Dining room layout. Combining kitchen and dining room: ideas for a harmonious and comfortable interior

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Decorating the kitchen and dining room in a private house - interesting ideas and organizational issues

General organizational issues

  • A country cottage may include several floors.

It is best to place a kitchen-dining room in a private house on the 1st floor, since it would be impractical on the 2nd or in the basement. An exception may be an additional kitchen when there is already a main one on the 1st floor.

  • Typically, a classic kitchen-dining room includes more than 1 window.

Therefore, the room is brighter than other rooms. This can be used when arranging it. For example, decorate the walls with materials that give a unique play of light in the sun's rays or with photo wallpaper that will “come to life” under the sun's rays.

The current zoning option is open doorway arch. It can be complemented with a curtain made of beads. But in this case, take care of a good forced ventilation so that odors do not enter the dining room. The spacious room is also zoned with columns. Another zoning option is glass sliding doors. Decor can be applied to glass.

Zoning this room in a private house is advantageous because kitchen rooms are usually big size, which allows you to choose the desired area for the kitchen and dining room. The advantage in area is usually in favor of the dining room, since it often provides not only for family meals, but also for receiving guests.

  • Designate a place to store food in advance.

It’s better at the dining room kitchen design stage. If there are supermarkets nearby in the city, then in the private sector this may be a problem. A spacious food storage area is also beneficial because housewives can store harvests and preserves in it. The refrigerator should also be spacious enough to store perishable foods.

Ideas for a square kitchen-dining room

The square shape of such a room is the most common. Decorating the interior of a dining room or separate kitchen is not difficult.

  • To begin with, they designate the location of the food preparation area and build on it when decorating the rest of the furnishings.
  • If the room is spacious, the work area can be arranged in the middle - include a stove, a hood above it, tables for cutting food and the necessary cutlery.
  • In a large square kitchen in the center you can also make dining area.

Ideas for a narrow kitchen-dining room

If the room is narrow, the design of a dining room or separate kitchen should be aimed at increasing space. It can be increased visually or by correctly selecting furniture and placing objects.

  • Give preference to light and cool shades, preferably with a glossy surface.
  • The decoration should not have large ornaments or textures. It is best that the pattern is not very pronounced.
  • The ceiling above the dining area can be made mirrored, which will also increase the space. To do this, you can use faceted mirrors.
  • The layout of a narrow-shaped dining room kitchen should not include any partitions, arched openings, or screens that will hide the space.
    For these reasons, it is advisable to create a separate kitchen in a narrow space. But if you want to make a kitchen-dining room, zone the space using differences in decoration or furniture.
  • In this design of the kitchen-dining room there should be no unnecessary details in the house - only the most necessary ones Appliances, best built into a suite or hidden in closed cabinets.
  • Choose furniture that is not too massive, but functional. You can choose a folding table in case guests come. A soft L-shaped kitchen corner works well.
  • Choose light, translucent curtains and tulle so that they do not hide the space.

Options for arranging a kitchen-dining room

The kitchen-dining room in a house is often equated to the living room, especially if it is large.

  • If in the living room the place to relax with friends and family is often limited to a sofa area with a coffee table, then modern kitchens dining rooms allow you to receive guests by seating them at a large dining table.
  • If you place the kitchen set along only one wall, there will be more free space for organizing a dining area - a massive table and chairs.
  • If at initial stage when arranging a dining room combined with a kitchen, you concluded that there will be little space, use spacious cabinet furniture light color, best with a glossy surface with closed shelves from floor to ceiling. Place non-essential items in such furniture.
  • The first from the entrance is usually the living room area, and then the kitchen.

This option is convenient for receiving guests - they do not need to see the cooking process and culinary secrets.

  • Modern kitchen dining design often includes a bar counter with high stools.

This solution is advantageous in that you can have a quick snack without setting a large table or enjoy a prepared cocktail.

  • Do not place in the dining area kitchen appliances and other characteristic attributes for cooking.

The environment should be conducive to comfortable eating. Complete it with textiles, decor, or perhaps a beautiful tea set.

A spacious kitchen with a large area where you can have fun in a cheerful, noisy company of friends is the dream of almost all apartment owners. However, what if the size of the kitchen is only 3x3 and in this small place Surely even your closest friends won’t be able to fit in?

Fortunately, designers are primarily engaged in their work today and are busy increasing kitchen space and most often their first proposal related to redevelopment is to remove the partition from the room that is adjacent and then you will have a dining room in the living room, but with a much larger area.

If during the construction of a private house or most new buildings today a sufficiently large space is provided in advance in order to arrange a dining room along with a kitchen, then in most apartments with the old layout, in principle, there is no separate place for eating, not to mention a working area for cooking, not characterized by its impressive size.

In this case, there is nothing left but to expand the space by combining rooms to make life in the new home as comfortable as possible.

Advantages of combining premises

Firstly, a room with a large area is much easier to equip, that is, choose suitable style, design, lighting sources and bring all ideas to life.

Secondly, this is an excellent opportunity to increase the area working area, since there is no need to allocate a separate dining group due to its placement in another place.

Thirdly, a kitchen-dining room in a private house is also convenient because it is much more pleasant not only to set the table, but also to communicate with friends in a comfortable environment.

Fourthly, thanks to such a classic combination, you can also create an interesting place for the whole family to relax.

Look at the photo of the kitchen-dining room design to get an idea of ​​what it might look like.

Disadvantages of Merging

Before making a decision to combine rooms, it is important to understand that this type of project, in addition to large quantity advantages, there are also disadvantages that need to be taken into account:

All aromas will be quickly absorbed into the textile parts of your interior, namely the upholstery upholstered furniture, kitchen tablecloths and even curtains. In addition, it is worth considering that paper wallpaper are also capable of storing all odors.

For this reason, if you are not sure that you will be able to provide sufficient ventilation, it is best to immediately abandon the idea of ​​combining two rooms. If the decision has already been made, then in this case, looking through the ideas modern design, it is advisable to abandon the classic interior, since it should in any case contain textiles.

Designers advise replacing wallpaper with washable panels or paint with a new generation. And instead of curtains, you can install blinds. If we talk about furniture, it should be washable.

If there are no main walls, then the spread of various sounds cannot be clearly avoided. Therefore, if disputes arise in the family, it is also better to refuse to connect the lunch group with the work group.

In such a kitchen, much more attention should be paid to order, since everything will be immediately visible to guests at home.

Start of renovation

The first thing you need to do when deciding to choose a kitchen-dining room design is to draw your vision perfect interior on paper. It is best to use tracing paper for these purposes, since the designs of the projects can be traced much better in them. The first thing that should catch your eye when looking at the kitchen is its openness and spaciousness.

To do this, all walls that get in the way must be demolished. For the main elements of the kitchen in the form of an oven and a washbasin, it is better to choose the least loaded parts of the room.

Using cardboard, you can create chairs and tables that are easy to move, considering different options for arrangement in the kitchen.

Registration process

After you understand that independent design kitchen is completed, you can safely contact the designer so that he can visualize all your ideas in a special program.

As for the purchase of floor coverings, as well as various cabinets and countertops, these must be materials that will look interesting at any time, that is, even ten years later.

By choosing textured and unusual schemes, you can quickly get tired of them. But individual details in the interior will allow you to achieve not only an impeccable, but also a durable design. If your imagination has left you, then look at various websites with interiors that will allow you to highlight interesting points there.

Layout of a kitchen-dining room in a small room

In order to small room has become a place with interesting design For a dining room that is successfully combined with a kitchen, you must not only have a great desire to achieve your goals, but also follow some recommendations.

The only negative that would be difficult to ignore is a number of restrictions that will arise during registration.

It is best to purchase for a mini kitchen small set, made to order. An LCD TV is usually placed on the wall, and the dining table is placed in a free space.

If the dining room and kitchen are located in the same room, then it will be important to choose the right interior items and accompanying decor for it.

It is best if the dining area is as bright as possible. Will help with this French windows, which are in height from floor to ceiling. Air curtains will look interesting with them or stylish blinds, which were mentioned earlier.

The design of a combined dining room and kitchen is a huge scope for your creativity, allowing you to bring to life the most different ideas and dreams. Keep in mind the need for color accents as well as different textured materials.

By thinking through all the details of your project in advance, you will ultimately be able to get the most attractive and cozy room, which you will definitely like and will impress all the guests of the house, who will then long time will be interested in the details and nuances of creating an interior.

Photo design of kitchen-dining room

In the middle of the last century, a kitchen and dining room were included in the layout of any apartment. Over time, apartment designs changed, and dining rooms were pushed out of standard architect plans.

The kitchen began to look like a small room, in which a family of 4-5 people could hardly fit.

However, the kitchen and dining area modern apartment takes special place. Family and guests gather there, fun celebrations and get-togethers are held. Therefore, the design of the kitchen dining room must fulfill all the requirements for this room.

Interior decoration

Today there are 3 options for dining room layout:

  • Separate dining room;
  • Kitchen combined with dining room;
  • Dining room - living room.

Advice. Be sure to divide the interior of the kitchen dining room into separate functional areas.

Combining the kitchen-dining room with the hall, a very comfortable room is created for fully entertaining guests. After finishing the meal, you can move with your guests to watch TV or drink a cup of mulled wine by the fireplace.

When creating a kitchen dining room project, do not forget to combine the style of the room and divide it into functional zones.

How to properly do zoning in the kitchen dining room

Walls painted in different colors. You should not play with bright contrasting shades.

The selected palette should be in harmony with each other.
It is better to make the flooring part of the kitchen area from tiles, while for the recreation area the ideal choice is: laminate, parquet, carpet.

Installing a bar counter is one of the popular options for planning a kitchen dining room in small apartments. This zoning looks elegant, adds sophistication to the room, and also allows you to save valuable centimeters.

If you are the owner of a large dining room - kitchen, then it is better to give up the bar counter. Firstly, the chairs are too high for small family members; it will be quite problematic to sit on them. Secondly, sitting on such stools is not comfortable enough.

Advice. When cooking food, food odors may spread; to avoid this, take care of a powerful hood in advance.

Recommendations for designing a kitchen and dining room

A kitchen-dining room in an apartment is a solution to the problems of modern housewives. Gone are the days when the family watches TV in one room and the wife prepares food in the kitchen in complete isolation.

Stick to it the following tips when creating a kitchen-dining room:

  • Take care of the lighting of the dining area. Can be installed panoramic windows- will add zest to the room. When decorating windows, choose light tulle or blinds designed for the kitchen.
  • You can use paintings to decorate the walls;
  • Place long decorative vases on the floor;

Varieties of layouts

  • Linear;
  • Double row;
  • Ostrovnaya.

The linear layout is ideal for the interior design of a kitchen dining room with a narrow area. The kitchen set should be installed near one wall, and the dining table should be placed against the opposite one.

The two-row layout is suitable for walk-through kitchens with a dining area. It allows you to turn your main disadvantage into an undeniable advantage. This optiongood decision, if there are 2 housewives in the house.

Advice. If the kitchen-dining space is small, then if you have a balcony you can increase it. Just tear down the wall and glaze the balcony room.

An island arrangement is a sophisticated option when creating a kitchen dining room in the home, where a piece of equipment or a dining table is located in the center.

  • Items that can serve as an island: table, bar counter;
  • Various shapes can be chosen: square, circle, oval;
  • A two-level version of the island can be used if one part is a working area, and the other acts as dining table;
  • A folding table is an ideal solution for entertaining guests;
  • The style is selected in accordance with the style of the kitchen and dining room.

Below are photos of the dining room kitchen, where you can see possible options design of this room.

Photo of kitchen-dining room design

In a city apartment or private house, owners often want to organize a room that combines a place for eating and comfortable rest for the whole family. Then the kitchen is planned as a dining-living room, allowing you to create an original and comfortable interior.

Advantages and disadvantages of redevelopment

Combining two rooms in an apartment in our country is far from new way. Many people are familiar with ready-made turnkey studio apartments, where the entire usable area is essentially one room, combining a kitchen, living room or bedroom. Many people find advantages in this layout not only in the low price for such housing, but in a certain functionality, cozy and comfortable interior.

The combined dining-living room project has several advantages:

  • The usable space is significantly saved: instead of two full rooms, one is used, and the remaining free room can be used for a second bedroom, a nursery, or a storage room;
  • comfort increases, since everything is at hand and within sight;
  • lighting is saved, since it is common to both functional areas, and natural light from common windows is added to it;
  • such a room can unite the whole family in one cozy corner;
  • the interior as a whole becomes more functional and comfortable.

But if the owners decided to use the combination of two functional zones with different purposes into one, then We must also remember the disadvantages of this method:

  • Often the implementation of such a project is not cheap, especially if for unification it is necessary to dismantle load-bearing walls. In one room, high-quality separation of functional zones can require significant costs.
  • The smell of food being prepared in the kitchen will spread into the living room area. Plus, increased temperature and humidity penetrate into a room not suitable for such conditions.
  • The surfaces of the walls and furniture in the half intended for the living room may deteriorate from kitchen fumes.
  • An increased noise level from the kitchen area can also become a hindrance.


But the last three problems can be solved by installing powerful exhaust and ventilation systems, partial partitions between zones, and reliable materials protected from external influences.

It is worth noting that such planning of combined kitchen and living room spaces is a traditionally Western phenomenon. It came from those countries where people are not used to preparing serious dishes at home: soups, pastries and more. Their kitchen area is used to the maximum for preparing light snacks, tea and coffee, and heating semi-finished products in the microwave. So the kitchen is like this combined interior plays more of a cafe or bar role.

Redevelopment options for large rooms

If living conditions allow, and for sharing A room of 20 square meters was chosen for the dining-living room. m and above, then you can organize a completely comfortable territory with a division of functional zones, in which even a large family can comfortably settle down. This is especially true for country house, where you can install communications at your own discretion: gas, heating, ventilation, water supply and erect beautiful partitions. In a large room, all that remains is to make competent zoning - visual and functional division areas: kitchen, dining room, living room. Several types of such design can be considered.


Zoning by color and level

A simple (but not always cheap) option is various ways interior decoration walls, floor and ceiling in different functional areas. You can, for example, tile the kitchen area tiles- this is one of the most the best materials for this room, and stick it on the walls in the living room area modern wallpaper and cover the floor with laminate. The ceiling can be made of one material, for example a suspended ceiling with a plasterboard frame and painting. And make the ceiling transition from one zone to another in the form of a difference in levels. The contrast of finishing materials will bring an excellent visual separation of the two territories. With this method, one must, of course, take into account harmonious combination colors of finishing materials in two zones. It is best to choose shades that are close in gamut. Don’t forget about the furniture, which should also be visually in harmony in both functional areas.


To further emphasize the separation of functional zones, partitions and partitions are often used between them. Their installation can be relatively simple, carried out even by non-professionals, and does not require complex engineering solutions and coordination with utility services, BTI and other authorities. The simplicity is that interior designs will not be load-bearing, they can be made from light materials: thin metal frame, drywall, plywood, chipboard or plastic.

You can create a beautiful arch separating the kitchen and living room areas using a minimum of tools and materials, and the work in a small apartment can be completed in 1-2 days. It will not only be an excellent visual divider, but also a functional element, since to some extent it blocks noise, odors and steam from the kitchen; you can make niches in it for storing things.

Bar counters

A common and very popular option is to create a single cafe-style room with a bar partition. The idea is quite simple - at the border of the living room and kitchen area it is installed rectangular design with table top. It turns out that in the kitchen you can prepare snacks and drinks and serve them through the counter into the living room. You can install elegant lamps above such a partition and place comfortable bar stools in front of it. This layout has recently become very popular, especially among young families.


You can highlight the functional areas of the kitchen-dining room and living room with the help of lighting. Install built-in Spotlights, and in the other half ceiling chandelier or a beautiful floor lamp. And if you choose the same lighting fixtures for the ceiling, you will create a difference in color: there is bright yellow lighting in the kitchen, and cool bluish lighting in the living room.


Separation by furniture

Separating two or three zones using furniture does not require any installation work. You can simply place a massive sofa with its back to the kitchen side. And instead of installing the bar counter described above, use a ready-made cabinet or book-table made of furniture store. In a room of 30 sq. meters, it is possible to create as many as 3 functional areas: for cooking, a dining room with a dining table and a living room for the whole family to relax. Then it is better not to use any massive partitions or piers, but simply highlight the boundaries with pieces of furniture or various options decor.

Options with a small area

Problem situations

Combining two rooms into small apartment is widespread and really allows you to create stylish and cozy kitchen, dining and living areas “under one wing”. The technology here is simple - it involves dismantling interior wall followed by zoning. But in fact, simplicity is only at first glance, serious construction works cause problematic situations:

  • It's important not to just break concrete wall jackhammer and cut out the reinforcement. Such barbaric dismantling without knowledge of engineering and construction standards can lead to very serious consequences. Therefore, even before conceiving a future reconstruction project, you need to contact a specialist.
  • Similar dismantling in apartment building in any case, it is agreed upon and approved by the utility services. Without their consent, work cannot begin.
  • Typical wall demolition multi-storey building- the process is very noisy. Therefore, it is necessary to carry it out only at a certain time, it is advisable to warn neighbors so as not to disturb them.
  • Work to eliminate interior ceilings will bring whole mountains of construction waste and dust. Therefore, you need to take care in advance to protect furniture, floors and walls from contamination, and remove production waste to designated places. They should not be thrown into the garbage chute or household waste containers in front of the house.

Important nuances

Another important point– this is to take into account possible communications when dismantling: electrical wiring and heating. Although the latter is usually laid at external walls under the windows. But it’s still best to study the gasket before demolition engineering systems, for this you may need a technical passport for the apartment or consultation with the local housing and communal services. And in general, it’s worth remembering that dismantling may well turn out to be more expensive than subsequent finishing, if not in terms of finances, then in terms of wasted time and nerves.

Practical design solution- combination of kitchen and dining room. This option provides for open space. Quite often in this case, a kitchen and a room, a loggia or a corridor are combined. This is done in order to obtain a thoughtful and functional space that takes into account all the requirements of the apartment owner and the capabilities of the room.

Work zone

This is one of the most important aspects. Before repair work It is necessary to accurately calculate the required amount of materials in order to meet the budget. The project of the proposed work must take into account all the features of the premises and be designed in the same style.

The layout of the kitchen area may vary. The most common option is linear when all the equipment is lined up in one row.

Typically, all storage systems, household appliances and work surfaces are stretched along one wall. This leaves space for the dining area.

This option is suitable for medium or large areas. You should decide on the finishing materials for the floor, apron, work surface kitchen set.

Lighting plays an important role: illuminating the work area will help highlight it.

It will look very nice in the dining area large chandelier.

Angular the set is acceptable in rooms whose area is more than 8 square meters— the location of the work area in one corner leaves enough space.

It is usually enough to set up a dining table for 4-6 people.

If necessary, its area can be increased. In addition, this option is the only possible one for L-shaped rooms.

Parallel the layout involves placing the work area along opposite walls. In the center of such a room there is usually a dining table.

An option for placing such a room in the center would be island, which can be used as a working surface. And the dining area will be moved to the corner.

Dining area

It can be organized using soft corner. It will provide the necessary comfort.

If the room has a bay window, then you can place a dining area in it, and it will fit perfectly there. While eating, you can admire the views from the window.

The use of such furniture allows you to harmoniously combine the kitchen and dining room in one room.

The design elements in the room echo each other and form a single composition.

In rooms of unusual shape, too elongated or small, it is necessary to use unusually shaped tables to rationalize the space. They distract attention from the overall appearance.

Bar counter very often used as a replacement for a full dining area.

You can place high bar stools on one side and a soft sofa on the other.

The counter can be made multi-level, which will allow it to be used as a working or dining area, depending on the height.

Table by the window will highlight the space favorably. In this place, the dining area will stand out effectively from the rest of the kitchen.

Using bright accents (for example, curtains or tablecloths) You can harmoniously emphasize the overall style of the room.

Dining room V separate room , zoned from one large room several small ones are possible thanks to the use of shelves, partitions or small cabinets as dividing elements. The following elements can also act as such: contrasting carpet, wall coverings, lighting fixtures.

They can also help decorate a poorly lit room. mirrors And drapery, which will make it lighter and visually enlarge it.

Expanding space and bright accents

The color scheme of the kitchen-dining room is usually consistent plain shades.

This choice is due to the fact that this color scheme is universal, so it will suit almost any room.

However, they will completely help to highlight any piece of furniture. bright accents. Usually they become colored accessories, textiles or lighting fixtures. There are several options for such interiors: however bright interiors - the most common and popular among consumers.

Organization of space on an area of ​​20 square meters. m

Their popularity is due to the fact that White color very often a symbol of purity and sterility. And the kitchen is exactly the room in which you would like to comply with sanitary standards.

Designers advise using your favorite shade as the predominant color. Saturated color will become bright accent kitchens.

There are kitchens made in red, green or yellow tones. They are usually used for kitchen facades. It is also necessary to use two auxiliary colors that are combined with the main one. Their goal is to create a bright, dynamic interior. For contrast, you should choose one shade - its use is limited to just a few accessories.

This creates a lively, rich interior.

Selecting colors yourself may turn out to be challenging task, but there are programs that help you choose the right shades so that the result is a harmonious and thoughtful style.

Properly selected lamps.

They are usually located above the table, so they must meet several criteria.

Its main purpose remains lighting: the chandelier should make up for the lack of natural light, if it is not enough.

It must also be combined with general style premises: for example, in classic interior It is necessary to use only classic lamps.

A kitchen-dining room would be an ideal option for using a crystal chandelier located above a glass table.

Buffet as an interior detail. This piece of furniture will be a great accent piece that will look great in a vintage-style room.

Modern sideboards can be updated with paint, decorated with fabrics or wallpaper. It is better to place the dishes at different levels, and use cups to create a slightly sloppy mess.

Arranging dishes in artistic disorder will also add zest to the interior.

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