Scenario for Mother's Day “Most Favorite. Script for Mother's Day "Who Lives in the Magic World?"

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Presenter 1

Let me congratulate you,

Leave joy in your soul,

Give you a smile, wish you happiness,

Away from adversity and bad weather.

Let the shadow of sadness disappear

On this festive day of ours!

Presenter 2

Good afternoon, dear guests! We have gathered today for a celebration dedicated to the woman-mother. Family holiday! Autumn holiday! With all our hearts we give you poems and songs!

Presenter 1

When I say: “Mom” -

Smile on the lips

And they turn up their nose stubbornly,

And there is happiness in the eyes!

When I say: "Mom"

My soul sings

And hearts diagram

It's calling me!

I'm calling my mom

And I'm looking forward to it

When will she answer

And I will say: “I love you!”

(song “My Mom is the Best in the World”)

Presenter 2

Mother. With this word, children are born into the world and through the years they carry in their hearts the love that was born in the womb. And at any age, at any time of the year and every hour, this love for mother accompanies a person, fuels him and gives him new hopes and strength for new achievements! We all love our mothers and this wonderful holiday we have gathered here to congratulate those who love us and whom we love - our mothers!

Presenter 1

And what is a mother in the minds of their own children? Let's find out soon! We invite our children to the center of the hall!

(Children recite previously learned poems)

Child 1

What is mom?

It's a bright light

That's a lot of knowledge

Dinner and lunch!

Child 2

What is mom?

Fun, joy, laughter!

Mom is like a heart

After all, everyone has a heart!

Child 3

What is mom?

It's like a wall

Protects from drama

Dad and me!

Child 4

What is mom?

It is what it is!

Child 5

What is mom?

That's all there is to it!

We congratulate moms,

With love, your children!

(Song: “My Mommy”)

Presenter 2

MOTHER! - There is light in this word!

MOTHER! Better words No!

MOTHER! Who is dearer than her?

MOTHER! She has spring in her eyes!

MOTHER! The kindest on earth!

MOTHER gives fairy tales, smiles and laughter!


Dear friends, let's listen to one parable.

Presenter 2

The day before his birth, the child asked God:

“I don’t know why I’m going into this world.” What should I do?

God replied:

- I will give you an angel who will be by your side. He will explain everything to you.

- But how will I understand him? After all, I don’t know his language?

- The angel will teach you his language and protect you from all troubles.

- What is the name of my angel?

- Doesn't matter. What is his name, he will have many names. But you will call him MOM.

(Dance performed by mothers and daughters to the song “Mom is the first word”)

Three girls come out:

1 girl:


Do you have a mother?

Then about the first one

Think about her

You will only become greener!

2nd girl:


Do you have a mother?

Then about the first one

Think about her

Opening up among the fields!

3rd girl:


Do you have a mother?

Then about the first one

Think about her

Sparkling in the darkness of the night!

(Grigore Vieru)


If suddenly there is drama,

Who will help? – (ALL) It’s MOM!!!

(Dance to the song “Baby Mammoth” with balls)

Presenter 1

Now let's see if our mothers know their immediate responsibilities so well

You won't find trash at home,

Mom cleaned everything clean!

And the frame shines in the window,

Mom washed it all!

Even the soup is delicious

Mom cooked for us!

younger brother I ate recently

His mother will swaddle him!

At school they gave us a scale,

My mom will help with it!

If you are not a shame and disgrace,

Here are tasks for moms!

1. Competition: “Book in the Family”

Presenter 1

Let's check how carefully you read fairy tales to children.


I went to visit my grandmother,
Brought the pies to her
The gray wolf was watching her,
Deceived and swallowed.
(Little Red Riding Hood)

Escaped from the dirty
Cups, spoons and pans.
She is looking for them, calling them
And she sheds tears on the way.

And the little hare and the she-wolf -
Everyone runs to him for treatment.

Waiting for mother with milk
And they let the wolf into the house
Who were these
Little children?
(Seven kids)

Like Baba Yaga
There's no leg at all
But there is a wonderful one
Which? (Mortar)

The duck knows, the bird knows,
Where Koshchei death lurks.
What is this item?

Presenter 2

Well done!
And now hurry up, guys,
Guess the riddle!
Near the forest, on the edge,
Decorating the dark forest,
The motley one grew up,
all covered in polka dots,

Presenter 1

(addressing mothers)

Are you probably tired?
How long have you been dancing?
Well, come out quickly!
Stretch the legs of your arms!

I invite everyone to dance together, because mothers need to rest, not only work.

Let's all dance together. ("Lavata")

After the dance, the mothers sit down.

2. Competition “Figure it out”

Interesting questions:

1) Whether it’s small or big, it must be kept (secret)
2) In what cage should a bird not be kept (in the chest)
3) Liquid, not water, white, not snow (milk)
4) The softest fish (herring)
5) The shortest month (May)
6) What question does no one answer “yes” to? (You're sleeping)
7) What stands in the middle of the Volga (letter L)
8) Schoolchild’s favorite melody (bell)
9) Why do people walk barefoot (on the ground)
10) In which month do people talk the least (February)
11) Why do ducks swim? (from the shore)
12) What stones are not in the sea? (dry)
13) What part of the word can be found in the ground? (root)
14) Which note is not suitable for compote? (salt)
15) There is a table with 4 corners. Some sawed off the corner. How many corners are left? (5)
16) Why do we eat? (at the table)
17) Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep (on the floor)
18) The grandmother was carrying 100 eggs to the market, and the bottom fell. How many eggs are left? (not a single one, all crashed)

Competition 3: “Recognize your child by his voice”

Competition 4: “Draw a portrait of a child with his eyes closed.”

Presenter 2

What is happiness?

With such a simple question,

Perhaps more than one philosopher has asked this question.

But in reality, happiness is simple.

It starts with half a meter of height.

These are vests, booties and a bib,

A brand new described mother's sundress.

Torn tights, knocked knees,

These are the walls painted in the corridor.

Happiness is soft warm palms,

There are candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa.

This is a whole heap of broken toys,

It's a constant rattle of rattles.

Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor.

A thermometer under the arm, tears and injections.

Abrasions and wounds, bruises on the forehead,

It's constant: What? Yes Why?

Happiness is a sled, a snowman and a slide.

A small candle on a huge cake.

This endless “Read me a story”

These are daily Piggy and Stepashka.

This is a warm nose from under the blanket,

Bunny on the pillow, blue pajamas.

Splashes all over the bathroom, foam on the floor.

Puppet theater, matinee in the garden.

What is happiness? There is no simpler answer.

Everyone has it - These are our children.

Mother and child scene:

Son: Three years have passed... I have already grown up.

Naturally, the question arose here:

Everyone knows that little children

Why are they sent to kindergarten.

And there are problems... Wherever there are none!

And how to find the answer to the questions?

Mom: Well, tell me, what did you do in the garden?

I’ll find out everything: I’ll go there!

What does “I didn’t want to eat porridge” mean?

Why did you put it on your head?

Oh, not yourself? Why Seryozha?

Is he a sneak? What are you like? Oh God!

Come on, go to the corner! March and don't cry!

Father will talk to you again!

Son: But kindergarten is just flowers and nothing more,

And berries await us at school...

Mom: What did you bring today, student?

Tell me, show me your diary!

So... What is this? Where does the two come from?

Oh, Zoya copied from you again?!

Well, answer me, why are you quiet?

Oh, a deuce with Zoya for two?!

Well done! What is this? Again?

Broke a window? Did you get pushed again?

Have you forgotten what word you gave me?

Presenter 1

Moms are our pride

This is our glory, strength!

This is our strength of spirit,

This is help with powerlessness!

We bow our heads to mother

And we sincerely congratulate you,

So that you, mommies, know for sure,

That only you are the best for us!

(Song and dance “Mom, dear mother” by Taisiya Pavaliy.)

Presenter 2

Well, now, dear mothers, we have one more parting gift for you! Look at the screen again. We want to give you a few minutes of bright memories of the happiest moments of your motherhood. And then we invite you to look at our small art gallery and appreciate the work and love of your children. (The phonogram of the song “Mom is the first word” sounds. Projected on the screen personal photos from family albums of pupils. After viewing the slides and children's drawings, parents are invited to join the group for a festive tea party).

Bobrova Oksana Vladimirovna,
musical director MBDOUDSOV No. 5,
Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo region, Russia.

Scenario for an event dedicated to Mother's Day

Presenters: guy and girl
Presenter (Guy):
Looks out carefully and then disappears (voice off stage)
Wow, there are so many people in the hall,
We were not warned about this!
There are at least a hundred pairs of eyes,
And they are all directed at us.

Presenter (female): (also behind the scenes)
So, he quickly calmed down and took a deep breath,
Well, why did you puff out your cheeks?
Your mom is sitting there
And she's looking at you!
So let's smile and wave...
So that's it...that's our way out

They go on stage. The guy smiles and waves his hand.
Glad, glad to see you!
Our dear guests!
Today is our celebration,
And you were invited to visit us for the holiday!
After all, the holiday is not simple these days,
This is a special occasion
And this is a dear holiday,
The best for all mothers!

While the girl is talking, the guy continues to wave.

Presenter: (addressing the guy)
Stop waving already!
It's time for you to say something...

Our dear mothers!
Thank you for raising us!
You didn't sleep at night,
And our sleep was protected.
And you taught us lessons...
Although sometimes you are strict,
But we know that you love us,
Thank you, moms! This holiday is just for you!

Film on screen about mom

The choir comes out and sings a song about mom. (children of workers and girls of Pk-31)

After the song the presenters appear again.

Presenter: (addressing the guy)
Tell me, (name), do you always help your mother?
And do you always follow all the instructions?

Well, I...try sometimes
She shouldn't be seen...

They also call me an assistant!
He doesn’t catch my mother’s eye,
It would be better if I always listened to her,
And then I would know what I know!

My mother taught me to respect other people's work:

If you are planning to kill each other, go outside - I just washed the floors!

Mom taught me to believe in God

Pray that this nasty thing will wash off!

Mom taught me to think logically

Because I said so, that's why!

Mom taught me to think about consequences

If you fall out of the window now, I won’t take you to the store with me!

Mom explained to me the cause and effect relationships

- If you don't stop crying right now, I'll spank you.

Mom taught me to overcome the impossible

- Shut your mouth and eat the soup!

Mom taught me not to envy

- Yes, there are millions of children in the world who are lucky to have parents just like you!

Mom taught me to look boldly into the future

- Well, just wait, I’ll talk to you at home!

Mom taught me extrasensory perception

Put on your jacket, I know you're cold!

Mom taught me the basics of genetics

Yes, you got it all from your father!

Mom taught me the highest justice

May your children be just like you!

Leading: Yes, dear friends, this also happens, but our mothers are the best.Meet Sergei Bazhenov and Danil Losev with the song “The Most best mom land"

Did you think it was easy to be a mother?
Do you know how hard it really is to be a mother?
Let's ask moms now,
And we’ll ask them about their “work.”

Next, the presenters take turns asking questions (without waiting for moms to answer):
Mom survey:
1. Tell me, how many times a day do you clean up after your child?
2. How many times do you wash clothes and diapers?
3. How many kilometers do you walk from the store to your home?
4. How much time do you spend at the stove?
5. How much nerve do you spend when you do homework with your child?
6. Do you ever get enough sleep?
7. How many mountains of dishes have you washed?
8. How many times have you treated your child for a cold?
9. How many kilograms of food did you carry?
10. Tell me, aren’t you tired of being a mother?


And here are statistics from one magazine that gives the following figures:

(children take turns calling statistics)

On average, mothers spend more than 3,000 sleepless hours at the bedside of their sick children.

Mothers who are not qualified cooks cook more than 500 types of a wide variety of dishes during their lives.

They also wash mountains of laundry. If you add up all the laundry they have washed in their lives, you will get a mountain as tall as Elbrus.

If you fold all the towels they ironed, you will get a belt for the entire globe.

Mothers sing songs, read poems, knit and sew.

They rejoice and cry.

Most often because of us children.

And mothers cry. Mom’s tears are a sea or even an ocean, which can be called an ocean of sadness.

All together: And also, being a mother means seeing the happy eyes of your children!

Meet Anna Sudareva with the song “Hands of a Woman”

Presenter :

Among the usual deception,

Among the verbal fog,I suddenly felt how muchFor a person it means mother.

When I go forward stubbornly,My mother helps me walk.When I fall into a hole,Mom extends her hand.

When that distant day lasted,I guess I wasn't all born.I guess there's a part of me in you...Or maybe a part of you is in me?

Liza Ivashchenko and Sergey Filatov “Smile” are in a hurry to congratulate you


Mom in every person’s life is the most dear and beloved person. This is the first person we see who will take care of us throughout our lives. No matter how old we are, mother will always consider us children and treat us with awe and love. It is impossible to convey the depth of my mother’s feelings. Sometimes mothers can be like this......

We present to your attention a miniature performed by......


Every second three people are born in the world, and they too will soon be able to pronounce the word “mother”. From the first day of a child’s life, the mother lives by his breath, his tears and smiles. A mother's love is as natural as lilac blossoms, like the first spring rain. The sun warms the earth and all living things, and her love warms the baby’s life.

Competition "Set the Table"

Maria Zakharenko sings your applause for you “Mom there is no word dearer in the world”

Leading .To you who have linked your destiny with caring for your loved ones.

Leading The next issue is dedicated to you, whose name sounds proudly – ​​mother and wife.

Dugarova Dina with the song “Mama”

Competition "Sweet Tooth Drum"


A mother’s heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness,” - O. Balzac. And where there is forgiveness, there is inexhaustible kindness. And every child learns from her to be kind and caring. It is the mother who instills in the growing person the feelings of love and responsibility for those who are smaller and weaker, for those who need our help.

Elizaveta Ivashchenko is in a hurry to meet you with the song “Nochenka”


They say that love rules the world. We love, we are loved... Sometimes mutually, sometimes unrequitedly. But there is love in the world that is not subject to anything: neither time, nor gossip, nor oblivion. This is a mother's love. She accompanies us from the very first moment on this earth. We feel maternal love even before we are born. We grow up and leave our home. But even at the ends of the earth we remember that somewhere far away mother’s warm hands and gentle eyes are waiting for us. Our dear ones! Thank you for your selfless love. For your participation and worries, for your concern and care. Let bright stars light up over your houses every evening! And every morning the warm rays of the sun penetrate your window! Live long, long life, be healthy and happy!

The anthem to the family is performed

The most joyful and bright holiday - Mother's Day

2nd grade

Leading : Hello, dear guests! On the last Sunday of November in Russia they celebrate special holiday- Mother's Day. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. After all, no matter how old we are - five or fifty - we always need our mother, her love, affection, attention, advice.

Mother's Day is a wonderful occasion to once again say words of love and gratitude to your dearest and dearest. to a loved one, to pay tribute to love, to generous mother’s hearts, to their caring and affectionate hands.

What's the very first word?
What's the most important word?
What is the brightest word?

And I want it again
Say it quietly
Say it loud
The most important word of a child is

The most beautiful word on earth is mother. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages.


Becoming a good tradition

One day in November

Confess your love to your mother,

Say “thank you” to her.

She loves us endlessly

And there is no stronger love.

And we all know perfectly well

That we owe our lives to her.

Dear, beloved mother,

I'm ready to repeat it again.

I am growing, and with me

My love is growing too.

to the music “Mom,” girls with dolls in their arms enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.

    There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,

    Brightly marked for centuries!

    The most beautiful of women -

    A woman with a child in her arms!

    Conjuring from any misfortune,

    She really doesn't have much to spare.

    No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one,

    Proud exalted mother

    The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times,

    And so it stands for centuries,

    The most beautiful of women -

    A woman with a child in her arms!

    Everything in the world is marked by traces,

    No matter how many paths you walk,

    The apple tree is decorated with fruits,

    A woman is the fate of her children.

    May the sun forever applaud her,

    So she will live for centuries,

    The most beautiful of women -

    A woman with a child in her arms!

    Happy Mother's Day,

    Happy autumn holiday, congratulations!

    Leading: Mother! What a great word! She gives life to her child. Mom has the kindest, most affectionate heart, the most tender, caring hands that can do everything. Love never fades in her heart!

    And today, our dear guests, your children and I have prepared a surprise for you - this magic flower. (Picks up a vase with a paper flower.) By tearing off one of the petals, you will receive one of the numbers of our holiday program as a gift, but before you touch the flower, you need to say the magic words, the guys and I will tell you.

    All together: Fly, fly petal

    Through joy and delight.

    Just touch your hand -

    Give our mother a gift!

    The presenter approaches one of the mothers, the selected mother picks off a petal.

    1 petal

    Leading . One mother had three daughters growing up, and one day they decided to dream.


    Three girls under the window

    We daydreamed in the evening.

    The first sister says:

    Girl 1.

    I wish I could become an actress,

    It’s in our village that

    I would give a concert right away!

    Girl 2.

    If only I were a singer...

    Boy. Her sister says.

    Girl 2.

    I would sing great

    Like Larisa Dolina.

    Girl 3.

    Looks like a cute nose

    I would do a decent workout

    I would boldly tell everyone:

    I wanted to become a director!


    Have it your way, sisters!

    We'll give a concert now

    And we'll have fun for all of you.

    Ved: What is happiness? With such a simple question,

    1. Perhaps more than one philosopher has asked this question.

    2. But in fact, happiness is simple!

    1. It starts with half a meter of height.

    2. These are vests. Booties and bib,

    1. A brand new described mother’s sundress.

    2.Torn tights... Broken knees,

    1. These are the walls painted in the corridor...

    2. Happiness is soft warm palms,

    1. There are candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa...

    2. This is a whole heap of broken toys,

    1. This is the constant rattle of rattles...

    2. Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor...

    1. A thermometer under the arm, tears and injections...

    2.Abrasions and wounds. Bruises on the forehead...

    1. This is a constant “What” and “Why?” "...

    2. Happiness is a sled. Snowman and slide...

    1. A small candle on a huge cake...

    2. This endless “Read me a story”

    1. These are daily Piggy and Stepashka...

    2. This is a warm spout from under the blanket...

    1.Hare on the pillow, blue pajamas...

    2. Splashes all over the bathroom, foam on the floor...

    1. Puppet theater, matinee in the garden...

    2.What is happiness? Everyone will answer you;

    Together: Anyone who has children has it!


    The morning begins

    Mom wakes up

    And my mother's smile

    The morning is filling up.

    With warm palms

    Mom will warm you up

    With kind words

    Sadness will dispel.

    Why so often

    Is harmfulness kicking in us?

    “I don’t want to, I won’t!”

    It's called.

    We know, mommy,

    You're always right.

    And "I'm sorry, please"

    The words sound again.

    Like the sun in the sky,

    Like leaves in a garden,

    Like living water

    Mom is important to us

    2 petals

    Through joy and delight.

    Just touch your hand -

    Give our mother a gift!

    Our mothers are the best - scene

    Leading. Who was sitting on the ladder?

    Who was looking at the street?

    Dima ate (holding a bag of chips),

    Sasha played (holds * Tetris"),

    Maxim drew with crayons.

    It was in the evening

    There was nothing to do.

    A car passed by.

    The cat climbed into the attic.

    Here Dima told the guys

    Just like that...

    Dima. And I have chips in my pocket. What about you?

    Olya . And I have clips in my pocket. What about you?

    Sasha . And today our cat gave birth to kittens yesterday. The kittens have grown a little, but they don’t want to eat Kitiket!

    Maxim. And we have gas in the kitchen. What about you?

    Seryozha . And we have a microwave. Clever?

    Nata. And from our window the whole Market is at your fingertips. Every day I look and wait... I want a playground!

    Sasha. And we had a quiet hour - This time.

    There is a hole in the middle of the yard - These are two.

    And fourthly, our mother is going to Novosib tomorrow, Mom will bring goods -

    Everyone will be invited to the market.

    Leading. Vova answered from the stairs...

    Vova . Entrepreneur mom? Cool!

    Olya . But Masha, for example, has a mom who is a policeman!

    Sasha . And Yulia’s mother, Dima’s mother are saleswomen in stores!

    Dima . And I have a simple answer - My mother is a speech therapist!

    Nata . Most important of all...

    Leading . Nata said...

    Nata . Mom from a food factory. Who will make you waffles? Definitely not an entrepreneur!

    Vova . And Alena and Ivan both have mothers who are accountants!

    Dima. And Valya and Katya Mama have teachers at school!

    Leading. And Maksimka said quietly...

    Maxim. My mother is not a dressmaker, Not a cashier, not a controller, My mother is just a director.

    Leading. Vova was the first to respond

    Vova . Mom is a holiday?! This is cool! The cook makes compotes, it's very good! In accounting reports, this is also good! The doctor is treating us for measles. There is a teacher at school. All kinds of mothers are needed! All kinds of mothers are important.
    . Well, our mothers are the cutest and most beautiful of all!

  • I will definitely be a mother.

    What should I name my daughter?

    I know there will be many difficulties:

    You need pacifiers, a stroller, a bed.

    I need to wash my daughter's panties.

    Rock, lull, sing,

    Kiss her scratches, bumps.

    How much does mommy need to do?

    Feed and wash dishes,

    And in winter, ride on a sled,

    Be patient and kind.

    Can I really do all this?

    How tired I must be!

    Who will take pity on me and warm me?

    Yes, of course, my mother!

  • Leading : Now your children will cry like they did when they were children. But don't worry, they will make fun of you. You need to guess your baby's cry.

    Dear mothers! I want to wish you that these are your last children'stearsthat you heard!

    3 petal All together: Fly, fly petal

    Through joy and delight.

    Just touch your hand -

    Give our mother a gift!


    Our friendly family is apart all day:
    School, music, friends, there is no room for boredom!

  • Student

    Only in the evening people gather in the apartment.
    Mom is a fairy in this world, we sit with our mouths open!

  • Student

    The hiss and whistle of our old frying pan pleases the ear,
    And as many as ten hands are reaching for the potatoes and herring!

  • Student

    We all adore our mother – we eat all of dinner.
    So as not to tire her, we quickly go to bed.

  • Student

    Who will feel sorry for women? Who will help them in everyday life?
    Grandmother often gets sick. She is often unbearable.

  • Student

    But it’s very easy to help: taking out the trash is a trifle,
    Should you wash your shoes? By the way, it’s not that stressful.

  • Student

    And washing dishes with hot water is beautiful!
    It’s easy for your brother to run to kindergarten for your sister!

  • Leading

    How do you help your mothers?

    Poem dramatization

    • 1 I help my mother:
      I'll make soup in the sandbox,
      I'll wash the cat in a puddle...
      How, Mom, I love you!

      2 And I’m on the wallpaper in the hallway
      I'm drawing a portrait of Mommy,
      My brother will help me too...
      Mommy, is it similar or not?

      3 I'll wear my mother's dress,
      As soon as I cut the length,
      It will suddenly become clear to everyone:
      I love only my mother!

      4 And I’m preparing a gift for her-
      On daddy's new car
      I scratch: “To mom – with love!”
      No one can replace you!”

      5 And I'm your new hat
      I’ll immediately turn you into a bunny:
      I'll sew his ears and paws...
      I want to give you a gift!

      6 And I got into a fight with Danil -
      Huge bruise under the eye.
      Said his mom was better
      I don't agree with him at all!

      7 I’ll wash my mother’s shoes,
      I'm leaving ships in the bathroom.
      And mom will come and see
      That I love her very much!

      8 I'm a ball on lipstick
      I replaced Katya's neighbor.
      And mommy will be delighted
      And he will say: “Here is my son!”

      9 We will not argue in vain,
      We will tell our mothers,
      That their children are simply beautiful...
      TOGETHER: After all, we never play pranks!

    • Joke poem "Housewife"

      Oh, I'm tired, I'm tired.

      She was busy with housework:

      The house is big, and I'm alone,

      Oh, my back hurts.

      I spent an hour fiddling with the laundry -

      It turned out to be a dress with a hole,

      I sat down to mend in the corner -

      Stuck on a needle.

      I washed the dishes, washed them,

      I broke my mother's cup.

      The floor was scraped white.

      Bam! I spilled the jam.

      Oh, I'm tired, I'm tired,

      She was busy with housework.

      All: If you need help with anything -

      Call us, we won't mind!

      I take care of my mother’s work,
      I help as much as I can.
      Mom's out for lunch today
      I made cutlets
      And she said: “Listen,
      Help me out, try me!"
      I ate a little
      Isn't it help?

      You guys don't interfere with us.

      I do laundry with my mom together.

      To make the dress cleaner,

      And the scarf was whiter,

      I rub without sparing soap,

      I rub, sparing no effort.

      The Panama hat has become clean.

      “Come on, mom, look!”

      Mom smiles at me:

      “Strongly, daughter, not three.

      I'm afraid that after washing

      I'll have to mend the holes."

      Blitz survey

      The guys bring out the chamomile. Mothers take turns plucking the petals and answering the questions written behind the petals.

      What did your child look like when you saw him for the first time?

      What songs did you sing while putting your baby to sleep? Sing the verse.

      What is your son or daughter's first word?

      Name the very first poem you learned together.

      The first gift your child gave you.

      Where did your child's first teeth appear: at the top or bottom?

      At what age did your child take his first step?

      Which word came first: mom or dad?

      What color was your child's hair at birth?

      Children's questionnaire about their mother

      4 petal All together: Fly, fly petal

      Through joy and delight.

      Just touch your hand -

      Give our mother a gift!

      Video “Mom and I are so similar” with wishes

      Miniature 1 – “The Color of Happiness.”

      Daughter: Mom, why are you wearing all white in this photo?

      Mom: Because this is our wedding photo with dad. I was at this

      The day is very happy as well white– this is the color of happiness.

      Daughter: Yes, yes! Then it’s clear why dad is dressed all in black!

      Miniature 2 – “Two Brothers”.

      1st brother: They will take me to the cinema. Dad himself told me!

      2nd brother: And my mother herself told me that they wouldn’t take you.

      1st brother: But dad is the same as mom...Dad is much more...

      Miniature 3 – “Fairy Tale”.

      Mom: Well, we read “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.”

      Daughter: What a stupid old man! I asked the fish for something new home, then new

      trough, I would immediately ask for a new old woman!

    • SKETCH “Because of you...”

      Mom: (looks at the diary)

      Well, he was silent again, son,

      And staring at the ceiling?

      I answered three recently.

      Today I brought two!


      I stood and swallowed the words,

      Study? This is torment!


      You unfortunate lazy person, you Aziz,

      Get two points for reading!

      No, it’s my shame, not my son’s...

      This is not how I once studied...

      What to do? I'll go crazy...


      But mom, it's my fault

      To tell the truth, you yourself!

      (turning to the side) You'll have trouble with the adults!

      And who said and repeated,

      To sit at your desk in class

      Didn't I say a word?

      I didn't deviate from the rules

      I stood and swallowed the words,

      Until the teacher put

      Because of you

      In my diary “Two!”

    • SKETCH “Bad object...”


      And I'm a good student

      Look at my diary

      Mathematics - "five"

      Drawing – “five”...


      But wait, wait a minute,

      What's the deuce for?


      And for the behavior!

      Not an object - torment.

      Sit like a stump all day,

      Don't fight all day

      Don't make noise, don't shout

      And don't knock your feet.

      This is “no” and this is “no” -

      What a bad item!

      Now let's give way to a joke -
      We can't live without her,
      It’s better with her in difficult times,
      Why don't we joke?

      And now comic prediction fate.
      Mothers are given envelopes with the following items:
      button - you will buy yourself something beautiful from clothes;
      candy - a sweet, sweet life awaits;
      a penny - you will be a very moneyed person;
      bay leaf - great success in work;
      thread - a long road to distant lands;
      smile - you have to look in the mirror and it will tell you that a smile suits you very well;
      butterfly - this year you will be lucky, you will flutter on the wings of success through life;
      heart - love;
      key - new apartment;
      book - new receipts for the savings book.

    • 5 petal All together: Fly, fly petal

      Through joy and delight.

      Just touch your hand -

      Give our mother a gift!

      I am a colorful gift
      I decided to give it to my mother.
      I tried, I drew
      Four pencils.
      But first I'm on the red
      Pressed too hard
      And then, right after the red one
      Purple broke,
      And then the blue one broke,
      And the orange one broke...
      Still a beautiful portrait
      Because it's mom!

    • Competition "Collective Portrait"

    • We will divide the guys into two teams and line them up in columns.
      For the competition you will need: 2 sheets, 2 markers. The 1st runs and draws the head, ears,
      2nd – eyes,

      3rd - nose,

      4th - mouth,

      5th - hair,

      6th - torso,
      7th - hands,
      8th - legs without feet,
      9th - shoes,
      10th - beads,
      11th - handbag.

      Whichever team is faster wins.
      -Look at how wonderful the portraits of my mother turned out.

      6 petal All together: Fly, fly petal

      Through joy and delight.

      Just touch your hand -

      Give our mother a gift!

      Who's in the kitchen with a ladle?

      Always standing by the stove,

      Who darns our clothes?

      Who's humming with a vacuum cleaner?

      Who is the tastiest person in the world?

      Always bakes pies

      Even dads who are more important

      And who is honored in the family?

    • Who will sing us a song at night,

      So that we can fall asleep sweetly?

      Who is the kindest and most wonderful?

      Well, of course - grannies!

      This is, of course, grandma! Almost every person has warm childhood memories associated with their grandmother, with her care and kindness. On this day we also congratulate them, because grandmother is your mother’s mother.

      Mom is getting old. She is no longer happy about calls from her friends and pranks from her grandchildren...
      Years and fatigue weigh on your shoulders, and you don’t want to raise your arms.
      But my legs can’t move... my strength has run out. My eyes are watering, my voice is trembling a little...
      I heard her asking yesterday: “Give me, Lord, some more time to live!”
      My mother is sick. She can’t sleep at night. All dreams ended long ago.
      He lies and waits: suddenly a nimble tit will knock on the window with its beak in the morning.
      I’ll light the candles: help her, God, add health to her and my strength.
      Let mom become at least a little younger. And we have enough wisdom for two.
      I am a mother myself. I won’t hide it from anyone - I can be both unbearable and harsh.
      And I know that sometimes offensive epithets fly off the tongue.
      Of course, not out of malice, but out of frustration, I can say unnecessary words...
      Don't be offended, sons, don't! Forgiving is sometimes easier than understanding.
      And you, dear, smile bravely! Look, spring is on the way again!
      Live longer! You know, it’s so important for us
      That grandmother and mother are next to us!

      "Dance with a Stroller"

      7 petal All together: Fly, fly petal

      Through joy and delight.

      Just touch your hand -

      Give our mother a gift!

    • A special day, bright and clear,

      Autumn has found a golden day.

      "Mother's Day" - it sounds so beautiful,

      She brought dear guests to us!

      Mom is warmth and tenderness!

      Mom, I feel your hands.

      Mom is the wind of hope and freshness,

      Like the tread of spring in autumn!

      Remember this is the kindest person!

      Be grateful to mommy

      Cherish and take care of her,

      Give her a holiday gift with tenderness!

      The children made a gift with palms and a heart inside.

      You will give these hearts to your loved ones and dear mothers as a sign of your gratitude and love.

      And to our gifts we will add a few more warm words (watching a video).

    • Dear mom! I want to hug you tightly and kiss you on both cheeks.

    • Tell us how wonderful you are and how good it is that you exist, ready to help and give wise, practical advice!

    • Mom, you are like a kind queen and a fairy fairy, giving us your smiles and kind words.

    • Your hands are always the most tender. Your voice is always the softest. Mom, be happy and healthy.

    • My dear mom! There are not enough words in all the dictionaries in the world for me to express how much I love you!

    • Thank you for your caring hands, which always caress and...deliciously feed you.

    • Thank you for your kind heart, which forgives all insults.

    • Mommy, happy holiday to you!
      Health, happiness and good luck,
      And if something is wrong, forgive me
      You mean so much to me!

    • Mommy, mommy, dear mommy,
      It’s brighter to live in this world with you,
      I wish you from the bottom of my heart today
      Worry less, don’t be sad.

    • Only mom knows for sure
      Whether I'm feeling good or bad
      On this day I wish my mother
      May all the bad things pass!

    • From my first breath to this day, there is no person dearer and closer than you, mom!

    • This holiday is just a reason to tell you what I feel every day: I love you more than anyone on Earth!

    • Be beautiful, young
      Don't get sick with a cold!
      I promise to upset you
      I never will!

    • Leading: Here it is underwalks the end of our holiday. I think you liked it because it was dedicated to yourself dear person- to mom!

      Ved.:- Our dear mothers, on this day the guys want to make you a promise.
    • Studying: We promise! (in chorus)

      Don't make noise, don't play around, don't shout, don't tumble.

      And don’t be stubborn with dear mothers.

      Our promise to you is to save you the hassle.

      But, of course, we are not making a promise to you for a year.

      Not for an hour. For two minutes, two minutes of silence, peace and quiet.

      Mothers should all understand what this is.

      Don't interfere for two minutes, don't shout for two minutes.

      Don't swing your legs. Try it yourself!

      Leading: Being a mother of girls, of course, is not the same: there are dolls, dishes, a hospital. Lotto…
      There are fluffy dresses and braids down to the toes... but God gave you and me guys.
      My house is decorated not with vases of roses, but with a cyborg killer. What did your son bring?
      Having found him in a puddle near his native house,
      I cleaned it, washed it and now it’s like new...
      No, it's not trash, and don't you dare clean it up!
      Do you want to destroy a military base???
      Do you want to demolish an airplane hangar???
      Come to your senses, woman! This is a nightmare!!!
      You will lead the tin soldiers into battle.
      Be daring and brave, don't take a step back!!
      So, go in from the flank and hit with artillery!
      If you don’t know what it is, ask your sons!
      You will learn all car brands with them,
      And they will become bigger - all types of their tires.
      They will grow up and enlighten you,
      How do the starter, cardan and jack work...
      Without them you might not know anything -
      Why do you need a jigsaw? Should I kiss?
      Why do we need a vice? Maybe squeeze someone?
      Bearings - what are they? Something with spikes?
      There is so much that could have passed by...

      • Leading:

        Take care of your children

        Don't scold them for their pranks.

        The evil of your bad days

        Never take it out on them.

        Don't be seriously angry with them

        Even if they did something wrong,

        There is nothing more expensive than tears

        That the eyelashes of relatives have rolled off.

        If you feel tired

        I can’t cope with her,

        Well, my son will come to you

        Or your daughter will extend her hands.

        Hug them tight

        Treasure children's affection

        This happiness is a short moment,

        Hurry up to be happy.

        After all, they will melt like snow in the spring,

        These golden days will flash by

        And they will leave their native hearth

        Your children have grown up.

        Flipping through the album

        With childhood photographs

        Remember with sadness the past

        About those days when we were together.

        How will you want

        Return again at this time

        To sing a song to them little ones,

        Touch your cheeks with gentle lips.

        And while there is children's laughter in the house,

        There's no escape from toys

        You are the happiest person in the world,

        Please take care of your childhood!

      • Final song “We wish you happiness”

      • TLyrics of the song “Mom, always be by my side”

        I kiss your hands, my dear

        You are the most tender in the world, I know for sure

        There is no one more precious in the world than you, in my heart you are

        Hold me tight, I want to warm you up!

      • CHORUS:

        Mom, always be by my side!

        Mom, don't be sad!

        Do you hear, mom, always be by my side!

        Mom, I don’t need more!

        Mom, don't be sad!

        And forgive me for everything, mommy!

      • Only you will always support and reassure

        And you will protect me from envy and anger.

        I love you, you are an angel, I live by you.

        I kiss your hands with gratitude.


        (verses 12 measures):

        Light in the window, we are together,

        The soul is light.

        Dear Mommy, how warm it is to be with you!

        I pray at night that you live

        May you be healthy, mommy!

        My mom gave me life!

        I love you more than anyone in the world!

Script for Mother's Day

Music sounds. The curtain is closed. The hall is dark.

How many stars are there in the clear sky!
How many ears of corn are there in the fields!
How many songs does the bird have!
How many leaves are there on the branches?
Only the sun is the only one in the world
Only mother is alone in the world.

The curtain opens. The children stand and say in turn:
1. My favorite.
2. Kind.
3. Sweetheart.
4. Tender.
5. Beautiful.
6. Wonderful.
7. Beautiful.
8. The coolest.
9. The only one.
10. Unique.
11. The most patient.
12. Dear mom.
13. You are the only one.
All: happy holiday to you!!!

Presenter 1:
Good afternoon, dear friends!

Presenter 2:
Hello! Today we celebrate big holiday
Mother's Day! In Rus', the mother has always been revered - the guardian of the clan, family, and home. Everyone is close and understandable to the words about the holiness of the mother who gave life, about the need for a careful, loving, respectful attitude towards her.
We can consider today a truly good day, because it gave us a meeting with you, which does not happen so often. And in honor of the national holiday - Mother's Day - we honor women-mothers, whose tireless work ensures the future.

I believe that a woman is
An earthly miracle?
What on the Milky Way
Can't find
And if a woman-
Holy word
That is thrice sacred -
"Woman - Mother."

Presenter 2:
The word for greetings is given to the head
number thin Amateur activities)

Mother! The most beautiful word on earth. This is the first word that
It is pronounced by a person, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages.
Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands - they can do everything. At mom's
The most faithful and sensitive heart - love never fades in it,
It does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are
Whether you are five or fifty years old, you always need your mother, her affection, her gaze.
And the greater your love for your mother, the happier and brighter her
Dear women, we congratulate you on your holiday. We wish you. excellent health, much happiness to you and your children.
This musical gift for you!
number thin Amateur activities)

Presenter 1:
It's November. And suddenly we are talking about mom. This topic usually appears in the spring. Why are we talking about her today?
During the war, in 1944, when the country knew that Victory was coming soon, that it was necessary to heal the most terrible wound - the loss of fallen soldiers and citizens killed by the Nazis, the Order of the Mother Heroine was established. On November 1, it was presented to Anna Aleksakhina, a resident of the Moscow region. In 1998 State Duma adopted a Decree establishing Mother's Day, which they decided to celebrate on the last Sunday of November. A woman - a mother - creates a world in which the mind lives in harmony with the heart. Let the new holiday date on the Russian calendar - Mother's Day - become a particularly domestic and national holiday.

We have many wonderful women and mothers visiting us.
And I want to talk about amazing families. Families raising three or more children.

Presenter 1: Judge for yourself: scientists have calculated that a woman raising two children and a husband does the work of an entire consumer services plant in a year. Is it two children, or three, four?
Presenter 2: (lists large families)

Presenter 1:
Family is joy, it is mutual understanding and support, it is shelter, warm and dear, it is the reliable shoulder of the father and the surprisingly kind gentle hands of the mother. Thank you for your generous motherly heart. And this musical gift is for you!
number thin Amateur activities)

“Mom got sick”

A hacking cough sounds at night
An old woman fell ill
She has been in our apartment for many years
She lived alone in the room.

There were letters, but very rarely
And then, without noticing us,
She kept walking and whispering: “Children,
You should get together with me at least once.

Your mother bent over and turned grey.
Well, what can you do, old age has come.
How nice we would have been
Next to our table.
You walked under this table,
On holiday they sang until dawn,
And now they have left, sailed away,
They flew away, so collect them!”

Mom got sick that same night
The telegraph never tired of shouting:
“Children, urgently, children, very urgently
Come, my mother is sick!”

From Odessa, Tallinn, Igarka,
Postponing matters until time,
The children have gathered, but it’s just a pity
At the bedside, not at the table.

Stroked wrinkled hands,
Light, silver strand.
Why did you give separation
How long will it take to come between you?

Mother waited for you in the rain and snow,
In the painful sleepless nights
Should we wait for grief?
To come to your mother?

Is it really just telegrams?
They brought you to the fast trains?!
“Listen, while you have a mother,
Come to her without telegrams!”

Presenter 2:
Mom, mommy... How much warmth this little word conceals, which names the dearest, closest, only person. Mother's love warms us until old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us.
Appreciate your mothers, give them moments of joy, be caring and always remember that we are all indebted to them.

Presenter 1:
We bow to you, great workers of the earth, who give everything and demand nothing in return. We bow to you, guardians of our hearths, our memory.
Mother and child are two inextricable threads in both trouble and joy. And now your children congratulate all mothers on Mother’s Day.
number thin Amateur activities)

Presenter 2:
: We must remember that the bright image of the mother was necessary during the war years, that he saved then, that he helps now and that he will be needed in the future... forever!

Presenter 1:
This is the man who gave us life, taught us everything. So let's not forget this. Go up to your mothers more often and tell them about your love, so that later you don’t scold yourself for not talking about it so little.

Presenter 2:
In world art, the image of the mother is captured not only in words, but also in colors.
And when we talk about a woman, about the Mother, the Madonna appears before our eyes.
Madonna, Virgin Mary, Mother of God, Mother of God, Mother of God - in Christian religious and mythological ideas, this is the earthly mother of Jesus Christ, it was she who was to give birth to a holy son from the spirit, doomed by the dignity of the messiah.
The Madonna is always depicted with her child.
The beauty embodied in Madonnas and in the plump bodies of babies is the masters’ reflection on the image of a mother, on her deep love for her son, translated by them into the language of painting.
number thin Amateur activities)

Presenter 1:
The mother not only does not get enough sleep at night, she worries and worries so that the child is well-fed, healthy, cheerful, and happy. Mother is the window to big world. She helps the child understand the beauty of the world: the forest and the sky, the moon and the sun, clouds and stars... These beauty lessons are for life...
- Son! Wake up, the first snow has fallen!
- Daughter! Look, the snowdrop has bloomed!
Mother is the miracle of the world. With her endless readiness for self-sacrifice, she instills in the child a feeling of reliability and security.

Presenter 2:
Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything.
Our mothers can do everything in the world - they just don’t know how not to grow old!
Mom has the most loyal and sensitive heart; it does not remain indifferent to anything.
And no matter how old you are, you always need your mother, her affection, her gaze. And the greater your love for your mother, the happier and brighter your life.

Presenter 1:
Mommy is sweet, kind, nice!
I have you - this is the most important thing!
Please accept congratulations on Mother's Day:
Health and happiness, success in everything!

Presenter 2:
Mom, the best in the world,
I want to wish you good luck!
You are an advisor!
You're a friend
And sometimes even a doctor.
May there be a supply of vigor
Increasing every hour
Let fate shower the house
Only happiness and goodness!
number thin Amateur activities)

Presenter 1:
Wherever the rush of events takes you,
Wherever it attracts you into its whirlpool,
Take care of your mother more than your eyes
From grievances, from hardships and worries

Presenter 2:
Our dear mothers! We once again sincerely congratulate you on the holiday! May each of us show warmth and attention to our mothers on this day, may there be peace and comfort in your homes, and may children grow up kind, attentive and generous! Happy holiday!

Presenter 1:
We wish you happiness, success,
God bless you and fate.
Let the sounds of children's laughter
They always ring in your house.

Everyone sings a song

Script for Mother's Day

Presenter 1: Oh woman, you are beautiful
We bow our heads before you.
You are Mother, and life, and a symbol of beauty,
You are everything that is incredibly close to us...
Presenter 2: You are pain and joy, sorrow and success,
You are the most beautiful of all creations.
We bring you a wreath of poems -
Mommy! You are above everyone!
Presenter 1: Good afternoon, our dear, dear, our affectionate and gentle ones!
Presenter 2: Good afternoon, our dear and beloved mothers and grandmothers. Today we give these beautiful and warm words to you.

Presentation with music

Presenter 1: Today we celebrate a big holiday -
Mother's Day! In Rus', the mother has always been revered - the guardian of the clan, family, and home. Everyone is close and understandable to the words about the holiness of the mother who gave life, about the need for a careful, loving, respectful attitude towards her.
We can consider today a truly good day, because it gave us a meeting with you, which does not happen so often. And in honor of the national holiday - Mother's Day - we honor women-mothers, whose tireless work ensures the future.
Presenter 2:
I believe that a woman is
An earthly miracle?
What on the Milky Way
Can't find
And if a woman-
Holy word
That is thrice sacred -
"Woman - Mother."
Presenter 1: A word of congratulationsThe group "Rainbow" is given the song "Mom is the best in the world."
Presenter 2: Vazhnina Daria, a poem of her own composition “Mom”.

Presenter 1: Mother! The most beautiful word on earth. This is the first word that
It is pronounced by a person, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages.
Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands - they can do everything. At mom's
The most faithful and sensitive heart - love never fades in it,
It does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are
Whether you are five or fifty years old, you always need your mother, her affection, her gaze.
And the greater your love for your mother, the happier and brighter her
Dear women, we congratulate you on your holiday. We wish you. excellent health, much happiness to you and your children.
This musical gift is for you!

Group "Nevolyashki" with the song "Grandmother the Sorceress"

Presenter 1:
It's November. And suddenly we are talking about mom. This topic usually appears in the spring. Why are we talking about her today?
During the war, in 1944, when the country knew that Victory was coming soon, that it was necessary to heal the most terrible wound - the loss of fallen soldiers and citizens killed by the Nazis, the Order of the Mother Heroine was established. On November 1, it was presented to Anna Aleksakhina, a resident of the Moscow region. In 1998, the State Duma adopted a Decree establishing Mother's Day, which they decided to celebrate on the last Sunday of November. A woman - a mother - creates a world in which the mind lives in harmony with the heart. Let the new holiday date on the Russian calendar - Mother's Day - become a particularly home holiday.

Katya Zyryanova will read the poem “Take care of your mothers”

We have many wonderful women and mothers visiting us.
And I want to talk about amazing families. Families raising three or more children.

Presenter1: Judge for yourself: scientists have calculated that a woman raising two children and a husband does the work of an entire consumer services plant in a year. Is it two children, or three, four?
Presenter 2: Large families of our school:
Ognev family

Ponomarev family

Nogaitsev family

2 Kazantsev families

Lyadov family

Voroshin family

Gusev family

Lebedev family

Shadrin family

Sukhoverkov family

Vazhnin family

Likhanov family

Zakharyev family

Pakhotin family


Mothers and daughters of God with many children!

You are the beauties of the world and the joy of heaven!

Smile sweetly and look sternly,

Preserving the peace of children's hearts.

Vazhnina Daria with the song “I don’t notice toys”

Presenter 1:
Family is joy, it is mutual understanding and support, it is shelter, warm and dear, it is the reliable shoulder of the father and the surprisingly kind gentle hands of the mother. Thank you for your generous motherly heart. And this musical gift is for you!

Presenter 2:
Mom, mommy... How much warmth this little word conceals, which names the dearest, closest, only person. Mother's love warms us until old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us.
Appreciate your mothers, give them moments of joy, be caring and always remember that we are all indebted to them.

Marina Likhanova will read the poem “Mom”

Mini-skit performed by 6th grade “Robot”

Presenter 1 :
We bow to you, great workers of the earth, who give everything and demand nothing in return. We bow to you, guardians of our hearths, our memory.
Mother and child are two inextricable threads in both trouble and joy. And now all mothers are congratulated on Mother's Day
group “Solnyshko” with the song “The Most Good”

Presenter 2:
We must remember that the bright image of the mother was necessary during the war years, that he saved then, that he helps now and that he will be needed in the future... forever!

Presenter 1:
This is the man who gave us life, taught us everything. So let's not forget this. Go up to your mothers more often and tell them about your love, so that later you don’t scold yourself for not talking about it so little.

Anya Bulatova poem “Mom”

Group “Smile” with the song “Dear Grandma”

Presenter 2:
In world art, the image of the mother is captured not only in words, but also in colors.
And when we talk about a woman, about the Mother, the Madonna appears before our eyes.
Madonna, Virgin Mary, Mother of God, Mother of God, Mother of God - in Christian religious and mythological ideas, this is the earthly mother of Jesus Christ, it was she who was to give birth to a holy son from the spirit, doomed by the dignity of the messiah.
The Madonna is always depicted with her child.
The beauty embodied in Madonnas and in the plump bodies of babies is the masters’ reflection on the image of a mother, on her deep love for her son, translated by them into the language of painting.

Alyosha Klimov and Igor Popov “Dedicated to mothers”

Presenter 1:
The mother not only does not get enough sleep at night, she worries and worries so that the child is well-fed, healthy, cheerful, and happy. Mother is a window to the big world. She helps the child understand the beauty of the world: the forest and the sky, the moon and the sun, clouds and stars... These beauty lessons are for life...

Students of the 4th grade “Gymnastic etude”

Presenter 1:
Mommy is sweet, kind, nice!
I have you - this is the most important thing!
Please accept congratulations on Mother's Day:
Health and happiness, success in everything!

11th grade skit “What kind of children are these days, really?”

Presenter 2:
Mom, the best in the world,
I want to wish you good luck!
You are an advisor!
You're a friend
And sometimes even a doctor.

Presenter 1:
May there be a supply of vigor
Increasing every hour
Let fate shower the house
Only happiness and goodness!

6th grade mini skit “Mom and Son”

Presenter 2:

Mother! Who is dearer than her?

Mother! She has spring in her eyes!

Mother! The kindest on earth.

Mother! Gives fairy tales, gives laughter.

Presenter 1:

Mother! Sometimes it makes us sad,

Mother! He will regret and forgive!

Mother! There is light in this word of the sun!

Mother! There is no better word in the world!

Mother! The song flows like a stream!

Mother! We are singing about her!

Accept a musical gift from us9th grade with the song “Mom”

Presenter 2: If you want to make your mom the most happy man, act in such a way that she is happy and can proudly say: “You know what good children I have!”

-Dear mothers!

Happy Mother's Day.
Many nights passed without sleep,
There are countless worries and worries.
Bow to you all dear mothers
For the fact that you exist in the world!

Presenter 2: Our holiday is over. Dear women! May your home always be decorated with comfort, prosperity, love and happiness!

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