New Year's fortune telling. New Year's fortune telling: find out the future, make wishes

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They call it the most magical and wonderful holiday. After all, it is on New Year’s Eve that both young and old expect a miracle and believe in the fulfillment of their cherished desires. In general, the period from December 25 to January 19 is special, because it is at this time that all those who like to look into the future begin to do this in every possible way, and help them... New Year's fortune telling. Let's talk about this.

The most famous fortune telling for the New Year

Now we will remind you of one of the most famous fortune-telling for the New Year, because, probably, each of us at least once in our lives tried to realize all our cherished desires in this way. So what should you do? And everything is very simple! Write your deepest desires on a paper sticky note, fill your glasses with champagne and wait until the traditional chimes begin to strike. It is worth noting that many New Year's fortune-telling is in one way or another connected with the striking of the chimes.

When the clock on the Kremlin's Spasskaya Tower begins to count 12, quickly burn this sticker, and carefully pour the remaining ashes into your glass of champagne and try to drink it as quickly as possible. All this must be completed before the chimes strike for the last time for the outgoing year. If you are even 1 second late, then, unfortunately, your wishes will not come true in the coming year. In any case, that is what is commonly believed.

Hair fortune telling

New Year's fortune-telling and predictions are not limited to New Year's Eve. You can lift the veil of your future over several days - from December 25 to January 19. One of these fortune-telling events occurs on the night of December 30-31. What kind of method is this? It's simple! You need water, salt, ash, sugar and hair. So, pour water into a shallow bowl, then throw in a pinch of salt, sugar and ash. Mix everything thoroughly.

When mixed, place 4 of your hairs and 4 of your loved one's hairs into the water. Attention, they need to be placed on the water in a strand, and not thrown randomly. That's it, after that go to bed. On the morning of December 31, take a close look at your and your significant other’s hair floating in the water. If they stick together, you will be together for a very long time, and if not, soon one of you will start walking to the left.

Simple New Year's fortune telling

One of the simplest fortune telling for the New Year is performed using an ordinary glass filled with water. Late in the evening, pour cold water into a glass and, looking carefully into the water, make your deepest wish. After that, go to bed and don’t think about anything. In the morning, wake up and look into your glass. If it seems to you that there is more water than there was, your wish will certainly come true. If its level in the glass decreases, the wish will not come true.

Another popular and at the same time easy fortune-telling for the New Year is performed through a decorated Christmas tree. There must be colorful toys hanging on it. Ask your friend to blindfold you and spin you clockwise a few times. After that, blindly select any toy hanging on the Christmas tree. The color of the decoration will predict your future fate.

For example, a white toy does not portend any drastic changes in your personal life. Black means unhappy and unrequited love. Any Christmas tree decorations that have green shades promise you new love affairs. If you choose a toy with blue tints, be careful: there may be discord in your relationship with your loved one. Jewelry with silver and gold flowers predicts a rich groom for the girls.

Another fortune telling on the water

As you already understand, New Year's fortune telling (comic and simple) is mainly carried out using water and some object. In the first case it was hair, in the second it was water itself, and now it will be a pebble. Pour clean and cold water into a wide bowl. Focus on what really interests or worries you. After this, throw a small pebble into the glass. Circles should appear on the water. Count how many there are. If there is an even number of circles, the answer will be negative, and if there is an odd number, the answer will be positive.

New Year's fortune telling. Gypsy options

Mostly women are engaged in the gypsy "trade". As a rule, it is precisely such predictions that are considered the most truthful and accurate: only true gypsy fortune tellers have the power of foresight, especially if we're talking about about palmistry - fortune telling by lines on the hand. It would seem, what is the connection between gypsy predictions and the New Year... Indeed, there is no connection here, but who’s stopping you from asking a gypsy to cast a spell on New Year’s Eve? Why is this not a New Year's fortune telling?

In the end, you can try to predict your near future yourself. But if you have neither the time nor the desire to learn the art of palmistry, you can lift the veil of secrecy using easier, but no less truthful and effective gypsy methods.

For example, New Year's fortune-telling and predictions of one's fate can be based on the use of a hunting knife. This is a fairly ancient gypsy way of finding out your destiny: 13 strips of paper with wishes written on them are laid out in a circle. A knife is placed in the center, after which it is thoroughly unscrewed. Whichever lane he points to will be a prophecy.

How else can you tell fortunes for the New Year?

As you know, every self-respecting company holds various corporate parties dedicated to certain holidays. New Year is, of course, no exception here. What if you tell fortunes right during such an event? Fortune telling New Year's corporate party- this is a very bold and unusual development of the situation. Agree, in an atmosphere of fun and high spirits, it will be absolutely useful to find out what the coming year has in store for us!

The fate of an accountant

Corporate New Year's fortune telling is, rather, funny games, rather than serious predictions. However, it will be interesting and entertaining. Place three items on the table: modern cell phone, a radiotelephone and an ordinary spoon. Blindfold your accountant, spin him around and ask him to take one of three things lying on the table. When he makes his choice, remove his bandage and predict his immediate future.

So, if an accountant takes a spoon, then in the near future problems will come for him and the entire company in the form tax office. If he chooses a radiotelephone, then he should be wary of ill-wishers and envious people. Here we are talking about telephone wiretapping. But if a person chooses modern mobile phone, then luck will come knocking on his professional life: he may be promoted, he may receive a bonus, etc.

Fortune telling for profit

Some of the most exciting corporate predictions are New Year's fortune-telling (comic, of course) for profit and with the participation of the manager. Blindfold your boss (with his permission, of course) and give him a good spin. As soon as the leader loses orientation in space, shout to him: “Stop!”

In the last days of December, the Moon usually either wanes or waxes. In this regard, tell your boss to look at the month outside the window the moment he was stopped. Untie his eyes, and then render the appropriate “verdict.” If the boss turns his right side towards the month, he will be rich; if his left side, he will be poor; if his back is turned, he is at a crossroads in life; and if his face is turned, he is too trusting of people.

Garland of fate

Comic New Year's fortune-telling and predictions are not limited to the participation of any one person. If you think carefully, you can predict the fate of several dozen people at once. How exactly? Now you'll find out! To do this, you need to make a so-called garland of fate. In addition to Christmas tree decorations, tinsel and the well-known stars, there will be homemade cards and predictions dedicated to the New Year.

Such a garland should be hung at the entrance to the hall where the corporate party will be held. Each employee must choose one or another postcard with a comic prophecy. This will allow all employees to get into the New Year mood from the very first minutes and give them a cozy atmosphere of a fun holiday.

Modern methods of predictions for the New Year

Many New Year's fortune telling for 2015 are somewhat different from all of the above. Of course, one cannot seriously hope for the veracity of this or that prediction, but there is no need to write them off completely either. One of these methods is the so-called advertising fortune telling. You need to mentally ask yourself any question, for example: “I want to go on vacation. Where will I go? Advertising, tell me!”

After this, you need to turn on the TV, radio, computer, or simply open any newspaper. As soon as you come across an advertisement for a vacation spot, take note. Perhaps this is where you will go during your vacation. You can do it another way: write down the address of this travel agency and go there for vouchers. If, for example, your question is: “What should I do?” you came across an advertisement for a pet store, run there and buy a pet! By the way, he will help you in the next method of fortune telling.

Cool New Year's fortune telling is not limited to just “advertising” methods. You can also tell fortunes based on pets, for example, cats. Your pet will definitely not deceive you. To do this, first leave your door a little open, then make a wish or some question and call your cat. Important! Watch carefully which paw she will step over the threshold. If it’s right, then the answer to your question is “Yes,” and if it’s left, “No.”

It's not without reason that the sequence New Year's holidays called magical and fabulous. Everyone who makes a wish on New Year's Eve is sure to wait and count on a miracle. Once a year, everything that is inaccessible to a person during the year suddenly opens up and makes it possible to use miraculous remedies.

Our ancestors did not waste their time, they knew for sure that it was difficult to think of a better time than the New Year for fortune-telling, so in order not to wait another whole year, they got down to business.

Unfortunately, we missed our ancestors a little, because for them the New Year came at a different time. After the change of chronology we received main holiday in the year from December 31 to January 1. But nevertheless, even in modern times, all fortune telling works, apparently with modern man, on new way The subtle world around us has also been rebuilt, which tells us the future with the help of fortune telling.

Unlike Christmas, serious fortune-telling, New Year's ones are perceived as something humorous, childish and completely harmless. But this is far from true. Some directly state that apart from New Year's fortune-telling, they no longer recognize any other. And let everyone around us stand on their ears, have fun and drink champagne, we firmly believe that this New Year's fortune telling 2019 will definitely bring us happiness.

There are a great many ways to look into the future, as well as the events that people predict. So, let's go.

Fortune telling for the New Year: Chimes

The most important thing in this New Year's fortune-telling is not to chat and not miss the moment when the main clock begins to count down the final seconds of the outgoing year. This is perhaps one of the most famous New Year's fortune telling. All you need is a piece of paper, a glass of champagne and, of course, the desire itself. It should not be bulky and should easily fit on a piece of paper. During the chiming clock, you set fire to the paper, pour the ashes into champagne and quickly drink it. Don’t delay, the whole procedure should fit in a minute while the clock, so to speak, strikes twelve. What is fortune telling, you ask? It’s simple - if you have time to eat, your wish will come true; if you don’t have time, be more efficient next time - in the coming 2019.

Chimes. Method 2

For those who do not like to rush and do everything at the last minute, there is a second method of fortune telling by chimes. Generous new year traditions instead of one minute they give you a whole hour. At 23.00, write your wish on a piece of paper. Do you have a whole hour of free time, what to do? Practice on empty pieces of paper and wash them down with water, otherwise training with real champagne may not allow you to survive until the New Year. And then you do the whole operation again, but this time you don’t need to eat anything. Your desire should completely burn out along with the piece of paper.

Water fortune telling for the New Year

New Year's fortune telling on the water - fortune telling for those with dexterous hands. In addition to your limbs, we will also need two glasses of water. Fill one of the glasses with water to the very brim, make a wish and instantly, almost without thinking, pour the water into another glass with one movement of your hand.

Now let’s look at the table on which you manipulated. If no more than three small drops are spilled, then thank nature for excellent coordination, your wish will come true.

If you caused a small flood on the table, you will have to practice, or be more picky in your desires. And yet, even if you become the world champion in pouring water from glasses, this will not bring you one centimeter closer to your cherished dream. On the contrary, with your sportive anger you will scare away all the magic.

Fortune telling for the New Year: Water, mirror and candles

The most mysterious and mystical set for a fortune teller for the New Year. Fill the decanter to the top, place three candles around it at equal distances. Now look carefully at the decanter and try to see something in the mirror through the thickness of the water. Look carefully, very soon the mysterious trinity of water, fire and reflection will begin to give a picture. Just don’t be afraid, what you see will not harm you.

New Year's fortune telling for love: Money on a saucer

Look in your pockets to see if you have a couple of coins lying around, not just ordinary ones, but some old ones. If the currency from the times of Peter the Great or Ivan the Terrible is a little tight, then the old Soviet heels will do. Every home should be full of this goodness, visit your grandmother, after all, she has a couple of three-liter jars of this goodness.

If grandma’s wealth is a little tight, then for New Year’s fortune telling for love, an ordinary coin will do, just first you need to recharge it with yours powerful energy. Wear it somewhere close to your body for a week. You don’t have to sew it into your underpants, of course, but it would be perfect in your breast pocket.

If you have a loved one, ask him to hold the money in his hand for a couple of minutes. Now let’s compare the clocks: your fortune telling will begin exactly at midnight.

The exact time is 23 hours 55 minutes. Everything is ready for New Year's fortune telling. Oh yes. You need a white saucer and black ink. Well, is everything ready now?

Then quickly place the saucer on the table and conditionally divide it into four equal zones. On each side write: he, we, me, she.

How much was it? Two minutes to twelve.

It's time to start. Take a coin in your hand, place it on its edge in the center of your saucer and at exactly midnight, spin it harder! Now look in which sector your ancient coin has rolled. If it’s HIM, you have big problems in your relationship, if SHE, your rival will soon visit you, the WE sector, everything will be fine with you, and, finally, Me, delve into yourself, somewhere deep the problem is buried in you.

Borderline conditions also occur, for example, when a coin lands on two sectors at once. Everything here, according to the laws of geometry, if most of the coin lies in one of the sectors, then fortune telling will be valid for this particular result.

A decanter of water will predict marriage

There is a glass on the table, next to a full carafe of water. Start pouring water from the decanter into a glass and at the same time say: if you are a good fellow, you were very tired along the way, come to visit me, I will give you some water. Speak in a calm, flirtatious voice, as if you were really chatting not with a decanter, but with a real young man.

Three times will be enough. Place the decanter and glass by the bed and go to bed. Good fellow will definitely come to you in a dream, don’t miss it.

New Year's tree fortune telling for love

If you haven’t decorated the Christmas tree yet, then there’s no need to start guessing. The New Year's beauty should already be fully armed, and the more toys she has, the better. For this fortune telling you will need an assistant.

Let him blindfold you with a thick cloth and spin you thoroughly clockwise. Then you confidently, but a little staggeringly, approach the Christmas tree and remove the toy from it. Just don’t choose what your hand rests on, then take it off.

We look at the color of the Christmas tree decoration. If the toy is white, then you will not see any changes in your personal life. If it is a black toy, unhappy love lies ahead. Red - you will soon meet your love, and green promises you intense feelings not sometime in 2019, but right on New Year’s Eve itself. If you come across a purple toy, it means there is a chill in the relationship. Silver or gold indicates a meeting with an eligible groom. The main thing is not to hang only gold and silver decorations on the tree, as it can get seriously damaged.

Paper fortune telling for the New Year

Write down some of your deepest desires on different pieces of paper. If there are a lot of them, then write until the ink runs out, all the paper is worn out and your hand gets tired. After all your wishes are written down, put them under your pillow. Early in the morning on January 1, the first thing you do is not go to the bathroom to brush your teeth, but put your hand under the pillow. The first piece of paper that comes across will be the wish that will come true in the New Year.

Telephone fortune telling

Here we will do without desires and just look for answers to the simplest questions. Those that can be answered unequivocally either yes or no. Any telephone is suitable for fortune telling - push-button, rotary and mobile. So, mentally ask your question, think about it, keep it in your head, and then ask the question out loud and look carefully at the phone. And now the minutes of waiting began. If a man calls first, then your answer to the question will be yes, but if it is a call from a mother, grandmother, friend or any other woman - alas, no.

New Year's wealth fortune telling: coin on a plate

Now let's see which of you is in next year untold riches await. Of course, everyone, but some will get more, some will obviously get less.

For fortune telling you will need one coin and as many as three plates, and the evening of December 31st. And be sure to make sure there is an assistant nearby. Leave the room where you will be guessing, but ask your assistant to place a coin under one of the plates. When you return to the room, try to guess where exactly the coin is.

If everything worked out, then you don’t have to worry, just as clearly and confidently you will find in the New Year 2019 not just one coin, but a whole bag. And the best thing is a suitcase and not coins, but paper money.

If you find a coin only on the second try, then don’t be discouraged here either, there won’t be much money, but it will be enough for a decent existence.

But if you only correctly determined the location of the coin the third time, you will not have a very sweet time. There will be money, of course, but very little. By the way, they say that there were cases when during this fortune-telling a person could not find a coin even the third time. But the problem here is a joker-assistant who forgot to put a coin under one of the plates, so choose a worthy, serious assistant.

New Year's fortune telling using mirror patterns

I wonder if you would trade your future for a table, champagne and the president’s congratulations? If yes, then this fortune telling is especially for you.

Exactly at midnight you need to forget about the chimes and the table, go outside with a small mirror, which you need to pour water over before that. We are waiting for the water on the mirror to freeze and turn into a beautiful pattern. As soon as this happens, run home and look carefully in the mirror. What do we see - the patterns form circles, which means that we can only be happy for you - there will be good prosperity in 2019.

If you end up with patterns with right angles forming rectangles, you will most likely have to tighten the belts a little.

If the ice is frozen in the form of triangles, great luck awaits you in all your endeavors.

It happens that the patterns become similar to spruce branches, this means that the year will be calm, without nervousness.

The clearer the lines, the less reason to worry, and if the patterns flow smoothly, constantly bending, then everything will be fine, you will be surrounded by communication and recognition awaits you.

If the patterns on the mirror form zigzags, loneliness may await you. Seeing dots will mean that all endeavors will be completed in 2019 and quite successfully.

In addition to lines, dots and figures, more interesting patterns often appear on the mirror, for example, the outlines of people, some objects and even faces. If you see a person or even his face, then know that soon changes will occur in life and you will probably meet your love.

Is the surface of the mirror stained? This means that not everything is so smooth, and not at all mirror surface, but in your life. Be careful, the future development of events depends on each further step.

Fortune telling about the gender of the unborn child: Needle

Young girls who dream of having a child, as a rule, really want to know - who will they have - a boy or a girl? With the help of this fortune telling, you can try to shed light on this mystery.

You will need a regular needle and thread, approximately 25 cm in length. Thread the thread through the eye, take the hand of the girl who is expecting a baby, and hold the needle over her palm. If the needle begins to make circular movements, then you are having a girl, and if it starts to swing like a pendulum, then it is a boy.

Window fortune telling: Light in the window

You need to guess this way when it gets dark and people in their houses turn on the lights. Surely there is a multi-story building in your city. Go up to him and turn your back, say to yourself the question you want to get an answer to. Then turn around and carefully count the number of bright windows. An even number gives a positive answer, an odd number gives a negative answer.

New Year's fortune telling for the husband: Street fortune telling

Girls, do you want to know the name of your future husband? Of course! Then, after the chimes announce the onset of the New Year, go outside and approach the first man you come across and ask him to introduce himself. Most likely, this will be the name of your future husband, and in some, especially rare cases, this man will be your fiancé. If it’s scary to walk alone and pester men, you can take your friends to help and take turns telling fortunes on New Year’s Eve.

Fortune telling with rice

Surprisingly, ordinary rice can tell a lot about our future. To do this, you again need to silently say the question that interests you, then raise your left palm over the container with rice, hold it over it for a while, and then take a small pinch and pour the rice onto a piece of paper or a napkin. Count the number of grains of rice. An even number gives a positive answer, an odd number gives a negative answer.

Fortune telling by book

Take an ordinary book, touch it with your left palm and say the question to yourself again. With the same hand, open any page, move your palm over the text and the lines under your thumb should answer your question.

You can also try another way of fortune telling with a book. It's even simpler. It is enough just to name the page out loud, and then open the book and read what is written. Just don’t assume that in this line, which will be under your finger, there will be an exact answer, say: you are asking how old I will be when I get married, and in the book the answer is: it was a sunny day, not a single cloud in sight. sky. This answer should be interpreted as positive, you will definitely get married soon, but you won’t be able to name the date.

Fortune telling about husband's profession

All girls want to know who their betrothed will be. It’s a pity that there is no such profession - oligarch, otherwise one could tell fortunes on him.

So, for this fortune telling we will need bread, keys, a book and coal. These items symbolize the husband's occupation, respectively, peasant, merchant, priest and worker. While workers can still be found, it will be difficult to find peasants, merchants and priests. Let's get creative, take items that suit modern life. A flash drive is an IT specialist, a book is a scientist, a ball is an athlete, a tie is a politician, and so on. What matters here is what you put into each item.

Fortune telling for the betrothed: Rod, broom and comb

It looks more like the title of a Brothers Grimm fairy tale, but this fortune telling will help girls find out about their betrothed.

We take a broom and pull out several twigs from it. Before going to bed, make a small bridge out of them and put them under the pillow, while saying: my betrothed, mummer, take me across the bridge. Then go to sleep peacefully and watch your dreams carefully.

He will definitely take you across the bridge. A comb is also needed to find out the name of the betrothed. You also need to put it under the pillow and at the same time say: betrothed, comb my hair. The mirror also goes under the pillow. You just need to say other words: my betrothed, come to me and show yourself. Watch your colorful dreams carefully and remember the image of your future husband.

Fortune telling for the New Year on ice

On New Year's Eve you need to leave a saucer of water on the balcony or outside. When you wake up, take the saucer and look at the resulting patterns. If the water is fixed in the form of waves and irregularities, then the next year will turn out in two ways - there will be both successes and defeats. If everything is smooth with ice, then it will be exactly the same in your life, no worries, turmoil or force majeure. If the ice in the saucer stands on end, then only good news lies ahead. Holes in the ice will indicate that some bad event is ahead.

Fortune telling on a chain for the New Year

Just before the New Year (about 15 minutes), sit down at a flat table and take the chain. Rub the chain in your hands for 10 minutes, as soon as you feel heat starting to release, place the chain in your right fist and shake it sharply five times, and then throw the chain onto the table in one sharp movement.

The chain will lie flat on the table in the form of an interesting figure, which will later tell you about future events.

If it stretches out in a straight line, then fortune will not offend you in 2019. The chain stretches out in the form of a snake, be careful, someone among your closest friends is betraying you.

The round chain will symbolize difficult situation, from which you will be looking for a way out throughout the year, an oval means that someone has feelings for you, a triangle promises difficulties in business, but good luck in love, a bow means a quick marriage, and a loop predicts great financial losses.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year is simple and accurate. On this mysterious holiday, you can look into the future, find out your fate, tell fortunes about love and your betrothed, about the fulfillment of your cherished desires. Any of the many methods can be easily done at home. Also, during the period from January 13 to 14, our ancestors observed many traditions and performed rituals that helped them live in happiness and prosperity throughout the next year.

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    Rituals and traditions

    Generous evening is a holiday celebrated on the eve of the Old New Year (from January 13th to 14th). Many signs and rituals are traditionally associated with it, which allow us to lift the veil of secrets of the future. This is a time of rampant otherworldly forces. That evening, after sunset and until 12 o'clock at night, girls walked around the courtyards and gave generously, driving away unclean spirits with their singing and wishing their owners health, happiness and prosperity in the new year.

    The night from January 13 to 14 is time for renewal. You need to burn your worn clothes and immediately put on new ones. This ancient ritual is still preserved in many villages; it symbolizes the beginning of a new life. And how it will turn out, simple and interesting fortune telling will help you find out.

    According to popular belief, on Old New Year the man should be the first to enter the house - this will make all family members happy for the next year. But you cannot give money on this day in order to maintain well-being in the house.

    Fortune telling for the Old New Year

    A simple version of family fortune telling for the Old New Year. In the evening, you need to go outside during dinner and carefully look at your neighbors’ windows. If you can see the heads of everyone present at the table, then the relatives will be alive and well; if conversations are heard and no one is visible, then trouble will soon happen to one of your loved ones.

    To protect your home and family from misfortunes, on January 14 you need to go around all the rooms clockwise with three lit church candles. At the same time, constantly be baptized. There is another way to prevent trouble: early in the morning, lightly knock on the threshold with an ax and say: “Life, health, bread.”

    With bread and water

    A ritual with bread is a simple way to find out the future of your family for the coming year. It is as follows:

    • You need to fill the bowl with plain water.
    • Break a crust of bread into pieces of different sizes according to the number of household members.
    • For each of them, make a wish for one of your relatives.
    • Throw the pieces into a bowl.
    • While swirling the water with your finger, say the following words: “Spin the bread and water, my whole family is here. If there is trouble, separate bread and water.”
    • Look in the morning: if all the pieces come together, then the whole family will be complete all year. And if any of them floats separately from the rest, then the mysterious person will face a wedding, departure or death.

    Gender of the child

    It was possible to find out the gender of the unborn child by fortune telling with a ring. It required:

    • Dip the ring into a glass of water.
    • Hang it on a thread or your own hair.
    • Carefully bring it to the hand of the person being told fortunes. If she begins to move in a circle, then a girl will be born, if she makes pendulum-like movements, then a boy will be born. Well, if it stands still, then there will be no children.

    With a rooster

    One of the most popular in rural areas There was an old fortune telling with a rooster:

    • grains were scattered around the room;
    • at midnight the rooster was taken from the roost;
    • They brought it into the room where the grain had been spilled.

    If a rooster pecked every last grain, it was considered very good sign, promising happiness. If he ate several grains, it foreshadowed the same number of weddings in the new year. If the rooster refused to peck, then this promised a streak of failures in the future. Of course, it is almost impossible to carry out this ritual in a city, but for those living in rural areas it is easy to use this reliable way to find out the near future.


    You can find out how the coming year will turn out by listening to other people's conversations. First you need to concentrate, and then listen carefully to what others say. If you hear loud laughter, then everything will be fine in the new year, crying or swearing - the year will not be easy, if the conversation of tipsy people - you should beware bad habits.

    With egg

    Girls with a rich imagination can tell fortunes using a fresh chicken egg:

    • late in the evening of January 13, get a fresh chicken egg;
    • make a small hole in it;
    • carefully pour the contents into a transparent glass of water;
    • wait until the protein curls;
    • by its shape one can judge the near future.

    If the figure resembles a ring, this promises a wedding in the new year, a church - a wedding, any transport - a trip for a man or a husband returning from a business trip for a woman, a rectangle - a coffin, etc. If the squirrel sinks to the bottom, then the house is threatened by fire or other serious trouble.

    With glasses

    An interesting, fun and accurate New Year's fortune telling to find out upcoming events - using glasses. It can be carried out in fun company girlfriends To do this you should:

    • take four glasses;
    • fill them halfway with water or melted snow;
    • pour a small spoonful of salt and sugar into two of them, put a ring into the third, and leave the fourth glass unchanged;
    • then one of the fortunetellers should turn her back;
    • her friend needs to point her finger at each of the glasses in turn until the girl who has turned away stops her;
    • you need to take a sip from the chosen glass: if you feel the taste of salt, then sadness and tears are ahead, if the water is sweet - fun and joy, if ordinary - then the year will be the same, when a ring comes across in the glass - the girl will soon get married.

    Fortune telling at the festive table

    Another name for the Old New Year holiday is the rich holy evening or rich Vasilyev evening, named after St. Basil the Great. On this day, by old tradition, it was customary to generously set the table. Pork dishes were considered a special treat, and a whole roasted pig - a symbol of fertility and fertility - was the main decoration of the festive table, because St. Basil was considered the patron saint of pig farmers. “A pig and a boletus for Vasily’s evening”, “The pig is an unclean animal, but God has nothing unclean - Vasily will bless the winter! “- our ancestors said in proverbs about this day. Another important dish at the holiday was generous kutia, which was generously seasoned with meat and lard, and then placed in a corner with icons.

    On the festive evening of January 13, you can use folk fortune telling for predictions. For one of them you need:

    • put on festive table a bowl of water;
    • cover with a scarf;
    • each of the guests present at the feast must take off any accessory and put it in the water;
    • During traditional singing, any object was taken out of a bowl at random; its owner could judge his future from the lyrics of the song.

    Another table method of divination was fortune telling using dumplings. It requires:

    • make dumplings with potatoes;
    • add some small object to the filling of each: a coin, a ring, a piece of salty or fresh cucumber, any sweetness, etc. (see picture below);
    • at dinner, guests each choose one dumpling;
    • on the subject they come across and judge their future.

    The coin promised wealth, the ring promised a wedding, pickled cucumber- tears, a piece of bread - prosperity, sweet filling - fun, cherry pit or beans - a new addition to the family, bay leaf- good luck at work, etc.

    Fortune telling

    You can use this easy method. Freeze water in a spoon in the evening and look in the morning: if there are bubbles, this promises a long life. happy life. And if a hole forms in the ice, then this means great grief, misfortune and death.

    Another ancient way to predict fate is as follows: on the evening of January 13, blindfolded, count all the stakes in the fence and tie the ninth one with a scarf. And in the morning, if it is straight, then life is calm, without shocks; if it is crooked, then the fate of the fortuneteller is unhappy.

    The following method of fortune telling is suitable for unmarried girls. It requires:

    • Pour any cereal or pebbles into a fabric bag.
    • Place a crust of bread, a hook and a ring in it.
    • Without looking, get any of the items.
    • Get a prediction. If a girl came across a loaf of bread, it promised a life of prosperity, a hook foreshadowed a difficult fate, and a ring - a happy marriage.

    No less popular is the method of divination using the shadows of burnt paper. You should:

    • crumple up a large sheet of paper or newspaper;
    • put it on a flat dish;
    • set fire to;
    • when it burns down, you need to bring the dish to the wall, lit by candles, and judge the future by the shadows formed.

    You can find out your fate by wax church candle. Need to:

    • fill any container with water (or melted snow);
    • melt the candle;
    • carefully pour the melted wax into cold water to the very center of the bowl;
    • It is by the resulting figure that one should judge future events.

    Fortune telling for love and betrothed

    For unmarried girls, the festive evening and night with Melanka (January 13 is the day of the Venerable Melanka) on Vasily has always been considered a suitable time for truthful fortune telling about love and the betrothed. Based on ancient Slavic pagan rituals, modern ones were formed interesting ways fortune telling, with the help of which you can find out any information about your future husband or the feelings of your loved one.

    Most of these fortune tellings are simple and accurate. They can be carried out independently at home alone or in the company of friends.

    Who will be the first to get married in the new year?

    To find out, you need to feed the cat dumplings. The one who eats it first will marry before the rest. If you don’t have dumplings on hand, you can use threads of the same length. The girl whose thread burns out the fastest will be the first to marry. If the thread accidentally goes out, then this is a bad sign. The fortuneteller will never get married or will wait a long time for the wedding.

    Single girls or their mothers can also tell fortunes for a quick marriage using nut shells. Place two shells in a bowl of water walnut. If they get together, the girl will soon get married, if they go their separate ways, the wedding is still far away.

    Can be used for divination and wedding ring, which should be placed in a container of water and left in the cold overnight. In the morning, count the number of tubercles on the water, each of which symbolizes the future groom. If the water is frozen in one large bulge, then there is a wedding ahead, and if the surface is flat, it is not time for marriage yet.

    Fortune telling using beans is also popular. You need to take a small handful of beans and pour them into a cup. Make a guess whether a girl will get married this year or not, using two simple phrases that need to be repeated during the ceremony, for example: “there will be a wedding” and “the wedding will not take place.” Continuously pronouncing the hidden words, you must slowly transfer the beans from one cup to another. Whatever phrase they end on is what will happen.

    Another famous one New Year's ritual on the betrothed is carried out using a towel. Need to:

    • take a new towel white;
    • before going to bed, hang it out the window;
    • say the magic words: “My betrothed, my mummer, come quickly, dry yourself with a towel”;
    • go to bed;
    • In the morning, touch the hanging towel.

    If it is wet, it means the groom wiped himself with it at night and there will be a wedding next year. If it’s dry, then the girl will have to be unmarried for another year.

    What will your future spouse and family life be like?

    Fortune telling by groats is carried out together with girlfriends. For it you need:

    • arrange small plates in a circle;
    • pour different cereals into each: buckwheat, rice, millet, semolina, pearl barley, and pour water into the remaining one;
    • each of the fortune tellers must spin in the center of the circle raw egg;
    • then see which way it rolls.

    If the egg rolled towards the buckwheat, then future husband will be rich and generous. Rice portends falling in love with a married man, millet speaks of a fair-haired man, semolina promises a groom from the north, and pearl barley promises a military man. Water means that the girl will have to move after the wedding. If the egg remains in place, then next year you can’t expect marriage.

    You can also learn about the character of your betrothed with the help of animals and birds. In the late evening of January 13, you need to go outside. Whichever living creature comes across first on the road, with such a disposition will be the spouse. A cat portends an affectionate and cunning man, a dog – a faithful one, and a bird – a creative and gifted person.

    To find out how it turns out family life, you can also tell fortunes in this way: on Old New Year, pour three piles of grain at the gate. In the morning, see if it remains in place or the piles are destroyed. In the first case, the marriage will be happy, in the second - unhappy.

    In the name of the betrothed

    The peel of the apple is carefully cut off with a thin continuous strip. If during the process it suddenly broke off, the fortune telling did not work. You need to throw the cut skin over your right shoulder and see what letter the resulting figure resembles. It is with her that the name of the future husband will begin.

    Another interesting and fun fortune telling, which is carried out on the occasion of the Old New Year. The girls go out into the street and stop the first passers-by they come across, asking their names. First reported male name and will belong to the spouse.

    How to see the groom?

    You can see the appearance of your future spouse in prophetic dream. As a rule, fortune telling by sleep is simple and safe, but at the same time it is distinguished by truthfulness.

    To see your betrothed in a dream, you need to put a handful of hay that was lying near the icons in your right shoe on January 7, Christmas. And on the eve of the Old New Year, put it under the pillow and say: “Who is my betrothed, he will dream about this night.” In a dream, a girl will see her future husband.

    You can make a dream about your betrothed in this way: you need to hide a small mirror and a comb under the pillow and say: “Come, come. Comb it, comb it. Look at me, show yourself." At night you will definitely dream about your future husband.

    For the same purpose, they tell fortunes on cards. Four kings from a new playing deck are placed under the pillow. At the same time, you need to pronounce a spell: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream about me.” A dream about the king of spades means that a girl is about to marry an elderly man, a club is a marriage with a divorced or widower, a red one foreshadows a wealthy handsome man, and king of diamonds- desired and loved.

    The most terrible fortune-telling, which can be performed on the night of January 13-14 and during the entire Christmas period, is considered to be a ritual with mirrors and candles. With its help you can see your future spouse in reflection. It is held at midnight alone. Need to:

    • take two identical mirrors;
    • install them opposite each other;
    • light two candles lit in the church and place them side by side;
    • peer into the flame-lit mirror tunnel;
    • at the end of it the devil will appear in the form of the future betrothed;
    • as soon as this happens, you need to quickly say: “Forget me.”

    It is necessary to cover up the evil spirits so that they do not penetrate into reality and drag the girl into the world of the looking glass. According to another belief, words of amulets should be pronounced so that the betrothed does not live in the mirror, otherwise the girl will never meet him.

    Will your wish come true?

    “If the red maiden makes a wish for Vasily, everything will come true, but what will come true will not pass!” - said popular beliefs. Ancient fortune telling On a holiday, wishes are distinguished by simplicity and variety. Here are some of them:

    1. 1. Take a book of any content and make a wish. Then open any page at random and point your finger at any paragraph, by which you should judge whether your plan will come true or not.
    2. 2. Fill one glass to the top with water, and leave the second empty. Think about something and pour water from one glass to another over the table several times. Carefully inspect the surface over which the ceremony was performed: if the table is dry or a little water has been spilled, the wish will be fulfilled, if a lot is not.
    3. 3. Fill the cup with rice. Say the magic words over it: “Tell me, fate, what should I expect: good or evil” and make a wish. At the same time, pour all the rice onto the table. Then select black or bad grains from the scattered grains and count them. An odd number foreshadows the fulfillment of a dream, and an even number indicates that the wish will not come true.
    4. 4. Throw a ring without stones, preferably an engagement ring, into a transparent glass with a flat bottom filled with water. Light a candle and place it on the left side of the glass. Exactly at 12 o'clock at night on January 13, make a wish and look closely at the center of the ring. After some time, the water in the glass will become cloudy and an image will appear that will tell you whether it will come true or not.
    5. 5. You can find out whether your plan will come true or not on the morning of January 14th. At the entrance to the church it is necessary to count the parishioners. You need to count the first thirteen people. If more men, then the answer is positive, if women - the desire will not come true.

    Suitable for city dwellers modern views fortune telling:

    1. 1. If the fortuneteller has an elevator in her house, then you can ask him about the fulfillment of wishes. In the evening of Old New Year, you need to go out onto the site, think of a question and wait for someone to call the elevator. If he goes up, the desired will come true, if down, it won’t come true.
    2. 2. You can also use your phone to cast a spell. You need to think of a question, concentrate and look at the phone. If you receive a call from a man in the near future, your wish will come true; if you receive a call from a woman, your wish will not come true. It should be noted that you should expect a call not only on January 13, but also on January 14.
    3. 3. The next ritual is suitable for lovers of sweets. It is often used for fortune telling specifically for the Old New Year. You should fill the glass with champagne. On the night of January 14, a minute before midnight, think of any wish and ask: “Will the wish come true?” Then throw a small piece of chocolate into the glass. If he drowns, the wish will certainly come true, then champagne must be drunk very quickly within 12 seconds. If not, then the answer is negative.

    Folk signs for the Old New Year

    There are many signs associated with this holiday that should be observed so that everything goes well next year:

    • You cannot say the word “thirteen” on holiday.
    • On January 14, they don’t count change, it leads to tears.
    • During the old New Year they do not lend money, otherwise the whole year can be spent in poverty.
    • It is not recommended to take out the trash on January 14 so that happiness does not leave the house.
    • A clear and starry sky predicts a generous harvest of berries.
    • January 14th can be shaken fruit trees so that Saint Basil would save the gardens from pests. In the morning you need to go around the garden, reading the spell: “As I shake off (name) the white fluffy snow, so Saint Basil will shake off every worm-reptile in the spring.”
    • The ancestors believed that on the Generous Evening, witches stole the moon from the heavens, but still could not stop the coming of the growing day.
    • On the holiday, early in the morning, it was customary to cook Vasilyev’s porridge and monitor its preparation. If the porridge “escapes” from the pan or the pot in which it is cooked cracks, there will be trouble. In this case, the porridge along with the vessel was thrown into the hole. If it was cooked as it should be, it was sure to be eaten all over.

New Year is not just a holiday, but a night when we believe that dreams come true. Traditionally, this time is used to find out the near future. Organize New Year's fortune telling for 2017, and you will learn a lot of interesting things about your destiny.

Probably the most famous fortune telling is when a wish is written on a small piece of paper, then it is burned, the ashes are poured into a glass of champagne, after which the drink is drunk. This is all done simultaneously with the striking of the Chimes. In fact, there are many types of predictions, it all depends on the goals. Let's look at the most interesting and effective ones.

When is the right time for predictions?

There are days when fortune telling is considered to be the most truthful. There is also a time when, according to some beliefs, fortune telling is undesirable and even prohibited. Usually, predictions begin on December 25 and end on January 17. On some days this is prohibited. Such days include Sunday, which is associated with religious ideas, as well as Monday, which is related to the Moon and can give deceptive predictions.

It is believed that the most true fortune telling fall on Friday. It’s great if it’s also the 13th. In addition, predictions should be made on the first day of the coming year, that is, January 1. Another day when predictions are most accurate is your own birthday.

Types of fortune telling depending on the purpose of prediction

When planning to make predictions, you must first determine the goal and direction, that is, ask a question. Fortune telling is traditionally divided into several types depending on the goals.

Fortune telling for love

Using these types of fortune telling, we want to find out whether the betrothed will appear in the near future, how the relationship with him will develop, and whether there will be a continuation.

On the hair

Before going to bed, take a clean comb. We slowly comb our hair, saying: “Mummer, come to me dressed up.” When you finish combing your hair, place the comb under your pillow and go to bed. At night you should dream about the one who will become your destiny. When doing this fortune telling, focus on the process and believe that the desired person will definitely appear in your dream.

On the bow

This fortune telling begins on the night before Christmas. If you have several contenders for your hand, and it’s difficult for you to choose from them, then bulbs will help. You take as many of them as there are fans. The name of the man must be written on each bulb. After that, they are placed in a container of water, whispering: “Onion, tell me who my groom is.” Now we just have to wait for the first bulb to sprout and look at the name on it.

On matches

This is a popular method of prediction, familiar to our ancestors. It helps you find out what feelings your partner has for you and is considered effective method fortune telling. We will need a new box, from which we need to remove two matches. Decide which one symbolizes a man and which one symbolizes you. Place them vertically so that they do not fall, at a short distance from each other. Now you need to light the matches and see what happens to them. The prediction is based on which way the heads tilt and how.

  • If the match, symbolizing a man, deviates in the other direction from the female, then this indicates a negative attitude.
  • If the match remains standing vertically, then the man’s attitude towards the woman is indifferent.
  • If the male match leans towards the female, then this means sympathy.
  • It is considered a particularly good sign if both matches lean towards each other, this indicates reciprocity and good attitude in pairs.

Christmas tree predictions

We will need a Christmas tree decorated for the New Year 2017, according to which we will do fortune telling. You will also need an assistant who will blindfold you and lead you to the tree. You make a wish and take toys from the tree, after which you determine by color what will happen in the near future.

  • Green - new love awaits next year, but whether it will become real will not be clear immediately, but closer to the end of the year.
  • Black - love is expected to be unhappy, perhaps unrequited.
  • Shades of pink and red predict strong passion.
  • White - no significant changes are expected on the love front next year.
  • Purple or blue - feelings in a couple begin to cool, it is likely that the relationship will decline.
  • Gold or silver - there is a meeting with a wealthy gentleman.

Guessing wishes

We all want our wishes to come true, and even more we want to know in advance whether they will come true. In this case, several types of fortune telling are used.

On paper

In order to find out what wishes will come true next year, take 12 pieces of paper. We write a wish on each of them, and then go to bed. As soon as you wake up, take three pieces of paper and read what wishes are written on them - they will certainly come true.

On grain or stones

Place a cup of grains in front of you or pour them into a bag. We make a wish and take a handful of grains, trying not to spill them. After this, you need to count the number of grains you took. If the wish comes true, then you should have an even number of grains in your hand. They use the same principle to tell fortunes using small stones.

A cat will help with fortune telling

Have a pet? Great. We make a wish, and then call the cat. Let's see which paw will cross the threshold first. If it’s right, then your wish will definitely come true.

Fortune telling

Perhaps you want to learn not about some specific events and desires, but about your destiny. In this case also use various types predictions.

Looking at the water

Take a transparent decanter and pour it into clean water. We place three candles around the decanter, and behind it a mirror. Now you need to concentrate, turn off unnecessary thoughts and look carefully into the mirror across the water. The images you see will tell about your destiny. It is better to perform it in the dark, the best time is midnight.

According to frosty patterns

Winter is a good time for such fortune telling. We take a glass or mirror, pour clean water over it and take it out into the cold overnight. If you can’t take it outside, a freezer will do. When patterns appear on the glass, we begin to interpret the symbols that you will see on the surface.

  • Triangles mean luck, success in the future, fate will be favorable to you.
  • Squares predict difficulties.
  • Circles - prosperity, a comfortable life, complete happiness.
  • Patterns reminiscent of Christmas trees - fate predicts hard work for you.

Predictions from the book

This type of fortune telling has been known for a long time; it is successfully used for various predictions, including fate. You can try this fortune telling on New Year's Eve 2017. Let's take the book. The most suitable is classical literature or poetry. We ask a question or make a wish. We name the page and line. Open and read the phrase that is written.

There is another option, when you name only the line at the top, and open the page at random. In this case, fate itself tells you where to open the book.

Modern methods of fortune telling

With the development of technology, new prediction methods have emerged.

On the phone

In order to organize fortune telling for 2017, you will need a phone. Make a wish while looking at the dial or screen. It is important to concentrate and turn off extraneous thoughts. Now all you have to do is wait a little while for someone to call. If the first call came from a man, then the answer is positive, that is, the wish will certainly come true. It’s very convenient to tell fortunes on New Year’s Day, since there are a lot of calls, so you won’t have to wait long.

On the windows

Go out in the evening or at night, go to multi-storey building. Turn your back to him and make a wish or question. Now you need to turn to the house and count how many windows are lit. An even number of windows indicates a positive answer.

Fortune telling is not only convenient way to find out fate or the likelihood of a wish coming true, but also just an opportunity to have fun. Some divination methods are done alone, while others can be done in the company of good friends. The main thing is a positive attitude and confidence that all good things will come true.

On New Year's Eve, everyone is worried about the question of what the coming year holds, whether the wishes made on New Year's Eve will come true. Every person believes in a miracle, that the coming year will definitely be better than the outgoing year. And this is precisely the time, the most favorable moment for various predictions and fortune-telling.

Ancient and more modern, simple and interesting fortune-telling for men, for women, or for the whole family - New Year's fortune-telling and old-time fortune-telling New Year, will be able to please and entertain you, instill hope in the wonderful future awaiting us in the coming year.

Fortune telling for the New Year

Write your wish on a piece of paper a few minutes before the new year begins. When the chimes strike for the first time, set fire to this piece of paper. If it successfully burns out before the beginning of next year, then you can assume that your wish has already begun to come true; if it goes out, your wish will not come true, at least in the coming year.

Make a wish

Just before the start of the new year, write your wish on a small piece of paper. Then burn this leaf and pour the ashes into a glass of champagne. Next, after waiting for the chimes to strike, drink the contents of the glass. It is believed that the wish you write will come true.

Fortune telling for marriage

This method of fortune telling is most suitable for a single girl who wants to marry the guy she likes.

Before New Year's Eve, you need to go to the house where your chosen one lives and break off a small chip from the fence surrounding his house or from the door, if it is an apartment. After this, you should go home and go to bed. If you don’t meet anyone on the way home, and at night you dream about exactly the guy you’re thinking about, then you can be sure that this year he will ask for your hand.

Bread and scissors

It is believed that girls who put scissors and bread under their pillow on New Year's Eve will certainly dream of their future life partner.

Fortune telling in the mirror

Quite a mystical way of fortune telling. You will need three candles, a mirror and a decanter filled with water.
- Place the carafe of water on a hard surface.
- Place a mirror behind the decanter.
- Place candles on three sides of the decanter and light them.

Your task is to look through the water in the decanter at the mirror; it is believed that your future should be reflected in it.

Pouring water

For this fortune telling you will need two glasses, one of which should be filled to the top with water.
On New Year's Eve, you need to make a wish and immediately start pouring water from one glass to another.
Whether your wish will come true or not is determined as follows: if no more than three drops of water remain on the surface on which these same glasses were placed after pouring, then your wish has a chance of success. If there are much more drops, then, alas, you don’t even have to hope - your plan will not come true.

Fortune telling by wax

Melt a wax candle in some container, lowering the container to the surface hot water, and pour the wax into a deep plate filled with cool water. Depending on the shape of the hardened wax, you can try to determine your future. For example, a horseshoe signifies happiness in the coming new year, a star predicts the receipt of long-awaited news. Use your imagination to interpret the meanings of other frozen wax figures.

Fortune telling for wish fulfillment

Late in the evening, before going to bed, fill the glass exactly halfway with water. Then, looking into the reflection of the water, make a wish and go to bed. In the morning, look at the water level in the glass. If water has increased during the night, then your wish will certainly come true, but if part of the water has evaporated, then your wish will not come true.

New Year's fortune telling with needles

This method of fortune telling can only be used for the New Year or your birthday. For fortune telling you will need 13 needles, 3 of which need to be bent. The best option needles from the set will be used for fortune telling, since it usually contains all the needles different lengths, which will allow you to more easily distinguish them from each other during fortune telling. Give each needle a name based on the names of people you know, and give one of the needles your name. Bent needles do not need to be given names.

Gather all the needles together, lift them above the table and pour them onto a clean sheet of paper. Find a needle named after you that represents you. If it is located in the center of the sheet, then you can expect stability and a certain constancy in life. If this needle fell on top part leaf - expect quick changes; if on the lower one, changes await you, not necessarily unpleasant, but which, alas, you will not be able to influence.

Next, we will determine for each zone of the sheet its meaning when interpreting fortune telling.
· The left side of the sheet is all negative
· Right side of the sheet - everything positive, good
· Upper right corner of the sheet - spiritual growth
· Lower right corner of the sheet - bad luck while maintaining purity of thoughts
· Upper left corner of the sheet - luck in everything, in any of your desires
· Lower left corner of the sheet - failures associated with strong emotional unrest.

By looking at the position of your needle, determine its direction. The eye of the needle indicates what (who) you will strive for, and the tip indicates what or who you should avoid.

Determine the position of the needle relative to the sheet. If the needle is positioned lengthwise, then changes will occur next year. If the needle lies across, then serious changes will not threaten you in the near future.

Now let's determine the meaning of the other needles. Straight needles with the eye facing your needle will be your allies. Needles pointing towards your needle will be hostile towards you. The needles that intersect with your needle will have a very close relationship with you.

Now let's look at bent needles, which portend trouble. If they are on the left side of the sheet, then this indicates troubles that happened earlier or have already remained in the past. Bent needles located on the right side of the sheet predict future troubles.

If your needle points its eye to a crooked needle, this means that your actions can bring you trouble. If the point of a curved needle is directed at yours, then this indicates that no matter what you do, trouble will still overtake you.

In all other options, you have the opportunity to avoid trouble, if only you wish to do so.

New Year's fortune telling using a needle to determine the sex of the unborn child

Using needle fortune telling, the sex of the unborn child is determined. To do this, thread a thread, the length of which is approximately twenty centimeters, into the eye of the needle and hold it suspended above the palm of the expectant mother. If the needle begins to move in a circular motion, then most likely it will be a girl; if the needle swings from side to side, it's a boy.

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