Bad breath (halitosis) or what diseases smell like. Causes and treatment of bad breath in children

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Etc. Also bad smell from the mouth is often caused by decomposition (rotting) of mucus and food debris that accumulate on the tongue and between the teeth.

Smell from the mouth. Causes

The oral cavity is the source unpleasant odor in 85% of cases. Most often, the unpleasant odor comes from the back of the tongue (its back), the spaces between the teeth and the gums. More than 100 bacteria adhere to one exfoliated cell of the tongue epithelium. Most bad smell comes from the depressions on the back of the tongue, where many exfoliated, dead epithelial cells and bacteria accumulate.

Bad breath occurs from the action of specific bacteria (anaerobic bacteria) on food debris and dental plaque. Sulfur-containing components of food and dental plaque are absorbed by these bacteria. Under their influence, amino acid molecules methionine And cysteine break up into hydrogen sulfide And methyl mercaptan- both emit a foul odor. These volatile sulfur compounds have a "rotten egg" odor.

In the absence of the reasons listed above, unpleasant symptoms may also appear. bad breath, causes which may be the following:

  • decreased saliva secretion,
  • stagnation of saliva,
  • oral cavity,
  • imbalance of the acid-base environment of the oral cavity due to the high protein content in diet,
  • increased number of dead or necrotic epithelial cells.
  • Dry mouth- the most common reason the appearance of bad breath in children. Dry mouth can occur in a child when he is forced to breathe through his mouth (runny nose, adenoids, deviated nasal septum, etc.), when salivation is reduced (with excitement, stress, mumps, mumps, etc.), when the body is dehydrated (heat, sports, intestinal infections, etc.), when a child has cytomegaly (this disease affects the salivary glands), or suffers from diabetes, when he takes cold medicine or anti-allergy drugs, or is simply worried. Saliva plays important role, because it cleanses teeth, mouth and has a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria. Children who take antibiotics for a long time may develop a fungal (yeast) infection in the mouth. Children who have undergone chemotherapy or been treated with drugs that suppress the immune system are prone to developing candidiasis. A yeast infection in the mouth produces a characteristic sweetish odor.

Sources of unpleasant odor in the mouth

  • Language: The most common source of unpleasant odor is especially the back of the tongue, due to its anatomical structure.
  • Teeth: Tooth decay can cause bad breath. Food debris can get stuck between teeth and in cavities, where they rot. Poorly filled teeth or poorly fitting denture crowns also accumulate food debris and bacteria, producing an unpleasant odor.
  • Gums: inflammation of the gums and periodontium (gingivitis and periodontitis) are the most common inflammatory diseases that cause very bad breath.

Malignant neoplasms can also be a source of bad breath. Oral cancer causes tissue destruction, bleeding, and death. The resulting decomposition products are an ideal environment for anaerobic bacteria that produce toxic gases.

Sources of unpleasant odor outside the oral cavity

Bad breath can also be caused by problems related to other organs and systems, for example: diseases of the upper sections gastrointestinal tract(reflux esophagitis, diverticula of the esophagus, gastritis, peptic ulcer), liver, respiratory organs (chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, tuberculosis, purulent diseases of the lung tissue), kidneys, nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses, tonsils, diabetes, trimethylaminuria (fishy odor syndrome), etc.

  • An inflammatory process in the nasopharynx is the most common cause of bad breath in children. Nasal discharge, caused by an infection or allergic rhinitis, flows down the back of the throat and onto the tongue. Odor-producing bacteria multiply and release volatile sulfur compounds, which cause bad breath.
  • Children with asthma who are treated with hormonal medications (corticosteroids) may develop bad breath due to oropharyngeal candidiasis.
  • Due to enlarged adenoids, which make nasal breathing difficult, the child is forced to breathe through the mouth, which causes dry mouth, which contributes to an increase in putrefactive bacteria.
  • Foreign bodies in the nose and respiratory tract cause an inflammatory reaction and, ultimately, an unpleasant odor.
  • There are crypts (depressions) in the child’s tonsils where food debris and detritus can accumulate, creating bad breath. Sometimes stones form in the crypts of the tonsils ( tonsillitis). These tonsillitis are small, soft, whitish-yellowish structures that produce an unpleasant odor until they break down or are removed.
  • Liver problems: Liver failure and cirrhosis are associated with a sulfur or “rotten egg” breath odor. Trimethylaminuria, a metabolic disorder in the liver, is accompanied by an increase in trimethylamine in exhaled air.
  • Kidney failure: Kidney failure causes uremia, which creates an ammonia odor in the exhaled air.
  • Helicobacter pylori infection: A spiral-shaped gram-negative bacterium that invades various areas of the stomach and duodenum. Many cases of stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, duodenitis, and possibly some cases of stomach cancer are causally related to Helicobacter pylori infection.
  • Esophageal achalasia may also be accompanied by bad breath.
  • Diabetes: Uncontrolled diabetes eventually ends in ketoacidosis, creating the smell of acetone in the exhaled air.
  • Medicines: antiallergic drugs; drugs used to treat mental disorders; medications used to treat bronchial asthma, etc. - cause dry mouth (xerostomia). Children who have been taking antibiotics for a long time may experience bad breath due to microbial imbalance (dysbacteriosis), when the number of beneficial microorganisms decreases, creating an unfavorable environment in the oral cavity for the colonization of putrefactive or yeast flora. This bad breath is transient and usually goes away when antibiotic treatment is stopped.
  • Menstruation: Bad breath during menstruation in girls can be caused by transient gingivitis.

Psychological causes of halitosis (bad breath)

  • False halitosis occurs when an unpleasant odor does not actually exist, but the child or parent believes that it does. Some dentists have at their disposal a special device, the Halimeter, which allows them to convince parents that their children do not have this problem. The device determines the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in exhaled air.
  • If a child or parent, after successful treatment of halitosis or false halitosis, continues to claim that bad breath persists, then this is a diagnosis of halitophobia (fear of bad breath). Halitophobia is a fairly common phenomenon. Children or parents with halitophobia need the help of a psychologist and sometimes a psychiatrist.

How is bad breath detected and measured?

The diagnosis of “Halitosis (bad breath)” is made on the basis of detailed information about the development of the disease, a thorough clinical examination of the patient, measurement and evaluation of the odor in the exhaled air.

How to get rid of an unpleasant odor?

  • A common cause of bad breath is plaque on the back of the tongue. Therefore, daily cleaning of the back of the tongue is very important. To clean the surface of a child's tongue, a small, soft-bristled brush or a special “brace” should be used.
  • Ordinary ones are very important hygiene procedures, such as cleaning between teeth with a brush and floss. Remember that children under 8 years of age usually cannot clean between their teeth on their own. How better technology brushing teeth, the less likely it is that your child will have bad breath. However, learning how to brush your teeth properly takes longer than many parents realize. You need to brush your teeth for a long time - from 2 to 5 minutes. Turn brushing your teeth into a game.
  • Mouth rinsing will also be useful, but only for children who know how to do it.
  • When bad breath is caused by dry mouth (xerostomia), the child should drink low-sugar or no-sugar drinks. Chewing sugar-free gum can stimulate salivation. In very severe cases, an artificial saliva substitute - carboxymethylcellulose - is used.
  • If bad breath is due to periodontitis, then an important part of treatment is oral care at home. Of course, this disease cannot be avoided without the help of a dentist.
  • In order to get rid of bad breath associated with dental diseases, you need to promptly treat carious teeth in a child and monitor the condition of dentures.

Prevention of bad breath (halitosis) in children?

Let's look at some symptoms of respiratory diseases.

Symptoms of respiratory diseases

Sweet breath is a symptom of what disease?

If someone says that your breath smells like honey, perhaps this compliment will be the most precious to you because it will save your life. Sweet or fruity breath, as well as the smell of acetone or some kind of chemical substance on the breath (like nail polish remover) serves as a serious warning sign of a dangerous disease - diabetes, that blood sugar levels are not normal. In medical language, this condition, which requires immediate attention, is called diabetic acidosis or diabetic ketoacytosis. If blood sugar levels are not immediately adjusted, coma may occur, followed by death.

Garlic breath is a symptom of what disease?

Does your mouth smell like garlic even if you haven't eaten it for a long time? This could then be a sign of selenium poisoning (selenosis). Although selenium is an important antioxidant, it does not need to be taken in large doses. Besides food additives, selenium is found in nuts (especially Brazil nuts), meat, seafood and - not surprisingly - garlic. But in order to “eat enough” before selenosis appears, you need to eat a lot of garlic or other foods rich in selenium.

Approximately 40 million Americans suffer from bad breath. Discoloration of teeth and enamel, changes in skin color, hair loss, problems with nails, apathy and irritability - these are some other signs of an excess of selenium in the body. Selenosis can lead to neurological impairment and, in extreme cases, lung disease, liver cirrhosis, and even death.

In extremely rare cases, garlic breath is a sign of arsenic poisoning, especially if accompanied by a metallic taste. This condition requires immediate medical care.

Breath that smells like urine is a symptom of what disease?

Urine-smelling breath is difficult to ignore, at least among those close to you. Here we're talking about about one of the main signs of kidney disease or even life-threatening renal failure. Since people with diabetes and high blood pressure are at risk for kidney diseases, they should take this, albeit unpleasant, warning with great attention.

Fishy breath is a symptom of what disease?

Have you ever had a conversation with a work colleague whose breath smells like fish? This odor may be a clear sign that your employee is taking too many dietary supplements containing fish fat, in order to replenish the body's supply of Omega-3 fatty acids. But in more serious cases, this phenomenon indicates renal failure.

Fecal breathing is a symptom of what disease?

Don't rush to punch someone in the face who says your breath smells like... feces. Symptoms of such breathing may be associated with dysfunction of the digestive tract. For example, with gastroesophageal (gastroesophageal) reflux (acid reflux) - a condition in which the stomach throws gastric juice into the esophagus. Fecal breathing is sometimes a symptom of an illness, a disorder with the frightening name of intestinal perforation, which is considered a fairly common disease. With him inner surface the intestines become too porous. Therefore, according to doctors, toxins and undigested food enter the bloodstream, and this provokes the appearance of food allergies and autoimmune diseases.

Among other things, fecal breathing can be a symptom of intestinal obstruction (and this condition requires immediate medical attention!) or constant bouts of vomiting with bulimia. And like any form of halitosis, the appearance of fecal odor from the mouth often signals serious respiratory or pulmonary problems.

Interesting Facts about breathing

In the Talmud, the Hebrew scripture, bad breath was considered a serious vice. Priests with halitosis were not allowed to conduct services. A partner's bad breath could even be grounds for divorce. By the way, this law is in effect in Israel to this day.

The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates could not stand women with bad breath. To keep their breath fresh, he gave the following recommendations to all girls: burn the head of a hare and, separately, three mice, mix the ashes with powdered marble and apply to the teeth and gums, then rinse the mouth with a tincture of dill, anise and myrtle seeds in white wine.

In most cases, persistent bad breath (halitosis) is caused by the proliferation of microbes (bacteria) in the mouth - in food debris, plaque, gums, and on the tongue. Good hygiene oral care often solves the problem of bad breath. That is, regular use of a regular toothbrush, brushing between teeth, cleaning the tongue and using mouthwash are required. For other reasons, persistent halitosis rarely occurs.

What is bad breath?

Bad breath (bad breath) means that you have an unpleasant odor that other people notice when you speak or exhale. The exact number of people with bad breath is unknown, but bad breath is common.

How can you tell if you have bad breath?

The main problem with bad breath (bad breath) is that often the only person who doesn't notice the bad odor is the source! (You become accustomed to your own odor and don't tend to notice your bad breath.) Often, the only way to find out is if the person is told about the problem. However, most people are too polite to comment on another person's bad breath. It is best to ask a family member or close friend to be honest about whether your mouth smells bad.

It also makes sense to visit a dentist, who, as a rule, will inform you that you have bad breath. Inflammation of the gums is a common cause of bad breath, and your dentist will be sure to advise you on treatment if you have gum disease.

Some people using simple test are able to independently determine whether they have bad breath. It's simple: lick inner side wrists, wait a few seconds for the saliva to dry. If you notice an unpleasant odor, it is most likely coming from your mouth.

Causes and types of bad breath

Most cases of bad breath (halitosis) are caused by microbes (bacteria) or debris that accumulates in the mouth.

Bad breath in the morning

Most people have varying degrees of bad breath after a night's sleep. This is normal and happens because the mouth becomes dry during the night, but in the morning the flow of saliva, especially after breakfast, increases.

Dry mouth (xerostomia)

Halitosis, which is associated with dry mouth, is caused by a decrease in the mouth's cleansing mechanism as a result of decreased saliva flow. There are many causes of dry mouth. The most common cause is a simple night's sleep (above). However, dry mouth can occur:

  • Due to lack of fluid in the body (dehydration).
  • As side effect certain medications (for example, tricyclic antidepressants).
  • As a symptom of certain diseases (for example, Sjögren's syndrome).
  • After radiation therapy in the head and neck area.
  • Certain foods, drinks and medicines

Chemicals from foods can enter the bloodstream and then be expelled from the lungs. Most people are familiar with the smell of garlic, spicy foods and alcoholic beverages on the breath of people who have recently eaten or drunk them. Various other foods and medications can cause breath odors. This type of bad breath is temporary and can be easily treated by changing your diet. (However, some people eat spicy food every day. As a result, they will constantly have a typical smell when talking and breathing).

If a medication is causing problems with foul odor, it may be wise to discuss possible alternatives with your doctor. Medications that are associated with poor breathing:

  • Chloral hydrate
  • Nitrites and nitrates
  • Dimethyl sulfoxide
  • Disulfiram
  • Some chemotherapy drugs
  • Phenothiazines
  • Amphetamines
  • Smoking

Most non-smokers can say that a person's breath "smells like an ashtray." Quitting smoking is the only cure for this type of bad breath. Smoking also increases your risk of developing gum disease, another cause of bad breath.

Medical Causes of Bad Breath

Medical causes of bad breath are rare. Some people with nasopharyngeal diseases have bad breath. For example, a nasal polyp, sinusitis, or an object stuck in the nostril (most common in children) can lead to bad odor. In this situation, the odor tends to occur only, or more often, when you breathe through the nose and it is not as noticeable when the patient exhales through the mouth. Infections and tumors of the lungs, throat, mouth or tonsils are sometimes the cause of bad breath. Other reasons are already quite rare.

However, in these medical cases, there are usually other symptoms present that would indicate the cause of halitosis. For example, nasal congestion, sinus pain, high temperature (fever), etc. If you don't experience any other symptoms other than bad breath, the odor is most likely caused by bacteria in your mouth.

Fishy breath (Trimethylaminuria)

This is a rare medical cause, but worth being aware of. As a rule, it manifests itself in the form of a fishy odor from the body and when exhaling. Fishy breath occurs because the body loses the ability to properly process trimethylamine, which is found in certain foods. Ultimately, trimethylamine is excreted through sweat, urine and breathing. Urine and blood tests can confirm this diagnosis if it is suspected.

How bad odor is formed inside the mouth

Most people experience bad breath (halitosis) due to germs (bacteria) and debris in the mouth. When bacteria break down proteins and other debris in the mouth, they release foul-smelling gases. Here's what can contribute to the growth of bacteria, debris, and bad breath:

The main treatment for bad breath that forms inside the mouth is oral hygiene. The goal is to develop regular oral hygiene habits—specifically, brushing your teeth and cleaning between your teeth.

Food and drink

Sugar and sweet foods in the mouth are the main foods that allow germs (bacteria) to thrive and successfully produce acid that can contribute to tooth decay. Acidic foods and drinks are also a major factor in tooth erosion. So, a few tips:

Limit the amount of sugary foods and drinks you have.

  • Try to reduce the amount of acid that comes into contact with your teeth. Thus, carbonated drinks and fruit juices are subject to restrictions, since they are usually sour. Just drink, for example, one glass of fruit juice a day. Otherwise, choose drinks that are much less acidic, such as still water, milk, tea or coffee (without sugar).
  • Drink acidic drinks, such as sodas and fruit juices, quickly - no need to hold them in your mouth while enjoying the taste.
  • Brush your teeth at least an hour after eating or drinking - especially after acidic foods and drinks.
  • If you smoke, try to stop. Smoking increases the risk of developing gum disease.
  • If children need medications, use sugar-free medications whenever possible.
  • Visit your dentist regularly (usually at least once a year). The dentist can detect plaque buildup and remove tartar (plaque).
  • Use mouthwash. Chemicals in mouthwashes can kill germs (bacteria) and/or neutralize chemical substances which cause bad breath.

Note: Some people do not want to use chlorhexidine-containing mouthwashes in the long term, as chlorhexidine has an unpleasant taste, can cause a burning sensation in the mouth if used too often, as well as (reversible) staining of the teeth or sometimes temporary darkening of the tongue . Additionally, some mouthwashes contain alcohol as one of their ingredients. There is concern that long-term use of alcohol-containing mouthwashes may be a risk factor for the development of oral cancer. Also, young children should not use mouthwash if they are likely to swallow it.

Any unnatural odor from the mouth indicates poor hygiene or dysfunction internal organs. Often the causes of its occurrence are alcohol abuse and smoking. But there are also more serious clinical cases. The smell of fish from the mouth may be one of the signs of a chronic metabolic disorder. Especially when it comes to trimethylaminuria. This pathology is characterized by the appearance of an unpleasant odor not only from the mouth, but also from sweat or urine.

The smell of fish from the mouth and sweat indicates a metabolic disorder

What is trimethylaminuria and how is it related to fishy breath?

One of possible reasons fishy breath is trimethylaminuria. This rare disease began to be studied by doctors only in the 70s of the 20th century. It occurs due to impaired liver function. This organ cannot break down trimethylamine N-oxide due to poor synthesis of the enzyme flavin monooxygenase-3. Such disorders are most often congenital. They are associated with a congenital disorder of the FMO3 gene. This gene is transmitted to a child from either parent. An important feature of this disease is that it may not appear in older generations.

Acquired pathology is less common. It is provoked by eating food with big amount choline, carnitine and lecithin. It is these elements that make thymethylamine unmetabolized. They are found in food products: chicken eggs, liver, kidneys, sprouted wheat, fish, etc. It is possible that signs of trimethylaminuria may appear after long-term use of nutritional supplements. L-carnitine is often taken by athletes to increase endurance during competitions or in preparation for them.

The main symptom of trimethylaminuria is a strong unpleasant odor of rotten fish from the body and from the mouth.

What is trimethylaminuria - description

Can a person notice an unpleasant odor himself?

Fishy breath odor is difficult to detect on your own. A person with such bad breath may not even be aware of the existence of his problem. People around them most often do not allow themselves to put the patient in an uncomfortable position. The only hope left is for family members or own strength. And then, in more than 75% of cases, “fish breathing” is periodic. You can still detect a pungent odor if you use one of the following methods:

  1. It is necessary to close your hands tightly so that the surface of your palm resembles a “boat”. You need to cover your nose and mouth with it. If when you exhale, the air smells like rotten meat, you should consult a doctor.
  2. You should moisten the skin on your hand with saliva. This area should dry out a little. After 2-3 minutes, you should smell it for any unnatural odors. Using a teaspoon, you need to collect the accumulated plaque at the root of the tongue (it is this that is most often the source of the stench). After a minute, you should smell the collected mass.

Such independent methods of searching for bad breath allow you to avoid uncomfortable situations in society, as well as timely identify the problem (if there is one).

You shouldn’t worry too much if a person really smells like something not natural. After all, in no more than 10% of all cases, doctors diagnose trimethylaminuria. Most often, the patient’s health is not in danger. The identified bad breath in 85% of cases is just the result of poor oral hygiene. This sign may appear due to dental pathologies, which can be eliminated in a few days.

Stomatitis is the cause of fishy smell

Features of symptoms

The appearance of a fishy odor from the mouth may be periodic. A person can live for decades without even knowing about existing problems. But if the main reason for your breath smelling like rotten fish is trimethylaminuria, other symptoms may also appear. All of them are associated with the release of a stench:

  • bodies;
  • urine;
  • vaginal discharge in women.

According to research results, children suffer from this pathology more often than adults. This is due to the transition from breastfeeding to the consumption of solid food, especially if the baby has an innate tendency to such processes. From the mouth of an adult, the smell can appear unexpectedly even for him. Signs of trimethylaminuria can appear after taking medications, as well as from a sharp increase in harmful bacteria in the intestines. This pathology is most dangerous for women. The sex hormones estrogen and progesterone contribute to the active accumulation of trimethylamine in the body. Representatives of the fairer sex have bad breath more often than men. And the signs of the disease themselves are more acute and noticeable to others.

Who to contact?

The appearance of fishy breath can become a serious psychological problem for a person. Constantly avoiding contact with others is not an option. Therefore, it is necessary to seek help from specialists. But which doctor will advise how to remove bad breath?

There are several possible causes of bad breath and they need to be investigated consistently. Most often, the fishy smell is disturbing due to pathologies of the teeth and gums. Therefore, you will need to consult a dentist. If a general examination does not reveal a problem, you should consult a therapist.

A consultation with a dentist will help rule out dental causes.

Features of pathology treatment

If the cause of fishy breath is associated with pathologies of the oral cavity, then the effectiveness of therapy will depend on the type and nature of the disease itself, as well as on the measures taken by the doctor to eliminate them. For individual clinical cases, it is enough to monitor hygiene (brush your teeth, use mouthwash, etc.). Other surgical procedures are also possible. If the patient follows all the dentist’s advice on how to get rid of the smell of fish from the mouth, the discomfort will disappear within a few days.

If the cause of the stench is associated with trimethylaminuria, the therapist is obliged to refer the patient for a urine test. The main goal of the study is to identify trimethylamine in the material. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the therapist develops a special treatment regimen. You can find out how to get rid of fish odor from your mouth, body and urine only from your doctor. Trimethylaminuria is a very rare disease.

There is no effective treatment regimen.

What is known is that it is possible to influence the degree of manifestation of strong unpleasant odors by reducing the consumption of choline and carnitine. That is, the most effective way to combat a pungent odor is diet.

Changing your diet

If a diagnosis of trimethylaminuria is made, the patient should change his own diet. It is necessary to completely eliminate the consumption of such products as:

  • eggs;
  • liver;
  • legumes;
  • peanut;
  • seafood;
  • regular, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower.

Prohibited foods for trimethylaminuria

Products containing soy can also worsen your health.

Controlling your own diet will not relieve the patient from the signs of the disease, but will make them less intense and noticeable to others.

Other therapies

For many patients with trimethylaminuria, it remains a mystery why there is still no single solution against this pathology. effective means. This issue is a serious problem in modern medicine. A favorable outcome is only possible with antibiotic treatment. Only low doses of drugs such as Neomycin and Metronidazole are recommended. The active substances of these medications help get rid of large quantities bacteria in the intestines, especially those that can form trimethylamine.

As an additional therapy, the doctor may prescribe the following to the patient:

  • activated carbon (no more than 2 g per day);
  • copper complexes of chlorophyllins and chlorophylls;
  • vitamin B2 (30 mg 4-5 times per day).

Regular brushing of teeth and use of mouth rinses can help alleviate bad breath. But in a disease such as trimethylaminuria, stench is carried not only by the air that a person exhales. It is equally important to get rid of the trimethylamine that coats the skin. This can be done using hygiene products (shampoos and soaps) with a moderate pH. It is recommended to take a shower 3-4 times a day. Underwear tends to absorb unpleasant odors, so it should be changed after each bath.

According to research, even stress may be the main cause of bad breath. Therefore, in order to avoid the risk of such unpleasant signs, you need to take care of your own peace of mind. It is also important to warn loved ones about the need to avoid stress.

Preventive methods

To prevent bad breath, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene. Thorough brushing of teeth will allow a person to keep their breath fresh and clean. The smell of fish can be caused by oral dysbiosis, so oral hygiene must be careful. It is necessary to brush not only your teeth, but also your tongue. It is on this that plaque most often accumulates, which has a sharp, unpleasant odor.

The risk of contracting trimethylaminuria is low. If a person does not have a tendency to show signs of this pathology, then there is no need to think about preventive measures. Only in rare cases, on the advice of a doctor, should you follow a diet with moderate or low levels of carnitine and choline.

Of course, any mother will agree that her baby cannot smell bad! But sometimes an objective assessment still prevails over subjective feelings. It's no secret that bad breath can have various causes, the main one being poor oral hygiene. There are other factors that influence bad breath. It is probably worth clarifying that the attention of parents is usually drawn to the sudden appearance of unpleasant breath in a child, and not to a long-lasting odor due to a banal lack of brushing the teeth. In some cases, changes in exhaled air may indicate dangerous health problems and be the first signal to contact a pediatrician.

"Smelly" foods

Some foods in a child’s diet can cause bad breath, in particular smoked meats, canned fish, garlic and onions.

Has the baby already grown up and started actively trying new products, or is the child already big and doing this without parental control? Temporary deterioration in breathing can be caused by foods such as smoked meats, garlic, onions, celery, and canned fish. When saliva mixes with food debris in the oral cavity, various enzymatic reactions occur, including fermentation. In such cases, it is enough to simply brush your teeth thoroughly to ensure that the bad breath disappears.

Stomach or intestinal problems

Bad breath can be caused, for example, by heartburn or belching in a child, especially if they occur regularly. Monitor your baby's nutrition and behavior after meals. Babies with chronic dysbacteriosis may experience increased gas formation and bloating. When the gastric sphincter is insufficient, some of the contents are thrown back into the esophagus, giving an acidic tint to the breath. As a rule, there are other unpleasant sensations that the child can talk about: bitterness in the mouth, nausea, hiccups, vomiting, a burning sensation in the throat. When intestinal problems develop, a characteristic black coating sometimes appears on the teeth in the form of thin “belts” around the necks of the teeth. If you notice such signs, it is better to consult a doctor and conduct the necessary examinations.

Oral hygiene

Poor oral hygiene leads to the formation of plaque in which anaerobic bacteria live. Their waste products “color” the child’s breath, depriving it of freshness. This is especially true during the period when a child is teething, he begins to wear orthodontic plates to correct the bite or braces, as well as during puberty. Sometimes that's why he doesn't want to take care of his teeth. The sooner the correct attitude towards hygiene and oral care skills are formed, the less likely you are to encounter troubles associated with dirty teeth. Parents need to monitor the condition of their child’s oral cavity, not considering that a 3- or 5-year-old child is capable of brushing his teeth efficiently. Mom needs to control this process sometimes until she is 7–10 years old!

Adenoids, rhinitis, tonsillitis

The condition of the oral cavity and adjacent areas affects not only the frequency of diseases, but also the condition of saliva, its composition and properties. In the presence of chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, sinuses, and inflammation of the tonsils, the viscosity of saliva increases. This is due not only to microflora, but also to mouth breathing, the habit of keeping the mouth open. Saliva normally provides physiological cleaning of teeth from food debris. During sleep or when breathing through the mouth, this process is disrupted. Instead of cleansing, saliva becomes a factor that promotes the growth of bacteria and the deposition of plaque on the teeth, which contribute to the appearance of bad breath in the child.

Stomatitis, acute respiratory infections, childhood infections

Very often, during the development of an acute infectious disease, not only the general state child, but changes in the oral cavity are also detected. of a viral nature in children is always accompanied by an increase in saliva viscosity, redness and swelling of the gums, and bad breath. A fungal infection of the tongue, for example, is characterized by the appearance of a white, cheesy coating on the back of the tongue and severe pain not only when brushing your teeth, but also when eating. The smell from your mouth also changes. There are separate forms of stomatitis that accompany chickenpox, rubella, diphtheria, herpangina, scarlet fever. The appearance of bad breath in such cases is directly related to the main problem - an acute disease, the treatment of which also resolves problems in the oral cavity.

Dangerous symptoms

If parents suddenly notice that their child has a bad breath that resembles the smell of fresh liver, fish, ammonia, or rotten eggs, they should immediately consult a doctor. Such changes in breathing are associated with the condition of the kidneys and liver and are classic signs of serious diseases of these organs and systems that threaten the life of the child.

Taking medications

Antibiotics in the form of suspensions also temporarily change the smell of the child's exhaled air.

Taking antibiotics, especially in the form of syrups and suspensions, briefly changes the smell exhaled by the child, giving it a characteristic shade. Herbal infusions, fever syrups, lozenges, ointments and sprays for treating the oral cavity also affect the freshness of breath. Just wait a while, rinse your mouth with water, and the problem is solved.

Individual characteristics

Each person has his own special smell. A child is no exception. This is not only the smell emanating from the skin and hair, but also the “aroma” of exhaled air. Subjective feelings of parents do not always indicate real problems; sometimes it is a simple exaggeration on their part. When contacting a dentist or pediatrician, you need to be able to clearly formulate the time when bad breath appears in a child, its nature, strength, and duration. Perhaps a vigilant mother will be the first to notice the onset of problems with the baby’s health, but such suspicions require observations. Attentive attitude towards the child, concern for his health on the part of the parents, their active position in teaching the baby hygienic skills will help to avoid the problem of bad breath or quickly cope with it.

Which doctor should I contact?

If your child has bad breath, you should contact your dentist or pediatrician. If necessary, doctors of other specialties are involved - ENT doctor, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, nephrologist, hepatologist.

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