The goal of the line is September 1 at school. Got a new form

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Deputy Director

on educational work

Municipal educational institution - secondary school in the village of Lyubimovo

Kovaleva Galina Anatolevna


Target: opening a new one school year, motivation for good and good attitude to school and study.

Time spending: 9.00 a.m.

Location: MOU-OOSH

Participants: 1 – 9 grades

Invited: Veterans of teaching work;

Representatives of the region.


Fanfare sounds.

1 ved: Good afternoon, students!

2 leads: Good afternoon, parents!

1 ved : Good afternoon, teachers!
It was not in vain that you came to visit,
After all, today is a holiday at school,
Holiday September 1st!

2 leads: Our school opened its doors.
Come in, we welcome students.
Golden autumn greets you again
And the path to knowledge will open for you.

1 student :

On the first day of autumn,
Clear, golden,
School, we are so happy
Meet you!

2 student :

It all starts with the school bell

And everyone needs this holiday.

The beginning of knowledge is the holiday of September,

When we rush to school for the first time.

For a first grader there is no day more important

When he enters the classroom smiling,

And today he looks bolder

And he is becoming an adult now.

For the first time mom is on the sidelines today,

Looks with love at his own baby,

And he, like a real schoolboy,

Today he enters our hall slowly.

1 ved : We are very happy to see all guests!
The holiday has knocked on our door!
First graders, come in!
We are looking forward to seeing you!

2 ved : Meet the first-graders of 2010.

The song “They teach at school” plays

first graders enter .

Class teacher 1st grade __________









1 ved: Kids, you are like our hope,
We will teach you diligently,
We will, of course, educate you.
And like your own children, love them all!

2 ved : Kids, September opens up for you
There is an invisible door to the magical world,
Where anyone learns a lot
Outside the school now.

1 ved : We heartily congratulate the kids,
The first bell will ring soon...
We wish you success in your studies - without mistakes, losses and insults!

1 student: Yellow leaves are flying, the day is cheerful,
The mothers accompany all the children to school.
The gardens have already bloomed, the birds are flying away.
You are going to first grade for the first time to study!

2 student : Sad dolls are sitting on an empty terrace,
After all, the kids have no time for them in the bright new class.
You went to school today, please don’t be lazy,
We wish you guys good studies.

1 student: We wish happiness to our school,
To her dear teachers!
Grow, get smarter, be the best in class,
We wish the students.
2 ved : Allow the line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge to be considered open.

The Russian Anthem is playing

1 ved : School is a special world! School is a unique state! School is a place of joy and sorrow. School is a place of wonders and traditions.

By tradition, the floor for congratulations on the beginning of the school year is given to the school director ______.

Speech by the school principal.

2 ved : The floor for reading the order to enroll students in 1st grade is given to the deputy. Director for SD _________.

Speech by Deputy director for sustainable development .

1 ved :

Dear, our first graders!

Everyone has their first school holiday in their life. This is your holiday today and it’s called: Day of Knowledge. You and your parents have now heard the order to enroll you in school, which means:

Yesterday I was just a child,

Nothing can be done here

They called you a preschooler

And now they call me a first-grader!

2 ved : Look, guys,
How many guests came to us,
To congratulate you on the holiday
You, talented children!

1 ved : Today our school is hosting guests: (list the guests who arrived for the ceremony)

1 ved: - …..

2 leads: - : ….

1 ved : Our young friends want to prove that they can already be considered schoolchildren. They prepared a short performance for everyone present.

The song “Hello 1st grade!” plays

You First graders are walking.

Performance by first graders:

1. Make way for honest people!
First grader in front of you!
I have a big bouquet
New backpack on your back!

2. I turned seven years old this year,

Now I'm big, I'm going to study.

Mom worked, cut, hurried,

And my mother sewed a skirt with frills for me.

They bought me a beautiful, shiny backpack,

Not a toy at all, but real.

I will try, I will not be lazy,

I am very pleased that I am a student.

3 . I woke up this night
I must have done it ten times!
It seemed to me constantly
That I'm late for class.

4. My mother braided my hair,
I wove white bows.
I went to kindergarten yesterday
Today I went to first grade!

5. Are uncles, aunts,
What are the flowers?
Will go to this school
Also with us?

6. They escorted me to school
Grandma sighed.
Says her life
The calm one is gone!

7. My older sister
I painted my eyes in the morning.
Maybe I should buy some lipstick?
Or is it not necessary to go to first grade?

8. Everyone calls us kids,
Moms are somewhere near us.
Eleven years will pass -
We will become adults. You all rely on us,
We will be a very friendly class.
We promise not to be lazy
Learn to read and write together!

9. Hello school! First time
We are crossing your threshold.
Be exemplary in everything
We promise today!


1. They performed before you
We are with ditties more than once,
And today we are doing

2. Don’t think about it, Alena,
That you will only sing,

At school every minute

You have to look at the board.

3. Without you I know _________,
We'll have to sweat.
But during the break
I'll sing anyway.

4. I am the multiplication table
I'll memorize everything by heart,
I tell you without hesitation
I want to become a businessman.

5. “A”, I won’t hide it,
I will do well in school
When I grow up, I’ll open a cafe,
I'll sell pizza.

6. The school will help you and me
Be very literate

And to all our friends too

Make all your dreams come true.

All : 1.They spoke to you
We are with ditties now,
And today we do

For the first time we are in first grade.

The song “Hello, hello 1st grade” is playing !».

First graders leave

Presenter 1. Attention: The solemn moment has come when the first-graders will take an oath, after which they will become members of our large and friendly school family.

Presenter 2. To take the oath, all first-graders should stand up and repeat after us loudly!

Fanfare sounds from the song “Childhood” ____

We are first graders

Girls, boys.

We swear! Be obedient

Cheerful, not boring,

Help mom and dad

Don't hurt kids

Always be diligent

And true to our friendship,

Discover a world of knowledge for yourself,

Serve for the good of the homeland.

We swear! We swear! We swear!

Leading. Our school has a good tradition: on Knowledge Day, first-graders receive an instruction from school students:

The song “Wider Circle” is playing

Pupils of 2-3 grades leave.

1. The desired hour has come:

You are enrolled in first grade.

You, my friend, listen to us,

We give you an order:

2. Work out, don’t be lazy,
Strive for knowledge with all your might,
Try to be good
And follow us in everything!

3. We also tried in everything,
We were not afraid of difficulties,
We looked at the big ones
And they tried to catch up with them.

4. Tell everyone about the school;
Cherish the honor of the school!
Always keep it in order
Books, copybooks, notebooks!

5.You must now learn to read!
Write, count and do everything with perfect marks.
Be careful and polite.
Don't forget to say hello!

6. If the program is difficult,

There is a teacher, a mother at home.

You ask and don’t be shy,

Do your best!

7. To make your class friendly,

Save your feelings.

Love everyone, respect everyone,

Never offend

If you carry out the order -

Prepare for the second class.

8. We wish you success -
You will achieve them, we know!

9. That's all our advice,

They are wiser and simpler.

Don't forget them, my friend!

All: Goodbye, good journey!

The song “Wider Circle” is playing

1 ved : Congratulations to all those present on the beginning of the new academic year


1 ved : We ask all students today
Be a host at school, not a guest.
There are many schools in the area, but this one is like an undiscovered planet for you,
Which you will have to open
Love, cherish, keep longer.

2 ved : So, the solemn moment comes.
Just a minute!
Freeze, student!
Now it will ring, your first call,
You will be invited to your first lesson.

The music "Pinocchio" is playing!

Pinocchio appears to the music .

Pinocchio : But I’m against it! Against!!!

Presenter . Guys, do you recognize this boy? Yes, this is Pinocchio.

Pinocchio . Of course, Pinocchio. Who else am I? Just think, you guessed right! Experts for me too!

Presenter. Pinocchio, how ill-mannered you are! I'm ashamed of you in front of the guys. Can’t even Malvina re-educate you?

Pinocchio . Re-educate, re-educate! Be polite! Thank you very much, Hello please! Tired of it!

Presenter. You can not do it this way! You also have to go to first grade, and all the guests came to congratulate you and the guys on the start of the school year.

Pinocchio. Happy start of the school year?! We found something to congratulate! Teaching is torture. Guys, no one wants to buy a wonderful ABC book with pictures? I have some coins. I'll sell the primer and I'll have more of them.

The song “What a Blue Sky” is playing.

Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat Appear .

Fox Alice . Hello, dear Pinocchio. I can help you. I know how you can get a lot more money.

Pinocchio . How?

Fox Alice . Very simple. I'll explain everything to you now. In the Land of Fools there is a magical field called the Field of Miracles.

Pinocchio . Is this like Yakubovich’s?

K.B. What about Yakubovich with his “Field of Miracles”! This field is cooler! In this field you need to dig a hole, throw coins in there, say the magic words: “Cracks-fex-pex” - and a whole tree will grow with money with which you can buy everything.

Pinocchio . I haven’t heard of such a country. I saw about the village of Fools on TV, but this is the first time I’ve heard about the Country of Fools.

Fox Alice . Have you ever heard of such a country? (Laughs.) Yes, she is! Ask anyone you want.

Pinocchio . Guys, is there such a country?

Children . No!

Fox Alice. Oh oh oh! What little children and such big liars! Children lie! There is such a country!

Presenter. Well, this is too much! Blame the guys when they tell the truth! There is a land of Knowledge to which I invite you. Look what a wonderful holiday! Everyone congratulates the first graders today. Several telegrams have even arrived (reads telegrams).

I wish you health from the bottom of my heart, kids!

So that they are not afraid of vaccinations,

We tempered ourselves every day,

So that bronchitis does not torment you!

Good doctor...

Children . Aibolit.

Presenter. I want to wish you only to get A's,

Chocolate, cookies, marmalade, jam.

Eat more cakes and sit down at your desks.

Get thicker, taller! I'm waiting for your answer on the roof.

Children . Carlson.

Presenter . Now, Pinocchio, choose who you will stay with - with the lying fox and the lying cat, or with our teachers, who will open the door to the land of Knowledge for you.

Pinocchio. I want to learn!

Fox Alice: It went wrong again!

K.B. : Let's quickly go to another school, maybe something will work out there.The song plays ____ (They leave.)

Presenter. Well done, Pinocchio! You should give the first call!

1 ved : Let the first bell ring in September!
Friends, it’s a holiday again, the Day of Knowledge!
Ring, bell, good journey, good hour!
Dear school, welcome each of your classes!

2 leads: The right to give the first bell is given to Pinocchio and a 1st grade student _________________

The song “Hello, hello 1st grade!” is playing. ____

first graders leave.

Presenter 1. And the first school bell rang

He is like the beginning of long roads

He calls you to the bright classroom

Friends, good luck! Good morning!

2 ved : So the new school year has begun. We congratulate all school students, their parents on the holiday - Knowledge Day, and we congratulate teachers.

1 ved : Our holiday is ending, but may the joy of meeting be endless!

Good luck to you, dear guys! Goodbye! See you again!

The song “What They Teach at School” plays ».

Used Books:

    Magazines "Class Teacher"

    Scenarios for school holidays: extracurricular activities. ! – 4 classes: educational – Toolkit/ comp. E.M.Tikhomirova. – M.: Publishing house “Exam”, 2006.

    Festival website pedagogical ideas"Public lesson" festival @ September . ru

Ceremonial line-up on September 1– a festive and significant event for schoolchildren and teachers. For some, Knowledge Day will be the first day at school, which they will remember for the rest of their lives. Therefore, it is important to hold the ceremony in an interesting, bright, positive manner.

We offer a scenario for holding a ceremony on September 1 at your school for grades 1-11

The venue is a site near the school.

Line “September 1 – Knowledge Day” 2019

(Fanfares sound)

Presenter 1

School, stand still!

Comrade school director!

Students and teachers high school built for the solemn ritual of the first bell!

Head teacher

I declare the line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge open!

Presenter 2

September has come, summer has ended,
The holiday of knowledge, study, and grades has arrived.
Children, parents, teachers!
Happy holiday, friends!
Presenter 1

It seems like yesterday we were standing
Celebrated the holidays with joy,
Which after the school year
How long ago did it start? But queen nature
Relentless, and the months of summer
In past. And the school uniform is on.
Presenter 2

A couple of minutes - and the first call
He will call you back to class.
School doors will open again
Tomorrow school days will begin.
Well, today is a festive hour!

We congratulate you all on this holiday!

Presenter 1

Today is an unusual day in the world
Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -
The school opened its doors to everyone.
And don’t be sad, girls, boys,
Based on games, ideas and fairy tale books
The magic never ends in school life,
The tale continues here too.
Presenter 2

Where are the least of you?
Let him come out here now
The very first, first class!

Presenter 1

Attention school!
We invite first-graders to the lineup.

(Music sounds)

Presenter 2

1st grade A,______-(name of teacher) ___and her students.

1st grade B,_____ (teacher's full name)____ and her students.

Presenter 1

School! Attention!

Under the national flag Russian Federation and the flag... the region is at attention! The right to raise the state flag and the flag of ... the region is granted

Presenter 2

Today at our celebration there are guests:

Presenter 1

Today is a fun day
We introduce everyone to our school!

We're starting to get acquainted
From one simple word.
Everyone knows this word
And it sounds like “director”!

The floor is given to the school principal…………..

Presenter 2

According to tradition, on September 1, we always honor excellent students. They are the pride of our school.

The floor is given to the deputy director of the school for academic affairs. educational work Kulikov Ivan Grigorievich.

(A song performed by eleventh graders)

Presenter 1

From bright fairy tale you came to school,
Everyone wishes you a safe journey,
And your desks are like ships,
Today they set sail on a magical voyage

Presenter 2

The floor is given:

(Congratulations to the guests)

Presenter 1

Friends, can you imagine, we have a miracle today,
After all, we gathered for a school holiday.
Surprises await you everywhere,
The fairy lights are already lit!

Presenter 2

A magical land will open its doors,
It's time for us to start, friends.
Perhaps someone will be surprised and won’t believe it -
The queen of the school will congratulate you.

Queen of the school

Our dear first-graders, I congratulate you on your first day of school! Know that our school is the best in the world, it is a bright and joyful island of childhood, and teachers have permanent residence on this island, and therefore for all 11 years you will have respected, revered, kind wizards and sorceresses next to you, who will carefully guide you along the difficult steps school kingdom - the kingdom of goodness, beauty, the search for truth. And now I will give you the magic key to the Land of Knowledge.

Presenter 1

To find out how big the earth is,
To open sciences like countries,
Teachers will lead you to knowledge -
Experienced captains.

Presenter 2

The floor is given to the first teacher…………………

First teacher: Dear first graders!

I'll open it for you
Knowledge of the bright path.
And you won’t go on your own,
Together we will go
Along unknown paths
Into the world of unknown wonders.
It will be a little difficult for us
But we have the Key of Knowledge.
He will open any door
Will invite you into the world of knowledge.
Presenter 1

The floor is given to our birthday boys - first graders
We were preschoolers
And went to kindergarten.
We made from clay
And horses and bunnies.
And now, and now
Open the door for us, school!
We went to kindergarten
We had little trouble.
And now we've grown up -
Everything has become the other way around.
Look at me:
That's how happy I am!
I'm already in first grade
I wear a new uniform
In our classroom the floor is painted,
Clean walls
This is our dads' summer
Everything was done skillfully.
Mothers washed all the windows,
The curtains were hung here,
So that it is light and clean,
To make learning fun
Bought new books
Pens and notebooks.
We tried to keep it in the briefcase
Everything was fine.
I will study with my soul,
Do all the tasks
To get straight A's
I'll try my best.
And the girls for their pigtails
I won't pull!
And I also promise -
I'll stop crying.
I will help adults
Do everything carefully.
I will print the letters
I'm very diligent.
On this wonderful, bright day
We are not too lazy to go to school
We say: “Cozy class,
Make us welcome.
We promise not to be lazy
Let's study well."
Presenter 2

The floor is given 11th graders:

1. Autumn swirls golden leaves,
And in a beautiful golden shower
Chrysanthemums are white, large
Stars sparkled everywhere.

2. This is the first-graders' bloom
At the time of golden wonderful days,
This is the glow of new stars
And the flights of white doves

3. The boys are rushing to school for the first time.
First class calls and beckons everyone.
This is the first holiday, the newest one,
Will bring victory and success

4. This is in life new road,
A long and sometimes difficult journey.
Will happy holidays so much,
Just don’t forget this holiday.

5. The first one in life is the best holiday.
The heart beats in a small chest.
You are no longer a naughty man or a prankster,
All your fun is over.

(Music, eleventh graders presenting gifts)

Presenter 1

The floor is given to the parent of the first grader

My dear baby, my dear son,
Today you will return home grown up.
You dreamed a lot that you would become big,
And dad and I will be proud of you.
And now it has come, this joyful moment,
Before we could blink, he overtook us.
Do you hear the birds singing outside the windows,
Is the surf rustling and the trees blooming?
All this is for you, my dear, all around,
All the world and smiles of friends and girlfriends!

Presenter 2

School, attention! The oath of first-graders sounds :

  • I swear to respect teachers, listen to them carefully and not count crows during lessons.
  • I swear not to upset my parents with twos and ones, broken chairs and scribbled desks.
  • I swear to study honestly, not to cheat, to get good grades
  • I swear to be friends with the guys and not to offend the kids
  • I swear to be friends with the book
  • I swear to do exercises in the morning, toughen up and not get sick
  • We swear to honorably bear the title of student... of the school

Presenter 1

Opening the New Year,

Let our school bell ring
Ringing bells meeting,

Everyone who came to the first lesson!

(The bell comes in)

I called for the last time on May 25th
And then I said, saying goodbye to spring:
“Relax, sunbathe,
Have fun, don't fight.
Read different books
Don’t forget about me!”
Now I'm calling again,
To invite you to school!
Start the school year
Absorb knowledge again!
Everyone learn together
Be sad and have fun!
Thank you everyone for coming
And they brought smiles,
A sea of ​​aromas
Hello guys!
Presenter 2

Let the very first bell ring now,
And our long-awaited lesson will begin.
You will keep these moments in your hearts
And carry the joy from them through the years!

Presenter 1

Now it's time to ring the first bell of this school year. And this right is granted to 11th grade students:

Presenter 2

Ring, ring! Ring, ring!
Cheerful, sad, daring!
Presenter 1

Another lesson awaits you in life,
Childhood is passing away quietly!..
Presenter 2

Ring, ring! Ring, ring,
Opening lessons!
Presenter 1

We move forward towards knowledge,
Without knowing fatigue!

Presenter 2

Our holiday is ending, but may the joy of meeting be endless!

Presenter 1

Well, good morning and good journey,
Don't forget to smile, schoolboy!
The school invites us to the Land of Knowledge,
And the academic year begins!

By Orthodox tradition in September the world was created. On the first day of this month, Jesus Christ came to Nazareth, entered the prayer meeting and stood “among the teachers.” September 1 became Knowledge Day quite recently. And not everywhere - in 1984 it was officially established by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

In ancient Rus', September 1 was considered New Year's Day. This date was celebrated for the last time by Peter the Great in 1699. The Tsar Father celebrated ancient custom his ancestors, the beginning of a new summer, and on the large Ivanovo Square, sitting on the throne, he received a blessing from the patriarch, and a greeting from the people, and he himself congratulated him on the new year, which he celebrated on the first of January in 1700.

In pre-Petrine times, September 1, the day of St. Simeon, began with the sound of a shot from the messenger cannon in the Kremlin, which fired exactly at midnight. Following her, the large, medium and small bells of all churches rang, and the Kremlin gates swung open. The life of Simeon the Stylite, popularly known as Simeon the Summer Guide, was well known in Rus'; people learned from him to endure numerous difficulties of human existence in the name of a holy cause. According to ancient tradition, it was believed that on this holy day it was necessary to perform charitable deeds. Not a single beggar was left without alms; even prisoners in prison were given gifts.

The first day of autumn was called “autumn”. It was supposed to “wipe” the “new” fire with two planks and start gatherings with this clean fire.

From September 1, Rus' celebrated autumn, moved to new houses, performed the ritual of “tonsuring” seven-year-old boys into adolescence, celebrating them new role in the community. TO holiday A funny funeral ceremony was held for flies and cockroaches, annoying inhabitants of the house. The custom of “caroling” is also a September one. On the night of the New Year, adults and children, dressed in masks and animal skins, sang, danced, sprinkled grain on the floor, wishing the owners a rich harvest.

And the first of September was popularly considered the beginning of Indian summer. Based on the Indian summer weather, old people predicted: rain - for a snowy winter, cold - for an early thaw. On this day, the craftsmen began their “stays” - working by fire. Teenage girls prepared a splinter, shoemakers cut leather, sheepskin workers prepared tools. And strangers - ofeni - walked around the huts and courtyards, auctions and markets, offering pictures, numbers, ribbons and lace for rubles.

Nowadays, Russians associate the first of September with white bows, bouquets of asters and new backpacks. “Knowledge is power,” Francis Bacon once said, but for some reason he did not schedule celebrations on this occasion... Peter the Great, who abolished the New Year, on this day presented his subjects with a holiday of knowledge - on September 1, 1714 in St. Petersburg, by order of the tsar, The first state library in Russia was created, which over time grew into the library of the Academy of Sciences. The Day of Knowledge is celebrated not only in Russia, but in almost every country, “autumn” is still a holiday. Often - with tears in my eyes. Because it is also World Peace Day, established in memory of those killed during the Second World War, which claimed about 60 million lives.

We sincerely congratulate you on Knowledge Day and the beginning of the new school year!

The first of September is our common holiday, bright and joyful.

We all remember with special warmth our first call, our favorite teachers and classmates. School opens up the path to knowledge and the road to a great life. Here we grow up, gain experience, make our most important discoveries, learning to be sincere and honest friends.

Our special and warm congratulations to the first graders!

Dear guys, you are starting a long and difficult journey for knowledge. When studying, try to be diligent, attentive to the advice of teachers, and you will definitely learn a lot of new, useful, and interesting things for yourself.

And for this special thanks to our dear teachers, whose kindness, knowledge and wise advice remain with us for many years.

On this wonderful day, we wish all students diligence and hard work, perseverance and success, and teachers and parents - love for children, understanding and patience.

Good health, optimism and prosperity to everyone!

Scenario for the first of September line - Knowledge Day at school

Of interest to head teachers of educational work, organizers, class teachers eleventh and first grades.
The scenario is of interest to organizers, head teachers of educational work, and class teachers of graduating classes.
Target: organization of the ceremonial start of the school year;
- congratulate first-graders on the beginning of the first school year, awaken interest in school;
- create a festive mood for everyone present;

First call 2017

Presenter 1
Today is a sunny and bright day,
Clouds as light as feathers,
Autumn gives out its gifts,
And she herself is a little worried.

Presenter 2
The school year is coming into its own,
The first leaf spins in the sky,
School opens its doors again
And the bell calls us to our desks.

Presenter 2
The holiday needs to start solemnly:
The anthem of our Motherland will sound!

the national anthem is being played

Presenter 1
September is calling everyone again,
Laughter is heard again in the schoolyard
Summer flew by like a ghost, like a dream,
We open the season of knowledge.

Presenter 2
There will be a presentation today
New and diverse knowledge,
First consultation of the season
To make your wishes come true.

Presenter 1
So, we are starting the school year,
Hurry forward to new victories,
Discoveries and achievements await us -
We have no doubt about this!

Presenter 2
And besides, today we have
Many came to school for the first time!

Presenter 1
I think we all need to support them,
Let's greet them with applause!

Graduates lead first-graders to the line to music

Presenter 2
School, attention, stand still,
It’s time to raise the flag of our knowledge!

The school banner is carried out and raised to the accompaniment of ceremonial music.

Presenter 1
Of course, we know who's in charge at school.
We all unwittingly imitate him (her),

Presenter 2
He is wise and kind, well educated...
You guessed it, over to the director.

Word from the school principal

Presenter 2
We welcome newcomers to our family,
We wish them all great success,

Presenter 1
Now, of course, we’ll give them the floor,
And in a year we will look at them...

A word to first graders
I woke up very early
I quickly got up from the couch,
I washed my face, dressed up,
Wow, I got there on time!

Well, I’m not just books,
I took my monkey
So as not to get bored at school,
We will answer together.

I consulted with my mother
So that the school itself, itself
It was interesting
To immediately captivate you.

I came here with a bouquet
I've been preparing all summer
I may have forgotten the letters,
But I taught them honestly!

Dad told me yesterday
That you have a big gym,
I love physical education
And I'll set a record.

I'm little, everyone says,
But I’m not blind to it either,
I'll tell you without fuss:
I'm on first terms with the computer.

Let the size not be forty-five,
I'm not in the tenth place either,
Wait a little,
I'll outgrow anyone.

I left kindergarten
I bargained with my dad for a long time,
If I go to school,
What will I find under the pillow?

I'm worried about my grandfather
I'll tell you a secret:
School is full of troubles -
Who will he go to football with?

My whole family knows:
I slept in the summer -
Found the correct approach:
So that there is enough for the whole year.

I promise you honestly:
I'll wake up on my own
And do homework too -
I will be stricter with myself.

Presenter 2
For such a performance
A reward awaits the boys!

Eleventh graders in chef's hats bring out a loaf of bread for each class

Just in time for the first lesson
We baked a loaf
Loaf, loaf,
Be brave, don't yawn!

First-graders take a piece of a pre-finely chopped part from a loaf

Presenter 1
Everyone will eat a piece of bread,
So that the sky is clear,
To make studying easy,
Let them go far!

Presenter 2
One bread and many “I”:
You are now one family!
Don't quarrel, you're all friends
Divide the difficulties among everyone,

Presenter 1
Joy is also in half,
And listen to the words
What we tell you now:

Good luck! And good morning!

Eleventh graders give their gifts, bring in a “tree of wishes”, from which each first grader picks a piece of paper with a wish.

Eleventh graders

1 Fulfillment of desires
Everyone can make a wish

2 Even the secrets of the universe
At school you can find out

1 Somebody wants to become a model

2 Someone to become an astronaut,

1 Who multiplication table
Does he want to know at 12?

2 Everything is possible in our school,
You just need to wish

1 Everyone is free in their desires
Become the best in your studies!

Presenter 1
You have been congratulated for so long,
Are you guys tired? (No!)
Stop standing still
We will dance together"

Eleventh graders take the kids into a circle and dance with them “Dance of the Little Ducklings”

Presenter 2
The treasury of knowledge opens,
She is richer than treasures of gold,
And let everyone have no doubt about this:
We cannot go through life without them!

Song to the tune of " A big secret for a small company"

It's no secret that without knowledge you are simply a beggar,
You won't sell or buy them,
Everyone needs knowledge and no less than food,
We look like kittens without them, like blind people.

Etc. Known to everyone, without knowledge
There can be no confession
And also popularity, and success will not come,
So, be sure to study, you friends, consciously,
IN Magic world We invite everyone to learn more.

Physics textbook appears

Physics Textbook
Looks like there's a celebration planned here?
According to my theory it happens
Get to the show on time...

A confused Volka appears with flowers, which he hides behind his back.

Volka? I can’t hide my surprise!

Sorry, these are flowers for you...
Well, for this... for beauty...

Physics viewers
I don’t understand what he wants...
Have you really learned the law?

I...I tried...I got to page 13...

You're confusing something, I'm not a picture book, I'm not being leafed through, I'm being taught!

Volka confused
Hottabych appears

O photon of my radiation, what has darkened your brow? Look how happy the faces are around, and how sad you are!

Volka sighing
If only you had my problems, I would see how much fun you had.

Open yourself to the wise Hottab ibn Daoud, O joule of my energy!

I'm not your Joule. I have a re-exam in physics, but the textbook doesn’t recognize me... Wait, why are you suddenly talking like that? Were you at school again?

Don’t scold me, oh volt of my voltage, I just looked at the textbook, and now I’m eager to continue getting acquainted with it and improve my knowledge of esteemed Physics (bows towards the textbook). Maybe I can help your trouble too if you open up to me.

Okay, listen.

Song to the melody of “The Wizard is a Dropout”

She has a law points to Physics,
This... well, that... Pendant,
Or maybe Newton
He invented it for us.
Or maybe it's Om
The only thing is,
I only heard about him
But somehow I didn’t get there.

Etc. The formulas are too complicated
Impossible truths
I tried to learn
But there was not enough strength! Yes Yes Yes!
I suffered with them day and night,
But I can’t figure it out,
If you can't help me,
I don't like white light!

O pascal of my pressure, your problem is easily solvable: you just need to make friends with the textbook, and the great genie, the teacher of the venerable Physics bows towards the teacher, will be pleased with you.

Volka incredulously
That's all? But he doesn't want to be friends with me! You know, Hottabych, the process would speed up significantly if I had a friend whose advice I could rely on, unlike you...

It is not difficult tears a hair, Dunno appears

Hey buddy, guess what?
What's my name?


Everyone knows me because I know everything!

Listen, do you really know everything?


And physics?


And mathematics?

No problem!

Now let's check unfolds a poster with the formula Come on, solve an example!

It's easy for me!

Song to the melody of “Or maybe a crow”

Or maybe add more?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,
Or maybe multiply?
Or maybe remove the parentheses?
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Well, give me some advice!

Or maybe extract the root?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,
And raise everything to a power?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Or maybe an integral?
And get an answer?

Hottabych, who did you give me? I can do this myself!

Forgive the old genie, oh derivative of my function!

tears a hair, Harry Potter appears

And who is this?

Harry Potter
I am Harry Potter, magician and wizard bows

Another one! Hottabych is enough for me! Tell me again that you can do anything!

Harry Potter
Certainly can.

Who taught you?

Harry Potter

I wish I had friends like this! Could you introduce me to them?

Harry Potter
Please! conjures, textbooks and a ballerina appear

These are friends?

Harry Potter
The best! They store treasures of knowledge and willingly share with everyone who wants to be friends with them.

textbooks are presented


I am the keeper of knowledge of literature,
Treasury of world culture,
I can cultivate spirituality in you,
Help me become wiser and nobler!

We will teach you the secrets of the universe,
We will give knowledge of the basic laws,


So that we can describe everything with a formula,
Penetrated into the essence of Mother Earth!

I will tell you the secrets of substances,
Believe me, this is very interesting
And I’ll even teach you miracles -
Everything I can do myself!

English language
Do you speak English? No? We will teach!
Moreover, we won’t torture you with cramming at all,

Their spreche deutsch and you will start talking,
Make sure you are only friends with us!

Presenter 1 addresses the ballerina
And you?

And I call myself choreography,
And I’m not afraid of physical inactivity,
Movement - life, health, mood -
I will teach you to dance with inspiration!

The choreography shows simple movements, first and eleventh graders repeat them to the music, all the characters dance with them

Harry Potter
Well, Volka, do you like such friends?

Still would!

Harry Potter
What about you guys?

Let's be friends!

textbooks sing, Volka, Harry Potter

Song to the melody of the Bremen Town Musicians “Our carpet is a flower meadow”

In our life knowledge is the basis,
We can convince anyone of this!
It is simply impossible to live without knowledge,
It’s not difficult for you to get them from us!
It’s not difficult for you to get them from us.

We wanted to convince you together,
That you need to study diligently!
And then you will not be afraid of obstacles,
Knowledge will help, if necessary,
Knowledge will help, if necessary,

Presenter 1
The school year begins
How much new knowledge he brings!

Presenter 2
So you guys try
And practice with great enthusiasm!

Presenter 1
Well, you all deserve it,
Let the faithful school bell ring,

Presenter 2
The elders just didn’t finish learning everything,
And the kids are about to have their first lesson!

The last bell is given by: a first-grader, led by the hand by an eleventh-grader, and a first-grader with an eleventh-grader. They come out from one point and go around the ruler around the perimeter in opposite directions. At the end of the circle against the backdrop of the school song first-graders and eleventh-graders follow them to school, then all other classes

It is possible to continue the first lesson for first graders in the assembly hall with these fairy-tale characters

The line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge is a classic event that has special meaning not only for participants in the educational process, but also for parents.

For many decades, the holiday has been instilling awe in the hearts of people. Therefore, you need to approach its organization creatively. The ceremony should be festive and fun.

In order for the organization of the holiday to be a success, everything must be thought out and rehearsed, so that all guests feel welcome and the audience has a lot of fun. You can separate the ceremonial part of the holiday from the entertainment part, or combine them.

Knowledge Day is a special holiday. Opening of the holiday

As a rule, the hosts begin the opening of the holiday.

The words of the presenters should contain a welcoming and congratulatory character.

For example:

Presenter 1

Today everyone gathered for the ceremonial assembly. Knowledge Day has a special meaning for all those present. Every person remembers the first line to which his parents took him and the last, which was the exit to the finish line and had a special meaning in the life of every graduate.

Presenter 2

At our celebration there are people for whom the first line determined their life path - these are our dear teachers and school administration!

(Call administration representatives)

Presenter 1

At the celebration there are people who have dedicated their whole lives to children and are now on a well-deserved rest.

(Retired teachers are listed, if planned, invited to the stage)

Presenter 2

The holiday was attended by guests who take an active part in the life of the school and provide various assistance and assistance to our institution.

(They list the guests, invite them to the stage. The guests take their places)

There is a wonderful tradition according to which graduates lead first-graders out of the school. After all the invitees and participants have been named, the school director opens the festive lineup. The national anthem plays.

After this, the presenters give the floor to the school principal, who congratulates everyone on the start of the school year. The director prepares his speech in advance so that it sounds confident and organic. It should be concise and meaningful.

Dear children, parents, dear colleagues, guests. The long-awaited autumn has come - the time of great knowledge! The holidays are over and everyone is bored with school bells and fun breaks! And also with native teachers who confidently lead you along the path of knowledge.

First-graders and graduates await the first bell with excitement and trepidation. For the first, this is the beginning of school life, which is the main foundation for the formation of a person’s personality. For graduates, this call will be significant. It is a signal to mobilize all intellectual forces, because acquiring knowledge this year will guarantee a lucky ticket to the future.

I wish that this school year meets the expectations of all students and parents and brings only positive results! Which will be expressed in high grades.

As a rule, after the director’s speech, the floor is given to guests and patrons.

Scenarios for individual parts of the event

The “Queen of Knowledge” is invited to the school assembly. This skit is a great success and everyone likes it. The Queen of Knowledge comes on stage with her retinue, masters of science: chemistry, biology, mathematics, literature, physics, foreign languages. Masters wear robes.

Queen: It’s very joyful to see everyone who is directly related to this holiday at the line-up dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. These include parents who brought their children to school and students who wait with bated breath for the first bell to ring. Teachers who are reliable guides to the world of knowledge. And dear guests, without whom school life would largely lose its attractiveness and brightness. I wish you all success and fulfillment of your most cherished desires this academic year.

Master of Mathematical Sciences: I would really like to remind you that over the years our school has produced...silver medalists,...a person graduated from school with a gold medal. I hope that this academic year will bear fruit.

Master of Chemical Sciences:

Also, I would like to remind you that in the ... years since the opening of our school, ... people have received certificates of complete secondary education.

Master of Philological Sciences: And how many talents there are among them! Many of them became doctors, engineers, economists, and teachers. And they returned to work at our school. (Lists the names of teachers who were graduates of the school)

Master of Biological Sciences: And how many others have returned to their hometown (village) and are working for the benefit of the Motherland!

Master of Physical Sciences: Many graduates of this school today have brought their children into its walls by the hand, trusting the skill of the teachers.

Queen of Knowledge: For all those gathered for this wonderful holiday This song is played in our school.

The participants in the skit leave, after the song performed by the student, the queen of knowledge comes on stage.

Queen: Now we must welcome the new School year, so that it will bring us good luck.

Applause sounds and the School Year takes the stage.

Academic year: Hello dear guys!

Children welcome the guest.

Academic year: Well, are you glad to see me?

Children: Yes!

Academic year: In order for knowledge to be successful, you need to take an oath to Study.

They read out the oath.

Queen: This day is subject to all sciences, so every student must make oath promises, fulfill everything that will be required for good study!

Academic year: The first director swears by his leather chair, who will show wisdom in management and strive for new heights and make the school the most beautiful and comfortable!

Queen of Knowledge: Now teachers swear! That they will open their hearts to children and give all their knowledge to the end!

School year: Today parents swear that they will be patient and do their homework skillfully. Then their children will be neat, and their bows and cuffs will be neat.

Everyone says together: We swear! We swear! We swear!

The School Year and the Queen of Knowledge are leaving to the sound of fanfare.

After this skit, it would be logical to give the floor to the first graders. In addition to words, the teacher must prepare a concert number with them. It could be a song or a dance.

Before the kids come out, you can perform a concert number, the song “First-Graders.” After the song is performed, a group of first-graders comes on stage, accompanied by the first teacher. It is not necessary to prepare a lot of words with first graders, the main thing is that the performance is well prepared and supports the main spirit of the holiday.

Example speech:

Student 1: We are first graders today. The smallest among all the students in our school.

Student 2: Small and remote! We learned all the letters and numbers!

Student 3: We know a lot of poems and fairy tales! We can sing and dance!

Student 4: We will worthily defend the honor and pride of our school.

After these words, the first-graders’ concert number starts.

It is traditional to present gifts to children from future graduates. They go on stage and say words of gratitude to the school, teachers, congratulate first-graders and give them gifts. Gifts can include sketchbooks, pens, notepads, pencils, in short, anything that can be useful in studying.

Student 1: Today is the first time you will walk the path of knowledge, dear first-graders. We want you to accept congratulations and gifts from us that will help you in your studies.

Student 3: Love and take care of your family and friends. Be a patriot of your homeland.

Student 4: Be worthy citizens of our Motherland. Bear the title of student with honor and pride!

Student 5: Along with your gifts, you will also receive a key to the doors of knowledge about us!

To the accompaniment of solemn music, I present a large key to the children and give gifts.

After this, you can amuse the first-graders and delight the guests with another skit.

Brownie Kuzya runs onto the stage to the music.

Kuzya: I won’t allow it! I will not let it! What's going on here? What's happened? Without my knowledge!

The brownie fusses and runs around the stage.

Head teacher: Kuzma Ivanovich, calm down, please! Explain what got you so excited?

Kuzya: What a disgrace! Where are you looking? That's what I thought graduating class will leave and the school will become quiet! And you? Have you brought new ones?

Director: Kuzma Ivanovich, don’t worry so much! After all, you are a school brownie; without children you will quickly get bored!

Kuzya (thoughtfully): It's true! (Looks sideways at the first-graders) Aren’t you going to break the flowers?

First graders: No. We will water them!

Kuzya: Aren’t you going to trample the beds?

First graders: No, we will look after them!

Kuzya: Will you make noise, make noise?

First-graders: Yes! (Kuzya clutches his heart) Only during recess!

Director: Kuzma Ivanovich! Don’t worry so much, these are good kids, right guys?

First graders: Yes!

Director: Would you like us to give you some sugar? (holds out the sugar, the brownie agrees incredulously)

Kuzya: Okay. Only then will you have to play with me. Do you agree?

First graders: Yes!

Music plays, Kuzya shows simple dance movements, the children repeat after him.

Kuzya: What good guys you are, I see that you and I will become friends! I wish you good luck in your studies!

The brownie leaves to the music.

You can use another scene, for example “Diary and Deuce”

The Diary appears on stage and proudly approaches the presenters. The music from Agent 007 turns on and Deuce catches up with him and puts a big number 2 on his stomach.

Deuce: Yeah, gotcha! (Starts laughing)

The diary is crying

Presenter 1: What happened, Diary? Why are you crying?

Deuce interrupts: Hello! My favorite losers and losers! Glad to see you all today! Well, did you buy new notebooks and diaries for me? One has already been caught! Ha ha ha!

Diary: What should I do now? Who needs me now? After all, school hasn’t started yet, it’s only the first of September, and I already have a bad grade! Now I'll never find a friend! (Crying)

Presenter 2: Don't cry, don't you know that any deuce can be corrected! Guys, what will help you get good mark and fix the bad one?

Pupils: Diligence, diligence, work!

An excellent student comes on stage and takes the Diary by the hand.

Excellent student: Don't cry, dear Diary! You will be mine best friend, I will help you and correct the deuce!

Director: And I will help you with this. Answer the question, what is the most important thing in life?

Excellent student: Kindness, honesty, hard work!

Diary: Hurray, now I am the happiest diary in the world!

The two, who had been standing in the background the whole time, pops up.

Deuce: Well, okay, if you’re like that, I’ll go to another school and won’t come back to you!

Runs away. Happy Diary and an excellent student leave the stage hand in hand.

During the line-up, they often give farewell to fourth grade students as they graduate from primary school at the end of the school year. The floor can be given to the deputy for educational work, the director or the class teacher.

Head teacher: Dear fourth grade students! This tutorial will also be very helpful for you. great importance, you will grow up and turn from kids into high school students. We wish you good luck in your studies and give you the floor.

After the head teacher’s speech, the fourth grade performs, presenting the prepared performance. It could be a song, words, dance.

In order to make the atmosphere touching, you can use a long-known tradition. When the graduating class leaves school to the music, parents sprinkle grain on their children. And after completing the line, they are brought into the classroom for the first lesson.

tell friends