Bath or shower, which is better? What to choose: a bathtub or a shower cabin - a comparative analysis of plumbing fixtures What is more convenient: a bathtub or a shower cabin

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Many people, when arranging their bathroom, are faced with a choice: shower or bath? Now we will try to find out the positive and negative sides both solutions.

The first thing you need to understand is what you yourself are used to, and what kind of pastime is more enjoyable for you. The bath has a relaxing effect and allows you to relax after a hard day at work. A shower will help you wake up and give you energy for the day. Let's look at the bath and shower as a means of cleansing. Staying in the bath allows you to gently open the skin pores and thus cleanse them. It should be remembered that for the bathroom it is better to use different types of soap, rather than shower gels, since the latter create a special film on the skin that can only be washed off under a strong stream. In this regard, the shower provides the function of hydromassage and deeper cleansing.

In every house and apartment, at the planning stage, a magic room is provided - the bathroom. Its direct purpose is to provide convenience when carrying out hygiene procedures. But everything would be very boring if people used the bathroom only for its intended purpose. For most of us, water procedures mean restoration and relaxation, and our hygiene habits are based on the idea of ​​these matters.

Few of us are lucky enough to have a sauna or jacuzzi on our property: most have access to two types of regulated water amenities: a bath and a shower. There are as many adherents of both types of ablutions as there are of each individual: each gives a lot of arguments in favor of his habit. Is there any truth to this question? What is better - a bath or a shower?

Entering new house and when starting to equip a bathroom, any family will be faced with a choice between a bathtub and a shower. It’s good if the footage allows you to install both. But often you have to choose based on the size of the room. In terms of convenience of placement, a shower is more profitable - it saves space.

However, you must admit that it is impossible to decide what to buy without having an idea of ​​the price of the issue. Not so long ago, a shower cabin was a luxury for most consumers: now many specialized centers offer it, competition from manufacturers is at a high level, therefore, like a bathtub, a shower cabin (as well as heating units for them) can be selected according to your size and pocket. Which is cheaper? Same!
Will our acquisition pay off soon? With a water consumption of 8 to 15 liters per minute, 100 liters of water are required for taking a shower, and twice as much for taking a bath. This is explained by the fact that when we stand in the shower, we dissolve hot water dirt from the skin and hair and instantly wash it away with streams from the watering can. The process is continuous, whereas washing in a bath ends in dirty water and requires 2-3 rinses.

In terms of care, however, the housewives will not be pleased with the shower cabin. Every time after taking a shower (especially if the water in your tap is not of very high quality), the walls of the cabin will be covered with a coating, which, in principle, can save us from the need to cover ourselves with a curtain; besides, cleaning products for shower cabins are not yet sold everywhere. Some manufacturers recommend washing their products every time you take a shower - that is, several times a day. In this sense, the bathtub is more convenient: even a child can clean it up (by the way, try bathing a child in the shower!), and the choice of means for caring for it is richer.

In terms of their effects on the body, a shower and a bath occupy two opposite positions. A shower invigorates, a bath relaxes and soothes, but both can “give birth to us again.” In order not to spoil the effect of rebirth from being in the bath, you need to know that a warm bath (36-38 degrees) can be taken for no more than 30 minutes, and a hot bath (more than 38 degrees) - even less: 10-15. A minus for those who like to lie in the bath for hours. While in the shower we can enjoy ourselves until the water runs out.

From a cleansing point of view – bath the more useful it is that a long stay in hot water delicately and gently opens the pores, which is difficult to achieve under the shower streams flowing around the body. The state of weightlessness, which gives the hydrostatic factor, frees you from the force of gravity, unloads the musculoskeletal system and promotes the outflow of blood from the veins in the legs. When bathing in the bath, it is recommended to use any convenient soap, since washing gels leave a film on the body mineral oils, which will clog open pores and interfere with pore cleansing processes. For showering, gels are more useful, since the dirt, which, as we have already found out above, flows off us during the entire procedure, will slide off the skin along this very film without lingering anywhere. In a bath, however, it is impossible to achieve the hydromassage effect that a shower gives us.

Are there any medical contraindications to taking a bath or shower? It turns out there is. Doctors do not advise people with hypotension, hypertension and varicose veins to take a bath. Also frequent baths not recommended for those young ladies who suffer from problem skin - provided that healthy skin can relatively easily tolerate the hostess’s “mistake” in the water temperature and bath duration, sensitive and problematic skin will respond to such rudeness with peeling, tightness, pimples and inflammation. The bath is also contraindicated for patients after surgery and for women during menstruation. The shower is recommended for everyone, with the exception of a contrast shower: it is not recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases, as well as those who have a cold or runny nose.

In matters “for the soul,” the bath is a winner. It’s pleasant to bask in clouds of foam, and nourishing your skin with salts, oils and additives is much more convenient than in the shower. While lying in the bathtub, you can perform facial and hair treatments, which is also impossible in the shower. When bathing children, a bath is also an indispensable assistant.

Well, the last, unexpected argument in favor of a bath is the percentage of injuries. According to online sources, the injury rate from falling in a shower stall is 15% higher than from falling from sliding on tiled floor bathroom. Well, the risk of injury from a fall in the bathtub is negligible: it’s difficult to fall while lying down, as you understand.

You need to understand what specific style you want to decorate your bathroom in. For modern and aggressive styles, such as “high-tech” and “minimalism”, a shower cabin will be the absolute choice. Here you will need cabins made of transparent glass with metal inserts. If you adhere to more classic interior, for example, in the Provence style, then you cannot do without a beautiful white bathtub and walls decorated with pastel-colored tiles. The shape of the bathroom can be different, as well as the material from which it is made: from iron to hardwood. Many design solutions they look very stylish, but again are suitable for large rooms.

And with such a practically no gap, the soul still pulls ahead. Apart from the risk of injury and maintenance, showering is cheaper and healthier. But a bath is healthier, more hygienic and safer. The choice, however, is still ours and our habits.

Especially for those who do not find time to take a bath and prefer to wash in the shower, here are five reasons why you should still run a bath at least once a week and soak in it:

1. Prevention of colds. A bath is indispensable if you or your child is often sick. It is especially useful to lie in a warm bath after a walk outside in bad weather, when your feet are wet or very cold. A bath will help warm up the entire body and thereby prevent the development of cold symptoms. Drink a glass of warm green tea with lemon or chamomile after your bath and you won’t have to worry about a possible cold.

2. Cleansing the skin. No one can cleanse their skin as effectively with a shower as a warm bath. In the bath, as in a sauna, the pores open and the skin is completely cleansed of the dirt accumulated in it. To remove dead skin cells, you can exfoliate with ground coffee or honey after a bath. The skin after this procedure will become even and smooth.

3. Relaxation. In order not to get irritated by trifles, you need to do a full course of massage twice a year, take a steam bath once a month, or attend spa treatments. Naturally, not everyone can afford such pleasure. An alternative to all these procedures can be a regular bath. Take water at a comfortable temperature for you and add it essential oil pine, sage, lavender or rosemary. Dim the lights, light some candles and enjoy the relaxation of a soothing, relaxing bath.

4. Cool down and stretch muscles. When you sit at the computer for a long time or do physical exercises, your muscles become very tense and stagnation begins in them. Therefore, upon completion of any physical training or after sitting for a long time, you should definitely do a cool-down and stretch your muscles. This could be a short walk or simple exercises, but it is best for this purpose to combine business with pleasure and take a warm bath with the addition of sea ​​salt or herbal extract.

5. Remedy for low blood pressure. Weather-sensitive people are sensitive to weather changes. They are often bothered by headaches and weakness if the sky is covered with clouds and rain is expected. The reason for this is low blood pressure. Improving your well-being in these cases is quite simple - fill the bath with hot water and add pine decoction to it. Lie in the bath for 10-15 minutes and the resulting effect of the water procedure will definitely surprise you.


  1. Versatility of placement. Despite the fact that some bathtubs are small in size (for example, corner models), shower cabins are more compact: they can be mounted literally on a “pocket”, since the dimensions are determined by the pallet. Consequently, there are no restrictions for them in this regard - they will not take up much space in a country house, apartment (with its small bathroom) or even a modest country house.
  2. Ease of use. Taking procedures in the bathtub for a certain category of people (disabled people, elderly family members) results in a whole problem: not everyone can step over the high side without outside help. Trays for shower cabins are classified according to this parameter into 3 groups - there is a choice. For example, a flat model; its depth does not exceed 4 cm.
  3. Variety of functionality. Manufacturers are literally competing to surprise the buyer. Shower cabins are equipped with steam generators (“ Turkish bath"), contrast or "tropical" shower systems, IR emitters, hydromassage. Depending on the model – sound/aroma/chromotherapy. The embossed tray provides foot massage, which has its own healing effect without wasting time; the process proceeds in parallel with taking a shower. IN expensive models it is possible to connect a telephone, organize sound accompaniment (who doesn’t like silence), installed benches - a set various services constantly replenished.
  4. Safety. By this criterion, the bath is definitely a loser; Even on acrylic you can slip. A special “mat” is placed in a tray with a smooth surface, which does not retain water and at the same time protects it from falling. Some cabins are equipped with products with a relief bottom in various designs(“sags”, imitation of pebbles and a number of other options); Injury while taking a shower is excluded.
  5. Economical. This applies to both the time of the procedure (no need to wait for the bath to be filled) and water consumption. In the shower, it is spent more rationally - only when necessary. For business people who value every minute and know how to count their money, a booth is preferable: according to user reviews, the counter “winds up” five times less.
  6. No restrictions in the design of the room. This primarily applies to cabins closed type- no fumes. But in any case, the floor remains dry; for those who prefer to immediately place their feet on a soft, warm mat after the procedure, this is a definite plus.


  1. Difficulty of care. Unlike a bathtub, most shower stalls are assembled from a frame and enclosing panels; plus – various contents in the form of shelves, benches and so on. Accordingly, there are many joints that are much more difficult to process. And you need to do this regularly, otherwise the development of fungus and pathogens is guaranteed.
  2. Dependence of the shower on the pressure in the system. Relevant for apartments in the morning and evening hours when neighbors use water intensively. The same feature of the cabins limits the choice of models. The problem can be solved, but it requires additional expenses. As an option - a booster, although this is not the only way to ensure blood pressure stability.
  3. The procedure can only be performed in a vertical position. If you purchase a hydrobox, the dimensions of the tray allow you to sit down and relax your legs a little. But you won’t be able to fully stretch out, lie down, or soak yourself in – the shower cabins are not designed for this.
  4. High price. This does not apply to the simplest shower enclosures, but all cabins are more expensive than a bathtub, unless it is made of natural stone.


Pros, cons - you need to understand that not everything is so simple. Both bathtubs and shower cabins are available in various modifications, and therefore the possibilities for their use differ depending on the set of functions and dimensions. But one thing is certain - a shower cannot completely replace a bath. And what to choose, you will have to decide on your own; you just need to highlight your priorities.

A bath or shower is an age-old question that arises during global renovations in an apartment. Each of these options has its supporters, as well as pros and cons. Let's look at these issues in more detail.

When choosing regular bath You should only pay attention to the material from which it is made and its quality. Modern market This area is represented by the following options:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • acrylic.

Cast iron bathtubs can last for a quarter of a century if the top coating is taken care of. In addition, they are resistant to deformation and long time able to retain heat. But over time, the coating still wears off, becoming porous, which significantly complicates the cleaning of plumbing fixtures. The disadvantages also include the difficulty of installing the product due to its very heavy weight.

Bathtubs made of steel differ from the previous version in lighter weight and are available for sale in versions various shapes. But the products are very easy to deform and give off heat well, so the water in such plumbing quickly cools.

Acrylic products are the most popular today. They retain heat for a long time and allow repair work with minor damage and are easy to clean. Disadvantages include instability to mechanical damage, abrasion of the top coating and high cost compared to previous options.

When choosing more advanced bathtubs equipped with various additions, it is difficult to say which is better: a bathtub or a shower. Such plumbing may include not only a standard body, but also the following “curiosities”:

  • devices for chromotherapy;
  • disinfection system;
  • special equipment and containers for aromatherapy;
  • air compressor;
  • nozzles;
  • pump;
  • tubes for supplying air and water.

With such equipment, the question is what better bath or shower stall, can be considered pointless.

About shower cabins, their equipment and advantages

When faced with a choice - a bath or a shower, you also need to take a closer look at the second option. The shower cabin is a plumbing fixture necessary for carrying out hygienic procedures. This device includes:

  • pallet;
  • 2 doors;
  • 3 walls.

More simple models are produced without back walls. They are installed in the house in such a way that the walls of the bathroom also become the walls of the plumbing fixtures.

example of separation in the form of impact-resistant glass

Improved options are monoblock systems with built-in computer control. They have a complete hermetic closure and include all the necessary equipment for comfortable water procedures. Here you need to doubt whether it is better to choose a shower cabin or a bathtub, since such a comfortable plumbing fixture can easily compete with the most expensive and equipped one.

Shower cabins can have a wide variety of shapes, and you can choose them based on the parameters of your own bathroom. They can be rectangular, angular and round in shape. Plumbing fixtures with minimal parameters will fit perfectly into tiny bathrooms, which are often found in apartments.

And now about additional functions, thanks to which the benefits of a shower can become invaluable:

  • tropical shower - the flow of water breaks into tiny drops and creates the impression of being under warm summer rain;
  • aromatherapy is created by placing containers with oils on the walls of plumbing fixtures, through which passing steam or drops of water spread a pleasant relaxing aroma throughout the room;
  • a Turkish bath is possible in plumbing that has built-in steam generators that supply steam to the cabin;
  • vertical and horizontal hydromassage - special rotary nozzles are built into the plumbing fixtures, which supply jets of water pre-mixed with air;
  • – is possible with a special system that independently supplies flows of cold and hot water alternately.

The opinion of experts regarding a contrast shower is unanimous - this is one of the most useful water procedures, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole: it hardens, invigorates, and tones.

But with booths, just like with any other devices, it’s not so simple: they have their pros and cons. If the advantages are already clear, then the disadvantages should be examined in more detail:

  1. All built-in functions can only operate with a certain water pressure (pressure of at least 1.5 bar). If such parameters are lacking, the cabin can only provide a normal water procedure;
  2. Over time, a characteristic white coating from drying drops of water accumulates on the doors and walls of plumbing fixtures, so after each procedure all parts need to be thoroughly washed, and this is very inconvenient;
  3. Lack of opportunity for relaxation, which is sometimes so necessary after a hard day at work.

What should you choose?

Which is better, a bath or a shower, depends on the person and his needs and likes. Let's consider the most important nuances, which you should focus on when choosing a plumbing fixture for your bathroom:

  1. Saving water

It is generally accepted that water consumption in a bathtub is much greater than in a shower stall. But it is not always the case. When installing a cabin with various additions in the form of a contrast and tropical shower, the procedure can last a very long time and the water consumption will be enormous.

  1. Saving square meters

Many apartments include very small bathrooms. Such a bathroom can only accommodate a small cubicle. At the same time, you can forget about additions in the form of a tropical shower and a Turkish sauna, because such plumbing requires large sizes.

  1. Installation time

Installing a bathtub does not require any special skills, but with a stall you will have to suffer. If there are additions in the form of radio, ventilation, etc., additional communication networks will be required. There may also be difficulties with the installation itself, where you will have to knock down the tiles and adjust the parameters of the room.

  1. Price

The cost is good acrylic bathtub significantly lower than any shower cabin. Of course, you can choose a budget option with small parameters and only a pallet, but does this make sense?

Some people need to soak in the bath before going to bed, while others always prefer a quick shower. If you love both, but still face the need to arrange only one place for washing, read our material today, in which we have collected all the pros and cons of typical showers and standard bathrooms. Take a sheet of paper, divide it in half and put the pros and cons of one or another option - it is quite possible that by the end of the article you will already have made your choice.

1. The shower stall requires more maintenance. Are you lazy and lazy about wiping the sink dry after washing the dishes? Then a shower stall is not for you. It must be rinsed and wiped dry each time or treated special means, otherwise it will soon be covered limescale, which will be especially noticeable on transparent doors.

2. You can warm up in the bath. The Russian winter can force even those who don’t like baths to climb into hot water for an hour a couple of times a year. Because if you're chilled to the bone, this is the only way to truly warm up.

3. You waste more water in the shower., and saving it is good for the environment and your budget. However, here a lot will depend on habits. For those who usually stand in the shower for more than twenty minutes, running a bath is a good idea, but if you think it's unhygienic to shower in standing water, this trick won't work. In general, be guided by the fact that in 15 minutes you spend as much water in the shower as you need to fill the bathtub. An experiment for those who like precision: just plug the drain in the bathtub while you shower and see how much water comes out.

4. Standing under the shower in the bathroom is cold. Yes, we often freeze and yes, it’s easier to warm up in hot water, but if you still prefer a shower, you should think about installing a stall. It retains heat, and a comfortable temperature and humidity are established there quite quickly, while in order to warm up the entire bathroom, you need to spend much more water. For example, I’m one of those people who first stands for an extra 5-10 minutes almost under boiling water, getting upset that I’m wasting too much water.

7. The bathtub can be difficult to get into. First of all we're talking about about the elderly, but also for young people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it can be difficult to get over the side into a slippery bath. Temporary injuries can also become an obstacle. In addition, it is much more difficult to slip on a flat and rough shower tray.

8. A shower cabin saves space. In general, it takes less space than a bathtub, and this may be important for owners of very small bathrooms that do not fit washing machine. On the other hand, the shower stall is massive and clutters the room, while the bath leaves space above itself.

with shower

9. You can do laundry in the bathtub. Every home has washing machine, and yet sometimes we need to carefully wash a down jacket or soak a bedspread. Imagine how you would do this in a shower tray.

10. A shower cabin reduces the cost of an apartment. This is not an axiom, but if you want to sell or rent out an apartment, then most likely the lack of a bath will scare off some potential tenants and buyers. In the end, we are simply accustomed to the traditional set of a bathtub and a shower above it, and few people would agree to exchange it for the unobvious convenience of a shower stall.

Bright bathroom in an Amsterdam apartment

When you don't have enough space in your bathroom to install a traditional bathtub, it's time to think about alternatives. The most affordable and popular replacements are the shower cabin and In the article, the reader will become familiar with their differences, and will also be able to clearly decide for himself which is better: a shower cabin or a shower corner.

There is no single recipe

Strictly speaking, it is impossible to unequivocally and uncompromisingly answer the question of what to choose - a shower cabin or a shower corner. After all, each option has its own disadvantages and advantages. The main difference is the price. Price shower corner lies in a cheaper price segment. There is such a strong trend that it is better to give up a shower stall altogether than to buy a budget model. Everything about them is of poor quality: design, type of material and plumbing. But it’s quite possible to buy a good shower corner for the same price.

The second significant factor is ease of installation. This item includes both the wall material and the installation location. But before you start comparing the two options, you need to clearly understand what the difference is between a shower enclosure and a shower stall.

What is the difference?

Intuitively, it seems that the shower corner is designed simpler and clearer. And this is a correct assumption. Its installation and installation is much faster than that of a shower cabin. After all, this is just a pallet and glass door, if you look at it, therefore there are no difficulties here, just as there is no rich functionality. A shower cabin, on the contrary, represents a whole range of functions for carrying out hygienic procedures, but its installation also requires more time.

It is worth noting the tangible difference. The corner does not have a roof, and it is also not sealed (unlike the cabin). That is, you need to take into account the characteristics of the room. When making a choice, a shower cabin or a shower corner, in wooden house, for example, you should stop at the cabin.


In addition to the main differences, there are a number of points that familiarization with will help you make right choice. The list includes the differences listed above, but in detailed form.

  • Price. For the cost of a cheap cabin (about 10,000-12,000) you can buy a shower corner good quality(about 11000). This important criterion.
  • Corners are more durable, they require virtually no maintenance and special care (glass is easy to clean). On the contrary, the condition of shower cabins needs to be carefully monitored and it is quite difficult to clean them (acrylic is prone to accumulating dirt).
  • The shower cabin does not require preliminary preparation of the room. It is enough to have a sewerage and water supply, but for the corner you need a row additional work. walls with waterproof material, flat floor and supply, installation of a mixer with a shower.
  • Which is better, a shower enclosure or a shower cabin? The issue of durability is clearly resolved in favor of the first option.
  • A walk-in shower requires the installation of water filters and does not fit into every bathroom design. For example, strict classic. The corners are made in the style of minimalism, so they always fit.
  • The tray at the cabins can be anything, but at the corners it can only be low.

These are the main differences, but it is worth considering certain nuances so as not to make a mistake in choosing.

What suits whom?

Besides technical characteristics It is important to choose an option for your needs. If you need a place to take a shower and nothing more, then a shower corner is also suitable. If you want to use functions such as a Turkish bath, hydromassage, lighting and a high tray, then the choice should be made in favor of the cabin.

Installation area matters. It is wrong to think that a shower stall takes up little space. This is a rather cumbersome design, especially if the tray is high. The corner is mounted directly to the wall, taking up less space. Therefore, the answer to the question of which is better: a shower cabin or a shower corner remains open.

There are several types of tray material for shower enclosures, but the most common is cast iron. It has excellent conductivity, but is too heavy and prone to damage. Second place goes to steel, which has the advantage of being lighter and more durable, but it also has a significant drawback. This material is quite easily deformed due to its small thickness.

What else needs to be considered

Caring for your shower stall is very different from wiping down the corner. If you choose from the point of view of practicality of cleaning, which is better: a shower cabin or a shower corner, the second option definitely wins. It's easier to get it into perfect shape. After a year or two of use, mold forms in the shower stall (especially in the rubber linings on the shower doors), and filters for various functions become clogged. You need to clean shower cabins thoroughly and constantly, otherwise they will quickly become unusable.

According to reviews, a shower stall or shower corner is installed with approximately the same complexity, but for the corner it is advisable to pour a concrete tray in advance and tile it with outside. It is not recommended to completely tile the structure, especially if the shape is radial (round). Even mosaics. In addition, it is very easy to slip on such material.

The disadvantages of the most popular pallet materials were discussed above, so it’s worth taking a closer look at acrylic configurations.

Many buyers pay attention to stylish models with tinted doors, relying on their convenience. But this advantage has a downside. Any contamination is visible much better on a dark surface.

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