The employee's attitude towards work and his motivation. How to change your attitude towards work to make your career faster

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Every person should understand that work is, first of all, a way to achieve certain benefits. It is not the person who serves the work, but the work that serves for the benefit of the person. Everyone knows the saying “labor made a man out of a monkey,” but resourceful people came up with a continuation: “and it is labor that will destroy us.” So, so that work does not “destroy” a person, each of us must have the right attitude towards it.

Work can be good and bad. Good job , this is the work that gives you pleasure, corresponds to your individual qualities and abilities, and can bring benefit not only to you (we are talking about in this case about material benefits), but also to your employer. Bad job , for you personally, does not meet these three criteria.

Attitude maybe to work too correct when you understand that work is a way to achieve set results and goals, and wrong when work is not a way to achieve a goal, but is presented as the goal of your entire existence.

It should be noted that the relationship between work and attitude towards work is of four types:

  1. Bad performance and wrong attitude
  2. Good job and wrong attitude
  3. Bad job and right attitude
  4. Good job and right attitude

Let's look at each of the four types and what each situation can lead to.

Bad work and wrong attitude. This is the most critical situation. From this type of relationship, you will not be able to enjoy your work or achieve your goal.

Good job and wrong attitude. With this ratio, you can achieve certain results, but achieving the highest goal is unlikely to be realized.

Bad job and right attitude. You will be able to achieve some goals, but at the same time you will spend a lot of your strength and energy. This ratio can lead to a large number failures and to your moral exhaustion.

Good job and right attitude. The most optimal ratio. Only with such a position can you achieve the highest results in the shortest possible time.

These four types of work relationships and attitudes towards it are a very simple way to test yourself and understand which type you belong to. If you are not satisfied with what is on this moment, you can always change your life for the better. Do not forget that, first of all, work should bring pleasure, and the fact that temporarily you will receive pennies for the work done, well, “Moscow was not built in a day.”

Man controls his own destiny. We must not forget that we make ourselves the way others see us. And if you want to achieve certain results in your type of activity, then first of all start by working on yourself, and most importantly, by working on your attitude to work. How you approach your work will determine the results you will achieve.

How to treat your work correctly and enjoy it will be discussed in this article.

Rule 1. Knowledge of labor legislation will not hurt anyone. Every employee should know that the employer must pay double for overtime and work on weekends. And upon dismissal, you should receive a payment of several salaries.

Knowing the law, you will not allow yourself to be exploited. Of course, there is a point that many companies circumvent the law, for example, by issuing salaries in envelopes. In such organizations, as a rule, the employee is deprived of most rights, since defending them can lead to a reduction in salary for no apparent reason and, even worse, to dismissal.

An important fact is that the company you are applying for provides its employees with a “white” salary.

Rule 2. Every employer dreams of finding an employee who would work for the idea and would not be interested in wages. There is a psychological aspect to this, since an employee who constantly counts money can only be motivated by money and nothing more. The general team business is unlikely to interest him, so there can be no talk of any overtime without payment. If suddenly such an employee is offered a more lucrative position, he will undoubtedly move to a competitor.
It is moments like these that make many companies choose employees who are passionate about the idea and encourage this desire during the work process.

In any organization there are a number of corporate values ​​that should unite the team. Each employee here works not for their own benefit, but for the benefit of the entire company. To support this idea in the work team, management comes up with various trainings, awards, propaganda, and the development of corporate patriotism.

Despite such ideological work, this state can be taken advantage of by unscrupulous bosses who will begin to exploit you. In addition, working for an idea often causes a lot of anxiety in an employee, since he works for results. Often this phenomenon forces an employee to go to work not only on weekends, but also during illness, feeling remorse for not having time to submit the next report.

At the same time, an employee focused on money worries less about work. His main goal is a salary, so he quickly switches from work to personal life and does not incur the troubles of the work process for dinner table.

Therefore, psychologists recommend treating your work in such a way as not to become so attached to it that you forget about yourself. Work is only a means to achieve personal goals; you should not give up yourself, your personal life and family for the sake of it. Enjoy your work, then the work process will be easy.

Rule 3. Knowledge of labor laws will allow you to control the work process. Very often, management begins to exploit the employee, calling for his responsibility. You should not take this kind of provocation seriously, since you bear all the responsibility during the working day, and this has nothing to do with overtime work. If necessary, you can help your colleagues cope with assigned tasks, but this should not become a habit. Remember that constant overtime is not the norm.

Rule 4. When defending their rights, most employees are afraid of ruining their relationship with their superiors. But at the same time, none of them is afraid of losing respect in the eyes of the leader, since someone who always agrees resembles a humble servant.

You won’t be able to ruin the relationship if you competently demand what is written in labor legislation. But even if this moment was perceived inadequately by your superiors, then the truth is on your side: you got a job, and did not go into slavery. Think about whether this kind of work is worth your effort?

Rule 5. Often employees cannot turn to their superiors because they are afraid of them. But bosses are people too, and although they put on an important air, they still remain mere mortals. If you are not satisfied with something in the organization of your work process, then it is best not to whisper about it with your colleagues, but to go straight to your boss and highlight the problem in a confidential conversation. Don't be afraid to pitch your ideas directly to management; perhaps this direct approach will help you become visible in your company.

Rule 6. The main rule at work: the one who does nothing makes no mistakes. Treat any mistake philosophically; you shouldn’t wring your hands and become depressed because of failure. The worst thing they can do for your mistake is fire you. But life doesn’t end there, so you shouldn’t take all your mistakes so tragically, since such strong anxiety negatively affects both your performance and health.

The most important thing when making mistakes is to analyze them so as not to repeat them again. Psychologists have noticed that the fear of making mistakes provokes their appearance. Change your attitude towards work and control yourself.

Rule 7. You shouldn’t neglect your health or family life for the sake of work achievements. Work is only part of your life, so treat your work you need to calmly, without fanaticism, otherwise it will absorb everything around you. Trying to curry favor with your superiors in this way, you will forget about yourself and your needs, while such zeal may not be appreciated. It is very important to learn to enjoy work, and not strive to receive the “best employee of the month” award, and then suffer from some nervous disease in the hospital.

Rule 8. People often try to tolerate bad attitude from bosses and overtime work only because they believe that such opportunities and conditions will not be provided anywhere else. The most the right way find out whether this is true or not: find out about working conditions in other similar organizations and even look at the option of switching to a new one workplace. Many people are afraid to leave their jobs because they think that finding a job that meets all the requirements is quite difficult. But if you don’t try to do this, then you can sit in a job you don’t like with disgusting colleagues until retirement.

Start going on interviews - this will allow you change your attitude towards work, increase your self-esteem and determine maximum salary offers. Knowing how a job like yours pays will allow you to approach your boss about a promotion.

Rule 9. You should not treat your job as the only workplace that you should hold on to with both hands, especially if the working conditions do not completely suit you. Try, search, develop, strive for the best. And then you will be able to find a job that will bring you satisfaction. Don't worry about attacks from your superiors and threats of dismissal. Find your best workplace yourself, and then your management will feel what a valuable employee they have lost.

Rule 10. Know how to work at work and relax at home. You should not bring work problems into the house, as this will cause nervous irritation in your family and you will worry even more outside the work walls. Remember that work is only part of life.

Some people are proud of their workaholism, but this rather indicates that the person is trying to hide from his life behind the work process. The ability to enjoy life, find pleasant communication and relaxation is no less important than going to work every day.

In conclusion, we can say that you should not demonstrate all of the above rules in your workplace. It is very important for everyone to understand that work should be subordinated to your life, and not life to work. Based on this, act in the right direction: approach the work process calmly and with the right calculations.


Calculate how many hours a week you actually spend working. Do you have to stay late at work and is this compensated? Do you work on weekends? How much time do you spend traveling from home to work and back? Where do you have lunch? If at the workplace, you can safely add these hours to your working time. If the time spent is too long, this is a reason to think... For the time spent on work (delays, off-hours, work on weekends), you have the right to demand compensation - additional days off, compensatory days, vacation days or a salary increase. And the “empty” time from home to work can be filled with useful activities. For example, buy a player with headphones and listen to music or audiobooks. Now you will not perceive the time spent at work as “killed”. And the minus will turn into a plus.

Calculate the actual size of your salary. Subtract from it expenses for lunches (if you dine outside of your home) and for transport. How much money do you bring into your family? If this amount is significantly higher living wage, maybe it's not so bad? Compare your salary with the salaries of colleagues or employees of a similar company. Consider how often you are paid bonuses. What is the amount of sick leave and vacation pay? A good and stable salary can be a great motivation to work.

Figure out what is stopping you at work. Maybe colleagues? How are your relationships in your team? If you are sick of others, you can try to either put up a psychological wall (limit communication), or a real one - transfer to another department, branch, get your own office. Or you can try to build relationships with others, although this does not always work out.

What kind of boss are you? What are his requirements for your work? If your boss pays your salary on time, not for nothing, can easily get into your position (for example, let you go home early for family reasons), allows you to creatively approach solving problems - ask yourself the question: isn’t such a “golden” boss worth being patient with? other inconveniences?

Change your attitude towards your work environment. Arrange your desktop the way it suits you. Put a photo of your family or your son's handicraft - some detail that will remind you of home. As a last resort, cover your computer desktop with home photos.

Find other benefits to your job. Do you have free internet? It may be possible to print seamlessly on a printer, e.g. healthy recipes for home. There is a phone with unlimited tariff? Or maybe your colleagues give you a ride and you don’t have to spend money on transport? All these little things can ultimately add up to one big plus.

What if you are incredibly tired of your job, but there is no real opportunity to change it yet? Using simple tips, you can change your attitude towards your least favorite job! An expert gives 6 tips on this

If you have already been convinced more than a dozen times of the massive shortcomings of your work, it is worth thinking about the positive aspects. Don’t believe that there are any in your work? Then remember the moment when you signed employment contract exactly at the current location.

Yes, you could argue that this was the only option available to you. Or the current position offered a fairly significant material reward. The reasons may be very different, but the fact that they exist is certainly important. And for sure, if you had missed this place, you would have had a hard time at that moment.

Not literally, but rather figuratively: you will have to take the maximum of what is available to you from your current job. It's about about the valuable skills you learn and hone every day.

You are perplexed by the constant need to communicate with big amount of people? But this is a great opportunity to improve your communication skills. Do you have to establish contacts with other organizations? But in this way you also expand your personal network of professional contacts and engage in networking. Maybe it was at your current place of work that you mastered some new computer programs and continue to improve in this direction?

Consciously apply new skills every day, and thereby you can significantly increase your value in the job market.

If you, in desperation, agreed to the first lucrative offer that came your way, then it’s worth taking a deeper look at your own motivation. Surely you were trying to put an end to financial uncertainty in this way, especially if you had a debt hanging over you. credit cards or were worried about other financial difficulties. In other words, you ran away from money problems and did it more or less successfully.

Now is the time to change your point of view - try to replace the motivation of avoidance with the motivation of achievement. Perhaps your position pays a good salary, which will allow you to fulfill some of your dreams, for example, give you the opportunity to travel or develop your hobby. Think about the new opportunities that this particular job opens up for you.

It is likely that you do not like your current job due to the unpredictability of your colleagues or the difficult nature of your manager. Do you doubt whether anything good can be found in this situation? Yes, there is no doubt that it is much better to work in a team of like-minded people, coupled with an adequate, understanding leader.

But conflict is not a reason to frantically look for a new place of work. At least until you understand in detail its cause and your role in this situation. There is a possibility that the events may be repeated at another place of work, so do not rush to quit. If you can’t figure out your relationships with colleagues on your own, seek advice from. And remember that in any case, even negative experience communication in a team can be useful for you. At least as a valuable lesson for the future.

Let’s say you fiercely dislike your current job, but you can’t quit for some reason that is objective to you. Complaining about injustice is useless; feeling sorry for yourself and crying into your friends’ vests is also not a solution.

In such a situation, it is better to think about how this work can help you “grow” in the eyes of a future employer. It may be that your company has the opportunity to send you for training, advanced training or certification of your skills. Do not refuse to participate in professional conferences, seminars and round tables is a unique opportunity to increase your importance in professional circles.

Even the most least favorite job- a valuable source of experience if you treat this life episode with due attention. No, we are not talking about professional skills now, but about your personal growth and changes in this area.

Particularly impressive are the results of the analysis of a long period of work - from six months or longer. Maybe during this time you have become easier to abstract from the information noise that is inevitable when working with large amounts of data. Or you finally got the hang of quickly switching from one task to another.

Of course, there is no need to convince yourself that you have begun to enjoy responsibilities that are internally alien to you. But admit to yourself that some part of you has become stronger and more resistant to the daily stress that almost every place of work involves.

How do you cope with fatigue from routine responsibilities? Share your signature recipes for changing your attitude towards your work with Astromagazine readers in the comments!

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