"mirror corridor" and all about mirrors. Why you can’t look mirror in mirror and how this threatens modern man. What will happen if you make a corridor out of mirrors

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The mirror corridor is often used in various magical rituals. Water, mirrors, and other reflective surfaces have long been considered portals that allow one to penetrate the other world and communicate with spirits.

What is a mirror corridor used for?

Since ancient times, the mirror corridor has fascinated people with its infinity, mysterious dark depths, magical knowledge, attracted the attention of ordinary people, and aroused interest among researchers of the magical world.

But it must be remembered that this is a dangerous instrument; they use mirrors to tell fortunes in case of emergency. Great-grandmothers and healers have left magical knowledge that in the dim light of candles in the mirrored corridor you can see a dead person. Or rather, a messenger from the other world, a disembodied spirit in human form. He will show his betrothed and reveal the card of fate.

But you can start fortune telling or a ritual using a mirror corridor only if you are sure that you have very reliable protection.

How to open a mirror corridor?

  1. Two large mirrors and candles are placed opposite each other.
  2. Everything must happen in complete darkness.
  3. The mirrors, reflected in each other, form an endless corridor.
  4. We must enter a deep state of thoughtlessness².
  5. Cast aside disbelief and fear, and walk along the mirrored corridor.

The most interesting thing is that this method is often used by Celtic magicians. They inherit spells that open the gates to the mirror corridor.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ A portal in science fiction and fantasy is a technological or magical opening connecting two distant locations separated by space and time (

As you know, a mirror corridor is created using two mirrors placed opposite each other. Peering into the mirror infinity, it may seem that consciousness flies into the mirror abyss...

The mirror corridor technique is often used in magical rituals by black magicians. Since ancient times, mirrors, water, and any other reflective surfaces have been considered windows to the other world for communication with the souls of the dead. By the way, nowadays, more and more often, this technique is done using a camera and a TV; it is believed that the camera’s optics are capable of picking up even more otherworldly signals.

What danger can a mirror corridor pose? Experts in paranormal phenomena claim that any reflective surface is a junction between our and otherworldly reality. If used incorrectly, a mirror portal can allow otherworldly entities to pass through it. A person who does not have enough energy can be attacked by them. Therefore, it is not recommended to place mirrors opposite each other in your home.

Mirror corridor. Eyewitness account of Maria Alexandrovna

I work as a commandant in a student dormitory. In 2009, at the end of August, as usual, I settled the freshmen into rooms. In one of the rooms in which two first-year girls lived, each of the girls hung a mirror near the bed. The beds stood opposite each other, so the mirrors “looked” at each other. I don’t know where the girls dug up these mirrors: old and worn out by time. No, not an antique, but both mirrors definitely heard Brezhnev’s speeches.

From that moment on, the young, rosy-cheeked village girls began to lose weight and dry out. They walked around sluggishly, with huge bags under their eyes, as if they hadn’t gotten enough sleep. This could be attributed to the fact that the girls were on a spree, but I saw that their room was always quiet, and after nine in the evening they never returned to the dorm. Then the girls began to skip classes more and more often; they could sit in a locked room until lunch.

One day I noticed that it was already eight o’clock in the evening, and the freshmen had never left the room. I have duplicate keys for all rooms. I opened the door and almost lost consciousness from what I saw; from my screams, dozens of students gathered outside the room in a matter of seconds. The girls were in the room, dead. They hung themselves opposite each other in the very center of the room, on the line where the mirrors were located, and an endless number of dead bodies were reflected in the mirrored corridor. What could have made two young freshmen do this, I will definitely never get an answer to this question.

After that incident, of course, there were no people willing to live in this room. The room was turned into a storage room. However, students who live in neighboring rooms still complain that they hear some footsteps, creaks and voices in the damned room. Although, who knows, young people love to joke!

Antiques, furniture elements, musical instruments, paintings, and especially mirrors, have their own biofield, which has been developing for many centuries, collecting information. In most cases, this energy does not cause any harm.

But it also happens that an old thing begins to radiate not the kindest energy. Scientists say that a mirror saturated with energy may be an entrance to a parallel world.

In the century before last, French expert on anomalous phenomena Guy Dupre made the assumption that if you constantly perform one ritual in front of the same mirror, then the mirror will absorb a certain energy. The connection with the other world will not open immediately and not even after ten years, but perseverance will certainly bear fruit.

Using a mirror, you can do the most incredible things, and even go through the looking glass yourself. Soviet historian Alexander Nizovsky described one incident from his life.

In March 1924, a gloomy, uncommunicative and lonely guy named Nikita settled in a multi-storey residential building in Leningrad. He was disabled during the First World War, so no one paid attention to his oddities. The guy lived only on his pension, he didn’t have a job, but Nikita only came home to spend the night.

But one day, late at night, Nikita’s neighbors noticed a strange thing in their room: a strange flickering began to emanate from the mirror that was hanging on the wall. Later, a blurry figure of a man appeared in the mirror. At first blurry, and then clearly visible. And after a few seconds, one could distinguish Nikita’s neighbor in this figure! Another moment, and the figure disappeared, and the mirror shattered.

Something similar happened in other apartments. There was a commotion in the communal apartment. Everyone rushed to Nikita. The door was locked from the inside. Having broken open the door, the neighbors saw their dead neighbor in a chair. He was motionless, and opposite him was a mirror cracked in the middle.

The next morning it turned out that mirrors had broken in many apartments of the building that night. And in one of the apartments, small merchant Ivan Sannikov was found with his throat cut. The door and two windows were locked from the inside, and the mirror hanging in the room was broken into pieces.

No one can explain what happened in the spring of 1924 in that house. Maybe it was a mass psychosis, or maybe it really was all about the mirrors?

Consequences and dangers of the mirror corridor updated: October 4, 2016 by: cross

The mirror surface is fraught with many mysteries even in our age high technology. They still cover mirrors if there is a deceased person in the house. A broken mirror brings superstitious horror and threatens many troubles to those who look into it. Mysterious mirror corridors not only increase the space, but also multiply the objects that fall into this corridor. And also a mirror corridor, created at a certain time, can cause the appearance of images from the looking glass, which was successfully used in the old days by girls when telling fortunes about their betrothed. All this suggests that mirrors are connected with the other world in the most direct way! To neutralize the negative vibrations of the mirror surface, candles were placed in front of the mirrors. The ban on why one cannot look through a mirror into another mirror has ancient roots.

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Why you can't look mirror in mirror - Mirror corridor.

If you place mirrors opposite each other, they form a mirror corridor, fraught with a lot of incomprehensible things. What can you see in the mirror corridor? You can see your past and future in it! What happens if you look at yourself in a mirror reflected by another mirror? And why can't you look in a mirror? The mirror is the intersection point of several realities, in which entities that are completely unfriendly to humans live. And if you make a corridor out of mirrors, then you are placing in your space a kind of portal to other dimensions, through which creatures of other worlds can penetrate. In the worst case, your soul may be stolen if you enter such a corridor at an inopportune hour, or some entity will enter your body and control your consciousness.

So think about why you can’t look in a mirror, and how this threatens a person. Halloween is considered a particularly dangerous time. At this time, the mirror corridor is especially dangerous, and mirrors must be covered with dark matter to reflect unfavorable moments associated with the other world. If you look at yourself in the mirror through another mirror standing behind you, then your soul will for some time be trapped in other dimensions, from which you simply may not get out. It is not without reason that powerful magicians use such a system of mirrors to solve many issues related to time dilation or the dumping of negativity into other dimensions. But to an ordinary person It’s better not to fall into this funnel of distorted vibrations between the worlds.

Why can't you sleep in front of a mirror?

Gone are the days of disbelief in the existence of the soul. Now science has recognized that it exists, and they even weighed the soul (that is, the weight of a person before and after death). How to connect all this with mirrors in the bedroom? Esotericism claims that during sleep, a person’s astral body is separated from the physical and travels through the subtle worlds (we partially see these journeys as a dream). And we already know that the mirror is the intersection point of other worlds, a portal to another reality. That is, the astral body can get lost in other worlds projected by the mirror and not return to physical body. Here is the answer to the question " Why can't you sleep in front of a mirror?"Death in a dream is a common phenomenon in people's lives, often difficult to explain. How to explain the incomprehensible mortality of newborns? It is better not to experiment and remove mirrors from the bedroom - they will find enough space in other rooms of the house.

You may be skeptical about what has been said, citing the fact that every day we are reflected in many mirror surfaces, and nothing otherworldly happens. This is true. But there is an explanation for this: a portal to other dimensions is not easy to open. But with a certain confluence of time layers and psychic vibrations, it can suddenly open. Better not to wonder" why you can’t eat or sleep in front of mirror surfaces?", but just don’t do it and that’s it. Out of a thousand successful experiments, one may turn out to be fatal.

What happens if you scan a mirror?

Many people are interested in this question. Many have conducted a similar experiment and invariably received a simple illuminated spot. If explained with scientific point vision, then you get a very complex answer consisting of physical terms describing the reflectivity of the mirror surface and the features of the scanning system. In practice, the answer to the question “what happens if you scan a mirror” looks very prosaic and uninteresting - a white or black spot. You will not find any images or otherworldly wonders there. The world of the looking glass does not meet the world of people halfway - it can only dictate its terms to us. We want to know what happens if we scan through a printer mirror surface, but the mysteries of mirrors are so incomprehensible to the mind that no matter how much we put the mirrors in the printer, we will not recognize or see anything except Malevich’s black square.

All human household items are quite suitable for performing rituals, but among them there is hardly a thing more mysterious than a mirror. There is always a feeling that on the other side of the mirror there is a life of its own, different from the one we know. Many writers have addressed this topic, but no one has ever fully explored this topic. The magic of the mirror is built on this duality of the world. On the one hand, it is an ordinary material object, and on the other, an intangible reflection, a phantom, a world through the looking glass. Since a person becomes aware of himself and everything that has come down to us from ancient times and has been preserved in my evidence of mysterious phenomena is associated with mirrors. Esotericists claim that the mirror has a dual, dual nature: half of its aura is next to the observer, and the second goes directly to the other side of the world.

A mirror is a great way to see the past, present and future in space or time, either far from you or close to us. It is necessary to have the Gift of Vision in order to work with mirrors, in order to easily achieve altered states of consciousness and be able to form an intention without the thought spreading through associations and parallel chains.

The mirror is:
- an instrument that introduces a person into an altered consciousness,
- an optical device, a tool for the ability to see images of the subtle world,
- a device that conveys images that arise in the mind of one person and makes it possible to become accessible to others.
Mirrors remember events recorded in them, can “revive” a dead person, can make them grow old or, on the contrary, rejuvenate them. The mirror is saturated with energy. In magical practices it is used as a portal between worlds.
Imagination generates images of the world, the mirror reflection seems to materialize it.
Some peoples considered the human reflection in a mirror to be the seat of the soul. That is why people whose reflection is not visible in the mirror were attributed the name damned or those who sold their souls to the devil.
The mystical connection between the mirror image and its object is always identified. In addition, the mirror has the ability to concentrate, store and transform energy into spiritual power. Time is just an agreed upon unit of measurement and therefore exists at all points at once. Human consciousness splits it into the present, past and future. The mirror is the tool that allows a person to connect the gaps together, creating continuity of the process. In all scientific experiments, mirrors allow us to see the past and the future.
The ritual or practice of the “Mirror Corridor” is extremely dangerous; the mirror can open the way for essential things that are beyond the control of our world. If you nevertheless decide to see your future chosen one through this ritual, be prepared to see a terrible monster in the mirror tunnel who will try to escape from the trap. The tunnel is not an optical illusion, it is a certain form of space and time, releasing information accessible to consciousness along a curved arc.
Mirrors “remember” all the events that happened before them. Antique mirrors with rich history They hold a lot of memories. Do not take other people's mirrors into your home, especially old ones. Mirrors that have been preserved by the souls of the dead are doubly dangerous. If you already took such a mirror, then Good night You won't be able to see it! Some obsessive and unfamiliar images will suddenly begin to regularly burst into your dreams, desires that are unusual for you, inexplicable fears, etc. will arise. It is quite possible that these are the tricks of your mirror. It is necessary to check the spark plug mirror. If there is a lost spirit stuck in the mirror, you need to bring a candle to it. Ideally, the candle burns long and evenly, but if the candle goes out or begins to smoke, then immediately get rid of the mirror.
Hanging all the mirrors in the house when someone in the family dies.
We have already talked about these unusual properties mirrors: everyone who was reflected in it continues to live there even after the main image is removed from it. The soul of the deceased can get lost in the mirror maze and remain there forever, unable to find the right path to the other world. This means he cannot calm down and find repentance. Unhung mirrors open many paths to the other world for this soul. Anyone who contributes to the imprisonment of a soul in a mirror, even unwittingly, commits a grave sin, which can lead you to great troubles.
The new fashion of sexual reforms in room design has created another form of release of negative energies into the physical world. Install a mirror in the bedroom on the ceiling or opposite the bed so that the sleeping person is reflected in it. The mirror is capable of reflecting dangerous energies of the so-called low astral plane. And if it is facing the bed, these energies will actively irradiate the sleeping people. The result is nightmares, chronic lack of sleep, weakness, fatigue.
It is not recommended to spend a long time in front of the mirror; look into your own eyes for a long time. Fatigue and memory loss are the most harmless things you will feel. Mirrors accumulate human energy, vampirizing it. It has been experimentally proven that this process begins in about three minutes. Hence all the jokes about blondes, who are believed to love to admire their reflection for a long time. But that would be nothing. It turned out that the more often you look in the mirror, the faster you age. From the standpoint of modern bioenergy, this effect has been scientifically explained. The energy emitted by us and reflected from the mirror is partially neutralized and destroys the protective energy layer, that is, the “aura”.
However, it is appropriate here to describe the “Mirror Corridor” ritual for a deeper understanding of the process.
Ritual “Mirror corridor”

Take two tabletop rectangular mirrors of different sizes - one should be about a third larger than the other. Place the mirrors on the table so that one fits completely inside the other, creating an endless chain of reflections. This system of mirrors should be in front of you so that the corridor of reflections (an infinitely decreasing series of multiplied reflections) is completely visible. It is clear that you will look in a large mirror, but so that the smaller one does not bother you. Place and light two candles on both sides of the mirrors. This is necessary to illuminate them, but the light of candles should not blind the eyes or distract. Prepare candles specifically for the fortune telling ritual.
Condition: the action must be performed in the dark (not counting the light of candles), alone and in silence. I recommend building a magic circle, you never know how to escape from there!?.
And so, everything is ready for the ritual. Sit in front of the mirrors, relax and focus on the deepest possible point inside the corridor. Now try to “go” as deep as possible, not forgetting to capture all the smaller and more obscure reflections. And now, attention, a question. Address him to the alley of mirrors. Do not be alarmed and do not interrupt the ritual in the middle, because your room will be filled with energies that will subsequently be very difficult to expel. If you have focused enough on your question, an image of the person you are asking about will begin to appear in the depths of the alley. I warn you again, at the moment of vision, do not relax or be distracted (an inexperienced magician may lose concentration from surprise or fright). Take a close look at who you see. Sometimes he may even give you some kind of sign, or he may show you an object, or try to say something. Rarely is the vision accompanied by sound, but the message is easily read on your lips or sounds in your head. Keep your eyes on the mirrors until the leading disappears!

Now complete the ritual. Be sure to leave the magic circle, thank the forces that helped you and break the circle.

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