Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine exercises for treatment. Effective neck exercises for osteochondrosis - the best complex

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Osteochondrosis cervical region spine is an insidious disease. The age threshold for incidence is falling every year, so now the problem of treating cervical osteochondrosis is as acute as never before.

Unfortunately, the penetration of medicine in different parts of our country leaves much to be desired, which is why independent prevention of the disease and supportive therapy at home are still extremely relevant.

Various exercises for the prevention and treatment of cervical osteochondrosis and professionally designed exercise therapy (physical therapy complexes) come to our aid.

Prevention of cervical osteochondrosis.

Prevention of cervical osteochondrosis is massage and self-massage
. Warming techniques of massage, rubbing, patting, restore blood circulation in the muscles, relieve strain in the neck muscles. You can do the massage yourself by kneading and rubbing the back of the neck and base of the skull, thereby eliminating blood stagnation and restoring blood circulation to the head.

The workplace should be comfortable. You should use an ergonomic chair. Elbows should be at table level, back straight, computer monitor slightly above your gaze. It is imperative to take breaks while working to reduce static loads on your back.

A preventative measure for osteochondrosis is to perform exercises for the cervical spine. Isometric exercises, which involve resisting the load for 5-6 seconds, are considered less dangerous. The head counteracts the pressure of the palm of the hand. The exercises are performed without sudden movements, smoothly.

  1. Sitting at a table with a straight back. Place your elbow on the table, press your ear to your palm, tilt your head to your shoulder, counteracting it with your hand. Hold for 10 seconds, 10 repetitions. The lateral muscles of the neck are strengthened. Repeat the same number of times in both directions.
  2. Sitting at the table, place your hand on the table on your elbow, rest your forehead on your palm, rest your hand and press your head for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Lie on the floor on your back. Press the back of your head onto the floor. Hold the position for 5-6 seconds.
  4. Lie on the floor on your stomach, pressing your forehead onto the floor.
  5. Lie on the floor on your left side, your left hand lies on the floor, put your head on it and press your head on your hand.
  6. Same for the right side.
  7. Sitting on a chair with a straight back, clasp your fingers, place them on the back of your head, and press the back of your head onto your clasped fingers.
  8. Standing against a wall, press the back of your head against the wall.

All of the listed isometric exercises should be performed with effort for 5-6 seconds, then slowly release the tension and relax. Do 5-10 repetitions.

Doing hangs on the horizontal bar has a beneficial effect on the condition of the cervical spine. You can perform hangs with a wide or narrow grip for 30 seconds. Under the influence of its own weight, all the vertebrae of the spine are stretched.

You should pay attention to your habits, do not hunch over at the table, maintain your posture when talking on the phone, do not press the receiver with your ear to your shoulder.
Be sure to take breaks from work every hour. Swimming is a good preventive measure.

To prevent illness, you can perform small simple sets of exercises every day. In a programme Vladimir Perov Exercises that are easy to perform are presented. In order to determine the condition of your cervical spine, you can do small tests: bend your head back and forth, tilt it towards your shoulder and turn your head left and right.

Normally, a person should bend his head 45 degrees, straighten it 50. Tilt his head to his shoulder 45 degrees, turn his head 90 degrees in both directions.

Therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

You can start doing therapeutic exercises only after the pain stops. You cannot perform exercises during an attack. After an attack, low-intensity isometric exercises are allowed; in this case, the muscles tense, resisting the load. The neck muscles create a muscular corset that firmly holds the vertebrae.

All exercises must be performed slowly, without jerking or sudden movements. Before performing gymnastic complexes, you should choose an individual technique, based on the opinion of a specialist.

Physiotherapy exercises by Dr. Ignatiev.

  1. Sitting position, back and neck straight. Turn your head left and right as far as you can, but gently, not sharply. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Sitting position, straight back and neck. Lower your head down, try to touch your chin to your chest. 10 reps.
  3. Sitting position, pull your chin and neck back, 10 repetitions.
  4. Sitting position, arms hanging freely along the body. Smoothly raise your shoulders and hold for 10 seconds. Relax. Perform 10 repetitions.
  5. Lying on a hard surface, stretch the muscles of the neck and base of the skull for 4 minutes. Try to massage intensely to improve blood flow.
  6. Rub the muscles between the shoulder blades and above the shoulder blades while sitting or lying on a hard surface.
  7. Using circular movements, knead the muscles above the ear and to the back of the head.

A set of exercises combined with slow, calm breathing. Breathing helps you concentrate on doing the exercise and improves its effectiveness. It is advisable to repeat this several times during the day. The range of motion is small. The lying position helps reduce the load on the vertebrae; you cannot try to do everything at once. The main thing is caution, gradualness and consistency of practice.

  1. Lying on your back on the floor. One hand is on the stomach, the other is on the chest. Calm inhalation - the stomach rises, then the chest. Exhale calmly, long. You need to try to make the exhalation longer than the inhalation. Perform freely and relaxed. Do 10 repetitions.
  2. Lying on the floor on your stomach. Slowly raise your head, then your shoulders, then push your hands in front of you, hold for 1 minute. Try to always remember your posture.
  3. Lying on your stomach. The arms are located along the body. Freely and slowly turn your head, trying to touch your ear to the floor. Repeat left and right 6 times.
  4. Sitting position. Tilt your head forward, then slowly tilt it back until it stops, but not sharply or to the point of pain. Repeat 10 times.
  5. Sitting at the table. Place your elbows on the table, put your head on your palms, press your forehead on your palms. Try to exert yourself as much as possible. Perform the exercise while exhaling. Repeat 10 times.
  6. Rotate your head alternately 5 times to the left and right. If you feel pain, you should limit yourself to moving your chin to the left to the shoulder, then to the right to the shoulder. Repeat 6 times.

Video tutorials on therapeutic exercises for cervical osteochondrosis.

From a variety of video tutorials on therapeutic exercises for cervical spine therapy, you can choose the most effective one. It is better to follow the recommendations of existing chiropractors and trust their experience.

V. D. Gitt, experienced chiropractor, author of the theory of micromovements, gives effective recommendations for performing exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

The theory behind micromovements is that nutrition is absorbed into the cartilage as it works. However, heavy loads destroy the cartilage. Small movements, in a “homeopathic” dose, on the contrary, promote the absorption of substances from the synovial fluid.

Smooth and varied neck movements, turns, bends, combinations, a complex of thoughtful movements allow people of all ages to use the complex every day. Dr. Butrimov’s exercises for the cervical spine are available to everyone.

Mikhail Shilov’s complex works the neck muscles well, without sudden movements and efforts; under the influence of the weight of the head, the posterior back muscles are gently stretched, the shoulders are freed, and ease of movement is restored.

A set of exercise therapy (therapeutic gymnastics) for cervical osteochondrosis of the spine. Video tutorial.

These exercises are suitable for both the treatment and prevention of cervical osteochondrosis, and for the cervicothoracic form of the disease.

Video tutorial on massage of the cervical collar area for osteochondrosis.

By combining massage, self-massage, advances in medical massage technology, controlling your posture and performing simple sets of exercises for the cervical vertebrae, a person will gain lightness, freedom, relaxed movements and, perhaps, forget about the existence of cervical osteochondrosis.

This article provides different kinds sets of physical exercises for working out the cervical spine, both in text and video format.

If such symptoms occur, doctors prescribe physical activity for each patient individually.

Watch your habits. When sitting at a table, keep your back straight; when talking on the phone, do not press the receiver to your shoulder with your ear. Take a short break every hour.

General rules for performing therapeutic exercises

Exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine should be performed taking into account the recommendations below:

  1. Start gymnastics with warm-up movements;
  2. Do the exercises calmly. Movements that cause discomfort should be postponed;
  3. It is important to develop the chest, shoulders and arms;
  4. Physical activity must be alternated with breathing exercises;
  5. The load should increase gradually. If changes in the heart occur after exercise, then you need to consult a doctor and stop gymnastics;
  6. For pain, gymnastics should be replaced with stretching and relaxation exercises;
  7. Constant heart rate monitoring;
  8. During exacerbations, exercises for abducting and weighting the arms are not performed until the pain disappears;
  9. The exercise therapy complex should be prescribed by a doctor after examination;
  10. Gymnastics should be done every day, preferably at the same time.

Warning: exercise therapy should only be done in consultation with a doctor. Exercise and massage are not indicated for all conditions. In cases of exacerbation, high blood pressure and life-threatening diseases, gymnastics is contraindicated.

Exercise sets

Let's look at what exercises you can do in the morning. It should be performed every morning to stretch your muscles after sleep.

  • Bring your palms to your head and begin to press them on all parts of your head in turn. Press on each part of the head for a few seconds. The head should resist pressure;
  • Lower your chin towards your chest with force. This exercise needs to be done slowly. The neck muscles need to be tensed so that they feel resistance;
  • Turn your head to the right and left as much as possible. Movements should be performed slowly;
  • Lower your chin to your chest and begin to turn your head without lifting your chin;
  • Throw your head back and try to reach your shoulder with your ear;

You cannot make circular movements with your head. First you need to strengthen your spine and muscles. Otherwise, rotational movements may injure the cervical vertebrae.

Day complex

Carrying out this complex of exercise therapy requires sufficient effort. It is not recommended to do the evening complex before bed.

  • Take a lying position on your back, stretch your legs. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Inhale shallowly and, as you exhale, tighten your abdominal muscles. Hold your breath for a few seconds and relax;
  • Remain in a lying position with your limbs extended. Bend your knees and begin to pull them towards your chin, while raising your head;
  • Roll over onto your stomach. Raise your head and top part torso, extend your arms in front of you. Hold the position for one minute;
  • Stay on your stomach. Place your arms along your body. Slowly turn your head to the right - to the left so that you can touch the floor with your ear;
  • Roll over onto your back. Stretch your arms and legs. Start by lifting just your head and shoulders.

Passive lifestyle is fraught with blood stagnation in different parts of the spine. Physiotherapy stimulates blood circulation in the cervical region, improving blood flow to the vertebrae and discs. It will help get rid of headaches and slow down the process of degeneration. Perform exercise therapy on a regular basis. With its help, you will be able to relieve tension from the spinal column, and you will forget about pain forever.

If you seriously want to treat and prevent osteochondrosis, we recommend that you also perform exercises for the spine.

Physical exercises for the lumbar region. The best selection.

What you need to know about spinal hernia? Is surgery really necessary?

Additional mini set of exercises. It is recommended to do it in the morning.

1) Starting position lying on your back. Place your hands on your forehead.
Start slowly and gently pressing your forehead onto your hands for 7 seconds, then
relax for 7-8 s. Shoulders should not rise. Each time, increase the pressure on your hands.

2) Lying on your back press your right hand to your ear. Start pressing your head on your hand for 5-7 seconds, then relax for 8 seconds. Press lightly, try not to tilt your head. Then repeat the same with your left hand. Increase the pressing force gradually from time to time.

3) Join your hands at the back of your head. And start pressing your head on your hands for 5-7 seconds, then relax for 8-10 seconds. There is no need to put too much pressure on your hands, the main thing is to feel the tension in the neck muscles. Gradually increase the amount of pressure on your hands.

4) Starting position lying on your back, Place your right hand on the side of your lower jaw. And start pressing your head on your hand for 8-10 seconds, trying to turn your head in the same direction. Then relax for 10 seconds. Repeat the same with your left hand. Perform the exercises very carefully, try to focus on your feelings. Gradually increase the degree of pressure.

Exercises in video format

First complex. exercises in video format from Alexandra Bonina, sports doctor and exercise therapy doctor. Alexandra had problems with cervical osteochondrosis, but she was able to get rid of pain and other symptoms of this disease thanks to her exercise therapy technique. This complex is a little more complicated than the previous one, but it can be performed both to prevent pain and during it to alleviate the condition.

Second complex. Similar to the previous one and also very effective.

Third complex. from the famous chiropractor Vitaly Gitta. He developed his own method for treating osteochondrosis, which he called the Micromovement Method. The exercises are very simple and do not seem very effective at first glance, but there are many reviews of people who have undergone treatment, who have gotten rid of pain and other negative consequences osteochodrosis.

Fourth complex from Dr. Butrimov. Characteristic feature His techniques include stretching and twisting movements of the body. During these exercises, the muscles should be as relaxed as possible.

Fifth complex. Completely safe and effective complex exercises, the so-called Medical Qigong, for the cervical spine.


  1. Exercises- not a panacea, they need to be combined with medications, exercise therapy and proper nutrition.
  2. Before gymnastics, do not forget about warming up.
  3. If you experience sharp pain during gymnastics, you are doing something wrong.. Postpone the exercise.
  4. Exercises should be done daily.
  5. It will be very good if you add a morning (exercise) complex to the daytime (main) complex.
  6. If you don’t understand how to do the exercise, watch the video, it will help you understand.
  7. There are alternative methods: micromovement technique, medical qigong and others. Try, experiment, look for what suits you best.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is the subject of study in traumatology and neurology. Almost every person has experienced pain in the neck with limited muscle mobility. Cervical osteochondrosis develops under the influence of multiple factors, which can be hereditary or acquired. Pathology appears not only in adults, but also in children, marked “juvenile-type development.” The cervical region of the vertical axis of the spinal column is its most mobile part, but despite the enormous load, it is quite weak and vulnerable. The development of pathology occurs slowly; all vertebral structures and tissues are gradually involved in the destructive process. The progressive development of the disease is signaled by severe pain, dizziness, fatigue, limited neck mobility and other unpleasant symptoms. Mandatory conservative treatment necessarily includes physiotherapy, massages and exercise therapy. Some exercises can be done at home, subject to certain medical recommendations.

Home gymnastics rules

Exercise therapy at home is classified into therapeutic and preventive. Both should be performed with different intensity and frequency. For example, during the period after spinal surgery, some usual exercises simply cannot be performed. Osteochondrosis is a serious disease with dystrophic-destructive changes in bone and cartilage tissue of an irreversible nature, therefore, to avoid complications, you should be careful this species therapy. Before exercising, you should consult a doctor and follow his recommendations. The following manipulations are prohibited for patients:
  • You can’t come up with exercises for yourself;
  • conduct classes during exacerbations of any chronic diseases;
  • training is excluded if you feel unwell, unwell, or have a cold;
  • high blood pressure of any origin;
  • you should not eat immediately before classes;
  • It is contraindicated to perform the entire load on the body and joints at once.

Before classes, it is important to consider your own clinical history. In some diseases, exercise can be harmful and worsen the patient's overall well-being.

Preparation and conduct of exercises

at home require special preparation, if necessary, consultation with a trainer. Training requires preparation and adherence to a simple daily algorithm. For treatment to be effective, the following points should be taken into account:
  • maintain the same time (for example, exercise at the beginning of the day is preferable);
  • the room should be well ventilated before classes;
  • 1.5-2 hours should pass from breakfast to exercise;
  • before training, you should take a warm shower to warm up your muscles;
  • Warm-up is important (swinging movements with legs, arms, bending of the torso, head);
  • the pace of classes is smooth, moderate, without sudden movements;
  • organization correct breathing(inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth).

If the patient does everything correctly, then he should not feel pain during exercise. Pain is possible in the first days after starting exercises, which is due to unusual stress on the muscles. The pain is pleasant and can be easily distinguished from joint pain. The condition should disappear after a few days of regular exercise.

An individual set of therapeutic exercises is recommended for each patient. Typically, methods are compiled by medical trainers and doctors. Treatment of osteochondrosis is impossible with exercises alone; exercise therapy is only part of conservative therapy.

Types of exercises

There are eight exercises against cervical osteochondrosis and prevention of its occurrence at home. Before performing the exercises, the patient must have good mood, well-being. During classes, the patient should not experience pain, discomfort, or excessive fatigue. Exercises for the cervical spine should be light, smooth, aimed at strengthening muscle tone, strengthening memory, improving blood supply and nutrition to the brain. Effective exercises include the following:
  1. You should lower your chin down and make turns to the right and left 10 times respectively.
  2. The top of the chin should be raised up and similar turns of the head to the right and left should be made 5-10 times, respectively.
  3. It is necessary to tilt your head on both sides alternately, trying to touch your ear to the shoulder joint. Exercises should be duplicated 5-10 times on a certain side, respectively.
  4. The chin should be kept level with the horizon, hands should be clasped and pressed to the back of the head. You should apply pressure from the back of your head to your palms 3-5 times for 10 seconds.
  5. The patient needs to tense the neck muscles and apply pressure with the forehead to the palm placed on it. Should be performed 3-5 times for 10 seconds.
  6. The head is positioned straight, the neck muscles are very tense. You should create resistance against your chin and press it against the hollow of your neck. After this, you can tilt your head back and pull the neck muscles in the opposite direction. Execution frequency 3-4 times 10 seconds.
  7. The patient should apply pressure with the temporal part of the head to the palm on each side, respectively. At the same time, the neck muscles should be tense. You need to perform it 3-5 times for 10 seconds on the left and right.
  8. Hands should be clasped and brought to the chin. You should apply downward pressure with your chin on your hands 10 times for 7-8 seconds.
During exercises, you should breathe evenly and freely. Movements should be soft and smooth, otherwise you can only aggravate the pain and damage the internal structures of the cartilage tissue. Therapeutic gymnastics requires discipline and regularity of performance. Only with daily training is it possible to achieve the long-awaited therapeutic effect.

Neck pain, otherwise known as cervicalgia, is an unpleasant phenomenon that every person has encountered. The most common reason the occurrence of this condition is weakness of the cervical muscles. With a prolonged uncomfortable position, the muscles become numb, which causes discomfort and the inability to turn the head. To strengthen the neck muscles, you need to do a simple warm-up every day, which will help you get rid of pain forever.

The therapeutic effect of gymnastics for the cervical spine

Therapeutic gymnastics is a fairly well-known method of medical rehabilitation, based on the use of physical exercises to cure or eliminate the consequences of any disease. Currently, many doctors consider gymnastics as an integral part of the treatment of chronic diseases, which is as effective as the effects of medications.

The main goals and essence of therapeutic exercises

Like any therapeutic event, gymnastics has several goals. All of them are aimed at improving general condition patient, getting rid of the problem and further prevention.

The goals of therapeutic physical gymnastics:

Effects of Daily Exercise

All effects from the use of therapeutic exercises can be divided into short-term (occurring immediately at the time of completing tasks) and long-term (remote effects from training).

To achieve long-term effects, you must perform the exercises regularly without skipping classes.

Effects of therapeutic exercises - table

Short term effects Long term effects
  • improving arterial blood flow to muscles;
  • improving the outflow of venous blood from the muscles;
  • increasing the energy potential of the muscle cell;
  • activation of metabolism;
  • general tonic effect;
  • uniform change in muscle tone.
  • height muscle mass cervical muscle groups;
  • reduction of pathological mobility of the cervical vertebrae;
  • increased range of movements;
  • disappearance of pain syndrome;
  • increased immune status;
  • increasing endurance;
  • restoration of nerve trunks;
  • improving blood supply to intervertebral discs;
  • prevention of depressive conditions.

Who should not do therapeutic exercises?

Like any therapeutic agent, therapeutic physical culture is not indicated for everyone.. For some groups of people, it is absolutely contraindicated to perform any kind of exercise, as this can provoke an exacerbation of the disease and complicate its course. In cases where the supposed harm from the exercise may outweigh the benefits, therapeutic exercises are not prescribed.

To find out if you are at risk, you should consult your doctor. The therapist will issue a certificate of health and determine its group, which will allow the medical rehabilitation specialist to conclude that the patient can perform physical exercises.

Engaging in physical therapy is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • increased body temperature;
  • intense pain syndrome that is not eliminated by non-narcotic analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • dehydration and general exhaustion of the body (cachexia);
  • the first signs of pulmonary edema;
    With edema, fluid accumulates in the air cavities of the lungs - the alveoli.
  • acute cerebrovascular accidents (ischemic or hemorrhagic cerebral infarction);
  • acute respiratory failure;
  • chronic respiratory failure of the fourth degree;
  • chronic heart failure of the third and fourth degree;
    Chronic circulatory failure is a consequence of heart disease
  • disintegration of a cancerous tumor;
  • recent infectious disease;
  • tendency to form blood clots (thrombosis);
  • recently suffered a major myocardial infarction;
    Myocardial infarction - an area of ​​​​dead heart muscle due to the closure of the lumen of a vessel by a thrombus or plaque
  • severe forms of dementia;
  • severe mental illness.

Indications and contraindications for prescribing exercises

The neck is a very thin and sensitive part human body. If its structures are damaged, there is a possibility of complete paralysis. That is why it is worth prescribing special exercises to strengthen the muscular corset only to those who really need it and have no contraindications for taking a course of exercise therapy.

Indications for prescribing exercises:

In order to prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases, it is recommended to carry out therapeutic exercises in the following cases:

  • regular sports training;
  • professional training in martial arts;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • long-term work at the computer (six or more hours a day);
  • age over twenty-five years;
  • presence of spinal diseases in close relatives;
  • obesity.

Contraindications to prescribing exercises:

Preparing to do the exercises

In order for gymnastics to be effective and not bring unpleasant consequences, a certain ritual of action should be carried out. Correct technique and compliance with safety precautions are the main key to successful exercise.

Conditions for performing exercises

Doing therapeutic exercises in inappropriate conditions can result in unpleasant consequences: increased fatigue, injury. To avoid this, you need to prepare a room and special clothes for performing gymnastics.

Conditions for competent conduct of physical therapy:

Safety precautions

As in any sport, when performing gymnastic exercises Some unpleasant moments may arise. They can be avoided by following safety precautions. With a competent approach to performing exercises, the risk of injury is minimized.

Some simple rules, the implementation of which will allow you to avoid unpleasant consequences:

Method of execution and stages of exercises

There are a great variety of different techniques that will relieve pain and restore mobility of the cervical spine within several sessions. The principle of any therapeutic therapy is phasing and consistency. If you regularly and accurately perform all the exercises, gradually increasing the load, then after six months there will be no trace of pain in the neck, and as a bonus you will feel excellent, cheerful and fresh in your thoughts in any endeavor.

Bubnovsky Sergey Mikhailovich is a recognized specialist in the field of traumatology and orthopedics, as well as medical rehabilitation. The course of gymnastic exercises he developed will allow you to restore the tone of the neck muscles, strengthen the tendons and ligaments and get rid of unpleasant sensations in the neck.

To ensure that the effect of the exercises does not keep you waiting, you must strictly follow all the rules of gymnastics. Professor Bubnovsky recommends first consulting with a specialist, and only then resorting to exercises.

Mandatory rules:

  • before starting the exercises, you need to perform a light stimulating neck massage, warming up and preparing the muscles for the load with smooth stroking and pinching movements;
  • monitor your spine and posture: if your back is positioned incorrectly, exercises can be harmful;
  • monitor your breathing: the exercise begins with inhalation, and ends with a return to the starting position at the exit;
  • If you experience severe pain, dizziness, nausea and loss of balance, you must immediately stop exercising and call a doctor or trainer.

Six simple exercises from Dr. Bubnovsky, which are easy to do at home:

Video: Doctor Bubnovsky tells how to get rid of neck pain

Isometric muscle strengthening exercises

Isometric exercise sets are based on complete relaxation of the neck muscles without their subsequent contraction. Such loads remove the block caused by compression of blood vessels and nerves. Unpleasant sensations will begin to disappear a few minutes after the start of classes.

There are a great variety of isometric exercises, but the most commonly used are the following:

Video: isometric gymnastics for the neck from a physical therapy specialist

Gymnastics Norbekova

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov is a doctor engaged in research activities in the field of alternative medicine and rehabilitation. With the help of the techniques he developed, many people forgot about spinal problems forever and were able to return to everyday work just a few weeks after starting classes.

Exercises from Norbekov, created to eliminate pain:

Video: Norbekov’s joint gymnastics

Cervical Spine Strain

Stretching is a mandatory element of every set of exercises. With its help, muscles tense and relax as quickly as possible, blood flow and energy metabolism improves. Proper stretching will ensure easy and painless exercise.

Stretching exercises:

  1. Neck flexor muscle training. Starting position - standing. The arms are bent at the elbows, lying on the belt, the shoulders are extremely low. The head is slightly thrown back, the chin is pulled up. The duration of the exercise will be two to three minutes.
  2. Stretching the muscles of the head and neck involved in turns. You need to place your left hand above your eyebrows on your forehead. The hand, like a lever, puts pressure on the head, tilting it back, and then turning it to the right. Then the exercise must be repeated with right hand and turning your head in the other direction. The repetition rate is ten times.
  3. Stretching the neck extensor muscles. The starting position is with support on the wall. Left hand lies loosely behind the right ear. Using your hand as a lever, you tilt and turn your head. The exercise must be repeated for ten to fifteen approaches.

Photo gallery: performing neck stretches

Stretching the muscles of the head and neck will minimize the load on the shoulder girdle Stretching the neck flexors will help relieve pain Extensor stretching exercise will relieve muscle tension

Video: stretching for neck muscles

Gymnastics Popova

Yuri Popov offers all people suffering from cervical osteochondrosis several simple exercises that can reduce discomfort and minimize pain. The duration of the course is four weeks.

  1. Starting position - lying on the couch, head hanging freely down. You need to rotate slowly and smoothly. The number of exercises is gradually increased from five to ten times.
  2. Starting position - sitting or lying on the couch. Place your palms on the temple area, and use your hands to carefully turn your head to the right or left. The frequency of repetition of exercises is ten times.
  3. Wall-supported position. As you inhale, the shoulder girdle rises, and as you exhale, it lowers to its original position. You need to do the exercise fifteen times.
  4. Lying on your stomach, you need to perform a light massage of the cervical vertebrae. It is necessary to apply gentle pressure on the vertebrae and rub the muscle ridges of the neck. The duration of the massage is from five to seven minutes.
  5. In a sitting position, massage the interscapular space for ten minutes. As a result, not only the neck muscles will relax, but also the entire shoulder girdle.

Video: gymnastics from Yuri Popov

Exercises to strengthen muscles according to Shishonin

Dr. Shishonin is an outstanding specialist at the Bubnovsky Center. Under his leadership, many rehabilitation programs are carried out daily aimed at restoring mobility of the cervical spine.

Video: Shishonin’s therapeutic exercises

Gymnastics Qigong

At the dawn of the millennium, Chinese sages and healers created a unique Qigong technique aimed at activating the body’s internal reserves. The body begins to heal under the influence of exercise, which is due to its effect on certain points.

Video: Qigong gymnastics

Exercises to relax the cervical spine

After a long working day and uncomfortable position, all muscles need rest. Relaxation of the cervical spine should be carried out in a calm environment, without making sudden movements.

A few simple exercises to relieve tension:

  1. Slow and smooth tilts of the head to the right and left. There is no need to try to reach your head to your shoulder; the purpose of this exercise is to relax the muscles as much as possible. The duration of the exercise is twenty inclinations in three minutes.
  2. Tilts the head forward and backward. This exercise is performed from a sitting position. The head slowly lowers to the chest and returns to its original position. After this, you need to tilt your head back a little without overextending it. Repeat ten to fifteen times.
  3. Lying on your stomach, head slightly hanging off the couch. It is necessary to lie in this position for five minutes to restore the physiological curves of the spine.
  4. Pronation. The arms are extended forward, the head rests on the mat. Spend two to three minutes in this position to recuperate.

Relaxation of the spine will relieve fatigue and muscle tension

Video: relaxing the cervical spine

Exercises for rehabilitation after neck injuries

It is recommended to start classes if you have a neck injury no earlier than twenty days after removing the special corset. Traumatologists determine the start time of rehabilitation depending on the complexity of the injury. Now there is a sequence of performing various sets of exercises that will reduce the recovery period to a minimum:

Exercises used to treat cervical myelopathy

Cervical myelopathy is compression of the spinal cord in the bone canal, which leads to intense pain. Therapeutic physical training is an integral stage in the treatment of this pathology. Various sets of exercises will help alleviate the patient’s condition and improve his health in a short time:

  1. Experts recommend starting with Popov gymnastics, alternating it with stretching the cervical spine.
  2. After a few days of intensive training, exercises from the Bubnovsky and Qigong course are introduced.
  3. In parallel with successful application After these exercises, the patient is given a course of medical massage.
  4. The final stage of treatment involves the patient choosing a technique aimed at maintaining a positive result.

Unpleasant consequences and complications of gymnastics

If you do not perform the exercises correctly, unpleasant consequences may occur that will have to be eliminated with medication or surgery. Most complications are potentially reversible and will not cause serious impairment, but very severe cases also occur.

Causes of complications:

  • violation of safety conditions and regulations;
  • violation of the gymnastics technique;
  • incorrect appointment of a rehabilitation doctor;
  • presence of contraindications to gymnastics;

Complications of therapeutic exercises:

Experts' opinions

Gentlemen, diseases of the musculoskeletal system are mostly associated with our lifestyle. Except for the injury. So, specialists from the Dikul and Bubnovsky centers made the absolutely correct conclusion that our immobility must be treated with movement. Please note that V.I. Dikul, S.M. Bubnovsky are people who lead large teams who are directly involved in solving your problems. There are also differences in methods. If S.M. Bubnovsky places emphasis on physical exercise, while V.I. Dikul, the loads in the gym are more gentle and a strong diagnostic and treatment base has been added to them. So choose where to get treatment, the main thing is that it is not in front of a computer screen.


The WHO recommendations, based on the results of studies based on the principles of Evidence-Based Medicine, talk about the benefits of physical exercise. But the type of exercise is selected individually by a specialist (based on the patient’s problem and the doctor’s knowledge). Of course, in most cases there is certain scheme and each stage of the scheme has its own averaged methods. These are the ones you either need to learn to understand yourself, or trust a specialist (and the principle of selection is the “principle of reasonableness” and, unfortunately, there is a “principle of trial and error”).

Doctor Stupin


The cause of back pain according to Bubnovsky: a person has deep muscles (they are located in a column around the spine). They provide nutrition to the intervertebral discs and nerve roots (they deliver moisture there). There is a disruption in the functioning of these muscles (either as a result of injury, when muscle spasm occurs, or as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, when they are constantly in a tense state). So, as a result of malnutrition, the fibrous ring dries out and the hernia breaks through. However, this does not threaten you in any way, since the hernia itself does not contain nerve endings and cannot touch the root. Also, due to lack of moisture, inflammation of the nerve root occurs, and pain appears in any position, usually in the lower leg. There is such a thing as muscle memory. It lasts 2 days. The muscles remember how to relax. Since during a sedentary lifestyle (computer, TV, etc.) the back muscles are constantly tense and weakened, at one point you make an awkward movement, the deep muscles spasm and do not relax. The point of treatment with Bubnovsky is to relax the deep muscles. Relaxation and normalization of their work means normalization of nutrition of the spine and nerve roots and the disappearance of pain and reduction of the hernia (special cells - phagocytes - remove tissues unnecessary for the body), however, a large hernia will not completely disappear, you can count on a halving. However this does not have of great importance, since the hernia itself does not cause any pain.


Having thought for a long time on the topic of osteochondrosis using the example of friends and myself, I came to the conclusion that it is very difficult to develop criteria for healing in the case of osteochondrosis. For example, can the disappearance of pain be considered as such? Or achieving success in certain movements? Osteochondrosis is characterized by a cyclic course. In the vast majority of osteochondrosis patients I know, it “went away” on its own, without any manipulation, but this does not mean that it will not return. It will probably return, and in a much more acute form. Therefore, it is, of course, very difficult to judge a methodology based on isolated facts without statistics, especially in the absence of strict criteria.


Therapeutic gymnastics is an excellent method of eliminating neck pain, based on activating the body’s own internal forces. With regular and correct exercise, negative manifestations will recede or disappear entirely, and the body will be filled with vigor. Before choosing any of the many exercise therapy techniques, you must visit a rehabilitation doctor.

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