Comfort in the house with your own hands. How to create coziness in a house or apartment: creating comfort and home warmth Cozy home renovation

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Coming home and getting into an atmosphere of comfort and warmth is the natural desire and right of any person. It’s wonderful when harmony and joy reign in the apartment, and when loved ones and relatives greet you on the doorstep. Sometimes some little things are missing for complete happiness. This means it’s time to think about how to create comfort in the apartment, give the interior a certain style, and add those details that will turn the house into a “full bowl.”


First of all, a cozy apartment is clean apartment, where there is no room for chaos. Disorder is only acceptable in an artist's studio. Sometimes, to create comfort in an apartment with your own hands, it’s enough just to do some general cleaning. This activity is not for everyone, but the result of the effort is worth it. You can often see real chaos even in your own home. Don't be scared and give up. You need to act like this.

  • First of all, it is recommended to conduct an audit and get rid of unnecessary things. The junk that lies like a dead weight not only takes up precious square meters, but also creates a lot of inconvenience. Clothes and shoes that have not been worn for a long time, faulty Appliances, papers, boxes, etc. are “killers” of comfort.
  • The face of a cozy apartment is the kitchen. If it does not shine clean, but originated in the refrigerator new life, you have to roll up your sleeves and bring everything to shine.
  • Well-maintained plumbing fixtures, polished faucets and a splash-free mirror - that’s what’s nice to see when tidying up in the morning.
  • Wardrobes and chests of drawers crammed to capacity with crumpled items deprive their owners of the opportunity to quickly find a clean pair of socks. It's great to open a door or pull out a drawer and find neat stacks of clothes and ironed shirts on hangers.
  • People spend a significant part of their lives in bed. Fresh bed sheets, soft pillows and a light blanket are a well-deserved reward at the end of each day.
  • The hallway, the floor of which is filled with shoes for different seasons, is not pleasing to the eye. It is better to keep each pair in a separate box and take it out according to the time of year.

Having finished once and for all with the accumulated mess, maintaining cleanliness will become very simple, because ordinary wet cleaning does not take much time.


Major renovations and buying new furniture are not affordable for everyone. Yes, this is not necessary! If the condition of the walls, floors and plumbing is not critical, it is quite possible to get by inexpensively cosmetic repairs. Today's market building materials pleases customers with such a rich assortment of products that it will not be difficult to choose inexpensive wallpaper and paint to update the room and furniture.

Color, texture, style are a matter of taste. It is important that the renovation is done carefully, environmentally friendly, and that the selected shades are in harmony and not “arguing” with each other. Of course, create comfort in new apartment much easier than remodeling the interior of an old one: you don’t need to remove old wallpaper and paint, or move furniture. But how nice it is to refresh your favorite home, make it play with new colors! Recommendations:

  • for painting ceilings and walls in the bathroom and kitchen, acrylic-based water-dispersion paint is perfect; it allows moisture to pass through well, is resistant to abrasion and looks great even on an imperfect surface;
  • before you start wallpapering, it is advisable to prime the wall; this will reduce glue consumption and ensure reliable adhesion of the material to the plane;
  • When painting cast iron heating radiators, it is better to use good old oil paint - it has excellent anti-corrosion properties and costs mere pennies.

When the walls and ceilings shine with newness, it’s time to move on to the next stage of creating a cozy atmosphere in the house. To do this you will have to use your imagination and be creative.


Little things are what life actually consists of. Pleasant ones lift your spirits, while all others irritate. Trying to surround ourselves with cute objects, we create comfort in the house with our own hands.

  • Houseplants. Nothing brings life to an apartment more than well-groomed flowers in beautiful flowerpots. It doesn’t matter what kind, flowering or just greenery, they please the eye and decorate the house, and even clean the air in the room, saturating it with oxygen. If you have no experience in caring for flowers, you can always purchase cute and unpretentious plants by asking the seller for advice.
  • Coziness in a relaxation room is often associated with a plump sofa or deep chair and a soft blanket. Why not get a rocking chair? Place a small table nearby, a bowl of fruit and a few good books.
  • Home clothes and shoes. Let it be not only comfortable and pleasant to the touch, but also new and beautiful. Cast-offs belong in the trash can.
  • Dishes for every day. Are you used to taking out the ceremonial plates before your guests arrive? Down with this relic of the past! The habit of beautifully setting the table will make even ordinary pasta tastier and life more elegant.
  • Paintings, panels, photographs in frames. Let your favorite faces smile at you from the walls, let beautiful landscapes inspire you, and let your own handmade make you proud.

When planning how to create comfort in your home, you should pay maximum attention to all these little things, because they will surround you every day of your life.

The scent of comfort

Sometimes, when you walk into someone's house, you smell an unpleasant odor. It doesn't matter what it is - cigarettes, stale food or an uncleaned hamster cage. I want to leave the room as soon as possible.

Important: the house must be ventilated every day!

Fresh air not only displaces unpleasant odors, but also improves well-being and reduces fatigue. Here are the available products that create a wonderful aroma in the rooms:

  • Cinnamon is good for the kitchen - it smells amazing and very cozy;
  • in the bedroom, orange or lemon peels, crushed and placed in a sachet, will be useful;
  • In the living room you can put a vase with coffee beans.

It is better not to use chemical air fresheners, especially if there are children in the house. And the most important cozy aroma is the smell of cleanliness and delicious home-cooked food. Everyone loves him.

Not enough space?

Alas, not everyone is lucky enough to have a spacious living space. But also in one-room apartment you can feel comfortable! In this case, it is very important to properly organize the space in the room.

The basic rules are:

  • Nothing extra! Donate, sell or throw away anything you don't use regularly! An exception may be repair tools.
  • Invest in a tall, spacious closet. It may cost a pretty penny, but its depths will fit your entire wardrobe and even shoes.
  • The sleeping place should be foldable, turning into a compact sofa during the day.

All this will help you win a few extra (or necessary) square meters. But you can visually enlarge the room like this:

  • use light colors for decoration;
  • make sure that the ceiling is perfectly smooth and white;
  • paint window frames in white;
  • leave minimal decorations on the walls;
  • do not overload the interior with details;
  • Don't keep things in sight that can be put away.

Designers, when deciding how to create comfort in a small apartment, suggest using mirrors. Instances with patterns deserve special attention. Patterns created by craftsmen on mirror surface, make this essential household item a luxurious interior decoration.

Floor to ceiling mirror in wooden frame"antique" or framed indoor plants can completely transform even the smallest room, giving it depth. Attention! The mirror must be perfectly clean; splashes and stains kill all the magic.

How smaller room, the more carefully it should be removed. And to create comfort there is one more technique.


It was invented so that even in a small room there would be room for at least two. Division into zones is not the construction of additional walls. Most often it is conditional, but this method works perfectly.

  • The most common method is decorative finishing walls in different colors, using different textures in order to delineate the boundaries between zones of one room. For example, in a common living room there may be several functional zones: working ( computer desk, office chair), relaxation area (sofa, bookcase), playroom (soft rug and toy box).
  • Lightweight folding accordion screens are sometimes used. With their help, you can define the boundaries more clearly, but such devices still take up space.
  • Interesting design solution- screen made of beads. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to buy something like this, but you can make it yourself or order it from a craftsman. A unique author's item will come out. Long nylon threads studded with transparent or colored (or different) beads look luxurious.


It’s not for nothing that they are called the eyes of the house. Clean glass, freshly painted or new frames are only half the battle. Curtains are of enormous importance. They must be clean and perfectly ironed, unless “wrinkled” fabric is used according to the design intent.

Floor-to-ceiling and wall-to-wall curtains visually expand the room. The effect is enhanced if a light tone is selected that is in harmony with the overall color scheme premises.


An elegant chandelier in the living room, an elegant floor lamp near the sofa, a nice lampshade in the kitchen or original multifunctional lighting throughout the apartment - all this can become a highlight in the interior of your apartment.

Comfort in the home is the fruit of care and work. The chic shine of a hotel suite and someone else's luxury always fade against the background of the sweet simplicity of a well-groomed home.

Comfort is defined as the quality of the living environment. This is accurate, but too dry. Creating comfort at home means breathing soul into it. It's vague, but truer. No one ever says or writes: make it cozy or build comfort. Souls are different, and similar souls also want to express themselves materially, in things and objects, in different ways, otherwise they would not be souls, but programs. In this article we will look at how to create comfort with and for the soul.

In the beginning it was... design. Comfort in the interior is created according to the principle: we carefully, perhaps for a long time, think through everything to the end, and implement it in things slowly, piece by piece. Comfort is created not only for yourself. If you do everything planned at once, your family and guests will experience something like a culture shock, and what is truly cozy will never seem that way to them again - they will not perceive it as a subcortex.

When thinking within yourself, you need to be even more careful and as concise as possible. Let's imagine that comfort is developed by a computer program. There is one thing that creates comfort; it needs another one that is in harmony with the first. The third item must be included in the ensemble three times so as not to disrupt the interaction of the first two. The fourth must be coordinated 6 times already: it should not only be in harmony with the first 3 separately, but also not destroy the coordination of 3 pairs: 1-2, 1-3 and 2-3. As the material expression of a plan expands, the number of necessary approvals grows so rapidly that no amount of analytical abilities or computational means are enough to bring the plan even to a sketch. Therefore, comfort in an apartment is thought out intuitively, and this requires a lot of time, trial and error, thinking and rethinking. Finally, just a suitable mood and physical condition: best ideas creations of comfort come in dreams.

Note: at one time D.I. Mendeleev found himself in a similar situation. Chemists for centuries have been trying to find some kind of order in the world. chemical elements and they were completely desperate. Dmitry Ivanovich also puzzled over this, for a long time and without success. And then suddenly the periodic system of elements, in which a successful schoolchild is now freely oriented, Mendeleev... simply dreamed of it, all that was left was to jump up and write it down.

The comfort of the entire house is also thought out step by step. They start with the living room or the most significant room, it could even be the kitchen. For a bachelor-intellectual, this will most likely be an office, for an artist a studio, and for a woman leading a free lifestyle, it is most natural to start creating general comfort from the boudoir or bedroom. When the comfort in the room, so to speak, of the first rank, is embodied in things and properly appreciated by home or visitors, they begin to think about the next most important room, etc. In general, there will be enough work for years, but it is a rewarding occupation, and in terms of its beneficial effects on health, psyche and appearance he has few competitors. The results of this approach, coming out of diligent minds and hands, are simply amazing, see Fig., it doesn’t matter whether the work was done by a professional or an amateur.

Note: In a one-room apartment or studio apartment, comfort is created gradually by zones, as in a house by rooms.

What not to do

In a complex business it is difficult to avoid mistakes, and creating comfort is no exception. The first thing you need to follow when thinking about how to create comfort in a room is not to make it small or flicker. And after all, they buy potatoes by weight, but how many potatoes there will be, that depends.

Here, for example, on the left in Fig. - the most typical, even under glass and in a museum, interior in a fashionable shabby chic style. Formally, from the point of view of how designers are taught, everything is correct. And the room is not small. But even the owners here need to walk carefully, so as not to catch something and knock it over. What kind of comfort can there be in cramped circumstances? It's like the freedom of a bankrupt. And most importantly, everything clutters each other. In order for there to be comfort in the house, you need some kind of idea, a super task, a connecting rod. In the author’s thoughts, something similar, if it existed, was lost in things. Do not forget: comfort is a material expression of the movements of the soul, and things have their own properties and things require appropriate treatment.

The example in the center in Fig. - a case when there was no single basis for the interior in thoughts. A living illustration of the saying: we wanted the best, but it turned out as always. We wanted comfort - what we got was a bunch of rubbish. Example on the right in Fig. – the approach was the opposite, too purposeful and tied to one subject, fixated on it. Specifically, on the coffee table. The table is excellent, but it clearly doesn’t fit into this interior. And only because of too light varnish and slanted legs. But everything else is correct (see below): light, a contrasting spot, trinkets, pillows, elements of chaos, even a wicker pouf.

How to

But what and how should you do to create comfort with your own hands? An inveterate idealist will not deny that the soul needs not only a material container, but also a material basis for existence outside it. So comfort is created first of all on the basis of weighty, rough, visible primary material factors, and only then the decor is thought out and embodied in things that directly create comfort; This, so to speak, is already materialism of the highest order.


The primary basics of comfort are simple:

  • Natural light.
  • Fresh air.
  • Hygiene.

Why is clear. If the house is damp, stuffy, cold or hot, dusty to the point of sneezing, then no cute little things will create a comfortable living environment. Ideas for creating coziness are appropriate after proper physical comfort has been achieved and consistently maintained, including regular cleaning and maintenance of furniture. And also for cute little things, remember this when considering their quantity and estimating their properties.

Natural light is especially important; it kills germs. Pathogenic bacteria survive on average 1.6 hours in the dark; on a scattered sunlight 15 minutes, and on a straight line most of them die instantly. The average, again, for many types of diseases, infection time is 35 minutes. No explanation required.

Air temperature and humidity are of particular importance. The atmosphere of comfort is not a metaphor: excessively dry or steamy air in the house aggravates the effect of all other harmful factors on people and simply spoils the things that create comfort. It is quite simple to increase air humidity, for example, by using trays of water on heating radiators. But reducing it is much more difficult. If the dampness is small and occurs periodically, you need to introduce more wooden things into the interior (MDF is also good) and/or line the walls at least partially with soft natural stone: limestone, dolomite, sandstone, shale. All these materials will be accumulators of water vapor, absorbing their excess and releasing it when there is a lack of moisture in the air. If the house is very damp, then complex and expensive technical measures may be required: site drainage, warm basement, supply and exhaust ventilation.

Note: There are an order of magnitude fewer problems with air humidity in houses with stove heating and fireplaces. Keep this in mind, especially since the fireplace itself is a powerful means of creating coziness.


The basis of interior decor, the very core on which it rests home comfort- room decoration style. Most interior styles can be animated without problems, but there are also difficult ones: if the designer or you yourself missed the mark initially, it will not be easy to breathe soul into them with material additives.

The first of these are the styles of shabby chic, Provence, haberdashery and Russian bourgeois. They express the owners’ commitment to simple, ordinary life without any heavenly soarings. Everyday routine is boring and it is impossible to cope with boredom with feigned gaiety or a far-fetched hobby. However, creating a feeling of comfort in the interior of a “down-to-earth” style is actually simple: an open bookcase or shelving unit, several works of object art, meaningful photographs or paintings - and that’s it, there is a coziness, a pose. 1 in Fig. Yes, I (we, mine, mine) like it that way, but we are not such ordinary people.

Just don’t overdo it either quantitatively or qualitatively, especially with books: with “petty” styles it’s easy to get caught up in flickering, and their monumentality spoils them. For example, an encyclopedia and “World History” in dark calico bindings should be kept in the library or closed closet. “Library of World Literature” in light dust jackets, but 190 volumes in this case is too much. “The Life of Animals” and “The Life of Plants” in light, bright dust jackets, there are not many volumes here and there, but these are special monographs. But 5 volumes of Vasari’s Lives in solid, light covers with patterns will only add respect to the owners: anyone can read them, plus interesting illustrations.

It is more difficult to create coziness in an Art Deco interior: this style is designed to emphasize the ambitions of the owners. You can establish your reputation without being snobbish and puffed up like a boyar with objects that create comfort and cause admiration in themselves: an expensive fireplace (item 2), a round sculpture, antiques. It’s easier if Art Deco is a “closed” variety: they say, this is my cave, but otherwise I’m a normal guy. In such an interior, comfort is created quite simply in the usual ways (see below): contrasting spots (colored panel and light sofa in position 3), elements of controlled disorder (zebra rug there).

The high-tech style is also difficult to animate: it expresses the desire for a Spartan lifestyle and disdain for all sorts of frills. An ordinary, “normal” high-tech tree will revive one fairly tall, but slender, not spreading or dense indoor tree (pos. 4). In a “good”, monochromatic, light-colored high-tech, the main plant can be thicker and more magnificent, and in addition there are 1-2 more; The element of chaos below is not forbidden, for example. rug that contrasts with the overall tone irregular shape(pos. 5). But one, and only one, animating plant in “evil” high-tech, with glossy sparkling planes and colored lighting (pos. 6) should be selected by an experienced designer at the interior design stage. However, those who can afford high-tech technology have no problems paying a high-end designer.

Note: For more information on using plants to create coziness, see below.

General color

A good way to achieve comfort simply and inexpensively is to completely abandon the design style as such, but organize the interior according to the rules of general color. There are many different ones; It will be easier for an amateur to start with the seasons. For example, in middle lane and to the south the autumn interior will be pleasant, on the left in Fig. Autumn time is the charm of the eyes, a time of abundance and preparation for winter holidays. The highlight here is not only in the overall color scheme, but also in the pillows (see also below): on the sofa they imitate dense leaf fall, and those in the chairs imitate small fallen leaves on the ground. An original contrast arises.

Interiors “Seasons”

The spring interior (in the center) will please the eye and provide peace in places to the north. Green curtains, if for some reason they turn out to be out of place, can be pulled apart. But the “summer” interior (on the right) will create coziness in housing in the Arctic Circle: artificial trees also look appropriate in it with round-the-clock artificial lighting. Construction principle: everything is in moderately bright warm colors, in which the green crowns of the trees stand out.

Ideas and things

Methods of material embodiment of ideas for creating comfort include not only things as such, but also other material manifestations of nature and spirituality:

  1. light and color, light and color contrasts;
  2. combustion heating devices;
  3. functional interior elements - everyday items;
  4. furniture;
  5. elements of organized chaos;
  6. intellectual means – information carriers;
  7. trinkets;
  8. living sources of comfort;
  9. antiques and vintage.

At pos. 1 pic. Almost all of the indicated means are presented below, except for the stove or fireplace; you can see how they animate a very strict and laconic interior. Heating devices with a live flame or a fairly skillful imitation of it - an extremely effective means of enlivening a room; the first, with a natural flame from burning fuel, also stabilize the microclimate of the house within optimal limits. But enough has been written about stoves, fireplaces and fireplace stoves in other sources, so this vast, fascinating topic, unfortunately, will have to be ignored here.

Note: Pay attention to the clock too. Little is written about their role in animating an interior, but watches are also a very effective and versatile means of creating coziness. In addition, it is incomparably cheaper and portable.

Colored and light

At pos. 1, the role of pillows as mobile carriers of color spots is also clearly visible, and a spot is at the same time color, contrast, and an element of chaos, without which a living soul is difficult to see, see below. Pillows are easy and/or inexpensive to sew; they can be rearranged as desired or replaced with new ones. Embroidered pillow may be with an image, i.e. become an intellectual expression of the soul, poses. 2. In addition, a pillow can be a carrier of colored spots: in the form of seats and backs of wicker furniture, such a solution is enough to make a large empty room cozy, pos. 3. The pillow also copes well with the role of an element of disorder (see below), so it is not for nothing that it is considered the most accessible means add coziness and comfort to any interior.

In small (in a good sense, i.e. detailed) interiors, soft light colors the role of the pillow stain goes on to a bouquet of flowers (possibly good artificial ones) and wall panels, pos. 4. But in interiors of coldish and darkish tones, the role of the main organizer of comfort shifts from color spots to light. The easiest way to do this is to arrange directional local lighting, however, if it is possible to use natural lighting, you can achieve results that are astonishing in their depth of positive impact.

Take a look at pos. 5. A 10-minute contemplation at sunset, after the day’s hassle and bustle, of a light spot slowly creeping across the sofa, is equivalent in the mental cleansing effect of a 2-hour meditation according to the yoga system or 40-minute relaxation using auto-training methods. The secret here is in the interaction of colors with light: the walls are monochromatic, cold in tone. The sofa is lighter, warmer in tone, motley. The pillows on it are even lighter and warmer, again monochromatic. This is the so-called. rule of contrast flow. It operates at full strength when illuminated by a slowly moving source.

The light spot can also be treacherous. You see that in pos. 6? The blinding glare of polarized light literally kills comfort. All you had to do was install matte laminate or cover the floor with matte varnish. And it would be more comfortable to walk, not so slippery. True, cleaning is more difficult.

Things that are needed in themselves

Functional, i.e. necessary regardless of comfort, interior items are most often used to create color contrast as such. Contrast is both a blur and an element of chaos. Floor and Wall lights In addition, they also provide light spots. True, motionless.


Furniture animates a room with its shape, color and texture. The latter, in turn, is determined by upholstery textiles. The role of fabrics in creating comfort is well known, but we will linger a little on wooden cases furniture.

Wicker furniture is the center of ordered chaos and... accordingly, it breathes the soul into the room with a powerful stream. Depending on the type of weaving wicker furniture fits into any interior, see picture, but it is expensive. Viennese furniture made of bent wood is more affordable, but it does not fit everywhere and “breathes the soul” less well.

Recently, furniture made from bent rods in layers has appeared on sale (bottom right in the figure). It is just as soulful and fits in everywhere as wicker. On sale, such furniture is not cheaper than wicker, but home craftsmen should keep in mind: furniture made from sheet-bent rods turns out beautiful and strong, being made not only from expensive walnut or rattan, but also from calibrated willow or alder rods.

It's reached chaos

One fairly well-known interior designer, having drunk himself among his friends, put it this way: “Comfort is a piece of landfill in the barracks.” The fact is that absolute order is tantamount to complete chaos. Both have nowhere to develop further, and the lack of the possibility of movement is death, soullessness. Therefore, the element of organized disorder is universal remedy creating comfort in any interior.

Note: organized disorder means deliberately created, clean and easily removed.

The simplest ways to bring a piece of chaos into the interior are shown in pos. Fig. 1-3: scattered pillows, a colorful blanket in warm colors on a blue armchair, a black skin rug and an umbrella on the door handle in white rooms. Often the element of chaos is highlighted not only by form, but also by color: the color spot, contrast and form as a piece of chaos complement each other and are in harmony with each other.

A type of controlled chaos is separating dissonance. In this way, you can even turn a corner in a rented apartment into a cozy one. The dissonant surface should then be larger (for example, a screen) and, very preferably, artistically designed, i.e. semantic, informative. The separating dissonance requires a light spot (position 5): remember Hemingway’s story “A Bright Cozy Place”?

All interior design can be built on apparently chaotic dissonances. This is the so-called. boho style; some consider it not a style, but a method. The essence of boho is in dissonant couples, neutralizing their negativity so that comfort remains, just as toxic chlorine and sodium provide beneficial table salt. At pos. 6 you can distinguish at least 7 such pairs both in color and shape. Let's give you a hint: leopard print upholstery on the chair and pillow against gray-bluish walls. A colorful carpet against a lesbian pink sofa. The chair is either Empire or Baroque - against the classic shelving unit. Soft sofa with rounded corners - against a rigid glass table. For the rest, practice it yourself if you want.

Intelligence and soul

Reason is a clearly formed movement of the soul. Works of art and literature are the fruit of the joint work of intellect and spirit, therefore they are capable and should create comfort. Those who claim that books are worthless dust collectors are simply subjects with a pathologically destructively deformed psyche. A personal library of 3-5 thousand volumes in a properly arranged bookcase or on a shelf requires maintenance no more than 2-3 times a year. But in this chapter we will deal only with images and books as sources of comfort: the animating effect of round sculpture, stucco molding and artistic plasticity is the same as that of trinkets, see below.


Classic and generally not strict interiors can be animated without anything, either with easel painting or photographs, but not with printed reproductions of paintings on paper, this is already bad taste. The location is arbitrary. Grouping either by subject or simply by size (item 1 in the figure), it doesn’t matter.

In futuristic-technologically laconic interiors, abstract painting or photography are most often used to create comfort in intelligent ways. In general, there are no problems with abstraction, hang it as you like. Abstract painting is meaningful and expressive no less than realistic painting, but it is easier for mediocrities to imitate abstraction in the eyes of amateurs.

With photographs, as well as engravings, etchings, watercolors, gouache, collections of butterflies, beetles, sea shells, etc. in a clear modern interior it is more difficult. Photos will make the room more comfortable if you hang them in the form of rectangular panels with a symmetrical overall composition, pos. 2 and 3. Pictures must be in the same frames.

Note: try to find it on pos. 2 element of chaos. Look on the left by the window.

It is better to place heterogeneous images in heterogeneous frames and scatter them quasi-chaotically interspersed with functional things, poses. 4. The heterogeneity of the framing should be clearly visible and contrasting (we’ll organize a piece of chaos at once), otherwise it will just turn out to be an uncomfortable mess, as in pos. 5.


Books can animate and make any interior cozy, even without stains, contrasts and pieces of chaos. To do this, they need interaction with the furniture, and the designer needs to adapt the bindings: solid volumes in dark calico - into a monumental interior with solid cabinets; into the lungs modern interiors– shelves with books with light or colored covers, see fig.


Small items for purely decorative purposes are specifically designed to create coziness; they can breathe soul into any room, see fig., even a removable corner or a student dorm. The film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” shows how women decorated the barracks with random trinkets. Homemade trinkets are the most powerful - they contain a piece of your soul. Therefore, it is impossible to overdo it with homemade trinkets to the point of flickering, as with store-bought ones.

Note: According to the method of production and the nature of creating coziness, appliqués on the walls also belong to trinkets, on the right in Fig. But from the point of view of comfort, wall painting is already painting.


Many plants will animate any classic and traditional interior(rustic, country, colonial), pos. 1 and 2 in Fig. Also a large number of plants are appropriate in “naked” styles, such as constructivist minimalism, poses. 3. In modern, laconic interiors, the rule generally applies: the darker the overall color scheme, the fewer, but larger, plants are needed. 4 and 5. If the visible basis of comfort is achieved by spots, contrast and small chaos (zebra pillows and a dissonantly shaped chair in position 6), then one large plant is enough for complete spiritual comfort. In an interior with little contrast, it is better to place a plant with bluish (pos. 7) or striped leaves; it will become a piece of chaos.


The bad thing about plants as sources of comfort is that they tie their owners to the house. If the interior is colorful and playful, then 1-2 small, unpretentious perennials can complete the creation of coziness in it, at the top left in Fig. During your departure, you can entrust them to your friends.

Bonsai have a powerful animating effect in any interior, especially since some of the plants from which they are formed bloom profusely and beautifully. Bonsais require daily care, but there are specialized companies that provide such services to absent owners; Bonsais can be given to them during the holidays. It is not cheap, but bonsai are generally a pleasure for the wealthy or very patient: growing from seed and forming a bonsai takes many years and decades.


Succulents (succulent, in Russian) include cacti, aloe, crassula, stone plants (aizoonaceae), haworthia, echeveria, etc. In living rooms, especially with children and pets, you should not have euphorbias (succulent euphorbias), they filled with caustic poisonous juice. At the end of the first film, “The Gods Must Be Crazy,” there is an episode where a dangerous armed terrorist was neutralized with drops of euphorbium juice.

Succulents can go without any care or watering for months and are good as sources of comfort: a small collection of them on a bare windowsill is already pretty, see fig. But these are not all their advantages. Succulents come from hot, dry places. It is impossible to live a full life there during the day, the sun will burn you, so their photosynthesis is not quite the same as that of other plants: succulents release oxygen at night. Just when there is not enough of it in the air of the apartment. It is this, and not the mythical absorption of radiation, that explains the beneficial effect of succulents on the home atmosphere in direct and figuratively. For information on growing succulents at home, see the video:

Video: growing succulents - plants for comfort

The best home atmosphere freshener is agave, aloe vera, which has long taken root in rooms, in the center in Fig. Record holder for medicinal qualities Aloe vera is inferior in this regard. Aloe arborescens grows large lush bush and fits almost any interior. In an extremely laconic room it can be replaced by the “pike tail”, sansevieria, on the right in Fig.

Note: Sometimes they try to make the air in the room cozy with the help of interior perfumes or scented candles. In the first case, you don’t need to be like the French courtiers of Madame Pompadour’s time, who doused themselves in cologne to fight off the smell of unclean linen: the key to a cozy atmosphere in an apartment is its cleanliness.. And in the second, you need to remember that the main thing for fresh air is oxygen. Candles consume it, and the aromas do not last in a ventilated room.

Not just plants

An unsurpassed means of creating comfort in any environment is an aquarium with live plants and fish. An aquarium can turn a bare wall into a cozy corner, see fig. A bitter drunkard freezes in front of a well-established aquarium, having wandered in to visit in the hope of getting drunk on freebies, having forgotten that his “pipes are on fire.”

Unfortunately, an aquarium ties you to your home more tightly than an apartment greenhouse: it requires regular, diligent care. Many pet store workers earn extra money by looking after the aquariums of their owners when they are away; There are also companies specializing in this. However, such services are not much cheaper than temporary maintenance of bonsai, and outsiders will have to be given access to the house: a live aquarium does not move from its place.

Old good

Antiques and vintage (simply old things) convey the spirit of the time, particles of the soul of the masters to housing, and thereby create comfort. The Russian samovar is undeservedly half-forgotten in this regard, but it will perfectly animate almost any interior, see fig. Perhaps, anyone at all: there are samovars on sale that are compatible in design with evil high-tech.

It is not necessary to take a flammable wood-burning samovar; an electric one will do. Tea from a samovar is especially tasty because the teapot is smoothly and evenly heated from all sides to the optimal temperature for brewing by the hot steam flowing around it. And spiritual tea drinking is already comfort.

Not everyone will notice, but in any apartment there are things that seriously reduce the level of comfort. Both Western and Eastern studies have proven that the environment in an apartment affects the quality of life of the people living in it.

Most people have a family heirloom in their home, such as a ceremonial set, from the times of scarcity, but they just sit and collect dust in cabinets, without bringing any use. On this moment Such sets are of no value at all, because others have replaced them. We advise you to throw them away - there will be much more space.


People mainly buy and give scented candles for romance or to make the apartment smell pleasantly. However, people also hoard all these unnecessary items, and there are more of them every time. You shouldn't hoard them. We advise you to burn all the candles, brew tea given to you from your relatives, and use cups from China as dishes and not as interior items. This move will help bring comfort to the apartment without renovation.

Interior items

Large curtains and armchairs will fit into fairy-tale castles and houses with a noble touch, but this is inappropriate in a simple modern apartment. The space is crowded and the light is dimmer. We advise you to get rid of old furniture, it only spoils the atmosphere.

Feel free to get rid of old furniture!

Harmful goodies from around the corner

Through research, scientists have found that products containing caffeine, flavor enhancers and sugar can develop stress in a person out of the blue. You can be completely calm, but if on the way to the room there are cookies or a bag of chips somewhere on the shelf, then your nerves will make themselves felt.


Scientists have found that if a person constantly looks in the mirror, he will be visited by new complexes. If you get hung up on your appearance, your mood will deteriorate every day with renewed vigor. We advise you to remove unnecessary mirrors.

Various rubbish

If you constantly accumulate various junk, it can cause irritation. Eg, various wires, chargers from old phones, old chairs, sticks and other furniture you don’t really need. You shouldn't store things you don't need. Most people will probably disagree with us, due to the fact that, for example, a spare mobile phone will not be superfluous. Maybe, but there is no point in storing all the elements of the phone, from the old Nokia keyboard to the old Samsung cover.

Broken things

A knife without a handle, a suitcase without a handle, a cracked mug are often stored for a very long time, but why do all this if it has all been broken for a long time. It is unwise to use items, because they are broken and will never be repaired, you will have to spend your money on this, and they will still break. The optimal solution will get rid of things that you have not used for a year or more.


The habit of keeping the TV on all the time is not good. Our brain often gets tired of these sounds. Vivid pictures and background noise are very pleasant, but using them all the time is very inconvenient and harmful to the brain. In addition to the irritation that noise will cause you over time, you may end up with headaches to boot.

Items after hobby

Unfinished collages, cars, ships, bracelets, scarves and other things should be thrown away.

If you have abandoned this task, then it will be difficult to return to it, and in general, looking at unfinished things, you will be depressed by a feeling of guilt. In order not to spoil your mood and restore comfort without, get rid of such things.


Accounts and various loan agreements We don’t advise you to throw it away, but a warranty card for equipment that broke two years ago, or instructions for using a mixer that was also broken, will be superfluous. Place all documents that have financial meaning in a box and sort through them in a timely manner, leaving only those that are actually relevant.

Here are proven methods and modern ideas interior design, which will tell you how to make the room cozy and comfortable. We present to your attention a collection of photos of functional, family-friendly, beautiful and fashionable design projects and decorating tips that will help you add comfort and charm to your room with your own hands and without renovation.

How to make a room cozy with your own hands - photo

Elements that embody coziness and comfort help make the “right” interior warm and homely. You are familiar with them, but in order for these details to “work” for comfort and not create chaos in the house, they need to be used correctly.

Chaotically scattered anywhere, not coordinated in color with other interior elements, pillows will not decorate, but rather clutter your home. Beautiful, but too hard pillows will make you and your guests want only to remove them when you sit down to rest, so:

  • Choose soft, voluminous pillows: down, synthetic padding, or holofiber. The most environmentally friendly options for fillers are bamboo fiber and buckwheat husks.
  • Pillows can be laid out not only on the sofa, but also on armchairs and on the floor.
  • The color of the pillows should be repeated in other things that are in the room (curtains, carpet, wallpaper, lamps, flower pots etc.).

Depending on the season, pillows (or their covers) can be changed in autumn and winter, using knitted and woolen ones in warm, soothing shades, and in spring and summer – silk and cotton ones in rich, rich colors.

How to make a small room cozy and beautiful

Functional layout and comfortable placement of furniture are necessary to create comfort, especially in small rooms. Modern modular shelving, horizontal and vertical shelves, sofas, chairs and coffee tables can visually enlarge small spaces.

Soft fabrics, soothing and elegant patterns, stylish fabrics and decoration accessories self made With embroidery or appliqués, crochets and knits bring a cozy feel to the design. Not large room and create a stylish yet relaxing and tranquil atmosphere.

A blanket as a decorative element is very “movable”: it can travel from room to room on your shoulders, “move” from a sofa to an armchair, from an armchair to a bed, and from there to the floor. But, no matter where the blanket is, it will add coziness to the room.

The most comfortable blankets are cashmere, wool with the addition of artificial fibers (in this case, the product does not itch), cotton, knitted (especially large knit), and also those in “Scottish check” colors.

If you are not using the blanket at the moment, do not put it away, but carefully fold it and throw it over the armrest of the sofa or the back of the chair: the mere presence of this element will warm the room.

Checkered and colorful blankets look good against the backdrop of furniture and other interior items of calm, solid colors.

How to make your dorm room more comfortable

If you're after the comfort of a dorm room, choose upholstered furniture with textile upholstery, and decorate the windows with fabric curtains.

Excellent creators of comfort - tablecloths, bedspreads, handmade textile elements. They will soften and “domesticate” even the most austere interior.

Curtains and other textile elements can either transform a room or ruin its appearance, so take the choice of colors and textures seriously.

Avoid excessive variegation: the checkered upholstery of the chair, the variegated bedspread on the sofa and the flowered curtains will “quarrel” with each other.

Bright and colorful elements look good against the background plain wallpaper and furniture (especially pastel shades).

Cover the table with two or three tablecloths different lengths, peeking out from under one another and the room in the “dorm” will become more comfortable.

How to make a children's room cozy

To make a child's room cozy, look for white, airy decor with bright details to add warmth and color.

Children's toys and accessories for interior decoration create a beautiful and cozy interior rooms for children.

Creamy white and light yellow shades of natural wood and dark gray or brown colors very attractive and beautiful.

Decorative fabrics, wallpaper or vinyl wall decals, wall art ideas and furniture enhance the interior style and make the kids room design look pleasant, cozy and relaxing.

Convenient storage containers, baskets and shelves made of natural materials can help organize decor and keep your child's bedroom clean and tidy.

How to create a cozy interior of a large room

A wicker basket is a rather rough element, but it creates a special atmosphere in any room, be it a kitchen, hallway, nursery, bedroom, living room or bathroom. Baskets make it easy to add charm to a city apartment country house. In addition, this is additional space for storing all kinds of things.

Baskets can be either free-standing, independent interior items, or located on shelves, in niches of shelving, performing the function of drawers.

It’s good if “in support” of the baskets in the interior of a large room there are other wicker objects (vases, an armchair, etc.).

Place colorful balls of yarn in a wicker basket and you will get a beautiful and cozy decorative element for your living room or bedroom.

Baskets are made from both natural materials - rattan, wicker, bamboo, sea grass, and artificial ones, which naturally affects the cost.

In our age of information technology, the Internet and gadgets (including for reading), paper books still remain in demand. Reading people carefully wipe off the dust from the tattered spines of old copies bought by their grandmother; books are happy to replenish their home library. After all, books are not only a source of interesting and useful information, but also a wonderful piece of cozy interior!

Compare two shelves, one of which contains vases and figurines, and the other - books. Which one “breathes” life? Of course, the second one! You just want to come up, run your hands along the spines, choosing the reading you like, and then settle into your favorite chair with a book and a cup of aromatic tea... A classic picture of a cozy evening!

Do not try to place books strictly vertically, “according to height.” It’s just a little clutter that creates coziness, so some books can be placed, some can be placed nearby.

An effective technique is to distribute books in groups by color: green covers on one shelf, red covers on another, etc.

Of course, books should not be just decorative elements - they should “live”, that is, be read. They will create in the house warm atmosphere, if the owners use them for their own pleasure!

Arranging new house or when starting renovations in an already lived-in apartment, owners often make one mistake: they try to create the “right” perfect interior, similar to an exhibition design sample. But, striving for perfection, we lose the main thing - warmth and comfort, the feeling of “at home”. An interior with too much gloss is like a set for a photo shoot, but not a place for a comfortable life and relaxation. Use these tips on how to make your room feel cozier and create a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere in your home.

Coziness in the home is a woman's job. Nothing just happens. At the same time, the decor in the house is also a reflection of the owner. Everyone knows about cleaning and maintaining cleanliness, but what needs to be done so that household members rush to their cozy home every day, so that they enjoy being at home, inviting friends and acquaintances. Let's figure it out.

To begin with, you should think about what comfort means to you, as a housewife. Colorful curtains, an abundance of candles, soft pillows or incense sticks? Of course, small details play their role, but what is more important is to change your attitude towards your home, especially if it is temporary. Many women, dreaming of a house and apartment, but living in a hostel, for example, do not try to make their square meters cozy. And in vain! Live here and now! It is unknown when you will change apartment, but everyone wants comfort immediately. Therefore, read our little secrets and tricks for creating an unforgettable home atmosphere and take action!

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