The best bathhouse projects. Interior design of a bathhouse: arrangement options Interesting designs of bathhouses in style

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Having your own own house both within the city and beyond it is difficult to refuse the opportunity to relax after have a hard day or relax mentally with friends. Therefore, bathhouse projects are always relevant and in demand.

What can you design a bathhouse from?

It is important to decide in advance on the material from which you plan to build the bathhouse. Bathhouse construction technologies have their own number of nuances, which depend on the material of construction.

  1. Tree. It is the most common and traditional material for building a bathhouse. Ecologically pure natural material, which was used by our ancestors, does not lose relevance in our time.
  2. Foam blocks and bricks. If foam blocks are used for the construction of a bathhouse, special attention is required to the arrangement of waterproofing. When choosing a brick, it should be noted that for finishing individual parts of the steam room, it is necessary to use refractory bricks.

Types of bath projects

Currently, there is a wide variety of bathhouse designs. This can be either a separate building or an extension to a house or cottage. The second option is the most economical, since the installation of communications and the location of the bathhouse and the house under one roof significantly reduces the cost of construction.
The area of ​​the bath complex depends solely on the preferences and financial capabilities of the customer. In addition to the steam room, shower and relaxation area, it is possible to arrange additional rooms recreation, billiards, indoor or outdoor terrace, as well as a swimming pool.

Today, the bathhouse is increasingly gaining popularity among people rushing in the cycle of modern life.

The beneficial properties of bath procedures on the human body have long been proven by science, which is why many owners of personal plots strive to build this structure in their yard.

This article brings to your attention material with which you will become familiar with modern approaches used in construction for these premises.

For visual convincing, just look at the selection of photos that show ready-made solutions regarding the construction of the entire frame and interior decoration.

Types of bath projects

Any construction begins with a project that will allow you to imagine what the final appearance of this structure will be, and how many necessary materials you will need it for this.

In addition, the development of the project includes such parameters as the choice of location for construction, dimensions, as well as information about the decor and design used.

The most common types of bathhouse projects are:

  • Construction of a 3*3 m structure, consisting of a standard set of premises - a dressing room and a steam room;
  • Construction of a 3*5 m structure, here a recreation room with a small kitchen is added to the standard set of premises;

  • A plan with dimensions of 4 * 4 m implies the presence of a terrace in addition to the type described above;
  • The design of a bathhouse with dimensions 5 * 4 includes the entire complex of premises of a modern steam room, which may also have a separate toilet, game room, as well as a salt room.

Basically, the choice of project depends on the available space on personal plot and financial capabilities.

Choosing a foundation for a bath

Often, during the construction of this structure, one of three main types of foundation is used. It can be a strip, column or pile foundation.

Tape. It is the most common type of foundation for the construction of most structures, including a bathhouse.

The advantage of this foundation is that it can withstand heavy loads, therefore, if your future structure will have a relatively impressive size made of brick, then this option the foundation is ideal for construction.

Columnar. It has distinctive features, Related simple device of this foundation and small financial investments, mainly used for relatively light timber structures.

It is erected exclusively in places where heavy loads occur, which mainly occur at the corners of the building and at the intersection of load-bearing structures.

Pile. This type of foundation is necessary for those who are forced to build their bathhouse on “moving” soil.

This is a reliable type with a rather labor-intensive construction process, and is justified precisely in those regions in which it dominates this type soil.

Mistakes made when building a bathhouse

Despite the existence of a developed project and the seriousness of the attitude towards this case However, mistakes still happen, which are typical for a person when building with his own hands.

It is necessary to pay attention to the following points during construction.

Proper planning of the size of the interior spaces is necessary. A bathhouse designed for 2-3 people should not be less than 10 m2;

An acceptable ceiling height for such a structure is considered to be 2-2.5 m. If the figure deviates downwards, visitors will feel discomfort, and if big side, then there will be an overconsumption of coolants;

It is recommended to choose materials used to build a bathhouse in a country house or garden that are lightweight and energy-saving.

Particular attention should be paid to the main bath equipment. It should not only look beautiful, but also meet all safety standards for such structures.

Photo of a bathhouse at a summer cottage

The relaxation room in the bathhouse has become as important a part as the steam room. During bath procedures, exposure to high sauna temperatures alternates with intervals to restore the body between visits to the steam room. The rest room is designed to make these breaks comfortable. When planning to build a bathhouse, you should definitely allocate a room for restoration.

Advice from professionals will tell you how to choose the right project wisely.


Bathhouse designs with a relaxation room can be divided into three groups. The first group is traditional one-story baths. They are built from capital building materials with low thermal conductivity, they have a standard set of premises: there is a steam room, a shower room, a relaxation room, a dressing room, and sometimes a terrace.

The relaxation room is located on the ground floor next to the steam room and washroom and combines the functions of a locker room. This is the most convenient option, which allows you to maintain optimal temperature in all rooms, since the stove evenly heats all adjacent rooms with steam supplied to the sauna compartment.

This layout allows you to place the furnace firebox both in the steam room, which is not always convenient, and in the relaxation room.

The stoker is at a comfortable temperature, and it is also easier to remove debris after kindling. Modern technological furnaces long burning can have a glass screen, which allows you to admire the play of the flame while relaxing, creating a pleasant fireplace atmosphere and giving living warmth to the inhabitants of the room. Simple layout, however, includes everything necessary for bath procedures and has great variability in area.

The minimum building area is from 16 square meters. meters, which is convenient for small areas, the maximum is at the request of the owner. This option does not require large investments due to the energy intensity of heating.

The second group is projects with a recreation room located in the attic or on the second floor. This will require the construction of a second floor or roof insulation. what will entail additional expense materials, the foundation will need to be strengthened to increase the load-bearing load. This option is convenient for small building areas.

On the ground floor there is a dressing room, a locker room, a steam room, and a wash room. On the second floor there is a rest room with or without a balcony. It will be necessary to allocate space for flight of stairs. Beautiful spiral staircase can decorate the interior of the bathhouse.

The third group of projects involves moving the relaxation room onto the terrace. This layout is convenient for summer use. In the cold season, the terrace will need to be glazed and a heating system needs to be thought through. However, this arrangement of the rest room provides a lot of scope for implementing design solutions.

A panoramic view of the landscape adds aesthetic pleasure to moments of relaxation.

The choice of layout depends on the seasonal use of the bathhouse. The first and second group of projects are suitable for year-round use. In summer, it is enough to have a rest room under a canopy with flexible glazing made of film or polycarbonate for a budget option.

The availability of free space on the site is of great importance, and if it is not enough, then raising a recreation room to the attic will good solution. Heating the second floor in the cold season requires the installation of an air or water circuit. Installing a long-burning stove with a convector on the ground floor can solve this problem.

The placement of a bathhouse on the site must meet the standards fire safety and ease of use. It is advisable to orient the windows of the rest room towards an attractive view. It's nice to see beautiful landscapes before your eyes, and not a fence or a neighbor's shed.

It is advisable to choose an elevated area for good ventilation and water drainage. The proximity of an artificial or natural body of water can be an effective addition.

Particular attention is paid to materials for the construction of a bathhouse. Traditionally, preference is given to natural wood in the form of timber or rounded logs of linden, aspen, and cedar.

Pine is more affordable and has beautiful drawing fibers of knotty wood and is a popular material for a bathhouse in the country. Its disadvantage is the porous structure of wood, which greatly changes its performance due to heating and high humidity, therefore, in the steam room and shower, pine needs to be sheathed with a hardwood slats, and for the rest room pine with its pleasant smell and aesthetic appearance will be the optimal solution.

Brick is a more expensive material, but it has the best durability and resistance to temperature changes.

A budget building can also be built from foam blocks. The construction of a bathhouse from blocks can be done with your own hands, even without special knowledge.

Interior sheathed with a block house, finished with tiles or natural stone.

Decorating a relaxation room involves following a certain style; finishing materials are selected depending on the design.

Subtleties of design

Designing a bathhouse yourself is an exciting activity. To do this, you need to stock up on paper, pencil and ruler.

For a family of 4-5 people and several guests optimal size a bathhouse of 6x6 meters with an attic is considered. On the ground floor there is an entrance hall, steam room, shower room with toilet, relaxation room or living room. The recreation room can be supplemented with a kitchen, and the second floor is reserved for leisure and additional space to accommodate guests or family members. The entrance area of ​​the second floor with an area of ​​18 meters can be occupied by a studio or billiard room. Behind it there are two symmetrical bedrooms or rooms for children of 9 square meters. meters.

The functionality of the bathhouse is significantly expanded, and for this there is no need to build big house. The compact layout with a bathroom satisfies the needs of the average family for a country holiday.

With terrace

Bathhouse with terrace – great option for summer meals in the fresh air after bath procedures. A barbecue grill can be placed on the area in front of the bathhouse or a grill area can be added to the veranda space. To do this, the size of the terrace must be increased so as to provide free access to the brazier and avoid smoke. dining table and windows.

The minimum distance between the stove and the table must be at least 2 meters. A ready-made metal brazier is installed or a stone brazier is built from bricks with a chimney. For such a barbecue, a separate foundation is erected, which is taken into account at the design stage.

It is better to make the floor of the terrace from paving slabs or sandstone if the terrace is open. A wooden floor is also used for a glazed terrace.. Glazing is made of sliding aluminum or plastic frames. Plastic frames are used for warm glazing. Lungs aluminum structures protect from bad weather, but the temperature inside the enclosed space will only be a couple of degrees higher than outside.

Bathhouse with barbecue and panoramic glazing on the veranda will become a place of attraction for household members after a working week.

With swimming pool

The benefits of bath procedures will increase many times over when arranging a swimming pool or plunge pool in the relaxation room. The pool is located near the shower room.

The pool bowl is made of concrete and finished with tiles.

The tiles are selected to match the overall decoration of the rest room. Oriental flavor will give floral ornament and mosaic. For a Russian-style bathhouse, stone, brick and wooden sides are suitable.

IN one-story baths often they design a complex of a terrace with a plunge pool under a canopy. The font is made of wood and placed on a wooden platform in the fresh air.

IN Japanese version they equip the heating of the font with electric heating elements that are built into the body. Combining a recreation area with a bathhouse, a ready-made frame pool is installed for summer swimming or a stationary pool is erected, with sun loungers or beach chairs placed nearby.

The reservoir can have strict geometric outlines or be close to its natural shape. In this case, the shore is decorated with pebbles and plants: hosta, astilbe, and cereals. The bathhouse with a swimming pool on the terrace is protected from prying eyes by a hedge from flowering bushes or vines on supports.

For a comprehensive recreation area it is required good lighting, since it is used in the evening.

Lighting the area with electricity is done if there are communications; a more economical option is lighting with LEDs or solar-powered lanterns.

Small room

Small baths cannot boast of a large set of rooms, so they often have a shower in the rest room. When finishing rooms with such a planning solution, it is necessary to take into account high humidity and select appropriate materials: tiles, plastic panels, natural or artificial stone.

The shower must be separated from the relaxation area with a glass or plastic partition so that splashes do not disturb vacationers.

It is preferable to purchase furniture from moisture-resistant materials. The correct selection of finishes will make using the shower convenient, and staying in the rest room will be comfortable.


The design of the rest room is determined by the chosen design style. For finishing a bath it is better to choose natural materials, resistant to moisture. All rooms are convenient to keep clean if the space is not cluttered extra items, and the surfaces are easy to clean. The design of the rest room is determined by the chosen design style.

Rural or Russian style

The direction involves the use of natural wood for covering walls and floors. The wood is treated with special anti-fungal compounds and coated with oil or wax. The natural color of wood gives the interior light tone, which visually increases the space.

It looks interesting to use in wall cladding unedged boards, which is cleared of bark and polished. The room takes on brutal features.

This inexpensive finishing serves for thermal insulation and aesthetic accent.

The walls can be lined with softwood clapboards and decorated with carvings.

The furniture for such a relaxation room is made with your own hands from solid pine or purchased ready-made and complemented with decor from relief images on wood with a bathhouse theme. Log walls look beautiful as a symbol of traditional Russian culture. For budget options use a block house made of plastic simulating various breeds tree.

Scandinavian style

The optimal combination of functionality and simplicity. The decoration prevails White color with brown or black structural elements.

The main materials are wood and glass. The entire color scheme is calm, and the geometric theme can be seen everywhere. It is appropriate to use natural or artificial stone, the panel made from wood cuts looks original. The entire furnishings are practical and durable.

The Russian bath is no longer just a traditional steam room, a washing room and a cramped dressing room. Feel free to go beyond the standard and boring boundaries! Choose projects with recreation rooms, a barbecue oven, a swimming pool, a spacious terrace, a veranda with a fireplace... This is exactly what most modern developers do: they give preference original projects baths, that is, non-standard projects.

Original saunas with barbecue

The sauna complex and barbecue are a great combination.

You get the opportunity to relax after a hot steam, chat with family and friends, and have a snack.
Most often, a recreation area is equipped on a veranda or terrace, but it is possible to build a stove into the wall of one of the recreation rooms.
If the bathhouse is being built from scratch, there is no problem in building a veranda or terrace at the same time as the log house. required area. However, if your plans include remodeling an existing building, it is wise to choose the option with a barbecue gazebo.

Original baths with a swimming pool

Such projects have been in demand in recent years. The myth about the expensive construction of a swimming pool has long been dispelled by both professional builders and the developers themselves. Almost anyone can implement a project for a bathhouse made of logs or timber with a small pool. Especially if the artificial reservoir is open and not heated.

Projects of one-story and two-story baths with a swimming pool always means extraordinary architectural solutions and unexpected design finds. Don't want to blend in with the general gray mass of standard projects? Be sure: you won’t merge if you choose modern project, meeting all safety standards.

Original bathhouses with billiards

Do you value active recreation, and even after bathing procedures do you prefer not to relax in a chair, but to play billiards? Then projects like this are something that will definitely interest you.
Most projects include at least one rest room - this is convenient, comfortable, and practical. The equipment is located there. In this case, the area of ​​the room can be different: from a minimum of 20 sq.m. up to 40 or more.
Quite often billiards is located on the second, attic floor. In this way, the space is arranged in the most ergonomic way: on the ground floor there is a recreation room, on the second there is a billiard room. Provided there is high-quality hydro- and vapor barrier, no problems with the equipment will arise.

Original baths with a terrace or veranda

It is the presence or absence of extensions (open, closed) that forms the overall aesthetic impression of the building, its original, unique appearance.

For example, a veranda located frontally, along the entire facade, or along the wall, or around the entire bathhouse, or even with a bay window - this is not only additional square meters useful area, but also a bright stylistic image, decoration of the bathhouse, its calling card.
Even standard project will become original if the location, shape and type of extension are chosen correctly. Equip a terrace with a traditional corner log house placed in one of the corners of the site, and you will be surprised how much more comfortable your bathhouse and the courtyard in front of it will look.

Original baths with attic

An attic is a great opportunity to build a truly original structure, get additional square meters without expanding the total area of ​​the building, and at the same time save money. After all, it is more profitable to build a bathhouse with an attic than a two-story one.
On the second floor there may be rest rooms, an office, a billiard room, Gym. Appearance a bathhouse with an attic is more modern than a traditional one-story one with a rectangular or square frame. It is no coincidence that guest bathhouses, which are so popular today, usually require the presence of a residential attic space.

Strengthening your own health should be one of the main tasks for modern man. Luxury and comfort are not sufficient conditions to escape everyday stress. Find a great way to relax right at home. Creating a sauna - good idea. In each private building you can make several types of home saunas in beautiful design, which will differ in functionality. If you are looking for examples of sauna and bathhouse design, then consider the photo examples presented in this article.

Design of baths, saunas: start from the type of steam room

Interior designs are improving every year, impressing with their diversity, presenting users with ever new arrangement options. Saunas are no exception, as more and more people want to install a steam room at home, so the interior design does not let you get bored. The main thing is to decide what type of bathhouse you want to see in your home.

Finnish sauna - also known as dry steam room

It is characterized by high temperatures prevailing in the cabin (above 85 ° C) and low air humidity (below 10%). The Finnish sauna is especially recommended for people with muscle problems and bronchial asthma. High temperature and low humidity are maintained by a special sauna heater equipped with heating (non-water-repellent) stones. A dry sauna can only be used for 15-30 minutes several times a week. Such a steam room is often built from conifers, such as spruce and pine, but alder is also used. The interiors are bright with a slight pine scent.

Infrared sauna - innovative solution steam rooms

It does not use conventional ovens, but installs infrared heaters. The infrared sauna heats up to 60 ° C, while maintaining a humidity level of 20 - maximum 25%. The relatively low temperature and higher humidity make an infrared sauna suitable for use for approximately 30 minutes once a day. The functionality of such a cabin depends little on the finishing material, so different types of wood are suitable, such as linden, Siberian cedar, Canadian cedar, aspen, alder, giving the room a pleasant woody aroma.

Steam sauna - also known as a Roman bath

The sauna maintains medium temperature (up to 60 ° C) and high humidity (up to 100%). Excessive moisture further increases the thermal sensation. The evaporation of the sauna comes from the stove, and the steam is created by an automatic evaporator installed in the floor. Because of high humidity, this type of room should not be made of wood. Glass and ceramics are better suited for its construction. A steam sauna can only be used for 15 minutes to half an hour several times a week.

Russian bath - proven healing for centuries

This steam room is based on the effects of water and steam. Russian people love it because the temperature in the steaming room can easily exceed 100 degrees Celsius. But optimal temperature for a Russian bath – 60-70 degrees Celsius, and air humidity – 90%. The moisture level is adjusted by pouring water onto hot stones. It is recommended to wear a special felt hat to protect your head from extreme heat. A Russian bathhouse is built separately from the house from logs of such species as pine, spruce, larch, cedar, as well as oak, linden, and aspen.

Modern baths, saunas: interior design inside the house

Finnish, infrared and Roman saunas are most often built in the interiors of residential buildings. This solution is very profitable due to construction costs. It is better to make a home sauna from Scandinavian wood, which is resistant to high humidity and variable temperatures. Each built-in steam room can be made in two ways: collecting finished design from a store or building from scratch.

Buying a ready-made sauna with a design from the manufacturer

The simplest solution is to buy ready-made prefabricated steam room structures. In manufacturers' offers you can find many ready-made elements for the construction of premises with standard sizes 1.2 m x 1.2 m x 2.5 m (height). More often infrared saunas They are sold as ready-made steam rooms for the home, but you can also successfully find Finnish and steam baths. Remember, however, that purchasing prefabricated structures does not mean that the product will arrive to you ready-made. Prefabricated elements are walls, ceilings and floors that must be assembled. You need to install them correctly in the chosen location. Luckily, assembly is not too difficult as instructions are included.

DIY sauna

A sauna built from scratch on site is more complex and can be quite labor intensive to construct. However, this The best decision when planning to create a cabin with an unusual shape. In this case, the price of a sauna will be much lower than buying a ready-made steam room. It is best to make a sauna in a frame structure. Use high-quality panels made of cedar, aspen, Canadian spruce or Scandinavian wood. Pay special attention to the quality of the material used.

Design of baths and saunas: photos of all components of the steam room

Typically, baths and saunas include three sections:

Waiting room

This is the first place you enter, as this is where you undress, and after you finish your steaming session, you can relax in the dressing room and drink a cup of tea. The relaxation room can be equipped with a comfortable sofa or wooden table with chairs.

Shower room

This space is designed to freshen up after a steam treatment in a cold shower, in the pool or by pouring out ice water from a bucket.

Steam room

The steam room is the “heart” of the sauna. Inside there are wooden benches for comfortable relaxation on which you can sit and lie. To fully enjoy the process, you need to enter the steam room when the oven is already heated.

What else is worth knowing when planning your sauna design?

Every dry and steam sauna must be manufactured in accordance with the basic rules. One of the most important conditions is the implementation of appropriate exhaust ventilation. The supply channel should be located near the floor (preferably above the stove) in the sauna. His task is to bring Fresh air into the interior of the salon. When building a sauna, also remember that you cannot use plastic or metal. These are intense heating materials that can burn sauna users. Therefore, it is best to make all seats and floors from sustainable materials. tree species. In some cases it is also recommended to use persistent floor tiles, which will be additionally protected from high levels humidity and accidental slipping in the steam room.

The design of a sauna and bathhouse can be created to suit every taste, but the main thing is to do everything according to the rules so that the procedure brings healing, relieves stress and contributes to an amazing relaxation with increased comfort.


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