REHAU is the patriarch of plastic windows. Five-chamber profile - description, features and types 5 chamber profile rehau

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The line of rehau profile models includes 3, 4 and 5 chamber products. Among the latter there are two main modifications:
Rehau Delight;
Rehau Brilliant.

Common parameters

The 5-chamber Rehau profile is characterized by increased strength, since the chamber walls are reinforced. The depth of the chamber is 70 mm. The heat saving and sound insulation indicators are the highest possible thanks to the double-circuit seal. With them, not only will rain and wind not disturb the residents, but the possibility of dust ingress is also eliminated.

Another feature of these five chamber Rehau is increased safety from violation of the integrity of the structure and fittings systems.

Differences between Delight and Brilliant profiles

The main difference between 5 chamber Rehau is the design. The more expensive Brilliant has smooth lines and can be stylized in a variety of colors, textures, and toning.
And Delight, thanks to the roundness of the corners, can significantly increase the flow of light into the room. For decoration, the kit includes special overlays. This profile is also susceptible to lamination.

But the main thing for choosing a profile is not technical or stylistic parameters, but the fact that 5-chamber Rehau products are the most durable and durable among all window systems.


Plastic windows can have different configurations. The main criteria are the number of cameras and the width of the profile itself.

Chambers are called closed cavities inside a profile, separated from each other by walls. Cameras are counted horizontally, regardless of their size. How more quantity chambers, the higher the heat and noise insulation rates this profile.

Standard width five-chamber profile - 70 (mm).

Five-chamber systems with double-glazed windows meet the highest requirements for heat and sound insulation.

windows from the profile five-chamber system "Rehau Brillant-design" are ideal for buildings with low heating costs and energy-saving renovation.

Metal-plastic five-chamber windows are premium-class systems that can meet the highest technical and aesthetic requirements of luxury construction.

The only drawback of such systems is the higher price compared to three-chamber and four-chamber systems.






Comparative characteristics of five-chamber windows

Technical data table for 5-chamber PVC profiles
Number of cameras in the window sash
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Number of cameras in the window frame
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Sash installation width
70 60 70 60 86 78 78 70
Sash installation height
80 78 79 58 86 80 94 80
Installation frame width
70 120 70 60 75 70 70 70
Frame mounting height
69 78 68 67 73 68 68 67
technical data table for 5-chamber PVC profiles kbe profile expert montblanc city 120 montblanc nord 70 montblanc termo-new plafen s-line rehau brilliant design rehau euro-70 design veka softline

. The data is generalized and taken from the analysis of certificates, window test reports and advertising materials from manufacturers (copyright website).

5-chamber system with profile installation depth of 70 mm and 2 sealing circuits

System window profiles DELIGHT-DESIGN is a new development by REHAU, which has become the embodiment of the most modern trends in architecture and design. The point is that this profile system gives its owners:

More light. Thanks to know-how technical solution The DELIGHT-DESIGN profile system is characterized by a reduced frame and sash height, due to which 10% more sunlight enters the room compared to traditional systems. According to biochemical laboratory experiments, bright sunlight perfectly promotes the formation of serotonin - the “hormone of happiness”, which is responsible for susceptibility to stress and emotional stability. And sunlight enters our houses through windows. This means that with windows from the DELIGHT-DESIGN profile system you will receive not only more light, but also more Have a good mood and well-being!

More warmth. Increasing the area of ​​translucent filling window design DELIGHT-DESIGN in no way negatively affects its thermal characteristics: a depth of 70 mm, a five-chamber structure and the ability to install double-glazed windows up to 41 mm thick - all these factors will reliably retain heat where it really needs to be, namely inside the house!

More choice. Two versions of DELIGHT-DESIGN sashes make it possible to maximally satisfy the needs of the customer in both the facility and private markets. You can choose either the basic or curly option. The base sash has a classic appearance, so suitable for anyone modern interior. The figured one will be a real find for those who appreciate exclusive design. Its undeniable advantages are noble proportions and roundness of shapes. The graceful relief of the decorative bead also provides more opportunities for improvisation.


Energy-saving REHAU windows will save not only heat, but also your money. This is not just an advertisement, this is the slogan of a company that has been on the market for 60 years. That is, the first REHAU windows manufactured in 1954 serve their owners to this day. This is a German company. She has been working in Russia for 12 years.

Description of the main models

REHAU windows are represented on the domestic market by 6 main models, which are sold by different companies - both ours and foreign ones. There are plenty to choose from!


A standard model that is suitable for practical owners. This is a sales leader for city apartment owners. No show off, emphasis on efficiency, high-quality thermal and sound insulation.

The profile width is 60 mm, the profile height - including the sash - is 116 mm. The glass unit is three-chamber, that is, made of 4 glasses. The width of the glass unit is 32 mm. Heat transfer resistance coefficient - 0.64 m2 s/W. There are also profiles that protect against the cold, but for the city in middle lane This suits Russia quite well. A kind of “golden mean”, the best balance between price and quality.

The average profile price is RUB 8,300.


The SIB-DESIGN model will protect from the cold better than the previous one. The profile width is 70 mm, the profile height - including the sash - is 120 mm. There are already 4 chambers in a 40 mm wide double-glazed window. It is clear that the heat transfer resistance coefficient is higher - 0.72 m2 s/W. Such a window can also be used in country house put. Therefore, SIB-DESIGN is the leader in sales to owners country houses in Russia.

The price will be about 10,500 rubles.


The model is addressed to those who want more illumination and heat preservation in the apartment. The narrow frame lets in more light and has built-in anti-theft protection. The profile width is 70 mm, the profile height - including the sash - is 109 mm.

A 40 mm wide glass unit includes as many as 5 cameras. Heat transfer resistance coefficient - 0.8 m2 s/W. Its thermal insulation is higher than previous REHAU models. This profile is also preferred for country houses. The average price is 10,900 rubles.


This is luxury class - both in aesthetics and in price. The profile design is unusual - rounded door, high sound insulation, built-in protection against theft. The profile design protects well from rain and snow. Profile width - 70 mm, profile height - including sash - 120 mm. The glass unit is 40 mm wide and also has 5 chambers.

Heat transfer resistance coefficient - 0.91 m2 s/W. The average price is 12,700 rubles.


This is an even cooler model - super luxury. Everything that can be used for comfort is used. The profile characteristics are impressive. Width 86 mm, height including sash - 120 mm, 6-chamber double-glazed window.

The profile is made of special fiber-fiber material RAU FIPRO. It was invented in the REHAU laboratory and is even used for airplanes. Therefore, the heat transfer resistance coefficient has increased to 1.05 m2C/W, and the level of burglary resistance has been increased to class 2. The price will be about 16,000 rubles.


The most expensive model from REHAU profile. The glass unit is 6-chamber, 86 mm wide, the heat transfer resistance coefficient is slightly less - 0.95 m2C/W. It is claimed that in terms of their thermal characteristics, windows of this profile are similar to a wall whose brick thickness is approximately 110 cm.

This profile uses special glass, which reduces the noise level indoors by half. Burglary safety has been increased to class 3. The average price is 17,000 rubles.

5-chamber system with profile installation depth of 70 mm and 2 sealing circuits

REHAU BRILLANT-DESIGN windows are designed for frequent use and are included in the category of premium systems. Magnificent aesthetic and specifications These profiles will allow you to meet the highest requirements. Most often they are used in the construction of cottages and city apartments in high-rise buildings.

The REHAU BRILLANT-DESIGN window system is a symbiosis of innovative ideas, exclusive design solutions and comfort of use. Such windows will bring perfect comfort and warmth to any home and bring out the beauty home interior to the highest level.

The profile of this REHAU window combines all the diversity modern design and outstanding thermal insulation. The sealing along the vestibules made it possible to achieve such heat retention indicators. The laconic, elegant and very beautiful appearance of the smooth shiny surface, bevels and rounded beads is complemented by a large range of products offered color solutions profile.

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