How to relieve nervous, emotional, muscular tension? How to relieve tension pain? Psycho-emotional stress symptoms.

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- this is a consequence of not only emotional, but also physical overstrain, but emotional tension - this is one of the causes of stress. Man experiences in his life different emotions, without which it is impossible to imagine the existence of mankind, and life without emotions cannot be called complete. Some emotions make us happy, while others, on the contrary, are negative, forming the basis of our actions and encouraging them, determining stage of emotional stress . affects not only the mental health of a person, it can cause a number of somatic diseases and exacerbate already existing chronic ones. Therefore, it is very important to know With relieve emotional stress to maintain mental and physical health.

emotional stressis a mechanism capable of activating and mobilizing all the intellectual and physical resources of the body, aimed at solving certain problems with minimal information and a short time frame. In accordance with this or that situation, excitation is converted into emotions, which in turn are converted into sensory (sensitive) and motor (motor) actions. On how high the motivation of certain motives, the difference between the means of achieving the task and the real methods (availability of information, time and energy) depends on how much .

emotional stress goes through several stages of development:

1 stage– mobilization of activity. At this stage, physical and mental performance is significantly increased, which allows solving complex and non-standard tasks with significant time constraints. If such mobilization of the organism is deficient for the organism, then emotional stress goes to the second stage.

2 stage- sthenic negative emotion. For the second stages of emotional stress characterized by the ultimate mobilization of all the internal resources of the body, manifested in anger, anger, obsession and rage. If the body feels a lack of an internal resource, then the third stage of emotional stress.

Stage 3 - asthenic negative emotion expressed by the state fear and anxiety , horror and melancholy, a feeling of hopelessness. At this stage, the body gives a signal of danger, indicating that all internal reserves have been exhausted and you need to look for other ways to achieve your goal, or abandon it, otherwise the fourth stage of emotional stress.

emotional stress, having reached its climax, threatens not only with mental and neurotic disorders, but also causes a number of dangerous somatic diseases or seriously exacerbates existing chronic diseases. First of all, the nervous cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Knowing about the consequences of emotional stress, you need to learn how to manage this state and in a timely manner until it reaches the dangerous fourth stage - neurosis.

How to relieve emotional stress?

If you feel that you are slowly turning into a "tangle of nerves", then it's time . First of all, physical activity will help you, and it is not at all necessary to be an athlete or torture yourself with exhausting trips to the gym. A light morning jog or a special complex is quite enough. physiotherapy exercises , having accustomed ourselves to which we will receive a sufficient dose of the "hormone of happiness" endorphin, the action of which in the body will help reduce state of emotional stress and prevent development burnout syndrome , which is most often experienced by people who are in a state of constant stress . emotional stress excellent water removal, whether you take a contrast shower, or choose the time to go to the pool. Relieve emotional stress Hiking helps a lot, especially walks in the fresh air away from the city.

If you are ready to "explode" right at the workplace, then try to relax and lean back in your chair, remember the most pleasant moments of life, or dream about the upcoming vacation, distract yourself with any thoughts that are not related to the source emotional stress.

Allocate time rationally, combining work and rest, and at home, after a hard day at work, make the most of various relaxation techniques: meditation, yoga, arrange psycho-emotional unloading sessions for yourself to calm music, inhaling aromas mint, sandalwood, pine forest or lavender. Avoid conflict situations at home and in labor team, solve working moments as they come, without taking on the entire load at the same time, rationally distributing it, look for other ways to solve certain labor problems.

A state of emotional stress often deprives healthy sleep, thereby accelerating the development of the fourth stages of emotional stress- neurosis. If you felt difficulty falling asleep , frequent waking up at night, early awakening or superficial sleep, which does not give morning vigor, making it impossible to restore energy and strength, use sedative decoctions to combat any manifestations of insomnia medicinal plants. Relieve emotional stress and protect the cardiovascular system will help tea from the leaves sage, fruits hawthorn and wild rose, herbs oregano, flowers chamomile, mint, lemon balm, valerian officinalis , motherwort herbs . In the absence of time to prepare decoctions, take herbal preparations based on sedative herbs, which allow you to restore quality sleep, keep the cardiovascular system working, protect against depressive or hysterical neurosis, to prevent malfunction of the autonomic nervous system, leading to the development autonomic neurosis .
Preparations Valerian P and Motherwort P, which include vegetable raw materials, the action of which is enhanced by vitamin C, which has an antioxidant effect and increases stress resistance level produced in an easy-to-take tablet form. Innovative preparations Motherwort P and Valerian P are produced according to the technology cryogrinding at ultra-low temperatures, which gives them a significant advantage over other herbal preparations produced using high-temperature processing of plant materials, which significantly reduces medicinal properties medicinal herbs, including when preparing infusions or decoctions.
Thanks to these advantages, the innovative drug Valerian P was awarded gold medal at the exhibition "Medicine and Health" in Perm and the quality mark "Penza Mark".

If you feel that emotional stress increases, then a biologically active innovative complex will come to your aid Nervo-Vit, which became one of Top 100 Products of 2012 , manufactured using cryoprocessing, including the collection best sedative herbs produced on the basis cyanosis blue, the sedative effect of which is 10 times higher than that of valerian.
In addition, cyanosis blue is a powerful anxiolytic that allows you to remove fear, anxiety, horror and longing, which are signs of the fourth stages of emotional stress. To achieve faster anxiolytic and sedative action of cyanosis blue as part of Nervo-Vit, motherwort and lemon balm , and a longer sedative effect is provided by valerian officinalis, which has the ability to prolong the effect of other sedative medicinal herbs in joint action. The effect of herbal ingredients in the composition of Nervo-Vit enhances vitamin C.

Relieve emotional stress, fatigue when performing complex mental tasks or muscle tension with high physical exertion, an innovative vitamin complex will help Apitonus P produced on the basis royal jelly (comprising about 120 useful substances) and flower pollen (the richest source of enzyme complexes, essential and non-essential amino acids, macro- and microelements, vitamins of the main groups),
the action of which is enhanced by a powerful antioxidant complex: dihydroquercetin (Natural Reference Antioxidant Derived from Pine Bark), Vitamin C and vitamin E that protect our body from premature aging, preventing the occurrence of psychosomatic diseases.

For those who prefer traditional technologies for the production of herbal preparations, we recommend herbal remedies, produced in the usual form of pills - Dragee Sage P, Dragee Valerian P , Dragee Motherwort P and dragees of the "Evening" series: Dragees of the "Evening" series, which include a collection of sedative medicinal herbs: Dragee Evening VCM (valerian, hop, mint), Evening Dragee Plus (valerian and motherwort) and

Psycho-emotional stress: signs, prevention, techniques


emotional stress- the psychophysiological state of the body, characterized by an adequate severity of emotional reactions. This state allows you to best achieve your goals and objectives. Emotional tension is resourceful at a certain time interval. Prolonged exposure to emotional stress causes stress and a state of chronic fatigue.

Often, “psycho-emotional stress” is associated with a variety of adverse emotional states associated with dissatisfaction with basic life needs: frustration, discomfort, stress, anxiety, depression, a state of dissatisfaction…

Emotional stress develops in several stages.

1. Mobilization of activity. There is an increase in physical and mental performance, inspiration arises when solving non-standard, creative tasks or when there is a shortage of time. If such mobilization of the organism is insufficient, the second stage of emotional stress occurs.

2. Sthenic negative emotion. There is a maximum mobilization of all the resources of the body and is accompanied by vivid emotional reactions (anger, rage, obsession). If this is not enough, a third stage occurs.

3. Asthenic negative emotion. It manifests itself in the form of oppression of emotional manifestations (longing, legs "knock down", hands "fall down"). This stage is a kind of danger signal, it encourages a person to make a different choice, to abandon the goal or go a different way to achieve it. Ignoring the requirements of the 3rd stage inevitably leads to the emergence of the 4th stage

4. Neurosis: lack of choice, in turn, provokes psychosomatic illnesses.

Diagnostics of psycho-emotional stress:

Subjective signs of psycho-emotional stress:

  1. In the area of ​​feelings: fatigue from everything, depression, insecurity, lack of desire, fear of mistakes, fear of uncertain uncontrollable situations, fear of not being strong enough, not perfect enough
  2. In the field of Thoughts: about the injustice of actions towards oneself, the undeservedness of one's position in society, the lack of appreciation by others of one's own labor efforts, about one's own imperfection.
  3. In the field of Actions: criticism of others and oneself, the desire to be noticed or, conversely, invisible, the desire to do everything very well or not try at all.

Objective signs of psycho-emotional stress:

  1. Difficulty falling asleep and restless sleep.
  2. Fatigue after exercise, which recently did not tire.
  3. Unreasonable resentment, tearfulness, or, conversely, increased aggressiveness.
  4. Distractedness, inattention.
  5. Anxiety, restlessness.
  6. Lack of self-confidence.
  7. Manifestation of stubbornness.
  8. Fear of contact, desire for solitude.
  9. Weight loss or, conversely, the manifestation of symptoms of obesity.

10. Increased anxiety.

11. Day and night urinary incontinence, which was not previously observed.

All of the above signs may indicate that a person is in a state of psycho-emotional stress, only if they have not been observed before.

There are diagnostic methods for determining the level of psycho-emotional stress - see Attachment.

Strategies for reducing emotional stress.

  1. 1. Breathing exercises:

Inhalation consists of three phases - inhalation - pause - exhalation. With increased excitability, anxiety, nervousness or irritability, you need to increase the time for all 3 phases. Start with 5 seconds. It is not necessary to breathe in such a rhythm for a long time. Follow the result and focus on it. You can increase the duration of each phase. In order to raise the general tone, to gather strength, the alternation of phases should be the following inhale-exhale-pause.

Slow and deep breathing - lowers the excitability of the nerve centers, promotes muscle relaxation, that is, relaxation. Frequent breathing, on the contrary, provides a high level of activity of the body, maintains neuropsychic tension. That is, by changing the rhythm of breathing, you can move from a relaxed, calm state to a more active, vigorous one.

  1. 2. Massage and self-massage

The objectives of the massage here will be: normalization of the psycho-emotional state, improvement of metabolic processes, tissue metabolism, improvement of blood and lymph circulation, removal of muscle hypertonicity, removal of the resulting dominant in nervous system sleep normalization.

Massage technique. Apply stroking, rubbing, shallow calm kneading. Percussion techniques and intensive techniques are excluded. Massage the back of the head, collar area, back, lower limbs, chest, upper limbs.

  1. 3. Psychological exercises, meditations.

The ability to relieve muscle clamps allows you to relieve neuropsychic stress. They say: they knock out a wedge with a wedge, and we will do the same. To achieve maximum relaxation, you need to strain as much as possible. A number of exercises are suitable for this, such as "Icicle", "Muscle Energy", "Lemon", etc.

Exercise “Muscular Energy”(development of muscle control skills)

Bend and strain with all your might forefinger right hand. Check how muscle energy is distributed, where does tension go? In adjacent fingers. What else? Into the hand. And then goes? It goes to the elbow, to the shoulder, to the neck. And left hand somehow tense. Check it out!

Try to remove excess stress. Keep your finger tight, but loose your neck. Release the shoulder, then the elbow. The hand needs to move freely. And the finger is tense, as before! Release excess tension from your thumb. From the nameless. And the index finger is still tense! Relieve tension.

Exercise "Lemon" *

Sit comfortably: put your hands loosely on your knees (palms up), shoulders and head down, eyes closed. Mentally imagine that you have a lemon in your right hand. Start squeezing it slowly until you feel that you have “squeezed out” all the juice. Relax. Remember your feelings. Now imagine that the lemon is in the left hand. Repeat the exercise. Relax again and remember your feelings. Then do the exercise with both hands at the same time. Relax. Enjoy the state of peace.

Exercise "Icicle" *("Ice cream")

Stand up, close your eyes, raise your hands up. Imagine that you are an icicle or ice cream. Tighten all the muscles in your body. Remember these feelings. Freeze in this position for 1-2 minutes. Then imagine that under the influence of the sun's heat you begin to slowly melt. Relax gradually the hands, then the muscles of the shoulders, neck, body, legs, etc. Remember the sensations in a state of relaxation. Perform the exercise until you reach the optimal psycho-emotional state. This exercise can be done lying on the floor. Pay attention to how pleasant it is to be a melted icicle, remember these feelings of relaxation, peace, and resort to this experience in tense situations.

Exercise "Balloon" *

Take a comfortable position, close your eyes, breathe deeply and evenly. “Now we will learn to relax with the help of breathing. Imagine that in your stomach balloon ik. You inhale slowly, deeply, deeply, and feel how it inflates ... Now it has become big and light. When you feel that you can no longer inflate it, hold your breath, slowly count to five to yourself, then exhale slowly and calmly. The balloon deflates... And then inflates again... Do this five or six times, then slowly open your eyes and sit quietly for one or two minutes.

Exercise "Seven Candles"*

“Sit comfortably, close your eyes, relax. You are calm, comfortable and comfortable... You breathe deeply and evenly... Imagine that there are seven burning candles at a distance of about a meter from you... Take a slow, deep breath. Now imagine that you need to blow out one of these candles. Blow as hard as you can in its direction, exhaling the air completely. The flame begins to tremble, the candle goes out... You take another slow, deep breath, and then blow out the next candle. And so all seven ... " (Exercise is best done to calm, quiet music, in a semi-shaded room).

Exercise "Flying high in the sky"

Sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and listen to my voice. Breathe slowly and easily. Imagine that you are in a fragrant summer meadow. Above you is a warm summer sun and a high blue sky. You feel absolutely calm and happy. High in the sky you see a bird soaring in the air. This is a large eagle with smooth and shiny feathers. The bird soars freely in the sky, its wings spread out to the sides. From time to time she slowly flaps her wings. You hear the sound of wings cutting through the air vigorously. Now let each of you imagine that he is a bird. Imagine that you are slowly soaring, floating in the air and your wings are spread out to the sides, your wings cut through the air. Enjoy the freedom and wonderful feeling of floating in the air. Now, slowly flapping your wings, approach the ground. Now you are on the ground. Open your eyes. You feel well rested, you have a cheerful mood and a wonderful feeling of flying, which will last all day.”

  1. 4. Autogenic training (AT)

Autogenic training makes it possible to master emotions, develops will, attention, forms the habit of self-observation and self-report, increases the stability and lability of higher nervous activity. AT is used by high school students and adults.

Autogenic training includes two levels - lower and higher.

The first step consists of 6 exercises that affect the autonomic functions:

Exercise "Heaviness" - the maximum relaxation of the muscles. Muscle relaxation is practiced through a figurative representation of the developing sensation of heaviness in the right arm, then the left arm, then in the right leg, then in the left leg and torso;

- exercise "Heat"- arbitrary expansion of blood vessels in the same sequence, achieving a sensation of warmth;

- Exercise "Heart"- regulation of the rhythm of heartbeats;

- exercise "Breathing"- regulation and normalization of breathing;

- exercise "Heat in the solar plexus"- evoking a feeling of warmth in the area abdominal cavity;

Exercise "Coolness in forehead"- the use of sensual representations of coolness, a breeze that refreshes the head.

The second step is meditative exercises that affect mental functions such as attention, imagination, thinking, will, emotions. You can start them only after you have mastered the exercises of the first stage and the sensations caused in all six exercises are achieved quickly (about 30-40 seconds).

They begin to work out the exercises in the prone position (on the back, the arms are slightly bent at the elbow joints, the legs are located freely and do not touch each other), in the future it is advisable to perform them while sitting in a comfortable position. They are practiced in conditions of complete rest, solitude, without haste.

A trained person is able to easily ignore all kinds of interference, performing exercises in any conditions. Practice shows that exercises are learned faster and more efficiently when using a tape recording of text with a sequence of actions.

  1. 5. Mudra

Mudra is a special position of the fingers in accordance with certain rules. Knowledge of mudras comes from ancient times and has always been used in yogic and spiritual practices, as affordable way healing the body, achieving a special state. Suitable for use with students of all ages and adults.

For classes, it is better to find a secluded place, but this is not a prerequisite. Mudras are gestures, so they can be performed at any time and in any place, it is best to perform them while sitting. Required condition- the back is straight. The most favorable time is morning or evening. Mudras should not be done immediately after eating, you can start classes no earlier than an hour later. The best option: perform mudras twice a day. As you master the practice, the duration of the mudra increases from three minutes at the beginning to thirty minutes when you get stable skills. Most mudras give an immediate effect - you will immediately feel a surge of strength, clarity of mind, and peace. If you are facing more serious problems, then discipline and perseverance will be required. The mudras you have chosen will have to be performed for several weeks before you feel a profound change in yourself that will eliminate the problem that torments you.

Wisdom of knowledge

This mudra is one of the most important. It relieves emotional stress, anxiety, restlessness, melancholy, sadness, melancholy and depression. Improves thinking, activates memory, concentrates potentialities.

Technique of execution: the index finger easily connects to the thumb pad. The remaining three fingers are straightened (not tense). Performed with both hands at the same time.

Mudra "Saving Life"

It is used for discomfort in the heart, anxiety and melancholy.

Execution technique: bend the index finger so that it touches the base of the thumb with the pad of the terminal phalanx. At the same time, we fold the middle, nameless and thumb, the little finger remains straight. Performed with both hands at the same time.

Wise of life

The implementation of this mudra equalizes the energy potential of the whole organism, helps to strengthen its vitality. Increases efficiency, gives vigor, endurance, improves overall well-being.

Technique of execution: the pads of the ring finger, little finger and thumb are connected together, and the rest are freely straightened. Performed with both hands at the same time.

  1. 6. Emergency Relief Techniques:

With strong mental stress, you can perform 20–30 squats or 15–20 jumps in place. This method is widely used by both athletes and artists before important performances. Applies to students of all ages.

Exercise "Lampshade"

Participants are asked to sit comfortably, relax and close their eyes. They are given the following instruction: “Imagine that inside you, at chest level, a bright lamp is burning, covered with a lampshade. When the light goes down, you are warm, calm and comfortable. But sometimes, when we start to get nervous, the lampshade turns upside down... The harsh light hits our eyes, blinds us, it becomes hot and uncomfortable.

Imagine such a situation. But it's up to us to fix it. Imagine how the lampshade slowly and smoothly turns down, takes its normal position. The blinding light disappears, you become warm, cozy and comfortable again ... "

Prevention of emotional stress

1. Breakdown and reduction strategy. Concentrate your attention on the small details of any important business or situation for you, move away from the significance of the result. “It is impossible to eat the whole elephant at once, in parts and gradually it is possible.” The concentration on particulars and small details makes the whole situation not so significant that it is very emotional to experience. At the same time, of course, it is useful to remember the main and general goal, so as not to get confused in the details. The split and reduce strategy allows you to switch attention, which helps to reduce the level of emotional tension.

2. Comparison of a situation or some activity with something bigger, the main. Reducing the importance. "Everything is nonsense, compared to the world revolution." Thus spoke the revolutionaries and steadfastly endured the hardships and hardships of the revolutionary struggle. In everyday life, you can think like this: "The project that I'm worried about is much smaller compared to the projects of the entire organization."

3. Establishing Certainty. Often anxiety arises when there is not enough information to make a decision. Get the information you need, find the right resources to address the uncertainty. “Knowledge is power” and calmness, if there is an understanding of the situation, forecasting the result, possible options actions.

4. Modeling a set of acceptable outcomes. Consider all possible outcomes of an activity or resolution of a situation. Find the positives in them. Some options will suit more, some less, but in any case, it is better to be prepared for different options, while knowing how to use each result as efficiently as possible.

5. Postponement (if possible) of making a decision, resolving the situation. The possibility of delay relieves emotional stress, allows you to be distracted, switch attention, removes nervousness caused by the need to act quickly.

Emotional stress subsides with intensive swimming, visiting a bath, running. Any physical activity balances emotions, makes them more stable.

7. Written fixation of the situation and the causes of emotional experience. It can be difficult to reflect your condition on paper, however, this effective method decrease in emotional experience. What is in the head in the form of images, sounds, sensations is not formalized verbally, there is no exact name for this. Having described your condition on paper, you will formulate clearly what is in this moment. Awareness and formulation of a problem situation reduces the level of its emotional experience.

8. Humor and dealing with negative emotions. Anything that becomes funny ceases to be dangerous. Humor is contagious, and cheerful communication brings together and helps to go through life easily, laughing, celebrating every day, creating for yourself positive emotions. It is useful to know anecdotes, aphorisms that are suitable for actual cases from your life. And not just to know, but to tie them to life situations.

Usually, when we are upset, we begin to hold our breath. Releasing the breath is one of the main ways to get out of the head.

Put aside all the problems that bother you. You can return to them whenever you wish, but there is no harm in giving yourself a break. Breathe slowly, calmly and deeply for three minutes. You can even close your eyes if you like. If you like, count to five as you inhale and to seven as you exhale. (Cost more time to exhale creates a gentle, calming effect.) Imagine that when you enjoy this deep, leisurely breathing, all your worries and troubles disappear.

Respite is a relaxation technique. But at the same time, it can also work as a means of diverting attention, diverting thoughts from our problems for at least a few minutes.

  1. Simple statements.

Repetition of short, simple statements allows you to deal with emotional tension. Here are some examples:

  • Now I feel better.
  • I can completely relax and then quickly get ready.
  • I can control my inner feelings.
  • I can handle stress any time I want.
  • Life is too short to waste it on all sorts of worries.
  • No matter what happens, I will try to do my best to avoid stress.
  • Inwardly, I feel that everything will be all right.

Try to come up with your own wording. Keep them short and positive; Avoid negative words like "no" and "can't." Repetition is very important. Repeat your affirmations out loud several times a day or write them down on paper.

  1. Magic word.

Interrupts the automatic flow of thoughts with a soothing word or phrase.

Select simple words types: peace, rest, rest, calm down, balanced. Instead of words, you can count: 1001, 1002, etc., or use phrases like: "deep and even deeper relaxation". Let the thoughts run through your head, don't let them take over you. Close your eyes and focus. Repeat a word, phrase, or count to yourself for 60 seconds. Breathe slowly and deeply.

  1. Relief at 12 points.

Do the following exercises several times a day. (Always keep your physical limits in mind.) Start by rolling your eyes gently, twice in one direction and then twice in the other. Fix your attention on a distant object, and then switch your attention to an object located nearby. Frown, straining the muscles around the eyes, and then relax. After that, take care of your jaw and yawn widely several times. Relax your neck by first shaking your head and then twisting it from side to side. Raise your shoulders to the level of your ears and slowly lower them. Relax your wrists and move them. Clench and unclench your fists, relaxing your hands. Now turn to the torso. Take three deep breaths. Then gently bend your spine back and forth and from side to side. Tighten and relax your buttocks and then your calves. Roll your feet to relax your ankles. Squeeze your toes in such a way that the feet curve up, repeat three times. (If you find it difficult to move your whole body, you can try to moderately tense and relax each part of the body separately.)

  1. Self-massage.

Even during a busy day, you can always find time for mini recreation and relax. You can lightly massage certain points of the body. Do not press too hard, you can close your eyes. Here are some of these points:

  • Between the eyebrows: Rub this area in slow, circular motions.
  • Back of neck: Gently squeeze several times with one hand.
  • Jaw: Rub on both sides where the back teeth end.
  • Shoulders: massage upper part shoulders with all five fingers.
  • Feet: Rub aching feet.

A more penetrating version of self-massage consists in simultaneously stroking the tense muscle with the hand and imagining the heat emanating from the hand and penetrating into the tense area. The most effective, energetic approach is to lightly spank yourself from head to toe. It relaxes and gives a certain boost of energy.

  1. Breathing to the count of 7-11.

Helps to relieve strong physical tension without leaving a stressful situation.

Breathe very slowly and deeply, and so that the entire breathing cycle takes about 20 seconds. You may feel uncomfortable at first. But you don't have to stress. Count to 7 on the inhale and 11 on the exhale.

The need to stretch the breath so much requires full concentration. A deep breath softens the tension that inevitably appears in the intercostal muscles. Extended exhalation relaxes the stomach. If you feel a little dizzy the first time you try this method, shorten the period next time. full cycle and breathe less deeply.

  1. Warm up.

Some people find it easier to release tension while moving than when they are at rest.

Try expressing your feelings in physical exercise, doing gymnastics or aerobics, dancing, or wrestling with an imaginary opponent. Even a short active action (for example, a few squats) will lift your tone and change your mood. Effective brisk walking, running. At the same time, of course, take care not to overwork.

  1. Questions to yourself.

Neutralizes means blocking the feeling of happiness by creating new perspectives in situations of pressure.

When you suspect that you are exaggerating a problem, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is this really the Big Deal?
  • Is anything really important to you at risk right now?
  • Is it really worse than what it was before?
  • Will it seem as important to you two weeks from now?
  • Is it worth it to be so worried?
  • Is it worth dying for?
  • What is the worst thing that can happen and can I deal with it?
  1. Distraction.

Distraction is a form of positive distraction that blocks out stressful thoughts and feelings.

Concentrate your attention on some neutral object for a few minutes. Below are four possibilities:

  • Write down 10 items or things that you dream about. These may not necessarily be important things, just things that give you pleasure, such as a home holiday.
  • Slowly count objects that are emotionally neutral: leaves on a flower, spots on a square of tiles, letters on a printed page, etc.
  • Train your memory by remembering 20 things you did yesterday.
  • Take two minutes to list the qualities you like about yourself and give examples of each.
  1. Self-perception.

Stop for a moment and think about what you should like yourself too. Say out loud or think to yourself: "I take care of myself, my well-being is very important to me. I want to support myself and do my best. I want a really good life for myself. I am always on my side". The feeling of self-support will increase if you hug yourself or simply clasp your hands, as if reinforcing these words of approval.

  1. your valuable qualities.

Opposes the inherent tendency to criticize oneself, reinforces belief in oneself with specific, positive statements.

Make a list of your, of course, valuable qualities. You can add any of the following items to it:

  • I take care of my family.
  • I am a good friend.
  • I have achieved something in life. I help people.
  • I want to succeed
  • I admit my mistakes.
  • I try to be intelligent.
  • I try not to make more mistakes than I did before.
  • I'm pretty attractive.
  • I am talented in some areas.
  • I try to live in moral purity and be kind to people.
  • I began to understand myself better.

Write this list on a piece of paper and carry it with you at all times. When you feel down, take it out and focus on your strengths. Give examples of your positive behavior. It is even better to say them out loud or write them down. All this will greatly increase your self-confidence.

  1. Non-resistance.

If you are annoyed by some person or some specific situation, try to think of it as a source of unpleasant energy. This negative energy affects your senses in the same way that a loud sound affects your ears. Then imagine that you have become invulnerable: imagine a shield in front of you, from which the energy that hurts you "bounces off". Or that you "lost" it, that it passed through you completely painlessly, like cosmic rays constantly penetrating our body. And if someone says unpleasant things to you, criticizes, imagine that negative words "fly" over your head without even touching you.

Exercise "Fly".
Purpose: to relieve tension from the facial muscles.
Sit comfortably: put your hands freely on your knees, shoulders and head lowered, eyes closed. Imagine that a fly is trying to land on your face. She sits on the nose, then on the mouth, then on the forehead, then on the eyes. Your task, without opening your eyes, is to drive away the annoying insect.
Exercise Lemon.

Sit comfortably: put your hands loosely on your knees (palms up), shoulders and head down, eyes closed. Mentally imagine that you have a lemon in your right hand. Start squeezing it slowly until you feel that you have “squeezed out” all the juice. Relax. Remember your feelings. Now imagine that the lemon is in the left hand. Repeat the exercise. Relax again and remember your feelings. Then do the exercise with both hands at the same time. Relax. Enjoy the state of peace.
Exercise "Icicle" ("Ice cream"),
Purpose: to control the state of muscle tension and relaxation.
Stand up, close your eyes, raise your hands up. Imagine that you are an icicle or ice cream. Tighten all the muscles in your body. Remember these feelings. Freeze in this position for 1-2 minutes. Then imagine that under the influence of solar heat you begin to slowly melt, gradually relaxing your hands, then the muscles of your shoulders, neck, body, legs, etc. Remember the sensations in a state of relaxation. Perform the exercise until you reach the optimal psycho-emotional state. This exercise can be performed while lying on the floor.
Balloon exercise.
Purpose: to control the state of muscle tension and relaxation.
Stand up, close your eyes, raise your hands up, take a breath. Imagine that you are a big balloon filled with air. Stay in this position for 1-2 minutes, tensing all the muscles of the body. Then imagine that a small hole has appeared in the ball. Slowly begin to release air while relaxing the muscles of the body: hands, then the muscles of the shoulders, neck, body, legs, etc. Remember the sensations in a state of relaxation. Perform the exercise until you reach the optimal psycho-emotional state.
And, finally, with strong neuropsychic stress, you can perform 20-30 squats or 15-20 jumps in place. This will get rid of the tension that has arisen. This method of relieving psycho-emotional stress is widely used by both athletes and artists before important performances.
Consider the following complex of self-regulation - autogenic training (AT).
Autogenic training makes it possible to master emotions, develops will, attention, forms the habit of self-observation and self-report, increases the stability and lability of higher nervous activity.
Autogenic training includes two levels - lower and higher.
The first step consists of 6 exercises that affect the autonomic functions:
exercise "Heaviness" - maximum muscle relaxation. Muscle relaxation is practiced through a figurative representation of the developing sensation of heaviness in the right arm, then the left arm, then in the right leg, then in the left leg and torso;
exercise "Heat" - an arbitrary expansion of blood vessels in the same sequence, achieving a sensation of warmth;
exercise "Heart" - regulation of the rhythm of heartbeats;
exercise "Breathing" - regulation and normalization of breathing;
exercise "Heat in the solar plexus" - a call for a feeling of warmth in the abdominal cavity;
exercise "Coolness in the forehead" - the use of sensual representations of coolness, a breeze that refreshes the head.
The second step is meditative exercises that affect mental functions, such as attention, imagination, thinking, will, emotions. You can start them only after you have mastered the exercises of the first stage and the sensations caused in all six exercises are achieved quickly (about 30-40 seconds).
They begin to work out the exercises in the prone position (on the back, the arms are slightly bent at the elbow joints, the legs are located freely and do not touch each other), in the future it is advisable to perform them while sitting in a comfortable position. They are practiced in conditions of complete rest, solitude, without haste. A trained person is able to easily ignore all kinds of interference, performing exercises in any conditions. Practice shows that exercises are learned faster and more efficiently when using a tape recording of text with a sequence of actions.
The first few minutes of each exercise are devoted to finding a comfortable position. After the state of maximum rest is reached, the autosuggestion phase begins, with the pronunciation of one phrase, reducing it by one word with each repetition. For example: “And now / I really / Want / To / My / Right / Hand / Become / Heavy ...”, “I switch my attention to my left hand. I really want my left arm to become heavy…”
This is followed by the main content part, which consists of installations, the nature of which corresponds to the tasks of the exercise being performed. After the main content part, the final phase follows, during which the body prepares for the transition to a waking state, for which the following formulations are used: “I had a great rest. I feel fresh. I am very calm. Calmness gives me confidence, strength, health. I feel alert and energetic, etc.” If the exercise is aimed at normalizing sleep, the formulations of the final phase are reversed: “I dissolve into peace. Peace turns into slumber. I start to fall asleep. Etc.".
For the purpose of self- and mutual assistance to increase stress resistance, you can use the method of Hasai Aliyev "Key". This method allows, by selection and sorting, to find an individual way to achieve the optimal psycho-emotional state. The method is based on ideomotor training.
Unlike auto-training, which involves the sequential mastering of each exercise and the transition to the next step only when the desired effect is fully achieved, the “Key” method of X. Aliyev allows you to quickly achieve the effect of relaxation and relieving psychomotor stress. This method is based on self-regulation without external influence from specialists. To enter the optimal psycho-emotional state, it is necessary to find your own “key” by selection and sorting. By learning to control ideomotor movements, a person learns to control his state. How is this achieved?
First of all, it is necessary to conduct a test for "tightness" by enumerating three basic techniques.
Basic ideomotor techniques:
spreading the arms: imagine that the arms extended in front of you begin to smoothly diverge to the sides without your muscular efforts, as if automatically;
bringing hands together: imagine their reverse movement;
raising the arm, arms: imagine that your lowered arm(s) floats up, like, for example, an astronaut in weightlessness.
If none of the tricks work, then you are clamped. Do whatever physical exercise and again repeat the reception for "tightness". To relieve nerve clamps, it is necessary to repeat several times the ideomotor technique that works best. Attention! When the body begins to move into self-oscillation mode, helping this process, look for the rhythm of harmonious self-oscillation "back and forth" or "in a circle." In this way, you can train and coordination. The exercises can be done standing or sitting.
During the execution of the techniques, you should remember desired results that you want to get as a result of their actions (for example, improved well-being, cheerfulness, clarity, etc.).
Reception "Flight".
Stand up, close your eyes, lower your arms along the body. Mentally focus on your hands and try to lift them up, to the sides without tension. Imagine that you are flying high above the ground.
Reception "Divergence of hands".
Stand up, close your eyes, stretch your arms out in front of you. Mentally focus on your hands and try to spread them apart without straining. Choose a comfortable image that allows you to achieve this movement.
Reception "Convergence of hands".
Stand up, close your eyes, arms at your sides. Mentally focus on your hands and try to bring them together without straining. Choose a comfortable image that allows you to achieve this movement.
Reception "Levitation of the hand."
Hands down. Tune in so that the hand becomes lighter and begins to rise, float. If this technique does not work, you need to look for another movement or try to perform it after other movements.
Reception "Self-oscillations of a body".
Stand up, close your eyes, lower your arms along the body. Start swinging slowly, mentally choosing your pace and rhythm of movement, gradually achieving complete relaxation of the whole body. The main thing is to look for a pleasant rhythm and tempo of rocking.
Reception "Head movement".
Standing or sitting, mechanically rotate your head in search of a pleasant rhythm and pleasant turning points. Painful and tense places should be bypassed. A pleasant turning point is a relaxation point. The task is to find a movement that is easy, with minimal effort, with pleasant sensations that you want to continue.
The main task is to learn to mentally achieve the optimal psycho-emotional state. In cases of stress, by performing the described exercises, you can quickly and effectively restore your strength and take control of feelings and emotions. More
details of the method can be found in the book by X. Aliev "The Key to Yourself" (M.: Molodaya Gvardiya, 1990). Ways of achieving calm, influencing bodily reactions, arbitrarily changing the physiological parameters of the body's activity - this, in fact, is self-regulation, as mentioned above.
Consider the following basic technique for regulating the psycho-emotional state - self-monitoring. The variant of self-monitoring of the state proposed by us is introduced as an obligatory element of psychophysiological training and is used for "self-control-self-regulation" of pilots (V.L. Marishchuk), as well as specialists of various extreme professions.
The purpose of self-monitoring is the identification and arbitrary overcoming of emotional tension.
It is necessary to mentally move the focus of attention around the body with the help of the following questions:
How is my expression?
How are my muscles? Is there any stiffness?
How do I breathe?
If negative signs are identified, they are arbitrarily eliminated with the help of other self-regulation techniques: the posture is adjusted, muscles relax, breathing normalizes, and facial expressions of confident calmness are created.
First of all, it is necessary to master the basic technique of self-regulation of breathing.
Sit down and take a comfortable position.
Put one hand in the navel, the second on the chest (these manipulations must be performed only on initial stage mastering the technique in order to remember the correct sequence of respiratory movements and the resulting sensations).
Take a deep breath (lasting at least 2 seconds), drawing air first into the stomach, and then fill your entire chest with it.
Hold your breath for 1-2 seconds.
Exhale slowly and smoothly for 3 seconds. The exhalation should be longer than the inhalation.
Take a deep breath again without stopping and repeat the exercise.
The exercise is repeated 4-5 times in a row. Avoid striving to do the exercise perfectly the first time. It must be remembered that when performing this technique, dizziness may occur. This is due individual features. In case of dizziness, reduce the number of cycles performed in one set. The technique of self-regulation of breathing can and is important to use not only at moments of psycho-emotional tension, but also during the day from 5 to 15 times, devoting 1 minute to its implementation. This technique perfectly helps to relieve emotional arousal, a state of tension, etc.
As a simple technique for working with emotions, you can use the technique of paradoxical intention by V. Frankl.
Inner experience shows that experiences arise in us involuntarily, regardless of our decision. Try to create anxiety in yourself right now, try your best, say to yourself: “You must be terribly anxious. Worry, worry, even more! .. ”I think there was no anxiety. The direct intention to feel some kind of feeling, as it were, paralyzes the ability to experience it for a while. On the basis of this, one of the rules of the psychotechnics of experience was formulated - "If you want to get rid of or weaken some undesirable state, try to do the exact opposite - to cause or strengthen its sensation."

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