What to choose: Single-pipe or two-pipe heating system. Heating for a private home: which one is better to choose?

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For every private household, the installation of a heating system is considered one of the fundamental issues. Modern technologies construction offer two options: one-pipe or two-pipe system.

Here it is important not to cheapen out by trying to reduce installation costs and purchasing materials. And only after understanding the operating principle of these systems, their advantages and disadvantages, can you make the right choice.

Single-pipe operation heating system happens enough simple principles. There is only one closed pipeline through which the coolant circulates. Passing through the boiler, the medium heats up, and passing through the radiators imparts this heat to them, after which, cooled, it again enters the boiler.

There is also only one riser in a single-pipe system, and its location depends on the type of building. So, for one-story private houses a horizontal scheme is best suited, while for multi-story buildings - a vertical one.

Pay attention! To pump coolant through vertical risers, a hydraulic pump may be needed.

To improve the efficiency of a single-pipe system, several improvements can be made. For example, install bypasses - special elements that are pipe sections connecting the forward and return radiator pipes.

This solution makes it possible to connect thermostats to the radiator that can control the temperature of each heating element, or completely disconnect them from the system. Another advantage of bypasses is that they allow you to replace or repair individual heating elements without shutting down the entire system.

Installation features

In order for the heating system to provide warmth to the owners of the house for many years, during the installation process it is worth adhering to the following sequence of actions:

  • According to the developed project, the boiler is installed.
  • The pipeline is being installed. In places where the project provides for the installation of radiators and bypasses, tees are installed.
  • If the system operates on the principle of natural circulation, it is necessary to ensure a slope of 3-5 cm per meter of length. For a forced circulation circuit, a slope of 1 cm per meter of length will be sufficient.
  • For systems with forced circulation, a circulation pump is installed. It is worth considering that the device is not designed for operation at high temperatures, so it would be better to install it near the entrance of the return pipe to the boiler. In addition, the pump must be connected to the electrical network.
  • Installation of expansion tank. Tank open type must be in highest point system, closed - in any convenient place (most often it is installed near the boiler).
  • Installation heating radiators. They weigh a lot (especially when filled with water), so they are secured using special brackets, which are usually included in the kit. Installation is most often carried out under window openings.
  • Additional devices are being installed - Mayevsky taps, plugs, shut-off devices.
  • The final stage - testing finished system, for which water or air is supplied into it under pressure. If the tests do not reveal problem areas, the system is ready for operation.

Owners of private homes often face a choice of which type of home heating to choose. There are only two types of heating systems traditionally used in everyday life: one-pipe and two-pipe. Each type has both advantages and disadvantages. The difference between both systems is the different method of delivering coolant to heating devices. What heating structure for own home It’s better to choose one-pipe or two-pipe directly to the owner of the house, taking into account his own household needs, the expected heated area and the availability of finances.

In the first option, heat is distributed throughout the house through one pipe, sequentially heating each room of the house. In the second case, the complex is equipped with two pipes. One is a direct supply of coolant to the . The other pipe serves to drain the cooled liquid back into the boiler for subsequent heating. A correct assessment of your own financial capabilities, an accurate calculation of the optimal parameters of the coolant in each individual case, will help not only decide on the type of heating system, but also competently.

You can understand and figure out what is best for you, a single-pipe or two-pipe heating system, only after carefully studying the technical nuances.

Single pipe heating system. General views

A single-pipe heating system can work with both a pump and natural coolant circulation. When considering the second type, you should delve a little into the existing laws of physics. It is based on the principle of expansion of a liquid when heated. During operation, the heating boiler heats the coolant, which, due to the temperature difference and the pressure created, rises along the riser to the highest point of the system. The coolant moves upward through one pipe, reaching the expansion tank. Accumulating there hot water already through the downpipe it fills all the batteries connected in series.

Accordingly, the first connection points along the coolant flow will receive maximum heat, while the radiators located further away will already receive partially cooled liquid.

For large, multi-story buildings, such a scheme is extremely ineffective, although in terms of installation costs and maintenance, a single-pipe system looks attractive. For private one-story houses and two-story residential buildings, a similar principle of heat distribution is acceptable. Heating residential premises using a single-pipe circuit in a one-story house is quite effective. With a small heated area, the temperature in the radiators is almost the same. The use of a pump in longer systems also has a positive effect on the uniformity of heat distribution.

Heating quality and installation cost in in this case may depend on the connection type. Diagonal connection of radiators provides greater heat transfer, but is used less frequently due to the larger number of pipes required to connect all heating devices in residential premises.

The scheme with bottom connection of radiators looks more economical due to lower consumption of materials. From an aesthetic point of view, this type of connection looks preferable.

Advantages of a single-pipe heating system and its disadvantages

For owners of small residential buildings, a single-pipe heating system looks tempting, especially if you pay attention to its following advantages:

  • has stable hydrodynamics;
  • convenience and ease of design and installation;
  • low costs for equipment and materials.

The indirect advantages of a single-pipe system include the safety of the supply of coolant, which disperses through the pipeline through natural circulation.

The most common problems that owners of a single-pipe heating system have to face include the following aspects:

  • technical difficulties in eliminating miscalculations in the work made during the design;
  • close relationship of all elements;
  • high hydrodynamic resistance of the system;
  • technological limitations associated with the inability to independently regulate coolant flow.

Despite the listed disadvantages of this type of heating, a well-designed heating system will allow you to avoid many difficulties even at the installation stage. In view of listed benefits and the economic component, single-pipe schemes have become quite widespread. Both single-pipe and another type, two-pipe heating systems have real advantages. What can you win and what can you lose by choosing one of the types for your home?

Technology for connecting and positioning a single-pipe heating system

Single-pipe systems are divided into vertical and horizontal. In most cases for multi-storey buildings vertical wiring is used. In this case, all radiators are connected in series from top to bottom. With horizontal wiring, the batteries are connected one after another horizontally. The main disadvantage of both options is frequent air jams, due to air accumulation in the radiators. The proposed diagram makes it possible to get an idea of ​​some wiring options.

Connection methods in this case are chosen at the discretion of the owner. Heating radiators can be connected via a side connection, a diagonal connection or a bottom connection. The figure shows similar connection options.

For the owner of the house, the economic feasibility of the equipment installed in the house and the resulting effect always remains an important aspect. Do not underestimate the option of a single-pipe heating system. Today, in practice, quite effective measures are being taken to improve heating schemes of this type.

For example: There is technical solution, which allows you to independently regulate the heating of individual radiators connected to the same line. For this purpose, bypasses are created in the system - a section of pipe that creates a bypass movement of the coolant from the direct pipe to the return, bypassing the circuit of a certain battery.

Valves and flaps are installed on the bypasses to block the flow of coolant. You can install thermostats on radiators that allow you to regulate the heating temperature in each radiator or throughout the system as a whole. A competent specialist will be able to calculate and install bypasses to achieve maximum efficiency. In the diagram you can see the principle of operation of bypasses.

Two-pipe heating system. Operating principle

Having become familiar with the first type of heating system, single-pipe, it’s time to understand the features and operating principle of a two-pipe heating system. A thorough analysis of the technological and technical parameters of heating of this type allows consumers to make independent choice- which heating is more efficient in a particular case, single-pipe or two-pipe.

The basic principle is the presence of two circuits through which the coolant disperses throughout the system. One pipe supplies coolant to the heating radiators. The second branch is designed to ensure that the already cooled coolant, after passing through the radiator, returns to the boiler. And so constantly, in a circle, while the heating is on. At first glance, the very presence of two pipelines in the scheme may repel consumers. The large length of highways and the complexity of wiring are factors that often scare away owners of private houses from a two-pipe heating system.

This is at first glance. Like single-pipe systems, two-pipe systems are divided into closed and open. The difference in this case lies in the design of the expansion tank.

Closed with a membrane expansion tank are the most practical, convenient and safe to use. This is confirmed by obvious advantages:

  • even at the design stage, it is possible to equip heating devices with thermostats;
  • parallel, independent connection of radiators;
  • the technical possibility of adding heating devices after installation is completed;
  • ease of use of a hidden gasket;
  • the ability to turn off individual radiators or branches;
  • ease of system adjustment.

Based on the above, one clear conclusion can be drawn. A two-pipe heating system is much more flexible and technologically advanced than a single-pipe one.

For comparison, the following diagram is presented:

The Two-Pipe System is very convenient for use in a house in which it is planned to increase the living space; extension options are possible, both upward and along the perimeter of the building. Already at the work stage, technical errors made during the design can be easily eliminated. This scheme is more stable and reliable than a single-pipe one.

With all the obvious advantages, before choosing this type of heating, it is appropriate to recall the disadvantages of the two-pipe system.

Important to know! The system differs more high complexity and the cost of installation and rather cumbersome connection options.

If you have a competent specialist on hand and have carried out the necessary technical calculations, then the listed disadvantages are easily compensated by the advantages of a two-pipe heating circuit.

As in the case of a single-pipe system, the two-pipe option involves the use of vertical or horizontal arrangement pipelines. Vertical system - radiators are connected to a vertical riser. This type is suitable for two-story private houses and cottages. Air jams are not a problem for you. In the case of horizontal option- radiators in each room or room are connected to a pipeline located horizontally. Double pipe horizontal diagrams heating systems are mainly designed for heating one-story buildings and large residential buildings with the need for floor-to-floor adjustment. Air jams that arise can be easily eliminated by installing Mayevsky valves on radiators.

The figure shows a vertical two-pipe heating system. Below you can see what a horizontal two-pipe system looks like.

Traditionally, radiators can be connected using bottom and top wiring. Depending on technical specifications and the project - the choice of wiring option depends on the owner of the house. Top wiring is more convenient. All lines can be hidden in the attic space. The system creates the circulation necessary for good distribution of coolant. The main disadvantage of a two-pipe heating scheme with an upper wiring option is the need to install a membrane tank outside the heated premises. The upper wiring does not allow making a fence process water for domestic needs, as well as connect the expansion tank with a tank for hot water used in everyday life. This scheme is not suitable for residential properties with a flat roof.


The selected type of heating for a private home should provide all residents of the residential building with the necessary comfort. There is no point in saving on heating. By installing a heating system in your home that does not meet the parameters of the residential property and household needs, you risk spending a lot of money on refurbishment in the future.

Two-pipe or single-pipe heating system - the choice should always be justified, both from a technical and economic point of view.

When arranging a private home, sooner or later the question of choosing a heating system scheme arises. Today there are so many of them that an inexperienced person can get confused and choose the wrong thing. Installers often recommend what is profitable for them to install. But since you came to this page, choosing a system in your home will be much easier. First, we will share the main varieties, and at the very end we will share our opinion and choice of heating scheme for the house.

Any type of heating system is closed. IN simple version any wiring diagram can be considered as a ring consisting of pipes. It circulates hot liquid from the heating boiler to the heating devices, remaining in them for some time. The coolant releases during circulation thermal energy, and is again sent inside the boiler for heating. The cycle repeats periodically.

Any heating scheme includes:

  • Heating boiler
  • Connecting system pipes
  • Radiators or similar heating devices
  • Armature
  • Circulation pump

Basic types of heating schemes

All types of schemes can be divided into 4 subtypes: open and closed, pump and gravity.

In a private home(system with natural circulation) the movement of the coolant occurs through natural circulation. By following simple laws of physics, the system is installed in such a way that it does not require an additional pump. Well suited for small one-story houses

IN forced scheme water heating of a private house occurs due to the action of a circulation pump. When using such a system, pipes can be mounted in walls, in the floor, along the ceiling, and hidden from human eyes. With the correct pump selection water heating will work successfully. Such wiring schemes are great for two-story houses.

Open system from closed differ in the expansion tank. IN closed system used membrane tank. It allows you to support the system required pressure and compensates for the expansion of the coolant.

Now let's look at each scheme in more detail.

Gravity heating system, advantages and disadvantages

In this type of heating system for a private house, hot water, heated inside the boiler (usually solid fuel), moves upward, after which it ends up in heating batteries. From them the heat is coming into the room and again sent to the return pipeline. From it it already goes into the heating boiler. The constant movement of heated water is ensured by the necessary inclination of the supply (direct) pipeline and return, as well as the use of pipes of different diameters. For the supply from the boiler, pipes of a smaller diameter are used, and for the return, the pipeline in which water is directed to the boiler, a larger one.

The gravity-flow wiring diagram for the water heating system of a private house has a specific device in the form of an open expansion tank connected to the outside space, mounted at the top of the pipeline. The tank is intended to take part of the water when it is heated, since this process is accompanied by an increase in the volume of coolant. An expansion tank filled with water creates hydraulic pressure in the heating system, necessary for fluid movement.

As water cools, its volume decreases. Some of the liquid from the open tank again enters the pipeline system. This ensures the necessary continuity of water flow circulation.

A gravity heating system has the following advantages:

  • Uniform distribution of thermal energy
  • Sustained action
  • Autonomy from power grids

A gravity heating system also has disadvantages:

  • Difficult installation. The slope angle of the pipelines must be observed
  • Significant length of pipes
  • The need to use pipes of different sizes
  • Inertial system. It reduces the degree of control of the heating process
  • The need to heat water to a relatively high temperature, which limits the use of p
  • Significant volume of pipeline
  • Inability to connect

Heating circuit with pump

Often used in private residential buildings heating circuit with forced movement of water. This is ensured by the action of a circulation pump connected to the electrical network. In this heating distribution system, it is possible to use any materials for pipes, for example, polypropylene. Also applicable different ways installation of heating devices.

Heating circuits with forced water movement are equipped with a membrane type. It can be installed in any part of the system, but is more often installed near the boiler. Accordingly, heating systems with forced movement of coolant are often called closed.

Single-pipe heating circuit

As a rule, this system wiring diagram is used in private one-story houses and is characterized by easy installation, low labor costs and low cost. Radiators are connected to the heating pipe in series. There is no provision for waste coolant removal. This water heating scheme has many disadvantages when heating a private house:

  • loss of thermal energy - each subsequent heating device will heat up less than the previous one;
  • the inability to regulate the heating intensity in one room without similar consequences for the rest. By reducing the temperature in one of the radiators, all subsequent radiators will inevitably cool down;
  • the need to additionally equip the heating system with a pump to maintain operating pressure in it.

There are technological methods that can be used to partially get rid of these problems. You can improve the operation of a single-pipe wiring diagram using special equipment: thermostatic valves, radiator regulators, air vents, balancing valves. Their use will slightly increase the cost of installation, but will allow the temperature in one of the radiators to be lowered or lowered without undesirable temperature changes in the remaining heating devices.

Two-pipe heating circuit

This water heating system is widely used in houses of any number of floors. Its peculiarity is that water is supplied to the radiator through one pipe, and drained through another. The heat exchangers are connected to the heating system not in series, but in parallel.

Main advantages:

  • coolant with the same temperature is supplied to each radiator;
  • it becomes possible to install a thermostat on radiators to set the desired temperature in each individual room;
  • disconnection or malfunction of one of the batteries will not affect the operation of the others.

The system has a number of disadvantages. Its device requires large number pipes and connecting elements, which leads to an increased degree of complexity installation work and to the higher cost of the entire water heating system.

Heating scheme with heated floors

Heated floors provide horizontal thermal radiation, maintaining a higher temperature at foot level and reducing it to a comfortable level at higher altitudes. In areas with warm climates, the circuit can be used as the only heat source. In northern latitudes it must be combined with the installation of a radiator heating system.

Structurally, the underfloor heating system is a network of pipelines. Heating can be done from any heat sources.

System advantages:

  • uniform distribution of heat throughout the entire volume of the room;
  • improving the aesthetic appearance of the room due to the absence of pipes and radiators.

Gravity system "Spider"

The vertical heating circuit of a private house with a top spill without the use of a circulation pump is called “Spider”. The main advantage is complete autonomy from gas or electricity, which is especially in demand in rural areas or in holiday villages. In the circuit, the coolant moves due to the temperature difference at the inlet and outlet of the heating device. In the absence of gas and electricity, it is best to use a solid fuel boiler.

The operating principle of the “Spider” is based on the laws of physics - hot water rushes upward, displacing cold water downward. As a result of heating, the water rises from the boiler along the riser to the radiator, gives it part of its thermal energy and moves to the next one until it returns back to the boiler. The functioning of the system depends on the accurate selection of pipes and compliance with slopes. Water intake must be carried out above the level of the heat exchangers. The boiler should be located lower. The main disadvantage of the scheme can be considered quite complex installation work.

Scheme "Leningradka"

“Leningradka” is one of the simplest, but nevertheless quite effective and economical heating schemes for wiring a private house. It is similar to a single-pipe scheme, that is, the coolant sequentially passes through all the radiators of the room, gradually losing its heating temperature. The main pipe is placed along the floor and loops the circuit from the heating device. It is best to use Leningradka in one-story houses so that all batteries are on the same level. In this case, the system can operate with natural circulation, but when installed in two-story houses it is necessary to use forced supply of coolant.

The advantages of this scheme are:

  • economical consumption of materials;
  • easy installation;
  • long-term reliable operation;
  • the ability to hide the main pipe under floor covering to improve the aesthetics of the interior.

Leningradka" is not without significant drawbacks:

  • inability to maintain the same temperature regime in all rooms;
  • horizontal wiring does not allow connecting heated floors or heated towel rails;
  • a large area of ​​the room requires the use of a circulation pump to ensure operating pressure in the system.

Radiant heating scheme

The radial water heating wiring diagram is newfangled. When using it, hot water is evenly distributed throughout the room through the collector. The degree of heating of the home is regulated by changing the heating of the water and the speed of its movement through the pipes.

It is an improved version of the two-pipe circuit. To distribute the coolant, the same collector is used as in a warm field.

The main advantages of the beam wiring scheme include:

  • Jointlessness. There are no joints inside the screed. The likelihood of leakage is significantly reduced
  • The ability to turn off each device individually on the collector without harming the entire system

The only drawback is the price. Due to the use of a collector and an additional number of pipes, the price of the system also increases.

Which scheme should you choose?

Let's decide right away about single-pipe and gravity-flow systems. If you live in a modern metropolis or close to it, if everything is in order with energy resources (with light in the first place), if you do not need to save much, then do not consider these schemes.

They appeared at a time when electricity was bad, and they were also absent various types pipes We had to use metal. Now everything has changed and these systems have become obsolete.

Gravity flow schemes can be implemented in houses remote from civilization. For example, at your dacha.

If you want to use a radiator system in a private house, then best choice there will be a two-pipe dead-end heating circuit or a radiant one. Both systems operate almost identically. They differ only in implementation.

Before using a water heated floor, you should calculate the heat loss at home. They will help you understand whether it will be enough as the main heating or whether you will have to use radiators as well.

Energy prices are steadily rising, so everything more Country residents are wondering how to heat their homes inexpensively and efficiently. Most often, homeowners are concerned about heating options for a private home and country house, which boiler has the highest efficiency, which boiler to choose for the heating system, how to properly install the heating system, what types of heating exist without gas and which of them are the most economical.

FORUMHOUSE advises a different approach. First, we decide on the type of fuel, and then we select a heating system “for it.”

From our material you will learn:

  • What are the costs of a heating system?
  • What type of fuel can be called the most affordable;
  • What does a convenient heating system mean?
  • Can heating with electricity be cheap?
  • What can become the basis of an economical heating system.

What are the costs of a heating system?

Many factors influence how much a particular heating method will cost. Only after calculating all the costs (it is also necessary to take into account the increase in fuel prices in the long term) can you decide on the most cost-effective heating method. To do this, you need to consider:

  • Fuel cost;
  • The cost of its delivery;
  • Price heating equipment;
  • The cost of its installation;
  • Costs of its operation;
  • Average monthly air temperature in winter period time;
  • Method of living in the house: “dacha” mode or permanent residence;
  • Availability of utilities connected to the site (gas, required electrical power);
  • The degree of insulation and energy efficiency of the home.

Thinking about choosing a heating system and considering different options heating in the house, first of all you need to answer the question: not “how”, but “with what” you will heat your home. The costs of the heating season depend on the type of fuel, its cost and availability.

Let's consider the following situation: main gas, as a more economically advantageous type of fuel, at the moment no, or connecting it will be too expensive. What to do in this situation, what type of fuel to choose: firewood, liquefied gas, coal, pellets, fuel briquettes, electricity, even - there are a lot of options. Let's see which type of energy carrier is most preferable.


  • It would be correct to choose a heating system after proper calculation. This is the only way to achieve a balance between efficiency, economy and convenience;
  • A country house must be well insulated, all heat losses must be reduced to a minimum, otherwise the lion's share of the energy will go to heating the “street”;
  • Approximately, required power heating equipment is calculated using the formula: 1 kW of energy is required to heat 10 sq.m of house area;
  • The efficiency of a heating system largely depends on the availability of a particular type of fuel;
  • To obtain maximum effect, you must combine different types heating systems and energy carriers. It cannot be said that if these conditions are met, we will get heating cheaper than gas, but we will be able to save significantly.
  • combined heating system. And here -

What heating to choose for a private house or cottage? When choosing a particular heating method for a private home, we are guided by a number of factors, among which the most significant are:

  1. The financial component, which includes the cost of installation, maintenance, operation and fuel.
  2. Possibility of accumulation of heating material.
  3. Possibility of application alternative options heating (during a power outage, interruptions in gas supply, etc.).

The optimal combination of the above factors allows us to identify the most efficient heating that can be used in each specific case to heat a private home.

Which heating to choose for country house? In order for every reader to find the answer to this question, we will briefly describe the most common and effective schemes heating system devices.

Water heating

This type of heating belongs to the category of the simplest and most reliable. The operating principle of water heating is based on heating water using a boiler and its subsequent distribution to room radiators thanks to a piping system.

The use of a circulation pump ensures constant circulation of water in this closed system. The coolant in a water heating system is usually water or antifreeze, and the boiler can operate on coal, wood, natural gas, kerosene and other types of fuel.

Water heating includes the following main elements: boiler, pipelines, batteries, expansion tank, circulation pump, pressure gauges, shut-off valves, automatic air vents, safety valves.

Pipelines used for water heating can be made of various materials:

  1. Steel.
  2. Copper.
  3. Polymer materials.

Steel pipelines, unlike stainless or galvanized ones, are characterized by low corrosion resistance. Copper pipelines are highly reliable and can withstand high temperatures and pressures.

Pipelines made from polymer materials, are quite durable, eliminate the formation of sediment on internal surfaces, are highly resistant to corrosion.

Their disadvantage is the presence of a large coefficient of thermal expansion, which contributes to the formation of leaks.

Thus, the most efficient water heating of a cottage or private house can be achieved using copper pipelines. This opinion is shared by the vast majority of experts.

The only drawback of pipelines made of copper is their comparative high cost, which is compensated by their absolute reliability and ability to last for several generations.

Water heating scheme. Click to enlarge.

Indoor piping can be done using single-pipe, double-pipe or manifold.

Single-pipe wiring does not allow full control of the performance of the entire system due to the impossibility of blocking access of the coolant to one of the radiators.

The option using a two-pipe system is the most efficient (for individual houses) heating, allowing you to freely adjust the temperature inside each room.

This type of wiring involves supplying cold and hot pipelines to each radiator. The distribution of pipelines can be carried out in a star-shape or in the form of a “loop”.

Collector wiring involves connecting to each heating device from the common manifold of the supply and return pipelines.

Manifold systems are distinguished by a high degree of versatility due to ease of installation and adjustment, the ability to replace damaged sections of pipelines (without destroying the floor structure).

Which heating is better (single-circuit, double-circuit or collector) for a country house? The answer is obvious - two-pipe and collector.

Air heating

Air heating of a private house can be arranged according to the gravitational principle (air movement is carried out due to temperature differences due to natural circulation) or due to forced circulation(air movement is possible due to the operation of a fan equipped with an electric drive).

This heating scheme allows you to heat rooms without the main elements used in a water heating system (boilers, radiators, pipelines, etc.).

Air heating heats rooms by supplying air heated to the required temperature.

Air heating scheme. Click to enlarge.

The main element of working entirely in automatic mode systems ( better heating- the most automated) is a heat generator, which can be mobile or stationary.

The fuel (gas, kerosene or diesel) burned in the combustion chamber heats the cold air moving upward under the action of a fan. The heated air is then directed to the heat exchanger, where partial mixing with street air can occur.

Using air ducts, heated air is directed directly into the rooms, ensuring their uniform heating.

The circulation necessary for the functioning of the system is established by returning air to the heat generator through the floor grilles. What is the most efficient air heating for a country house?

The efficiency of air heating is directly influenced by air ducts, which can have various design features:

  1. Round or rectangular.
  2. Rigid or flexible.
  3. Metal (black and galvanized steel, copper, aluminum) or non-metal (plastic, textile).

Insulating pipelines passing through unheated rooms or adjacent to external walls is one of the ways to arrange more efficient heating of any cottage or house.

Electric heating

Various electric heating options are successfully used to heat private houses of various sizes:

  1. Electric convectors.
  2. Infrared ceiling long-wave heaters.
  3. Film and cable systems for heating the ceiling and floor.

The best electric heating for a country house - a system based on the use of electric convectors, which has gained the greatest popularity and distribution in low-rise construction, especially suburban.

The structure of an electric convector. Click to enlarge.

The operating principle of these devices is based on the phenomenon of air convection. Thanks to convection, heat transfer by air is ensured (up to 80%).

Convectors heat cold air through the operation of special heating elements made of conductive components. The heated air increases in size and rises through the louvers of the outlet grille.

Additional heating of the air is carried out due to heat radiation carried out directly from the surface of the electric convector.

The principle of using convectors for heating. Click to enlarge.

Electric convectors are the best heating (or one of the best) for a private home, inferior to gas only in operating costs, but superior in terms of safety and reliability.

The control units of these devices are equipped with special protection against overheating, and the devices themselves have low sensitivity to voltage changes in the electrical network.

How to choose the type of heating

How to choose one type of heating or another? Which heating is more economical and profitable?

Many years of experience in building private houses and installing various heat supply systems suggests that the choice depends on the characteristics of a particular house (availability of fuel, distance from settlements, financial capabilities, etc.).

Any schemes have their own positive qualities and some disadvantages. Which heating is better: water, air, electric or stove, for example? For each individual case there is a single answer to the question posed.

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