Signs that determine the state of human health. Signs of health

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Signs of health:

1) resistance to damaging factors;

2) indicators of growth and development within the average statistical norm;

3) the presence of reserve capabilities of the body;

4) absence of diseases or developmental defects;

5) high level moral-volitional and value-motivational attitudes.

1) Adaptation syndrome - a person’s ability to mobilize all his strength to withstand a stress factor.

2) Norm, standard indicator health – is the average statistical value of these parameters to determine age and gender.

3) Availability of reserve capabilities - the value of indicators is above the norm.

Normal is defined as the range of optimal functioning of the body. Norm is the average statistical value of the indicator for a given age and gender. Between health and illness there is a great importance of intermediate states of health. Scientists call all intermediate states between health and disease the THIRD state of health. The third state is a state of health when a person is not sick, but not healthy either. Academician I.P. Petlenko calls condition 3 a pre-disease. In the third state of health, a person has only part of the psycho-physiological capabilities given to him by nature. And you can live your whole life in the third state of health. So I never realized myself in this world. Anticipating, recognizing and eliminating the third state of health and the human body is the most important task of each individual. For this, every person must be a valeologist and must know about their health status. Classification of 4 groups of factors damaging health:

1) Risk factors are habits associated with a person’s lifestyle that increase the risk of disease. This is a very broad and practically the only group of health-damaging factors that completely depend on the person. Alcohol, toxic and narcotic substances, AIDS, altered body weight. Reduced physical activity,.

2) Hereditary, congenital and acquired factors.

3) Violation of the protective and adaptive functions of the human body.

4) Diseases of the century - disorders associated with negative environmental conditions and the rhythm of life modern man: Cardiac ischemia,

The fundamental condition for correcting, maintaining and increasing health should be high human activity in relation to their health.

To do this you need:

1) Form in your mind a high need for health as a leading motive for behavior.

2) It is necessary to set goals and determine ways and methods to solve your health problems.

3) It is necessary to constantly strive for self-improvement and constantly maintain healthy image life.

Nature has equipped the human body from birth with the ability to self-regulate and maintain life with a large margin of safety. And it depends on him how he will use this gift, i.e. from his lifestyle. If we conditionally take the level of health as 100%, then approximately 10% depends on medicine, 20% depends on environmental conditions, 20% depends on heredity, and the remaining 50% depends on a person’s lifestyle. Lifestyle is a system of relationships between a person and himself and with environmental factors. By relationship we understand a complex set of human actions and experiences. A healthy lifestyle is the quality and style of life that reflects a person’s life activity in relation to strengthening his health. Includes labor. Social-cultural, psychological and other human activities. In addition, the mental stability of the body is distinguished. Intellectual and creative development, a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, Friendly family and others. No amount of orders or encouragement will force him to form his own healthy lifestyle until the person himself wants it. Motives for a healthy lifestyle:

1) Self-preservation

2) Submission to the rules of culture and life

3) Gaining satisfaction from self-improvement

4) Opportunity for self-improvement

Signs of health are:

Resistance to damaging factors;

Indicators of growth and development within the average statistical norm;

The functional state of the body is within the average statistical norm;

The presence of reserve capabilities of the body;

Absence of any disease or developmental defects;

High level of moral-volitional and value-motivational attitudes.

The norm is defined as the range of optimal functioning of the body (V.P. Petlenko, 1998). When assessing health status, age-specific and individual standards are used (body height and weight, lung capacity, pulse rate, blood pressure level, blood glucose level, etc.). However, people included in the same group differ significantly from each other, which is determined by many factors: gender, profession, place of residence, lifestyle, etc. In this regard, the concept of normal health is strictly individual. Health should be considered in the dynamics of changes in the external environment, in the process of individual development of the body throughout life.

I.I. Brekhman pointed out that between health and illness lies an intermediate “third state,” when a person is not yet sick, but is no longer healthy. Academician V.P. Petlenko calls this condition pre-disease or pre-pathology. Pre-pathology is a state of extreme tension in the normal functioning of the body, this is an extreme norm (V.P. Petlenko, 1998). More than half of all people living on Earth are in this state. Those in the “third state” include people who expose themselves to harmful chemical substances(smog, chemicals in products Agriculture, chemical additives in food products, synthetic drugs), poor nutrition (overweight or obese, with dental caries), regularly drinking alcohol; smokers; working night shifts; subject to transmeridional movements. According to I.I. Brekhman, in the “third state” a person has only half of the psychophysical capabilities inherent in him by nature. The third state contains the origins of all diseases. Anticipating, recognizing, preventing and eliminating the “third state” of the human body are the most important tasks of valeology.

Health Risk Factors

An important condition for solving the problems of valeology is the identification of health risk factors. These include those factors that contribute to the development of diseases such as obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, immunosuppression, cancer.

The main risk factors for human health are excess body weight, physical inactivity, poor nutrition, mental stress, alcohol abuse, and smoking.

Thus, human health is his ability to maintain age- and gender-appropriate mental and physiological stability in constantly changing conditions environment.

Nature has provided the human body from birth with the ability to self-regulate and maintain life with a large margin of safety; his future life will depend on how he manages this natural gift, namely on his lifestyle.

If we conditionally take the level of health as 100%, then 20% depend on hereditary factors, 20% on environmental factors, i.e. from the environment, 10% from healthcare, and 50% of health depends on the person himself, on the lifestyle he leads.


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1. The concept of health, its content and criteria

1.1.The concept of health


Health criteria

2. Functional manifestation of health in various spheres of life

3. The influence of heredity, environment on human health and human health measures

3.1.Genetic factors


State of the environment

3.3.Medicine as a factor of health

4. Health knowledge system


Work and rest schedule


Sleep organization


Organization of motor activity


Personal hygiene


Prevention of bad habits

6.6.- this is a way of life based on the principles of morality, rationally organized, active, labor, hardening and, at the same time, protecting from the adverse effects of the environment, allowing one to maintain moral, mental and physical health.


1.1. Health concept

The idea of ​​health cannot be separated from the concept of “disease”: Both of these phenomena - health and disease - represent two forms of vital activity of the body. In practical medicine, to establish the presence of a disease, various parameters of the body’s vital activity are compared either with those in the healthy state of the same person, or with the average standards of healthy people.

There is currently no generally accepted concept of “health”.

Based important role the ability of the human body to biologically and socially adapt to the conditions of the external and internal environment; health is often defined as a state of optimal adaptation of a person to changing living conditions.

WHO experts proposed the following definition of health:

Health- a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or physical defects.

Health is divided into three main types: moral, mental and physical.

    Moral: defined by those moral principles that are the basis of human social life. Distinctive signs of a person’s moral health are, first of all, a conscious attitude to work, familiarization with culture, and active rejection of mores and habits that contradict a normal way of life. A physically and mentally healthy person can be a moral “monster” if he neglects moral standards. Therefore, social health is considered capital punishment human health.

    Mental: This is a state of well-being in which a person can realize his or her own potential, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and fruitfully, and contribute to their community.

    Physical: this is the natural state of the body, due to the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. If all organs and systems work well, then the entire human body functions and develops correctly.

1.2 Health criteria

When establishing the fact of a state of health or illness, they often resort to the concept of “norm”.

Norm- the state of optimal functioning of an organism in the specific conditions of its existence.

The concept of “norm” is often used as a synonym for health (“health is the normal state of the body”). And yet the concept of “norm” is somewhat broader than the concept of “health”. So, you can be a healthy person, but differ from any generally accepted standards of normality (for example, height, weight or body dimensions, the nature of communication with other people, level of intelligence).

At the same time, the development of criteria for the norm of vital activity and other parameters of the human body, and the determination of their optimal range are very important for medicine. The presence of such criteria (and in general the section of medicine “ normology”, which is closest in content to the academic discipline and scientific specialty “human physiology”) would significantly facilitate the differentiation of borderline states, health and illness.

The main identified health criteria:

    The work of the main functions of the body at various levels of organization (whole organism, organ, tissue, cellular, subcellular)

    Maintaining the dynamic balance of the body and its functions in specific environmental conditions.

    complete social adaptation, fulfillment of one’s social functions and development.

    Adaptation of the body to constantly changing environmental conditions, the ability to maintain homeostasis (self-regulation) and ensure versatile activities.

    There are no signs of illness or painful condition.

    physical and psychological well-being of a person.

Key health indicators that require constant independent monitoring:


    heart rate (at rest, during work mode and recovery rate after it)

    nutrition and appetite

    presence of stress

    daily physical activity (walking, running)

Human health is a combination of physical, mental and social condition. This is a general definition. Mental condition usually depends on life circumstances. Social – on the standard of living in the country, the work of government bodies. well and physical state completely subject to the person himself, from his own efforts.

We will talk to you today on the about how the general physical condition of a person and health are interconnected:

Immune system and general health

General physical development and health status directly depend on the functioning of the immune system. It protects the body from penetration and the harmful effects of pathogenic microorganisms: bacteria, viruses, fungi. If everything is fine with the immune system, then everything is fine with your health. This means a person has the opportunity to be physically strong.

For good immunity, the functioning of the bone marrow is important, which, in turn, requires a sufficient amount of the hormone testosterone, high-quality nutrition, and a regular supply of vitamins, especially B12.

Testosterone is produced by the endocrine system, but in extremely small quantities, which is not enough to maintain good health. In order for the body to receive enough of this hormone, regular physical activity is necessary. They activate the production of testosterone, which stimulates bone marrow cells, which in turn ensures intensive functioning of the immune system.

How to improve your overall physical condition and improve your health?

Physical exercise

Everyone knows that physical activity, physical education is extremely important for a person’s good physical condition and health. Everyone can choose feasible sports activities for themselves. You can go swimming, basketball, volleyball, running, etc. You can attend yoga classes, practice dance sports, attend Gym. And just regular home exercise is extremely beneficial.

As we have already said, physical activities stimulate the release of testosterone into the blood. This hormone enriches the bone structure, muscle system, and activates the immune system. All this has a positive effect on overall physical health.

However, you need to understand that excessive loads, on the contrary, deplete the endocrine system. Therefore, you need to know your capabilities and not exceed them.


Hardening is as important for good health as sports. These preventive procedures strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance. They not only make it easier to cope with sudden changes in temperature and prevent the development of colds, but also strengthen nervous system, improve her condition.

In addition, hardening increases the body's endurance, improves overall tone and performance, and improves mood.

Main types of hardening: air, sunbathing, contrast shower, exposure to cold or high temperature.


The general physical condition of the body and its health are inextricably linked with nutrition. With food we get useful substances that are building material for all cells without exception of which they consist internal organs, systems, blood (other biological fluids), as well as skin, hair and nails.

Food supplies the substances necessary for normal process metabolism, affecting the functioning of hormonal and other systems.

With an incorrect, monotonous diet, a lack (or excess) of micro- and macro-elements, an imbalance of nutrients occurs. This provokes metabolic disorders. The result is the development of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and other health problems.

Internal factors

The psychological state affects the overall health of a person no less than the physical state. In general psychology there is a whole field of “psychosomatic medicine” that studies the influence of psychological and mental health on physical condition.

Experts are well aware that a high self-evaluation, the approval of others, beauty, love in all its manifestations significantly improve the psychological mood and increase vitality. Positive thinking, the ability to accept any life circumstances, resistance to stress, reduce the development of depression, help to cope with difficulties and difficult situations.

Positive psychological factors reduce the risk of developing many diseases. No wonder popular wisdom says that “all diseases come from nerves.”
To maintain good physical condition, you need to keep it clean and constantly “train” not only your body, but your thoughts and emotions.

Bad habits

Probably no one will argue that any bad habits undermine health, causing terrible harm to the body. If a person does not take measures to combat alcoholism, drug addiction, and smoking, this damage is irreversible. The physical condition of such a person is extremely deplorable; there is no need to talk about health.

If a person cannot get rid of addictions on his own, he needs professional treatment. This is the only way he can return to normal life, find good physical and mental shape.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the general physical condition of a person and his health are influenced by all the described factors in combination. Therefore, they must be applied comprehensively. Be healthy!

Every day we are inundated with information about various diseases, but rarely do we hear what it means to be in good health. We certainly don't all look the same because we have Various types bodies, shapes and weights, and what is beneficial for one person may be harmful for another. A healthy person can easily perform general sports activities.

If someone is physically healthy, it usually means that they have healthy habits, such as exercising regularly. physical exercise and proper nutrition.

Emotional and spiritual health should also be taken into account when assessing your overall health. Having a generally positive attitude towards life, interaction and communication with others, and faith are all also factors that can indicate a healthy person.

In general, if you feel well, it is likely that you are healthy. The other side of the coin is that you may not feel well, even if the doctor can't find anything wrong.

The simplest answer is: a person is healthy if he is not sick. However, people can be very sick and not know it. Blood tests can be used in this case to see if you are sick, even if you feel well.

Various medical tests may be needed. For example, diabetes, heart disease and cancer often have no warning signs.

1) You feel good.
2) The doctor says that you are not sick.

Well-being as a rule, consists of the following manifestations:

1) You have enough energy to carry out daily activities and remain happy.
2) You sleep well and peacefully, and wake up easily, feeling refreshed after sleep.
3) You have regular bowel movements.

External signs of a healthy person

Often good health Most of us determine through a person's appearance. Normal physique, healthy complexion, even a pleasant voice and a smile - all this gives us the impression of a healthy and strong individual. Let's look at the physiological/physical signs that can tell us whether we are in good or poor health.

  • Healthy Gums.

Here a brief description of healthy gums: healthy gums are strong, fleshy and resistant to movement; The oral mucosa should be “reddish pink” or “coral pink” with a fine texture. The gums should not be pale, purple or dark red. Healthy gums have a smooth, arched or wavy appearance around each tooth. The lack of certain vitamins and minerals, the presence of a serious illness affects the gums quite quickly.

  • Healthy hair.

A healthy person has healthy hair. Healthy hair is easy to notice. They are shiny and bright without looking flaky or showing any visible damage. Unhealthy hair can be a warning sign of health problems. According to dermatologists: “We used to think of hair as just protein, but we now understand that there are a number of internal conditions that affect the health of our hair.” Yes, hair can be a reflection of a variety of health problems!

Dry, limp, thin hair may not only be due to hair dyes or swimming in chlorinated water. This may be an indicator of insufficient activity thyroid gland known as hypothyroidism. Other signs of hypothyroidism include fatigue, weight gain, slow heart rate, and feeling cold all the time.

Scaly or ruddy spots on the scalp, crusts usually mean psoriasis. Psoriasis is often accompanied by other autoimmune diseases such as Crohn's disease, systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Thinning hair all over the head - this can be caused by sudden, psychological or physical stress, such as divorce or job loss. Another reason could be a high fever from the flu or infection. Diabetes can also lead to hair thinning or even hair loss. A number of medications and hormonal changes also cause hair loss as a side effect.

Dry, brittle hair that breaks easily - most often the hair becomes more fragile as a result chemical treatment and dyeing. However, some medical conditions also lead to hair breakage. Among them: Cushing's syndrome, diseases of the adrenal glands, which leads to excess production of the hormone cortisol. Excessively dry hair may also indicate that your diet is lacking omega-3 fatty acids.

  • Healthy Language.

The appearance of the tongue also reflects general state human health. A healthy person has a reddish-pink tongue. In addition, a healthy tongue should not be coated. After the gums, the tongue is the second most common site for various bacteria and pathogens in the oral cavity that have entered there from outside or from within the body. Thanks to optimal conditions humidity and temperature, the tongue is a preferred place for microbes and bacteria to colonize.

Our tongue can show us when we are sick. A tongue that is too smooth may indicate anemia or vitamin B-12 deficiency. A swollen tongue may be a sign of infection. Problems with taste may also be a sign of infection or side effects some medicines. It may also be a sign of nerve damage. Tongue ulcers appear due to stress or fatigue. These lesions are usually very painful and sometimes simply appear for an unknown reason.

A white coated tongue usually means you are dehydrated. Smoking or drinking alcohol can cause this condition. A red tongue is a sign of various nutrients. Watch what you eat! If your tongue has bright red spots on the top surface, this is harmless and usually goes away on its own, but can be caused by hormonal changes, allergies or even possibly stress.

  • Regular bowel movements.

Regular bowel movements are also very important when it comes to health. But in most cases, less frequent bowel movements are not necessarily a cause for concern. Regular bowel movements (or bowel movements) can vary from person to person, but there are a few fairly common causes of constipation. Frequency of bowel movements is not necessarily a sign of constipation. The sign of constipation has more to do with the consistency of the stool (or feces) and the difficulty of defecation.

Having gentle bowel movements is much more important than having frequent bowel movements. The most important thing is to have regular bowel movements without strain or pain. Your stool can also tell you a lot about your health. As is known, gastrointestinal tract- This is a fairly high-tech processing unit. The gastrointestinal tract absorbs everything nutrients, which you take in and eliminates all the waste that is generated. Therefore, your stool reflects how good or bad your body is and how it absorbs nutrients.

  • Deep and restful sleep.

Healthy sleep should last 7-8 hours on average. A person's ability to have deep, restful sleep without numerous disorders is a strong indicator of overall health. Sleep allows your entire body to regain its energy, heal, and tone. Deep and restful sleep is the basis of health. Contrary to popular belief, it's not even how many hours you sleep that matters, but how deep the level of sleep you have. After all, it is the depth of sleep that ensures the regeneration of body tissues and healing from diseases.

Stress and hormonal changes can be one of the causes of sleep deprivation. Insomnia is more common in women than men due to the secretion of hormones. In fact, in women, insomnia is one of the most common side effects due to an increase or decrease in the secretion of hormones that are responsible for controlling PMS. menstrual cycle, menopause and more. The occurrence of various diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma, different kinds allergies, arthritis and thyroid disorders can lead to sleep disturbances. Sleep may also be difficult due to the consumption of medications that are taken to treat these diseases.

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