Inspiring examples of good deeds. Who does good

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Municipal budget educational institution

“Secondary school No. 5 named after. V.I.Danilchenko"

Art. Starodererevyankovskaya, Kanevsky district


solution pedagogical council

dated ___________ 20__ protocol No. 1

Chairman___________ _________

signature of the head of the educational institution, full name

“A good heart means good deeds!”

(social project)

Completed by students of grade 2 “A”

Project Manager:

teacher primary classes

Morgun Larisa Yurievna

2014-2015 academic year

Information section

Educational institution: Municipal budgetary educational institution “Secondary school No. 5 named after. V.I.Danilchenko"

Art. Staroderevyankovskaya, Kanevsky district

Name:"A good heart means good deeds"

Project idea: updating the best moral qualities: kindness, sympathy, active help and support for those who today are rejected by their family and friends, find themselves in difficult life situation

Performers: 2nd grade students

Implementation deadlines: September – February 2014/15

“Don’t calm down, don’t let yourself be lulled to sleep! While you are young, strong, vigorous, do not get tired of doing GOOD!”

A.P. Chekhov.

    Project abstract

Project topic: “A good heart means good deeds”


All people need kindness -

Let there be more good ones!

Kindness is from time immemorial

Human decoration!

Leading idea of ​​the project . “I must do whatever is necessary to increase the amount of good in the world.”

The relevance lies in the compliance of the project idea with the requirements of modern society and the state order for the education of a socially active individual.

Socially active activities prepare adolescents for subsequent civic activities; they acquire social experience, develop the ability to independently plan and implement their plans, and bear responsibility for their actions. Children learn to cooperate with both peers and adults.

This project will unite children and adults (students, parents, teachers) and become a common cause.

Goodness, humanism, mercy, the meaning of life - these are values ​​that we can talk about endlessly. There are people who talk, and there are people who do! The results will speak for themselves.

All in our hands!

Justification of the need for the project

Objective of the project

Involving students in socially significant activities to provide direct, practical help labor veterans, single pensioners, children in difficult life situations, families in need of help, orphans, as well as our little brothers.

To achieve the above goal, the project sets and consistently solves the following: tasks:

To help students acquire the experience of belonging, sympathy for someone else’s misfortune, mercy, to be kinder to each other, not to pass by people calling for help.

To promote their awareness of the importance and necessity of their activities.

To promote understanding that callousness of the soul is the most terrible disease in the world.

Develop a sense of duty, care and respect for people in need of help.

To instill in students a sense of civic duty, patriotism, love for people, and mercy.

Equip students with various sources of information about social problems in their village and region.

Project mission– updating the best moral qualities of project participants: kindness, sympathy, active help and support of those who today are rejected by their family and friends, find themselves in a difficult life situation and may have lost faith in society.

The interaction process within the framework of this project is carried out in both social, psychological and pedagogical aspects.

Social aspect is expressed in the need of society to organize the social activity of children in an organized manner, to facilitate their successful acquisition of positive social experience.

Psychological aspect is associated with satisfying children’s desire to communicate, experiencing a sense of community and trust in social relationships.

Pedagogical aspect manifests itself in the possibility of creating conditions for harmonizing the experience of collective and individual relationships, in raising a child by a group of peers in the process of socially significant activities, which, when favorable conditions Helps children develop feelings

responsibility, solidarity, involvement in the problems of life around us, allows the formation of a mature civic position.

Working hours: September – February 2014/15

4. The project is based on the following educational methods:

Involvement in activities;




Personal example.


    "Creation". Organization of holidays, concerts, events for children from kindergarten at home, lonely old war veterans and home front workers, drawing and essay competitions, making greeting cards.

    "Care". Organization of real assistance to those in need (low-income families, elderly people), organization of patronage work on a kindergarten.

Expected results

Increase in social and public activity;

Increased desire to communicate;

The emergence of people of solidarity, ready to be involved in the problems of life around them;

Formation of a mature civic position;

Formation of a tolerant attitude towards people of the older generation, different views and beliefs.

I predict that the participants in this project will not doubt what needs to be done if they encounter a person who needs all possible help. Cultivating in ourselves a responsible, tolerant consciousness and behavior in everyday life is one of my main forecasts and expected results.

Project prospects:

Socially useful activities of school students will become visible, --_

School students will become active participants in the social life of the village;

Schoolchildren will be able to show the vitality of the slogan “Everything is in our hands and together - we are strong!”, demonstrate that their contribution is effective way solutions to many public (social) problems.

5. Project management:

Project stages

1.Preparatory stage.

The main activity is social design.

Determining the topic and relevance of the project.

Defining the goals and objectives of the project.

Determining the circle of beneficiaries: contacting the village administration to clarify the list of lonely elderly people, labor veterans in need of help; to the administration of the kindergarten and school to determine the type of assistance.

Formation of volunteer teams from classes and coordination of their activities.

Development long-term plan business

2. Social test.

Carrying out planned events.

Monitoring and evaluation of activities.

Analysis of performance results.

3. Summing up

The project does not require additional material costs.

Project participants: 2nd grade students of MBOU Secondary School No. 5, parents of the class and primary school teacher Morgun L.Yu.

Calendar plan project implementation

« Good souls- these are gardens, good thoughts are roots, good words are flowers, good deeds are fruits, take care of your garden and protect it from weeds, fill it with the light of good words and good deeds.”

(American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)





Book exhibition

"Books that teach goodness"


School librarian

Compilation of the “Flower of the Word Kindness”


classroom teacher

Express survey within the project .



Carrying out cool hours on the project topic:

"Kindness will decorate the world!" ,

"Kindness is better than beauty"


classroom teacher

Promotion "School bag"

Goal: to help children in need get ready for school


2 classes

Competition of drawings on asphalt, essays, poems

classroom teacher,

Action "Zone of Mercy"

Goal: helping the elderly

Campaign “Give a piece of childhood”

Give a book and a toy to a kindergarten

class teacher, class parents, 2nd grade students

Personal exhibition of children's works “Kind hands know no boredom” ( Christmas decorations)

(Pirogova V., Parkhomenko V., Bagaev M., Ryukhin V.)

class teacher, class parents, students

Personal exhibition of children's drawings “From the good heart” (Sabadir M., Chukmasov D., Kinakh A.)

class teacher, class parents, students

Campaign “Collect a New Year’s gift for a child from a low-income family.”

class teacher, class parents, students

Campaign “Parcel to a Soldier”

Collect parcels and send to school graduates carrying conscript service(To Kolesnikov P.)

class teacher, class parents, students

Campaign “Congratulate a Veteran”

Collect a gift and congratulate.

Promotion “70 good deeds”


leader, class parents, students


After all the work done, we came to this conclusions:

During the implementation of the project, we carried out many good deeds and learned a lot. But we cannot say that we have finished working on the project, because throughout our lives, every day and every hour, we are faced with the need and desire to help people. We decided that the most important thing for us is that we:

We learned to be attentive to our neighbors, to be kind, polite, to be responsible, and to cooperate.

And of course, if each of us, at least in our own family, does this, then there will be fewer offended people, abandoned animals, bad mood, there will be more smiles, happiness, and the world will be kinder.


    T.V. Volkova, “The science of being human: materials for classroom hours.

in grades 1-4", Volgograd: Teacher, 2007

    V. I. Dal, “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. Modern version",

Moscow: EKSMO, 2002

Annex 1

Flower of the word "kindness"

Appendix 2

Tree of good deeds

Appendix 3


(indicate the names of classmates who meet these standards)

1. Always polite, says magic words________________________________

2. Remembers to apologize if he accidentally pushed someone_______________

4. Will always come to the rescue in a difficult situation______________________________

5. Takes care of relatives and strangers________________________________

6. Never fights or teases_____________________________________________

7. Always restrained, calm and tactful_____________________________________________

8. Who has the most friends in the class?_____________________________________________

9. Smiling and friendly with everyone__________________________________________

10. Performs only good deeds__________________________________________

Appendix 4

The “School Bag” campaign provides all possible assistance to children in need to get ready for school

Appendix 5

Asphalt drawing competition “Kindness will save the world”


Promotion package to a soldier

Campaign “Congratulate a Veteran” Campaign “70 Good Deeds”

Report on the implementation of a social project

"A good heart means good deeds"

The idea of ​​the project is to include schoolchildren in active charitable activities aimed at supporting the elderly, large families, disabled children, and orphans. For this purpose, the children identified people in need of help and outlined a plan for a list of social affairs in this direction. The mission of the project is to actualize the best moral qualities of the project participants - kindness, sympathy, active assistance to those who need it today.

Social project “Kind heart – good deeds!” contributes to the formation of good initiative and responsibility among adolescents and young people, their acquisition of practical experience, which will strengthen social competence and interest in socially significant activities.

Its main focus is helping children learn the art of doing good, all those who find themselves in difficult life situations and those in need of special support and care.

The project is designed to teach children not to pass by those who find it difficult, to share their warmth with those who lack it.

The implementation of the project included the formation high level social responsibility of schoolchildren for their actions now and in the future.

The work was carried out in stages.

Project stages

1.Preparatory stage(determination of the topic and relevance of the project, definition of goals and objectives, circle of beneficiaries, development of a long-term business plan)

2. Social test.

The project covers the study of the section on literary reading “Literary fairy tales”, as well as topics in the visual arts: “Depiction of fairy-tale images of opposite nature (good and evil), “works of artists V. Vasnetsov, I. Bilibin...”, which talked about kindness . During the Russian language lessons, we worked with explanatory dictionaries, explained the meaning of the words kindness, kindness, selected proverbs and sayings about good and evil, and explained their meaning.

Participation of children in various kinds of school and municipal events. “Hurry to do good” - meetings, conversations, “Olympus of Goodness and Mercy” - share a toy, children to children, “Let joy enter the house” - this is help to parents, “Gift Day just like that” - exchange of souvenirs, surprises, creation Have a good mood, "Outdoor Games" - organization

games during recess. Conducting class hours on the theme “Kindness will decorate the world!” , “Kindness is better than beauty”, “Lessons of kindness. Mercy", express survey within the project .

As part of extracurricular activities on the surrounding world in the section “A person is a member of society”, they took part in municipal campaigns “Help to a large family” and “Help a disabled person”, “Help a veteran”.

Compilation of oral essays, poems, drawings on the asphalt “Mercy – is it me?”, with the implementation of a creative task in the form of seven-flowered flowers, personal exhibitions creative works and drawings.

During the period of implementation of the social project, children learned to value kind attitude towards lonely, sick, and needy people, through educational moments of Russian language lessons, literary reading, fine arts, mathematics. The guys read a lot of fairy tales about kindness: “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, “The White Duck”, “The Sleeping Princess”, “The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf”, “The Snow Maiden”, “ Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, “The Frog Princess”, “About the Golden Cockerel”. The library fund was replenished with children, targeted assistance was provided to a large family of a class student and a family in a difficult life situation. Students of the class learned to evaluate their capabilities, learned to benefit themselves and others, formed a primary idea of ​​strong and weaknesses your personality by participating in the campaigns “70 good deeds”, “Help a veteran”, “help a disabled person”, “Collect a briefcase”, “Parcel to a soldier”.

3. Summing up(Reports, presentations, awards.)

As a result, children more often began to turn to the words: mercy and kindness, responsiveness and compassion. We learned to be attentive to our neighbors, to be kind, polite, to be responsible, and to cooperate. By involving parents in jointly solving project problems with their children, we became convinced of the value of the active participation of parents and children in various types activities. Thus, the goal and objectives of the project have been fulfilled.

The folder contains a research paper, presentation and video.

View document contents
"Text kindness will save the world"


"Kindness will save the world"

I've done the work:

Ivanov Oleg

4 "A" class


Pidybaeva Olga Sergeevna

Primary school teacher

MBOU "Secondary school No. 17 Yoshkar-Ola"


Main part……………………………………………………………..……..5

      Questionnaire and survey results…………………………….6

      Working with the word “Kindness”…………………………………………...7

      Examples of kindness………………………………………………………...10


Sources of information…………………………………………………………….15



It’s not at all easy to be kind:
Kindness does not depend on height,
Kindness does not depend on color.
Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.
You just have to, you have to be kind.
And in times of trouble, do not forget each other.
And the Earth will spin faster,
If we are kinder to you.

Kindness is positive quality which every person should have. A kind person will always help someone who needs it. People donate blood to help the sick in difficult times, and share shelter with those left homeless. People have long believed that goodness is one of important qualities. Even in folk tales good conquers evil. Kindness can replace a gift on a holiday, help a patient overcome an illness faster, or lift their spirits in a sad moment.


Object of study: Human

Subject of research


    Create a visual and methodological base in the form visual aid when studying the topic “Good and Evil” in ORKSE in 4th grade.

We put forward hypotheses:



    Conduct a survey among students of class 4A,

    Prepare the work in order to create a visual teaching aid.

Problematic issues:

    What is kindness?

    Can everyone be kind?

    How can kindness save the world?

Research methods:


    Conversation with parents, teachers;

    Analysis of literature and Internet sources

Expected results:

    Fostering kindness and mercy in students through examples;

    Broaden the horizons and develop the cognitive interest of students;

    Formation of a methodological school base;

    Use the information to inform school students and parents.

      Questionnaire and survey results.

Before we began our work on learning the word “kindness,” we decided to conduct a survey in the class. Students 4 “A” during the survey had to answer next questions:

1. Do you believe in goodness?

During the survey (Appendix 1 – questionnaire) the following results were obtained.

To question number 1. Do you believe in goodness? - 24 students answered “Yes.”

To question number 2. What are the sources of your kindness? - 3 answer options were proposed, here the guys’ opinions differed:

11 - family,

8 – school,

5 – society.

To question number 3. Do you often do good deeds? – the answers were also heterogeneous:

Often - 13,

Sometimes - 8,

Almost never – 3.

The data is also presented in the form of pie charts.

One of our tasks was to form in children an idea of ​​goodness, kindness, good, kind deeds; show their value. We decided to analyze the word “Good”, find the meaning of this word, select words with the same root, synonyms and antonyms. Our next step in research work became the selection and analysis of literature and Internet sources.

      . Working with the word "Kindness"

People have always treated kindness in a special way. This human quality has been valued at all times. Russian people have always strived to be kind, merciful, caring, and honest. Maybe that’s why even in the Old Church Slavonic alphabet the letters were called words:


B-Lead on,

G – verb,

D - good


P – peace.

The alphabet seemed to call: “People of the Earth, think, think and do good.”

Kindness is an original Russian word that people have been using since time immemorial. We looked at the meaning of the word " kindness ». And this is what we got...

We turned to " Explanatory dictionary Russian language" ed. S.I. Ozhegova.

Good-a, cf. 1. Something positive, good, useful, opposite to evil; good deed. Wish someone well. Not good (foreshadows bad things; colloquial). Do a lot of good to people. Remember with kindness (remember with gratitude, with a good feeling). Do not do good, you will not see evil (last). D. must be fists (aphorism).

We also analyzed other sources and identified the following meanings of the word “ Good»

1.Good is a moral concept

2. Dobro - the name of the letter D in the Old Church Slavonic alphabet and in the Russian alphabet before the reform

3.Good is a synonym for good, wealth

4.Good - ethical, religious and philosophical category

5. Dobro - a musical instrument

Let's take a closer look at these values:

    Good moral concept.

Good is the concept of morality, the opposite of the concept of evil, meaning an intentional, selfless and sincere desire to achieve good, useful action, for example, helping one's neighbor.

    Good is a letter.

D, d (name: de) is the fifth letter of almost all Slavic Cyrillic alphabets (only the sixth in Ukrainian), and is also used in the Cyrillic scripts of other languages. In the Old and Church Slavonic alphabets it is called “good”; in Cyrillic it looks like Early Cyrillic letter Dobro.png and has the numerical value 4.

    The word "good" as good.

Good (economics) is something that is capable of satisfying people’s daily life needs, bringing benefit to people, and giving pleasure.

    Good is a tool.

Good - six-string resonator guitar. It was invented in the USA at the beginning of the 20th century by the Doper brothers, who came from the Czech Republic. From regular acoustic guitar The good features a built-in metal resonator.

We studied the history of the word “Good”,

Good. Obsesslav. Suf. derivative (suff. -p-, cf. old, sharp, motley, etc.) from doba “it’s time, time”, the same base (with the rewording o/e) as burly. The original meaning is “big, strong, entered into doba (time).” (Etymological Dictionary, 2004)

After that we picked cognates:


well wisher,




be kind,







good nature,







After working with the literature and considering various interpretations, we decided to move on to the next stage - to show examples of good deeds, the benefits of kindness, and to derive the rules of kindness.

      . Examples of kindness

The holiday of kindness is celebrated on February 17, regardless of place of residence, citizenship and nationality. The organizers of the Day of Spontaneous Acts of Kindness call on people to be not just kind and responsive to someone else’s misfortune on this day, but to be kind endlessly and selflessly. The outstanding American writer, journalist and public figure Mark Twain said: “Kindness is something that the blind can see and the deaf can hear.”

In Russia this holiday is still little known. On this day, as the organizers call, you need to try to be kind to everyone, and not just kind, but kind infinitely and unselfishly.

By the way, in 2009, scientists from the USA proved that kindness is good for health. So, kind people live longer and get sick less. These conclusions were made based on a 5-year study involving 400 men and women.

Good deeds in themselves should give you pleasure, and at the same time, giving something to others or helping them should not expect a reward. This is true kindness. Few in our turbulent times are capable of such a “feat” - in a state of fatigue and irritation from pressing concerns, we increasingly indifferently pass by other people’s problems until they affect us ourselves. And then we seek support and participation from people for whom “selfless help,” “mercy,” and “responsiveness” are not just words, but the meaning of life, which has become a calling.

There are, as always, not enough good people,
There is, as always, a shortage of kind people.
Kind people are not always understood
The hearts of the kind hurt more.
Kind people generously help the sick,
Kind ones - they give warmth and comfort,
The good ones walk in step with the weak ones
And no thanks are expected.

Everyone can be kind. It’s not difficult to do a good deed, let’s look at examples.

Examples of kindness.

    Four months ago I was diagnosed with baldness. A month later I lost my hair. I was scared to go to school, I thought everyone would laugh at me. The next morning I heard a knock on the door and ten of my friends were standing on the porch with their heads completely shaved. Two of them are girls...

    My friend and I were in mall and won a soft toy each in the store. They walked and saw a mentally retarded boy with his dad and gave the toys to him. He said, "Thank you." His father almost burst into tears. It turns out that the boy did not speak for several months.

    I work in a fast food cafe. This morning a man came up to the cash register and said: “There is a girl behind me, I don’t know her. But I would like to pay for her coffee. Tell her "Have a nice day." This girl was very surprised at first... and then did the same for the person next to her in line. And so 5 times in a row!

The quality is serious
The main thing is important.
What it means
Very necessary for everyone.
It contains care and affection,
Warmth and love.
There is aspiration in him
Come to the rescue again and again.
This is quality
Lives in the hearts of many
And about the pain of others
Doesn't let you forget.
And it's more important
Than facial beauty.
This quality is
Our hearts are KINDNESS.

Benefits of Kindness:

    Kindness ensures openness - towards people, events and life in general.

    Kindness gives vigilance - in order to notice the best and sweep aside the worst.

    Kindness gives strength - to transform the world for the better.

    Kindness provides opportunities to participate and help others.

    Kindness gives you the opportunity to become better yourself and help those around you to become better.

    Kindness gives confidence - in yourself and in the future.

    Kindness gives energy to do good deeds.

While working on the project, we came up with the following:rules:

    Help people.

    Caring for animals.

    Protect the weak.

    Share the latest with a friend.

    Don't be jealous.

    Forgive others' mistakes.

    Take care of nature.

Parable about good and evil

There is a struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil: envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies. The other wolf represents goodness: peace, love, hope, truth, kindness and loyalty. The grandson, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather’s words, thought for a moment, and then asked:

A person always has a choice of what to be, which side to take. We are for the bright side, we are for goodness, peace, justice, love! Even though we haven’t grown up yet, we can do good deeds: we help our mother wash the dishes, look after our brother or sister, water our grandmother’s flowers, support our friends, help our classmates, feed homeless animals, perform in younger group volunteers Y.A.I. (Young. Active. Initiative.) for a healthy lifestyle, collecting waste paper, respecting elders, visiting veterans... Everyone can be kind, regardless of age, profession, religion!


As a result of the research, we expanded and deepened our knowledge about “kindness”: we conducted a survey, studied the meaning of this word, carried out vocabulary work, studied examples of good deeds, and presented the work as visually Toolkit to study the topic “Good and Evil in 4th Grade” when studying the subject of ORKSE. We are passing the baton on creating a visual and methodological base to future fourth graders: for 2016-2017 academic year Belyaeva Lyudmila Anatolyevna, Kalinina Natalya Anatolyevna.

As a result of the study, we proved that the topic is relevant. Kindness helps a person to be accepted in the society of people, because... is a universal human quality. We were able to answer the questions that were posed to us at the beginning of the study, and also confirmed the hypothesis.

As long as kindness lives in our hearts, we will live. For it to live, you need to ignite it within yourself. And then kindness will save the world! We believe in it!

Information sources:

    IN . A . Sinitsyn. “The path to the word ”, JSC “Stoletie”, M., 1996.

    http:// ru. wikipedia. org/ wiki/% C 4% E.E.% E 1% F 0% E.E.

    http:// www. ubrus. org/ dictionary- units/? id=6452

    Photo from personal archive

    Tikhankova Angelina Text “Kind” - what kind of word is this?” - 2012-2013 (Informative educational and research work on the Russian language)

Appendix 1 – Questionnaire

1. Do you believe in goodness?

2.What are the origins of your kindness?

B) Society

3. Do you often do good deeds?

B) Sometimes

B) Almost never

View presentation content
"Kindness will save the world"

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 17 of Yoshkar-Ola"

Research project in the nomination “Kindness and mercy will save the world” on the topic: "Kindness will save the world"

Work completed by: Oleg Ivanov

4 "A" class, "Secondary school No. 17"

Head: Pidybaeva O.S.

We put forward hypotheses :

  • Kindness helps a person to be accepted in the society of people, because... is a universal human quality.
  • Kindness is a universal human quality, because it is inherent different people and does not depend on gender, age, nationality, religion, etc. .

Tasks :

  • Conduct a survey among students of class 4A,
  • To form in children an idea of ​​goodness, kindness, good, kind deeds; show their value.
  • Analyze the different manifestations of kindness in life.
  • Prepare the work in order to create a visual teaching aid.


  • Analyze the word “Kindness”;
  • Create a visual and methodological base in the form of a visual aid when studying the topic “Good and Evil” in ORKSE in 4th grade.

Relevance The theme is that kindness in our time has ceased to be an important human quality.

Object of study: Human

Subject of research me: character quality - KINDNESS.


After conducting a survey in class, we received

following results

  • Do you believe in goodness? – 100% answered “yes”
  • What are the origins of your kindness?
  • Do you often do good deeds?

People have always treated kindness in a special way. This human quality has been valued at all times. Russian people have always strived to be kind, merciful, caring, and honest. Maybe that’s why even in the Old Church Slavonic alphabet the letters were called with the words: V - lead, D - good, F - live, Z - earth, L - people, M - think, P - peace. The ABC seemed to call: "People of the Earth, think, think and do good.”

Meanings of the word " Good »

1.Good is a moral concept.

2. Dobro is the name of the letter D in the Old Church Slavonic alphabet and in the Russian alphabet before the reform.

3.Good is a synonym for good, wealth.

4.Good - ethical, religious and philosophical category.

5. Dobro is a musical instrument.


History of the word "GOOD"




well wisher,

good man,






be kind,







good nature,







Good. Obsesslav. Suf. derivative (suff. -p-, cf. old, sharp, motley, etc.) from doba “it’s time, time”, the same base (with the rewording o/e) as burly. The original meaning is “big, strong, entered into doba (time).” (Etymological Dictionary, 2004)

"Kindness is something that the blind can see and the deaf can hear" Mark Twain

There are, as always, not enough good people, There is, as always, a shortage of kind people. Kind people are not always understood The hearts of the kind hurt more. Kind people generously help the sick, Kind ones - they give warmth and comfort, The good ones walk in step with the weak ones And no thanks are expected.

From the diary of a 14-year-old girl: “I was diagnosed with baldness. A month later I lost my hair. It was scary to go to school. In the morning I heard a knock on the door, ten of my friends were standing in the entrance with completely shaved hair, two of them were girls”...

I work in a fast food cafe. This morning a man came up to the cash register and said: “There is a girl behind me, I don’t know her. But I would like to pay for her coffee. Tell her "Have a nice day." This girl was very surprised at first... and then did the same for the person next to her in line. And so 5 times in a row!

A neighbor told me: My friend and I won Stuffed Toys. We were walking down the street and saw a mentally retarded boy with his dad and gave the toys to him. He said, "Thank you." His father almost burst into tears. It turns out that the boy did not speak for several months.

Quality is serious, main, important. What it means is very necessary for everyone. It contains care and affection, warmth and love. He has the desire to come to the rescue again and again. This quality lives in the hearts of many and does not allow you to forget about the pain of others. And it is more important than facial beauty. This quality is our hearts KINDNESS.

Benefits of Kindness:

5. Gives strength to transform the world for the better.

1. Gives vigilance in order to notice the best and sweep aside the worst.

2. Gives confidence in yourself and the future.

4. Gives energy to do good deeds.

3. Ensures openness towards people, events and life in general.

Rules of kindness

4. Share the latest with a friend.

7. Take care of nature.

2.Caring for animals.

5. Don't be jealous .

6. Forgive others' mistakes.

1 . Help people

3. Protect the weak.

Parable about good and evil

Once upon a time, an old man revealed one vital truth to his grandson:

There is a struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil: envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies. The other wolf represents goodness: peace, love, hope, truth, kindness and loyalty. The grandson, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather’s words, thought for a moment, and then asked:

Which wolf wins in the end? The old man smiled and answered:

The wolf you feed always wins.

As a result of the study, we expanded and deepened our knowledge about “kindness”: we conducted a survey, studied the meaning of this word, carried out vocabulary work, studied examples of good deeds, designed the work as a visual teaching aid for studying the topic “Good and evil in 4th grade” when studying ORKSE subject. We are passing the baton on creating a visual and methodological base to future fourth graders: for the 2016-2017 academic year, Lyudmila Anatolyevna Belyaeva, Natalya Anatolyevna Kalinina. As a result of the study, we proved that the topic is relevant.

As long as kindness lives in our hearts, we will live. For it to live, you need to ignite it within yourself. And then kindness will save the world! We believe in it!

In this lesson we will talk about such a philosophical issue as kindness. We will discuss issues such as the measure of kindness and how to behave fairly towards other people. We also have to talk about whether you need to be kind in any situation, whether there are good and evil nations.

Topic: Virtues

Let's try to approach this problem from a slightly different angle. The great English poet Lord Byron has a wonderful work - the mystery “Cain and Abel”. This work contains the lines “What would be good if we did not know evil?” That is, on concept of kindness you can look at it from the opposite point of view. We say that we can perceive the measure of goodness, good deeds and deeds, a kind attitude towards ourselves and others only through pain and suffering, through some things or life situations that bring us evil and unhappiness. The approach is certainly unusual and interesting, but at the same time, it is quite acceptable when discussing such a philosophical issue as goodness and kindness. Some strict definitions in in this case it makes no sense to give, if only because the concept of kindness is a moral concept, which means that everyone will interpret it for themselves independently, based on life experience.

Of course, when you do some good deeds, moral actions that make you happy, you feel some kind of surge of strength and good mood thanks to what you do, these actions can be called good deeds. This means that when something similar happens to you, that is, someone does something to you that makes your life easier, or something that meets your current interests, beliefs or desires, you talk about this person how about good. But, on the other hand, it is clear that we are all human and we all have very different sides to our character. In different life circumstances, we, of course, can react differently. There are no absolutely good or absolutely evil people. World religions are trying to show us guidelines, some symbols of the absolute embodiment of kindness, but they are not real. If we are talking about the figure of Jesus Christ, then his human essence, according to Christian teaching, is ideal; he is a completely kind person who never wished or did harm to anyone. In everyday life you are unlikely to find such ideal people; you can only strive for such an ideal.

The life of Christ is essentially the embodiment of universal justice from the point of view of morality and ethics. Law of Justice very simple: do as you would like to be treated. Kant formulated a similar moral imperative. That is, I don’t do anything that I wouldn’t want to do to myself, for example, I don’t be rude to others because I don’t want to hear rudeness in return. I don't steal because I don't want anyone to steal from me. I don’t make rowdy behavior, because I myself don’t tolerate rowdy behavior, etc. If I live by this principle, then I am more likely to be a kind person. Simply due to the fact that I will do things that will not only harm other people, but, most likely, will help them. After all, I will do what I want other people to do to me.

Imagine such a society of people doing only good deeds. Of course, this society would be ideal and prosperous. You can say that the world around us is not quite like that. Yes, this is true, but people themselves are not entirely like that. We are different and react differently to different life circumstances. But still, if kindness prevails in us, if morality prevails in us, if we try to follow moral and ethical principles, then our world will be better, more comfortable and kinder for every single person.

You may wonder: is it always necessary to be kind? Let's look at the example of a situation like war. War is a very complex social phenomenon and, unfortunately, for now we cannot do without this phenomenon. Everyone knows that war is bad. War causes suffering to people who have nothing to do with the cause of the conflict; war causes people to kill. If we look at the history of wars over the past 500 years, we will come to the conclusion that combat losses of armies are many times less than the losses of civilians. But, at the same time, as long as humanity cannot resolve emerging conflicts and contradictions without military action, this social phenomenon will take place. The question arises: is a military man kind or evil person, after all, his calling is to kill?

Military people are actually trained to kill other people. But it is difficult to say whether such people can be called bad or evil. Yes, if we, deviating from all other views, consider this question, we will come to the conclusion that the person who must kill is evil. But, on the other hand, the defender of the Fatherland, the one who is trying to preserve the integrity of our country, to defend the territory from foreign invaders, cannot be evil for us. That is why the nature of good and evil is far from clear, and this is a very complex philosophical question.

Another important point, which must be clearly understood - there are no evil or good peoples. There are no nations that are somehow inherently disposed to kill, rob, or abuse other people. But there are no nations that were initially calm and peaceful, wishing only good for others. In absolutely every nation there are good and evil people. There are people who act badly and wrongly in some situations, but rightly and well in others. That is why you should never attach any labels or stamps either to an individual person or to entire nations.

So, today we talked about a global topic - the topic of good and evil. This is a very serious philosophical conversation not only for us, but also for venerable scientists who still pose this problem. Since this question is philosophical, it does not require a final decision and a final answer. However, you should know for yourself that in order to be a kind person, you need to be a moral person, and, therefore, you need to live in accordance with the very golden rule that we called today: do not do to others what you you wouldn't want it for yourself.

In your textbook, the life of Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov is given as an example of kindness. This is an outstanding scientist, nuclear physicist, one of the creators of the Soviet hydrogen bomb. He took part in the creation of our state’s nuclear strategic shield, but we will now talk about Sakharov precisely because this man turned out to be much more globally minded than just an outstanding physicist. Imagine, Andrei Dmitrievich was passionate about science, he was very interested in solving a physical problem. Ultimately, a group of scientists managed to create a chain reaction enriched with hydrogen, due to which a large number of thermal energy, and then, based on these studies, it was possible to create a hydrogen bomb.

When Sakharov had already solved the physical problem, he somewhat rethought what he had done. He realized that people now had a weapon that could destroy all of humanity. The question arises: why does a person need such an invention at all? What if such weapons fall into the hands of irresponsible politicians and they use them? After all, in the history of our humanity there was already an example when the United States dropped two atomic bombs to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These are cities in which there were no large military installations; they were dropped in order to solve certain political problems, including to alert Soviet Union, demonstrate your military might. Thousands and thousands of Japanese residents became victims of these actions, thousands and thousands were interrupted human lives. By the way, people who were infected as a result of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are still dying.

So Sakharov spent the rest of his life struggling with nuclear weapons. This is truly an amazing phenomenon, but such is human nature. We can sometimes make mistakes or do things that we later regret. But if we rethink our actions, we have the opportunity to prove with our lives that we are fighting and correcting the consequences of our mistakes. Sometimes, even if a huge number of people oppose us, this is our moral choice, this is our right action. This is how good people are born.

1. Vinogradova N.F., Gorodetskaya N.I., Ivanova L.F. and others / Ed. Bogolyubova L.N., Ivanova L.F. Social studies 6th grade. - Enlightenment, 2004.

2. Kravchenko A.I., Pevtsova E.A., Social studies: Textbook for 6th grade of educational institutions. - 12th ed. - M.: LLC "TID" Russian word- RS", 2009. - 184 p.

3. Barabanov V.V., Nasonova I.P. / Ed. Bordovsky G.A. Social studies 6th grade, 2007.

4. Nikitin A.F., Nikitina T.I. Social science. 6th grade. - Bustard, 2013.

3. Angstrom - the planet of good deeds ().

1. Answer the questions about Academician Sakharov on page 195. Textbook: Vinogradova N.F., Gorodetskaya N.I., Ivanova L.F. and others / Ed. Bogolyubova L.N., Ivanova L.F. Social studies 6th grade. - Enlightenment, 2004.

2. Do you think it is necessary to be kind in all situations? Support your opinion with examples from life.

3. *Write down all the proverbs and sayings about kindness that you know. Which ones do you agree with and which ones do you not? Why?

Nadezhda Kharasova

NP "Children's Temporary Stay Center"

Project for junior group age:

« A story of good deeds»

Motto: “Hurry to create good".

Prepared: Educator

ml. groups "Pansy"

Kharrasova N.V.

G. Surgut

1. Description project___ 3

2. Introduction ___ 4

3. Relevance ___ 5

4. Problem project___ 6

5. Goal and objectives ___ 7

6. Stages project and planned results___ 8-9

7. Educational activities ___ 10

8. Long-term implementation plan project___ 11-14

9. Conclusion ___ 15

10. List of references used ___ 16

Description project

Kindness does not get old over the years,

Kindness will warm you from the cold,

If kindness like the sun shines,

Adults and children rejoice.

I. Dubina

Subject: « A story of good deeds»

Location. NP "Children's Temporary Stay Center",

gr "Pansies".

Dates project: .Short-term project; for a period of 1 month, from January 15, 2018 to February 15, 2018

Participants project: teacher, children, parents.

Type project: Creative, educational.

Educational areas:

Social communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Physical development.

Forms of work: gaming, cognitive-research, productive, interaction with parents.


They say that if there is in a person kindness, humanity, sensitivity, goodwill, it means that he has taken place as a person.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote “If kind feelings are not cultivated in childhood, you can never educate them.”

The task of a modern educator is not only to master the norms of international social and pedagogical competencies, but also to strive to use innovative processes in the youth environment. To raise in every child a citizen and patriot of their country, to develop a sense of duty in helping those in need, to encourage them to commit kind and useful actions is one of the main tasks of a teacher. This process starts with early years development of the child and passes through the entire conscious life of a person.

If a person loves only himself, he has neither comrades nor friends, and when difficult life trials come, he is left alone, experiences a feeling of despair, and suffers.

In childhood, a person must go through education school good feelings. Human kindness, mercy, the ability to rejoice and worry about other people create the basis of human happiness.

In the dictionary of S. Ozhegov, kindness is responsiveness, sincere disposition towards people, desire to do good to others. You need to look around and find who needs support, who you can extend your hand to, say kind word . We are all a part of this life. If we become better, life will become better.

Relevance project

“I must do everything necessary so that the number goodness in the world has increased».

Relevance lies in the consistency of the idea project the requirements of modern society and the state order for the education of a socially active personality.

Project« A story of good deeds contributes to the formation of initiative of good and the responsibility of children and parents, their acquisition of practical experience, which will strengthen social competence and interest in socially significant activities.

Its main focus is helping children learn the art of creativity. good, to everyone who finds themselves in a difficult life situation and needs special support and care.

The project will unite children and adults around itself (pupils and teachers) and it will become a common cause.

Good, humanism, mercy, the meaning of life - these are values ​​that we can talk about endlessly. There are people who talk, and there are people who do! The results will speak for themselves.

All in our hands! Great things await us!

All people need kindness -

Let there be more there will be good ones!

Kindness is from time immemorial

Human decoration!


Children are our future and it will be the way we make it. Issues of moral development and human upbringing have always worried society time: especially now, when cruelty and violence can be encountered more and more often. Problems of moral education are becoming increasingly relevant. One of the most important conditions the successful development of moral feelings in a child is the creation by adults of a healthy, friendly, cheerful atmosphere around him. The trust of adults, their constant care and support contribute to positive emotional development baby: he readily and easily communicates with peers, shares his joys and sorrows with adults. Working to solve this problem, the method projects, indeed, relevant and very effective. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize acquired knowledge, develop communication skills, this will allow him to successfully adjust his knowledge and attitude to the world around him. There is an underestimation of the importance of labor education, an underestimation of the importance of developing an emotionally positive attitude towards work starting from the youngest preschool age, the moral significance of a child’s work as a manifestation of his care for family members.

Project is designed to teach children not to pass by those who find it difficult, to share their warmth with those who lack it.

Target: Raising positive children

character traits, promote unity

team, motivate children to perform good deeds, kind doing things for the benefit of other people.

Tasks project:

1. Create conditions for creative self-realization of teachers, students, parents of preschool educational institutions and identify proactive participants preschool educational institution project;

2. Deepen children’s understanding of

kindness as valuable, inalienable

as a person.

3. Form a positive attitude in children

relationships with all people.

4. Encourage children to commit good deeds.

5. Get to know fiction, proverbs and sayings about kindness.

6. Form self-esteem of your actions, teach kindly evaluate the actions of other people.

7. Cultivate feeling kindness and respect for other people, to cultivate moral quality: kindness, respect, mercy.

8. Clarify children’s knowledge of etiquette and reinforce the rules of polite communication.

The basis project the following educational methods:

Involvement in activities;




Personal example.

Stages of implementation project.

Stage I (preparatory)– 01/15/18 - 01/21/2018

1. Collection of literature about good: poetry,

stories, riddles, proverbs, sayings, peace tales.

2. Drawing up a long-term plan.

3. Selection of paintings, photographs, illustrations.

4. Working with parents.

5. Developing lessons, determining the topics of conversations.

6. Selection of musical repertoire.

7. Production of manuals, didactic games.

8. A selection of materials for conversations.

Expected Result: Create positive collaboration and interaction with parents and their children.

Stage II (basic)–01/22/2018-02/11/2018

Implementation of a long-term plan with children and their parents;

Carrying out the event according to plan;

Consultations for parents;

Memorizing and reading poetry. riddles, fairy tales;

Release of wall newspapers;

Compiling a collection of notes from classes.

Expected Result

Establishing a strong relationship with the parents of pupils, developing skills to act together, involving parents in the active work of the group, forming in parents the right attitude towards the development of their child.

Enrichment and deepening of knowledge about good and good deeds. Fostering in children love for others and a desire to care for others. Enrichment of vocabulary and development of children's speech, thinking, imagination and emotional responsiveness. Fostering in children a sense of curiosity and a sense of empathy, the ability to distinguish bad deeds from good ones. Formation of skills to act together. Instilling in children a sense of civic duty, patriotism, love for people, and mercy.

Stage III (final)– 02/12/2018-02/15/2018

Summarizing project;

Pageant « Good fairy tale »

Creating a presentation by project« A story of good deeds ;

Awarding of participants;

Providing project pedagogical community;

Participation in competitions of various levels.


1. Children will understand well what it is "evil", « good» , "good deed", "bad thing", « a kind person» , "evil person" .

2. Children will demonstrate their ability to negotiate and support each other.

3. Children will learn to understand the mood of others and express their mood with the help of paints.

4. Children will learn to organize role-playing games based on existing knowledge about good.

Expected result from the outside parents:

1. The participation of parents in the life of the group will increase.

Expected result from the outside teacher:

The group will be created the necessary conditions to form children’s initial ideas about moral feelings and emotions.

Educational activities.

Educational area Topic Goals and objectives

Cognitive development:

Cognitive and research activities

Introduce the attributes of Russian traditional culture: hut, household items, household utensils, dishes, Russian folk costume; activate generalizing concepts in children’s speech "furniture", "dishes", "cloth".

Cognitive development:

Mathematical development "Toys".

To develop the ability to compare toy and real animals; selection of characters for fairy tales; definition of a common character for 2 fairy tales "Kolobok", "Three piglets"; exercise in comparing two objects;

recreating a whole from parts.

Speech development D/i "Birthday" Discuss the situation and how you can help

comrade in difficult times.

"Visiting grandma"

Develop coherent speech, expand lexicon children, develop the ability to answer questions, listen to the answers of others.

Artistic and aesthetic development: Drawing

"Tree kind words» Learn to create a rhythmic composition (alternating colors or lines, consolidate knowledge of the names of colors, cultivate aesthetic taste.

Artistic and aesthetic development: Applique

“I’ll give my dad a gift and tell him how much I love him.”

"Ship" Strengthen the ability to paste ready-made shapes onto a stencil, develop hand motor skills, and consolidate knowledge of basic geometric shapes.

Speech development Theatricalization of a fairy tale "Teremok" develop coherent speech, expand children’s vocabulary, develop the ability to answer questions, listen to the answers of others

Musical development dance "Friendship"

Learning a song "Leopold the Cat" "If you are kind» ; Introduce children to musical instruments, develop auditory and visual memory; stimulate the manifestation positive emotions when driving round dances, performing songs.

Physical education Outdoor games « Good elves» Ball game a game "Polite blind man's buff".

Set of exercises "Path kindness» “Fun Starts” to form in pupils the need for motor activity, to develop coordination of movements

Long-term implementation plan project

Date Activities of the teacher Activities with children Activities with parents

01/15/2018 Drawing up a long-term plan.

01/16/2018 Selection of literature.

01/17/2018 Preparation of booklets for parents "Create good»

01/18/2018 Compiling a collection of proverbs, sayings about good, stories about good deeds and people doing good deeds D/i"Evaluate the action" Target: develop thinking; coherent speech; exercise in establishing cause-and-effect relationships based on a plot picture. Questioning parents "What do you know about politeness" Target: studying individual characteristics family and its educational capabilities.

01/19/2018 Announce a competition for the Most Original Good deed».

Word game "Call me kindly" Target: activate speech; develop memory and thinking; expand your vocabulary; bring up kindness and responsiveness. Involve parents in creating a creative album together with their children "Our good deeds»

01/22/18 Advise parents to have a conversation with their children on the topic "What does it mean to be kind Drawing "The trees are the most polite words»

Target: Learn to create a rhythmic composition (alternating colors or lines, consolidate knowledge of the names of colors, cultivate aesthetic taste. Manufacturing "The Tree of the Most Polite Words", fill the tree with words.

Release of a wall newspaper « Good works wonders» A game "Money box good deeds»

Target: activate memory and attention of children; cultivate friendliness; feeling of responsiveness; empathy; desire to help a friend in a difficult situation

Introduce children to proverbs about good and learn 2-3 proverbs Consideration story pictures on topic: "Good bad"

Target: develop attention, perseverance; teach children to clearly and clearly express their thoughts, evaluate actions, design your behavior in this situation.

Promotion "Give a book to the garden"

Show presentation « Good deeds» Etude "Tell kind word, compliment to comrade"

Target: practice children in using polite words, using expression, facial expressions, posture.


Promotion "The morning begins with a smile". Children and parents prepare cards wishing them a good mood for the whole day.

01/26/18 Give roles to children and start learning the words of the fairy tale by heart. Theatricalization of a fairy tale « Good fairy tale» Target: develop vocabulary.

Consultation for parents “Moral education of children in the family”.

Ball game “Who knows more polite words”

Target: practice children in pronouncing polite words, accuracy, dexterity when receiving the ball from the teacher; cultivate a culture of communication.

Publishing booklets for parents "Create good» Application “I’ll give my mother a gift and tell her how much I love her.”.(making DIY gifts for moms).

Tasks "How can..."

Say hello

Say goodbye

Give thanks

Ask politely

Reach out politely

Outdoor games « Good elves»

Target: to form in pupils the need for physical activity, to develop coordination of movements

C/role play "The Bureau good deeds»

Target: develop game dialogue; game interaction; cultivate a culture of behavior and communication with each other.

Learning a song "Leopold the Cat"

Situational conversation with children “Who and why invented polite words”

Target: consolidate with children the idea of ​​​​the rules of behavior when visiting; in public places; develop dialogical speech, ability to form a judgment; bring up goodwill; culture of communication.

Collect a collection of books about magic for the group, good. Di "What is good, what is bad"

Target: continue to use polite words in speech;

consolidate children’s knowledge and skills about behavior in society, develop in children a sincere expression of love for people, benevolent attitude towards each other. Be considerate and help others. Convince that kindness acquired and reinforced by every action and deed.

Material: plot pictures.


P/n "Shop", "Away"

Target: expand the content of game stories role-playing games; Practice children's polite behavior in specific situations.

Compilation "Piggy banks good deeds» .

Learning the dance "Friendship" Target: develop auditory and visual memory; stimulate the manifestation of positive emotions when driving round dances and singing songs.

Promotion "Treat the book".

Exhibition design

"Alley good books»

Leisure for children "Path of good» .

Preparing the Script "Maslenitsa" street party with parents and pupils Entertainment "Wide Maslenitsa" Preparing details for Maslenitsa

Prepare a theatrical performance « Good fairy tale» Winter decoration plots: children's slides, snow buildings. (involvement of parents)

02/16/18 Dialogue with parents upon completion project. Showing a fairy tale.

Summing up and rewarding the most active parents. Pageant « Good fairy tale» . Dialogue with parents upon completion project.

Conclusion about the work done work:

In our time kindness is not very appreciated, people are embarrassed to be kind. Really to modern man no need for sympathy, empathy, attention, goodwill.

Kindness, mercy, joy and concern for others create the basis of human happiness. Already in the 4th century BC. e. ancient Greek philosopher Plato claimed: “By striving for the happiness of others, we find our own happiness.” The man who does good to others, feels happy.

Throughout project together with my parents I organized and collected "Alley good books» , which includes collections of proverbs, sayings about good, stories about good deeds and people doing good deeds, children's literature.

I organized three events in which parents took an active part.

And in promotions "Help in difficult life situations" organized for the family of fire victims, our kindergarten teachers also took part.

During project Together with the children, two entertainments were held and a theatrical performance was prepared « Good fairy tale»

The children were delighted with the presentation educational games on the topic good and evil.

Now I can confidently say that Children have a clear understanding

O kindness, good deeds.

Children know poems and proverbs about kindness, myrilki. They became more willing to use them in joint activities. The vocabulary on this topic has been enriched.

Children have become more careful about the living world of nature.

Children have developed a caring attitude towards their family members and provide all possible assistance.

Children have increased their ability to negotiate with each other and provide support to each other.

Parents' interest in the life of the group increased.


1. Volchkova V. N., Stepanova N. V. Lesson notes in the second junior group of kindergarten Voronezh: shopping center "Teacher". 2004.

2. Kiseleva L. S., Danilina T. A. Design method in activity preschool. M.: ARKTI, 2006.

3. Ostrovskaya L. F. “Are we raising a child correctly?”, a manual for kindergarten teachers, M., 1979.

4. Petrova V. I., Stulnik T. D. Moral education in kindergarten. M.: Mosaika-synthesis, 2008.

Reading fiction literature:

-Fairy tales: "Cinderella", "The Snow Queen",

"Three sons", "Two Greedy Bears",

« Good morning» , "The most good fairy tales» .

V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad?"

A. Barto "Vovka - kind soul»

E. Blaginina "Present"

A. Kuznetsova "Girlfriends"

S. Marshak "If you are polite".

Learning poems about kindness.


Music is light


Kindness on the football field

Heroic deed

Welcome to the subway

Let your dream come true

Good cop


Worthy rival

An athlete helps her opponent, who sprained her ankle, cross the finish line.

Valuable note

Entrance to a house in Helsinki. The inscription reads: “20 euros. Found in the entrance between the 1st and 2nd floors on September 11 at 18.30.”

Caring people

Act of kindness

Someone decided to do something nice for a stranger and left change in the candy machine.

Mutual assistance

Thousands of people were left without power after Hurricane Sandy. Some who had it put outlets outside so other people could charge their phones and call relatives.

Good neighbor

This soldier was on duty for many hours. Seeing the tired poor guy, the Afghan brought him a mug of tea to save him from debilitating thirst.

Your five minutes of brilliance is someone's whole life

Graduates of the Gymnasium of the Serbian city of Pirot decided to abandon expensive dresses and suits for graduation party to give the money saved to those in need. During the action, schoolchildren and teachers collected 310,000 dinars, which were donated to three families with seriously ill children.

After the celebrations at the Gymnasium, graduates walked through the city center wearing T-shirts with the inscription on the back “Your five minutes of brilliance is someone’s whole life.”

We are responsible for those we have tamed

A man rescues puppies from an abandoned house during floods in Manila.

Free lunch

Subway decided to show an act of goodwill by installing this sign. Every homeless person could get their own lunch.

Dry cleaning for the poor

A dry cleaner is offering unemployed people the chance to clean their suits for free in case they need to attend a job interview.


Photo of a man giving his shoes to a homeless woman in Rio de Janeiro. The girl burst into tears.

98-year-old beggar Grandfather Dobri from the Bulgarian village of Bailovo, dressed in homespun clothes and ancient leather boots, often stands outside the Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky in Sofia. Every day he gets up early and walks 10 kilometers from his village of Bailovo to the capital. In 2010, during filming documentary film about the cathedral, a Bulgarian television journalist made a shocking discovery in the church archives - the most generous private donation the cathedral has ever received - 40,000 euros was made by an old beggar - Grandfather Dobri.

The 98-year-old saint does not touch a single penny of the money that is handed to him. He lives on his pension of 100 euros a month, as well as non-monetary handouts in the form of fruit and bread. Grandfather Dobri helps many others, for example, he paid utility bills orphanage, on the verge of turning off heat and light. He also helps the homeless. But about everyone good deeds We will never know Grandpa Dobry because he never talks about them.


Pope Francis surprised people gathered in St. Peter's Square in Rome when he suddenly interrupted prayer to kiss a man whose body was being consumed by a terrible disease. The man himself came to the square to ask for blessings from the Pope.

Music is light

During the Moscow concert of the KoYan group, the audience suddenly lifted up a wheelchair with a young man and brought it closer to the stage so that he could better see his idols.


Employees of a car wash company in Memphis decided to throw a small celebration at Le Bonheur Children's Hospital. When it was time to clean the windows outside, they dressed up in superhero costumes: Spider-Man, Captain America and Batman. According to volunteers, the children simply rejoiced with delight when Spiderman waved to them outside the window.

Experts say that such therapy is extremely useful for children, because it is very important to forget about illnesses and switch thoughts to something else, more interesting.

Kindness on the football field

Kim Kjellström comforted an autistic boy. This happened before the start of the match with the German national team. Little Max was frightened by what was happening, and the football player supported him. Later, the boy's father wrote a touching letter of gratitude to Kim.

Heroic deed

A firefighter just carried this kitten out of a burning house, risking his own life. He put an oxygen mask on him so he could breathe normally again.

Welcome to the subway

In the Canadian subway, the turnstile was broken and none of the workers were there. This is what passengers left at the entrance.

Let your dream come true

The Michigan Dexter football team gave a guy with Down syndrome the opportunity to open the night's game.

Good cop

New York police officer Larry DePrimo was on duty in Times Square when he saw an elderly homeless man sitting on the sidewalk outside a shoe store. He talked to him, found out what size he was, walked away, and after a while returned with new winter boots and socks, and helped the homeless man put them on. All this happened in front of a sheriff's office employee. She quietly filmed this scene mobile phone. The policeman was not aware that anyone was watching him, much less taking photographs. He simply helped the homeless man and went on duty. Returning home, she sent a photo with a description of what she saw to the New York Police Department. They identified the officer and posted the photo on their Facebook page.


These two Norwegian guys were just walking nearby when they suddenly heard strange sounds. It turned out that due to his own negligence the lamb fell into the water. Clinging to the rocks and holding each other's hands tightly, they risked their own lives to save the poor animal.

Worthy rival

tell friends