What types of indoor arches are there? How to choose the color of a door or arch? Options for the arch-portal device

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IN last years Arches between the kitchen and the room are becoming fashionable. It is stylish, beautiful and functional: an arched opening allows you to make the room visually more spacious, adds light and air.

Many design solutions allow you to choose the right arch for any interior. In addition, the arch is easy to install yourself - a significant bonus for those who want to do the repairs themselves.

How to design an arch in the kitchen: highlights

When deciding to decorate a kitchen without a door, you need to remember that the arch must fit perfectly with the main design. Otherwise, it may seem ridiculous and ruin the impression of the design.

Much depends on the style of the room: it is better to choose wooden or plasterboard models with stucco.

At the same time for modern kitchen style or we recommend using plastic, stone or painted drywall.

  • If you are placing an arch between the kitchen and living room, make sure that the kitchen area has a powerful enough hood. Otherwise, the smells of cooking food will easily pass into the room.
  • For small rooms It’s better to limit yourself to a semi-arch with a minimum decorative elements.
  • A decorative arch looks good in high rooms - if the ceilings are below three meters, it is still better to stick with a regular door.
  • If you are placing an arch between the kitchen and the hallway, think carefully about the lighting. Often for narrow corridor and kitchens are selected different types placement of lamps.
  • Make sure that the rooms connected by the arch are made in the same style - otherwise the overall look may look ridiculous.

Why are arches needed?

In addition to purely aesthetic properties, arches are often placed because of their functional features:

  • The arch serves additional source Sveta;
  • On Not large kitchens, where every square centimeter is valuable, decorative arch allows you to save precious space;
  • The arch prevents air from stagnating and allows you to ventilate the kitchen faster;
  • In the studio apartment there is an arch - great way zone the premises without remodeling them;
  • Modern arches look very stylish, serving as a decorative element;
  • Even a typical layout using an arch looks unusual.

However, we should not forget about the disadvantages of arches: they allow odors and noise to pass through, and require maintaining perfect order in the kitchen area. Because of these shortcomings, opponents of arches argue that it is more convenient to install a regular door.

Which is better - a door or an arch?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the detailed table to draw your own conclusions.

VentilationThe arch prevents air from stagnating in the kitchen, but it does not prevent odors from spreading throughout the apartment.A tight door requires a good exhaust hood, but helps to completely avoid odors in other rooms.
Noise insulationIt does not control noise, so it is not suitable for apartments with children.A quality door can significantly reduce noise levels.
ErgonomicsThe arched opening does not take up space.The door frame takes up to 20 centimeters of usable space.
Operating restrictionsNot allowed in kitchens with gas stoves.There are no restrictions.
Visual propertiesMakes the room appear larger and taller.Depends on the model.

Important! To install the arch, be sure to completely remove the entire doorway. This means that you will face lengthy and “dirty” repair work.

As you can see, it is impossible to give a clear answer. It all depends on your preferences. Therefore, we advise you to carefully consider the moment of installing the arch and, if you decide that the pros outweigh the cons, move on to the next section.

Types of arches

An important aspect of the choice is the shape of the arch to the kitchen. It can either visually make the room more spacious or narrow it, ruining the entire design idea. Therefore, we recommend studying the popular types of arches so as not to make mistakes when designing.

The most popular type is the classic Romanesque, also known as semicircular arch. Thanks to its soft curve, it fits perfectly into the design of small spaces, for example, a kitchen combined with a corridor.

Another advantage is the ability to install the arch directly on the doorway, without dismantling it.

Wide Romanesque arches are ideal for studio apartments and spacious kitchens combined with living rooms.

Luchkovaya (English) arch With sharp corners at the base of the arc it is more often used for wide openings. her slightly Not correct form serves additional element decor and looks good in large kitchens. See the photo for examples of such arches.

Semi-ellipse shape- a real find for those who want to place a small arch. It visually makes the opening wider and the room larger. It is good to place such arches in - the kitchen will seem much more spacious.

And here trapezoidal arch will not look good in a small kitchen - it needs space. A complex shape looks great in spacious rooms, but it visually narrows small ones. Therefore, they are more often used in private homes.

Rectangular arches are perfect for kitchens in Khrushchev-era apartments - they look great in any size, and due to the simplicity of their shape they do not take up space.

How to decorate an arch in the kitchen

However, the correct form is not everything. Much depends on how you design the arched opening. What to make an arch from, how and what to decorate it with - these issues are best resolved at the design project stage. Let's look at the most popular materials for decorating kitchen arches.

Most often, modern designers use drywall. An inexpensive material that can take on any shape and color - an ideal solution for decorating interior arches. It is quite easy to install and lasts up to fifteen years.

One of the disadvantages of drywall is its low strength. However, the visual properties and low price compensate for this deficiency.

Less commonly installed arches made of stone or wood. Such designs are much more expensive and require special knowledge and experience. They look impressive, but they are not suitable for every apartment - it is unlikely that masonry or an arch to the kitchen with bricks will look good in a small Khrushchev-era building.

Another fashionable material - plastic. It will cost more than drywall, but is much stronger and easier to maintain. Plastic arches are now used even in classic designs - the correct coloring allows them to be disguised as any material.

How to close the arch?

Even if you decide to combine a room or corridor with a kitchen using an arch, you may need to temporarily close it. In this case, you have several options.

The most popular are regular curtains. Choose the type that suits your interior. However, curtains are not very practical - the fabric absorbs odors and therefore requires constant washing.

Plastic or wooden blinds, vertical or horizontal, are more functional. Depending on their shape, they can visually make the room taller or wider, and when folded they are almost invisible.

An alternative option is roller or Roman blinds, which fold into a small compact roller and, if necessary, unfold.

A fashionable technique is glazing the arch. Sliding glass panels if necessary, they act as a door, closing the arch.

Advice! Such panels are suitable if you want to install an arch in the kitchen with gas stove. Nominally they can be considered a door.

How to make an arch yourself

One of the advantages of arched openings is the ability to install the arch yourself, without resorting to the services of a specialist. We offer you step-by-step instructions that clearly explain how to make an arch instead of a door.

Important! If you are doing this for the first time, it is better to start working with plasterboard arches. Stone, wood and plastic are much more difficult to install.

First, decide on the form. If you are not confident in your abilities, choose a standard semicircular or rectangular arch.

You will need:

  • Screwdriver;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Hammer;
  • Hacksaw for metal;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Wooden ruler;
  • Pencil;
  • Engineering compass.

In addition, it is necessary to purchase materials in advance:

  • Plasterboard sheets are 12.5 millimeters thick. They will go to the frame of the arch;
  • A strip of arched plasterboard sheet for the end of the arch;
  • Metal profiles;
  • Self-tapping screws and dowels;
  • Primer and putty;
  • Finishing putty and, if necessary, paint.

Once you are sure you have everything you need, get to work. First, dismantle old door and box If you want to widen the opening, do it with a wall saw.

Important! The thickness of the walls must be at least 20 centimeters! Otherwise, the extension is not allowed.

  1. Proceed to fasten the arched frame. To do this, use a metal knife to divide the profile into three parts in the following ratio: 1 part should be equal to the width of the opening, two parts should be equal to the height of the planned arch.
  2. We fix the longest profile in highest point niches, the rest - on the walls. We install the frame on the other side of the arch in the same way.
  3. Mount the profiles with an indentation equal to the thickness of the plasterboard sheet. The fastening step is 10-12 centimeters.
  4. Make a template of your arch on whatman paper. Use an engineering compass for rounded shapes. Cut out the template, then cut the drywall according to it.
  5. Important: Make sure that all parts are symmetrical, otherwise the arch will turn out uneven.
  6. Use a jigsaw or hacksaw to cut drywall.
  7. Proceed directly to installation. Using self-tapping screws, install the elements of your future arch, regularly checking whether they are symmetrical in level. If at any moment you notice an error, straighten the arch.
  8. Make the base for the end from the profiles. Measure required length(taking into account the bend!), and then cut the sides of the profile at intervals of 2-5 centimeters, depending on the desired level of bend.
  9. Carefully cut out the end strip required sizes. Fasten it to the profiles, gradually giving the desired bend.
  10. Your arch is almost ready! All you need to do is level it and putty it. If you wish, you can paint or decorate the arch at your discretion.

How to make an arch in the kitchen with your own hands (video)

Video from step by step instructions How to make a plasterboard arch with your own hands.

Arch to the kitchen (real photo examples)

Dear readers of this article, we - the Arki-Everything company and I personally, the manager of arches and battery screens - want to enlighten you about which arches are best to buy, and which ones it is better to abstain from altogether.

And I am writing this article not because I offer or do not offer this or that product, but because I am tired of hearing from people about their problems.

People who call me and ask if our specialists will install the arch they bought in the store, to which I always have to refuse.

You will ask why? Our specialists have received a certain negative experience

, associated with the installation of such arches in customer openings. They tried to install these products, but on site it was discovered that the opening and the arch did not correspond to each other geometrically.

In addition, the boxes that were packaging for the arch often lacked parts that should have been there. It even happened that the dimensions of the width, height and depth of the interior arch in reality differed from those stated on the packaging, according to which this arch was actually purchased. Another feature of ready-made arches, usually purchased by citizens in shopping malls, is that they can only be installed using nails or screws.- this is what customers are often promised to send a master installer from the store, but in reality people wait for weeks for him, and then their patience runs out and the client, deceived by his hopes, begins calling all sorts of companies in order to find an acceptable option for inviting a master to install his arch.

After the client finds out that installing his arch will cost more than the arch purchased in the store, there is a strong desire to deal with those who promised the customers to send them an installer. According to information from clients reported to our managers, it turns out that sometimes the punctuation between the client and the store lasts for months. Therefore, please take the above information into account when making your purchasing decision. similar types


Did you know that from time to time companies dealing with interior arches receive calls from citizens who have previously installed “shop” arches made of MDF, fiberboard or chipboard in their openings, and clients ask to dismantle their old arches and install a wooden arch in the opening , because the previous arch has lost its attractiveness or, for example, has become swollen. One client told me over the phone that there was a leak from the neighbors above after some incident with their washing machine

, besides, there was not a lot of water. But, according to the customer, his two arches swelled from water right before his eyes and completely lost all their attractiveness.

In general, it should be noted that clients do not particularly hold on to such cheap ready-made arches purchased at retail outlets, because... over time, they begin to understand, looking at them every day, that their color is not quite the one we would like, and even their appearance... Our arches, made to order from beech or oak, are specially tinted in the color previously agreed upon with the client. Wooden arches, as practice has shown, have a very long service life, which is even difficult to determine, because wooden arches still stand and stand. If we consider products such as screens for radiators, they differ from arches in that they are exposed to significant temperature effects at the height of the heating season., such as formaldehyde. Therefore, the use of non-wooden screens on heating radiators may be associated with a risk of deterioration in human health. For this reason, installation of protective screens on radiators made of the above materials in institutions such as kindergartens, hospitals, etc. sanitary standards


In general, from my personal point of view, the example of arches and screens for radiators shows us all the well-known thesis that it is better to buy an expensive, high-quality item once than to repeatedly change cheap products one after another that do not cause spiritual satisfaction and satisfaction in the owners’ souls. feelings of harmony. However, apparently, the mountains of garbage of all kinds on our planet show that not everyone still adheres to the above view. At least all the employees of our company "Arki-Everything" are making every effort to ensure that you do not want to send it to the trash soon after installing our product. I believe it has great importance

for everyone, when the seller of any kind of product would objectively explain the advantages and features

various options
products - then. Most likely, high-quality, beautiful and durable items would be more widely distributed, and customers would be more satisfied with the purchased products.
Moreover, our beloved mother, the Earth, would not groan under countless mountains of garbage.
Therefore, I urge everyone, before purchasing this or that product, to listen carefully to your inner voice and make the truly right decision.
I’ll end with an excerpt from a classic (Omar Khayyam):

To live your life wisely, you need to know a lot,

Remember two important rules to get started:

You'd rather starve than eat anything

And it’s better to be alone than with just anyone. In modern interior design, original architectural structures of the thousand-year-old civilization of the Ancient East are very popular. They are called interior arches. Not so long ago, arches were considered to cover openings in the wall, spans between column supports. Currently, these smooth curves serve more of a decorative function. to adjacent rooms. Passive – characterized in the form of boundaries.

When choosing interior arches for your apartment, the consumer is looking for structures of a certain shape. In most cases, they are distinguished by the upper part of the arch. Considering the variety of existing models, the most common ones should be highlighted:

  • Roman classical arches externally they have a semicircular shape, which harmoniously complements the different styles of the interior. The recommended ceiling height when installing such structures should be at least three meters. For the interior of apartments with a standard height, arches with a classic vault shape are not suitable. Ideal material for classic forms - wood and stone.
  • Rocker shaped arch– very original form, made for openings different sizes. This type of design is also considered a classic option.

  • "Romance", also called the Slavic arch, has rounded corners with a straight central part. This shape design is popular and recommended for wide doorways. Considering that the radius of the curvature of the arch can be different, you can use design options of any height.
  • Form "Modern" is a regular ellipse. The building is a prototype classic shape arches, only more “flattened” downwards. This option is suitable for decorating a balcony and kitchen opening.
  • British uniform has a significantly elongated part of the arch. Having the property of visually extending the height of the room, these structures are ideal for rooms with low ceilings.

  • Trapezoid shape– a real find for decorating office interiors that do not have a special style.
  • "Portal" is a simple construction. To install this structure, preliminary preparation of the opening is not necessary. The finished rectangular portal is installed in rooms where vertical and floor-parallel lines predominate. Such structures will look good in houses made of logs, giving the interior a rustic warmth. Portal-shaped arches in a wavy or polygonal configuration look interesting.
  • Thai half arch is a combination of a portal and an ellipse. Outwardly it looks like a semicircle, rounding on one side. With the help of such arched vaults, the interior will look more modernized.

  • Eastern arch resembles the structures that decorated the interiors of the palaces of the Mediterranean sultans and wealthy members of the court. For such a structure, it is necessary to design the entire interior down to the smallest elements.
  • Gothic form The arch has a characteristic pointed vault. To include them in the interior, rooms with low ceilings are required. Considerable attention is paid to the decor of these forms, since the sharp arch of the forms will always focus attention. Mosaics, decorative stones, and ceramics will make Gothic arches a luxurious interior decoration.

Interior structures serve not only as decoration, but also as a functional element of the interior. For a room with a wide arched vault, it is possible to select structures with various overlays: side shelves or spacious shelving. Arches with a built-in table or a bar counter are perfect for arranging a kitchen-dining room or living room. Such structures will successfully divide the room into functional zones and act as their auxiliary part.

Depending on the type of construction, you can always find standard and prefabricated arches on the consumer market. Prefabricated ones consist of more than three parts and are installed using fasteners. These designs are more stable and practical due to removable parts. If desired, prefabricated arches can be easily replaced with new designs.

How to choose?

Interior arched openings act instead of an entrance partition, in the form of a transition from a room to another room, for zoning and delimiting the room into separate functional parts. The choice is possible thanks to the variety of types and shapes, sizes and colors, styles and decorative elements. Today in specialized stores you can choose interior structures from classic rectangular structures to unusual forms of art design. So there will be no problems with the choice.

0When planning the premises in an apartment, it is recommended to take into account the transition between adjacent rooms, the height of the ceilings where the structure will be located. If you will be installing a prefabricated structure yourself, to select it you will need to draw up a floor plan and also have an idea of ​​the color scheme of the arch. Meaning the material of manufacture interior designs, you need to remember these important characteristics, such as the durability and strength of the product, resistance to moisture and mechanical shock, safety for health.

When choosing designs, the practicality and cost-effectiveness of the structure are also important for the consumer. Today, plasterboard interior arches are in demand. Due to its plasticity and softness, this material can be used to create various shapes. Such a property as lightness allows you to easily install a plasterboard structure. There is no need to level the wall or hide minor defects.

Another advantage of this material is its safety for health. Since the plasterboard layers are made of natural materials, they are even used in children's rooms and bedrooms.

You can install standard arches or make them to order according to your own exclusive sketch. Ready-made prefabricated structures come in various appearances, have standard size and are made from cheap material. MDF is most often used for manufacturing. Installation of such structures does not take much time. However, for proper and high-quality installation, it is advisable to take the advice of a professional.

Functional features: pros and cons

A sufficient number of advantages make interior arches popular in the design of any interior.

In the standard, arched vaults, like doors, serve to transition from one room to another.

The main advantages include savings in usable space, as well as the following:

  • Simple installation process.
  • Wide selection of decorative elements.
  • Using arches instead of a door will free up space.
  • In addition to standard arches, it is possible to produce prefabricated structures for individual orders.
  • The structures do not isolate rooms from each other. They know how to combine rooms or zones, emphasizing their different purposes.
  • The actual expansion of the doorway.
  • Giving the interior a stylish and original look.

  • Prefabricated structures can solve the problem of constructing non-standard openings.
  • Practical devices for any opening width and height.
  • Functional lighting can be built into the arches, serving as an additional light source.
  • With the help of decorative elements, you can bring interior passages closer to any style.
  • The structures are easy to use and maintain.

Materials and color

In order for the arched vaults to harmonize with common interior, you need to have a clear understanding of their shape and purpose, as well as the texture and quality of the material. By observing these aspects, it is always possible to achieve the integrity of the entire style.

Arched structures can be made of plasterboard, wood, MDF, brick, stone, plastic; arched structures are often chosen where the surface is veneered or material made from environmentally friendly eco-veneer:

  • Drywall– very easy to use, lightweight and flexible material. This property of the material helps to create structures of any configuration. Structures made of plasterboard are more affordable, in contrast to arches made of natural wood.
  • MDF boards are made from solid pine or spruce. They also have the ability to transform, helping to create fancy design forms.

  • Brick arches are complex designs. To install them, it is necessary to take into account several stages of preparation. First of all, the masonry is done, then everything is treated with plaster, then it is plastered, and finally a layer of paint is applied. The main, but insignificant, disadvantage is the lack of possibility of aesthetic, artistic design of the external surface of the structure. Professionals recommend using brick tiles to eliminate this problem.
  • Are considered long-term and strong wood structures, capable of resisting wear and tear on the side panels of the structure. The disadvantages of this material can be considered quite heavy weight, as well as the high cost of the product. The high price is explained by the use of valuable wood species. Structures made of mahogany or beech will add nobility and solidity to the interior.

  • You can choose arches natural veneered, but they are also expensive. An innovative material developed and used for a long time - eco-veneer - is practically indistinguishable from the original and always fits perfectly into the space.
  • Plastic structures are characterized by a very affordable price and are capable of realizing the most original design ideas. Such arches are practical to use: they are moisture and shock resistant.

A variety of decorative methods helps to bring arched structures closer to the existing interior style. Most often they are decorated with wallpaper or the surface is painted. Stucco moldings of various configurations are also popular. Emphasizing the noble, ceremonial styles of the interior, interior arches are sheathed with wood, glass mosaic or decorative plaster.

In classic interiors, arched curves covered with enamel or white patina will give a solid or antique look. Can be used for decoration fake diamond or polyurethane. Framing made of synthetic polyurethane is advantageous in that the material is poorly susceptible to aging, wear, and exposure to solvents, ultraviolet radiation, and water.

A wide range of color palettes makes it possible to choose a shade for the most unusual and capricious interior. The most popular colors of interior arches are: white gloss, wenge, walnut, cherry, beech, light oak, mahogany, maple. Arches made in the same style will fit harmoniously color scheme, as well as the color of doors, ceilings, floors, furniture.

When using natural wood, it is difficult to achieve a large percentage of coincidence in the combination of colors, textures or patterns. However, to obtain the desired color, you can use tinting, which produces the desired shade. When choosing the color of structures, lighting must be taken into account, since different light sources can display the color of the arch differently.

It is not necessary that the arch be a certain color. Its color scheme can be customized to your liking. Modern specialists today can create any mixture of colors, a mix of the boldest shades.

Modern Design Options

Interior arches have long become a favorite architectural element, both in one-room apartments, and in spacious mansions. Arches are no less popular in the interior design of office premises, where the task is to alternate rooms with different areas. In modern apartment design, classic arches and structures are equally often used. non-standard sizes. The last example is often made to order.

Arches can smoothly lead the eye from the living room to the kitchen. At the same time, the wider the arched opening, the greater the harmony in color and style of adjacent rooms. For zoning the dining room and kitchen into functional parts excellent option Roman arches will appear, as well as structures in the form of “Modern” and “Romantic”.

By installing an arch in the corridor when moving to the living room or hall, you can achieve visual expansion space. In large households, this technique serves more as a decorative element. Arches will do simple shapes and non-standard, for example, ellipsoidal or Thai shape. IN small apartments installing arched openings is often the best solution.

A white arched opening above a rectangular door is a sign classic style in the interior. Classics are always relevant for consumers, but are not recommended for small apartments. The interior of an apartment in the form of a studio is best done in a restrained Scandinavian style or in minimalism. Soft bright hues, a minimum of furniture is the optimal solution for compact premises with low ceilings.

Classic arches can successfully delimit space in the so-called Khrushchev buildings. Studios are being created from one-room "Khrushchev" buildings. Studio apartments are created by demolishing all partitions and combining the room with the kitchen and hallway.

It is also possible to expand the space by converting a loggia or balcony into a usable area. Naturally, the room must be sealed and insulated. The arch can occupy the entire opening or only part of it. In cases where the kitchen opens onto a balcony, the arch also gains functionality if you attach a bar counter or table to it. This technique will become a useful part of kitchen paraphernalia.

A beautiful design solution in such apartments are rectangular plastic portals instead of doors. The property of being plastic and flexible, moisture-resistant, and also resistant to mechanical shocks makes this material the most practical and a budget option in the interior design of Khrushchev's apartments. You can also use MDF.

In one-room apartments it is appropriate to create calm styles, without pomp and show. Empire, Baroque, which require large furniture, numerous decor, in the form of paintings, figurines, vases and massive curtains, will be harmonious in large spatial rooms. Classically shaped arches in an elegant style interior will convey the special spirit of rich palace interiors. The design uses elements of Roman antiquity: white columns with patina, keystones, plaster stucco, marble. Floral patterns are also welcome in the design.

You can also create an imitation of an arch using wallpaper. Spectacular wall photo wallpaper depicting arches will create the feeling of looking at the diverse world of the history of human civilization. It is possible to choose custom photo wallpapers in the appropriate interior style. A room in this design will definitely become elegant and unique.

In the Baroque style there is no need to emphasize the natural structure of wooden arches. The structures are painted or tinted to match popular colors such as white, beige, pale pink, ivory. Interior arches with golden patina, silver or classic white will give the interior the grace, richness and chic of royal halls.

Connoisseurs of ethnic cultures will enjoy the interior design in turkish style. The main features of this style are beautiful oriental-themed accessories; the walls can be decorated with wall arched vaults. Oriental, classical arches and rocker-shaped structures will harmonize with such an interior. Arched vaults can be painted with ornaments of oriental culture. Basic color palette are shades of red with gold chips, ash pink, white, wenge.

Today it will not be possible to make the interior attractive challenging task, especially if you use the most stylish and practical design solutions for this. One of them is an arch, which is installed in doorway. With its help, you can provide maximum comfort when moving, as well as make the space more harmonious and orderly. Initially, such a decorative element began to be used in the East, and then it appeared in the Roman Empire, performing the function of supporting the ceiling and the opening in the walls at the same time. With the help of arches, such amazing monuments of engineering and architectural thought were created, such as the aqueduct or the Colosseum. Today, the role of the arch has changed somewhat and is most often used for interior design to make the latter attractive and cozy.

You can order interior arches from the EL PORTE online door store. The company has been operating in the market for many years and has a positive reputation among customers who are invariably satisfied with their choice. The prices for arches here will pleasantly surprise every buyer.

When purchasing an arch, you need to pay attention to its shape, since today there are about a dozen different designs. There is no point in considering all of them, and it would be a mistake not to pay attention to the most popular and relevant ones. Let's start with the most current, semicircular arches. Similar products can be found in the doorways of private houses, apartments or public recreation areas. The semicircular shape is distinguished by its versatility and allows you to make the interior unique.

Another solution would be to use a rectangular element, which is well suited for the role of a doorway. Many apartments are distinguished by having a decorated doorway, as well as a regular door that acts as an addition. As a result of installing this design, combining both elements will not be difficult. The shape of the arch can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. In the first case, we are dealing with a classic option, which is always pleasant to look at and which will be appropriate in almost any interior. The second solution requires more attention when choosing. Installation of an asymmetrical arch should be done when the environment pushes us towards it. Here it is important to pay attention to such parameters as height, shade and angle of inclination.

Materials for production

Naturally, each arch differs in the use of certain materials that influence our choice. In most cases this can be MDF, wood or drywall. The most popular option is MDF arches covered with PVC film; this is a budget option with excellent design solutions. The latter option is a classic solution that allows you to reduce costs and also get a wide range of options. Wood is very cozy and also creates a special atmosphere inside the room. With its help you can make your apartment warmer and more familiar. At the same time, the cost of a wooden arch will depend on the type of material used in the process.

Among the decorative elements of a modern interior, arches occupy a special place. Vaulted structures give the room space, sophistication and coziness. For any style of decoration of an apartment or house, you can choose an arch design that will not only fit organically into the image of the room, but will also become its focal point, the highlight of the space.

Translated from Latin, the word “raka” means bend, and this is how we present the classic version of this structure. But in modern interior there is room for arches of various modifications, made of wood, stone, brick and plasterboard. There are many ways to decorate your home without sacrificing comfort and a sense of spaciousness and freedom. In this publication we will try to provide the maximum possible ideas in the field of design of interior arches.

An interior arch is a stylish and elegant solution for a modern interior. It's great for designing open type. The arch delimits the functional segments of the home, but at the same time does not allow the feeling of common space to leave the room. In any apartment or house there are rooms that can do without interior doors and only benefit from their absence. For example, combining a kitchen and dining room or living room and hallway. For some homes, arches are relevant as doorways for utilitarian premises. Having installed the arches and removed interior partitions, you expand the space, increase each functional area, but at the same time leave it in its place.

Choosing material for the arch

The choice of material for the arch is directly influenced by the composition of the walls themselves, their thickness, dimensions and shape of the arched vault. For many materials there are limitations not only in terms of the weight of the structure, but also the difficulty of creating the arch shape. When building an interior arch, the following materials can be used:

The easiest, fastest and cheapest way is to make an arched structure from plasterboard. After sewing up the arched vault with this material, the final finish can be varied. It can be sheathed in wood, covered with mosaics or decorative plaster. Even use lightweight artificial stone or wall panels imitating brick, marble or wood surfaces.

A stone arch looks impressive and gives the whole image of the room a certain solidity and massiveness. Depending on the color and texture of the stone covering, the arch could be relevant in various interior styles.

The first associations of the arch with stone cladding are associated with country style, rural motifs and closeness to nature. But such a structure can be successfully integrated not only into a country home. Classic interiors, Provas, some varieties of country style and even modern style of interior design look organically with a stone arch.

A brick arch looks great in a modern interior, and it doesn’t matter whether you decide to leave the masonry in its original form, treating it only with protective sprays and varnishes or painting the surface.

One of the most traditional ways to design an arch is wood trim. Such a structure will be relevant in any interior – from classic to contemporary. Brings elegance and comfort wooden arch into the design of the room and the functional background of the room itself does not matter - whether it is a corridor or a living room.

Arch design - a kaleidoscope of ideas for modern housing

From the point of view of the external appearance of the arch vault, the following types of similar structures are distinguished:

  1. Classical or Roman arch. The Romans borrowed a lot from Greek culture and architecture, but this element can rightfully be considered their invention. The arch that is closest to all of us in shape and design is a vault with a regular radius and a semicircular shape. This design does not contain protruding joints and is famous for its simplicity and laconic appearance. Classic arches look great in rooms with high ceilings. If you are planning to install an arch in ordinary apartment with a standard ceiling height, then this option most likely will not suit you.

One option for using the classic arch is to integrate columns and supports into a round vault structure. As a rule, such structures are made of wood or stone, but for a more democratic interior, plasterboard structures can be used.

  1. British arches or structures in the style modern. Such designs differ from classic ones in a more elongated part of the arch, the arch is straightened and has a truncated radius of the arch. For rooms with low ceilings, British arches are an ideal option.

  1. Arches using element ellipse They do not have rounded corners and are a fairly popular option for decorating rooms. The spread of such designs is primarily due to the versatility of the design. It can be used both with and without columns, in rooms with low ceilings and in spacious rooms, in combination with arches of another modification.

Great way to separate kitchen space without reducing the usable space of the room - use an elliptical arch with columns.

A similar design can be used to partially separate the space of a boudoir, office or dressing room located within the sleeping area.

One of the variations of the use of an ellipse in the design of an arch is the almost circular shape of the opening. Such structures are often used in spaces where, in addition to the decorative background, the crayfish also plays a functional role - limiting the rest area from the workplace, for example.

  1. Slavic arch (or "romance") is essentially a rectangular opening with only rounded corners. This is another universal way of zoning space, which will look organic both in a standard city apartment and within a country home.

  1. Turkish The arch is reminiscent of the structures that decorated palaces, harems and just the houses of wealthy residents during the Ottoman Empire. Of course, for such an arch design, the support of the entire interior is necessary - the features of the Mediterranean design of decoration and furniture will create a more harmonious image of the room.

  1. Gothic the arch has a sharp arch. Such structures bring originality to the interior, but are only suitable for rooms with high ceilings. Decorated with mosaics, stone or ceramics, Gothic arches look luxurious and become focal points of the interior.

  1. looks like a continuation of a rectangular or round door. Typically, inserts made of transparent or frosted glass are used in the upper part; it is possible to use stained glass, translucent plastic with relief.

  1. Thai An arch (or semi-arch) is a structure in which one of the sides ends at a right angle, and the other is rounded. In this case, the radius of the circle can be any.

The shrine itself can be decorated different ways. Lamps or lamps are often built into a plasterboard structure. LED backlight, thereby providing not only zoning of the room, but also highlighting the functional segment with the help of light.

An interior arch decorated with moldings, cornices and stucco molding is perfect for both classic interior, and for its variations.

Combination of arched openings with other interior elements

The interior arch will organically fit into the interior, where rounded arches are already used for other interior elements. For example, in kitchen area or dining room, you can use arched niches as decoration or storage systems, rounded glass inserts in the facades kitchen cabinets and buffets also contribute to creating a balanced image of the space.

An excellent addition to arched openings and interior vaulted structures are doors with semicircular tops. Of course, doors with round arches are more expensive than conventional models, but the costs individual design will justify themselves as original and exquisite interior premises.

The same can be said about rooms in which, in addition to interior arches, rounded vaults are used in the construction of windows. Graceful and elegant appearance such a room is guaranteed.

The arch at the entrance to the living room will be in perfect harmony with the semicircular arches in the open bookshelves. The same technique can be used for cabinets closed with facades in the form of threads or glass inserts in the doors.

Interior arch - an elegant element of the interior

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