpkin seeds, which the eye fell on in a dream, promise the imminent birth of a baby in the family. If a woman who is already married cleans white pumpkin seeds, she may soon become pregnant. And if a man does this, it means heirs will appear. If in a dream you peel pumpkin seeds to treat children, it means better health.

Pumpkin seeds, which the eye fell on in a dream, promise the imminent birth of a baby in the family

If someone among your relatives is sick, and in a dream the seeds are thoroughly cleaned of films, while a healthy kernel is visible, you should take repeated tests, since the diagnosis may turn out to be false. If the nucleolus is rotten, treatment should be started as soon as possible and the disease eliminated.

Dreams about seeds are also interpreted in many dream books:

  • Miller's dream book states: kernels with sprouts symbolize success in endeavors;
  • according to Vanga: planting seeds leads to prosperity in the house;
  • according to Freud: dreams with seeds that come to a man mean that he is a worthy lover, and for a woman - happiness with her lover;
  • By esoteric dream book: if you dream of birds pecking at seeds, the dreamer will face quick expenses or losses.

Gnaw seeds in a dream

There are various interpretations of using such a product in a dream.

  1. Peeling sunflower kernels in a dream means that soon in real life the dreamer will have a pleasant time. Perhaps it will be ordinary fun holiday, and also a holiday.
  2. Eating pumpkin seeds promises the birth of something new. Moreover, this formulation of the interpretation concerns not only the birth of children, but also different ideas, thoughts, projects, feelings.
  3. Gnawing empty or spoiled seeds in a dream is a warning that some of the dreamer’s ideas are a waste of time that must be abandoned.
  4. Black sunflower kernels are dreamed of in order for the dreamer to think about his family relationships. Basically, such dreams indicate possible mistakes in raising children. Clicking black seeds in a dream means a quick and painless solution to all problems with your household.

There are various interpretations of using such a product in a dream.

If a dream in which a person is gnawing seeds has a tense atmosphere, this may symbolize emotional overstrain, therefore, most dream books recommend the dreamer to relax, rest, and check his own health.

Clicking roasted seeds in a dream

If you dream about seeds, you should pay attention to whether they are raw or roasted. This is due to the fact that fried seeds are given a special meaning.

  1. Roasted seeds are dreamed of by people who in real life expect successfully completed tasks.
  2. If a person is treated to fried sunflower kernels, this means that his close people will help the dreamer achieve his goal.
  3. If the dreamer takes large seeds out of his pocket, he should remain silent about his plans for the future or about the profit received. Such information should only be hidden from strangers.
  4. If the fried seeds are slightly burnt, the dreamer needs to finish the job he started as soon as possible, since then competitors may interfere with this.
  5. Roasting seeds in a dream means receiving the desired valuable gift.

Clicking seeds in a dream accompanied by a pleasant conversation is a sign of upcoming interesting news

Clicking seeds in a dream accompanied by a pleasant conversation is a sign of imminent interesting news that can benefit the dreamer. If the conversation was unpleasant - to gossip about the dreamer

Buying seeds in a dream: interpretation

Why do you dream about buying seeds?

Usually dreams with such a plot have a favorable interpretation for the dreamer, for example:

  • buying seeds in a dream - to have a nice holiday, an upcoming vacation or for memorable holidays or weekends;
  • just looking at the black seeds before purchasing will lead to the right decision to help your child;
  • buying a large number of seeds means a profitable acquisition of a useful item, and selling means making a profit.

However, there is a caveat. Buying seeds may symbolize the dreamer’s subconscious need for proper rest. Moreover, rest should be idle, so that a person can rest as much as possible from stress, emotional and physical tension.

Seeing seed husks in a dream

There is also an interpretation of the usual sunflower husk. Basically, this symbol is negative.

  1. The dream of seed husks promises the dreamer's quick immersion in past life. Most likely, in real life a person will meet an old acquaintance or experience forgotten feelings. Most dream books recommend not plunging into the forgotten past, carefully assessing the events taking place.
  2. If you dream of husks under your feet, this means the need to solve old problems or discover new details about old completed affairs, long-forgotten love, friends.
  3. Some dream books compare sunflower husks with betrayal, deception, and unfulfilled promises.

There is also an interpretation of ordinary sunflower husks

What does it mean to collect or sow seeds in a dream?

Dreams with a plot where the dreamer collects sunflower seeds in a field also have positive symbolism.

  1. Collecting seeds in a dream symbolizes caring for loved ones. This is what the dreamer’s relatives and friends will need in reality during this period.
  2. Counting seeds on a flower is a symbol of practicality and economy. Dream books recommend that a person maintain all these qualities, but not be too tight-fisted.
  3. Sowing seeds means quick, reasonable investments that will ultimately bring big profits.
  4. Distributing sunflower seeds to other people after collecting them suggests that you need to show honesty and kindness to others.
  5. Tearing off the cap of a sunflower symbolizes that the dreamer only needs to take one step before realizing his dream or achieving his goal. And an easily cut sunflower cap means easy profit obtained without effort.

Negative symbolism is attached to scenes in which collected seeds are thrown to the birds. Almost every dream book claims that this means unexpected and wasteful financial expenses.

Why do you dream about seeds (video)

Basically, seeds dream of a pleasant pastime, favorable life moments, improvement of family and financial situation. However, there are also negative meanings of such plots, therefore, in order to receive a reliable interpretation, the dreamer needs to remember the details of his dreams as carefully as possible.

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After such dreams, you need to think carefully about your plans. The fact is that some planned events can come true in the most unexpected way. If the dreamer feeds seeds to birds, then in reality there is a risk of some material losses. After this dream, you need to thoroughly rethink your actions and your activities.

Hasse's dream book about sunflower seeds

If the dreamer fries sunflower seeds- this is for the guests. The meeting promises to be joyful and memorable. If you husk them in a dream in warm and sunny weather, then the period is not far off material well-being.

Dreams with tasteless seeds promise unexpected losses or mistakes in certain matters. If the dreamer husks spoiled seeds, this indicates his irresponsibility, a frivolous attitude towards business.

Family dream book about pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a symbol of a long journey, as well as the end of any long-term relationship for the benefit of a new, most fruitful one. In addition, such dreams are harbingers of a new addition to the family, which cannot but affect the life of a young girl. Here it is necessary to try to analyze in detail the content of such a dream.

For example, beautiful and healthy seeds are a good thing, but if the seeds are rotten or have defects, then the child may be born unhealthy. To minimize the potential risk, you need to worry about your health in advance.

Beautiful, unspoiled pumpkin seeds, dreamed of by older women and men, promise good health on the intimate front. If the seeds are defective, seedy and rotten, then the dreamers urgently need to visit a doctor in order to prevent in advance the development of certain problems in the intimate sphere of their lives.

If the dreamer does not bite the seeds, but simply pours them from hand to hand, then in reality he needs to rest, since being busy with various problems does not give him peace.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

According to these interpretations, sunflower seeds are a symbol of favorable life changes. This suggests that in reality the dreamer will be able to take personal control over certain financial issues and business events. Clicking seeds in a dream means getting rid of pressing problems. The fact is that the owner of waking dreams is tired of the current state of affairs. You need to take a break, and then rush into the “battle” with renewed vigor!

The sunflower seed in dreams is an ambiguous symbol. On the one hand, the dream book personifies black seeds with financial well-being and happy changes in life, and on the other hand, with fuss, lack of composure, and unexpected expenses. To understand what black seeds promise in a dream, a person needs to remember its details.

What if you dream about black seeds?

What do sunflower seeds dreamed about at night portend to the dreamer? Vanga's dream book gives the dreams in which they appeared a positive meaning. According to the interpreter, sorting through the seeds means news of a new addition to the family and the successful upbringing of the younger generation. A person who, in his night dreams, happened to sow seeds in a field, in reality will have to learn how to wisely manage his own financial savings, thanks to which he will be able to accumulate a considerable amount of money. Also, a dream with such a plot may foreshadow the receipt of an inheritance. However, not all dreams with black seeds were considered favorable by Vanga. Feeding them to pigeons, in her opinion, bad sign, promising losses, losses and lost opportunities.

The modern dream book considers large and beautiful black seeds to be harbingers of good luck and material profit. For a girl to see them in a dream, it means a wedding and pregnancy. If you had a dream with black seeds married woman, then in reality she will have troubles with the children.

Freud's dream book predicts a man who sees seeds in a dream will have a large number of intimate relationships. Did you happen to sow them? The dream indicates that he is a wonderful lover. For a woman to buy seeds in a dream - to intimate revelations with a loved one and the realization of her long-standing erotic fantasy.

Gnawing black seeds in night dreams is a sign of a pleasant pastime. A person who sees such a dream expects a vacation in the company of good friends. This interpretation can be found in the Universal Dream Book. However, the interpreter warns the dreamer to monitor his own statements, since an unflattering word accidentally thrown at someone can become a reason for offense. Seeing a sunflower filled to capacity with seeds is an incredibly favorable sign, foretelling mutual feelings for the sleeper and a change in life for the better.

Miller's dream book considers a night vision in which a person was gnawing black seeds to be a harbinger of problems with the law. It will be difficult for the dreamer to prove his innocence, since simply no one will want to listen to him. Did you dream of counting the seeds inside a sunflower? In reality, the dreamer is practical and knows the price of everything. It is impossible to force such a person to do something against his will. If you saw moldy seeds in a dream, then in reality the sleeping person should take care of his health and money.

What does it portend?

The esoteric dream book considers black seeds as a symbol of wealth, success and fertility. But if they turn out to be dirty, sprouted or rotten, the dream takes on the opposite meaning. A dream with such a plot indicates that the sleeping person missed the chance given to him by fate, and now he will have to wait a long time for the smile of fortune. If birds pecked at the seeds in night dreams, then in reality the dreamer will face material losses and disappointments. Most likely, competitors will take advantage of the results of his work, and they will receive all the awards and honors.

For a sick person, black seeds promise a quick recovery. It is possible that the very next day after waking up he will begin to recover. Did you dream about a lot of seeds? Interpreters are convinced that the Universe, with the help of such a dream, hints to the sleeping person that it is time to start realizing his goals. If in a dream you had to collect seeds from the floor or other surface, then the dreamer will devote the coming days to caring for children.

Although black seeds in a dream do not foretell fateful changes for a person, it is still worth paying attention to this sign. Seeds are often promised to the dreamer happy events, however, sometimes they can warn him of troubles. Having correctly deciphered the dream, the dreamer will be able to find out about his future and, if necessary, try to avoid problems.

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