Is it possible to eat fish before communion during Lent? Fish dishes during fasting: possible or not

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The diet of every person who tries to maintain health for many years must include fish dishes. Permission to fish on fasting days is given to us to relax the strictness of fasting, when, for example, we pay tribute to the memory of saints or celebrate one of the church's twelve feasts. At the same time, you can also celebrate a fish day during Lent. Not everyone likes fish, perhaps because not everyone knows how to cook it. Family traditions also have a big impact. It is not without reason that, due to gastronomic preferences, some families are called meat eaters, while others are called lovers of fish delicacies. In general, of course, everything should be balanced in the diet. Moreover, during long fasts you cannot do without fish. You can prepare a fish dish from large and small fish, from fins and all kinds of small fish. In general, not for everyone.

What kind of fish can you eat during Lent?

Many are discovering the truth that you can eat fish during Lent, even during Lent. If a fish dish is allowed, it is better to eat boiled fish, fish soup or fish roll cooked with vegetables in vegetable oil. When observing non-strict fasts, a significant amount of fish dishes appears in the diet. Fish can be fried, boiled, steamed, baked, or cooked over a fire.

Fish recipes for fast days a lot today. Relaxation during fasting occurs on Saturdays and Sundays, which often turn into fish days. Can be prepared with fish filling, delicious pies with fish and mushrooms, manti with fish. During relaxations of strict fasting, excellent caviar is added to fish dishes. Considering the bewilderment of some people about self-restraint during fasting, it can hardly be said that the fasting person is forced to starve. How many delicious and healthy things can be prepared with fish and vegetables, the list of ingredients just changes.

Lent with fish

In general, fasting with fish is very easy. The main thing is not to engage in substitution of concepts; fasting is not just replacing some ingredients with others. The meaning and benefit of fasting is spiritual self-development. And some bodily abstinence promotes prayer, facilitates fasting, and helps to concentrate on. Food, of course, forms an important part of our daily lives. But we should not forget that we observe the Christian tradition of fasting, where physical and spiritual fasting, like two wings, help a person get off the ground a little.

During Orthodox Lent it is not necessary to eat fish if it is permitted by the Church Charter, this is just a relaxation. If there is a desire and need to continue strict fasting, then, as they say, God help you!

If you have free time, then read

Text of the Orthodox prayer to Saints Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk

Our reverend and God-bearing fathers Anthony and Theodosius, we, sinners and humility, come to you as a warm intercessor and a quick helper and a famous representative, we diligently resort, humbly asking for your help and intercession in the abyss of evils and troubles that we are plunging into, even every day and hour and from evil men and from the spirits of evil in heaven, always and everywhere and with all sorts of images of the destruction of the souls and bodies of our seekers, find on us. We are known without a doubt, since we have great boldness towards the Merciful God: how else do we remain on the earth among those wandering to the High Fatherland, with great strength? the grace of God, through your lips and hands, working miracles, in yourself, like fire from heaven, in the likeness of Elijah, to show the place on which it was supposed to be based, to the honor and everlastingness of God and Mother of God doxology, great church Pechersk, and dew, in the image of Gideon, for the purification and eternal glorification of that same holy place was brought down: we also know, since there are many many husbands and wives, from different countries and peoples who are grieving and suffering, or possessed by various serious illnesses, or under the burden of violence and oppression, those who are inconvenient, falling and despairing of their lives, through your prayers and intercession they will receive quick relief and deliverance. If all that help, even in mortal wandering, was mercifully given to the needy, how much more today, when the Almighty appeared before the Trinity, and greater boldness to pray for our unworthiness, and to console us in our troubles and sorrows, in grave to fight for us in our needs and misfortunes, to intercede and protect us in misadventures and disasters. For this reason, we, with so many hostile slander, bitterness and insidious malice from everywhere threatened and oppressed, entrust ourselves to your warm and strong God for protection and protection, and earnestly pray for your kindness, keep us unharmed from all troubles and evils, especially from demonic intrigues and tricks, flattering approaches and arrogant attacks: let us not be a reproach and ridicule for them, but with your strong help drive them away from us, just as in those days you drove them away from the monastery, sometimes doing many dirty tricks. Their unhelpful calico has tamed our rebellion and aspirations, so make us, confirmed in faith, hope and love, constant, so that none of us will be overcome by bewilderment or doubt in those whom the Holy Mother Church teaches to believe, and boldly commands us to confess: our hope Build on the Lord God in our souls with the weight and measure of God’s truth and mercy, because we have too much faith in what is promised from God without labor and feat of perception, and below, seeing great sins and grave crimes, we despair greatly of God’s mercy. Confirm love in our hearts, and make it worthy, so that nothing earthly and soon-to-perish, more than God, who created everything and contains everything in Himself, we think below, we desire below, we prefer below. Keep and supply our spiritual and physical feelings in such well-being and splendid regularity every day and hour, so that we will never anger the Good with them. Keep your mind chaste, so that it thinks more about God, His omnipresence and good providence, rather than worrying about temporary and insignificant things. Take away our corrupted will, so that no one wants, even if he resists the will of God, but let him be satisfied with it, and let him remain serenely and sadly in these things, which are pleasing and pleasing to God, and salutary and useful to man. Sober up the memory, so that it constantly presents to the mind and this, the image of the All-Merciful wrath of God and His compassion, irritate and it, even every person, except for any doubt. according to this temporary life they expect: do not forget your Fatherland, but in a peaceful dispensation for him to remain at the Throne of the Majesty of God, unceasingly intercede. Keep all the people living in our country peaceful and sad, and soon deliver them from every evil situation. When our departure from this temporary life and migration to eternity is in time, appear to help us and free us from the violence of the enemy, as you sometimes appeared to the monk Erasmus, who found himself in grave mortal distress, and move our hearts to true repentance and regret for sins, as and this heart was heroic, and in true repentance he departed from these here to God, and we, in our pure conscience testimony, having presented ourselves to the Most Holy and Indivisible Trinity, glorify You together with you and all the saints to endless ages. Amen.

    The answers seem to be correct, but not completely. Indeed, you can eat fish on Palm Sunday and the Annunciation. But there is one nuance here. If the Annunciation falls on Holy Week, then you can’t eat fish on this day.

    Lent is a strict fast. It is the longest post, seven weeks. During Lent you can only eat fish twice. It's always April 7th. For the Annunciation Holy Mother of God. And a week before Easter in Verbnoye Christ's Resurrection. On these days, fish is allowed to be eaten. On all other days, fish should not be eaten.

  • On which days of Lent can you eat fish?

    Fish is allowed to be eaten on the Annunciation on April 7 (Annunciation is always on April 7) and on Palm Sunday (Palm Sunday falls on the Sunday a week before Easter). On Lazarus Saturday the day before Palm Sunday will be allowed to eat caviar.

  • Observing Lent You can only eat plant foods, although you are allowed to eat fish 2 times during the entire fast. It's a holiday Palm Sunday and in Annunciation.It is better to choose a non-fatty type of fish and steam it, or boil or bake it in the oven; vegetables or cereals are perfect as a side dish. On other days, if you strictly observe fasting, eating fish is strictly prohibited.

    People who strictly observe Lent, according to Christian laws, are allowed to eat fish, in any form, only on April 7 (seventh) and April 28 (twenty-eighth). Just these two days a year fall on the Church Holiday - the Annunciation and Palm Sunday.

    And those people who do not fast, they eat whatever their heart desires. For example, pregnant girls need to eat whatever they want and that’s right.

    Lent is called that way because it is very strict and long. Orthodox Church allows you to eat fish only on April 7, on the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as well as on Palm Sunday. On Lazarus Saturday you can eat caviar.

    During Lent, eating fish and fish products is permitted by church regulations only twice during the entire Lent.

    Fish dishes/you can eat fish for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This holiday is celebrated annually April 7th. It is also allowed to eat fish/fish dishes. on Palm Sunday, which is revered a week before Easter (the holiday is not included in the list, it is transferable and depends on the date of Easter celebration; in 2014, Palm Sunday falls on April 13th).

    On Lazarus Saturday you are allowed to eat fish eggs. and dishes with fish caviar.

    Lazarus Saturday (Resurrection of Lazarus) is revered on the eve of Palm Sunday, in 2014 it will be April 12th.

    When can you eat fish during Lent?

    Lent is the strictest of all fasts and the longest in duration.

    I remember one woman at work was fasting. She didn’t tell anyone about this, but everyone guessed. During the holiday (March 8), she ate almost nothing, only vegetable salads.

    And when it was the Annunciation, she brought fish to work and treated everyone. It was delicious.

    You can also eat fish in Palm Sunday, which is celebrated exactly 1 week before Easter. In 2014 it will be April 13th.

    Total, only 2 days.

    Lent is a very serious test for fasting people, since one cannot eat enough large number products familiar to us. As for fish, you can eat it during the entire fast. only twice. The first time is on a holiday Annunciation, and the second time - a week before Great Easter- on a holiday Palm Sunday.

    Fish is healthy and delicious food, but during Lent you cannot eat it. There are only two permitted days: the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Palm Sunday. These days you can eat fish and prepare various recipes from it.

    Fish can be eaten on April 7 on the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and on April 28 on Palm Sunday

Orthodox Christians will celebrate April 28. Another holiday when you can eat fish is the Annunciation (April 7). Archangel Gabriel, as the holy story goes, appeared to Mary with good news: exactly 9 months later, on January 7, she will give birth to Jesus Christ.

  • April 20. The holiday is called Lazarus Saturday. True, you can’t have fish yet, but you can have caviar. Many clergy allow modern people to expand their diet on this day by including seafood;
  • April 21. This is this holiday and why you can study it in more detail in the feature article from the site;
  • Seventh of April. Feast of the Annunciation. Unlike the two previous days, when you can eat fish during Lent, the Annunciation has a permanent date. This means that April 7th in any year is a holiday when you can eat fish, even if the holiday falls during the Easter fast.

It is these three days that can be called fish days, when you can eat fish as part of Lent. In addition, on holidays you can eat twice a day (strict church regulations prescribe on ordinary days to eat only once a day), cook over a fire, use vegetable oil, and also drink some wine.

Lent and holidays?

Despite the fact that all the days when you can eat fish during Lent in 2019 are holidays, do not forget that Lent is not over yet. Church holidays are not so much a time for fun and feasting, but a time for visiting church, for prayer, for reflection.

For church calendar recommends adhering to maximum strict fasting. But, since the Annunciation does not fall on Holy Saturday, you should still refuse any fish dishes; this is a strict day of fasting.

Meals during Lent before Easter

There are strict church rules. It says that on weekdays you can only eat once, and on weekends - twice. At the same time, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, food cannot be cooked, and oil (any vegetable oil) cannot be used. The clergy always especially dwell on the fact that only they should observe such a strict fast.

It is clear that modern man with his rhythm of life and work, he may not find the strength to observe Lent according to such rules. You need to talk to your spiritual mentor to understand which fast is right for you. Some people give up only meat, others give up all animal products, but eat several times a day. Fasting is repentance, physical limitation of oneself. What exactly this limitation will be for you, you can decide for yourself; it is important that you strive for faith and strive for fasting for your own sake, for the sake of your soul.

For people who are going to observe the strictest Easter fast (lasts from March 11 to April 27, 2019), it is of course important to know all its rules. The most important thing is what to eat and when. One of the frequently asked questions is when can you eat fish during Lent before Easter?

The Easter fast is rightfully considered the strictest - this especially applies to its first and last weeks. During these weeks, there are days when eating food is completely prohibited, as well as days when you should eat foods only in their natural form, without any processing.

In addition, according to church charter, on weekdays you can eat only once a day - in the evening. On Saturday and Sunday, the rules are not so strict - you can eat food twice during the day, you are allowed to cook it and add vegetable oil.

When can you eat fish during Lent before Easter in 2019?

To the question whether it is possible to eat fish during the fast before Easter, the answer is simple - this is allowed only in certain days. These days are church holidays, which are celebrated during the specified period.

The first of them, the date of which is constant and does not depend on the day of Easter, is the Annunciation. It is celebrated on April 7, 2019, and, despite fasting, on this day Christians can treat themselves to delicious fish dishes.

But it should be noted that if the feast of the Annunciation falls on the last Holy Week, then on this day fasting is observed according to normal rules. In addition to the Annunciation, fish is also allowed to be eaten on Palm Sunday (April 21, 2019) - the last one before Easter Sunday.

It is also interesting that on the eve of this holiday, on the so-called “Lazarus Saturday”, April 20 in 2019, those who are fasting are allowed to eat fish caviar. This makes this day one of the most long-awaited for the entire period of the seven-week fast.

Knowing which days of Easter Lent you can eat fish, housewives, as a rule, think in advance about how they will pamper their household.

Dishes can be fried, boiled, stewed or baked. The fish can be served separately, or in combination with a side dish of porridge or potatoes. Best combination- This is fish with rice, as well as stewed vegetables.

Believers who always observe church fasts know many tasty and high-calorie fish dishes that are allowed for consumption during these two days. holidays Easter Lent.

It can be either a baked fish carcass or individual stewed pieces of it. Often fish meat is made into minced meat, after which it turns into delicious meatballs or cutlets.

Fish soup - also great option enjoy the taste, which seems richer and more pleasant during Easter Lent than at any other time.

Eating fish in church post– a topic of constant debate and bickering. Both on the Internet and in Orthodox publications, information about whether you can eat fish during Lent or not is full of contradictions. Some argue that eating this seafood during fasting is unacceptable, while others argue that fish is not suitable for the laity. christian post allowed. In fact, everything is both simple and complex at the same time, and depends on what fasting means to you and why you are fasting. Why did I focus on this? Because depending on the purpose of fasting, you should determine the extent of its fulfillment for yourself. I think it’s no secret to anyone that most of them don’t realize why they’re doing this: someone wants to get healthier, someone else wants to lose weight, and still others are simply experimenting - they say, do I have willpower or not? Yes, it’s really important to decide on the purpose of fasting, and here’s why. The fact is that the meaning of abstaining from food during Lent is not to prove something to God, oneself, and people, but to help the soul cleanse itself of the burden of sins.

By by and large it doesn't matter if you eat fish Lent or not, if chosen by you and approved Orthodox priest The diet helps you move away from passions and find strength for prayer and other spiritual deeds. After all, believers refuse to eat meals during Lent precisely for this reason, and not for show.

Should Orthodox believers eat fish during Lent?

And yet, no one forbids Orthodox Christian strictly adhere to fasting if he feels such a need. This is especially true for Great Lent - it is precisely this period that believers most often strive to observe according to all the rules. According to the monastic rules, fish is allowed twice during Lent: on the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (April 7) and on the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (or Palm Sunday, celebrated a week before Easter). On the eve of Palm Sunday there is Lazarus Saturday, on which you can eat fish caviar.

During the Assumption Fast (August 14–28), fish is also prohibited; the only relaxation is made on the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord (August 19).

The Rozhdestven (November 28 – January 7) and Petrov (Monday after All Saints’ Day – July 12) fasts are much milder. During the Nativity Fast, fish can be eaten on Saturdays and Sundays from November 28 to December 19, after which the fast becomes stricter, and eating fish and fish products is prohibited until its end. During Peter's Fast, fish can also be eaten on Saturdays and Sundays, but until its end.

Who should eat fish during fasting?

As you know, fish is an invaluable source of Omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, protein, iron, and a number of B vitamins. Excluding fish in Orthodox fast for a long time from the diet, especially for residents of regions far from the sea, is very harmful.

Therefore, doctors insist on eating fish during Lent (especially Lent, since it is the longest and occurs at the time of year poorest in vitamins) by children, adolescents, students, pregnant and lactating women, people who have problems with thyroid gland, as well as those employed in hazardous industries.

In addition to fish, during Christian fasting these people should also eat dairy products, which are a source of calcium: cheeses, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt. One of the apostles once said that when he eats, he does it for God, and when he does not eat, he also does not eat for the sake of God. Likewise, those for whom strict fasting is contraindicated should not be discouraged: pray more, go to church, give up bad habits(smoking, alcohol), devote more time to your family - and God will accept your feasible sacrifice. And you can refuse fish on the strictest days - Wednesday and Friday - for most modern laity this is more than enough.

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