Southwest Asia map of countries and capitals. Asia map

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Asia is washed by the Arctic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, and also - in the west - by the inland seas of the Atlantic Ocean (Azov, Black, Marmara, Aegean, Mediterranean). At the same time, there are vast areas of internal flow - the basins of the Caspian and Aral Seas, Lake Balkhash, etc. Lake Baikal in terms of the volume of fresh water it contains exceeds all lakes in the world; Baikal contains 20% of the world's fresh water reserves (excluding glaciers). The Dead Sea is the world's deepest tectonic basin (-405 meters below sea level). The coast of Asia as a whole is relatively weakly dissected; large peninsulas stand out - Asia Minor, Arabian, Hindustan, Korean, Kamchatka, Chukotka, Taimyr, etc. Near the coast of Asia there are large islands (Big Sunda, Novosibirsk, Sakhalin, Severnaya Zemlya, Taiwan, Philippine, Hainan, Sri Lanka, Japan, etc.), occupying a total area of ​​more than 2 million km².

At the base of Asia lie four huge platforms - the Arabian, Indian, Chinese and Siberian. Up to ¾ of the world's territory is occupied by mountains and plateaus, the highest of which are concentrated in Central and Central Asia. In general, Asia is a contrasting region in terms of absolute altitudes. On the one hand, there is highest peak world - Mount Chomolungma (8848 m), on the other hand, deepest depressions- Lake Baikal with a depth of up to 1620 m and the Dead Sea, the level of which is 392 m below sea level. East Asia is an area of ​​active volcanism.

Asia is rich in a variety of mineral resources (especially fuel and energy raw materials).

Almost all types of climate are represented in Asia - from arctic in the far north to equatorial in the southeast. In East, South and Southeast Asia the climate is monsoonal (within Asia there is the wettest place on Earth - the place of Cherrapunji in the Himalayas), while in Western Siberia it is continental, in Eastern Siberia and on Saryarka it is sharply continental, and on the plains Central, Central and Western Asia - semi-desert and desert climate of temperate and subtropical zones. Southwest Asia is tropical desert, the hottest within Asia.

Far North Asia is occupied by tundras. To the south is the taiga. Western Asia is home to fertile black earth steppes. Most of Central Asia, from the Red Sea to Mongolia, is desert. The largest of them is the Gobi Desert. The Himalayas separate Central Asia from the tropics of South and Southeast Asia.

Himalayas - the highest mountain system peace. The rivers, in whose basins the Himalayas are located, carry silt to the fields of the south, forming fertile soils

Asia map

Detailed map of Asia in Russian. Explore a map of Asia from a satellite. Zoom in and see streets, houses and landmarks on a map of Asia.

Asia- the largest part of the world on the planet. It extends from the Mediterranean coast of the Middle East to the far shores of the Pacific Ocean, including China, Korea, Japan, and India. The humid, hot regions of southern Asia are separated from the cooler regions by a giant mountain range - the Himalayas.

Together with Europe, Asia shapes the continent Eurasia. The dividing border between Asia and Europe passes through the Ural Mountains. Asia is washed by the waters of three oceans: the Pacific, Arctic and Indian. Also, many regions of Asia have access to the seas of the Atlantic Ocean. 54 states are located in this part of the world.

The highest mountain peak on Earth is Chomolungma (Everest). Its height above sea level is 8848 meters. This peak is part of the Himalaya system - a mountain range separating Nepal and China.

Asia is a very long part of the world, so the climate in Asian countries ah is varied and differs depending on the landscape and topography. In Asia there are states with both subarctic and equatorial climate zones. In southern Asia, powerful winds blow from the sea - monsoons. Air masses saturated with moisture bring with them heavy rains.

Located in Central Asia Gobi Desert, which is called cold. Its lifeless, windswept expanses are covered with stone debris and sand. The tropical rainforests of Sumatra are home to orangutans - the only large monkeys living in Asia. This species is now endangered.

Asia– This is also the most densely populated part of the world, because more than 60% of the planet’s inhabitants live there. The largest population is in three Asian countries - India, Japan and China. However, there are also regions that are completely deserted.

Asia- This is the cradle of civilization of the entire planet, since the largest number of ethnic groups and peoples live in Asia. Each Asian country is unique in its own way, having its own traditions. Most of them live along the banks of rivers and oceans and engage in fishing and agriculture. Today, many peasants are moving from rural areas to cities that are growing rapidly.

About 2/3 rice per globe grown in only two countries - China and India. The rice fields where the young shoots are planted are covered with water.

The Ganges River in India is the busiest place of trade with numerous "floating markets". Hindus consider this river sacred and make mass pilgrimages to its banks.

The streets of Chinese cities are filled with cyclists. Bicycles are the most popular mode of transport in China. Almost all the world's tea is grown in Asia. Tea plantations are processed by hand, only young leaves are picked and dried. Asia is the birthplace of religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam. There is a giant Buddha statue in Thailand.

Asia is the largest part of the world. However, not everyone knows its exact location. Let us dwell in detail on where Asia is located.

Location and boundaries of Asia

Most of Asia is in the northern and eastern hemisphere. And its total area is 43.4 million km² with a population of 4.2 billion people. It has borders with Africa (connected by the Isthmus of Suez). Therefore, one part of Egypt is located in Asia. Asia is separated from North America by the Bering Strait. The border with Europe runs along the Emba River, the Caspian, Black and Marmara Seas, Ural mountains and the Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits.

At the same time, the geopolitical border of this continent is slightly different from the natural one. So, it runs along the eastern borders of Kurgan, Sverdlovsk and Arkhangelsk regions, Komi, Russia and Kazakhstan. Whereas in the Caucasus its geopolitical border coincides with the Russian-Georgian and Russian-Azerbaijani ones.

It is noteworthy that Asia is washed by four oceans at once - the Pacific, Indian, Arctic, as well as the Atlantic seas. This continent also has areas of internal drainage - Lake Balkhash, the basins of the Aral and Caspian seas and others.

Here are the coordinates of the extreme points of Asia:

  • South —103° 30′ E.
  • North - 104° 18′ E.
  • West - 26° 04′ E
  • East - 169° 40′ W

Features, climate and fossils of Asia

It is important to know that at the base of this continent lie several huge platforms:

  • Siberian;
  • Chinese;
  • Arabian;
  • Indian.

At the same time, ¾ of Asia is occupied by plateaus and mountains. While permafrost covers 10 million square meters. km. mainland, and in the east there are several active volcanoes.

The coast of Asia is poorly dissected. The following peninsulas can be distinguished:

  • Taimyr;
  • Korean;
  • Hindustan;
  • Austrian and others.

Surprisingly, Asia has almost all types of climates - from equatorial (southeast) to arctic (north). The eastern part of Asia is dominated by a monsoon climate, while the central and western parts are semi-desert.

Asia is rich in mineral resources. On its territory there are:

  • oil;
  • coal;
  • iron ore;
  • tungsten;
  • silver;
  • gold;
  • mercury and others.

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