Modern and classic in the bathroom interior. Bathrooms in Art Nouveau style: design ideas, interiors & photos

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Thanks to good combination noble forms and modern design solutions, Art Nouveau style is very popular today. Bath in modern style Art Nouveau will emphasize the wealth of the owners and their excellent taste.

Every day a person begins with water procedures, so the bathroom should be special, invigorating and functional. A bathroom created in the Art Nouveau style fits perfectly into all these criteria; it will not only energize you positive emotions, but will also delight you with convenience and practicality. What is characteristic of this style and how to create it correctly in the bathroom?

Art Nouveau style appeared at the beginning of the 19th century. At that time, new techniques began to be used in art. The basis of the style is beauty, decorativeness, the use of smooth, flexible lines instead of angles, as well as the use of floral patterns in decoration. The main difference between Art Nouveau and other styles is its uneven, smooth forms, reminiscent of plastic natural structures.

Bathroom in modern style

In essence, modernism is a mixture of several styles. It has 2 main directions: constructive and decorative. Constructive modernity is clear and simple shapes, minimum decor. It is very similar to minimalism, but this style is not suitable for standard bathrooms; it needs space. Decorative is an abundance of ornaments and exquisite forms, claims to sophistication and luxury. Decorative Art Nouveau is similar to classic style, but he deepens and expands it in a new way. To decorate a modern bathroom, you can use natural materials: crystal, wood, plaster, stone and ceramics. Elements of stucco molding, images of leaves and flowers of plants on the ceiling would be appropriate.
In constructive designs, you can use bright and non-standard colors and combinations. For example, a bathroom can be decorated in the cult of restrained blue, rich red, elegant silver-gray or magical purple, or you can combine white and black. Decorative modernism is best decorated in unobtrusive colors - beige, cream, sand, in any shades of brown. Designers most often use pearl gray and gray-blue tones in a bathroom of this style.

Finishing materials for baths in Art Nouveau style

The ceiling, floor and walls in the bathroom are finished with modern, technologically advanced, moisture-resistant materials. Ceramic tiles in in this case does not fit, since there is no constructivism in it. The most affordable and economical option is plastic. If you want to add luxury and elegance to your bathroom, then you can choose glass wallpaper. An aesthetic and logical addition to the walls will be, which is practical, has a huge selection of designs and also looks chic.

Whatever building material is chosen for wall decoration, it must have a beautiful figured ornament with fancy bends and curvilinear geometry. The floor in the bathroom can be self-leveling or tiled. The main thing is that it has a pattern in the form of a floral pattern or curved lines.

Modern bathroom: plumbing and furniture

In a modern bathroom, it is best to use beautiful, light and comfortable acrylic sanitary ware. Asymmetrical acrylic bathtub will add zest and allow you to reveal the Art Nouveau style. Sinks and others plumbing accessories should be elegant, it is best to give preference to hanging modifications. Of course, such plumbing will cost more, but it will allow you to hide all drainage and plumbing communications, giving a modern-style bathroom a special charm.

There should be little furniture, because the entire emphasis in the bathroom should not be on it, but on the light and big window and elegant plumbing. In a modern bathroom, it is enough to place a small cabinet, a cabinet under the sink and, if necessary, several laconic shelves. It is best to use hanging furniture; it should seem to float in the air.

Bathroom lighting

The key element of modernity in the bathroom is a large, bright window. If possible, one wall in the bathroom can be turned into one large, continuous window. If this cannot be done, then you can install a large mirror. It should be installed in such a way that the light is reflected in the darkest corners of the room. A mirror in a modern bathroom should have no sharp, right angles. It should be asymmetrical in shape or placed in an asymmetrical frame. It is best to use small lamps built into the ceiling or wall. Pretentious and embossed sconces with metal horns and large glass shades will definitely not suit Art Nouveau. Soft, relaxing and unobtrusive lighting can be created with the help of several round spotlights. A modern style bathroom is a great combination of exquisite taste, functionality and price for creating this interior.

See more about bathroom styles and colors.

Modernism was created to conquer modern hearts. A bathroom renovated not according to traditional rules, but in an informal modern style, can truly shape your new world. Everyone who enters such a room will open their mouths and freeze on the threshold. A modern bathroom will make them forget why they came here in the first place.

Features of a bathroom in modern style

A modern bathroom, as it is obvious, will differ in many parameters, and, in particular:

  • lack of clear, straight lines,
  • erasing pronounced corners,
  • the presence of an aesthetic and multifunctional interior,
  • the presence of exquisite and very picturesque effects,
  • fluid forms of living nature,
  • the predominance of natural, floral patterns,
  • forged, console furniture,
  • soft poufs.

Since Art Nouveau is based on natural forms, it can follow the shapes of a sea shell, an iris, or complex asymmetry.

General background of the room

In a modern style bathroom, the details are not particularly striking; rather, it is the general background that captivates the eye. First of all, our craftsmen will take care of creating the walls for your stylish modern bathroom. As a rule, tiles are chosen for their design, but they differ in style. This is far from classic and traditional. You are encouraged to create real photo wallpapers from tiles that reflect pictures of nature. The tiles used are the most different sizes, texture, colors. It can be combined with a mirror modification, which creates modern cubism. The same mirror tiles used, if desired, on the ceiling.

Drawing elements

Our designers and craftsmen pay special attention to drawing the elements that will form general style modern bathroom. It will be generously saturated with picturesqueness. The lines of such a bathroom smoothly flow into one another. This is achieved using special decorating techniques. Presence also plays a role in this. important details. The color and texture of the cladding has a non-standard pattern that repeats the amazing perfection of nature or contains strict ornamental proportions and asymmetry, forming the associative perception of your bathroom

Special attention should be paid to the floor. Bathroom floor tiles in the Art Nouveau style offer the richest palette of textures and colors. Our craftsmen prefer porcelain tiles, which are produced in a huge range by global brands. They manage to create the lineup, amazingly imitating a plank floor, real parquet, stone. The beauty of nature is undeniable, and the material that imitates it has a lot of advantages. He:

  • abrasion resistant
  • not susceptible to moisture,
  • has anti-slip effect and so on.

Ceramic tiles in the Art Nouveau style are even available in a skillfully aged form, which will give your bathroom an epochal flavor.

Color solutions for a modern bathroom

For the Art Nouveau style the following gamma is used:

  • pale green,
  • soft lilac,
  • the color of a fading rose,
  • pearl,
  • gray,
  • ocher,
  • gold,
  • umber and so on.

Priority is always given not to bright colors, but to halftones. When decorating a bathroom in the Art Nouveau style you have chosen, we always recommend ordering the development of a design project to create harmony throughout. Our specialists competently approach the combination of materials, textures, colors, but the participation of a designer will help create a special area for rest and relaxation. In addition, the designer will advise you on how to choose furniture for your new bathroom in the Art Nouveau style.

Everything will be done not only according to the latest in the plumbing segment, but also taking into account maximum convenience and functionality of space, even small.

Art Nouveau style appeared at the beginning of the last century, when, instead of clear classical lines and right angles, asymmetrical smoothness and softness of lines, decor in the form of floral ornaments and compositions, and deliberate unevenness of forms came into fashion.

In Art Nouveau, it is common to use rough materials such as glass, metal, and wood. Also an integral part of the style are natural naturalistic motifs, expressed in the floral or fruit form of interior details, and floral designs.

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All these materials and stylistic nuances can be successfully used to implement your own solutions in the design of a bathroom in the Art Nouveau style.

Colors used for a modern style bathroom

Modernism implies tranquility, bohemianism, relaxation and regularity. All colors used for decoration should be sprinkled and blurred. Modern classics are peach shades and pastel colors.

All color solutions should be extremely calm - these are gray-blue tones, the color of a “faded rose”, muted lilac. The Art Nouveau palette seems dusty, close to the color scheme found in nature.

Art Nouveau is perfectly implemented in large rooms, where there is scope for creativity in the form of multi-level tiers, numerous mirrors, large oval bathtubs and an unusual window.

Gray rectangular bathroom in modern style.

Modern bathroom walls

Natural materials such as wooden panels, tiles with drawings of plants, ornamental details with curved lines - the decoration of the walls in the bathroom can be quite varied. An excellent solution is decorative plaster or a pattern applied with paint. All materials must be resistant to high humidity.

Bathroom floors

Usage ceramic tiles especially applicable to floors. When using a modern bathroom design, it should be taken into account that floor finishing products should color scheme echo the wall decoration and combine the darkest and lightest shade of the bathroom interior.

Dark tiles on the floor of a modern bathroom

Ceiling finishing

Designers who use modernism in interiors recommend using the same materials for the ceiling as for the walls. Painting is especially often used, less often plaster and tiles. Stretch ceilings, which have recently become popular in our country, are not used in the bathroom, as they require low humidity and room temperature air.

The painted ceiling is an excellent continuation of the walls

Lamp is an important component of style

Lamps can become the main highlight of the design; the possibilities for style solutions are endlessly varied. Crystal wings of a butterfly or dragonfly, a bunch of grapes, woven leaves in the form of lamps or chandeliers will add exquisite charm to the bathroom. The light should be soft and diffused.

Bathroom in Art Nouveau style with big chandelier in the middle of the room.

Bathroom furniture

It is better to use furniture that is simple and laconic, not burdened by bulky lines. It would be better if the material here is natural wood.

The rug can be made in the form of grass or with a pattern of withered foliage. If you have a large bathroom, then the interior can be enriched with vases irregular shape or a picture in a corresponding “crooked” frame.

cute wall cabinets in a modern style bathroom

Even if the springboard for creating a bathroom in the Art Nouveau style is a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building, then by combining a bathtub and a toilet you can expand the maneuver area.

The Art Nouveau style bathroom is increasingly attracting attention. It should be noted that modernity is not just modern look premises. This style has a lot of features and subtleties. If you want to arrange your bathroom in this way, we will help you with this. In the article we will describe all the features of the style, select color palette, Decoration Materials.

Modernism - what is characteristic of it?

This style is unique and unlike anything else. Before you decide to complete the design, consider all the subtleties of the direction.

A modern bathroom has the following features:

  • there are no corners in the room or there are not many of them;
  • To recreate the Art Nouveau style in the bathroom you need a lot of space. It is not recommended to decorate small rooms this way;
  • there is asymmetry in the layout;
  • if the bathroom is not in an apartment, but in a house, then there should be a large window;
  • use exclusively natural materials;
  • carry out installation multi-level ceilings and walls;
  • the interior combines practicality and decorativeness;
  • The colors in the interior are muted, soft and not bright. They are usually natural in tone;
  • there is a minimum of furniture;
  • plumbing has simple and geometric shapes;
  • The design is complemented by luxurious, even slightly pretentious details and accessories.

Finishing material in design

Modern is a special style. In this area, serious requirements are placed on the choice of finishing materials. But let's all take turns.

Walls with natural texture

It is customary to use in wall decoration natural materials. Current:

  • natural stone - looks great in the interior. The natural pattern gives the walls an expensive look and nobility;
  • Ceramic tiles are a traditional material that will look amazing in any interior. In a room in the Art Nouveau style, it is customary to use tiles in natural shades with an unusual pattern;
  • wood – looks rich and impressive. At the same time, the material lasts a long time and does not lose its attractiveness;
  • plastic panels are not natural material, but economical. The main thing is to choose a suitable drawing. A texture that imitates stone or wood is perfect.

Ceiling - the more complex the better

Special attention in the interior is paid to the ceiling. There are some simple recommendations:

  1. Install multi-level ceilings. Complex design will help visually expand the space.
  2. To create several levels, you can stretch the ceilings with film or use drywall.
  3. The stucco on the ceiling will look relevant and unusual.
  4. Crystal chandeliers are traditionally used as lighting. They look rich and impressive in the interior.

Floors - simplicity and conciseness

Unlike the ceiling, the floors are decorated modestly. The emphasis is on naturalness. The most commonly used materials are:

  • porcelain tiles with imitation stone, marble, granite, wood. It looks laconic but stylish;
  • Self-leveling floors are a new product that can make a room incredibly cozy. The advantage is that there are no seams or joints;
  • parquet or laminate - such flooring materials are rarely used. But, if you decide to use it, then you need to choose one with a special coating that will withstand the humidity in the bathroom;
  • mosaic – unusual, but original design. This decoration will create an authentic atmosphere and comfort.

Colors that will attract attention

When choosing a finishing material, you need to consider the following. Art Nouveau style involves the use of plain surfaces. They should be light, muted and soft.

The following tones are considered traditional:

  • beige;
  • pearl;
  • white;
  • cream;
  • sand.

If you want to be in the mainstream, then give preference to the following shades:

  • olive - this color will bring a certain aristocracy to the bathroom. In addition, it is pleasing to the eye;

  • Sage color is a muted and very soft tone. The bathroom will be very cozy and comfortable;

  • dusty lilac - this option in the interior calms and inspires;

  • ocher color - the tone can create a festive interior. The bathroom will shine and make a unique impression;

  • peacock blue – bold, extravagant and very impressive. But with this color you need to be extremely careful and not overdo it with details.

5 trends in the modern bathroom

A modern style bathroom is an option for those people who want to experiment and are opponents of standards and templates. The classics will not suit them, but this direction is just right. In 2018, a lot of ideas for arranging a bathroom were proposed. Let's list the main trends:

  1. Self-leveling floor. This type of decoration will complete the design. Since the interior should have a minimum of occupancy, self-leveling floors that have no seams or joints are the ideal solution.

2. Fundamental partitions. A new approach to zoning. Previously it was important to install glass partitions, but now the concept has changed. Powerful, fundamental and thick partitions made of marble, stone, granite look more impressive and richer. But remember – this trend is only relevant for large premises.

3. Washbasins on a solid countertop. A different approach to plumbing. The more unusual it is, the more interesting it is. Several washbasins on one continuous countertop look simple, laconic and extraordinary. In addition, it is extremely convenient and practical.

4. Shower cabin in the form of a hammam. Turkish bath in the bathroom, and even in this style - unusual and ambiguous. But it still looks original and very practical. The main thing is that the hammam is made in the canons of the Art Nouveau style - a minimum of details, a maximum of space.

A beautiful bath is everyone’s dream; organizing the space in an Art Nouveau style will help you achieve this goal. Previously, this room was used only for its intended purpose and no design elements or unusual interior there was no talk.

The necessary plumbing, furniture and simple tile cladding for reliable protection from moisture - that's all there was.

Modern man puts the bathroom on the same level as all other rooms in the house, using stylistic directions. Art Nouveau is recognized as one of the ever popular styles.

In a nutshell, what is modernity?

Any direction in design has its own characteristics, with the help of which it is easy to distinguish one from the other.

As for modernism, natural lines and natural shades are taken as the basis. None sharp corners or straight edges, everything should be as smooth and natural as possible, just like in the wild.

In Art Nouveau, floral ornaments and patterns are used in everything:

  • in finishing;
  • in furniture;
  • in plumbing;
  • in lighting fixtures;
  • in the scenery.

It is important to understand that in any style every detail matters and if the wrong elements are used, the entire interior can lose its stylistic unity.

In order for a modern bathroom to have character traits In this direction, you need to listen to the advice of designers and carefully select finishing materials and related pieces of furniture.


Art Nouveau and modernism styles are two different directions, closely related to each other. Modernism combines several styles, and Art Nouveau is a separate movement that appeared in the 19th century.

Style color scheme

Art Nouveau is based on the use of floral patterns, which means the color scheme must be appropriate.

Bright and catchy shades in the interior are unacceptable, especially in the bathroom. This room should be a quiet and relaxing place where you can enjoy time and soak in the water. It is best to use the following colors to decorate the room:

  • beige;
  • light green;
  • light brown;
  • pink;
  • orange;
  • pale red;
  • lilac and others.

The main condition is that any color should be soft. Even if brown or green is used as a basis, it is advisable to dilute them light decor or not used at all in the most intense form.

Even black color is allowed, but only as a additional elements or decorations. For finishing walls, floors and ceilings, the color scheme should consist of calm shades.

It's better to give up dark colors in decoration also for the reason that they visually make the room smaller and make it difficult to perceive. Light shades add lightness to the space, even if the room has modest dimensions of 5 square meters. m or less.

Decoration Materials

Market building materials replete with many positions, so choose suitable options Reproducing modernity in the bathroom is not difficult.

You must first discuss all the details of the interior with family members so that absolutely everyone is satisfied with the work done and the end result is satisfactory.


You can use many materials to decorate the walls in the bathroom, but specifically for characteristic style Art Nouveau is better to choose among tiles.

It is reliable and durable, has many variations in shape and texture. You need to choose among light patterns with plant elements in the form of stretching vines, flower arrangements, and small plants.

It is necessary to maintain the smoothness of the lines even in the image on the tile, so clear and bright geometry should be abandoned.

If your soul requires drastic changes in the bathroom and you can’t get away with simple patterns, you can experiment and cover only one wall with tiles with a solid image.

The rest of the perimeter must be covered with a single-color coating, otherwise, in combination with a large panel, a certain imbalance in style will arise.

Large glossy slabs with a stone texture will look advantageous. Imitations natural textures only emphasize the design of the bathroom in the Art Nouveau style.


Patterns and ornaments should only be visible on vertical surfaces, so designers recommend paying attention to flooring with a monochromatic pattern.

Without being too pretentious, they will help emphasize the elegant direction, while adding charm to the room.

Looks nice floor tiles large sizes. Small rectangles or squares will look out of place; the style has soft features and lines. Large slabs hide this drawback and even their correct geometric shape does not become a hindrance in modernity.


The most common finishing options include suspended ceilings made of PVC fabric stretched over a special frame. A plain coating will cost significantly less than a pattern applied to the surface.

If the desire to make the ceiling unusual coincides with financial capabilities, then you can safely contact the appropriate companies and order a canvas with the image.

Most often they choose between flower arrangements or oblong lines with smooth bends.

In any case, even a plain beige or white ceiling will look beneficial in the design of a bathroom or bathroom in the Art Nouveau style.

Painting with preliminary surface preparation has long been relegated to the background, modern technologies and materials for use of the structure stretch ceiling accessible to everyone and can be done in any room, even with an unstable microclimate.

Additional elements in modern style

To embody a certain style, it is not enough to use only characteristic finishing materials; you need to take care of such things as the right decorations, furniture and equipment.

A modern style bathtub will look exactly like this thanks to acrylic plumbing. It looks weightless and light compared to cast iron or porcelain.

Although significantly inferior in terms of strength, judging by the reviews, they are still extremely popular.

An acrylic bathtub for modernism can have a wide variety of shapes, but first of all, it must fit the dimensions of the room and correspond to the overall style.

Bathroom heated towel rails in Art Nouveau style have rounded shapes and a shiny chrome surface. Don’t focus on angular shapes; the curved lines of the equipment will fit perfectly into the design.

At the bathroom design stage, you need to decide on the location of the plumbing, and if square meters quite a bit, then it’s better to opt for a shower stall.

Even a combined design with a toilet does not always help to increase the area to accommodate everything you need, so this option will come in handy.

The interior of a bathroom or any other will not have a complete look without lighting. Round or oval-shaped lamps in small quantities are located around the perimeter of the room or at the base of the ceiling.

It is preferable to choose among models closed forms with light bulbs behind the shade to avoid splashes getting into the structure and unforeseen circumstances.

Hanging chandeliers in the Art Nouveau style are used extremely rarely in bathrooms, but if desired, they will help decorate the room.

A photo of a bathroom in the Art Nouveau style allows you to feel the direction and note the characteristic features for yourself.

A detailed examination of projects from famous designers helps, which can later be transferred to the finished interior.

The main thing is to follow the advice on arranging and selecting finishing materials, and then you will get a real modern bathroom design.

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