How to learn to act when everyone is lazy. How to overcome laziness? The 2-minute rule will change your life

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Many people are familiar with the situation when they need to do something, but they don’t want to do it so much that they can’t force themselves to do it. And then problems begin due to unfulfilled promises and tasks. Sometimes even remorse overcomes. Well, or other problems, more serious. And all because of a frank reluctance to perform any action. How to overcome laziness and is this even possible? And most importantly, is it necessary... It won’t hurt to figure it out.

How to overcome laziness - 10 ways

Laziness is essentially an unwillingness to act. And it can arise for a variety of reasons. And sometimes it is enough to eliminate the root problem, and the manifestations of laziness will noticeably decrease or disappear altogether.

Most common reason reluctance to complete a task is a lack of proper motivation. Yes, for work, for example, a reward may be promised, but in order to receive it it is not necessary to work right now, at this moment. You can do this tomorrow too. Or better yet, the day after tomorrow. And then, lo and behold, a good wizard will fly in, wave his wand and voila - everything is done.

And then the hour comes, when the understanding comes that if you don’t implement the task right now, then you can significantly lose in something. Motivation becomes obvious and laziness disappears somewhere. But this doesn't always happen. And if attacks of laziness are not resolved in this way, then it is worth thinking about the possibility of abandoning the type of activity that has set one’s teeth on edge and switching to much more pleasant work.

The second common cause of chronic laziness is health problems. Violations thyroid gland, vitamin deficiency, hypotension and other problems can make a person apathetic and easily tired. How to overcome laziness in this case? The answer is obvious - to be cured.

Often laziness is just a cover behind which a variety of phobias are hidden. Indecision, low self-esteem, fear of being ridiculed, reluctance to stand out and many, many others.

Having understood the main reason for the laziness that has arisen, you can come to grips with eliminating it and achieve noticeable success in this field.

Good laziness and bad

However, before you take and overcome your laziness, you should think carefully and analyze whether this very feeling is really so harmful. Yes, of course, the situation described above, due to which deadlines regularly arise, is extremely unpleasant. A person inevitably gets into trouble. However, even in this case, it is worth stopping and listening to yourself. Perhaps the subconscious mind suggests that the individual is wasting himself on the wrong things. After all, when a person does what he loves, which brings him only pleasure, the question of how to overcome laziness simply does not arise.

Laziness is also good because it allows you to filter your activities and spend energy only on what is really necessary. Only a truly lazy person understands how much unnecessary stuff people do every day. Is it so vitally important to polish the windows every week? Wouldn’t it be better to read or take a walk during this time?

Well, the fact that laziness is the engine of progress has been said more than once. Most inventions are aimed at making life easier.

With all this, the question of how to overcome laziness day after day does not go away. Laziness is a bad feeling when it interferes with getting an education, improving your body, putting your house in order, and finally looking for a job.

How to deal with manifestations of laziness

How to overcome your laziness? First, turn from an enemy into a friend, and then learn to negotiate. Life is too precious to be wasted in constant struggle. And being able to reach an agreement with yourself is worth a lot. Yes, and sometimes it’s good to be lazy too.

Before you understand how to overcome laziness, you need to understand the reason for this habit. Many people ask the age-old question: why am I too lazy to do something? Moreover, we all understand that laziness is bad, but we are still lazy. This is the cycle. It is important to understand what exactly makes you lazy.

Causes of laziness:

  1. Lack of purpose.
  2. Chronic fatigue.
  3. Not proper nutrition.
  4. Lack of motivation.
  5. Circle of friends.

1. Realistic goals. If there is a goal, then laziness simply retreats. When a person loses meaning in something, he simply goes with the flow without any specific direction. Be guided your own desires and needs, and not imposed by someone from outside. The goal must be yours personally. Silence the annoying, squeaky voice in your head, constantly itching how difficult and impossible all this is. And just like others tried, but were not successful. If the environment keeps telling you: it’s not necessary, it’s not worth it, it won’t work out, then you just shouldn’t pay attention to them.

It is worth proving, first of all, to yourself that everything will work out. You can jump over the bar above your head because someone else set it. Perhaps it's your environment or even society in general. Sometimes the bar is too high. But even if nothing comes of trying to achieve, making an effort already allows you to respect yourself more. Self-esteem changes a person, his life and his environment. There is a goal - move towards it.

Often a goal can seem so big that you want to give up and put it off until the next day, week or month. As a result, if you put it off for a long time, nothing will happen. It’s worth getting a notebook, a notebook, or downloading a special app for your smartphone and breaking your goals down into time periods: a week, a month, a year.

The plan should be as close to reality as possible. Often, having planned a huge number of tasks, it is purely physically impossible to carry them out, as a result of which an emotional decline occurs. A visually clear plan helps to sense the goal. There's no point in panicking if things don't work out. the main objective ahead and you need to continue moving towards it.

Set goals for yourself, achieve them and laziness will not overtake you. And all because you have something to do and you have no time to be lazy.

2. Daily routine. Many people mistakenly consider themselves lazy because throughout the day they are plagued by overwhelming fatigue and reluctance to do anything. This often happens due to lack of sleep and receiving a large amount of information per unit of time. In most cases, lack of sleep is not a consequence of external factors, but solely of the ability to manage your own time.

How often do people waste time sitting in in social networks without thinking that streams of unnecessary information pollute the mind and lead to overwork. Since the work must be completed, the amount of sleep is reduced by an hour, two, or even more. You should try to go to bed and get up at the same time, this is the only way your daily routine will improve and your productivity will increase.

If you get proper rest and sleep, then you won’t be afraid of laziness! Everything is very simple.

3. Nutrition. Your diet should consist of real foods. Less sugar, salt and fat. You should eat foods that will charge your body with energy, minerals and vitamins. If you are full of energy, then it will be much easier for you to get rid of laziness forever. After a heavy, fatty meal, you want to collapse on the sofa, but there is no way to continue working.

plays a huge role in being able to concentrate and not letting laziness take over you. 4. Motivation.

In psychology, there are two types of motivation, such as positive and negative. In most cases, the negative one works stronger and the person wants to get rid of or change something as quickly as possible. Often, a person completes even very boring tasks with great desire if he imagines the reward that awaits him at the end. Unfortunately, not everyone has a dream job and does not appear immediately.

Since no one has canceled the financial component, and everyone needs money, they have to perform duties that do not suit their desires, but such motivation is strong only until the financial tasks are resolved. If you have such a job, you should acquire a hobby. This is a hobby that you won’t mind spending your time on. It is a method of self-expression and a way to break out of life's routine.

If you have tried 2 or even 3 hobbies that did not bring you pleasure, do not despair, continue your search, try and dare. Don’t get hung up on the vicious circle of home-work-home. Displace laziness from your life by doing what you love. 5. Social circle. Surround yourself successful people . Many people don't even realize how much strong influence

Most often, lazy and envious people judge others for what they would like to do or have themselves. But they don't want to. And they won't advise you anything good. So maybe it’s time for you to change your social circle, which is dragging you down, not allowing you to develop and fight laziness. Of course, here everyone makes their own personal decision. But friends should understand and support each other, and not ruin each other's lives. Every person has a moment when he has to choose: change something for the better or continue to go with the flow and be lazy and unpromising. Everyone chooses their own path.

If you are seriously thinking about radically changing your life, go ahead. Laziness aside. It’s worth starting at this very minute, at this second, while the fire is burning, the motivation is strong and the incentive has not left. When you achieve small goals, don’t forget why you started it all. Remember that the main goal has not yet been achieved. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Get ready to take action now. Even if you don’t succeed right away and you again feel that laziness has attacked you, do not despair. Anyone can get rid of laziness once and for all. You just need to be patient and not give up.

Good luck to you in your endeavors. And remember, your most main enemy on the way to

If you don’t know how to overcome laziness, then this article is for you. In it, I will present to you eight steps to stop being lazy and start taking action right now.

At the beginning of the article, I will talk about why laziness is necessary for our body and brain, and then I will present motivating methods aimed at overcoming laziness. If you are lazy, you can go straight from the content to ways to overcome it, but if you are serious, then read from beginning to end.

Why does the body need laziness?

Our brain always strives to store and conserve energy, this is its main function. Therefore, when you set yourself the goal of “learning English” or “start playing sports,” your unconscious begins to give you thoughts about why you shouldn’t do this. This is how it strives to preserve mental and physical energy.

Laziness is the body’s way of saving strength by leaving everything as it is, without changing the conditions of existence. It turns out that we need laziness just like water and air; it is one of the most important mechanisms of our body’s functioning.

But if laziness is so necessary for us, then how can we overcome it? And is this even possible?

Yes, it's possible. There is a technique that will allow you to deceive your wise unconscious and begin to act contrary to its desire to leave everything as it is. Read on.

How to overcome laziness and change your life - 8 simple techniques:

I present to you eight best options how to overcome laziness and apathy. Having applied them all, without exception, you will eagerly take action, and you will forget about laziness once and for all.

Trick #1: Trick the Subconscious

You already know that laziness is a mechanism for protecting the body, promoting energy storage. In order to overcome laziness, you will have to deceive your own unconscious, pretending that you are not going to make global changes.

For example, let's say you want to start running in the morning. To save energy, your subconscious will be lazy, saying: “We lived perfectly well without stupid running, why do we suddenly need it now? We already have a good life, we don’t need to change anything! Let’s sleep for another hour, as usual!” In response to this, tell your brain that you are not going to go for a run, but just want to get up early. There is nothing complicated or global about this. No one has ever died from waking up early. After your morning routine, put on your sportswear. Tell your brain it doesn't mean anything. Just dressed differently than usual.

The next small step is to leave the house. Nothing serious. And now you are running. Great, right? But you have only taken a few small, effortless steps.

Do this whenever you want to overcome laziness. Divide your goal into a thousand tiny steps that do not pose a threat to the body's energy resources. It may not work out right away. One day you will only get to the point of putting on your sports uniform. On another day, just force yourself to get up early. But gradually, time after time, you will start running, and over time, running in the morning will enter your comfort zone.

Technique #2: Motivation “from”

Let's talk about motivation. There are only two types of it: motivation to avoid failure and motivation to achieve success. Simply put, they can be called “from” motivation and “for” motivation. Let's start with the first one. “From” motivation motivates you to take action by thinking about what bad things could happen if you sit still.

For example, if you are a sales manager, then if you fail to find buyers, you will be left with almost no salary this month. In other words, the “from” motivation for a sales manager is the lack of a large salary and, as a result, the inability to buy something important and necessary. In order to overcome laziness, it is important to develop motivation “from” in a large number of points. For example, if you are a sales manager, expand the lack of a large salary into “inability to buy a bicycle,” “inability to save for a car,” “dissatisfaction with the boss,” “dismissal,” etc.

This list will perfectly motivate you to commit necessary actions and get what you want.

Most people are stimulated to action by the “from” motivation. But there is also a “for” motivation, focused on those for whom the goal to which they are going is most important.

Technique #3: Motivation “for”

The “for” motivation or the motivation to achieve success is suitable for those who are desperate to achieve their goal. To “turn on” this type of motivation, the following technique will help you. Take a marker and a large piece of paper. Ideally, whatman paper. Draw a large circle the size of your paper and inside it, in the middle, a small circle. In the inner circle, write your goal. (If you don't know how to correctly formulate a goal, read).

Draw many lines from a small circle to a large one, similar to the rays of the sun. Write between the rays the answers to next questions: “What will be possible once I have achieved this goal? What will change in my life? What good will come of it when I achieve my goal? What changes will happen?

There should be as many rays as possible, and, accordingly, too, answers. These responses are called “after effects” of your goal. This is the good thing that will happen to you when you achieve what you want. Post-effects perfectly motivate you to achieve your goal and help you overcome laziness. For example, if your goal is: “I speak English fluently.” English language by October 2022", then the post-effects could be as follows:

  1. I read books by American and English authors in the original
  2. I travel to all countries of the world and communicate easily and freely with local residents
  3. I watch my favorite films and TV series in the original
  4. I have the opportunity to work with untranslated programs and sites
  5. My memory has become many times better, it’s easy for me to remember everything new

And so on. Write only those post-effects that lift your spirits and that are important to you. Try to complete the task on a large Whatman paper and hang it in a visible place. The more often you see your post-effects and think about them, the more charged you are to achieve what you want and the easier it is to overcome laziness.

Technique #4: “80 Years” Technique

Sit comfortably and get ready to perform the following technique. Close your eyes. Imagine that you are approaching a mirror (don’t approach, just imagine). You are eighty years old. Your life is coming to an end. Imagine this moment in two versions. In the first option, you remain a lazy person and have not changed anything in your life. You have read this article, but have not applied any of the techniques suggested in it. How was your life then? You are happy? Do you have anything to remember? Is there anything you would like to change? Imagine all this in detail, in the form of pictures, videos, sensations and sounds. Feel that all this has already happened.

In the second option, imagine again that at eighty years old you are approaching a mirror. In this second option, after reading this article, you have used all the strategies described in it, learned to overcome your laziness and achieve your goals. How was your life then? Were you satisfied with it? Have you achieved anything significant? Slowly scroll through your entire life in vibrant colors. After you do this technique, make a decision. Which option do you choose: first or second? How would you like to live your life? How you live it depends on the small step you take now.

Technique #5: Learn to live now

The basis of laziness is the feeling that life will last for a very long time, if not forever. When you are lazy, you subconsciously think that you still have a lot of time.

It is also important to add that laziness never comes alone. As a rule, it is accompanied by fears and doubts, thoughts that the task is too difficult, nothing will work out and you won’t be able to cope. Also, laziness may actually be based on subconscious beliefs from childhood, such as “you’re worthless,” “you’ve never succeeded in anything, and you won’t succeed now,” “your hands are growing out of the same place,” “not with your face.” , “not with your brains”, “not in your city” and... insert your own.

The key to overcoming laziness is to first identify those fears, doubts and beliefs and keep your head clear and your thoughts conscious. The second key to getting rid of laziness is to stop thinking that life is eternal, to stop being afraid of death and to accept your own finitude, to look death in the face and accept that it may well come tomorrow. This will help you learn to live for today and take the most active position in life today and every day.

How can you identify your beliefs and fears and learn to live for today? In order for you to succeed, I wrote a book. After reading it, you will be able to realize your deepest beliefs and change them, stop procrastinating, unlearn how to live in a world where something does not suit you, and begin to change everything that you would like to change. And also learn to live in today. Getting rid of laziness in in this case would be a natural bonus.

Technique #6: “Target attracted by magnet” technique

One of the most powerful methods of motivation is a strong desire. If your eyes light up at the thought of a goal, and your body literally trembles at the mere mention of it, laziness will have no chance. Do you already have a goal that you really want to achieve? If not, definitely.

Once the goal is ready, create a strong determination in yourself to achieve it by using the following technique. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Imagine that you have already achieved your goal. Associate with the target (look at it from the first person, not from the outside). If your goal is, for example, a black Mercedes of the latest model, then imagine how you buy it (or give it to you). Consider this moment in bright colors from the first person. How and where it happens, how much it costs, what each detail looks like. Imagine that you are sitting in it. What sensations arise? How do you feel about the seat material, is the steering wheel comfortable, are the pedals located in the right places? Or maybe they are too close or too far? In this case, adjust the seat.
What is the smell in the car? What sounds do you hear?

Start the car, check the air conditioning, open and close the windows. Hear all these sounds. Imagine in vivid detail driving somewhere, parking, and then driving somewhere else. I think you understand the essence of the task. The same can and should be done with any of your goals. Be it “make peace with your wife,” “meet a man for a serious relationship,” or “write a book.” Associate with the goal, imagine in the first person that you have already achieved it. Engage with all your senses in the process. Listen to your goal, what does it sound like? Look at her, what does she look like? Touch it, what does it feel like? Smell your desire, what does it smell like? Feel it with every fiber of your soul. The proposed method helps to include your “wants”.

The brighter and more colorful you imagine your goal, the more senses you can activate, the more you will motivate yourself. And the faster the notorious laziness will weaken or even disappear completely.

Technique #7: Regularity

Absolutely everyone has laziness as a mechanism to protect the body. But everyone has it in different proportions. The less often we leave our comfort zone, the more susceptible we are to feelings of laziness. And vice versa, the more we grow and develop, the weaker and less our laziness is. It looks like vicious circle. But the good news is that it can be broken. This can be done using willpower or deception of the subconscious (remember technique #1). Thus, if you begin to divide your goals into the smallest steps that do not require energy expenditure, you will begin to do more, and accordingly, you will have more energy. As we already said, the more you do, the weaker your defensive reactions laziness.

In order for this wonderful theory to come true in your life, it is important to follow one rule - regularity. You need to take small steps towards your goals every day in order to weaken the defense mechanism of laziness. In the absence of regularity, laziness will increase in size again and again. Only daily small steps will make laziness invisible to the eye. If you are constantly in action, laziness will shrink to microscopic size, and over time you will completely forget that you ever had it.

How to develop regularity? The motivating exercises presented in the article will help you with this, as well as a daily plan, self-discipline and willpower. And don’t forget, if you’re lazy, it means your goal is simply too global for at this moment. Take the smallest step. Then another very small one. And ten more just as tiny. And now - your goal has been achieved. The subconscious is deceived, and laziness is overcome. You are well done!

Technique #8: Understand the root cause and eradicate it

There is always something else behind laziness - it could be fear, unconscious benefits of not doing what you are “too lazy” to do, hormonal imbalances, anxiety, lack of vitamins or microelements, psychological defenses. Laziness itself is a consequence, a surface, that part of the iceberg that floats above the water. The rest of it, the one that is not visible, is most often unconscious, and in most cases a specialist is needed to understand it and understand it.

I am a psychologist and provide consultations via Skype. Together with you in consultation, we will be able to understand what is the real reason for your laziness, and how it can be changed. you can find more information to get to know me better.

You can get acquainted with the cost of services and the work scheme. You can read or leave reviews about me and my work.

On one side of the scale lies fear - on the other there is always freedom!


Congratulations, now you know much better how to overcome laziness and apathy. Let's summarize:

  • Laziness is a protective resource of the body that promotes energy storage. In order to “deceive” your subconscious and start taking action, you need to move in small steps
  • Most people respond well to failure-avoidance or "from" motivations. Motivate yourself in this way by finding as many bad things as possible that could happen if you continue to be lazy and never start moving towards your goal.
  • Schematically draw a sun on whatman paper, with your goal in the center, and between the rays the so-called “post-effects” - the good things that will happen to you if you achieve what you want

  • Imagine going to the mirror and seeing that you are eighty years old. Imagine two cases: how you didn’t change anything and, having finished reading this article, forgot about it; and how you decided to overcome laziness and change your life by applying all the techniques suggested in the article. After completing this technique, make a decision: which of the two ways do you prefer to live your life?
  • Motivate yourself strong desire achieve the goal. To do this, imagine how you have already achieved it and turn on all your senses. Attract your goal, make your desire stronger
  • Maintain regularity. Take small steps every day towards your goal, this is the only way to weaken the defense mechanism of laziness. Remember, the more often a person leaves his comfort zone, the less often laziness makes itself felt.
  • In order to understand the reason for your laziness, you can contact me for psychological advice.

And don’t forget to download my book “From Victim to Hero: The Path strong man", with which you can identify real reasons of your laziness. You will identify what you are afraid of and why you are putting it off, and take the position of a strong person: one who does not complain, but immediately changes everything that does not suit him in life. You can purchase the book and read the description.

If you need individual work To overcome laziness and start acting, you can contact me for psychological help. We'll break down where your laziness comes from and how to overcome it. I will be happy to help you forget about laziness and turn on the mechanism of achievement.

How to overcome laziness

There is no point in introducing your readers to laziness, because every person has it. The question often arises of how to overcome laziness, but the answer cannot be found. This time the article is devoted to 11 effective tips on how to overcome laziness, and we will also talk about the Kaizen method. Getting rid of the harmful influence of laziness on your own is not an easy task, and therefore we will try to clearly explain everything in simple words.

Laziness can influence not only our lives and careers, but also the harmony in relationships, which we wrote about recently. Often, due to laziness, people cannot make their dreams come true, and a person can never finish the work he has started. As a result, they miss out on many opportunities that life gives them. Even at the everyday level, the harmful effects of laziness are noticeable: the inability to take care of one’s body, health, and even simply quit smoking. The time has come not only to learn how to overcome laziness, but also to say goodbye to it forever.

Most likely, a person is aware of the problem that prevents him from living, but cannot find the strength to overcome laziness. Most of us need not only advice, but also a list step-by-step actions that will help you get rid of your bad habit. We will tell you how to overcome laziness and to do this we will go through a logically compiled list that will help solve the problem that has arisen:

    1. You should start every morning in a cheerful mood. Morning hygiene, comfortable clothes, a cup of coffee, and a walk on the fresh air- These are irreplaceable companions of a good and cheerful mood for the whole day.
    2. First you need to set a goal and find a reason to turn it into reality. Mentally assess the scale of future tasks, as well as the importance of the goal.
    3. To make it easier to achieve your goal, you need to create an action plan for the whole day. Never set yourself impossible tasks, because this will only make it harder to complete them, and everything that happens will irritate you. We recommend writing a to-do list on a piece of paper, and then hanging it in the place where your gaze falls most often. This will be a good reminder and motivation to do the work and will initially help you understand how to overcome laziness in the future.
    4. The first step is always the hardest, but it should be taken by stepping over yourself (we’ll talk about this a little later, namely in the next section). As soon as you start doing what you planned, you will immediately understand that the next steps will be much easier for you.
    5. Avoid monotony in your work. You should alternate classes and learn to combine physical activity with mental activity. This will help not only overcome laziness, but also with good mood continue what you started.
    6. Motivation plays a huge role in how to overcome laziness. For every person, motivation can be anything. The admiration of your changes by loved ones or an increase in income can be a good motivating moment.
    7. Everything should be done only with optimism. Psychologists say that the companion of pessimists is laziness. Lazy people expect only failures from life and they worry about everything forever and for no reason. The truth is that optimists rule the world and pessimists are just spectators.
    8. You always need to be decisive and never give up what you start. It is better to move forward and look for new ways to overcome the difficulties that have arisen than to simply fold your arms and give up everything.
    9. If you personally find it difficult to keep your word to yourself, then try to involve friends or relatives. Let them be the monitoring body that will help monitor the progress and completion of the work. Perhaps this will contribute to the awakening of conscience and will be an excellent impetus for completing the assigned tasks.
    10. When you are tired of everything and laziness begins to prevail over you, then simply do nothing. You will have to sit in a comfortable place and do nothing for some time, and also not change your position. Soon every minute will begin to turn into an eternity, and everything around will move more slowly. Believe me, this will quickly get boring and will become an impetus for further action.
    11. The main rule of active people is to never put things off until tomorrow. Remember that work completed on time is the key to success. Don't waste time on a useless fight against laziness. This approach will only become a hindrance on the path to a happy future and professional growth.

Above, we discussed effective tips on how to overcome laziness, but you probably still have a question, how to take the first step. Indeed, starting any business is one of the most difficult things in life. Every undertaking is given to a person with great difficulty, and therefore there is a Kaizen method. It was invented in Japan and, unfortunately, is not very popular in the West. This is due to the fact that the West tends to think differently. Europeans argue that a person needs to work extremely hard and apply an incredible amount of strength to do the job. But the meaning of the Kaizen technique sounds completely different, and in another way it is called the one-minute principle.

It all begins at the moment when a person decides to instill a habit, but cannot decide to take the first step. By the way, we already wrote about it in the article, so you can read about it. The essence of the technique is that a person begins to do a new activity every day and, most importantly, at the same time, but only for one minute. This is what the Kaizen principle sounds like. For example, if you decide to do exercises in the morning, then you only have one minute to do this. It turns out that such a short time has a beneficial effect on the brain and a person cannot find excuses for not fulfilling his plans. If you start charging for 30 minutes, then there is a greater chance that this idea will fail than charging for one minute.

The same amount of time will create a cycle of action and this will help instill a useful habit. This technique can be used not only in improving the health of the body, but also in life in general.

On a moral level, it is easier for every person to take small steps towards achieving their big goals and not put too much strain on themselves. Soon these tiny attempts turn into colossal changes not only in a person’s consciousness, but also in his life. This path of self-improvement is suitable for most people. Using the technique, you can improve your health, business, and personal life. Minimal labor costs allow you to perform any action and easily go towards your dream. After completing minute tasks, most people lose negative attitude to the set goals. Every day it becomes more familiar and easier to do the necessary actions. As a result of such manipulations, a person forgets about the problem of how to overcome laziness and his life is filled with new useful habits.


So our article has come to its logical conclusion and now every reader will have the opportunity to defeat laziness. Use the recommendations and Kaizen method to get rid of manifestations of laziness. We are sure that after reading the article you will no longer have the desire to look for an answer to the question of how to overcome laziness. How more people tries to fight his negative qualities, the better his life becomes. Believe me, taking the first step is hard, but now you understand that it is real. We wish our readers that all their efforts will be rewarded as they deserve. Make your dreams come true and achieve your goals. Perhaps you have a couple practical advice, how to overcome laziness, then write everything in the comments.

Thank you for reading the article to the end and do not forget to share the information on social networks, because it is not difficult for you, but it is pleasant for us.

Lately, I have been receiving frequent stories in the style of “I know the reason for my apathy, but I can’t do anything about it.” And what’s surprising is that I don’t hear bitterness or a strong intention to understand “how to change this” in these messages. Rather, it sounds like a challenge. Affirmation of one’s uniqueness, because no one understands the reasons for their suffering (as if), but this person sees everything perfectly.

In fact, everything is exactly the opposite. If you see “shoals” that are hindering your development, but you cannot do anything about them, then you are no different from the general mass of the population. You are a typical representative.

Sometimes recognizing yourself as part of something infinitely gray is very useful in order to never remain in this state again and constantly move forward.

Any adequate person understands what needs to be done to prevent his apathy and knows the reasons that lead him to this state, but only a few are able to change their own habits and daily actions.

People are looking for new information, new techniques and nugget authors, while the real solution is to do the simplest actions that you know from childhood. Sometimes to do this you have to find yourself in a situation where you can’t help but do it... But that’s a different story.

How to overcome your laziness?

To begin with, it is useful to understand that laziness does not exist. Yes, you heard right, and I didn’t “pee myself”: there is no such thing as laziness. Therefore, any attempt to fight laziness is more like fighting windmills.

Don't want to do your chosen business? Don't feel like getting up in the morning? Are you constantly late? Don't finish things? Are you giving up? Can't bring yourself to do it? Losing enthusiasm?

These are effects, not causes.

Laziness does not exist, but the following states are quite real::

  • Not loving what you do;
  • Energy decline;
  • Lack of a current goal and, as a result, energy stagnation;
  • Lack of a large-scale vision and, as a result, a lack of understanding “why do I need it?”

Each of these phenomena has symptoms that we are used to calling laziness - you don’t want to do it and give up, but they can be treated absolutely by different means . Having a job you don't like, for example, is fundamentally different from not having a big vision. In the first case, you need to change your activity, in the second, stay in your business, but aim for more.

Treat the cause and the symptoms will go away on their own - this is a universal law of nature. And vice versa - an attempt to fight the consequences gives only a short-term effect. You can drink aspirin as much as you want for idle entertainment, go on vacation, lose yourself in alcohol, substances or yoga retreats, but all this will only give short-term joyful respites, the total boredom of life and laziness will always return to the daily process and each time more and more often and more often, while the reasons remain inside you.

“I can’t get up early in the morning,” they tell me.

- But if tomorrow you have to trip around the world in a team of like-minded people, where throughout the year you will have to get up early in the morning - then how? Will you go? Will you get up? (And you will be happy about it if such a trip is what you dreamed of)

How to cure the true causes of laziness and live in drive?

I will consider each of the conditions separately.

1. Laziness as a result of doing something you don’t like

An unloved activity, a meaningless task, stupid actions or actions that contradict your internal norms do not just cause laziness, but turn on internal blocking. Hands literally do not go up, and this is directly proportional to your awakening. The higher your awareness, the more difficult it is for you to live without meaning.

—What is the meaning of a conscious life? — The meaning of life is to choose your own meaning and follow it


It is not enough to abandon generally accepted norms. It’s not enough to “pick up and quit” - you need to choose your own business, your own meaning and surrender to it, otherwise you will find out that limbo is no better than the framework of society.

I receive another type of email with consistent consistency. Topic: “I left with unloved job. I am a hero". In this case I always want to answer:

“My friend, you will become a hero when you find a cause that is close in spirit and have enough patience to follow it.”

The very fact that you left an unloved activity will not save you from laziness and other apathetic states. At this moment the most difficult thing will begin: to understand that it is impossible to find yourself, you can only create yourself and it is impossible to find your own business, but you can choose what you like and start this d-e-l-a-t-t. And do it with soul.

People are afraid to invest their souls. They are afraid to give. First, they want to be loved or for the work to somehow immediately fill them, and only then are they ready to give. But in the future it doesn’t work that way. Nature clearly shows us:

In the spring you sow, in the autumn you reap.

Those who do not sow or who do not have the patience to care for their seedlings until autumn reap nothing. They literally speak to the world in this language:

- Dear garden, first give me a sweet and tasty strawberry, and then I will plant it and weed it.

- Dear world, first give me what I love, which inspires and fills me, and then I will do it with my soul.

And what should the world do with such neglected cases? How do you tell him to respond to this? Here are the symptoms of suffering and laziness, so that you think about it and go away to be treated for infantility.

Calm love for the work (which has nothing to do with instant euphoria) sometimes comes over time, along with the first results, when one has overcome one’s own fears and new horizons of possibilities open up.

2. Laziness as a consequence of energy decline

An energy decline is a completely different cause of symptoms of laziness and can appear even in the most pleasant process. You are tired, overworked, your strength has begun to wane, your hands give up, you begin to think: “Did I choose the right thing?”, the pangs of creativity and other self-torture appear, while you just need to rest, restore strength and the circulation of energy in your physical body. body

The first thing that is important to understand is that there can be an energy decline even in the most beloved process, and this does not mean that you need to give up everything and rush into a new business in the hope that there will be one “solid love”.

Reasons for the decline? Fatigue, both moral and physical. The solution is rest and reboot. Here it is important to understand what affects our tone.

If you diagnose yourself with an energy slump, the first thing to do is to restore your strength through rest and not make any decisions while in this state. And then your task is to reduce such declines to a minimum - that is, to introduce sports, healthy fun and proper nutrition into your daily diet.

3. Laziness as a consequence of the lack of a current goal

Standing water goes out. That says it all.

The same thing happens with your energy: when it does not have a clearly directed channel, it simply stagnates inside, causing all these unpleasant states - you want to sleep when you are not tired, you want to eat when you are not hungry, and the like. It's very disgusting, but you get used to it.

Unused muscles atrophy, and then enormous work is required to move them and return them to tone. The same goes for your inner strength, which, without use, begins to smell stinky. Of course, in this state you are lazy a lot. Still would.

Here everything depends on the level of neglect of the situation, but in a global sense there will always be one way out - a bright goal that will stir your being. Moreover, it is the current goal that you can start moving towards now, and not sometime later. After all, now this is all we have.

Those who spend their whole lives waiting for a big and great goal that will blow their minds are like a doomed 30-year-old virgin waiting for a prince. Guys, first reach with your feet any goal, no matter how small. And then aim for more. It's an uphill climb. A fascinating journey, by the way.

Many people have a dream that can be fulfilled before the end of the week, and they make it a lifelong dream.

Lose weight. Earn a million (rubles to start). Look around the world - tickets to New York are cheaper than to Kamchatka. Open your own business. Crochet a cover for a Mercedes. Do something and see it through. This is the only way to learn from your own practice that everything in this life is real and simpler than it seems.

4. Laziness as a consequence of the lack of a large-scale vision

There is a whole material on this topic - read it. The bottom line is that if you are doing something that interests you, and you are progressing in it quickly enough - you earn your first money, get your first recognition, and so on, then you simply need a large-scale vision to continue to develop.

You've grown out of your child's pants, it's time to grow up and it's time to update your own goals. If earlier buying a car and 100,000 rubles a month seemed like “wow” to you, then when you get it, it becomes extremely obvious how little it is. Yes, it’s precisely little and not enough for anything. You can, of course, focus on “getting rid of the ego and the desires it generates,” or you can admit that achieving goals is a great catalyst for inner growth, which your being so desperately demands (and will demand throughout your life - this is our nature).

Large-scale vision helps to see the meaning in the daily routine and overcome it happily:

Routine will never go away. It can be minimized, outsourced, automated, but it will not be possible to completely remove monotonous actions from your life. And it's not necessary. The person himself will change. Possessing a large-scale vision of his life, with current tasks, even boring and uninteresting, he will cope effortlessly, continuing to feel the taste of life

But if there is no such vision, then a person with inner scope and ambition becomes uninterested, and daily laziness begins to overcome him. It is useless to amuse yourself here, even sports will not help, you need a global, big and bright goal to awaken your appetite and taste for life.

To summarize, it is impossible to overcome laziness, and it is not necessary; you need to solve what caused it. Moreover, decide as early as possible so as not to start this mental illness and not get used to living without colors.

Olesya Vlasova

P.S. Friends, for 5 years now we have been conducting retreats, expeditions and mountain treks in different parts of Asia. The goal of our programs is to free the mind and body from tension, restore strength and start the rhythm of conscious changes for the better. Our tools are yoga, meditation, freediving, the practice of silence, the right atmosphere for a full transition and the good company of like-minded people. If you were looking for a place where you can fully switch and qualitatively rethink the current “settings” - we are nearby.

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