Multifunctional furniture: a universal option for a compact interior. Transformable furniture - modern design options for a small apartment (111 photo ideas) Multifunctional transformable sofa

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No matter how big or small his house is, modern man tries to make it as spacious and free as possible. Gone are the days when it was believed that “the more, the richer.” Today the trend is practical and original solutions for the home, including - smart furniture transformer, which can be used for a variety of purposes and at the same time take up little space in a small apartment. In this article we have collected amazing models multifunctional furniture- wardrobe beds, transformable tables, sofas and other transformable furniture - will make even the tiniest interior feel spacious and comfortable.

Transformable furniture for a small apartment is a good choice

Transformer furniture, presented in our first series of photos, is especially popular among owners of small-sized 1-room apartments, but can also be used in any other home where there are not enough separate rooms. A folding wardrobe bed and convertible sofa can make one interior act as a bedroom, living room, dining room and home office at once.

Wardrobe-bed in the interior of the apartment - 13 photos

Transformable sofa in the interior

Transformable wardrobe for a small children's room

This transformable cabinet will be very convenient for you if you work from home or have children school age.

Transformable bed

Speaking of arrangement small apartment with children, we cannot fail to mention the transformable children's bed, which will grow with your child:

And also a transformable bed for a teenager’s children’s room:

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Smart furniture for the living room - transformable table

Smart transformable furniture can also conveniently transform your living room when guests come. Agree that a coffee or console table is a transformer that can easily turn into a large dinner table, useful in every modern home.

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Multifunctional kitchen furniture

Amazing shelves, kitchens and other multifunctional furniture that will save space in a small apartment and hide unnecessary things.

Transformer kitchen furniture in the photo:

The modest areas of small-sized apartments dictate their own rules for landscaping: installation of the most necessary items, rational zoning of space. All this is facilitated by multifunctional furniture, which helps create a cozy and comfortable environment. Thanks to the right choice and arrangement of objects, it is easy to create a space that organically unites different zones.

Multifunctional furniture are products that can be easily used in several variations. Special mechanisms allow you to quickly turn a sofa into a comfortable one. sleeping area for a relaxing holiday or make a large dining table for a holiday out of an inconspicuous chest of drawers.

Manufacturers use a variety of materials to make furniture and create items that fit harmoniously into modern interiors.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • It is compact products that solve the problem of small areas, but the list of its advantages is not limited to this. The popularity of multifunctional items is also explained by other positive aspects:
  • saving money - one item performs several functions and there is no need to purchase additional furniture;
  • the presence of built-in drawers on some sofa beds allows you to quickly and neatly fold bed linen;
  • The products are comfortable to use every day, since they are quite easy to lay out and assemble;

modern furniture design makes some things a real decoration of the interior.

  • However, like any items, multifunctional models are not without drawbacks:
  • the need to lay out furniture every day, which not everyone likes;
  • the legs of retractable models can scratch the floor covering;

It is difficult to choose products for some interior styles (Provence, country).

The table and bed play an important role in everyday life. That is why it is important to choose furniture models that will be as comfortable as possible and fit organically into the environment.


  • the sofa bed can be considered the most famous model of multifunctional furniture. When installing the product, it is possible not only to significantly save space. At night, the item serves as a full-fledged sleeping place, and during the day it is a soft zone and is used for receiving guests. In fact, one piece of furniture allows you to organize different functional areas. If the apartment has a separate bedroom, then a sofa bed is purchased for guests so that they can fully rest at night. Very popular models are equipped with an internal drawer, where both bedding and out-of-season items are stored;
  • Wardrobe bed can be classified as a unique design. A regular model can simultaneously serve as a traditional wardrobe and a full-fledged bed. In such products, shelves (open/closed) are located on the sides, and the central part of the structure is occupied by a bed equipped lifting mechanism. When choosing such a cabinet, it is necessary to provide for the presence of free space in front of it, and also be sure to arrange a separate soft area for a comfortable daytime rest;
  • The cabinets look unusual, the contents of which can be changed depending on the purpose of the product. I would like to call such models “eternal”, since they adapt to the needs of the owners. It’s easy to change the size of the shelves, their location, and depth. In such cabinets installed in a children's room, toys are ideally located first, then books/textbooks, and then clothes;
  • The table book also does not lose its relevance. Internal built-in shelves allow for compact storage household appliances or various other items. For convenient use of shelves, you can use special open boxes. When folded, the table looks like a stand for flowers and souvenirs. And when unfolded, it’s perfect for festive events;
  • Children's multifunctional furniture has also become very popular. First of all, you should pay attention to the crib with a changing table. This model is equipped with a changing table with drawers, a small crib with a protective net. As the child grows older, the bed is lengthened, and the changing table is converted into a separate bedside table, on which you can place a night lamp;
  • children's beds and chests of drawers are the most popular. When folded, the structure is used as a table or chest of drawers, and when unfolded, it is used as a full-fledged sleeping place. For families with two children, a two-story sofa bed would be an excellent choice. IN daytime The sofa is a great place to read books or just sit with a group of friends. At night, the model turns into two comfortable sleeping places.

Many manufacturers are constantly striving to offer new multifunctional furniture. Today it is not enough to create an ordinary multifunctional structure. The appearance of the product, its style and ability to become an important design accent in the interior of the room become important.


Sofa bed

Bed chest of drawers

Desk book

Wardrobe bed

Folding types

Multifunctional furniture is very popular due to the variety of models and folding methods. It will not be difficult to choose a product suitable for a specific home. The most popular designs are:

  • The “book” mechanism can be considered the most famous. To unfold, you need to raise the seat until it clicks and lower it. The back rests horizontally, turning the sofa into a full-fledged sleeping place. It is the simplicity of the design and the presence of a spacious internal compartment that make this model in demand for many years;
  • “Accordion” is distinguished by the ability to create a sleeping place without noticeable joints and differences in planes. To unfold the sofa, just pull the seat forward by a special loop, and the backrest folds out. When choosing such a model, it is important that there is enough free space in front of it. But this nuance is compensated by the ease of unfolding;
  • The “French folding bed” can be called a stylish European version of multifunctional furniture. But we must keep in mind that the sofa does not have a linen drawer, and the unfolding procedure takes some time. Therefore, it is better to have this model as an option for a guest bed;
  • Eurosofa is different simple mechanism folding - you need to lightly press on the edge of the backrest, which will smoothly lower and take a horizontal position. Special advantages - the sofa does not need to be moved away from the wall when unfolding, this great option a sleeping place for every night;
  • The book table when assembled is used as a cabinet. If necessary, you can raise the surface only on one side (a retractable support is used for fixation);
  • for a sliding table model, the halves of the tabletop are moved from the center and an additional part of the table is installed in the free space;
  • The bed chest of drawers has a sleeping place, which, when raised, is located horizontally. Some models are equipped with a folding tabletop, which allows you to organize a full workplace.

It is impossible to single out the ideal design of multifunctional furniture, since everyone has their own priorities.

Bed chest of drawers


Desk book

French folding bed

Criterias of choice

Multifunctional furniture for a small apartment should not only save space, but also create a comfortable environment in the room. To avoid mistakes, when choosing products you need to take into account some nuances:

  • when disassembled, the furniture should leave enough space for residents to move freely;
  • special attention is paid to the folding mechanisms - during operation the structure should not creak or jam;
  • the fittings must be properly installed and secured;
  • when choosing upholstery fabrics, it is preferable to choose dense, non-staining materials (matting, flock, jacquard), which are easy to care for;
  • products must fit organically into the interior of the room. Most of all universal small furniture corresponds to the style of minimalism, high-tech, Scandinavian and modern styles;
  • The main part of the products is made of chipboard (they are durable and reliable). Items made from natural wood are more environmentally friendly and durable, but are more expensive;
  • When choosing furniture for a children's room, special attention is paid to the safety of the structure and the quality of materials.

Installing multifunctional furniture and using interesting decorative techniques allows you to transform a modest-sized room into a cozy home where different zones and styles organically coexist.



Rational use of every square centimeter is the task of many families. Too many people live in small apartments. In this case, transformable furniture will help. There are different models for different rooms: bedroom, kitchen, hallway, children's room, living room. There is no such furniture only in the bathroom or toilet. And that one will probably appear soon.

Types and types

Transformable furniture is convenient if the room area is small. For small apartments this is a salvation. Another area is if the room is multifunctional. This is also typical for apartments with a small area. For spacious houses or apartments this is not necessary. Perhaps for the organization of additional beds when guests visit.

In any version - folded or unfolded - it looks great

Basically, transformable furniture combines two types of objects in one piece. Moreover, most of them are associated with sleeping places. You can find: wardrobe-bed, table-bed, bed-sofa.

By the way, in the case of the example - a sofa bed - be careful. Do not confuse it with the upholstered furniture popular among our grandmothers called “sofa bed”. It was not the most comfortable sofa, which folded out into something resembling a bed (also, by the way, not very comfortable).

In the current version there are two different subjects, arranged into one. A full bed with a mattress rises during the day, representing a wardrobe and part of the back of the sofa. A soft seat is available. It turns out to be a sofa. But not folding, but “stationary”, so to speak. As a rule, additional pillows make it more comfortable. At night they are stowed away (maybe a storage box under the sofa seat) and the bed is lowered. So, as you can see, this is a completely different piece of furniture.

There is also transformable furniture, which is associated with the “appearance” of the table. Moreover, the table itself can have different purposes:

  • to organize an additional (or main) workplace;
  • to increase the area of ​​the dining table;
  • for increase work surface in kitchen sets.

There are also triple transformers. Basically it is a wardrobe-bed-sofa or a wardrobe-bed-table. They differ from double cabinets only in that the cabinet is large in size due to the non-transformable part with shelves.

Transformer furniture: pros and cons

The advantage of furniture transformers is obvious: they occupy less space than two separate items. That's all. Actually, there are no other advantages. But there are disadvantages:

In general, that's all. If you still want to have transformable furniture, choose not only functionality and appearance. Pay attention to the mechanisms. They must be made of good steel, the movement must be easy. If you have the slightest problems when unfolding or folding, it is better to refuse the purchase.

Transformable bed

All built-in beds are equipped with orthopedic mattresses, which are fixed to the frame. Basically, transformer furniture of this type is folding. In one state, the frame is raised vertically, held in place by spring or pneumatic holders. This furniture looks like a wardrobe. In another position, the frame is lowered and rests its legs on the floor. In this case, everything looks like a bed that stands next to the closet.

When planning to buy a lift-type transforming bed, keep in mind that it should stand near load-bearing wall. Since the structure is attached to the wall, it must withstand heavy loads. So it won’t be possible to place such furniture next to a weak partition. Maybe roll-out models, but there aren’t many of them and they don’t have the same effects.

Wardrobe bed

Wardrobe beds differ in the orientation of the mattress relative to the surface of the cabinet. There are models that are attached to furniture with the long side, and others with the short side. In the first option, the cabinet turns out to be wider, it top part can be used for its intended purpose - as a section for storing things.

This type of transformable wall is suitable for narrow rooms. But only a single or one-and-a-half bed can be built in. This type is also called “horizontal” folding bed"—the long part is located along the horizon.

The same type is used for bunk wardrobe beds. They have two separate beds located one above the other. When assembled, they look like a cabinet.

To climb to the second tier, install an additional ladder. This is the main inconvenience. Firstly, it is far from safe; there are no railings at all. Secondly, it needs to be kept somewhere while the beds are folded. In general, there are disadvantages. But there is also a huge plus - the space savings are very significant.

The advantage of this option is lower price. These models do not require large lifting power, since the load on the mechanism is not so high. In the most budget options can use springs. Due to this, the cost is reduced.

Transformable furniture: vertical folding bed is convenient for small apartments

There are also models in which the bed is attached to the wall with a short part. Such models are sometimes called “vertical folding beds”. Here the price is higher, since the load on the mechanism responsible for lowering and raising is considerable. Pneumatic lifts are already used here, and they should be good quality. There are even options with automatic drive and remote control.

IN this option There are single, single and double beds. How larger size, all the more attention should be paid to the lift. You should also check the mattress fixation system. It should be reliable, but at the same time, provide the ability to remove the mattress for drying/disinfection without any problems.

Walls with built-in beds (transformable wall)

This is an even more solid and expensive type of transformable furniture. Part of the wall - side or central - can move away, revealing a vertical bed hidden behind it.

This furniture has no less functionality than a regular wall. Unless it requires more space along the “depth” - so that part of the cabinet can be moved aside. But all the shelves are functional, which is rare in transformable furniture. Even if they are less deep than they could be in a regular closet, the bed is not visible during the daytime. The view is business or official, the room can be a living room or dining room. And in the evening, with the bed lowered, it turns into a bedroom with a full bed.

Roll-out beds

Another transforming bed is hidden under a work, play or second bed. This option is most often used in children's rooms. It is safer because the sleeping place is low, which is important for children.

Pay attention to the photo. To make it convenient to use both the bed and the table, both the table and the bed can be pulled out. Very smart and compact. For small apartments, this is an excellent option for a child’s room.

Another nuance: a drawer for storing linen under the bed. In principle, this place may be empty. In this case, you can do without a retractable tabletop, since the legs can be hidden under the folded bed.

Table transformer

Not at all fewer models transformable tables. For living rooms, transformable coffee tables that fold out into a dining room are good. A couple of moves and the living room turns into a dining room.

Transformation methods are different, but mainly lifting and sliding tabletops are used. When folded, the two parts of the tabletop overlap one another.

Transformer: bed-table

There is also a transformable table for a bedroom or children's room. In this case, the desktop rises up, and the berth is lowered on a rotating hinge and rests on the legs. The location of the mattress in this case is horizontal, saving space is significant. In addition, the room does not lose functionality either day or night.

Several cabinets on top - for storing books or things Side cabinets - for storing various small items

This is a good way to free up space for games in the nursery and organize an additional sleeping area to accommodate guests. Ideal for schoolchildren, also suitable for students.

There are also more respectable appearance options that can be placed, for example, in the living room or dining room. Again for placement large quantity guests.

This transformable furniture can already be called a table-bed-wardrobe. Since more complex modifications also contain sections with shelves on the side. At high altitude The ceiling can be on top, above the bed level, and shelves with doors can be made to store rarely used items. This option is useful if you don’t have one in which out-of-season items are stored.

For kitchen

There are transformable tables for the kitchen. Some use the same principle as the famous book tables. A certain “piece” is added to the main working surface, fixed in one way or another to the main tabletop.

This transformable furniture is good for one-room small apartments old building, where every centimeter counts. When there are few people, it can be folded. If necessary, the area is increased.

Some retractable tabletops may be supported by legs, while others hang in the air, supported by guides

There are also tables with extendable tops. In this case, you also need to pay attention to the fixation system. It bears a considerable load, so there must be a margin of safety. It gives good metal and a reliable system of rollers on which the tabletop extends.

The type of metal used to make the guides is also important for the kitchen. At a minimum, it should be galvanized metal, but better - stainless steel. As a last resort, for budget models, powder coating is suitable. It cannot be said that it is much cheaper than the same galvanization, but it gives more options by color.

Transformable sofas

Another type of transformable furniture is sofas. Everyone knows the old model - the sofa bed. But we're talking about not about her. This is not a very good option, although it is widespread. There are more interesting ones.

Sofa bed

This type of transformable furniture is fundamentally different from old model: a full bed is converted into an equally full and comfortable sofa. The bed in this version is mounted vertically, mostly single and double mattresses.

The principle of operation is the same as that of the wardrobe-bed. The sofa is installed permanently, the bed is fixed raised and can be upholstered soft cloth to match the sofa upholstery, the role of the backrest is played by pillows. Before unfolding, they are removed, the bed is lowered, which lies on the sofa and rests on retractable legs. A shelf can play the role of a leg (as in the photo above).

There is another type of such furniture: a wardrobe-sofa-bed. It differs from the one described above only in that more sections with shelves or cabinets are attached next to it. If the ceiling height is sufficient, shelves/cabinets can be located above the bed.

Sofa bunk bed

For children's rooms, a good option is a sofa that transforms into two beds, located one above the other. This model involves a complex mechanism, so the cost of such transforming sofas is quite high.

But the model is very convenient. Both the sofa and the beds are comfortable. Compared to the traditional one, it does not “load” space as much, but saves it no less.

Sofa table

Sofa with table. This option is rather exotic. Its functionality is not so high. But as an option for non-standard furniture it is good. The sofa table has a movable back made of wood (or its substitutes) or plastic. While transformer furniture is used as cushioned furniture, external differences No. If necessary, the back rests forward, where it rests on the floor.

Sofa table. Can be installed on the veranda - as a place for relaxation or possible gatherings

As a rule, such a transformable sofa has one more way of use: it folds out into a bed. An additional ottoman pulls out from under the seat. That is, this is a 3 in 1 option.

Another option for a transformable sofa is modular design. This is not exactly what was described before. All upholstered furniture is divided into segments that can fit together in different ways.

As a rule, the sofa itself is extendable or folding. It is installed permanently, and smaller mobile units can be moved. They often have casters.

Unusual Transformers

There are several transformers that are difficult to classify as furniture. For example, a shelf that turns into small table. Perfect option for a walk-through room, if there is nowhere to put a stationary table, but there is only a piece of wall in a walk-through place.

Shelves that turn into a table - at least original

No less original solution- a picture or mirror that turns into a table. IN in this case The tabletop is attached to the wall using hinges. A mirror or picture is attached to its back surface (which becomes the front surface when raised).

A mirror on the wall becomes... a table

The legs are made in the form of a frame frame. When the table is needed, it is folded back. When not needed, they are attached to the wall again. This is also one of the very good options if the table can only be installed in a walk-through area. An ideal solution for some small apartments.

Durable, good quality and multifunctional furniture is the dream of any modern design lover. Especially pleasant for the fundamentally small apartments of ordinary citizens, this universal furniture from Resource Furniture will make the fuss modern image life a little more manageable.

The graphic surface with a geometric pattern above the workstation looks quite cool. But from a functional point of view, it is also a lowering bed. Teens will never be short on room for friends to sleep over in their nursery.

Little girls need a lot of space to play to their heart's content. This modular unit with a fold-out bed on the second floor does just that.

- during the day, bedroom - at night. Who would have thought that small ledges above the sofa would become a support for the bed?

Forget the bulky beds of yesterday: the modern version is much better. A magic somersault - and the wall turns into a wide double bed with a headboard.

Very narrow coffee table expands to become a dining table for ten people. Marvelous!

The mobile media center reveals a folding double bed behind it.

Spacious office unfolds from closed cabinet. This is just a dream for those who work from home, but are limited by the meager room footage.

This is an amazing multi-functional unit for teens. The double bed easily folds into a wall with a computer desk.

With a surprise: the sofa folds up and the bed unfolds. Ideal for unexpected company.

Which amazes with its functionality and does not take up much space. This multifunctional transformable furniture is perfect for any room, even the smallest one.

In a small apartment or room, it is sometimes difficult to place the right amount of furniture so that all the inhabitants of the living space feel cozy and comfortable. Designers have long been trying to solve this problem and make the room spacious, stylish and at the same time as functional as possible.

Now this has become possible, because modern furniture manufacturers offer us wonderful furniture. Such furniture can be not only, this concept includes entire complexes for creating a working and sleeping space in a tiny space.

The Italian collection of children's multifunctional furniture TIRAMOLLA was created using original design, which allows you to unlimitedly arrange the main elements of furniture to organize the space in such a way as to maximize your imagination.

The most striking thing is its originality and design of teenage furniture, which has absolutely everything. Please note that the furniture is arranged so that it is convenient and safe to use.

In the lower tier there is a sofa with a pull-out bed, comfortable computer desk and even a TV can be placed on the wall. On the upper tier there is not only a sleeping place, but also bedside tables for storing various things.

WITH outside There is a wardrobe and lots of shelves for books. The complex amazes with its compactness and functionality. And most importantly, it is perfect for two and three children.

Furniture - all in one

Another great option for small room is an “all in one” wardrobe, inside of which there is a special way, and on top, again, there is a sleeping place for the child.

When folded, it is simple, which is slightly wider than standard models. In addition to the fact that this set serves as two beds, it is also a good storage system, as it is very roomy due to its width. The system also has space for a computer, plenty drawers and storage cabinets.

School-age children will feel great on it, since their safety is guaranteed by the protective restraints of the upper tier.

Bunk furniture for one person

There are also ones made of solid wood; there is a sleeping place on top, under which a cozy corner for studying is formed. Teenagers will like such models; they are quite inexpensive, and if you show a little imagination and paint them, you can good lighting and hang a screening curtain, then the child even in one-room apartment your own corner will appear.

For example, for those who do not yet have children, or for a teenage child, such transformable furniture is suitable, which on the ground floor includes a workplace with compartments for storing documents, books, favorite CDs, and upstairs there is a spacious bed, on which is led by a wooden staircase.

For rooms with high ceilings

The sleeping place can be arranged on top of the stairs or front door, if the ceiling height allows, for example in country house, and if you put limiters, you will get a cozy corner for quiet children’s games, one that you won’t see at first glance.

In a room where two children live, you can install cabinets resembling a window along one wall; they will serve as a storage place for clothes and other things, and in the center you will get two comfortable and low sleeping places. If desired, this option can be made with your own hands, having the appropriate skills and tools.

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